Draw This in Your Style Challenge - Shane Olson - Episode 58

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hey guys just getting set up here how's it going you you you would be live you hey guys can you guys hear me okay okay twitch is working Facebook is not with Facebook's hello everybody welcome welcome just trying to figure out a way Facebook is not rolling uhh weird hmm if you guys can see me over on Facebook you know awesome next which thinks YouTube how you guys doing all right once again I apologize if my fan is too loud it's really hot here today okay so today um I wanted to do a draw this in your style kind of a thing and you may have seen on twitch or Instagram stuff like that you can look up hashtag draw this in your style and there's a whole bunch of 2d artists that are kind of drawing each other's images in their own style and there's occasionally a sculptor that will will grab one and sculpt it in your style and my my buddy Steve James has done a handful of them and I thought I would take and you know take this one by it's like Lord Grimm I think lor dgr or er I am I have to look and see let me just make sure I get that right or Lord Griz gr is so Lord Griz wrists I don't know how you say that hey from France oh thank you so much Chris hello from Japan Wow hello everybody welcome to my stream on this wonderful Monday I'm streaming from Utah Salt Lake City Utah and it is 12 it's noon here 12 so 12 p.m. so you guys know what what time I'm at and it's it's always interesting to see what time it is where you're watching so give me one moment I'm gonna hop over onto slack all right and just tell the pixologic people that facebook is not working you you just saw it let them know working on it maybe you know I'm gonna try to reconnect one more time yeah looks like it's not working there 2 p.m. here in Chile ok Wow okay so anyway I thought I would sculpt this head or at least attempt to and you guys can follow along Oh elementalist yeah it is hot there was a there was a Blood Moon here last night too I don't know how many around the world can see if it's the same moon I see okay so just working on it all right no worries let me know okay oh there we go oh thanks everybody thank you so much thanks Ted okay that's the do to thunder oh man it was it was crazy it was really red that wasn't out of surprise I was just driving along and I look over and I'm like whoa that's a that's a red moon so that was kind of interesting okay to get started I'm gonna divide this once we lower and let's just get going here yeah I thought it was until there there are a lot of forest fires here in Utah and I'm pretty sure that added to the the read of it and let me know if is that bad is that fan to loud is it really annoying let me know please and I'll aim it the other way at least or put it outside the door hey what's up Chris how you doing man how is it going man's not an issue okay I asked last stream I thought I'd ask again because I aimed it a little bit more towards me and my microphones kind of over here out of the way I had this new lap lav mic that I like it's working pretty well okay and I'm just I'm just starting how I start every time and just blocking in my my head with primitives but if you guys haven't seen I was just are just looking over on art station this morning and somebody has made a tracer like from overwatch in the style of Disney infinity and it is amazing they did such a good job hey Sandro how are you I wish I understood what you're saying we pay high yeah let's break the viewing record go get your friends all right I like to squish this go in squish it from the top a bit I think the record last time I don't I'll have to ask the pixologic people but I think we we capped out at around 220 which is a record for me hello Joe John how are you I don't know if I'm saying your name correctly my eye hold on okay johner that was Friday night and it wasn't visible from the US any red moon from last night would have been from the smoke okay okay thanks for clearing that up Jonah hey it looks like looks like we have facebook going okay I'm gonna kick that on over here let's do it okay magic pixologic people are doing but they're making it work making it happen now hey we have we have some Facebook in the chat awesome old Facebook welcome yes sorry it took a second thanks pixologic okay thanks it's working I have to tell the pixologic peeps awesome awesome awesome alright hey monster Dom nerd how are you doing man it was a it was a local Blood Moon it was our Blood Moon from all the smoke and this in the sky it was pretty cool looking I'll have to admit I wish I would have taken a picture it was pretty cool okay but I'm just trying to get this face shape going on let's put a neck in there typically with these necks I and then just that a little bit too much you're skinny it was man Sandra I wish I knew what you were saying if somebody could translate I don't have Google Translate or anything on my stream here okay looks like we're already getting up there in the number - which is awesome seven and I think it calculates across all streams so Facebook YouTube and twitch hey Vinnie how are you a breath of the wild blood moon so apparently like Joanna was saying hey Emily how are you so I was saying did and Emily probably saw it she's from Utah but apparently the bull I just heard blood moon on the news that it was a thing and then last night I was driving home and the moon was very red but apparently it was from all the smoke in the sky from the wildfires around here yeah em you've been on you've been on vacation holiday right did you have a good trip I just kind of trips talk to you on Facebook the smog horrible actually start to school head shape up you make sure you turn off spotlight projection whenever you use spotlight for your references first thing Oh southern Europe yeah crazy that's awesome I would love to go hey what's up David hey doing man Oh nephew Fran says hi also how are you doing hey over on YouTube Sapna says hi sir how are you I have a question how do you how do you club subdivision in one layer I don't know if the word Club is what you're looking for I don't understand maybe maybe ask in a different slightly different way anyway but I don't quite understand what you're asking sorry after cup merge down okay if you hold control and move the object they make a copy o copy is that the word the layers they split oh nice all day Hey hey Paula I used to I used to stream at night but I just tried to pick the best time zone where the majority of people around the entire world could watch so that's why I chose this time and it's working out I have its im1 yo 202 viewers right now and when I used to stream at night I would only get around 40 or 50 so yeah I apologize I can't can't you know pick the perfect time for everyone so but these these videos are available on YouTube to view later if you can't watch live you can always check out pixologic to youtube channel um really quick Sapna I was gonna show you something how do you merge subdivision so my my advice to you is make sure multiple sub tools have the same subdivision level and then you can merge them down I can show you really quick so let's see I'll just do I'll just do an append and I'll grab the sphere 3d so I have this sphere then I will append a star let's say so now I have these two sub 2 are these two sub tools here's a sphere and it does not have any subdivisions so I can can I can do ctrl D twice so this has three subdivision levels okay now if I go to this this star I didn't mean to hit the arrow here and if I divide it one two three times now this one has six because it already had subdivisions okay so if I now merge those two together it's gonna take the lowest common denominator or it's gonna lose the subdivision levels altogether so what you want to do is make sure both of your sub tools have the same exact amount of subdivision levels and how you do that or how I typically do it is I want to keep my high resolution subdivision levels or sometimes I will want to keep my lows and what I can do is I can go down to level 3 right here and then hit delete higher so now it and now it has three subdivision but it's not quite you know me unhide solo so it's not quite the same amount of detail but I can now merge these together you can't see this star because it's hidden inside the but I can pull it up like this so now I can merge the star with the sphere no problem and you it will keep it so if I hit merge and I hit merge down why can't it merge down cuz it's not above it okay merge down and see it gives you a warning this is not undoable so make sure you save before you do it and now that I merge down you can check your geometry and it got rid of the subdivision levels anyway so I don't know why it didn't work but most of the time it works most of the time it keeps those two subdivision levels but it looks like this time it did not another way to do it is to are something in my eye I apologize dust or something anyway yeah you can also you can also duplicate it but I think you're talking about keeping those subdivision levels right and then you can also just rebuild them somehow like you can do since it lost the subdivision levels you can go down to geometry and hit reconstruct if you need to you see probably can't do it here no because it's already the lowest anyway you can you can try this reconstruct subdivision levels to get them back you could get rid of all of the lower subdivision levels on all of your sub tools and then reconstruct the lower subdivision levels of all of them but it's it's kind of its kind of tricky it's it's a it's advanced stuff but I don't know why it didn't do it but typically it will keep them if your subdivisions are the same if you have the same amount of subdivision levels within each sub tool I know sorry I went kind of deep there but I don't know I hope that helps at all hey what's up Robert Felipe how can I create my own IMM brushes like you did users a lot but you would like to create your own oh four fingers and stuff um so so what you want to merge two subdivision levels in one layer so you can get rid of lower vision levels and that'll just get rid of it but I don't know that you can merge two within the same sub tool together if that's what you're trying to do you can merge sub tools together and you can delete subdivision levels but you can't merge one subdivision level into another if that makes sense and so I don't and with with layers you can't a layer is is assigned to your whatever sub subdivision level you you put the layer on in the first place you can't move that layer down subdivision levels is that is that what you're trying to do so essentially you need to get rid of that layer like delete it and then create a new layer on the subdivision level that you want yeah layers don't work I think like you're thinking they work um it just assigns that layer to whatever subdivision level you're on and then it just stays there until you either delete it or merge it or let's see just have to hit bake all and bake your layers down and then it will go away and it will keep them so anyway with with insert multi mesh what you do sleep is you have you put all your instant in insert multi meshes inside different sub tools all in the place where you want them to draw out so like your Spears and your squares and your your fingers and all that kind of stuff you put them in in each different sub tool and then you hit the B for brush and you go down to create insert Multi mesh right here and then it will make a new one based off of all of the sub tools that you have in this list and then you just save it and it should work but one thing you need to know is you need to orient the camera to the direction that you want to actually draw the insert Multi mesh Apes out so like with all of the shapes that I made I oriented the camera so all of them are facing the direction that I want them to draw when I actually click on the surface and pull them out so it's like oh I have so I have yeah I have three different shapes on one this is not considered a lair this is a sub tool it's kind of like a lair but think about it more like a container that's just holding these objects and what I can do I'm just gonna do it really fast for you guys what I can do is I can hit group split so watch what happens when I do that I'll hit group split hit okay and now it put the head in a lair the neck in a lair and the jaw in a lair and now if I want to combine those back I do not have subdivisions on anything okay there's no subdivisions now what I can do is hit merge down hit okay merge down and now we're back in business we're back to where we started so I just barely pulled them apart and stuck them back together if that helps does that help is that kind of what you're looking for okay you everybody Aereo over Facebook hasn't got how's it doing okay but when I orient the camera it won't affect all the sub tools it should it so you basically create all the sub tools in the direction that you want to draw and then you orient the camera and then you make your your brush based off of that okay you get to work here sorry I'm gonna I'm gonna ignore chat for a minute and just get some get some progress made I'm just gonna pull in some high sockets and I want to flatten out the side of the head the skull a bit with polish you exactly but every time pressing merge down seems boring well you can merge everything together like if you have an attack a whole list of sub tools that you want to merge you just use you use merge visible or or merge all like just merge visible sometimes it'll make a new tool over here that you need to bring in but you can do it that way sometimes yeah sometimes it's boring but necessary okay I'm gonna add her nose you you you and right now I'm just getting the shapes in I'm really paying too much attention how they look I just want the shapes in there so I can have something to play with you you you yeah no worries fleep any alternative solution just just merge visible that's that's your alternates alternative solution or just be patient and myrrh them down you we have 221 sweet welcome everybody thank you for joining me today I appreciate you spending your time with me sound like Bob Ross but it's true a lot of other things you could be doing right now I appreciate it you hey damn thank you you I'm just trying to make some big movements here you okay now I'm gonna do I'm gonna do eyelids the Danny Mac way on this one I think you guys don't know who Danny Mac is he does with some really great YouTube tutorials check him out he he likes to do eyelids hold on a second let me reset this so insert both fresh brushes will draw in the last known orientation of your gizmo so I just went and reset that now if I snap it you can see that it's going straight one more time also when you go in so I'm gonna show you this too when you draw out a insert Multi mesh and then before letting go if you push back in it will scale them down on the X and Y axis do you need to be careful about that hey Kyle oh yeah come visit the discord new d8 but what kind of link is that okay now come on reorient better there we go okay then we have our eyeballs we're gonna push him into the head that tool is insert primitive yes so basically see I'll see how these above here that's just a custom brush that I made I built all those primitives in a in Maya actually and I brought him in a long time ago I could probably build them in ZBrush now but it's just several different spheres that have been subdivided a cube a cube that's been split a quad cylinder and my appendage which is essentially an elongated sphere that's been tapered on one end and you can get you can get all these over on my website at 3d character workshop comm because I give them away for free if you sign up for my newsletter and you also get this user interface and my ruler file which is right here this ruler help you measure your character height and stuff like that so autogenerated that link nice dude new d8 sounds like a vanity license plate yeah I'm gonna split my subtools now because I want the eyes in a separate sub tool so I do that by hitting edge loop mask border not edge loop mask border what am I saying split unmask points my eyes are in a separate subtool than my head hey from Vietnam how are you doing well thanks so much pick me says is this possible to do with a mouse possible yes recommended no I if you can find even at the cheap tablet that Wacom makes um it's much better than trying to sculpt with a mouse sometimes you'll see me using my mouse it depends on what I'm doing but when it comes down to actually sculpting I would I would suggest you get some kind of a tablet do you need a Cintiq no you don't need a Cintiq this is a Cintiq it's a 27-inch this is kind of overkill for beginners it's a lot overkill for beginners you just need to have a tablet of some sort even a tablet computer will work as long as it has touch sensitivity I run ZBrush on my Microsoft Surface and it works pretty well what is that window when you click in the canvas so are you talking about this window right here this is my custom menu that I made because the ZBrush interface can be kind of daunting to new beginners and I also wanted to have a menu at my my pen tip kind of at my fingertips so I went through and I created this custom menu and you will get it when you download my user interface for ZBrush you just have to set it to a hotkey and you'll see it up here in the top left seethe 3 DCW that stands for 3d character workshop all you have to do is hold down ctrl + alt and tap on that menu and it will prompt you to set a hotkey and I set my hotkey to - key number two on my keyboard and then I will map this back button on my pen to keyboard number two and anywhere I hover I can pop that menu up so I hope that helps you guys are asking awesome questions today yeah sculpting with a mouse is like sculpting with a brick it's true it is true [Music] what does the Z cut into Z add Z sub so yeah ziad is going to it works with different brushes maybe ask me again after I'm out of this block out phase but Z subtract will actually cut into the surface typically ziad will add additional volume to the surface and z cut I'd I don't really use the cut it it it is working with some of the new brushes I believe chisel uses it maybe not I don't know it's grayed out here so maybe any of you guys in the chat knows what brushes Z cut actually are being used that'd be great I don't use it much okay let's see my pom pom pom you when I use lazy mouse for hair thing I have a wavy string in and out of waviness it's not about shaking hand I fix it with the move rush yes it is normal so some I will get into doing the hair later on you'll see me actually put the hair in and you can see the way that I do it and you can see that I edit it a lot after I've drawn it in so I'll hopefully get there I'm this one might go into two sessions it might be that long so I don't know if I'm going to get to the hair today but I'll try okay and her skull a little too big that feels better okay okay now what is I was actually gonna experiment with something today I like to experiment during my streams so you guys can kind of watch my my way of thinking sometimes and in past streams you've seen me push in the mouth cavity in different ways you've seen me like mask it off do an edge loop and push it in or extrude it in with the zmodeler tool this time I'm just gonna try it with live bullying's and see how it works so I was kind of experimenting with it the other day and it it's it tended tended to look pretty good so I'm just gonna mess with that and see what happens why not first I'm gonna save it though save this as Jay draw as okay yes Lucas if you watch it back on YouTube you can see but it's my own custom menu thing I did get into it alright a bit but this is this is a custom menu and if you want it just go get my free user interface and it just comes with my my user interface you can get it feeling frisky with billions yep here we go okay so I'm gonna grab a sphere draw it out on the surface that's probably way too big something like that now I want to put it in its own sub tool so I'm gonna go split to unmask points [Music] gonna kind of I can what's cool about putting it into a different sub tool is you can hit transparency and kind of get it in there so as it so to speak and just kind of be able to see what it's doing inside the head which I like if you have it all in one sub tool it's it's hard to see that way and what I wanted wanting to do is I'm trying to avoid this getting it too thin where the interior of the mouth meets the outer lips what I mean is the wall of the head I don't want it too thin so I'm actually gonna push it in its like she's eating a bar of soap or something the cavity on the inside okay but I want to try it we're gonna we're gonna see if it works okay now I'm going to go to my eyeballs and you can see how they're sitting inside the head they do look kind of kind of strange might change these a little bit but do them to look like that I think I'll just stick with this let's see I'm gonna do Auto groups to put them in their own group and then I'm gonna turn off symmetry hide one of them and delete it we hidden then you can click on this little go to unmask mesh Center and it will put the gizmo in the center of whatever you have selected and I just kind of want to scale this down just a little bit and move it in one of that small see the bigger the eye the better the the curvature on the front when when a character has big eyes you don't want to have the sphere the same size as your eye opening because then the curvature is gonna be very sharp and it's gonna make them look like they're bug-eyed it's gonna you know like on what is that Total Recall with Arnold Schwarzenegger when they go to Mars it's gonna look like that okay how can I use human anatomy wall character without putting too much Anatomy on it um Filipa that's a great question it's it's best to learn anatomy in order to know how to simplify it so a lot of people think simplifying things means deleting things and that's that can't be farther from the truth it's more like you you're simplifying things you are removing things but you're also designing it so you you are choosing kind of the way it flows and you're still keeping the the silhouette and the forms and the shape language and stuff like that but you're you're not adding all that surface detail to it so like like in a forearm you're not gonna add all of those little muscles that you see in anatomy models you typically don't see them anyway I mean I you can't really see any of the muscles in my arm because I'm not like flexing or doing anything like that you pretty much only see the silhouette so that's kind of what you have to think of it as you you kind of reduce the complexity but not by deleting things that you don't need I I guess it's it's very hard to explain and it comes with practice for sure but okay I'm gonna do I'm gonna duplicate this and then clip it what's up wipeout welcome welcome we were up to 250 for watching health hello everybody thank you very much for watching me today I think that's a record that's a new record I certainly appreciate it so I'm making the eyelids right now and while my gizmo is still in place I'm gonna raise it up and then scale it kind of get it into place a little bit and then we're going to come in there with the move brush and really really mess with it you I [Laughter] I don't know I don't know I think that maybe better than me sushi I'd go for sushi thanks for stopping by though enjoy yourself times time cleaning too much thanks for at least spending a bit a little bit of time with me upper lid shape for now and let's do it again with the lower lid again this is uh this is likely your decision thank you funny okay this is a I call this the the Danny Mac method I know he's not the only one to do it but he's the one who kind of did tutorials on it on YouTube so I'm just gonna stick with the Danny Mac method but oh hey side effects is my overwatch skin released yet no I think it comes out I don't know for sure they said summer release but not they didn't give me specifics but hopefully August or September soon very soon about that I'd like to do another one but I'm caught up yes I did actually so I do an online course and it's called 3d character workshop and I also do freelance work I used to work at Disney Interactive I worked on Disney infinity that's why I put all these toys behind me because I worked on a like one fifth of those toys and now I pretty much do the the online course to teach people how to do this and believe it or not I have over 500 students in that course 500 students I can't believe it but it's I love it I wouldn't change it for the world it's yeah this is not lowish this is I keep forgetting the name Lord Griz gr is is it I got to check that out I got to make sure I'm saying it right the offense Lord Griz yeah Lord underscore gr is yeah that course the Raphael's course is great too so yeah no worries I'm gonna be opening my course for summer enrollment any day now I'd been trying to update the course and put just put more lessons in it recently and I wanted to do that before I opened it again for summer release so I will let you guys know if you're on my newsletter you'll you'll be notified when that becomes available which is soon I'm hoping the next week or two so I keep saying that but pushing Felipe yes absolutely and a really good resource is proko so proko.com he teaches anatomy for figure drawing but it's I just find that his style of teaching is very entertaining and he knows his stuff and he breaks it down in a really nice way another one is Scott Eaton there's a really good one I have I have one of his score che models up behind me but mister dumb nerd most I don't know how to say your name you might keep saying it wrong most random nerd I got it I got it okay thanks man well thanks so much Babu did did I start with the Cintiq absolutely not I actually started on an Intuos when it was when they used to be like a cream-colored and it was this big like it's like a six-inch just tiny and that's what I use to get started I've been doing this for 18 years I haven't been sculpting in ZBrush for 18 years but I've been a character modeler for 18 years in other programs like my own 3d studio max and silo and things like that I've been using ZBrush for the last oh five six years something like that and when I started in ZBrush I still did not use a Cintiq I used an into us re tablet I believe so and like I said before a Cintiq is not necessary so don't feel like you have to have one of these to be good this just helps your speed it does not help your artistic sensibilities or anything like that it pretty much just helps your speed okay I'm going to mirror and weld these try something I know it looks really wonky right now and hopefully that will change soon and then I'm gonna merge these eyelids into the head but I don't want to merge the mouth or the eyeballs so I'm gonna put these up next to the head okay then let's merge this down and merge it down and then I can I want to duplicate this eye and mirror it rather than mirror and weld it so mirror and weld will actually like duplicate it and try to weld it in the center and that's not what I want to do there's also a mirror that exists underneath the Z plug-in under a sub tool master it's mirror right here but sometimes if your eyeball is crossing the center line it has problems so sometimes I'll just mere it you know just regularly and then merge them together so I'll just merge this down and now we have two eyeballs in the same sub tool okay now miss I'm gonna turn on live boolean and then with this mouth there we go so I'm gonna try this you can see how it's it's subtracting the mouth out of this mouth area now when and it's I don't know if it's gonna be more or less difficult to clean up and I'm gonna try these eyelids to see if they're more or less difficult to clean up but I don't want it affecting these eyeballs so I this start arrow and this start arrow essentially says okay live boolean don't touch these eyes you know only do the boolean operation down to here but I'm actually going to hide these eyes and then I'm going to make a trying to think of what I want to do here I want to push the head actually back into the eye I'm gonna turn that back off and I'm gonna push these into so there's an eye socket already ready to go I'm going to push it back in more because I'm gonna I'm gonna be doing a live boolean merge and I'm gonna merge these things together and just try and see how that looks and I'm going to pinch the eyebrows above just to start to make that brow line up here slow today because I'm answering a lot of questions but I appreciate the questions for sure but don't stop asking it just might take me a minute now I'm gonna I'll get to your questions in a second focus focus down okay I don't know this is that part of the yeah okay looks really weird right now just stick with me you'll see it you'll see the magic transformation hopefully out of the land of the suck okay let's turn light blooming back on and we're gonna do a boolean make boolean mesh but I'm gonna save it first save it first here we go okay make boolean mesh oh you know what I needed to turn on this respect subdivision levels undo that then turn on allow dynamic subdivisions because I have dynamic subdivisions turned on then let's try it again make boolean mesh and what it's gonna do is it's gonna make a new tool up here and it's going to have everything together like this pretty cool I want can merge that back into this scene or I can just continue to work with it from there but I'm gonna merge it into here so I can hit a append and then go get it this one I want this is my new head and I can hide the old things and unhide the eyeballs okay so yeah make boolean mesh that combines all of the visible sub tools and it respects the whatever live boolean actions you have setup so I have the mouth being subtracted out of the head and it respected that and you can see now it has a hole in the head for the mouth super cool um yeah crease it I don't do topology work here on my live stream for pixologic because I do my REIT apology in a different program that's not ZBrush so you probably won't ever see me Deary topology in here other than making clothes and things like that but for game meshes I kind of save that for my course I do talk about it in my course I talk about reet apology baking maps and all of that stuff inside my course so if you're interested in that go over to 3d character workshop comm up on my newsletter and you'll be notified when the course goes live again or enrollment see what did I miss hard-surface Aldi box modeling yes I I will still do box modeling over in other programs like Mayer Max or something like that but I will use the zmodeler inside of ZBrush to do certain smaller things like I can make pistols and rifles and things like that with dizzy model or it works out just just fine so now that I have this I'm going to duplicate it hide it and then zremesh it oh yeah tosser X I'm not gonna get into the debate with you right now but I disagree there's better ones out there okay uh let's see I want to zremesh this somebody was asking me what is the difference between remash by zero measure or just hitting zero measure over here in the in the menu and the answer to that is one thing and one thing only and that is the the white cone that it gives you when you do zremesh by remesh what am I trying to say remesh by zremesher it's always such a mouthful there's a white cone that actually remembers where your model was before you zremesh it and you can just adjust that cone to be this the certain amount of polygons that you want to keep so that's the only difference is you can kind of adjust that cone on the fly but you still have to wait for it to calculate and redo its thing so it's kind of like saving you from hitting ctrl Z going back and then Z remission again that's about the only difference but other than that it respects all of the same all of the same the the selections that you make under zremesher so if you hit freeze groups over here it's gonna respect freeze groups in your remesh by zremesher underneath the gizmo so if you don't know what I'm talking about if I hit gizmo and turn this on and I hit this little this little gear and I go to remesh by zremesher right here I can click on that and it gives me this right this this bounding box with these little cones these cones over here those are just symmetric symmetry cones and I want symmetry across X so I'm going to pull that cone out because I'm saying make if you zremesh make sure you have symmetry then this cone is the this is the polycount cone this is the white cone I'm talking about other than other than this white cone doing it here in the menu or doing it here there's no difference it's just this white cone so I can pull this out to be a specific polycount I'm gonna try 3000 and let it go and then it's gonna do its calculations and it's gonna try and zremesh what I have okay so it's gonna give me this and that looks okay it looks like it's giving me some yeah some stuff in the corners this is just an experiment with both the interior of the mouth and the eyelashes though I just wanted to try it and I could probably work with this but it's a little it's still a little too high I'm gonna drop it down to about 2000 try it again okay so that's a little better and then if you like it all you have to do is click on this gear again hit accept and then it goes away but see how I did it twice and it still remembered what my original mesh was cause I don't know how to say your name t-rex over at YouTube the the only reason I bring that up is because there's no right or wrong way to ze or to retype something there's actually so many programs out there that do it there's just some that are a little faster than others but not not fast enough to make you go oh I should drop this when I go learn this one it's just it depends on what you know and where you want to learn it and where you're gonna end up in your final game model so typically I'll do I used to use another program but these days I've been using Matt Maya actually they've they've put some really nice reto Balaji tools inside Maya okay whenever you do remesh by zremesher it will automatically turn off your activate symmetry you want to make sure that you turn that back on whenever you use remesh zremesh or any of those tools I'm just now I have the I have the geometry that I need this looks like it's going to work so now I can just come in here and just start cleaning it up and I just want to see how difficult this mouth is gonna be but it did give me some pretty good loops around that mouth that I'm I'm okay with so I'm just gonna work with that and just keep going do I have experience with clay not not really I have a little bit but just for fun not not really and yes Maya is expensive so I'm not gonna talk about Maya too much but yes it I'm with you there especially for a freelancer you know I used my a lot when I was doing that overwatch scan and I had to pay like $180 a month anyway not fun shaping's eyes they're way too close together and move them apart just with the high sockets okay this is gonna take a lot of editing to get it looking looking good I need to pay more attention to what I'm doing rather than questions for a second now how to make a mouth for a sculpted character that's meant to be animated later on that's like that's a that's a huge huge question that I probably can't answer in in a streaming session but but the the fast answer is you make your high resolution character and then you reach apologize it into a low resolution character later that's the short answer it's gonna look like a fish for a minute fish mouth oops crease it oh man I was waiting for that waiting it was wide open I'm just using the move brush with turned on if I have topological turned on and this range set I can make it so the bottom lip doesn't affect the top lip when I'm moving it around then I'm using inflate to kind of close them together but now she's got a really bad case of the the duck lips oops and I can turn this range down typically I'll turn it down to three I kind of wish it was at three by default because I'm always turning it to three horse start it's I I will typically like you're seeing here I am making even though this looks like a low-resolution character I'm making the high-resolution right now I'm not caring about the topology at all the only reason I Rita pologize dit to give me this topology is to essentially give me enough to sculpt on that's all I want isn't nothing look at that yeah that's looking great anyway I just need enough topology to sculpt on so I'm this is not gonna be any kind of animatable anything until I reach apologize it and I will make the interior of the mouth on my high-resolution object or mic high resolution character yes and she is not looking great and I hope you guys see me struggle for a while and know that when you're struggling it's kind of just the procedure that you have to go through you have to Ryan Kingsland calls it the valley of the suck you have to get through the valley of the suck on every single character it doesn't matter how long you've been doing this it I mean experience will hopefully help you not stay in that value of the suck for very long but you will always go through it no matter what you you he's looking like an alien not very good I need to adjust these eyes pull them back into her head more down and it's these adjustments people like how do you know to do that and it's just anatomy and experience and it'll still look funny how I get everything into place you I don't and I don't know I like building the eyelids into the head like I just did the Danny Mac style because because of this right here it's I I have I have like a double crease or a double two lines happening and I don't I don't want that you that's sweaty brow yep yep see it's like in the world is happening why is she looking like this you just keep like oh I see that I'm gonna move that down oh I see this her ears way too gigantic let's fix it yep yeah she's look like a gray alien for sure holy cow we have 282 people watching this right now welcome to the stream everybody that's definitely a record definitely a record you I appreciate you guys spending your Monday afternoon with me or whatever time it is and you're in your country I really appreciate it you could be doing several other things right now okay that's let's try and fix this nose so like I said I'd do this online course and recently we've been doing a student challenge I like to do these student challenges because in my course you get lifetime access to it so there aren't really deadlines - for the for the students to finish off characters and so I came up with this thing where I do student challenges and I'll give them a topic and then I'll give them a deadline and it's been working out really really nice and yeah Stern I'll get there thanks for thanks for the comments I appreciate it Oh Caitlin your doctor who's are looking great great great you're starting to introduce your own style to the Infinity style as well so it's super nice Argentina 16:05 Wow let's see if not with boolean how would you make the interior of the mouth there's so many different ways to do it Lucas what I used to do is I would mask it off and just push it in you know invert your mask and push it in I've also done where I selected a bunch of faces and just extruded it in the the kind of secret sauce to that whole thing is just to make sure that you use zremesher to make loops after that so that's you can do it that way but you don't have to make a mouth interior it just really helps you get a better looking mouth I've found it's easier to make a mouth that way than to try and just draw a line on the surface and make lips out of that it typically it hardly ever works shape the eye you can see it I I kind of work all over the place I'm working on the eye then i work on the nose and i'm on the ear the next couple minutes Haman how you doing so much chat I love it but it's hard to it's hard to keep up with so I apologize when I get render issues with those eyelids um possibly so typically you guys when I make my eyelids you can watch my my older streams when I make my eyelids are you I typically cut them in by hand I don't I don't do what I just did that was an experiment and I'm I'm not I'm still not sure which which method I prefer I'm just trying it out also for appeal reasons it's better to not have lower eyelids at all or very very minimal ones if you add lower eyelids it's weird but it will instantly age your character make them look older and make them look less attractive I know it's weird but it's true so I will typically just make the lower eyelids very very subtle we'll also kind of smooth this area out as well that helps okay and then work on these lips some more I'll usually smooth this area out as well come on too much as duck lips peeling it either you you okay let's let's use the crease right here you okay I'm gonna switch over ooh a different material I really like this zebra gray because see it shows my surface is better than skin shade for skin shade for I really like to show my colors but zebra gray and you can find zebra grey online just a zebra ray you can just do a search for it and find it but this yeah it just really really helps to see your surfaces okay now it's I like to put in that top line because then it kind of gives me a road map where I can start shaping those lips better you so over on Facebook yes so pixologic will record all of these and they put them over on YouTube yes that was pinch brush this is my pinch brush it kind of works like the Damien not the Damien standard the MA cut brush if you are familiar with the mock up brush but it works like pinch it actually displaces the geometry and pulls it together red wax just like Ashley another streamer on here no red wax stay away from red wax the reason why red wax isn't as good is because it will give you a false read on your surface because it will introduce dark Gray's in your valleys and these really bright grays and your highlights and it'll just throw it off I don't recommend red wax okay my cut no you have to find maca as well made by Mallika's it's just mah but if you want to get these brushes I give you these brushes for free over on my website 3d character workshop comm you can see the link up top there just sign up for my newsletter and you can get get them for free I guess not for free in exchange for your email address so I can you when my course is gonna be open and stuff like that that's all I send you tips and tricks sometimes I need to be better about that yeah there are a lot of materials out there you nice intensity up you so ma cut was made by this guy Malekith the black it's he shows up on my streams once in a while I'm surprised he's not here maude dirty blue yeah mod does some really great materials as well so anything mAh stands for Malekith so that's where where that comes from you okay me too sorry I need to focus again for a minute you looks like I don't have enough geometry in this nose area see that there's just it kind of got packed in here a little weird so I'm gonna have to use scope just pro when it comes to to that during the nostrils you yeah no moon mix today I don't know where he's at I miss him miss you moon mix you okay I gotta fix this forehead now my nose is looking way wide wide wide wide you okay we mix where are you you you even I will see main differences between normal 3d model and the 3d model for printing the biggest difference is for 3d printing you need to have your model watertight which means there can't be any any gaps or any overlapping geometry inside on the inside on the interior so you'll need to run something like a dynamesh to get rid of the things on the inside and then if you have like a belt or a strap or something it needs to be right next to the surface of your character if you want to print it out if it's if there's like some space underneath there there's a good probability that the print is gonna fail because the strap is too thin things like that yes dan this that's what that's like the life of a character modeler right like the little nudges change it so much little nudges I mean now she's looking I mean it changes their expression it just you just have to keep noodling and noodling until until she arrives I guess til it's finally like oh there she is there you are Peter you okay let's add I tend to like to kind of crease we're the eyebrow goes I kind of bring it down here and then go across the cheek and then smooth it out you you okay now that we're at this point I think I'm gonna kick it into sculptress Pro Mode so I can start pushing it further side effects says white doesn't the trim cut work brush work with symmetry it's just by its nature and how it works it just it just doesn't work with symmetry the best thing you can do is do a cut and then mirror it over to the other side and that's a total pain in the butt but that's how I do it too it I'm gonna duplicate this I'm gonna do a big change or something like that I always duplicate the subtool hide the original so you'll have three heads now excuse me I have three heads now and now I'm ready I'm gonna just start going into sculptress Pro I'm gonna turn off live bullying I'm also going to turn off dynamic and when I do you can see how low resolution I'm actually working in so this is what the model actually looks like but when I hit D and I turn on dynamic subdivision it kind of gives me I wouldn't say a fake a false sense of what it looks like but it but it is it's giving me what it would look like if I subdivided it so if I turn dynamic off since dynamic does not work with subdivision levels I turn that off I'm actually going to subdivide it once I'm gonna look at how dense that is that's about that's about right then you have to delete your lower subdivision level then I can turn sculptors Pro on or brush oh do I don't incorporate SLA resin drainage holes yes I typically do if the model is big enough and I'm gonna make it hollow when I was working on Disney infinity we usually did not put drain holes in the characters unless the character was a certain size or bigger my my friend and co-worker Ian Jacobs he made Hulkbuster and he actually put drain holes in the hands where the where the power things were in the hands so when he was standing there like that all the resin would drain out of his hands and his feet on the bottoms and that was we did that yeah we set it up we hollowed it out well that's kind of what we do so Sigma do I miss your question what are you saying something about the mouse yeah it's just you know it's just kind of a personal thing whether you want to use the mouse or not don't feel guilty if you're using it more than say a pen I do use it a lot with like reat apology and box modeling and things like that what it makes sense and when I'm doing my you v's but what I'm actually in here doing the art part like the the sculpting and it just it feels better to me personally when I'm using a pen so do you need it no is it better yes it's just a better connection with with the model you know with that's you know it's it but it's still a personal preference just like a Cintiq you don't have to have a Cintiq to be a good artist it just helps you get faster and a pen just helps you [Music] you know get get better acquainted with your model I guess I don't know how a better way to say it but it's closer so closer one-on-one representation Edison is even closer so that's not what I want to do I just want to turn off sand sculptures promo just for a second I just wanted to edit these eyes better kind of buggin now that I've turned made my resolution lower I'm seeing issues that I'm wanting to fix yeah it does it will shave it will shave time off of your your progress or your process gonna make the sphere connection better I'm using this fill brush just kind of cutting in you and you once you go down you can see all the facets and stuff and you just have to kind of ignore those for the most part and I'm trying not to go too realistic with this ear just enough that tell it's in here you and it will of the sculptor's pro mode will kind of lose some of your creases and things like that but you can see this is kind of what I'm doing with sculptors Pro Mode sculptors Pro will tessellate the the surface like this and wherever I do a stroke it's going to add triangles and kind of get rid of the quads then I can come back in here and and kind of rebuild up what I've done with the with the pinch and stuff like that you so sculptress pro comes from the idea that they had when they purchased sculptress illogic purchased sculptress a while back and that's essentially what that program did was it it did surface tessellation which means that it basically tessellate s-- the surface I don't know of a better way to put it but the larger the brush the larger the the triangles like that and then the smaller the brush the smaller the triangles I'm just using smooth to show you so you can kind of isolate detail areas as you work which is nice but you can see how it kind of messed up my my creases in here so what I can do is I can come back with the pin with the pinch brush with a small brush I just kind of this is kind of where a Cintiq comes in handy and what I'll usually do is I'll turn my model to be on the best side of my natural arm arc so I can I have one really good stroke in my arm which is bending from my elbow I'm right-handed so here's my best stroke so instead of trying to go backwards with that stroke it's like trying to write in cursive left-handed or backwards it doesn't really work because it's you know you have a really good end stroke so the best thing to do and like programs like Maya and stuff they don't allow you to spin this on like a trackball kind of like ZBrush does I really liked the way you can spin it so then I can come in here and just do a really nice cut to that eyelid then I could come in here and do a reverse just to make it super nice okay yeah I don't think I'm gonna get to the hair today well this will probably be a two-parter very very wide and flat that's that's pretty typical to get your female characters appealing and I just tip I like to use the fill brush to just kind of fill this area that leads to the cheek get that to flatten out let's see why sometimes the move brush constraints the movement to a certain area the only the only way I'm thinking is if you have some kind of a mask set like this mass by polygroups or some kind of a mask or a back face set or if you have a topology move brush or if you're holding down ctrl or alt for some reason sometimes it will restrain restrict it to the surface normals there are several reasons why it could possibly happen but by default it shouldn't you shouldn't shouldn't be restricting you at all whatsoever keeps giving you problems maybe reach out to pixologic and see if they know what what's happening you I just want to get this smoother and closer you you you are you talking about you're talking about rotating the canvas inside Photoshop so you can get a better stroke because that you're talking about difference and does that rotate your canvas runner this little tear duct thing I typically don't put tear ducts in characters because it's a it's a little small amount of detail that it kind of takes away from the appeal typically okay let's work on these lips now more like the concept smooth em out you and I'll do the same thing with the lips I'll I'll kind of rotate her so I can have a better stroke on the lips here and the smaller the brush the tie the crease will be if I make the brush even smaller it'll get sharper then you can come and smooth it back down if you want then she has these this really kind of bold this lower lip so I'm going to use inflate the slate on the either side here and in the middle here called the the three beam Tecna you guys have ever heard of that lips are kind of shaped like three beans together you you okay let's try that you so as Photoshop becomes more of a pain tool and less of a photo editing tool there are artists in there that really want to be able to rotate the canvas and get get a better view point on it also a lot of art schools they teach you to flip your image back and forth and rotate it upside down and see if it still looks good cuz you may see something that you didn't see before and that's kind of the same with when it comes to sculpting you want to you know view it from a different angle upside down sometimes and from the side and all over the place you want to even from the bottom make sure your your curves are all working together and then from the top to make sure your curves are working so I'm really glad that Photoshop put that spinning spin your canvas in there it's been in painter for a long time you now they're too high you and you're yeah with that you're not really wrote the image like your your rotating the image but you're not like physically rotating it it's just like a temporary rotate as you work on it it's not like when you actually like it control T and rotate the image it's not the same thing if that's what's confusing you you you all right now I want to work on this cheek silhouette a little bit here you and then smooth out I it's kind of difficult to stay out of that eye crease while smoothing these lumps in here I'll just have to crease it again okay you you her head is or her face is too close to her ear a little bit you you hey what's up Michael how you doing man you you scoping away is that her do the SIA is that Lord Griz on twitter under draw this in your style you oh thanks crease it I mean get on it trying to get it there then it introduces lumps and cases you okay you and I want to make a big big change on this chin I'm just gonna try it here forward you yantai warbles say no to the warbles yeah imagination studio I have to agree with you there um it's still to me it still feels like sculpting with shaving cream trying to push this the section underneath the brow in the head I think I know what's wrong [Music] eyes and where they sit you bear with me for a minute yeah it does it sounds like shaving cream too it's like okay you this should help I hope you even more you oh do you wanna know no that's horrible why would you think that where does that come from you still always be way and smaller livestock no kidding man I used to work at a mink ranch get under the skin but it get in [Music] jeez thing pretty much the same gross all right change topic a lot flies yep where you get those brushes like push thanks for asking twice hey so I offer all these brushes that I'm using these are all free over on my website if you go to 3d character workshop comm there it's right up top there it's and if you just sign up for my newsletter I give you my brushes and my user interface for free and you can go download it and have fun with it just make sure your you have ZBrush updated to 2000 18.1 that's the latest version in order to use those thanks for asking where all of these brushes are going to use those you okay you I'm just focusing on this one it's like there's something I'm that's off and I'm trying to figure it out little bit here okay yet if I pull these out helps helps you you guys are still on the still in the farm conversation you okay let's build up [Music] in here you and I like to do it again down here on the cheek cross like this not so much that it looks like a bump add a little bit of a smile lips are closer to her nose [Music] the end so I'm that okay you what's up chess master chess master well the hairy scope did or was some of their technique yes I'll I'll probably use the just the funky bunnies brush like I typically do I really like that brush maybe I'll use it in combination with Dylan nekron's hair brush I'm not quite sure yet we'll have to see there's something there's something I can't quite figure out what's up we'll think our eyes are big I'm just gonna squish them into I the eye-opening make it sneezy it's probably too big now you're gonna make that smaller like my nose I got a bit knows you okay um I think when I start getting the the eyelashes and things happening it will help a lot too so let's see where do we at 1:41 second you let's run a pinch you and what's up Stephen I think that is too big which is making them be too close together you you just kind of have to go through the motions till you figure it out you who can get a job at pixologic um sometimes they have job listings I don't actually work for pixologic I volunteer to stream on their Channel you you okay now this is getting really chunky let's go back here and pinch it again seems like I keep going back and forth back and forth pinching it hey Jonathan how you doing smoothing it turn off sculptress mode for a minute as smooth this down it's really difficult to keep the warbles out when you're using sculptress Pro Mode it just is so I'll typically get it to a certain point and then like I did in my last stream if you watch that I'll get it to a certain point and then I'll I'll do zremesh it and add subdivision levels because it'll do things like this see that that's just really difficult to get rid of when you're in sculptress pro mode but unlike all these lumps around her face hard to get rid of you so maybe I'll do that right now let's duplicate it that zremesh I I don't know this is not my art this this art belongs to Lord Griz so whoever made this art made the fonts and all that and I'm not sure what it is you okay so let's go and the zremesh this do it bye-bye zremesher I think but I'm going to crank it up to about six this warble warbles be free I'm not talking about the botflies um variants yes sometimes I'll do that sometimes they will paint paint in an iris it just depends I'm gonna accept that looks pretty good Oh like right above my head like this cartoon stuff um that's I'm not I can't remember what it's called it's a really weird name I'm trying to remember what it is officer I'll have to think about it I'll to think about it so instantly you can see this is this has been ze mashed and subdivided a couple times so this is the hey I'll show you this is the before this is the sculptress mode looks like it did a weird kind of a gone off-center a little bit but that's okay and then here's the zremesh version and it's instantly smoother when I subdivide it so that's kind of one way to get it clean cleaner you font sorry I'll have to think about it turn on symmetry yeah it might work I hand squished them all together so it might not be able to tell that maybe that's not the regular spacing of the font by the way where can you find me in social media so my website is 3d character workshop calm that's my main site and you can find me at Shane Olson art on Twitch and I believe on Instagram I'm also a 3d character workshop on Instagram and I think I'm Shane Olson art on Twitter and just Shane Olson on Facebook ton of Shayne Olsen's out there there can be only one we must fight katelyn out I don't think it's a kick I don't think it's a Mickey Mouse font what you're talking about but it's not it's not one of those I don't think most though close it's called something jazzy I can't gosh my brain you you okay let's let's get some eye really quick Brendon what's up man Comic Sans Oh so you guys brendan is another streamer here on on pixologic twitch jazz hands yes it's jazz hands gonna Brennan what's the latest I'm desperately trying to get this model out of the valley of the suck it's slowly getting there nudge by nudge doing pretty good not too bad not too bad oh my goodness okay maybe I need to give her more of a job you Mickey Mouse font you you Groo oh thanks Scott Scott would no grow bald medium there you go thanks Scott how you doing I'm gonna the back of the neck not that it matters but you know it's gonna be covered with hair but back there down the front of this neck it's not so crispy how long are we gonna stream probably another nine minutes you got here this one I was gonna wrap it up I usually stream from noon until two o'clock my time so I string for a couple hours this will be this will be a two-parter at least maybe a three because I'm with the likeness here I need to it's it's kind of difficult when I'm streaming to watch and read and answer questions while I'm trying to figure out the puzzle of the face just trying to I I think of it like a Rubik's clue Rubik's Cube you kind of have to click click click click click until you find the answer and you just keep clicking if it doesn't click you just keep clicking clicking right Brendan hey I am going to the zebra summit I'm actually sponsoring it with my with my course you can and that's for online people if you're watching online you can win a copy of the full version of my course you which right now is a six $97 value and I'm giving away three of them watch watch the summit online when it happens they don't give those away at the summit just on just the online people just keep swimming so how to win it is they usually ask a question and then they ask you to answer it on Twitter with a with a hashtag you on Twitter live I don't know if Kyle's still here I they broadcast both on Twitch and on YouTube so I'm just trying to see of what the craps going on is there a date for the summit yes there here honestly when you open ZBrush there's a big ad for it so it just pops up if you if you have the ad enabled so here's a link to the ZBrush summit and sorry for you YouTube folks links don't work over there but it's it's summat dot pixologic calm you can see it in the in the chat stream you should be able to okay so I'm going to I'm gonna make eyebrows before we close this out somewhat feed will be a Facebook YouTube and twitch just like this stream is thanks Kyle and I look I look forward to it every single year I love it I hope Brendan Brennan you gonna be there hope so Brennan's usually there it's really really great to see all of the wonderful sculptors and pixologic and everybody there it's it's held at the gnomon School in Hollywood this will be my is my third or my fourth year I think it's my bird know it's not really an ad it's it's their own internal splash page and so if they have events that are going on when you first open ZBrush it's kind of this splash page that's just pixologic announcements so you wouldn't really call it an ad but it's an announcement saying the the ZBrush summit is there but when you pop open ZBrush for the you know if you've had it closed and you open it it should have that that splash page announcement and it talks about the ZBrush summit you'll be there sweet oh you're gonna be there there's a lot of people from the UK that actually go my buddies from Belgium are coming yet my other buddy from the UK gonna be great Kyle will be there right Kyle but Kyle's always like SuperDuper busy he's like switching the switches and pulling the flipping the things and barely talked to him it's like hi Kyle hi Kyle a welcome window yes Roy thank you it's a welcome window it's not an advertisement you okay I just wanted I'm just gonna put some really quick browse on here let me see if I have that think I got rid of that eyelash brush did I no I got it okay I got to show you guys this magic really quick for these I might try them with these eyelashes that might be fun I'm gonna duplicate this off delete the lower subdivision level because insert multi mesh brushes do not work on anything with subdivision levels so this is I'm gonna hide this image this is an insert Multi mesh brush that's actually kind of like it's on a curve so it's a curved brush when you draw it it makes eyelashes see that eyelashes just drama round no eyelashes so what I'm gonna do is then I'm gonna try to start them here and work them around and kind of off here Yeah right boom lashes okay so now I can just click on the surface to commit them and then use my move brush to to move them around actually it works better with move elastic like this it's a little squishy err gonna move them into place I kind of want him to curl more but that's okay I'll figure that out when I get there and once you get this geometry in there you can do pretty much whatever you want with them you know like you can inflate them to get them thicker you can stretch them out to make them longer you can curl them up yes yeah this dark magic so there is there is an insert multi mesh maybe Kyle you can help me out with this over on ZBrush central there is is like a library of insert multi mesh brushes and this one is in there they actually have one that that's teeth or you can actually draw teeth in a mouth and it makes the teeth pretty nuts that's the one Brendon uses all the time right Brendon like the teeth master I don't know if this is gonna work or not but I'm masking off everything but those tips then I'm gonna try and get the gizmo in here thanks dad moral of the story don't leave you'll miss out no it's totally cheating Shh you saw it here I only I only show my secrets during my stream I'm kind of breaking them though I need to to go just go through by hand and just pull them up like this make them longer you can also use the snake hook brush and they'll kind of curve them see you like that all right you thanks Kyle yep it's called as the IMM repository insert multi mesh repository there's some really great ones in there this is in there this is one of them and you come in here with the inflate if you want where is it flate these along here Scarah right yeah you could totally get him to curl more but it's you know it's like how much time do you want to spend in the brush versus just tweaking them by hand that kind of thing so it is what it is and I'm going to just deal with it yeah I'm still I'm still working on all so probably after the stream I'll go in and tweak some of this stuff like like the ears um the ears going to be mostly covered with hair for the most part but still you need to pay attention to them for sure yeah anyway instant lashes boom fun right and then the the brows they're not as fast but it's still really fast see how fast I can do these brows let's see so I just grabbed my topological brush and just go this you clean them up tap on the surface boom eyebrows but it's a it's a good you know it's good feedback though crease it I will if it's gonna be a bigger job and I'm gonna use them a lot more than that then you know I'll go in and I'll tweak the brush make make sure I it works for me you know so because I copied it I have a different version of it and there it is in a different sub tool then I can take these brows and just edit them get rid of the creases let me see I'm gonna get I'm gonna put them in a different sub tool than the eyelashes whoops grab the lasso yeah it's very cubic right now split hidden now just turn on dynamic sub divisions and hit increase all and now they're no longer cubic and start editing them and pushing them around and that kind of stuff and then flatten them out if you we will go in here with you know polish is something and just kind of push him I typically go in there by hand since they're so low like this move them around with just with the move brush one move go and just just kind of hide them and move them Rubick or cubic Oh funny you skinny amount you so I hope you guys can join us either either live at the zebra summit or on the broadcast I'm gonna be there live unless you know something crazy happens I'm hoping to get a print of mine there we'll see I don't know if it'll it'll be done this year if you guys have been watching that cowboy that I've been building I really want to get that printed out and bring it with me but it's gonna be it's gonna be quite the challenge to do so we'll see maybe I'll have if aimin isn't too busy maybe I'll have him help me out with that print it in LA so I don't think haul it there on a plane so aimin is he streamed today before I did and if you guys are into 3d printing or you want to know more about 3d printing I suggest you watch his stream it's super fantastic and if you're into realistic characters realistic game characters I suggest you watch Brenden stream hey Brendon when do you when do you stream again they've gotta get that summer summit hype and did you guys see if you if you haven't seen the magic wheelchair competition that they did they revealed it at the at the San Diego comic-con I think it was last week and they did a couple Star Wars ones it was super cool if you if you do a search for that on YouTube you can find it it's really really awesome so cool that pixologic did that and there are a ton of other streamers on here too there are a lot that stream in different languages so just check the schedule Kyle if you're still here I don't know if you can post that schedule usually moon mix is doing it for me but let me see ZBrush live you can go to pull this down so you can see it week we are so if you go to pixologic comm /z brush live then you can click on presenters and you can see a whole list of presenters right here and there's there's Amon right there and where are you Brendon you should be and there's Brendan right there you can click on his schedule his past broadcasts and his schedule to see his his other things that he's done and these are all of his patent past broadcasts and you can do that with me as well I'm on the top left here and there's Danny and Ashley and all the other people who stream and you can also get notifications to when they're all going live so if you want to do that you want to know when when it's happening there you go let's how you do it pull these eyebrows out some weirdo watch everybody with that guy Oh Caitlyn yeah maybe you can ask him there's a new streamer this week huh getting new streamers all the time yeah that'd be great okay so this is where we've ended up with today's stream I'm happy with her here let me pull let me pull her over here um I am I'm happy with her appeal so far but not too much with her likeness I still need to hammer on that likeness and maybe maybe the hair is gonna help a lot we'll see getting the band-aid thing on her nose we just keep just keep twirling that rubik's cube until we could figure it out right so anyway today was a record for people stopping by and watching me I appreciate it thank you so much for watching me today I think I I think what did I say we were up to three hundred something that's bonkers so anyway super cool and as always if you'd like these brushes and this user interface and my ruler file here's the ruler if I can show you and this ruler if you'd like that you can just go over to 3d character workshop comm and download those for free just by getting on my newsletter and I just send you occasional letters telling you when my course is open for enrollment which I'm going to be opening very very soon summer is almost over and I still haven't done my summer enrollment because I've been trying to update some of the lessons and things like that and we have a student competition that's just barely ending that I'm really excited to share with everybody the art coming out of there is just it it just blows my mind they're fantastic so and as always thank you pixologic for letting me stream today we will see you all same time next Monday and we'll finish her up so anyway thanks guys drama bye cheers take care thanks Kyle thanks Brendon see you next time
Channel: Pixologic ZBrush
Views: 12,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pixologic, zbrush, zbrushlive, sculpting, modeling, 3d modeling, art, design, tutorial, how to, making of, digital, twitch, 3d, 4r8, character creation, live boolean, vdm, sculptris pro, deformers, project primitive, illustration, digital sculpting, characters and creatures, mudbox, 3d coat, autodesk maya, adobe photoshop, 3ds max, c4d, 3d printing, concepting, zbrush 2018, draw this in your style, nurse, stylized, disney, pixar, dreamworks, illumination
Id: j3-IACJKebI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 41sec (7781 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 31 2018
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