Draw This in Your Style Challenge - Shane Olson - Episode 94

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hey guys how's it going getting this rocking here alright I'm just gonna share this to my page alright and one more house that we're doing you can you guys hear me okay this might be a little loud let's turn that down a little bit okay please let me know if you can hear me let's see it's been a while this is a new setup cuz I'm in a temporary location hey what's up how you doing alright let's get this going so today I thought I might so luigi just posted this draw this in your style so I was thinking about doing just a bus today just to get through it since I it's been a while so thanks for hanging out yep I am back I'm back thanks for your patience I moved this is a new place this is like that's why I have this webcam setup instead of my set of my beefy camera so this is just gonna be temporary for like oh like three months or so something like that so anyway not too bad not too bad we're setup we have natural light this time which is nice in my old office I was just kind of in a cave downstairs but yeah I'm pretty excited about this hey what's up Neil its up baforee how's it going okay so yeah so I just decided to pretty much do a warm-up and do do a Luigi bust so yep this this is not my new place this is a temporary place this is just a rental I'm just renting this place out while my house gets finished so alright okay so let's just do like we always do and block out this head so how are you guys doing I'm growing my hair I don't have any hair maybe my beard hair I have a different hat on I don't have my regular hat I guess I have a little okay hey what's up ukv how's it going dr. pixel yep I'm doing well actually it's summer is winding down it's still super hot here it's like a hundred degrees here in Utah that's where I'm at a hundred degrees in in not in UK stuff like I can't remember what it's in Fahrenheit Celsius it's the US version yeah boiling uh-huh all right I'm just gonna round this out and he's got a really he's got this big forehead I were on it I want to capture so hey what's up lands how you doing tomorrow [Music] I don't know what the 36:33 all I know is it's hot it is hot hot okay I'm gonna do a really tall head probably my because my goatee I don't know and you can see me from the front instead of from the side so so what made me choose this character designed one because it's it's done by one of my favorite designers it's actually a self-portrait of him luigi looser le and he just barely posted this to celebrate his 1000 followers or 100,000 followers excuse me and i just you know i it's been it's been around it's been a while since i've streamed so I thought I would just start with a bust rather than pick up where I left off with the with the Keanu Reeves sculpt which was also a Luigi design you can tell I like I like Luigi's designs okay so I'm gonna make his head kind of kind of narrow front to back and tall 112 bluebury cuz you're an Arizona man Arizona is like the the death oh my goodness so so thirty let's see so or do you say it Oh 36 is around 97 okay so we're probably sitting around 38 or so I don't even know what that that means okay hey what's up be alright Chris what's the best way to set up a screen for best economics when zbrushing so what do you mean like like the actual tilt of your Cintiq or or monitor or are you talking about the UI user layout which one are you talking about there because this this user layout this is essentially what I use for everything and it's free you can go get it 3d character workshop calm you can just go get it and download it send you snow all right snow it's coming well not in Arizona though well I guess in oh what's that little snow town in Arizona Flagstaff that's right that's what it's called Flagstaff Arizona has snow okay let's let's get his eyes in here his eyes are huge and actually cross them in the center monitor and keyboard setup let's see so what I have well this is a you can't see it now because it's a it's a webcam I have a webcam sitting on the top of my Cintiq now and I have my Cintiq tilted it like a 45 degree angle and then I have my keyboard is on a tray on a slider underneath my desk so that way I can kind of hold my left hand down on my keyboard and then use my use my pen with my right hand here so that's how southern Utah is uber so yeah it's like rarely a cloud in the sky I'm gonna split on mass points to put these eyes in a different group then I'm gonna pull them back in space even more just about here and then push the head around to match um yeah it's you know I lived in Seattle for a while and Seattle is that way it doesn't really have seasons it's like it has wet season and dry season and wet season lasts oh eight months or something like that and dry season well maybe nine months nine months and then dry seasons like three months but it's not really that dry it's always wet Seattle's always wet Pacific Northwest just like Oregon Bergin twelve months huh so I want to get these eyeballs bigger get local symmetry on Oni oh okay cool let me know if you have any questions be happy to answer them so is anybody going to the lightbox Expo you guys heard about the lightbox Expo in in Burbank California so I'm actually going to have a booth there for the first time ever having a booth and I'm super excited it's gonna be fun so if you're going to go or thinking about going please stop by and say hi it's gonna be great there's gonna be so many amazing artists there um what size is my tablet so it is a Cintiq it's a 27 from a couple years back but you and I like I always say you don't you don't need a tablet to be to use ZBrush or you don't need a Cintiq you just need a tablet or something that has pressure sensitivity of some sort so just just please don't sculpt with a mouse that's the only that's my it's my biggest advice my biggest piece of advice don't use a mouse to sculpt with it's true ukb yeah even a bamboo just a simple SuperDuper simple tablet is way better than a mouse whatever you can afford it doesn't matter you don't have to have a Cintiq to be good with ZBrush Cintiq is just a tool it's like a shiny or hammer you know yeah you shouldn't use a mouse you shouldn't you can but you shouldn't because you don't get pressure sensitivity oh it's like a it's like a car instead of having a gas pedal on a car it's like having a toggle switch instead either it's like a full on gas or full on brake you don't get anything in between that's what that's what sculpting like a mouse is like sculpting with a mouse it's like that so please do yourself a favor and get some sort of a tablet what's up the clinic how's it going man let's see oh you kV you were playing horizon zero dawn I love that game I love horizon zero dawn love it okay let's get this nose blocked in unless you use lazy Mouse even even with lazy Mouse it's still all lazy Mouse gives you is it just kind of helps you with your stroke it doesn't help you with your it still doesn't give you pressure sensitivity you can't you can't adjust how heavy your stroke is you can just adjust how clean how cleanly you drag it around your character that's it that's all you get yeah you KB it's about time right I like that she was just you know just uh a warrior a warrior female it's great love it he's got this upturn nose grim wolf I thought I just like to and I teach how to use the 2-sphere method in my workshop and the reason why I do it is because it really helps me get this I shape and it helps me get this I Kappa t really nice and it helps me get the like the cheek and the jaw line there's a there's a whole bunch of benefits to it and that's it's just a it's honestly just a personal preference if you like to sometimes I'll do just a single sphere it's not a rule it's just something I like to do and it just kind of helps me with this jaw line yeah and with the eye line and lines up the ears that kind of thing if acted on thanks man appreciate it mister you guys - it's been a while thanks for thanks for coming back and hanging out with me yeah it's been a while since I've done some sculpting - I've I've still been doing the you know I teach an online course called 3d character workshop and I do a student only livestream every Wednesday so I've still been doing that but I haven't been doing any live streams and I've missed it as far as like in the public's eye but with that student only live stream were getting into we're doing movies right now it's pretty fun we're gonna be taking it to substance painter pretty soon yeah last stream was it was the it was also done by Luigi it was oh gosh I'm trying to remember from cyberpunk the Keanu Reeves cyberpunk I just felt like I wanted to do a warm-up session rather than rather than continue with that guy you know just because I've been away from it for a while do I ever you reuse assets absolutely yes especially if the characters are in the same like the same look in the same game and that kind of stuff like when I was working on Disney infinity absolutely we reused assets feet hands things like that shortcuts work smarter not harder see let's get that eyebrow line here me something like that uh yes they are Darlene yep you can watch them back to your heart's content in fact I'm gonna I'm gonna give you a little sneak peek behind the scenes if you want to see it one second here yeah so inside the course you get to get to go to this page and you'll see these are all the past episodes so yeah all the way from block out all the way down it's almost like 3d character workshop 2.0 and we make a sword in there andreat apologize inside 3d code and yeah it's been doing movies that's that's where we're at here so it's a lot of fun suppose a thanks Parag um is this the best way to start a cartoony character it's the way I do it and it's the way I teach so if I mean if you're interested in learning how to do it this way like I said I I'm sorry I keep pitching it but I an online course where I teach a lot of people how to make stylized characters alright yeah and you'll get in there you should talk to me after ok I want to push this mouth in for him OOP a sorry bot thank you so much I don't know if that's how you say your name um dr. pixels I I just showed you you can use whatever you want it's just a tool so I there's so many different ways in places to do you V's yeah if you're interested in the course just go to so if you go to 3d character workshop comm right here there you go and I give away my free brushes you can get them right here and if you're interested in the workshop you can get you can look at it right here and then you can just watch this little presentation and learn all about the course this is some student work right here anyway you can learn all them all about the course right there so check that out that's just that 3d character workshop calm thank you very much Neal so okay I'm going to I'm gonna push this mouth in and kind of make a mouth cavity let me use the modeler I was just gonna push it in but I think I'm gonna use the modeler I just kind of make a make some polygroups right here something like this yes you KB that's what I eat that's what I teach in the course so I don't I don't like to talk about other programs during the ZBrush live stream but yes that's what I use okay let's extrude polygroup all and we're just gonna push this guy in just a couple times you can see the eyeballs or nope this is the back of the head pushing through like that okay I'm going to turn on double and then just kind of isolate this mouth interior here alright just because I want to shape it a little bit I thinks comics legend yeah there Dale the zebra summit is coming in September if any of you guys are going I will be there I would love to meet some of you it's always a great time this is going way too fast let's see and yeah they usually have a deal going on around that time they also introduced a subscription model so which is unlike other software meaning you can you can buy the whole thing like a one-time fee or you can do subscription which makes it really affordable whichever you know whichever one you want to do just nice okay so the how do i how do you keep it from being lumpy and like I said during the I did a I did a ZBrush live or a zebra summit talk with my friend Matt Thor at a long time ago not a long time ago it's been a few years and I I said it during that that's a little talk that we did the the secret is to touch your mesh as little as possible and what I mean by that is the cleanest mash you can possibly get is a subdivided low poly mesh that's that's how you get clean meshes so if you have a high resolution mesh and you sculpt all over the top of it like with H polished or something like that you're gonna introduce some surface noise no you know it's inevitable so you want to avoid you want to avoid sculpting on the surface at that point if you can help it if you can't then each polish is your best bet hey what's up chef wada how you doing man what is the cost of ZBrush full price I believe it's around 800 US dollars something like that between seven and eight and what's crazy about about ZBrush and pixel logic is buy it once and they're upgrades are free so and they've they've always been free I bought my copy Izzy brush a long time ago and I have not had to pay for any upgrades okay oh is it 895 right now okay so he'd yes you you definitely want to practice practice practice practice it's it's like learning a musical instrument the more you practice the better you get oh really punchy ten years ago like ZBrush do you brush one or two something like that is it possible to start one's career in 3d as a character sculptor is that generally left to relatively marksburg oh you can totally start out yeah you don't you don't have to be a 3d artist and then go to characters you can start with characters there's nothing there's no rules saying you can't do that Jakob no I will when I create my usually stitch the ears in when I create my low resolution mesh for sure okay so let's see I think I'm gonna build his eyelids up on this one and I'm also gonna go into sculptors Pro I think so okay here we go I'm gonna save this what do you say Robert I missed it I guess Oh ate it looks like $8.95 sorry uh yeah so chefs what I got to tell you what happened there um so I I did the whole the the mouth anatomy and I recorded it with the wrong microphone whoa yeah it was its it made me so irritated because I you know I moved to this new rental and I'm trying to get set back up with the right microphones and that kind of stuff and yeah it's just I fight so what I what I finally ended up doing was I I'm using a Yeti so how does this sound by the way you guys does this does the audio sound okay is it is it - I'm sure it's echoey because this place is really small but I'm using my Yeti so right off screen right here I had I had him Yeti that I had a long time ago so yeah my new when I moved to my new studio I'll be set up again with my with my good microphone so I mean I might even just keep using this Yeti if it sounds good cuz Yeti is a really good microphone if you guys ever podcast or anything like that yeah Yeti is fantastic so anyway chefs what I just need to I just need to get that get that done so thanks for the question I know you're I know you're waiting with bated breath it's coming okay so keep pushing me so I can get a button Oh cyber Chris thank you so much so what cyber Chris is talking about if you guys want to know I'm doing a new series inside the course see I'm modeling my course kind of around the way pixologic does their business where you buy it once and you don't have to pay for upgrades so I keep adding to my course without charging you more and I love it that way because then I can just keep I can just keep upgrading it and updating it and adding value and I don't have to you know nickel and dime everyone to death and I just you know try and get more students this is all I do for a living now has just run my course so that's what I do full-time let's see so I just want to show you really fast another sneak peek into the course so down here this is brand new the stylized Anatomy this is a brand new course that I'm working on like stylized hands and how to pose them how to Rita pologize them and the anatomy of the head part one and two and I'm working on the mouth right now that's what chefs what is talking talking about is the is the mouth and I'm gonna go through and it's kind of like I'm sort of doing what Prokopenko did with proko.com and just kind of following his you know we're gonna talk about a different area in every lesson so we're doing moving on to the mouth next anyway it's been fun good stuff okay so and again yeah you don't have to pay anything extra for that and it just you just get it I take care of you okay so let's stitch this together I know Neil's gonna remind me to to do the do the symmetry of P Rock no I don't do my UV andreat apology so what I do during the pixologic livestreams as I essentially just create the high-resolution characters over and over and over again just kind of it's it's what you've seen me do before and if you want to go deeper or if you want mentoring feedback and that kind of stuff I reserve that for my for my course you know I can't I can't show you as everything then it's like what what's the point you know okay so yeah let's hit this together stitch e stitch let's see we set this gizmo and remesh by Union which will stitch everything together I don't know why it didn't do it symmetrically undo that I guess symmetry wasn't turned on we'd do it one more time there we go still didn't do it oh well and then we're gonna accept this and hit activate symmetry again and then I'm going to I'm gonna try something different this time I'm going to I'm gonna test mate this yeah thanks Neil okay told you I told you say that I appreciate it okay remesh by Union is in the gizmo menu so if you turn the gizmo on it's inside that gear okay so now I'm going to I want to I want to test mate this if I go to alright this is just something I've been testing out lately you know so instead of zremesher I'm going to Tessa mate it and just kind of see what it does so it essentially adds triangles rather than cats too too much there we go so basically what I can do is just kind of move the slide around and tell it what kind of polygon size I want go a little bit higher something like this but before I do that actually I'm gonna subdivide it something subdivide it once and then delete lower so it starts out at a higher resolution that way when I Testim ate it it doesn't keep my my facets okay what's the difference with dynamesh so Tessa mate essentially is it's adding a whole bunch of little triangles and stuff and it doesn't rebuild the mesh as much as dynamesh does so it keeps a lot of the a lot of the surface details but it does it does make facets so because what I'm doing is I'm preparing this mesh for sculptors Pro just because and this isn't what I recommend honestly to two new sculptors I recommend doing the ZBrush or the zremesher method this is sometimes on this channel I like to do experimentation just just for fun just try different things out so now I'm just gonna start with byte estimating and that's what I did I just did test me and what that did was just kind of and I can get rid of these polygroups not a big deal and then I'm going to turn sculptress Pro on and now I can just kind of use my smooth brush and just smooth this out and what I do is just gonna add more geometry wherever I hit smooth and and that way I'm not limited to anything really this is this is kind of the closest thing to sculpting with real clay that in my opinion that you can get inside of ZBrush turn dynamic smooth on to these eyes just so they're not so faceted and go back to this okay and then that way it's so the problem with sculptors pro mode is somebody said how do you keep yours your surface really smooth and this is not how you keep your surface smooth I'm gonna have to really work with it to keep it smooth so I have to be super careful when I'm sculpting with sculptors Pro that's again that's why I don't recommend it for brand new sculptors so but after you're after you're comfortable with the brushes and how things work then you can experiment with sculptors Pro and sculptors Pro is kind of like sculptress if you've ever played with sculptors I actually have a an old video on YouTube tutorial on how to use sculptress so pixologic BOTS sculptress and they've rewritten it and added it into ZBrush 2019 I think they had it in there before that but it's it's pretty fun so sculptors Pro is right here and scope does pro only works on a handful of brushes it doesn't work with every single brush and you kind of need to be careful with it a little bit because sometimes especially with smoothing sometimes I'll turn it off when I'm smoothing the surface because you can easily destroy your detail if you get your brush too large because it's based off of how large your brush is see that see how it's like getting rid of all my detail with since my brush was so big or if I go too small it's going to add a whole bunch of density and it could slow my machine down so it's just something it's it's just something where you know you just kind of have to work with it and kind of know what's going on behind the scenes how do I get viewers I just advertise on swell pixologic advertises for me on social media so yep Eddy I haven't I haven't been working on this very long so I'll get there man but thanks for the feedback I just I just started 20 minutes ago maybe 30 37 minutes ago so I'll get there all right I'm gonna turn this intensity up because I want to smooth this out and this and then just just work on this ear connection well thanks those arts let's make stylize like characters can you suggest some 2d 3d concept character artists like Luigi to follow so yeah there are tons there are tons and tons and tons yeah Luigi's a fantastic one I always like Johannes helgesen Dean Eagle is a great one although he does some some risky stuff so be careful with that one let's see there's Sean Galloway there Sean Bryant there's let's see who else there's al gunto goodness there's so many so many so many okay I'm gonna start messing with this mouth now moving using the move brush does not affect sculptors Pro so I turn on topological so I can move the top lip without affecting the bottom lip too much and just kind of squeezing it back and forth until I get it close and then also - yeah - the person who's asking about how to get traffic one thing is to be consistent lichens like like a TV show like show up consistently at us at the same time every week so people know when you're going live I've had a little bit of a break so I haven't been as consistent lately but I can't remember what episode this is but I'm almost to a hundred episodes with with pixologic so it's gonna be it's it's getting there it's pretty crazy that I've I've done that many episodes with them I don't know why I closed his mouth his mouth is open let me roll it back I'm just gonna roll this back til it's open a little bit and then I'm gonna leave it I'm gonna leave it open I was talking and I wasn't paying attention I usually just closed the mouth that way so I was like oh what am i doing his mouth is his mouth isn't closed so let's fix it and I'm gonna make it symmetrical right now and then I'll I'll change the symmetry later hey what's up Jimmy how's it going man oh I'm doing I'm I've been out of practice for a little bit so I'm doing kind of a warm-up bust luigi just posted this today or yesterday something like that just like hey draw this in your style so I'm like okay I'll sculpt it in my style and then put it out for you you know luigi he's not a bad sculptor himself he sculpted he he did this really cool character in dreams and dreams is it's it's kind of a quote unquote game on the PlayStation that you can actually sculpt in it's it's really really interesting it's made by the people who made a little big planet the you the problem is with that with it though is you can't bring anything out of it so it's like you can't you can't export it out of dreams what What's in dream stays in dreams you can't export it but it's a lot of fun and it's very powerful oh you're welcome graphic yeah I I tried to do this streaming timeslot to catch the UK people so I think the only the only part of the world where this is like midnight is in China I think and I don't have that many followers in China so I tried to capture as many people I can without you know without going too late at night I I prefer to stream at night but noon is noon is fine too that way people in the US can watch on their lunch breaks or wallet working and people in the UK can watch at night well it's the most important thing that you can look out for when you make a character from a concept match the concept as as closely as humanly possible that's that's kind of your goal as a as a character modeler is you're just trying to match that concept so the more you know about anatomy in design and all that kind of stuff the easier time you will have matching the concept if if the concept is is good I have to kind of throw that out to you because there's some concept designers that aren't very good at Anatomy or design and you're trying to plus the concept as a character modeler sometimes you know trying to make it look better hey from Denmark yep so it worked well thanks thanks for saying hello okay so I'm gonna turn obstacle just pro for a minute so I'm just gonna peek is pikas cheek and then smooth it back down where's the best place to find freelance work honestly the best place I've found is like an art station just mark yourself as looking for work on there and then people will approach you I believe and then you could you could also look on LinkedIn but for me personally networking is also good knowing people in the industry and the more work you do the more work you'll get because people will start to know you and know your your work and your quality of work so then it's kind of a word-of-mouth but when you're first starting out you just have to get those first few jobs and just post your work up on art stations so people can see it and hopefully you can get some work that way dude Eddie because I yeah I'll get there man I promise and I do that occasionally I don't I don't like to I don't like to do it right away all right all right I need a bill his teeth I need to move his ear down yep I do that occasionally I probably will in a minute I just don't I usually don't start by by matching it exactly because I want to get all the volumes and shapes and everything in there first and make sure his neck is working and all that kind of stuff and then I I just slowly it's kind what I want to tell my students is it's like focusing a camera right it's gonna be blurry at first and then you're just gonna focus focus focus until it gets there all right let me get I want to get this like this fun little design and I want to I want to build up his eyelids how do you how do you get your reference into ZBrush um all you have to do is go to a texture like this and then go to import and pick it and then click on it like this and then click on this button that says add to spotlight and then it'll put it up here and then you can adjust it and do whatever you want you can you can move it around or like Eddie said you can take it and change the opacity and scale it up and you can put your model behind it so I'll do that in a bit okay was they doing oh I'm gonna build up his his eyelids let me let me check his eye shape again really quick pull his eyes yeah I just make sure you turn off spotlight projection thanks Neal thanks for reminding me about that spotlight projection is kind of a masking thing so like it's it's in this custom menu that I have it's right here spotlight projection and if you hold down ctrl you can see where it's at here let me move this out of the way so hold down control now now puts it over there anyway it's under brush samples spotlight projection so that's brush samples spotlight projection make sure you turn that off or the the the brushes won't work underneath underneath the the spotlight that image okay so the and it it's it gets you every time because sometimes the move brush will work but everything else won't so it's it catches me off guard every single time which is like oh man I totally forgot okay his nose is still too big and I want to get his eyes a little further apart scoop around yeah the slow walk through the valley of the suck for sure I do want to move his eyes back in space just a little bit more all right awesome techno that'd be great that would be great I'm just kind of smoothing this out and I'm just looking at this just the angles and stuff we will miss out a little bit more okay sometimes I'll talk to myself what's up to New Year love the concept gonna hear you while I work awesome oh it's Steven from the workshop hey Steven what's up oh don't worry about it robear I I come I say that but I appreciate the feedback you know yeah just kind of like it's all good it's got a girl thing thick-skinned it's fine okay so I'm gonna build up his eyelids sometimes what I'll do what I'm gonna be doing the zremesh method is I will build the eyelids and then I will do that that remesh by Union and I will actually put them in there but since I'm not doing the zremesh from actually using sculptress Pro it's easier just to build them up after the fact and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna change the this to zero gray it's gonna show a lot more of the the surface noise with this texture but it's also going to show off the the surface breaks like you can see how this breaks and see how it's smooth and it'll it just really shows the flaws in the surface but it it allows me to see it's kind of like red wax right wet red wax as bad as it not as bad as it is but as much as everybody gives red wax the grief that they do red wax is really good at showing off the surface so it's I like this because it's kind of like a gray version of the red wax it doesn't have the cavity that red wax does um which I actually like too because red wax the only thing I don't really like about it other than it's red is that it will show you it seems like it makes a deeper cavity than what's really there and that that's giving you a false sense of the surface so he's off route no no worries thanks I appreciate it glad you find them useful okay so I'm just gonna pull this out just a bit and then build this up so what I like to do is build it up with the fill brush and then just kind of just build it up underneath that I and I'm trying pretty hard not to change the shape of that eye and then I'll come back in with the pinch I just kind of pull it out like this just to build up a thickness and then as I as I go around I can make my brush smaller and with sculptress Pro it'll just get more and more detail and then you can see his eyelid is very very very very close to his his eyelashes and this is way too large so what I can do is just kind of grab the move brush and and just kind of sneak it sneak it down it's got to be careful because I can it's really really easy with sculptress Pro to introduce surface noise otherwise known as undulations or warbles what do you saying I live in the nighttime theme in my ex like red wax disturbs you disturbs that ok so then I'm just gonna kind of bring it down right here and just end it ok smooth this out a little bit now this is really fun to kind of take the pinch brush smaller just gonna cut it in right here it just tightens it right up like the warbles and return to the Jeff subs up I like the warbles Christmas special yeah my my machine is starting to slow down a little bit cuz I'm getting not not really it's not really slowing down but just when I get I get zoomed in there has kind of a tough time and I can do the same thing with the edges of this mouth is I can grab this pinch brush just kind of come in here and tighten this edge right up get rid of those the decimation there just kind of look alright okay so now that I have this see I have some undulations up underneath that that I write there do you want to use my I don't want it to break so sup this is a good example of I want to use a bigger brush with inflate I don't want sculptures Pro on there I just want to inflate it but sometimes and sometimes it'll work sometimes it won't sometimes it'll like make this surface crack it's kind of a I don't know how else to describe it but yes sometimes because the surface is now made of triangles so like like right here where the surface is two different densities sometimes I'll roll the inflate brush across there and it'll like make it look like it has shards like it's cracked and then you just have to go in and smooth it back out no big deal you just have to kind of be careful see that how it's doing that then you just turn sculptors Pro back on and just smooth it back out and even out the surface okay now I'm just gonna come in here with the detail brush hey Paulie sculpt thank you very much appreciate it man okay so I'm just gonna cut in here and then over here I really like this design I think Luigi's been using this design a lot in his concepts lately just kind of doing little swirls and twirls and it just kind of adds an extra little design element he he does these really fun monsters too and what what the what the shadow is telling me that's happening though is that it's getting all pushed in as it as it goes down it's not just a cut line like this so what I'm gonna do is I'm just cutting this in to give me a good start and then I'm gonna sculpt it and push it down in and so it's like so it kind of matches what the intention was in the first place hopefully hopefully cool so now I'm doing that an alt version of this this this detail brush is kind of like the Damien standard brush they call it Damien it's the damn standard brush but Damien Damien's a great guy met him at ZBrush summit the last two years he's been there it's pretty cool ok this fill brush this fill brush is pretty cool because it has a second part to it so not only does it fill but it also cuts so smooth this this decimated area out here it's kind of bugging what I mean by that is it kind of scrapes if you have if you think about the like the sculpting scraper tools you know with the metal with the flat top and you can gonna just go you can just hold down alt with fill I'm just kind of cut down that surface see that it's like you used to kind of look like a pillow in there and now I'm just kind of scraping it out to make it flat and then just continue to scrape it out because I don't I'm not looking for an indentation along here I'm just kind of looking for a Ledge so this this little twirl is is defined by a Ledge instead of a a detailed brush push and it just kind of evens everything out then you come back in and smooth it then I can get really detailed with the pinch brush if I wanted to I just kind of pinch along here and then pinch along here see and there's my ledge that defines that and what's cool is I can I can go from thick to thin on here so thick and then as it goes down here it just kind of gets thin and then goes away hopefully got to be careful with that pinch brush because it doesn't it doesn't play well with others sometimes and then I can do the same thing on the interior right here yeah his Grimwood characters that's those those have a lot of this this swirl repeated in the patterns of those monsters that he has pretty cool so this what I'm doing right now is it's it's kind of showing off the strengths of sculptress Pro because I don't really have a limitation as far as how much geometry I need to kind of make this work because it just kind of gives me the geometry I need as I go which is super nice okay let's see how dense that is not too bad and then after I have it it doesn't really match this exactly but what I can do now that I have it is just kind of pull things around and say if I wanted to peek this ear out a little stronger I could and then just follow that peek on the inside just kind of bring it down so you're not stuck here do something it's like oh man I'm stuck with ZBrush you're never really stuck you can always dig your way out it's just knowing how to do it that's the problem Shawn and 3d love your name hey if I was to sculpt the character in ZBrush then rig it in Maya how would you recommend modeling the mouth open if so how open so I do I do model it open and there's a couple reasons why what I'll usually do is I'll close it all the way first just to get to get it to look like I want the character to look you can't really get a bye off from your art director or whatever if if if your character's mouth is like like open weird so what I do is I model it closed typically and then at the end when I'm ready to do the rete apologize ation I will open it slightly and just enough where I can actually reach apologize around the lips and that kind of stuff just enough to get in there and enough where when I go to bake my Maps the envelopes aren't gonna cross over each other and bake you know the bottom lip to the top lip and vice versa so yeah that's a it's a super good question yeah just just enough the answer is just enough but but like I said don't don't have it open the whole the whole time okay so so there's like I went crazy detailed with those ears but you can see how there's I've introduced a ton of undulation in their super warbly so all I can do is try and repair that well another thing I can do to really clean that up in there is by reach apologizing it okay so this is like a really good base that you can give yourself by doing something like this and then just knowing that you're gonna reach apologized it later and then subdivide it later that way all these undulations that I'm introducing just you know you don't really care because they'll all go away when Rita pologize it okay if that makes any sense and I do teach in my course I teach reet apology and you v's and map baking everything the whole the whole pipeline for characters if you're interested in that and that's that's for games not not necessarily films more for games yeah Shauna 3d it is really yeah that quad draw is great yeah you can really reach op anywhere you want retopo flow and blenders really nice three coats nice even the topology brush in here is pretty nice it's just I usually I I will usually use this reat apology brush inside of ZBrush to make new geometry not necessarily to retype my my stuff because it's a little it's a little difficult to manage just a little bit when you're when you're getting when you get you when you reach up authorizing a whole character it kind of gets a little bit too difficult to manage okay so I'm gonna do something with the lower eyelids and just kind of hint at them like this whoop maybe I went a little too high there just kind of curve around like that and he'll look he'll look a lot better when he actually has teeth in there and I made his lips too thick so I need to skin a PHY those skinny fie if that's a word make them thinner and then kind of I want these lips a little rounder they're too sharp okay so I'm gonna give him my give him some eyebrows really quick speaking of the topology brush let's see this okay and it's gonna go something like that cut this this and this clear it out Shawna 3d I think it's a little too early to say but it's it's looking it's looking like they're gonna give the auto best peeps a run for their money that's for sure so we'll see we'll see we'll see exciting times exciting times to be a 3d artist that's for sure okay let's I'm gonna split this off then I'm gonna clear on crease all subdivide them down a little bit because I want to go in and do these details again with sculptress Pro just for fun again I'm just kind of experimenting this isn't my usual my typical workflow so again like I said I'm just kind of experimenting a little bit today all right I'm gonna delete my lower so then this becomes our new mesh always be experimenting never settle never you know never be like all right I found a way this is the way and this is the way I'm gonna do it from now on in this industry you kind of have to you have to try and be ahead of the curve on everything you do so I'm trying new things all the time and that's it's just really to speed up my workflow it's not necessarily to change the way I do things because the foundation stays the same whoops it's not what I wanted to do still in sculptress pro mode I'm just smoothing this down I'll make it flat you still find using Z spheres to block out a character can be crazy effective yeah that's everybody has their own way of working - and it's not like this way or the highway you know what I'm sayin it's like you find yourself a workflow that works for you and do it I've a lot of my friends will still block out their stuff inside of another program you know just to keep a very nice low resolution mesh and then no just sculpt on top of that inside of ZBrush a lot of people still use that workflow and that's there is nothing wrong with that whatsoever so it's like just do what do you you know I'm saying like fine find a workflow that works for you and use it okay didn't mean to do that I'm the last year my degree in computer game art and animations don't know whether I want to specialize an animation game environment art or sculpting any tips on how to settle in one yeah you're probably asking the wrong person because in my career I was an animator for five years I've done environments I've done rigging I've done and I'm you know like I said I've done animation I I didn't so I was an animator out of out of necessity and I wanted to try it and learn it so I did and then I just I even did some motion capture stuff for a while yeah it just depends on what you want to do at the time whatever whatever floats your boat you know I'm saying it's that's what's nice about being in the games or film industry is there's so many avenues you can explore and try as long as you know the the opportunities are there so did I love making environments I did when they were cartoony and interesting and stylized so but and I also have some fun doing like high-resolution realistic textures sometimes it's not really my thing I'm not I'm not a huge fan of it but I I like some of the art in it you know what I mean you know what I mean like especially with I I wish I wish substance was out then you know like substance really I think it would be a lot of fun to do environments with substance painter and substance designer and design materials and you know make things look like real world and that kind of stuff it just it intrigues me I don't think I'd I don't have the time to try out everything so I probably will never get into it but it's it just it just seems like something that would be cool to learn yeah that's another thing yeah hand-painted stylized textures and painters so yeah there's so many different things you can try and do just try them all and just see where you see where you land with it you know and like I said a lot of times the opportunities will present themselves and then that allow that to kind of lead you because in both animation and rigging the opportunity kind of told me that hey that's what I'm gonna do now you know because the company that I was applying for one time they're just like yeah we we need a character artist but we really need somebody to do the rigging nobody's can do the rigging can you do the rigging and I'm like yeah I guess you know I've done it before and it's super lights yes I'll do it and I did it for a while and they didn't do it for long it's it just it was something that got me in the door so and then I quickly switched over to full-time characters but if I if I hadn't of known rigging at the time then I probably wouldn't I've gotten my foot in the door of that company and I just knew rigging enough to be dangerous at what guy was a I was a scripting mad guy you know what I mean I wasn't I'm not super good at scripting okay I'm gonna try something with this claybuildup just to kind of give give the surface some texture it's gonna kind of build it up like this and give these eyebrows some direction I really like the claybuildup brush for this specific purpose just to kind of do some some hair direction yeah Jose you have to kind of be careful though with with plugins because if you if you only know how to rig with advanced skeleton let's say and you go to a company and they don't use it or they can't use it in their game engine or something like that then they're gonna say you know we we need you to just rig this character like we rigged it then then you'll kind of be out and still looking you know what I mean so it's better to just learn the basics of it like learn how to put bones in the character learn how to do skin painting that kind of stuff and learn how to put handles on bones and then just learn how it like in Maya how to do set driven key is that kind of stuff just super light yeah rogue bear exactly just just just light enough that you know it and it'll also help you be a better character artist as well because then you'll know what it takes to be to rig you know you'll know what if you if you try and do like skin painting of your character you'll realize what it takes to be what what the riggers are looking for as far as you know skin skin weights and things like that so you little it'll just make you a better model or a same with animation being an animator will also make you a better character modeler because then you'll you'll know poses and you'll know how the meshes are being deformed and that kind of stuff okay so zmodeler I'm gonna make these eyelashes are we doing did I pick the wrong one I pick zmodeler topology brush there we go oh that's hilarious that should be a t-shirt man oh that's funny yours too huh and I'll tell you a little piece of advice right now even though on the Zebras Channel is no one wants to rig characters so if you want a job in the industry become a rigger I'll tell you that right now because rigger knowing how to rig characters or sometimes they're called technical artists or TD's and they're they're a necessity and a lot of people need people to rig characters it's just it's it's hard to do and you need to know some light scripting like in Python and stuff like that so so nobody nobody really wants to do it and usually all the rigging people are there out of necessity like they started in characters and they just found out that they were good at rigging so they ended up there out of necessity or it's like hey you either rigged these characters or go work somewhere else kind of thing and yeah and then there's those those rare people like - nor that actually enjoy it because it's you know it just depends on you know what what you like there's different personality types for for everything so you know I have to say the most fun I've ever had rigging is when I rigged with character animation tool kit inside of 3d studio max and it just absolutely boggles my mind character animation toolkit is not ported to more software because that rigging with character animation tool get is a dream it's called cat right it started out in Softimage I think programmers and they got hired by Autodesk and you know when they when they scooped up Softimage right I actually think it happened before that but it's really really nice because the the rig is made out of boxes instead of bones the boxes represent the bones and it's oh so cool because the boxes can be used as envelopes to weight your skin and the I'm sorry I'm getting all technical but it's it's made the way it's rigged its each each rig piece is like a compartmentalized piece it's like the arm it comes with a collarbone and the arm and the lower arm and you can you can break it up so it has twisty bones and just all sorts of cool stuff it's just a lot of fun to rig with I rigged a I rigged a face hugger for a gear box when they were working on an aliens game and it was just a dream to rig with that thing because I could put a tail on it I can make it have all those little legs and it was all rigged I didn't have to really rig it myself because the rig was already built in and it worked great so is it acceptable to use Delta mush I'm not from mill I'm not familiar with Delta mush at all but what I would do like I said I would learn I would definitely learn the basics yeah skinning is the hardest and putting just make sure you put your characters through through its paces like it's almost like an exercise program you know like make make the character exercise you know make him put them in exercise poses to test the extremes to see if the deformation is going to break or not that's kind of a fun thing to do for me is sorry I'm just I'm getting lost here I need to I need to edit these eyelashes just a little bit anyway just to bend to bend them to test how far you can push the model before it breaks and that's kind of what a rigging person does is they just make sure that the character can do all the things that needs the animator needs it to do so you just try and break it beforehand it can be fun if I tried blender for rigging and animation as cool bendy bones I haven't yet I want to get into it but I just haven't yet but I have seen people rig with it and I do I have messed with the built-in the built-in rig that it comes with which is kind of cool I've seen some add-ons that are pretty cool okay just kind of straightening this up and I'm gonna increase all and turn on dynamic just to kind of see I'm not looking to keep this character like really hard edges I'm gonna kind of keep them soft ish a little bit okay so now we can do I want to make sure I'm just gonna float this like like like Eddie was saying you can float this over the top and just kind of check your proportions and he is in perspective - so you got to be kind of careful with that match up these ears looks like I need to the biggest thing is I need to match let me rotate it just a little bit here I need to raise his eyes quite a bit from a little farther apart you increase the size just getting this so the biggest thing looks like I need to do is increase the size of his ears you can see my the eyes are this small I need to make him bigger his eyebrows raise him up a little bit but his ears are way off jaws actually okay in mouth placements okay nose is okay yeah those eyes and the neck thickness is looking okay all right so that that's kind of how you can test yeah so let's shrink this back down okay we're looking at 35 minutes left not too bad let's turn the opacity back up all right and I'm always checking like the curvature of his chin and his his head that kind of stuff okay so bigger eyes I'm gonna save it first and then I want to move everything together meaning I want to move the the eyelids and the new eyelashes that I just built so what I'm gonna do is just hit this tipos mesh and it's just gonna kind of push it into a new tool and merge everything together and that way I don't want to skew the eyeballs I want to keep them as round as possible so I'm gonna mask those off and try and keep them the same size and just adjust the the eye opening instead I'll see if I can do that let's turn on symmetry just raise these up this is what I was talking about with something being sculptress Pro you cannot have sculptress Pro turned on while you're doing adjustments in tipos mesh because you won't be able to go back up again or back to your original posed mesh because you'll have a different poly count and it'll go like what that's not working hey what's up Tony I love in the workshop thank you so much I'm glad you can you're enjoying that so you can come in here and smooth it out whoops you hide this hide this so I'll just smooth it out when I bring it back to the high resolution okay hey what's up C drifter how's it going okay it looks like it I am gonna adjust that I a bit when I bring it back let's just bring it back see if it works okay see it made all these striations all over the place up here scope just pro okay let's push this up remembers your screen name what are you talking about I don't it so it slowly after reminding me it's been too long forgive me thanks Rafa as soon as you tell me I'm gonna go ahh Oh Brandon of course of course I didn't know what you were talking about so I have to I have to call out Brandon because he's been he's been in my workshop since the early early early beginning days before you know just just when I first released and he's been following my course in blender the entire time and it's yeah it's it's quite the feat and I applaud him and he's been doing great now the rest of the world is is noticing pretty crazy okay this is this is kind of been a a bugger to to keep smooth up in here is it super dense I guess it's pretty dense okay now we want to get his teeth in here and I'm just gonna kind of do something like this just super simple get him in there and we can turn this back to skin shade and get some color on him yeah yeah it's great blender whirs okay so I'm gonna grab my heart pain fill this object just gonna grab this white ish color out of here and grab this and the eyelids sup Matt how's it going oh so sorry Paul I missed your first one uh hey you have inspired me so much in your tutorials amazing but I haven't done sculpting in a while so what would your advice be for someone who wants to get back in sculpting this is gonna sound like a total jerk but get back into sculpting that's like the biggest thing you can do is just start doing it again so yeah so just yeah just start going just start going yeah and I I do have to say as cool as as blender stuff is you still can't push the amount of Polly's that you can in ZBrush and you still don't get the the sculpting feel and stuff that you get inside of ZBrush what I would use blender for would be like reet apology you v's baking maps Eevee cycles all of that goodness painting you know painting the maps and that kind of stuff but but yeah yeah like like like I said just if you want to get back into sculpting just get back into sculpting just get just do it get at it it's like how do I learn how to play guitar just pick up a guitar and start strumming you know just start learning chords learning all the things you need to learn and eventually you'll get better I would I would suggest sculpting what you will kind of float your boat you know like follow your passion with it a little bit too because if if there's it just kind of helps if there's something now I'm not saying go pick a concept that is like your favorite character of all time because if you're gonna do that you're gonna hate yourself because you're gonna get it you're gonna destroy your favorite character right out of the gate because you are not you're not good yet you know what I'm saying so so pick a concept that you and that you like but not your favorite character if that makes sense like if you're a huge you know Batman fan or whatever don't just go grab a Batman and go to town or whatever yeah just start with something light like this this is another thing though another thing I do but I don't recommend is don't pick a concept that is from straight on like this because you'll especially starting out because you're gonna have a really hard time dissecting the the concept because you just won't cuz you don't know what you don't know if that makes sense this is causing some surface issues because of its sculptress Pro but I just want to make these ears bigger yeah I just find a stylized sculpt or a stylized concept and try your best at modeling it I'm completely destroying this and it's because of this move I wonder if I can adjust the focus on this move focal shift and just bring it down so it's not so harsh when I move things let's see if that helps yeah that helps so what I did there is I just changed this focal shift you can see when I move this see that inner circle the inner red circle it's kind of like a spotlight it's like this is gonna be a really harsh circle and it's gonna be a soft circle so I turn that down then it's not going to make all those really hard hard lines inside the sculptor's Pro you just started in new scopes it's gonna be a challenge yeah you know it's in it that being said it's not bad to challenge yourself but just kind of understand your own skill level sometimes that's difficult because you don't know where you are right because again you don't know what you don't know kind of a thing but just kind of look at a cons up and go um can i am i am i at the level to sculpt that yet am i gonna struggle like crazy or is it gonna be okay and if you challenge yourself like i wasn't the best at hard surface stuff but I took on like Boba Fett for Disney infinity just because I wanted to get better at hard surface stuff so I'm like yeah I'll take that on let's do it and I just kind of force myself to learn it okay this guy's looking better big old ears I think I think it would help if I cut those I need to cut these in deeper cuz they're just too too weak Boba Fett sitting on your desk right now nice that's awesome he was well he turned out to be one of my favorites uh Ronald no no um you know learning topology is learning topology no it doesn't what I mean is the tool is just a tool right I mean there are there are some tools that are better than others for certain things you know like ZBrush is fantastic for digital sculpting so you're not going to use a you're gonna use a shovel for brain surgery you know what I'm saying so it it's it's good to have the right tool for the job but your skills will translate they'll transfer so a lot of times when cuz we would you know I've been in positions where I've had to hire people and they've had different skills from different software like you know some company some game companies they use 3d studio max and other companies use Maya other companies use whatever they use you know blender indie companies and if as long as they know topology they know topology so and you should know how to do it no matter what what program or tool you use to get the job done you know I'm saying you just have to figure out where the where the sliders are that makes sense the buttons where the buttons I need to push to make this happen okay I'm gonna pull his brows and everything forward in space I don't like how how fast that is curving back I just want to pull it forward I'm going to get his hair blocked into yeah so yeah Mitch Mitch Louise concepts are fantastic that's another somebody's asking about concept artists that are good to model from he's a really really good one yeah and he actually helps out a lot with the 3d character workshop he provides a lot of concept art and things for it so hey Mitch yay hey Mitch thank you pull his cheeks out just a bit okay let's get his hair blocked in what why not Chris you can't seem to use it what's what's the what's making it break or whatever what kind of problems oh thanks my my face or my mug okay let's see let's let's get this I'm gonna start with this brown color and then just kind of lock it in unmask points hit the down arrow I like to put the hair in a different sub tool and then you can just kind of there we go and we're done ship it okay if I you guys if I missed any of your questions please let me know oh yeah so pho they have infinity inspired action figures in the Disney Store so yeah that's that's a team out of Florida that's doing those and I think they're doing a pretty fairly good job with them just to be honest they're taking a lot of our meshes that we had made and then just kind of making them articulate and so they can bend and stuff like that we kind of wanted to make our characters articulate in the beginning but it just wasn't feasible for the price we needed them to be okay I'm going to turn off symmetry and just start with this snake hook brush and just kind of again with the sculptor's Pro and just kind of see what happens with a really large brush it looks like what's that what's that smart kid okay let's see I can't I can't remember the name of that that show Jimmy Neutron thinks I progressed okay Jimmy Neutron actually let me turn on symmetry for this one just kind of bring it down yeah that that kind of ice-cream shape Oh Jimmy Neutron you know I have to say I got a story about that that's the only movie I've ever fallen asleep in Jimmy Neutron I was so tired that day okay I kind of want to pull this back and shape it kind of like that tear you know what I don't know why but I've never blocked out hair with sculptors Pro before it's kind of kind of liberating just kind of pulling things about and not running out of geometry age Benbow that's how you say your name thank you very much okay I'm just gonna kind of no he's totally cheating in 3d but what I'm looking for right now is a silhouette I know it's completely broken and that it's it's not really hair that's working in that and went too high with this piece it's kind of fun I really need to get it thicker like this going made these too low you you usually talk in the background while you sound design that's fun okay you sounds going in and out oh is that happening for anyone else hmm I'm not sure what to do about that hopefully it'll result itself we only have 15 more MIT's sounds getting deep oh okay let me let me try and mute it and come back you check test 1 2 is Eddie or is it in the twitch stream itself dude Luke I am your father No it's any better chiptune gosh dang it I always have technical problems back to normal okay maybe it was on my side I don't know sorry about that oh the bubble yeah yeah yeah so yeah it's back in the game for a little bit saw that so guys if you didn't know I did Zen got a baseball scene for overwatch last year and it's backing the game you can get it if you're a overwatch player I was a lot of fun to do here's a deep-toned back yeah how you doing I'm gonna try and put some build-up down like this should keep it this man how are you doing what if I go even lower it sound like I have deep I do have a deep voice I'm have to listen to a back so I can hear what I sound like I don't even know what's going on the world some movie announcer voice Oh ninjas go what's going on twitch get your stuff together Oh No casting it can try mute it one more time is that any better if you big chicken that blade oh my gosh I made my day sculptor Pro it shouldn't be it's pretty light it's pretty light I don't know all right well I'm gonna wrap this up reason anyway all right I'm just gonna test this silhouette yeah my voice is having issues right now witness protection from thanks twitch all right apparently I'm going way too big with the hair my son really funny I'm in witness protection program but if I top really high I want to listen birthday Johnny yes I've seen it they're messing with me I said blender one too many times like that's it cut him off make his voice deep the fading don't lower Capone is right one word you who did it come back is it still messed up how often do it calibrate my color calibrating I don't know that I ever have honestly no sound so Bronco I'm gonna I'm this is just a block out so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna block out with each of these pieces so am i back alright I wonder if it's my USB cable honestly I think it is it was better before or control good nerd boys thanks a lot you guys are like say it's like honest trailers see this voice is all right now okay yeah it's got to be my USB cable so yeah I just sneak hook the hair for now this is just a block out so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna block out each of these pieces in individual spheres so then in the end is a whole entire his hair will look like individual pieces so yeah I'm not gonna leave it like this this looks like melted chocolate yeah this isn't this isn't the end it's just blocked out block out block out your stuff first so you can get the silhouette so you don't waste your time trying to because moving around pieces is is difficult and time-consuming so having a good block out first is beneficial all right you guys I'm gonna take off I'm think I'm gonna end here this is a good stopping stopping point what I still have to do is put his irises in make his shirt and his body make his teeth and then of course build build his hair out so it actually looks nice so all right anyway um is my voice still good I'm gonna get a new USB cable hopefully and uh yeah hopefully it'll be better all right it's one those older it's an older Yeti and like a like a vanilla ice cream cone with it but for sure I also need to get I need to get these shapes these shapes looking better but I'll I'll get those looking better with the actual actual real shapes so anyway guys um thanks so much for hanging out with me today sorry my voice went crazy as always I give away my user interface and my brushes for ZBrush you can go find those over at 3d character workshop com okay I mean just go show you boom bright white oh my gosh let's make it Mike look at that so you can get get the brushes right here 3d character workshop calm and then click on grab them now and you can go get them you and it'll put you on my newsletter which I suck at sending out emails but I need to do I need to do it some more send you out some good info and then if you're interested in my workshop you can check it out right here Shane's workshop and go see what that's all about we have a lot of fun in there and I teach how to make characters like this one and this one this is the one I actually walk you through so anyway yeah come and join me it'd be I go way way way deeper than I do here during the pixologic live streams way deeper so you can even come join us over there all right thanks again for hanging out with me today I really appreciate it and I will not see you next Monday but the following Monday after that so I'm going every other Monday here we have a vacation coming up to Yellowstone and we'll be in Yellowstone so I won't be here next Monday but the Monday after that so we'll see you then take care have a wonderful couple of weeks and sculpt like the wind blows take care we'll see you
Channel: Pixologic ZBrush
Views: 10,838
Rating: 4.9580421 out of 5
Keywords: pixologic, zbrush live, digital sculpting, 3d modeling, art, design, tutorial, how to, making of, twitch, character creation, live boolean, vdm, sculptris pro, deformers, project primitive, illustration, mudbox, 3d coat, autodesk maya, adobe, photoshop, cinema 4d, 3d printing, concept art, games, reel, draw this in your style, cartoon, disney, pixar, dreamworks, illumination, stylized
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 1sec (7021 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 05 2019
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