Ashley A. Adams - Creature & Character Concept Sculpting - Episode 25

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okay cool I hope that everybody can hear me just fine hello hello hello let me adjust this sorry incoming mic waitin hello good evening thanks that wire how are you doing let me just like quickly set up here it's been it's been a few weeks since I've actually like done any real surname you know like i streamed last night but this channel hold on okay all right hello hi how's it going I haven't been streaming here for a little while because I've been moving but I'm back I'm back and I'm gonna do some sculpting obviously hey Holly how's it going Diablo hi it looks like I shaved my head oh wow this is su V no I'm kidding greetings hey again LCM LnL theum I'm sorry yeah so okay so you guys don't know what my segment is if I can't even remember everything just kidding my segment is basically are gonna be taking this smear and I'm just gonna mash it around and try and find a whole bunch of sheep so it's kind of like a chaotic mess it's a nice kind of an exercise to do when you don't really you know have anything in particular in mind or you want to just practice shape language and just designing by seeing what you can find in a mess it's not necessarily something that you do as a final product you know you'd always want to go and grab references to create a final product that actually has some kind of a weight to it and to push your character further but this is sort of like a really nice besides to just kind of let go and let loose and just be really artsy fartsy and just kind of like have fun with what you're doing without actually like you know feeling like you're constrained to any kind of already predefined concept of any kind and you don't have to like feel like you're doing something wrong because nothing is really wrong in this case it's just sort of like you're you're letting yourself see what you already know basically because your imagination is built off of all the things that you've already seen in life you know you can't imagine anything that you haven't already seen so to do something like this is just sort of just to have fun just to see what's in what's in here what and then at the end of everything and when you're done you know having fun sculpting you always look at what you just did and be like okay well obviously that hind leg of that creature that I just made is just not so good so maybe I need to do some more studies on that so it's engrained up here and then when you're doing future concepts you don't have to rely so much on copying pictures and your your visual library gross right all of course you're always going to need reference that's not what I was saying but it is again disclaimer it's an exercise hey Barrett how's it going yes Becky well that's my normal schedule right yeah so yesterday came back to streaming after I was told it was a whole month I was gone and sorry it's been so long yeah like I said like I moved and I'm all settled well mostly settled in the new place now so you can probably hear a little bit of an echo that's because I've got a very blank canvas of a room to work with here but we're gonna flush that out at some point and and yeah yeah I'm I'm back hey mr. littles back in my same that right I don't think I'm saying that with I don't think I'm saying your name right oh I'm so sorry you were streaming were you streaming yesterday actually guys if you don't know both oli graph and TS a little back if I'm saying his name right I'm so sorry they're they're both they're both streamers here on pixologic channel so go and give them a look-see very very talented you pay purchased if you know that you could handle these all right by pariksit oh I'm kidding okay so if you guys want to join in on this sort of like random the sculpting sort of thing I'm thinking actually I'm gonna ask you guys to give me some key words today I'm thinking I kind of want to go in the direction of a dragon today just because I did say that I would yesterday so if you guys want to give some key words then I could gear it towards whatever you guys kind of put down in in chat so like you know throw down some elementals throw down some like some nature things some other kind of animals whichever whatever kind of pops into your mind I'll give you like five minutes to do that and then I'll start like sculpting and see where the shapes lead and then I'll have those words in my head as I sculpted maybe something will come out of it so do I have formal training um so the big thing my my big thing is if you're if you're talking about with ZBrush no I don't have formal training with ZBrush or 3d of any kind of that matter I had all all of my training in in 2d animation so I went to school at Sheridan College and I got my my bachelor's degree in mostly truly it was mostly traditional animation was being taught at the time and also just 2d animation like on Toon Boom and things of that nature they did have like a like you know one course that was just like okay this is how you bring something but it wasn't really like I didn't really learn any of my 3d knowledge from from school but it did allow me to see that where I wanted to go wasn't necessarily the 2d route so that's why I'm here hey Kyle how's it going zombie dragon unicorns platypus woo a hybrid animal like Avatar The Last Airbender okay okay okay oh man like I Oh what would like a unicorn a unicorn dragon sort of thing look like that that could be interesting even zombie like alright okay well that's all if that's all I'm gonna eight-headed serpent you do realize that only have a couple of hours here bones okay okay yeah traditionally training before they before you get into 3d is actually not a bad thing at all it's not needed it's not 100% necessary but I do think that it helps a lot when jumping in to 3d because when you're thinking about learning you know learning art while you're learning a software it can add a like an extra layer of frustration and an extra layer of okay well this is another thing that I have to learn on top of all the things that I need to learn with art right so if you're just focusing on traditional art first and you get all your basics down and you're able to draw it you know you don't have to draw like amazingly but you understand shape language you understand the elements of design etc etc then you're going to be a lot better off jumping into 3d because then you don't have to focus as much on okay well why doesn't this look good right then you have to just learn the tool you're always gonna have to worry about why doesn't this look good because you know let's be real all artists do that to themselves Falkor the luck okay alright okay I'm just gonna start moving stuff around and then we'll see we'll see where this where this where this lands you guys did say unicorn we'll see if we can get that into sort of like I think that could be actually pretty cool oh yeah and I was saying before if you guys wanted to join in with all of this kind of stuff feel free to that actually ZBrush is offering a 14-day free trial down below or is it forty day forty or forty eight day forty day be kind to me it's been a little while there's a free trial for ZBrush down below and be in the information section so if you want to try it you always have that option okay looks like lower this to yeah so if you ever see that happening I'll show you exactly what I was talking about where this starts happening with your clay clay buildup and it starts taking away too much of like the other side you can actually put on your back face masking which I have right here in my UI but you can go in to brush auto masking and then there's a little button right here called back base masking you just take that on then it'll make sure that anything on the opposite end of the brush will not get affected even though even if like the radius is big enough to affect it 45 45 I'm sorry Thank You Kyle 45 day free trial of ZBrush booth you can get in the info panel panels down below so then we give that a look see if you have not tried ZBrush yet okay before I do anything I'm actually gonna take usually I flesh like the the head out first but I think I'm gonna take an overall rough rough approach to this concept and try like the entire body all at once instead but in order to do all that actually I'm going to just scale this down a bit because then my dynamic brush is nice and good like thanks my bad [Music] this could be kind of interesting a lot of the time like you know to cut shapes out I actually take like the clip the clip brush like so and by doing a control shift and drag you get your clip brush going and you can actually get like you know you can start chipping away at the silhouette now I'm kind of thinking almost like this looks a little bit EMU like right now but I kind of want to go like a little bit more like yeah a little bit greyhound but also a little bit EMU it's still maintaining that bit of like a horsey kind of a thing and it the thing is like when I when I do this kind of stuff - like I stay pretty messy and I stay pretty zoomed out for like a while so you're gonna get you're gonna get it like a lot of that Hey Seagal what's up a unicorn with shazier huh I get it unicorn dev an eighty pop 80's pop star oh my gosh oh man yeah that that would be pretty actually immediately when you said 80s all I'm thinking about is that game Jost did anybody play that game Jost hold on let me let me see I love that game like here let me I'll link it in chat here has anybody played this freaking loved Maggie hey Thad how's it going hey Reggie flying snail yeah no kidding right and that's another thing too when you're starting your your sculpts don't worry if it looks really really bad for the first leg even half an hour an hour or whatever lose you're just looking around for shapes you're just trying to find it you know the idea is to start really messy if you think about a painting and the one of the best ways to do really quick paintings and not worry about a blank canvas is to just kind of like throw down a whole bunch of strokes and then just feel like okay what do I see in here and just keep it really messy really loose and just keep layering on top of it and it's sort of like the same sort of approach that I use for painting I'm kind of bringing into the sculptural world we're just like okay I'm not going to be as scared about if this looks really bad or not because ZBrush is extremely forgiving it doesn't matter if you have something that looks really bad as long as like you know you haven't already put on all of your like your details and everything so if you have something really loose then it's easy to change if you put on like a whole bunch of your details and you like really flesh out like a head or a claw or you know maybe like the chest part and it's just like oh this looks so good then you're like restricted to one bit of your model that one bit of your painting whichever it is that you're working your art you're restricted to that because you're not able to let it go and that's where my free like the phrase that I use a lot I learned this in school actually and I haven't ever like let let it go on that phrase anyways is just kill your babies not your actual babies but like you know don't hold your art so precious keep it nice and loose if something isn't working thrown away sort of a thing so don't worry if your stuff doesn't look good for a first a little while a lot of people get very frustrated that you know what they're doing doesn't look good don't worry about that just keep it up just keep it up oh yeah you guys have please just that's awesome yeah it was so fun it was so so fun oh did did avatar actually started to Jos movie that's amazing I wish they would make like I wish they would did it did they remake that game cuz I feel like they need to like bring it back a sergo am Canadian I am Canadian Hayes on axe okay back to back to dragon bird thing [Music] so I'm gonna actually do this thing I'm gonna try and give it like some kind of a crazy crazy mane if you guys are here just to kind of see what the end result will look like and then come back in I'd say two hours and you'll get a better idea where I'm going with this but I urge you to stay to understand a process so I actually don't mind about all like this stretching and stuff a lot of people ask me well how come you're not dying to meshing it like I don't i only dynamesh it when i need to and like this right now because I'm just like pushing around shapes I'm literally just looking at this exterior lying right here I'm not looking what's on the inside right now like I am looking at like this shape that's being pushed around on the outside so a lot of people are like oh my gosh doesn't that drive you crazy like that's so ugly yes of course of course I would get rid of that when I'm starting to actually sculpt sculpt but right now it's just sort of like well you're taking shapes and you're pushing them around like I don't like constantly dinah meshing this kind of stuff like I just feel like I don't need to at this stage because again like I am only only looking for for a general like you know silhouettes you're oh yeah no well Ken that's nice you should come visit just maybe not in the mood dead middle of winter because it's kind of gross but you know whatever oh the lab of birds were so cool and jost I kind of really want to play this now specifically that now like maybe after stream I'll be school and play a little bit of Jost [Music] I'm thinking in here oops most of that end up being the actual head and there's like sort of like a feathery mean and increase this so I'm increasing this a lot more than it was before just because we ended up scaling this down a bit so you have to take that into account when nighttime measuring yourself again it's like how big it is in the actual in the actual document as well what's this don't do I have it for oh you mean joust I had it on the on the PC I remember playing it on like Windows 95 or something like that when I was a kid like my dad had introduced it to me because I was really bored he used to bring me to work and sit me down and I would have to play like this submarine math game because he was just like well if you're gonna play games at least make it like you know educational or whatever that whole like math game phase that came home with like Windows and I I don't know I don't even know what it was but then I just start complaining a lot and he finally like introduced me to like jost I actually don't know like there was a PC one but then the right there was also a PlayStation 1 version as well I remember playing on the PlayStation 1 as well hey tio yeah no worries no worries good go go go do your homework awesome to the unicorn kinda yeah maybe a little bit a little bit so who here actually went to go inside a little bit of a topic change but who here went to see it and did you guys like it ah it's like anytime you say did you like it your really referring to it the movie but typically when you say did you like it you're referring to an ambiguous thing or you know something that you had just referred to in that situation and it's very specific to that situation but here it's being specific to a thing Oh the English language thinking be pushed out a bit more okay you're welcome very you thought it should have been a Netflix series yeah there is yeah that's that's that's the thing with with that movie I feel like I I liked how they handled it I really enjoyed the movie and I'm okay with it being a to parts like movie like just uh you know like the older older bits and then the younger bits kind of split into two because in the book what happens is it's back and forth so I actually really like how they handled it here but I can see how it could have been it honestly could have been a miniseries as well like you're saying but I like the fact that they did make it a movie because then you have like the higher budget and the longer timeframe to get it done as well and so then you just get an overall like more I feel like a more fulfilling end result I enjoyed it but no spoilers don't put spoilers in chat no no no chat Soilers but I just wanted to know like if anybody anybody was really into that because I was really into that I'll see if you guys have any questions on anything that I'm doing please feel free to ask and this is honestly like the blocking stage is one of my favorite parts of sculpting anything it always has been [Music] Yaser go they might I think that they might try to do that like I'm not a hundred percent sure there's a lot of theories that like of things relating to other bits of like you know other other books from Stephen King but I'm not going to get into that because I don't want to do any spoilers or potential spoilers what are we working on Roy it's the random sort of like dragon type creature but like you know they the chap said a bunch of key words and I'm kind of trying to mingle that in like somebody said unicorn people said feathers people said bones so I'm gonna see like all this is right up my alley so I'm liking it oh yeah farik's yeah like we talked about last night I'm not gonna mention it on this stream though but I yeah they they definitely they changed the source material for the better for that movie the movie it may definitely they left out parts that should have never been in there in the first place so that was I thought they handled the movie really really well and the art direction was amazing and I don't even know how they find all of these child actors that are just like so out-of-this-world talented like it's like they're growing them in LA or something they have like a plant or a farm that they're just growing these children actually instead of that I think I'm gonna make like a bit of like a main thing or like a a chest poof what would you call that a chest poof what are those called the chest poof's you know like on cats how they have like that tuft that comes out of their chests is they have a specific word [Music] [Music] hey Shane yeah okay guys if you don't know Shane you should you should definitely check him out she's also a pixologic streamer and I'm really only sculpting a dragon-like creature because he was sculpting a dragon last night so thanks Shane well the lava dum-dum reaping party yeah I believe just started watching rick and morty like when i moved so like a week ago i started watching like i've been binging I'm almost done season two so don't spoil anything I want to see pickle Rick so bad I haven't seen pickle right don't spoil it yeah strange I think the other we're really good as well it's like this whole like phase of like kid actors in 80s movies you know like or just shows in general like like eighties you know it's got that 80s vibe like that's getting really like a zerg like coming back and I love it I welcome it with open arms because my favorite everything is 80s Chris I Kris honestly I used to not watch your new morning as I don't we just started binging it it's so good you should get on it is it scary it's like it's thrilling I wouldn't say it's scary um if you're actually like if you legitimately have a fear of clowns then maybe but it just kind of explores fears in general like you know what are what are people's fears and how you deal with fears so that's actually a really the same thing but I wouldn't necessarily say he's like terrified it's kind of disturbing in some some aspects but hey I could still sleep it was not but then again I read the book when I was I think I read it when I was like 12 I think it was yeah I read it when I was too old or something he was not good that I read it that young but here I am [Music] Oh a plume yeah that's like for birds though like I wouldn't say that a cats tuft of fur coming out of its chest would be called a plume but for birds it's definitely called the plume you're right yes thank you I'll just assume it's a plume they farm child actors in Le and that's what I was saying like they definitely farm them there or something like they grow them in like rooms I don't know no yeah well it's good to have you here Shane you haven't seen it yet but you'll look for him definitely oh you had a webinar cool I didn't know that yeah that's what I was saying coming out of the theater watching it I was like okay the book was way worse like after I read it like as a kid like I had I was like psychologically like mess didn't like the book I feel like it's not necessarily like the reason why the book ends up being a lot worse than the movie is because books you you know you use your own imagination what your own fears are are applied to that writing there are no visuals to go along with it so it's very like psychological in that sense but then the movie everything has already applied there so things that might be really creepy to the people creating it and what they think the audience will react to might not be the same for everyone but he was still very disturbing but I did think like the book was way worse and that's it's one of those things though like where I don't think I honestly I don't think that you could interpret a book like that exactly like they did a really good job for what it what it was worth [Music] you know lower this a bit is it need to be so high res [Music] hey workshop how's it going do I need a hug no I needed a hug maybe when I was 12 now I just feel like I'm a very very disturbed human being it's okay but I can definitely tell you when I was a kid I had a lot of nightmares it was definitely the scariest Stephen King book that I read too because like I read quite a few Stephen King books and that was definitely the scariest one but it was also the most like best like issue there was things that I just didn't need to know I just didn't need to be there it was like the definition of excessive I know they did like a rerelease of of his book as well and I'm curious like a really curious to know if they left certain scenes in there or if they like purposely like nixed them hi drew yes yes man probably they're just like they're just hanging upside down in like these vats they're just growing these like child actors to to star in 80s in 80s like films see the real what they really are they're just a bunch of androids you said you get person yes all right see yes there go thanks for thanks for stopping by same with you look alright I've been talking too much about it I'm sorry actually I really want this to be like really this is what I mean by like I absolutely don't care about like moving stuff around and squishing it around cuz all of this is gonna like change anyways I just kind of want to make sure that I'm getting like a good overall shape and like I had said before like I'm looking at the the outline the silhouette of the character I'm not looking at like anything else but this [Music] kind of getting like a little bit of a turkey vibe [Music] and of course yes we'll get some wings and even though you guys know my previous streams where I try to do wings as always just never finished because wings take freakin forever but here we do here we do here we do a little like shoulder joint right there [Music] no music you can't oh yeah it's it's there but it's like really quiet because I get a lot of like diems from people being like you not having music anything I'm like I gotta listen to something though I'll go crazy if I don't have anything to hear I need to hear things ya know the original TV scene miniseries not good in my opinion anyways some people actually like that you're not you know how to export a double sphere map cap from ZBrush export it to what like just as a like do you want to just save it as a material like a ZBrush material or woody what exactly are you trying to do seagull oh yeah the ZBrush summit is coming up really soon guys if you don't if you're not able to make it like me to the event in LA do not fear because there's going to be live coverage on this channel right here and you could come and hang out with me and a bunch of other people that are not going to be able to actually like make the the LA trip this year but it is highly recommended there's so many good presentations I tuned in like for the past two years to the ZBrush summit because that's the only you know maybe times that I actually knew about it but now I know about it and now it's tuned in so should you should come hang out come hang out the music drowns out the inner voices oh you know me so well your voice to space shoot do it so if anybody knows that wings are very much like fingers like they're they actually just have fingers so when you're when you're doing wings treat like the actual like prongs of the wing like you would phalanges aka like your bones and your fingers because that's technically what it is and as they're flying with their hands and dragon wings are very much like bat things all the time is what they're based off of oh thanks Josie welcome welcome yeah or or you can watch it on ZBrush that's another one as well there might not actually be a delay as well because I know ZBrush like pixologic likes to give out prizes during um during during the summit so it's actually imperative that you don't have a delay on your stream to actually like get some of the timed ones so if the ZBrush live has no delay then you should hang out there for those things I'm sorry I'm I'm always like so focused what I'm doing is easier stuff so just like get it in the spot please during it yeah I should probably keep it up but that like kind of want to risk that okay rotates if you want to win exactly exactly shut sign up for Twitter if you haven't already follow pixologic and then when they do those Twitter questions you'll have a chance those over those are you got to be slipped I know I I don't know if Mort is in the chat tonight but he won one of one of the last ones that were that were happening he got a mobile studio pro from pixologic that was pretty cool [Music] everybody was gunning for that thing but the swiftest wins okay overall that that should be fine and then well do get that down so if you want to get rid of when you're using Z spheres and you want to make sure that your adaptive skin remains the way that 4r7 used to do it where it was just subdivisions of one two or whatever you actually used to put it as for the abduct adaptive skin just make sure that you actually take down this dynamesh resolution bar and then I'll immediately once you put it to 0 it will assume the legacy version of adaptive skin creation not that's not legacy but like the other way of doing it where it's just like the basic subdivision levels so I do that because I mean I'm just I'm not really looking for a dynamesh versioning when I'm doing this I'm just kind of looking for a really not that one believe that a pen this one there we go this is really all I'm looking for here ooh yeah but it's got some DS yeah yeah that tablet everyone was gunning for that tablet so I'm gonna fix like this hole hold it right here because this is a very wrong this is very very wrong it's all that yeah no problem no problem Wow we've only been doing this for 50 minutes I feel like this has been wait longer than 50 minutes I'm in like hyperdrive today but now that I said that I'm just probably like slowed down and then not actually finish anything the rash I am NOT a fan of how this is looking right now so it's good that and that would actually be sort of like an attached skin thing so all muscle would come out of here so we could play with the straights in the back bit okay let's do it quick dynamesh and also if you're if you're working really low razzing you don't mind all the stretching and stuff you notice how like it actually leaves behind some like weird funky lines and I actually use that to my advantage when I am I'm sculpting things from like you know concept thing from my head because then you could think of like you know muscle structures or you know unique sort of unique looks and shapes that you might not have thought about on your own is sort of like I guess as you as bob ross would say happy little accidents happy little trees if you want to be a true probe say every accident that's there it's intentional because being a good concept artist is embracing the accidents I don't know if that's actually a hundred percent true I'm just kind of like biessing right now but according to what I said that means I'm doing it right no kidding all right so here I'm gonna look for that negative space that is very very very like almost minimal in this area I want to do it or like a very like how do I say it so a taper right so if you're seeing what I'm doing like the very like you know small to big small to big small to big that's usually a thing that I do in order to draw your eye faster so a very sleek character will have a lot of very like small at the points that want that want you to start your eye going fast and larger where it wants you to slow down so when you see something tapered very very small your eye is immediately drawn there and then pushed into a into a larger space after it so that's why I do a lot of like tapers because the small bits are almost sort of like a chokehold so you like a chokepoint rather so if you kind of imagine water as your eye going through a hose the wire the hose with the same amount of water the slower it will go but the the thinner the the hose is when the water is going through it it's a lot like it's a lot harder and stronger and faster when it's coming out like the pressure is more so it's going faster it's kind of its kind of the same same idea with your eye is the larger it is the more your eye can relax and chill whereas the small points will shoot your eyes from point to point so saying that in action right here your eye relaxes but this is where it gets shot up really fast you don't spend a lot of time looking at this but you spend more time looking at the larger areas because you've been pushed in by the smaller the smaller directional cues sorry if I didn't explain that very well I'm still working on finding a way to explain that better but remember tapers are your friend tapering use them as arrows some human feet yeah human feet would probably help this a lot I don't know what I'm thinking hey make there how are you oh don't worry she yeah you can you can post and your your stuff here that's totally fine I don't mind I honestly don't mind everything you do should be intentional Mookie a fluffy unicorn I don't know she do you also do you also kind of like apply that sort of a thing to your your works I can see it as well some people so depending on your style is like how extreme you apply that sort of like that's sort of a theory the theoretical approach to your designs I actually only recently realized that I was doing it because I started having to explain my thought process behind this sort of stuff to people but it kind of like came with just doing this a lot and sort of like having some sort of like anesthetic so depending on what your aesthetic is is how extreme that those transitions will be a lot of the time and also the type of character that you're creating like beefy muscular things they're not gonna have you know really long you know slender bodies and you know really thin appendages that Lino's send your eye going really fast throughout it it'll actually be a lot slower and that's actually intentional but the tapers will still be there because it doesn't keep your eye one spot doesn't let your eye get stagnant but another way to apply shape language to the things that you're creating is to think okay well is this creature gonna be fast right so something like this looks like it could be pretty quick because it is soo shooting your eye theoretically really fast throughout the entire model you're going from this this point all the way down to the tail and back very very quickly because of all these really long sharp tapers so you're just kind of like whew something bigger and bulkier you're focused on the the overall for a longer period of time [Music] so I'm a bit of a weirdo as well when it comes to using a floor I don't actually like using the the floor that comes default I like to just kind of take like a square and send it down like that and then kind of use that as like a base floor just a temporary vase Lord [Music] [Music] [Music] and don't forget to always always always take your appendages and make sure that there's some sort of like bone going through everything like if you have stuff that doesn't exactly look right think to yourself well is it because I'm not exactly dictating that bone underneath so you can see how I'm like lining everything up here it's because I'm thinking of the bones underneath and then how the skin sits on top of that instead of just kind of letting it be all over the place I'm thinking okay well this has like a bone under there and that's why it looks so off is because the bone isn't like in the dead center like it should be [Music] no thanks Shane yeah I'm just kind of it's sort of like I have a lot of favorites that III usually defaults to k9 bird and reptile I mean that's pretty like wide but in in general I find my my defaults are usually like Greyhound because of how like sleek and slender they are or you could think like cheetah as well and then another one that I go to a lot is like monitor lizard and Python and another one would be like in terms of birds I usually go like hawk or something like those are usually like default like default shapes that I go to so a lot of the time I try to like recognize when I'm doing that and I'm like okay that's mirror way but for this one I kind of like yeah but you guys said like these things in sheds I'm kind of I can I'm okay with this right now because this is an exercise tin Kimmy this is actually all from my head I'm not necessarily doing this to make it like 100 perfect percent perfect or anything when you're doing an actual project so you know if you're putting something in your portfolio to say hey this is you know my actual concept work this is what I could do professionally you know that sort of a thing then you're gonna want to use reps and stuff but this is like an exercise and yes I am a bit of a hypocrite because some of these things I do put on my art station but I always make sure to specify that it is an exercise it's not it's not necessarily something that I would say oh final product perfect Anatomy or anything like that so when you're doing your studies don't do it from your head because you're not gonna learn anything do it from a reference and this is this is something that you can do to wind down or just kind of have fun as an artist because a lot of it you do need to just kind of like break free from the reference and have fun sometimes because if you don't you get a little bit a little bit stale you know it becomes a little bit you know redundant doing you know coffee coffee coffee you need to be able to just be like okay let me be free for a second and then go back to it alright goodnight dark Spartacus heavy have a good night spirit animal cheetah how I would say DJ why don't you try to use a busy brush tutorial or not sorry the ZBrush free trial and see how that how that fares in comparison to sculptures because they are two different programs the way that ZBrush handles clay is quite different from the way sculptress does so you actually might want to try that if you're thinking about being like doing doing sculpting professionally at some point I would say definitely give ZBrush a whirl because you know we don't really use sculptress for sculpting in I mean like in a professional context oh that's so weird do you guys see that it almost looks like a little baby face on the very end here oh that is so weird do you see that oh that is so freaky oh I don't like that that's like some Dark Soul II kind of stuff look at that ooh part of me kind of wants to go with it you do you see that oh my god you thought the baby because I mean yes it totally was no this is what I mean by one of those like accidents that happen and you're just kind of like I meant to do that Alfie's oh man but it's so weird being like back there like that or just like right there I mean all right I mean why not right why not we're just wondering if edges a little too [Music] [Music] so yep this is gonna get freaking weird yeah actually that could be now let's put that down and then have all of that sort of stuff coming out from the bottom here [Music] okay I'm starting to dig it I think that's good work this is good this could definitely work but I think it needs to be like facing down more all right you maker will have a great sleep thanks for stopping by if it's a small animal it feels down neck there we go it's very large I'm thinking this is like a boss I know everything just kind of like results into creepy but I want it to be I have a feeling that I kind of want this to be like a little bit more of like a beautiful creepy like I really want like that sort of like super flowy like hair kind of stuff but it's it's sort of like fleshy at the same time like I'm thinking like this whole bit right here is gonna be sort of like stitched together mouth you guys did say zombie so I kind of want to make sure spooky roman goddess yeah actually kind of so anybody excited for Halloween I usually like I haven't actually been doing anything for Halloween but I think this year I'm gonna do something for Halloween I kind of want to I haven't ever actually had like the time but now I feel like I have a lot more time this horror like I think if we're gonna go for it we're gonna really go for it this is another thing that I like to tell people is don't be afraid to push your sculpt like your your designs as far as they are able to go without it looking ridiculous and breaking like what I mean by that is like if I if I hold on wait but how do you take the dynamic off again I know that they they patched that but what's the new way to take dynamic off I can't remember so this would be like something like like this could be ridiculous you know like that that's a little bit too much like that's too pushed like you want there to be some sort of a balance with your character a balance in in weight so if I were to take this horn and push it all the way out here something that means I would have to do something absolutely crazy with the other end of the body but that's not something I really wanted you yeah it did it change the entire concept by putting the little creepy head at the front two clicks to disable dynamic oh I guess I have to do it with the spacebar okay I have to do it this spacebar that's why because I use right click and you can't do that with right click that's why thank you yeah okay makes sense we get a real Friday the 13th is zero for real that's sick that's awesome it's gonna be real spooky when when is Friday the 13th is it next month you guys want to see some some cool something cool [Music] let's do it here this is called curved quad fill it is a brush that comes in ZBrush and you can get you can get this by drawing but that wasn't exactly accurate so the hold on I think when you do for kirk quad fill you can take the buff up I remember mmm sit in stroke snapped a circus [Music] okay I'll try that it might not work though might not work yeah cuz it's it's drawing back there remember there is okay well for next time I'll figure that out again and come back to you it's been a little while so excuse me I know that there is a way to make it not on just the Zed plain but I can't remember right now so I'm not gonna make myself look like a fool we're just gonna do this and then manually put it into place cuz we want this to be messy anyways but yeah curved quad Phil does this for you and I think you don't have to worry you don't have to worry about like taking a new plane or anything like that and shaping it you could just kind of draw in the area that you want all of this geo to go October what yeah wait is it actually so Friday the 13th in October oh yeah it is nice nice it's gonna be a scary October okay so because you're using when we use the kerf quad Phil it actually puts it all on to the same it puts it on to the same subtool so what you want to do is split the mast points so then you end up with two separate pieces because then you know unless you want to like merge everything together with dynamesh afterwards but I do not so then I'm gonna take the curved quad fill again one here so okay if it's really messy totally fine because we're gonna fix that later she just sort of like to get something in place just guess what the mass points anyways but yeah if you guys have any questions let me know because there's only like so much that I can kind of say as I'm doing this kind of stuff so if you're if you're curious as to what I'm doing if I'm not explaining something just kind of like give me a nudge be like hey can you tell me how to do that or hey what did you have for breakfast today or hey what's your favorite movie I don't know whatever questions you might have [Music] alright goodnight seagull have a good have a good night have a good sleep okay so this one's gonna be a little bit more tricky I think [Music] masked I kind of want to do a stream in the future at some point where I hate like I kind of do a realistic well not realistic but like because nothing that I do is really realistic looking but something a little bit more like you know this this style and then try to stylize it like crazy as well so I take the same design and do it in two different styles I kind of want to do that and probably do that on my channel at some point if anyone's interested right now on my channel I'm working on I'm working on the shark the business shark so if anybody's interested in seeing progress on the business shirt you can drop by my channel or any kind of shenanigans in general because you know that channel is absolutely ridiculous it's much different than this channel it might like the one I stream on my own personal channel this one I try to explain things to you I try to give you as much information as I can about sculpting but if you're looking to just kind of like have fun and all that kind of stuff then you can come and hang out on my channel and it's absolutely ridiculous very different so don't be surprised what you see but if you aren't interested it is slash 8 cubed but you can see actually at the bottom here I'll go for a little spin I'll go fern Oh Here I am right down here so if you want to if you if you want to see anything to do with my personal stream can go over there Sam what am I taught three creature designers Oh No that's so hard to answer uh okay um oh I don't I don't think I can like I don't think I can actually say like a top three I can I can list just three but it doesn't necessarily mean they're a my like they're like my top you know like because I have just so many favorites and I'm really bad with names as well so it's like the only only I'm really only like gonna be saying the ones that come to mind right now and I would I would have to say some of my bigger biggest inspirations for creature stuff would be one Anthony Jones just because like I've been looking at his work since like forever which is robot pencil if you guys know him another one is actually creature box they basically created the Ratchet and Clank look they're they're freakin amazing I love all their critter designs and something you're gonna see like you're gonna notice with like my fate my favorites is that they're all very very very much focused on the aspect of shapes just finding those basic shapes and then growing from there because that makes such a like a striking with just a striking sort of design like right off the back where you're just looking at and you're like I get it I pre can get it in those badass and all like the little details that they put on afterwards it just kind of like helps sell it and then obviously I'm gonna have to say Geiger HR Giger so those are those are three of them but I there are so many more that I like it's like it's so it's so hard for me to just kind of be like oh yeah yeah just these three what's my favorite idea what do you mean eros do you mean my favorite thing that I've come up with or somebody else's idea or it's very very broad where would I like to travel Iceland I want to go to Iceland it looks freakin amazing please let me go to Iceland I can't afford the trip yet but it's gonna happen at some point go to Iceland I love anywhere that has like volcanoes and I went I remember when I would visit 'add BC I was just so stoked to go and see the volcanoes and stuff there that was that was amazing I love mountains mountainous areas anywhere that I can feel very very small and humbled I feel very inspired when things are bigger than me and I can see like the the scale of everything and just feel insignificant I know that sounds insane but there's something about feeling humbled in nature that just makes me want to strive for more when I feel like you know all there is is flat ground and and buildings and I don't know I just seeing seeing really big things really beautiful things that nature can create I'm just like well dang son let me get there let me get to your level with mother nature oh thanks ollie and appreciate it what's my favorite movie my favorite movie Oh No oh that's another thing then just like I am so many favorite movies how did you do this I'm gonna say like my most recent liked movie is it because I've been talking about it yeah I've been talking about it for like half of the stream and it's a lot of its to do with the fact that I watched it or I read the book when I was really young and I just really liked what they ended up doing with the interpretation this time and to the art direction and everything it's just like it's so brilliant um but favorite movie oh my gosh I really like the second Lord of the Rings the Twin Towers or the two towers the two towers okay sorry oh yeah totally my favorite movie the Twin Towers oh my gosh I'm gonna ban myself right now that's like that's calling for a ban right there right there just ban me just end it I don't deserve anything but yeah it's one of those things where I just have so many movies that I really like it's just like oh but like what can I even think of I can't think of anything now you're putting me on the spot favorite movie uh I should just like write this sort of stuff down and memorize it for a generic question our [Music] yeah I think it looks so beautiful right it's on my bucket list of all DJ number one place to go as well yeah I think it's a lot of people like a lot of people just want to see the beauty of it right because you see all these pictures online you're just like what in the actual so I'm just kind of like okay well I'm gonna get small as hell and I'm gonna just I'm just gonna go ham on Iceland I'm gonna I'm gonna hike everywhere I'm gonna hike the whole thing not probably dying but I'm just I want to see it I want to see it real bad no see workshop we should be surprised though that's what I was saying is I have so many favorite artists that I don't really want to put like a top three like I wouldn't say they're like mic top three they're just the ones that come to mind immediately there are a lot of artists that I'm inspired by though and you should have a lot of artists that you're inspired by you shouldn't just kind of like pick a few and just be like only looking at only those few artists because then you'll become them right like it's sort of one of those things or if you want to develop your own style you look at a lot of people's stuff and also real life real life is a big one [Music] this creature already has the easy yeah sorry Gerald make a chat come in the favorite movie oh my god I know dang yeah Iceland just not like super super cold though from what I hear and it's not like like it doesn't get like extremely warm either so it's just kind of like moderate I have a bunch of friends that have gone to Iceland during the winter time and they they say it's freaking awesome especially with the Northern Lights and everything [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so this doesn't look exactly right because the the bone is kind of doing its own thing it's going all over the place so we're gonna fix that we're gonna fix that bone we're gonna fix your bone going to the doctor go on go on and get a cast here buddy you got to get this fixed this is not this is not appropriate it's bad [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay bye Shane have a great night thanks so much for stopping by guys if you don't know who Shane is please go and check him out he's also a streamer on pixologic here and he's very talented his own course all that kind of stuff drop that drop that real good go check him out you got some your streaming yesterday I think yes oh yeah two weeks from now so I'm excited to is gonna be good did I go to an art school I went to a soap first I went to a high school dedicated to the Fine Arts so I learned how to paint I learned how to draw all that kind of stuff and then I went off to a like in high school it was like I didn't have like any elective courses or anything it was just like art art art art art art art sort of a thing without any like instruction it was sort of like here's some tools go and do your thing so it was kind of like well I'm forced to do art so it was very it was a lot of traditional traditional stuff that I learned there and then I went into 2d animation which they did have like a 3d course but it wasn't anything that I do now sort of a thing in in college and that was at Sheridan College in Ontario and that was that was good like I I enjoyed going there but I did not become an animator and I didn't stay in traditional mediums I just kind of realized that I didn't want to do that after a while but I I can't say that I'm mad that I took a traditional course over you know a 3d course because I was able to really focus on the things that you know I needed to in order to build a stronger foundation of art I guess you could say so I wasn't really like as I was saying earlier I wasn't bogged down with like having to learn programs or anything while I was there it was very much like okay well you know you want to get good animating you want to get good at drawing draw you know you get it art just do it sort of the thing it wasn't it wasn't jump into any 3d stuff but I'm glad that I found ZBrush because now I do this professionally and it is a lot of fun I still draw but I yeah and I also paint I actually do paint overs of the sculpts that I do so I like to incorporate them both painting and 3d sculpting and ZBrush is actually really great for that as well so with this in order to tie this in to the other stuff I'm actually thinking of taking these bits and first I'm gonna dynamesh them though well then ooh okay hold on let me make sure that Nazi brush or OBS that OBS has the priority here don't want us to crash why do I use snake hook instead of move the classic question okay so the reason why I use snake hook is because it goes really fast it's just really really quick and move tool the move tool is great for precise details and things like that but when I first started using Z rush as you have probably you know been able to gather from the stories I've been telling you about my my learning experience is that I didn't have any proper training and so one of the things that I actually picked up first when I picked up ZBrush was the snake hook tool and I thought that was the way to move things even though there was explicitly a move tool I still decided that snake hook was the way so me being me being the tool I am I just kept using snake hook and now it's kind of just one of my defaults so I have learned to use the snake hook tool in a way that is very similar to the move tool except exaggerated I wouldn't recommend that everybody does this because it is a very finicky tool but I've used it for so long now that I understand I understand how it works it is good for creating things that need to be like you know fangs or hooks of that nature but I just kind of like use it in a general sense because I know how it's going to turn how it's gonna push things and all that but you know honestly if you want to try it out I say hey you try it out because it is a lot of fun to use but the move tool is your general moving device yeah exactly Kyle so when I do my paint like when I do concepts a lot of the time I actually like to just even even if it's like a really rough crappy sculpt like I could take something like this on an angle and then I would just kind of like go into Photoshop afterwards and be like okay well you know at least now I have like all of the basics all down there and I can just grow from that and actually you know if you you do a quick BPR of it as well then BAM you've got like some shadows as well and you're able to just kind of like start blending out stuff and you know the further you go in your sculpt to the further you can go like you know the less work that you have to do when you're doing a paint over but the thing is like as long as you have your shapes down then it's just like oh yeah no this is great and for me because I'm such a spaz it's actually nice for me to start my concepts in ZBrush a lot of the time sometimes I do like quick sketches in you know on a piece of paper or and then like you know scan them in or I do quick like doodles in Photoshop and I'm like you know they're not like fantastic or anything like that but I'm just like okay well I kind of I kind of like where this is going I kind of want to you know start sculpting it and then I would take that drawing and then I would sculpt it and start you know changing concept like fluidly and then go back to photoshop and paint over it and stuff like that so it's a very it's like a mix of things I feel like you know because it's so forgiving it's one of those things where even if you don't have like an exact pipeline it's the fact that you can just keep going back and forth from these two Pro programs it's like it's nice and you don't have to worry about you know being right or wrong or anything like that it's just like oh if you can get this looking good then who's to tell you like you know you're cheating or whatever like I don't find painting over a model cheating I find it efficient right so that's that's just it because if you're if you're you know if you're not a good artist people are going to be able to tell even if you're painting over a model right like it's you're either you either know what you're doing or you don't it's like saying it's it's the same as saying somebody who is really good at sculpting but can't draw and then they start you know drawing something that they don't know what they're doing but if they if they do know what they're doing they're going to have a general idea and the idea is is what matters and so if somebody can't draw but then they scope something and then do like a quick you know paint over of it or a quick like composite that's not technically cheating like that shouldn't be considered cheating right and I hear that I hear actually hear that a lot is oh well you're cheated it's like you mean cheated you're just doing it faster yeah either no you suck or you don't hotkey references PDF anywhere in ZBrush I think I'm gonna try a free trial i want to do prepare as possible yes the ZBrush does I don't know exactly where this I think they have like a hold manual with that kind of stuff DJ if you go on to oh my goodness what is it called again it's been a while I'm so sorry well then oh my gosh one sec Kyla help me out here what's the what's the tutorial place the ZBrush tutorials ZBrush learn ZBrush ZBrush something I'm so sorry I'm like drawing a blank the classroom there it is thank you I would like I would die without without Kyle giving me these links I have the worst memories but yeah see classroom is super helpful I've learned when I did start you know learning online after messing around in ZBrush for like a year on my own and then like you know Zee classroom I found I was just like oh my goodness yes there it is and I learned a whole bunch and they revamp to the whole thing too recently well not too too recently but relatively recently so if you haven't been there for awhile go and check out their their site it's got a whole bunch of new stuff very very helpful do I still drop it yes I do I love drawing I can show you tiny bits tiny bits one sec I actually draw more people than anything in my in my sketchbooks but yeah it's just like I have these were this is from last year that inktober actually this is like the only you know me drawing stuff that I have from for right now anyways it's like last year's the inktober which this year I'm going to be taking part again if I that didn't show anything yeah it's just like okay look at me oh yeah that's sort of like stuff that I do I do drawings and stuff like I'm not like the best at drawing or anything but I find it a lot of fun trying to some are examples of recent stuff that I did there's a lot of it just like scribbles on here when I was like on the train and then like what's it able to actually like draw anything and so it's just like all messy okay yeah it's just like here's some recent ones that I like posted it on on my Instagram so I draw I still draw it's very relaxing for me came from drawing now I'm here oh thanks ollie it's M all right I've been drawing much longer than I've been doing 3d modeling oh okay it's very hot in here apologize I'm already sweating and we have two more hours to go oh boy I'm gonna die I can't wait until the wintertime and I'm able to open the window so right now it's just it's like hotter outside than it is in here with ridiculous 30 degrees here all right so now we've got a bunch of that uh dedicated yeah yeah I would say it's more of like like I feel like to me it's become sort of a lifestyle right like if I'm not creating like I feel like if I'm not making something every day I go a little bit stir-crazy because it's become such a like an ingrained part of my life where it's just like I've been drawing drawing drawing or I've been sculpting slopes and sculpting that it's just like if I'm not doing that I get antsy and I'm just kind of like wait I need to like let me do something though and so if you can if you can kind of get yourself to a point where you're just kind of just drawing something every day it doesn't matter if it's good or not just just do something every day or you know do a quick sculpt you know even if you don't post it or or publish it or anything if you just don't show anyone it doesn't matter as long as you're doing something that's honestly the most important part is you just you know be be active be doing something every single day even sketching just crappy crappy sketching it doesn't it doesn't need to be amazing but you'll find the more you do it the more you just kind of get you get invested into it and then you realize oh I didn't do that today I need to I don't want to feel bad about myself it snowed in Edmonton wait what is it what we should drive horn Ollie it's easy just grab a grab a scrap piece of paper and just do a duel every day okay I am actually going to I think I'm gonna do some in Merritt where it is 30 there it is I love I love these insert print the IMM primitives I don't use this now this is new with four or eight and I just love the fact massive bolts on this screen I mean what sorry blue big Spears and it's really it's really useful for what I'm about to show you as well so I actually like to start creating holes and stuff like organic holes in in wings or anything else of the lake just by just randomly sculpting out a bunch of shapes like so splitting them off and then turning on live boolean making sure that this thing oops hold on a crap of do the thing again oh did I select the right one no I didn't that's why where is it this one this is down here okay my bed so it needs to go below you can go No oh my gosh I'm embarrassing myself hello is this the right one yes it is there this okay I had the wrong one selected I was just like oh no why is why why me okay so the root yeah you always have to make sure that the right sub google is selected when you click start otherwise you look like a fool but yeah you can see how once you start you're getting your bully ins you can actually get some crazy shapes that you start like implementing in here and then you can just create like you know turn the the boolean into an actual mesh and you're good to go so let's not make this whole like 2 2 2 2 2 big do something like so Archy me a skip me thank you doo-doo-doo deloix he has how are you doing hey soda basketballs on knowhere yeah yeah it's great Thank You Jess ooh she's got a little tiny baby head on the bread part got a little baby here hmm should I just keep doing this one yeah or should I mm-hmm yeah not yet make sure like these are these are up above here so they don't get in my confusions what wait what why why oh oh yeah okay that's why is this the starting one no that's not the starting one this is a problem I just had before always put this on the right starting one and then you'll be fine still not go start right starting one Oh is he confused okay there we go much better no problems face has I'm glad you like it and if you click inside of these holes to the nice thing about boolean if you click on the geo like on the inside of like anything that's being boolean you can actually select the boolean object so you don't always have to be like going through your menu as well which is really really nice and I don't really like care too much about like the sort of the sort of holes that I'm making either I'm just kind of just making whatever because I'm gonna end up sculpting on it again so these can be like my holes right now and then in boolean you can wait all right you know I haven't saved at all oh my gosh you guys save if you haven't saved anything that you're working on right now telling you telling you hey Tiago how you doing let me just save this really quick one of the most common brushes I use the once you familiarize yourself with before you get anything done um okay let me just quickly boolean this stuff and then and then I will let you know whoops okay my bass hey pokey okay that shouldn't this should not be started up here start should be this one let me just let me just okay that's better that's better okay and then you can turn yeah now you can turn all of these back on now we're gonna turn these off because now we're gonna have our mesh upended and again bingo lily and that's one mesh so now I can get rid of these go get get get get sweet bleep yay now we don't have to worry about anything else and now I can start working with this to get cooler better shapes save my turn yeah okay so the brushes that I use the most I actually I I hotkey my brushes you can see I don't actually have my brushes and you are on the canvas because my UI I actually personally prefer to have as much screen real estate as possible because of the nature of my workflow I like to just kind of go nuts and go ham with my sculpting so I like having like a really big space but the the actual brushes i hotkey them to my keyboard from 1 through 0 or my my hotkeys for my brushes and I'll run you through some of them right now what I have on one is a clay build up so I actually love using claybuildup like crazy hold on sorry it tabs out and then I lose pressure sometimes with my tablet but cleveland build up you can get a lot of like interesting shapes like that and it just kind of like keeps building on itself so you can keep going out and out and out as much as you want and it's good in the negative sense as well you see me doing a lot of like stuff over here with clay build up building forms with it as well it's very a lot of it's like it builds very quickly though so if you don't want it to build quickly you can turn the XIV intensity down another thing that happens that people tend I find that like quite a few people actually like to do is use me I don't have it okay I forgot to put it on my hockey's right now but it's clay tubes so clay tubes is another really good one and that one it stays on the same level it doesn't actually build up on to itself so you can get a lot of like if you want to build slower your worms if that's like how you like to think about sculpting then that might be better for you that sort of a thing is actually really good to make like scales and things that do a lot of like overlapping that sort of a thing so you can you can get that from that brush if you turn an alpha on with your clay tubes like let's say you put it on two square then you can get like you know different shapes for your buildups it's interesting to actually do like alpha build ups with this you can get some cool textures that all kind of like are very level but yeah it doesn't it doesn't actually like build on to itself it all stays on so the same plane above a bug number two I have damn standard so dance standard is mapped to my two key and that like draws out your lines sort of a thing you can get like some sharp lines that way holding alt so you can get some sharp lines in the opposite direction so you can see me cutting out a lot of like details in like hair and you know just in general like you know where the mouth is gonna go all that kind of stuff sometimes I like to actually draw directly on my model with the with the via the damien standard so if I like took the sphere for example right here and I was like oh I kind of want to start building a face some time or you know whatever I would just kind of be like okay well here's where the eyes are gonna go here's like you know the the nose and so it's actually a good tool for that kind of a thing and then you could take your clay build up and start building around what you're drawing sort of a thing this looks like the Pringles guy but yeah you get what I'm talking about I hope well then let me delete these lots of stuff going on here and then on my three key I have h polish and H polish basically just you know it levels things out onto a plane it literally it just kind of polishes that's that's the whole thing with it and I I actually like using H polish more than the other polish or trims or anything like that like I still use things like trim dynamic and trim adaptive and such but like they think it's H polish I use frequently because you can see it leaves like these planar lines where if you're using something like trim dynamic you end up just kind of like getting like an overall like you know it's all it's very very smooth but I actually really like how this cuts and it leaves like you know the the harsh lines because again I work very shape oriented and then for I have a snake hook but you don't necessarily need to learn with snake hook I would say learn with the move the the move brush so if you click B and then M you're gonna get an isolate of all of your M brushes your brushes that start with M and right here a move is something that you would be it would be easier for you to like learn how to push things around with move snake hook you could start to learn but it does push things very quickly very very quickly and also it has a bias on a curve so it curves so if you're not used to that then you might have a little bit a little bit a little bit of an issue but you can get used to it I use it more frequently than the move and then five I have inflate so that does exactly what it says just inflates so if you want like a general area to be you know more both out than just kind of inflate it I use that for thinner pieces of Geo or you know like tapers to get them like thicker in certain areas six I have is the pinch brush the pinch brush I love so much for stylizing stuff so what the pinch brush does is I actually use it in a way that creates planes so you can see me right here BAM ma'am planes have been created so I connect like I've actually found that the best way for me to do anything hard surface or anything super like sharp shapes or stylize is to just kind of use the the pinch brush it just really like all it does you can see with the polyframe is it pulls together the the geometry into that one area pinches it right there it becomes very very dense so you get that sort of like what pinched look and the opposite it does the exact opposite so it actually like makes it indent down 7 I have as the Mac cut brush which is essentially like the pinch brush but it's like a damn standard at pinch brush baby so it's a sharp version of damn standard it's good for hard surface stuff but I use it a lot for stylize stuff or hair I use this a lot for as well you can download that online if you want but again not necessary for learning but that is one of the things that I have mapped and I'll just stop there like that snuff an uninterrupted power supply yeah I used to have one I have a power I'm a like a surge protector at least that's that's kind of that's what I have but if you know if a power went out then I'd lose my work but at least like you know it's a surge protected computer you put snake hook from 1 through 8 oh my gosh barracks yeah yeah yeah I can imagine Dan I can imagine yeah I love I love the pinch brush I absolutely love the pinch brush no problem jaws Jos Josie Josie Josie I'm not sure how to say I'm sorry Omega Gaby the last one is mah pit if you google maka then you will be able to find what you're looking for again it's not 100% necessary to make good sculpts though I would say you're you know just just use some basic stuff to start don't go don't go download happy like you know once you once you get your own workflow and you understand better how to I guess make make your own sculpts it'll be better to then look for specific brushes that you know other people will provide and that will get you further and help you finish things faster but initially you should honestly learn the basics first because honestly just having a brush and I find that I need to say this because a lot of people are like wow you don't have like a ton of brushes like wow you don't have a ton of material so can all the materials I downloaded it's like well I don't you don't really need that you can see like a lot of the time I'm really I'm just using like the one material and I switch back and forth from this one for longer like if I'm looking at this for a long time then I switch from this one to usually like this one to ease my like it just like relaxes my eye a little bit but the reason actually I'll tell you what these materials are these are from glauca long II because I got that that question a lot as well these ones are really awesome and check him out and I'm just gonna take like over like a breather I'm just not gonna talk for like maybe five minutes just to relax my throat [Music] [Music] you just for fun just for fun crew just for just for the pixologic Channel you [Music] so I don't know when I stopped using symmetry on here but in order to get that back you can actually just go down into the geometry tab and you can go to modify topology and nearer and well and that will mirror and weld along whichever access you spectrum specify so you can get your symmetry back if you've like done a whole bunch of work on one side you accidentally press X or whatever and you were like oh no but I wanted that on the other side too and I really like those strokes then just go into mirror and weld it it'll you'll get it back yeah I do like to draw as well Cooper I that's where I actually came from his traditional artwork and earlier I'm not gonna show my sketchbook again but I showed a bit of like what I what I like to do I like using both pencil pen and ink and markers markers not as much just because they're expensive but I like I like drawing I like experimenting with different kinds of mediums as well I really like taking both the 3d aspect of like ZBrush and traditional well not just traditional painting but 2d painting in Photoshop and kind of like smacking them together doing some paint overs of stuff that I sculpt after you do doodles okay guys I'm gonna take like a really quick break and I will be right back Reno's so you can stare at this thing which needs a lot of work but we've got it mostly blocked out now so that's good and we'll start to do more work on it as soon as I come back sound good sound good down Gucci hold on I'm gonna turn this I'm gonna turn the Millie up the sound off can i there we go no yes no it doesn't seem to work okay I'll just turn this off okay I'll be back in like two minutes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay let me open the window of it is really really hot in here so you might hear some brooms for good good good times right rooms are good times I got me some more waters okay let's go back let's get back to it let's get rid of the BRB alright okay so do this Bing Bing mean your rooms yeah I don't know if you actually will cause it's a little bit late but there's a chance [Music] there we go much better you probably hear it okay I'm gonna get back to this yeah there's a lot of soundproofing in this new place it's pretty amazing I'm really happy with it [Music] [Music] again like if anybody has any questions don't feel free to ask me I'll do my best to answer them [Music] so guys if you're interested I do a stream on my own channel as well it's a little bit a little bit more spicy it's not as like educational base it's not as like okay I'm gonna stay here and answer questions sort of an idea it's more focused on just like having fun and doing silly things so if you're interested in that you can check out my channel which is like located at the bottom of the screen there and if you haven't already give pixologic a follow because there's a lot of other really awesome artists that you'll be able to catch here streaming groove you'll you'll be able to catch like a lot of other really really awesome artists on this channel as well [Music] you 45 minutes of kinder eggs yesterday was just this is this is the results of yesterday's stream I started UART there too I swear I do it happens right now we're actually I'm currently working on something that I started on this channel a few streams ago it's a business shark we're continuing him but it's more it's it's a lot more like cartoony than this what software am I using Gabe real freaking Salazar farik's zero I swear boy I'm swear you know this is the brush thanks Kyle appreciate the plug appreciate it the nostalgia is kicking and have it streamed in a month and people are already nostalgic have I used the chisel chisel brush um can't say I have actually I don't really know I don't really use Oh Oh chisel brush yes yeah see success yes I have the there's so I have make my own my own little thing here that I had started oh okay it's not the new one I have to load in my my new one that I had done with a whole bunch of people I have like a bunch of like random like horns and stuff or four in it like it's an insert it's a medium brush right so I have a whole bunch of stuff that I did like just basic things that you can that you can just kind of like add in I like I like using these default the default who that wouldn't look like a boob not the drag not as drag but if you use the chisel as like a dot then you get like this really strong line [Music] in modify no put on this and then turn down this step you'll get the burp areas a very strong damn standard if you wanted to so that's really nice for like really intricate details and things like that and then using that in conjunction with the continuous continuous stroke which is us like you know you can also use it with a lazy snap so if you put on lazy snap in here turn it to something really high then anywhere you leave off your brush is going to continue from that spot so if you go down into your morph targets and store in morph target then if you draw it will always be on the same level as well which is really nice as you can see it's not like layering on top of it so so you can actually continue strokes really really effectively that way just go back and forth right so you can finish your strokes which have you know whirring just go right back over top fix that it's fine see but you have to have it morph target in order to do that that's yeah so I use that more for like detailing in the later stages and stuff like that in terms of like adding just quick sort of horns and scales and stuff I love using vdm s over the alphas because you get like a lot of detail out of it and also the overhangs are really really cool actually the first four eight stream that I did we made a whole bunch of random B diems you can find that on the backlog of fix logic streams that I've done so either in the vod's here on Twitch or on ZBrush live under my past broadcasts or on YouTube ZBrush live comm rather [Music] [Music] screeching outside hey Joker when you say very saving at different stages yeah I don't really like think too much about when I'm sick I just do a lot of usually try to do a lot of saves if I am if I'm just kind of like if I'm doing it for a tutorial I try to do like more safe like extra amount of saves because then I can go back and you know look at that kind of stuff but generally it's like I'm not really thinking about when I have to save like I just kind of knew it's important to save oh my bad we just fix these spy keys so made rooms let's just completely fill this up I'll just fix it aside you hey Hugo how are you do I plan on coloring this it's probably not because we only have an hour and a half left and I just kind of want to like flesh this out with more yeah okay all right guys you should go and check out the link that Kyle just posted in the chat because there's a lot of a lot of new artists that are streaming like if you haven't checked out the broadcast calendar he's got the whole schedule for October up no or not not October sorry you going to have October up soon but the zbrush summit is up right now so if you want to see the schedule for that and also the other presenters that are going to be here as well all over on ZBrush live fix logic now so I sleep with ZBrush laughs I'm sorry I'm great party ignore me just it's okay so great party okay the one like one with the wings usually before I do anything major like a big dynamesh or before I do something where I'm completely replacing parts then yeah I do make a save in case something completely screws up and then I can revert so that's sort of like something that I think about as well it relaxed my skills don't really how would you cost your time evolve so that really depends also Thank You guru I appreciate it I would say there it really depends on who is asking for a task to be finished this is a question I'm going to get a lot about how to charge for freelance projects and you really have to like with your own discretion you have to kind of look at that like okay well is this like an independent artist asking me for you know a commissioned fee done or is this like a studio right like it is a studio they can usually afford more and you will generally want to charge on a like you know a daily rate or an hourly rate which is typical or if you're actually working for them in studio but if you're doing something where you know somebody is coming up to you you know from Instagram or something like that saw your post and it's just kind of like hey I want you to make this model for me then it would be in your best interest maybe you do something where you work out a flat rate you know like an overall project rate and to give them a deadline and say there is no more revisions after this point like this is what you're gonna get for that specific thing and kind of like adjust that based on you know and independent and what you know they could probably afford as an independent because if you're charging hourly for you know a sculpt it can it can end up getting really pricey for something that isn't gonna be you know somebody who's isn't gonna be using it for like a studio based thing right so you have to like put your own discussion I could like write like a whole thing on what you should to be thinking about and all that but I'm not gonna go like fully into it in this dream gradually removed the structure creates really nice yeah so if you have your morph target with a continuous stroke you can actually use the morphe brush like pre predrag said in chat you can actually use the morphe brush which you can get right here by pressing the M the morphe brush right here so if you have a morph target stored you've got a whole bunch of lines by using the morphe brush you can actually erase that morph target so it'll go back to what it was before in that area do I color inside of ZBrush or other software so I like so depending on like if it's a final model or not so something like this if I were to send this for a paint over typically what I would do is a rough poly paint and then I would send it over to photoshop as a just like a image and then I would just kind of you know paint over top of it with those colors that I slapped down originally but if it is for like a full finished model sometimes I take the low poly and then I do like a quick like you know color on the low poly like inside of ZBrush and then I export that as like a base to start from but typically I actually don't the only time that I really like do a lot of poly painting is if I'm doing like pure conceptual work that's usually what I do difference between trim dynamic trim adaptive aged polish flatten okay so I don't know the difference between all of them but I can tell you what trim dynamic does is it kind of like it flattens towards a plane so it's very like you know you can see like these are very like sharp edges so it flattens on like a specific plane and there's no like there's no like curvature the way that it's looking at things if you go to trim dynamic then it's just literally going to dynamically view whichever plane you're working on and it's not gonna leave any of those sharp lines unless like you know you're you're changing planes in a certain area like like that so it's really it's just going to make everything very smooth place its dynamic and then flatten I feel like flattened works in a similar way that each polish does but I'm not 100% sure yeah it's very much like trim trim dynamic except as you can see it doesn't leave all of those sharp liens a lot of the time but it's very similar to trim dynamic so I don't know exactly what all of the differences are like they're very very I feel like they're very specific so if you wanted to just use one I use I use trim dynamic and H polish personally but I just say like if you really want to know you could just like play around with them and figure it out figure out what works for you hey blends uh ya know the new place is awesome I'm loving it so much it's so great it is so so great okay hold on I keep taking I keep taking symmetry off by accident there's a lot of interesting noises though if I open the window there's a lot of interesting noises outside in this new place but it's not like it's not like hobos screaming or anything which is nice can't the world just stop for a second don't you see I'm streaming here come on come on please do okay so if I want if I want this one so easy as you can see like nearing weld here it's actually grabbing that one but I want it to grab this one so what you can do is just mirror it first and then mirroring weld and now you'll have that one if you want to fix the symmetry that's what I want to do and so I didn't [Music] [Music] [Music] you know the verb rooms are different the rooms are different in this place you you've noticed the difference is room bruh oh man hey at least there are group rooms okay okay you happy you got you some brooms oh my goodness is every okay I know why all of the I turned it offer everything dang it let me just get this back my this here yeah this is fine it's fine this is fine this is fine this one's not okay there we go you're just happy there are rumors why is everybody so attached to the brooms unbelievable I was happy that there weren't any [Music] [Music] [Music] you the rooms it's the the sound that the cars make we've kind of we've kind of just come up with a name for it their room rooms and we Wu's [Music] [Music] and that one right there that you might hear is a beep boop [Music] it's a guy with a broom grooms like where did it cube go hey artificial thank you I'm glad you like it all right good night Kyle thank you so much for your help but remember that it's the classroom and I'll remember to tell people to go to zbrush in order to check out the ZBrush summit stuff and also the other presenters or ZBrush live I do I have I have like focused angry face syndrome I it's a birth defect and I can't help it [Music] do you hear it it's the sky of rooms it's the sky of rooms now we don't have just please do not do not hate on my birth defect okay you you judgmental people you I have resting anger face I can't help it focus threat rather not resting but focused angry face I can't I can't control that I feel like we need to get like some some feathers or something going on here to help with all of this like maybe some feathers that go over top here I feel like that ooh hello no we need to get something something going on here probably [Music] [Music] so I have a plan I'm just gonna shape a few of these then I'm gonna lay them over top of each other and then I'm gonna mesh them together a flying Zonda it was a very long room it's because it was a sky room it was sent from the heavens this is the room God okay just everybody take a second to pray to our room Lord and Savior the sky room okay okay we good hey drummer how's it going your work relationship wait what what's the problem Oh Oh the Ricci yes yes resting angry face or focus angry face a very unapproachable in public I feel like if I'm just standing around I look like I'm gonna like hurt somebody and don't actually intend it I'm just I getting really deep in thought I'm sorry oh thank you so much artificial I really appreciate it you should check out the other people that stream here because if you're not dropped by me then you will be drawn dropped as heck by some of the other people that stream on this channel like I'm not even kidding you they have and more experienced than me and you can learn even more from them so definitely go check go check them out you'll love it oh my gosh no don't go and look at the freaking the Animorphs sculpt is the pinnacle of embarrassment of my whole career I am the garbage trash chute of the CG community so welcome welcome to dumpsville that's my discord if you want my discord I'll give you guys a quick insight to the discord 1seg let me let me get you here's an invite to the dumpsville and come and talk nonsense with us after the stream if you wish and if you want to check out my personal channel you can check out that here you can follow me I stream on Tuesdays for now on that channel and that will soon be ramped up to more streams but for now just Tuesday as I get settled in the new place hello groups so yeah blessed are we that we experienced the sky vroom let us be rained upon by all of these kind of fruits oh my gosh it's kind of urgent dragons are her groom so I feel like there was a mod in Skyrim where they replace all the Dragons of cars room holla oh my gosh all the tunes are getting done that's awesome drummer it's great to hear and trains yeah I'm glad that I don't have any like train noises near me that would drive me nuts yeah man that's like there's so much there's so much to do with ZBrush on on the creative Channel now that just keeps growing it's really really great I hear another sky room praise be us and let us be rained upon by all of the sky brooms and their chemtrails please bless me bless me with your Kentrell goodies I think em trails and then immediately mats are up appears I only wish I only wish it's like the way to summer some in math or up is just kind of start talking about conspiracies a whole bunch people just like a peer out of nowhere [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] right I was gonna keep doing this this stuff I totally forgot about it mmm there's only constant attention oh my gosh I wish I could play that on streaming which I can play that like that Snoop Dog remix that goes over top of ollie you're gonna record all the rooms and stack them together instead if we're homeless noise oh my god that would be the worst that would be so obnoxious oh my gosh that Thomas that Thomas mod that's horrible its horrifying oh I'm glad you like the background music some people actually complain to me they're like can you just get rid of the music in general no I need to listen to something let me listen to chill music yeah but it puts me to sleep like all the time so me sorry it needs to be copyright free this yes beep jeez rooms are angry tonight you're so angry oh please yeah yeah that's you get it artificial no he's not not everybody gets the a cube things right off the bat but yeah my initials are AAA facial recog posted on social media was real-time in Yui yeah it was the one that I posted on Twitter it was freaking crazy it's insane isn't it it's so good yeah there is no some fun I don't have a sub button yet hopefully I'm hoping that I can stream enough to actually get one at some point but I don't have one yet so bear with me I haven't been streaming that much lately but that's gonna pick up now that I have like you know space you had more time to do it all that kind of stuff hey wolf how's the gooey girl thank you why'd you like it have you ever seen you in the pixel Channel but it's good to see in here room stack you should be like a duck army oh it would be oh my gosh or like that b-movie the b-movie hold on what is it called again I need to find the video I don't know what it is Oh oh yeah you like you like jazz here I'll then [Music] [Music] I don't know I can't hold that I can't find it whatever it's like somebody like took like the b-movie like what I mean the guy is saying like you like jazz and he just kind of like repeated in it repeated and it it it repeated it like over and over again and it just sounded like horrible we slapping your thighs outside rooms dot-org [Music] I appreciate it Seawolf thanks for being here hey hey PA how are you doing how's the stream going it's alright I'm trying to figure out like sort of like a feathery thing to do up here a lot hundred percent sure so oops just just let me select it through you I'm probably gonna get this [Music] [Music] [Music] okay I'm gonna dynamesh this and then I'm gonna start flying around this area here [Music] [Music] [Music] oh you found it I'm not gonna watch it on here because I don't want like any like random YouTube like no silencing things but yeah but that is just like the worst thing ever you want to hear like the worst thing ever just listen to the b-movie you like jazz repeat it like a thousand I like overlaid on top of itself [Music] [Music] some sort of a hater yes normally it's not this many planes it's weird [Music] my last in my last apartment I wasn't near I wasn't near an airport when I was in my last apartment but there was always like fighter jets and stuff flying overhead not on stream though but it was nice but in like midday there would be like fighter jets and stuff hmm first few times it's cool and then it was just like okay this is this is a lot [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right no problem you see love have a great night I hope you have a have a really great sleep I'm sorry I'm bringing fighting so much experiment we have 45 minutes left [Music] hey idea thought it was a good idea yeah there's it's weird a lot of movies exist for weird reasons I don't actually know how a lot of the time non-stop helicopters overhead oh my gosh near a military grade playing I can't even imagine I feel like I would probably go crazy if I was near a military base I couldn't [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay goodnight crew have a great sleep thanks for stopping by for anybody who's dropping off early if you want to catch more of me or in any more of like just general people who stream on this channel really great artists that stream here and then follow picks a lot do definitely follow them but if you want more of me specifically you can go and check out my channel which I will drop again into the chat everybody who is ditching right now if you want to hang out over there it's every Tuesday for now schedule will be increasing later on though no I'm not gonna I'm not gonna give him big eyes like having a little tiny baby face there's a a brush here in slash slash two is actually really great for things like scales or alleging any kind of legit you want to do so I actually use this a lot I love getting like these sorts of like effects here or even like inscribing 's like using using this sort of like this sort of like this brush you can get that through your lightbox [Music] in which time watching people scoped and you never a difficult doing anything uh-oh no he'll damage man yeah I know try try your best to like balance it right like you know as much as I really enjoy you guys like hanging out for these streams and stuff like try to keep in mind that if you want to improve yourself it's not just about watching other people it's not just about watching tutorial after tutorial you actually have to sculpt so when I'm doing these things like I encourage you guys to kind of like sculpt along with me you don't necessarily have to be watching the whole time like you don't have to sit there and be like stare and stare and staring you know actually maybe have me on another monitor or you know on a different device while you're doing it as well because this is sort of one of those things where it's a it's less of a tutorial based thing and more of an exercise so I'd really like it if like you guys didn't just only watch we also try and participate by like sculpting your own thing or drawing your own monster or you know trying to play around with shapes and your own thing of course you know ask questions and stuff but try your best to like you know get involved as well really creepy face yes it is kind of cute it's got a little bit of a cute thing yeah but it's also mostly just gross [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] see the real items oh that thing yeah it's freaky true yeah hey David said how are you doing glad to be back to the gizmo I really enjoy the game oh yeah there's a lot of really cool updates with the before 8 update though a lot of cool new tools I'm not gonna go over all of them right now but I like a lot of be the stuff that they've implemented in the new new ZBrush okay so this is not symmetrical so maybe and weld bingo bango now it is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh good I'm glad I'm glad you're so going on that's awesome porcelain doll head I think it's a little late for that because we only have 30 minutes left I'm gonna keep it as this weird skull thing that's breaking out of like a head that once was awesome friend here I'm glad to hear that nice nice dirt that's good that's good same with you psyche that's good the face has to station yeah well I'll keep it there you go yeah it's kind of like it's kind of like a little uh a little parasite thing okay how'd you you hey LC how's it going alright yeah let's get this a little bit more flesh too ah HESA creatures in warframe oh yeah choo-choo thanks lip I appreciate it I'm good I'm good out I'm good only got a few more minutes here we have yeah pretty much renamed pretty much Oh things Oh mags try the Oprah browser always on top oh okay cool you didn't know about that neato burrito make sure your damn bones are working hit them all Street and stuff and I look great okay where's the ground here is my mic he gained super low you right now um hold on am i quiet is this too quiet for you guys [Music] your speaker volume yeah the reason why I have my my mic set to a gain of like only 70 percent of what comes in specifically because I find anything that I playback just like turn turn your actual volume like on your end up anything that I playback I find if I have the gain up to a hundred percent there's a lot of like cracking that happens and you hear a lot of static and I was just I've been playing around to try and like avoid that sort of a thing but yeah like it I should it should be okay should be fine another thing that I'm gonna probably be investing in soon will be acoustic boards just to put around here so the echo chills just chills out a bit there is a bit of echo you [Music] this is interesting all right good night a BBN thank you so much for stopping by I appreciate it I'm sorry but the stream has gotten so quiet I've kind of just been like trying to wrap up a little bit more of this to get a little bit a little bit more of a finished thing by the end yeah just so it looks a little bit more complete overall because there now is like really sketchy oh yeah you guys had said unicorn you guys said you guys said bones said undead zombie I tried to pull a bunch of that in here somebody said bird as well at some point got a little bit of like that poof that Birds [Music] [Music] Racing chair that has room written on it maybe I'll just like embroider it into the back of this one room to finish them the stream I was about to say vlog oh my gosh I've been watching community youtube too much youtubes [Music] [Music] come on why can't I like flatten this area right here there we go some simple simple simple yeah I have I've done hard surface a lot mostly for work I've done hard surface sketching I usually don't like taking hard surface all the way to the finish just because of like how technical it gets and like how much time it requires but yes I have made robots and things of that nature it's just right now it's like lot of stuff is like NDA or just like just never got relieved because the company went bankrupt so I can't shell anything and I guess like if you want to see something that was sketched that I did that was that was kind of hard servicing hold on I'll I'll save this I mean I was sketching for the beta crazy brush beta hmm I'm wondering if I have that here [Music] I think this is it we'll open it and check it out I'm not 100% here and it'll be like the closest thing to hard surface that I'm actually able to show you as the the quick like little like you know medium sculpt that I did for and like you know using the boolean the boolean system and the continuous stroke with the with ZBrush so you can get some pretty clean hard surface using just like you know the the tools that ZBrush provides you you can see like this this sort of stuff that I was able to just kind of quickly throw together just as a you know this is the thing and then you're able to just kind of like put them together mash them around and then it looks like something so that's uh that's the closest thing to like finished hard service that I think I've actually able to show you guys that I don't like demo this happening sugar pine seven what's that sugar pine seven I don't know how to percent sure so yeah that's the the closest that I can show you right now unfortunately and then like in terms of like you know comping and stuff yeah well you guys you guys saw the the render and then me and grading that I did on it it's kind of like I kind of wanted to take it further to in in terms of like a paint over but then I never really did because it was sort of like well we're just using the beta tools and stuff I didn't want to I didn't want to go and do some photoshop and completely cover up what I did with ZBrush so yeah yeah it was all made in ZBrush a murder robot while some juice no thanks dry out her okay [Music] while you're in production overcrowd then what happens to the model who owns it it really depends on who you're working for it it can have it happens pretty frequently in this industry unfortunately in terms of like the bottle usually the models do end up being the property of your previous employer so you know when when when the last company that I used to work for went under I wasn't able to bring like any of my models with me it was just sort of like oh yeah bankrupt that's it you're done you know or I can rather like lockdown like you know nobody was allowed in to get their stuff until they had said that we could so yeah happens frequently enough that you should always have your own stuff at home that you're working on [Music] okay I got you sugar friends I'll check it out psyche [Music] okay so this is as far as I got with this one today I'm going to do something with it that you all have probably been waiting for you know it's something that I like to call industry standard we're gonna industry standard this model so if you want to do that if you want to make sure that your models are up to par let me tell you that you need to grab the eye on them body parts brush grab the foot and start and start doing this okay replace everything with real human feet but only the i'mmm version of such foot let's just make sure that this is nice employed right right in there now a human foot let's just like get rid of this right now let's just hide that mm-hmm yeah this is better it's already a huge improvement on the design already feeling industry standard and make sure is right in there you don't want any of that show get in there oh yeah perfect good great excellent okay now now we need to take the IMM body parts and get a hand they're gonna put a hand a real human hand on here yeah you gotta put a real human here oh so dainty this is so dainty it's like a magician wearing gloves it's beautiful this is exactly what you want to do you know any of that other stuff it's not legit unless you have the I am own body parts ooh it's wearing gloves now real human feet and then here yeah no we're not gonna go with that we're gonna go with a dog head that's it that's it that's that's what we want right here yes dog head screw everything else it's better this way much better this way just put it in this leak Oh better better design much better design 100% yep now it's industry standard this is it that's how you do it so please enjoy please enjoy he's you the best boy who's the best boy now oh man okay I'm gonna do bees to your to your dismay I am undoing the industry-standard so you can just quickly put this back to normal so he can show you where we were where we are all dead this is the final product right here I know I have that weird accent I always do that here we go that's what we ended up doing tonight I hope you guys enjoyed it was fun I just wanted to go a little bit crazy with the little squiggles with the hair but yeah I had fun doing it I hope that next week we do some more fun stuff something random will come up like it always does and again if you enjoyed watching this and you want to see other really talented artists doing their thing in ZBrush everybody has a different workflow so you can always learn something new from everybody follow pixologic here so that follow that little heart up in the corner you gotta click that and then you're gonna be notified of any time anybody goes live you can see the schedule down below and if you like zebras should give it a chance at the 45 day free trial if you haven't actually tried it I recommend it it's addicting it's fun and if you like me we're gonna go for a really really quick little ride over here we're just gonna quickly grabbed me and put me down here right here so I can do this OOP you see this right here see this is a little bit this little this little that's me that's my that's my channel so if you want to go and that out you can we do a lot of stupidity over there but I mean we also do sculpting so it's different from this channel by a lot but feel free to come and check that out if you wish we also have a discord if you'd like to hang out with us in the discord I drop the link in the chat as well and love all you guys see you next Tuesday and Wednesday and maybe sometime in between if I'm feeling it goodnight have a great sleep [Music]
Channel: Pixologic ZBrush
Views: 10,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, pixologic, zbrush, zbrushlive, zbrush live, 4r8, 3d, 3d modeling, concept design, concept sculpting, mdoel creaton, 3d sculpting, model creation, character design, character sculpting, art, how to, tutorial, design, create, concept art
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 239min 13sec (14353 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2017
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