Dr.Berg's Interview with Dr Jason Fung on Intermittent Fasting & Weight Loss

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[Music] hey guys I have a great special guest today Jason Fong who is uh you all know he's very famous on YouTube and he's a nephrologist a kidney specialist and we're gonna we're here to ask her ask a lot of questions and get a lot of great updates he wrote two bestsellers one is the obesity code and the complete guide to fasting and he wrote a new one I think it's called the diabetes code right right I'm just digging through that it's like incredible information I want to start just by talking about some basic things like what is the cause of obesity I know you talked about that many times but yeah and it's a really important question and one that really gets to the heart of how you treat it so essentially the cause of obesity is a hormonal issue and there's different hormones but the two main ones are insulin and cortisol to a lesser extent but the main one is the insulin and a lot of people get certain of caught on the minutia but if you looked at it from a scientific standpoint the only thing you need to know is that if insulin is what causes weight gain then we should be able to give people insulin and make them gain weight and it turns out that's exactly what happens so whenever we prescribe insulin people gain weight if people have an insulinoma which is a a tumor that secretes too much insulin they gain weight if you give medications that raise insulin such as so far non ureas they gain weight when you the other part of the sort of causal relationship is that if you take away insulin they should lose weight so again this is exactly what you see so in type 1 diabetes for example where you don't produce any insulin you lose weight when people type 1 diabetics are taking insulin and they want to lose weight there's something called diet bulimia where they actually stopped taking their insulin and they lose weight if you keep taking one of the newer medications called the sglt2 they also make insulin go down and you lose weight so every time you you came late every time you lower than you gain weight you can do the same exercise for cortisol but it tends not to be as important so again you can get prednisone and make people gain weight you can take away prednisone such as the disease called Addison's disease and people will lose weight so you know that there's a causal relationship here so if insulin is the main problem then you need to focus on lowering insulin because if insulin it makes you gain weight you need to lower insulin the problem is that we don't focus on that we focus on calories instead and there's an overlap so the confusion lies in that most foods are a combination of carbohydrates fats and proteins so very few foods are pure one thing or the other except for refined carbohydrates where you can eat things that are almost pure carbohydrate but for example when you eat steak for it's a combination of fat and protein most meals which have a combination of all three so there is an overlap between sort of how many calories you eat and their caloric and their insulin effect but what it simply means is that not all foods are equally fattening which is sort of just common sense because the sort of lie that we've been sold is that all calories are equally fattening so you can eat kale or you can eat cookies and they're the same so you can eat cookies for dinner and skip your salad and you'll be fine and any idiot would sort of know that you won't be fine if you eat cookies for dinner and that's the real that's the real thing so when you look at it from a real scientific standpoint a lot of what we think about weight gain just doesn't make any sense that is to say if calories are so important why doesn't your body have any sort of mechanism to measure calories it really has no clue how many calories you're eating if you're to reduce calories like for low fat diets because dietary fat is sort of the highest in calories so if you reduce dietary fat you reduce calories you should be able to lose weight well guess what millions of people have done low-calorie low-fat diets over the last 50 years and guess what the failure rates somewhere on the order of 99 percent if we know that a low-fat low-calorie diet fails 99 percent of the time why on earth would we recommend it it's absolutely ridiculous it's insane so that's what the obesity code is really about it's about sort of saying what causes obesity because that's the most important thing you need to know if it's too much insulin then lower insulin how are you going to do that well you can reduce the carbohydrate the refined carbohydrates in your diet you can sort of moderate protein and eat more of the natural fats the other thing you can do is intermittent fasting where you don't eat for a period of time because the the fastest way to lower insulin is to eat 0 which is fasting and there's really nothing intrinsically wrong with that but again we get into this idea where people think that oh you need to eat 10 times a day it's like you need to eat 10 times a day to lose weight really how is that gonna work I was eating more frequently going to make you lose weight that doesn't even make any sense it sounds really stupid because it is really stupid it's honestly like saying you should you know roll in the dirt ten times a day to clean you shouldn't exactly eat so every time you eat insulin goes off again assuming that you eat a mix of macronutrient so every time you eat is then goes up and that's what it's supposed to do that's a natural reaction the insulin goes up and tells our body to store some of that food energy when you don't eat like when you go to sleep at night and when you go to sleep it's then false and that's a signal but you should take some of this food energy that you stored and pull it back out so you can burn it so there's a balance there when you eat you store food energy when you don't eat you burn food energy balance the two and you won't gain weight so if you eat all the time you're telling your body through insulin to keep storing food energy and that is not going to make you lose weight it's gonna make you gain weight and that's in fact what exactly what we see so from 1977 to 2004 for example we went from people eating three meals a day on average to about six meals a day the most recent studies looking at people suggest that they eat for about 14 to 15 hours of the day and it tends to be shifted later so if you eat at 8:00 a.m. breakfast for example you don't stop eating until about 10:45 p.m. essentially the entire day you're eating as opposed to 1977 where you eat breakfast lunch dinner that's it no slack between no bad time snacks that's it you're eating sort of ten hours and fast and fourteen hours instead of sort of the reverse and this is the thing we're not giving our bodies the time it needs to burn off this food energy that we've stored and right there's nothing more complicated than that so if you want to lose weight one don't eat the highest end foods and to give your body a chance to not eat so that your insulin levels can fall and you can burn it exactly so so we have this mainstream viewpoint that we must lower sugar despite how much instantly give you what from your viewpoint high levels of insulin is even is it possibly more damaging than high levels of sugar in the blood I think both are very important so the thing is so now we're talking about diabetes where you have high blood sugar so in type 1 diabetes insulin levels are low so if that's the case then giving insulin is a reasonable thing to do and we know that if you leave blood sugar levels very high remember this is type 1 where insulin levels are low so you're not having any problem with instances and there's no but your glucose levels blood glucose levels are high that that is a problem so you need to get that down that's the sort of paradigm of gluco toxicity that is if you have high glucose in your blood it's gonna cause damage what we haven't recognized is that if you have high insulin levels in your blood it's also very damaging so in type 2 diabetes it's a completely different situation where you have high insulin levels and high glucose levels so both are bad but if you simply take more insulin to to lower your blood glucose you're just trading toxicities that is you're taking more insulin so you're having more damage from the insulin but your glucose is batters you're having less damage from the glucose so more insulin toxicity and less luke logic to city in the end it's a wash so you're not actually any healthier and that's all the studies that we actually prove this exact point 10 years ago so 10 years we're still doing the same thing even after there was the Accord study the Advanced Study the PABT the Ticos like tons of trials that have shown that taking more medications to lower your blood glucose doesn't make you healthier and that's the whole point because if your insulin levels are high anyway why would you take more it doesn't make any sense you should in fact lower them and that would be the proper treatment because again if you have hyperthyroidism like if your thyroid is overactive you don't give people more thyroid medication right right it's oh you give it a fire in my case if it's high you don't do the same thing so if your insulin levels are low give insulin if your insulin levels are high lower it what I did was we gave more right easy and then and then so there's kind of an omission here like traditional medicine does not necessarily jump in test fasting insulin levels do fasting insulin levels are quite variable and that's that's one of the problems so it fluctuates quite a bit and in the late stages of type 2 diabetes sometimes you see sort of a tapering off of the high insulin levels are still high but not as high as it might back it is I think that what has been unrecognized is the sort of problem of too much insulin so obesity is a problem of too much insulin but type-2 diabetes also is a problem of too much insulin that's sort of unrecognized so getting the fasting insulin that well I do that regularly to make sure I'm not treating a situation of type where I think it's type-2 diabetes but it's actually a situation of type 1 diabetes where insulin levels are quite low because again it's it's you have to know what you're treating because you can't treat them to the same you can't treat no thyroid and high five ride with the same treatment it doesn't it's like saying you know washer and the dryer like one makes her wet and one makes it dry right but totally different right they the same thing exactly was there a point in your career where you um had this huge shift of like wow we're doing this backwards what's this like this aha moment when you about ten years ago so those studies came out so I was trained quite conventionally and ten years ago the conventional thinking in type 2 diabetes so I'm a kidney specialist I deal with a lot of kidney disease the most common cause of which is type 2 diabetes sort of by far in a way so I see a lot of type 2 diabetes patients and the classical teaching was that you give as much medication as you need to get that blood glucose down because the only thing that's important is that blood glucose and so that's what I did I gave people lots of insulin and there but he posed as Louis I humanly could the point was in 2008 when all those trials came out that said that hey giving lots of insulin to get the blood glucose down doesn't actually make people healthier man that was when I started thinking wow that's a total change of everything that we had been taught like everything everything changed but unfortunately sort of what happened was that the specialist and the our cities they just kept teaching the same thing you have as much medication as you need to get the blood glucose down and I kept thinking well isn't that exactly what we proved to be untrue and it was very strange to watch this I'm but the problem is that people were so deep into this paradigm of just get the blood glucose down that they never stopped to think about what could what was the problem and that was when I really started thinking well there's another problem too and the patient's my patients had recognized that long before I recognized that so you got to recognize that type-2 diabetes is a reversible disease okay so if you lose weight the diabetes type 2 diabetes almost always goes away if you just look at studies of bariatric surgery for example where people get their stomachs caught and so on and in this way the diabetes almost always resolves like in 90% of cases unless the weight comes back so we know if they lose weight the diabetes goes away when we prescribe insulin to these type 2 diabetics who are older and overweight generally they tend to gain with it so it's like okay the patients would always say look doctor you always tell me that I need to lose weight then you give me insulin and I gain like 40 pounds well how is that making my diabetes better and I didn't have a good answer because the answer was that it wasn't making that better but the point is that type-2 diabetes is really a disease of too much sugar in your body when you take a medication such as insulin it actually forces that sugar into the bottom remember insulin is what the hormone that tells your body to store that food energy so if your sugar is high you take insulin your body's gonna store it it's gonna turn it into fat so of course they gain weight but the question is what does it do to the sugar has it gotten rid of that excess sugar in your body the answer is no it simply forced it into your body where you can't see it because it's not in the blood anymore but the sugar goes all over your body it goes into your heart and your liver and your kidneys and over 10-15 years all your organs basically just brought away that's my diabetics have disease of everything so if you take a disease such as a osteomyelitis or gangrene for example those are diseases that are seeing virtually in no other case other than that it's type 2 diabetes the question is why why do you get this osteomyelitis infection of the bone which is very rare elsewhere are you getting mucormycosis which are these rare fungal infections because you've got way too much sugar all over the place and the bacteria love them so they're just happy to proliferate and then you get a bad infection so the point is that if you take insulin you're not getting rid of the sugar you're simply moving it into your body and eventually if you stop taking the insulin all that sugar just comes back out in the blood so you've really done nothing for this disease and that was the answer to why the sort of current paradigm of sort of diabetes treatment was completely wrong if you don't if people are not losing weight the diabetes is not going to get better so that's where I became very interested in the question of what causes weight gain and it turns out it was the same answer and that's why they related to both diseases of too much insulin but it's very powerful because once you know that these are diseases of too much insulin the solution is obvious know where insulin right on you that no carbohydrate diets intermittent fasting don't lower calories because when you lower calories you may or may not lower insulin you could take diet coke for example zero calories does anybody lose weight drinking diet coke not really right we've been drinking it for 50 years it's a it's one of the top sort of three soda pops in the world and clearly there's less calories than a regular coke but it doesn't cause less obesity so we know that it's it's not the calories calories is not the right thing that we should be focusing on so so you being a kidney spell a specialist you you'd probably see a lot of patients coming with stage-four on kidney dialysis and advanced stages what has been your experience with working with some of those guys do some of them not need dialysis anymore once we get to that stage it's often too late and I had hoped when I started that yes maybe some of them could reverse you can reverse in the very early stages we'll keep in mind that diabetic kidney disease often takes 15 to 20 years to manifest so if you're coming in at the 18th year very often it will make no difference so you can reverse it when when you catch it early but we catch it late it's hard it's like if you were not to change the oil in your car and then it breaks down and say oh now I'm gonna chase you on my car it's like oh great but it's not gonna do anything for your car that's broken down it's the same idea once all that damage is sustained it's really very difficult to get it to reverse it because you've taken that that hit already so that's why I'm focused more on getting the message out and getting letting people know that hey type 2 diabetes is not an irreversible disease it's a reversible disease it's a dietary disease focus on your diet if you reverse diabetic disease you're not going to get the diabetic problems that you'll get later on but if they've developed already it's very hard to reverse that it's still worthwhile to work with them because there's they're at high risk of other problems but that kidney disease very often doesn't reverse what about when a patient develops a problem to the point where their potassium starts going higher and higher and so then they go the doctor and the doctor says avoid all potassium foods including vegetables and is there have you found that they pretty much need to avoid the supplement potassium or do they have to avoid also vegetables in general because it's high in potassium is that the Baals need to be avoided so again this is in the relatively unusual situation where you're talking about advanced kidney disease and there's sort of nuances in that the kidneys are not working they're not getting rid of the potassium so if you take foods like avocado which are quite high in potassium then your body's not going to be able to get rid of it so you do have to be careful for certain types of foods that are high in potassium bananas for example your oranges mangoes so there's a number of things that are high in potassium so but that is a fairly unusual situation in you know overall so it's a but but yes if your get to that stage you do have to be a little bit careful that's why intermittent fasting works because even if you're worried about high phosphorus high potassium as advanced kidney disease because you're actually eating zero you don't have to worry about that your potassium intake is going to be lower than if you're to eat and again this is you know that for us we've we've sort of pioneered this sort of the therapeutic use of fasting so we have a program called the intensive dietary management program where we help people with the fossum because it's not fun it's not easy right it's healthy but it's it's hard it's hard work and that's what we need people to do is get the support they need and that's what we provide in our intensive dietary management program to people but there are certain sort of medical things if you have advanced disease you do have to be a little bit careful in terms of the fasting interferon medications yeah be careful in that sort of thing young guys if I'm gonna put a link down below - he has not only books he has a program on his website we'll put a link down below check it out I've heard great results from what you're doing and you're in Canada so you can actually you don't have to be in Canada you can be anywhere in the world and sent to his program and coaching or get the data because you have videos in there you have all sorts of educational stuff yeah so there's tons of stuff so there's a ton of free stuff on there I write a weekly blog and there's links to let you tube videos and so on so there's tons of free stuff and then if you if you need more than we also have a sort of a membership community where we do the group fasts and so on and then if you want more you get sort of small group coaching so with somebody who's sort of experienced with the fasting and can help you because there are problems that do come up there are things such as headaches and motivation is a big one so doing things in a group is just a lot easier than doing stuff yourself and also if you have somebody to talk to so we have forums that people can communicate with each other and those are the sort of things that make it easy so it's interesting to me because people always they all never do that but you're gonna recognize that many religions have prescribed periods of fasting so if you look at Catholicism during Lent for example if you look at Ramadan and the Muslim faith if you look at Buddhist for example Hindus Mormons almost any religion the reason is a lot easier for them is because they're all doing it as a group so if you're doing a month of fasting or it's Lent then you're supposed to fasts or you've heard of Greek Orthodox Church well all your friends and family are fasting too so one if you have any problems they can help you like you know they can make sure you're staying well hydrated and all this sort of stuff but they're not like cooking a big meal in front of you while you're supposed to thousand everybody's doing it together so it's just a lot easier so that's the sort of group support that is actually very very important in any type of behavioural change and we know that from groups such as say Weight Watchers which their diet is okay but the secret sauce if you will is the root support same as Alcoholics Anonymous they know very well what you have to do abstain from alcohol not that difficult but the secret sauce is that group support that they get from each other and I don't know why we don't provide it for each other but because fasting is relatively new and people there's still a lot of myths and misconceptions around the fact that oh you have to eat times a day and so on people don't get the help that they need in order to be successful and there's other things like you know people for example to help with this hunger and so on so you can use T for example green tea which has this thing called the catagen which is that they have antioxidants but they have this thing called catechins and it's been shown that there's a small appetite suppressing effect as well with something as simple as green tea which you can buy anywhere or there's a fasting tea for example which is a special cold brewed tea that you can use and it may help with the hunger for example so these sort of things which are simple and relatively inexpensive can help people but you're not going to know about it unless you sort of are talking to people about and because it's so new it's hard for people and that's what we're trying to provide it's sort of support for the fasting but there's also free groups like Facebook groups and so on there's there's there's a ton of information out there if you dig a little bit you're probably in you know if you put a little work into it you could probably find all the information for free it's all out there everything is out there for free these days right yeah yeah specially on YouTube so the benefits of fasting go beyond weight loss right yeah so there's a lot of very interesting sort of benefits to fasting and one the most obvious of course is weight loss and also treatment of type 2 diabetes so we do it a lot to her first time to diabetes and again not very difficult if you don't eat your blood sugars will come down because your body is burning it off if electric is coming down you don't need to take your medications so we reverse a lot of people's type 2 diabetes but beyond that there's other benefits so people find for example that their concentration improves they're able to do more because their their mental abilities name proof with that and people think oh that's strange because I thought it was the opposite it's like well it's not think about a time where you eat a huge meal like Thanksgiving were you really really mentally sharp or where you just sort of slide in front of the TV watching football well it's probably the latter people who who don't eat actually may have increased mental abilities because you have to understand that when insulin Falls like when you fast insulin Falls but other hormones go up these are the so-called counter regulatory hormones and two important ones one is more adrenaline so it actually increases the amount of energy that goes into your system so if you look at your metabolic rate everybody says well you're gonna go into starvation mode that's not what happens because as your noradrenaline goes up your metabolic rate does maintain so if you measure the amount of calories somebody is burning at the start of a four day five so after four days of not eating they're actually burning 10% more calories than when they started and it's because of this counter regulatory hormones you're changing the hormone so that you're actually flooding your body with energy the reason is that this is a survival mechanism so if you think back to cavemen days pose you're a caveman and you don't eat for a few days if you've got weaker and mentally dulled well you would really never eat again because it's a spiral right you don't eat you get a little weaker a little bit you know less mentally sharp which means you're less able to get food and so it's even harder to get food so you go another day and that's worse and worse and worse you spiral down and you die then we wouldn't be sitting here today so it's instead of that then mother nature is just not that stupid right instead of that what it does is our body doesn't shut down it actually switches fuel sources from food to body fat and pumps us up full of energy so noradrenaline goes up and growth hormone goes up into the other hormone we're going to talk about and when you do that you increase your mental abilities then you increase your energy so that you can go out and hunt and get some food to eat so people have done studies for example on memory and it increases with fasting and people have done you know have talked about it so what was really interesting to me is when I was reading a biography of this prisoner of war in Japan and American prisoner war and they're literally starving like they have almost nothing to eat and he describes these incredible mental feats he says you know other prisoners were learned Norwegian in like four days and look entirely from his mind and the credible mental feats and he goes well it's just the astonishing mental clarity of starvation Wow look they actually wrote that oh maybe who actually went through severe severe starvation because that's what it was and he's pretty good and these prisoner of war camps understood that people got so smart doing this it was just like yeah I see it every day like you know this guy's doing this and this and it's incredible and this is one of the reasons that the intermittent fasting has taken off in Silicon Valley it's like the hottest diet trend because like these are not people trying to lose weight they're these computer geniuses but they're competing against other computer geniuses and if you're a little bit smarter that's the difference between being Facebook and being myspace right you could either be a billionaire or you could be nothing right for that extra little mental edge this huge and if you can do it while doing something healthy and doing something free and basically hacking yourself into that extra mental edge okay it could mean a lot right it's just like performance athletics that last little bit is this is so important so that mental ability is one of the benefits the increased energy is one of the benefits and we hear it all the time people coming in and they're saying oh wow I have so much energy lady we had we couldn't barely go from the waiting room to my office like we be basically the next time which is like right it was crazy because she was on all this insulin and remember insulin which goes up when you eat is the storage hormone it tells you about to store the energy so if you're taking a ton of insulin your body is busy storing all this energy and you're not able to use it because it's all going into storage so when we took her off we allowed her insulin to go low which allowed her body to start releasing these energy stores remember it's not that you're shutting down your body you're switching your fuel sources from food to body fat it's like that's perfect does it slackly what we want to happen and then there's more theoretical benefits so for example Alzheimer's disease some people have thought that intermittent fasting may be very beneficial because you stimulate this other sort of cellular cleaning process called ecology so when you particularly when you're doing water fasts get past a certain sort of 24 to 36 hours you stimulate a process called a tapa G which is where your body actually breaks down protein so you break down these subsets of parts which tend to be the older parts that aren't working so well and everybody thinks wow break down a protein that's really bad it's not really bad because the other hormone that goes up quite a bit it's growth hormone so when you do a sort of aged feeding fasting cycle as you fast you're going to break down some protein but as you start to eat again because growth hormone is way up you're actually going to rebuild that protein so it's a whole sort of renewal process so it's just like renovating your bathroom for example the first thing you know to do is actually throw out that lime green tub from the seventies right if you don't take that out you can't put a new one in - the first step is to actually break it down then rebuild it and that actually keeps you functioning better than if you never broke it down in the first place which is why a lot of people consider the fasting which used to be called sort of a same thing which is what it is you're cleaning out that old stuff in your body and you're trying to renew it with new stuff which is like perfect because it's a free process and it's a process that's been used for thousands of years not as something which is like oh I'm going to punish you it was used because people knew that it was sort of intrinsically healthy for for staying well and all this sort of thing so it's a fascinating science sort of modern science this just sort of catching up to this sort of 2000 year old idea but once in a while we should fast right whether it's the Prophet Muhammad with Ramadan or if it's Jesus Christ with Lent and all that we're just catching up to this idea that hey these guys they didn't know the science but they knew that when people did this they actually stayed relatively healthy because remember there's no obesity 2,000 years ago or that's very little but it's something that's healthy and hey now we're realizing yeah it can be healthy and even for things like cancer well same thing cancer is a disease of increased growth so if you fast you're going to shut down these growth pathways so everybody thinks you know cancer is a genetic disease but in fact there's a lot more to it than that because the World Health Organization categorizes at 11 or 14 cancers as obesity related including common ones like breast cancer and colorectal cancer and so on so if you allow instant to fall you're not going to have these growth signals which is going to possibly prevent a lot of these sort of obesity related cancers from gaining hope that's theoretical but makes a lot of sense these days absolutely what type of fasting do you do personally I took that please stick to sort of 24-hour fast and that's because the are sort of number one rule for fasting is to fit it into your lifestyle so if you do something very intrusive on lifestyle you can do it but not for very long it's it's a therapy right it's therapeutic okay so I had one time one fellow who used to fast and so he used to get together with his friends every so often to you know to meet a chat and he'd stop doing that because it's like them and that's not the point the point is to fit it in where you can but do everything you normally do because again having friends is very important I mean get it going out and celebrating is very important so you have to find something that you're going to be able to stick to so doing something like a 3 or 5 day fast is very intrusive because if I don't do it like I usually have dinner with my family most nights so I can do that but it's hard if you're fasting everybody's eating you're not you it's hard so that to me works the best a lot of 24-hour fast and once in a while out throwing it longer fast so three days or longer and that's typically after I go on vacation and on vacation I typically don't fast because again I'm with my family most of the time and you know they want to eat or and we'll go out I'll still you know trying to limit stuff but on the other hand you don't want to be the party pooper all the time right you know you know I won't do anything go out and all this sort of stuff it's not it's there's no balance there so you gotta find what works for you and for some people it's longer fast I'm for sure too fast but that's the sort of thing I stick to when my pants start to get a little tight then I do my best right really busy then I do more fast thing when I decide to like during holiday so typically all do Christmas for example I won't I won't watch when I at all and I will probably do very little fasting and also during vacation and I've made that decision but I know that I have to make up for it afterwards so right you know I just I just went on vacation and I had a lot to eat and I felt great and then I got back and my pants were a little tight and I up the fasting so I'll typically do it at least twice a week the last couple of weeks I've been doing it for five times a week and now my pants get better now so did you find before you started fasting that were you the grazer that snack between meals and at night you were you that touch person not typically but I think that we had all sort of started becoming that so if you look at meetings and so on right so you go to a meeting I don't know if you do a lot of meeting for like at the hospital or any company and you have a meeting at 10:00 a and then there's muffins and you go for lunch meeting there's lunch and then you go for an afternoon meeting and there's more muffins or Donuts or cookies or something and the problem is that when they're there it's extremely tempting and that's something that's new it's like that's something that we don't need we got fine by fine in the 60s and 70s without sort of muffins and bagels at 10:00 a.m. meeting so why do we need it now and so we had all sort of become that sort of oh we should eat something and and it's the same it's become ingrained in our society and I think it's very unhealthy so my son went to camp this week and you know they send me back an email saying oh welcome to camp we're going to provide lunch and two snacks why do all these kids need snack kids but you go play soccer for example so the kids used to play soccer and at every halftime somebody thought it was necessary that the kids have some juice and cookies why I used to go out in play soccer as did everybody else in the 1970s and guess what nobody ate snacks my parents weren't chasing me around with a juice box and two cookies I'll tell you that much you just went out and played and had a great time you didn't even think twice about whether you wanted to eat because you're too busy playing yeah I mean your parent your parents would sit down all of us would sit down three meals but then now it's like everyone's on the run grab quick food no one eats it's down it's like it's completely shifted the whole lifestyle shifted to small snacks bring snack between meals after school the whole thing exactly and and there's nothing wrong I mean we're not going to change the fact that people are gonna be on the run all the time but changing the sort of snacking habit and making sure that you have a proper fast because we remember a very word breakfast means you have to fast it's a meal that breaks you're fast if you're not fasting you can't break it so therefore you should be like 10 or 12 hours like you shouldn't finish dinner and then not eat anything until breakfast there's no need for for it for an evening snack that just isn't and you don't need to have that so even if you are on the run because you're going to this and I'm it this that you can still eat three meals a day and not snack but there has to be this recognition that hey snacking is actually pretty pretty fattening which is probably what your grandmother would have told you now we've gone from Oh snacking is fattening to snacking is super healthy that's why we're ordering muffins for our meeting it's like no we should get rid of that you can have coffee but don't have don't order the plate of muffins don't order the plate of cookies don't order anything you've gone to medical conferences they're the worst even the obesity conferences we go there what do you get you get breakfast at 10:30 you come out and there's a full spread of banana loaf sand mock mint cookies then it's like yeah because you only ate breakfast like an hour and a half ago and you're going to teach in an hour and a half like obviously you need a muffin in between right it's like come on then you have your your your lunch and then and then at 2:30 at the the afternoon break guess what another full spread every single medical conference is the same right oh my god oh my god it's like terrible but again when it gets when you see it over and over again and when you're exposed to it in your school you think that it's normal and you think that that's healthy it's not it's completely new to this sort of generation and guess what they're not better for it incredible Wow well thank you so much for your time and your input this data was extremely valuable people are going to get a lot of it and hey guys I'm gonna put some links down below check out his website his programs his books it's extremely valuable well thank you so much doc and we'll talk to you soon all right thanks Eric
Channel: Dr. Eric Berg DC
Views: 988,759
Rating: 4.9331145 out of 5
Keywords: dr berg, jason fung, dr jason fung, dr fung, intermittent fasting, fasting, diabetes, sugar, glucose, insulin, obesity, weight loss, lose weight, lose fat, high insulin, blood sugar, low carb, high fat, LCHF, how to, keto, ketosis, ketogenic diet
Id: T0eCiy3Z1ls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 54sec (2574 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 14 2018
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