Drawing a Weld with Native Tools - Skill Builder

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[Music] hey guys it's Erin so I wanted to take a look at something this is actually request the camp I've actually seen this on our forums a couple times too but I had somebody ask me how I would go about drawing a weld so not just two pieces connecting but the little bead of molten metal that's between the two pieces connecting them the Messier the better was one of the comments like make it look like you know it's obviously a weld because I think the idea with welding is if you grind it and clean it up nice it's nice and smooth but the welds messy it's harder to model so let's take a look that I have I have an idea of how I would do that so I want to give it a shot and show it to you and let's take a look at it right now all right so I have two groups here these are meant to represent metal plates of some sort and I'm gonna start making some geometry and throw it down on here we are need solid tools so solid tools over here but it's going to be pretty basic actually simple tools we use here so let's start with the polygon tool so I'm gonna come over here grab the polygon tool I'm going to draw a polygon and you know actually I'm not gonna use polygons I'm gonna come up here I'm going to use a circle let me just a circle with eight sides why a circle instead of polygons the reason is I'm going to draw a shape here on the ground the shapes not the sizes aren't gonna really matter and resize this stuff is needed if I push pull this up this is why I use a circle instead of a polygon when I'm done here I want these shapes to be kind of organic and smooth so if I use a circle it automatically smooths the edges like this it's less geometry to smooth so I'm going to create a circle with eight sides pull it up like this and come in here with an offset offset about I don't know halfway or so then I'm going to select that front I'm going to go to move and move that vertically so I'm creating kind of a like a dome shape that's what I'm looking for so right now before you go any further I'm going to take this line right here and I want to smooth it actually I want to smooth all of this I'm gonna triple click to toggle softens smooth and then just bring it up to all the lines up top disappear that's I'm looking for this is going to represent one chunk of weld I think that's a technical term I'm a triple click this make it into a group I'm not going to create a component because I want these to potentially be a little different so it's just going to be a group I do want to make sure it's solid though so I don't want any extra pieces inside here for some reason this isn't showing up as solid right now if I move this vertically it's because when I made the group I didn't include the ground so let me undo that I will triple click that'll include the piece on the bottom and then I want to make it a group it should pop up and say it's a solid group all right perfect so now I'm going to take it I'm going to grab it by this corner and I'm lay that corner right into the corner of the two pieces perfect now I'm going to rotate it I'm going to rotate it on the red axes right where these two pieces meet I'm going to take it and rotate it down 45 degrees so that creates just kind of a little lump there so I could actually right now without doing any more work I could take that use move with the modifier key to just start moving copies over kind of move them not too perfectly but every every couple you know like how any regular pattern of a line of weld like that that could work that could be good enough I could actually take that right now I could grab all of that I could use solid tools on it and use the outer shell and click and then take that run smooth on it so it's possible that that right there might be a good enough weld I could take that do a little deformation maybe I'll scale it stretch it out a little bit and and yeah that could that could probably pass for a well if i zoom back like that that doesn't look too bad that's a good way to do it but let's go a little bit further I'm gonna undo a couple times and get back to just my single weld piece so as weld pushes along it kind of dips up and drops down in profile so I'm gonna take this piece I want to actually rotate it like 30 degrees across this axis so I can't it's not really easy if I come in here to rotate it right now I'm gonna get off kind of wonky weird axes what I'm gonna do is double click to go inside the group when I go inside the group you can see how my axes change to in line here let's go to view component edit and hide rest of model get rid of everything else so what this lets me do is grab everything while I'm inside the group go to rotate I can constrain to the green axes and then use this point to pull it this way like I said like maybe 30 degrees there you go see what I'm going for that's gonna jump up a little bit I don't need to move it a little bit so I'm gonna select it and we'll move it back a little bit from the corner we'll move it horizontally and vertically to kind of bury it down into that oh yeah that's I was looking for that's better so I'm going to grab that now go to move modifier key to make a copy there we go see how we're getting that kind of that ripple that happens when welding gets done so I'll make another copy that one I won't move quite as far next one I'll move a little bit further yeah so that's that's kind of cool-looking that's that's what I'm going for that's what I actually want to see if I look at it from the edge though I'm gonna do more cleanup but it looks pretty uniform right so looks a little too too good so what I'm going to do is I'm going to pick this second one and I'm going to go in to move and I'm gonna give it just a little rotation to go every every couple and I'm gonna use move to rotate it back and forth I could do one after another - I mean I could I could do this that would work too but that's gonna spin it around so I don't have that yeah so you don't have that uniform look like see these ones all line up perfectly these ones don't makes it look a little bit more like it's it's not perfectly created by a computer program or something all right so I'm flip this one there's a little bit of rotation oh yeah there we go so you've got some uniform this there now I'm going to grab all of these and I'm going to modify or copy again so we will have a repeating pattern here but if we do that and then I'll copy one more time to sound move it over a little bit more alright so there that's a good string that looks like it could make a good weld so now I can grab all of this and grab all these now and make it an outer shell so that's looking pretty cool that looks nice I can do a little bit more cleanup here I can go into the group triple click and soften it again and here I can just crank this up because I want this to look like one bubbly weird piece and I can do some deformation at this point too so like I did before I can hit scale and I can stretch this out like that I could even kind of bring it down a little bit that looks pretty good then the final piece is probably just going to be some color this white on white makes it look odd but if I come in here with my my paint bucket maybe we have a nice light silver a little darker to the weld and then maybe just a slightly darker color to the plate and still big this is huge but if I grab all that and I scale it down yeah that could that could pass for a messy weld I've welded once and this is not too far from what I was able to create that's not a brag that's just a statement all right so if I was to go just a little bit further on just just one more thing I wanted to do I could make this a reusable piece if I wanted to one of the things I could do is I could select it and then I could actually cut it off at these two pieces so I could select this piece right here and I could use this piece to trim this so it's going to break it on that side same thing I've grabbed this body pease trim break it on this side and what that's going to let me do then is I could actually select that I could bring it over here and then let's actually go ahead and use the move the rotate hails and move to spin that 90 degrees oh I had it let's just take 90 I'm sorry - 90 and then we'll take that as it is and grab it by that end point drop that end point right here with that and would slide it over and we could actually make that a component then and stretch it as needed or multiply it up so we have multiple pieces but that is how I would go about making a messy weld inside of Sketchup so hopefully that satisfied the people who were asking for a weld like I said they they weren't looking for a nice cleaned up you know super smooth weld that you would just do we just put an arc in there push polar or follow me along the two pieces that are being welded but to make that messy organic you do have to do something like that now I could have done that with higher resolution geometry too I could have gone up to like a twenty four sided circle you've made a dome and use that the problem with that is I would have made my model very heavy very quick so by doing that using eight sided pieces I probably still added a thousand or so entities to that that model by putting that weld in but it would be pretty easy to put like ten thousand plus if I had real smooth organic shapes when you consider this is going to actually probably be pretty small it's a great way to create that organic looking geometry in just a few minutes and dump that on there did you like that if so go ahead click like down below and if you haven't already please click the subscribe button we create a couple videos do some live streams every week you'll be notified of those if you're subscribed most importantly though please leave a comment most if not all of our content nowadays is derived from requests in the comments we like making videos a lot we like even more when they're showing something you want to see thank you you you
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 14,678
Rating: 4.9602385 out of 5
Keywords: SketchUp, 3D modeling, Drawing, Weld, Organic, Native, Tools, Solid
Id: n4U3avCLTso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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