Shane Olson - Sculpting Stylized Characters - Episode 41

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hey guys okay let's get some people in here are you guys doing night sure I can see everything everybody okay gosh I swear I could hey how's it going what's up me hey Robert nice squeegee how are you doing hey how's it going I like that name mister oopsy-daisy that's fun oh all right so today I thought I would do a ZBrush or a sphere challenge so I was in the beta in ZBrush 2018 beta and I did one hey what's going on that shadow okay so I think if you guys are here last week I did I did a I did a shark and I did a gosh why can't any think today be a shark and a scorpion if you guys saw that lots of people coming in now hey hey how's it going Mike black what's up oh thanks okay so this this fear challenge this one is done by Joseph trust so Joseph did a fantastic job with this frog very cool frog Tokyo nice so and a lot of people are wondering if they can join it they haven't set it up just yet but just today they they said that it that we can do a live stream of the sculptress challenge so what I have an idea for something I want to do and so I'm gonna go ahead and get started I have I'm not gonna I'm not gonna tell you guys what it is you can guess as I go cuz it's gonna be fun and funny hopefully oh wait it's not good Oh hopefully it's not gonna be crappy okay hey London from over on Facebook and Colombia Argentina oh my goodness you guys hello from around the world geez Brazil okay nice nice egg pun okay so this is this is just a green metallic it it's nothing special but okay I'm just gonna start with some clay build up here and sculptress mode and you can see this is just a just a basic sphere nothing special and then I have this just green metallic that I believe ships with ZBrush right here so yeah Robert there's there's all I'm not gonna cover that this stream but I will make sure that I talk about it in a future stream and it's yeah it's super super cool but this this one I'm just gonna do I'm gonna kind of break away from my typical workflow which is building with primitives and then molding them all together and I'm just gonna go sculpt crazy with sculptress Pro Mode that's how you have to do the the sphere challenge as you that's the limitations as you can only use sculptress the sculptress Pro that's right here the sculptors Pro Mode you can't use any other sub tools like you can't add any insert molding mesh brushes or split or anything like that so I'm just gonna start building it up and here it is okay Sean I think most people are on Twitch you can see the chat if it has a little red window on it they're over at youtube and if it's if it's purple thing it's twitch so oh hey Michael how you doing you know you can't dynamesh in the challenge only sculptress pro mode that's it that's it hey nigeria how are you from nigeria 5 a.m. now and from russia oh my goodness okay i just want to turn on this frog so i can see which way is up here okay we're running a little slow for some reason I gotta make sure I don't have anything else open I do have something open okay okay okay all right let's see that that uh and I'm just gonna I'm just gonna turn on transparency just I can see the sphere because I want to get a sense of the the up direction and then I'm just gonna start building this up and scope this mode whoops I want to have symmetry on scope just mode it just starts building so it's really cool it just starts to Tessa mate so I'm just using the clay build up brush and as you go like this it just kind of starts to Tessa wait Tessa mate whatever they cut they're making up words so let's see so yeah there there are limitations for sure well one is it's it's triangles you know it's whether that's a limitation or not it's up to you but hey real hatred oh really well thank you very much for joining me that's awesome okay so let's see I need to focus here I need to visualize what this is gonna look like mmm okay and I'm not gonna tell you what I'm making till later hopefully it turns out and it's cool because so it's you kind of build it up and break it down just like the dwarf says on overwatch build it up and break it down Robert I haven't but I I haven't used many plugins very much but so far so good I have not had any crashes really yes I'm trying to decide how big I want to make this guy it's a duck let's see mm-hmm I'm just I'm just trying to visualize big I'm just trying to visualize big shapes here let's see okay I'm gonna take him a lot bigger this see it's just really nice cuz it just I'm just working on building up volume but it's it's going against my typical my typical mode which is adding primitives keeping it smooth because basically I'm keeping it smooth by smoothing it back down you know building it up smoothing it down building it up smoothing it down okay so I'm going to take this way bigger think just kind of crank this up let's see are you allowed to use a move brush yes um any any brush is fine you just can't manipulate the geometry or like you can't add to it so you can't like do an insert Multi mesh brush or like a curved strap brush or any hair brushes anything like that you just have to build it up from one single sphere and you try and keep as much of the sphere as possible intact at least three quarters of it so you can see that it's sitting on a sphere whatever you whatever you decide to make so yeah it's it's not really hey what's up and we um it's not really a limitation but it doesn't subdivide well like if you're gonna add more subdivisions since the triangles it doesn't subdivide quads when it's a square it's subdivides very very nicely so sculptress you just kind of want to avoid subdividing and you want to avoid using this dynamic subdivisions either because it just doesn't like it hey what's up okay so you're just trying to visualize this I know it looks like a mess right now I want them sitting right down on that mesh so I'm gonna build it up even closer and then I'll probably inflate it let's see I always end up making it look phallic for some reason it's it's just easy to do I apologize yes you can zremesh after you sculptress pro you don't know what's happening but you have it this is sculptress pro so basically they take in sculptress and they've put it into ZBrush 2018 okay I'm gonna build up this and now the difference between move and snake hook is that so you can also see that how if I make my brush smaller and I use smooth that is what defines how small these triangles are you can get quite small see that and if you make your brush bigger and you go over the same spot it's just gonna get rid of that so you need to be careful it's powerful but you need to be careful okay and you can see the facets right now see the facets in here and that's actually why I have this green metallic material on right now so I can see those facets and I can see kind of the the level of detail that I'm working at right now no Daniels not a frog clothes no seams the update is more for sculpture I like to working yeah yeah do you see yourself adding this update to your workflow a lot um yes yes um so I'm gonna tell you really really really quickly when I usually when I typically work I would do I would block out creature or creatures or characters with primitives you've seen me do that before and I will merge them together with dynamesh that stays the same then I will typically zremesh it to a lower resolution then I'll turn on dynamic subdivisions and then I'll work that way for a long time but sometimes I'll get into a bind just like I did last week where I need more geometry like say around the nostrils or like last week I forgot to add the ears I'm gonna go crap I've forgotten addy add an ear so what do I do typically I would get another primitive stick it on there dynamesh it but what happens when you dynamesh is it will get rid of all this all the hard work you've done on the other areas so you're like I'm gonna lose that stuff so with this I can just turn on scope this mode and just start sculpting out in here no big deal then a more kinder I will get to him anyway so it's so you can add some more detail that way or you can add geometry that way that you maybe have missed out on or some detail like around the nose but you need to be careful because when you when you're working that way with stylized characters and you want to stay really smooth sculptress likes to be warbly so you need to be like use it very very carefully because you can get you can get a case of the warbles very very quickly and another reason I would usually add subdivision levels is to add either color that's not a solid color so like a gradient or like a cut in the surface if I want to do a detailed cut in the surface I will usually have to subdivide up a couple levels in order to have enough geometry to make a cut well now a sculptress mode I don't need to do that because I can just stay at the lowest subdivision level and just make that cut but a disadvantage of that is you no longer have a low resolution mesh so if you want to go pose that character now you're gonna have some high geometry or some some high polygon or polygonal triangles in that area where you made that cut or that line of that surface detail so then it's it's a little harder to pose once you do that so hopefully that makes sense oh you guys are chatting up a storm I can't keep up okay yeah or you can just turn sculptress mode off too if you don't want to destroy it yeah okay Josh so if you if you get into where it slows down you can do a decimation and just decimate the model down to a reasonable level and then just just keep sculpting and they've actually added some they've added some new automatic decimation here me nice to show you here configure restore custom UI ok see this I added it down here see this decimation master they've added some automatic resolution settings so you can just hit one of these and it'll just decimate it and then you can just keep going so what the heck is warbly warbly is like just bumps and lumps and not smooth see how I have some some lumps and bumps in here I call that warbly so it's kind of warble like like music warbles kind of like that anyway we're not trying to use my own multi insert brush with the brush modifier projection I don't know that's something you might want to ask the pixologic dudes thanks Chad okay can we not zremesh after the high poly cut you can you can zremesh this but for this for this Z this sphere challenge they don't want you to go away from the from the sculptress pro stuff so let me I'm gonna continue here I'm yapping again I gotta do some try and keep up okay I really need to get this blocked in whoa okay this is so cool doing it this way he's still too he's too small too small okay it's like he's gonna be like a matchstick this is his head and this this inflate it's cool too because it'll tessellate the geometry as well but I think okay I'm gonna try something this this might be cheating that I don't think so what I'm gonna do is just scale him on here cuz I want him to be bigger and kind of back and sitting down on here a little more kind of a goose kind of getting close okay see it's cool because you can make your you can make your smooth brush smaller and then you can just test a mate by hand which is just adding more geometry down in there see this is gonna go pretty quick I think because of how fast it's going already duck on a ball close close close close you're in the you're in the right category let's see here all right cousin neck a lot skinnier cuz it's funny funny is money um Jones a lot I I I might but I not I don't know how much we'll have to see I'll have to see I haven't had too much experience with it yet so we'll have to see and mine knew how much that takes for one of your characters it depends on the detail so if it's if it's a very very detailed character it can take up to anywhere up to even four weeks to do but this one I hope to finish tonight we'll see how it goes so far so good Batman Returns it's not a swan close but it's not a swan yes it actually works very very well for models to be printed because right before you send a model to the printer you typically will decimate it and decimate it means to triangulate it in the very the least amount of triangles possible so your file size is small then you send it over to the printer and since this is already triangulated then you're halfway there so then you can just decimate it even more and it works it works really well Emily I have the 27 I'm not looking to get the 34 anytime soon I tried it at GDC it's extremely nice it's very very nice but it is big it's like I think my Arc my eyeballs would sizzle cuz it's so gigantic it's really big so you're like going it's too big it's too big can you use the new polygroup mold on a decimated mesh and then zremesh it yes you can yes you can John um let's see you watch all Pauls destinations testa mason's yep yep Shawn yeah yeah it's just more and more stuff more stuff to learn never ends never ends never ends okay let's I'm gonna pull out his wing it is it is a foul it is a bird but it's not a swan it works with masking so you can just mask something off right let me see hey what's up one Franco you know before I do this I'm gonna shape this body a little better and when you'd use the move brush you'll see that this gets grayed out the sculptress mode gets grayed out so you can use move without test estimating or using sculptress Pro it's kind of nice sometimes the brush size is is it is a bat bit irritating you know because sometimes you might accidentally get rid of detail that you have okay sorry so he's trying to you put patrice yes over on facebook yes i still use the blockout method this does not replace my blockout method I prefer I prefer blocking out stuff with primitives this is this is not my typical workflow I'm just doing the the sphere challenge from the from the beta test there they're doing it so you start with a sphere and then you try and build from the sphere using sculptress mode and you want to touch the sphere as little as possible but try and get it to kind of kind of work in there so let's see yep you can hey Chris how's it going it's close you're close okay let's see I need to get the wing in here let's see wing wing warrant there we go super cartoony all right let's I'm gonna snake hook it out so it'll actually tessellate as I pull it out it's going to look weird for a minute this is pretty fun actually I want this to overlap okay then we'll make this edge smooth yeah you can just like you know do stuff with large detail and then come in with a smaller brush and just so you can actually see what it looks like right here see that and then I can come in here if I want to make my brush even smaller grab this detail brush and just kind of cut it in you can see it add the geometry as I start to cut this in it's really nice it's really fun to play with see I think I'm a detail out like I know I'm adding detail way too soon I should be waiting but it's just too fun okay we have to change any of your brushes for this version no actually they they just work so sculpt just mode works great with them and I didn't have to do anything so I'm pretty happy about that and I haven't I have yet to release this user interface it's just the updated 2018 user interface to the to the public yet I haven't put it up on my website yet because some of my students are kind of testing it out and basically all I've added is the sculptress mode then the the draw size per brush and then this remember dynamic mode per brush then i added the let's see this claybuildup back in by popular demand people wanted it back so i added it back then on my menu I added this decimation master stuff and I got rid of the you know the I can't remember what it's called where you can make spheres and stuff over in the menu you don't need that anymore because now it's in the gizmo so I got rid of it so Daniel you're getting close my friend getting close didn't take you guys long it's cool cuz anything just erase stuff really easily does decimation master work yeah it does works well they've actually added some presets so you can actually want you to use it in conjunction with sculptress Pro because sometimes your your computer will start to chug it'll start to choke because there's too many triangles so you can just quickly decimate or yeah decimated it'll get rid of some of that detail while still maintaining your sculpt and then you can just keep going the one thing to note though is decimation will get rid of your color so if you have any if you have any coloring like any poly paint it'll get rid of it so just be careful do your do your poly paint at the very very end after you've after you're done yes I do mr. oopsie Daisy I have them over on my website 3d character workshop com they are free for and they all of them work with 2018 so you just follow the directions for how to install them but instead of where it says for r8 for the last version like just put the brushes in 2018 ZBrush start up and then brush presets the same brushes go in there and then the Z project will will work with 2018 I just haven't released this user interface actually the user interface for 4r8 will work in 2018 it just won't have the the few added things that I've that I've added here there is cry red there there is a use and preserve poly paint I gotta see really use and keep poly paint since when I didn't even know about that no way okay Wow okay there's something I learned something new today that's awesome okay forget what I said try that Wow I'm gonna have to try that okay cut this in like I want it to be connected up here actually because that's kind of where they connect so so I'm gonna sculpt for a little bit you guys are asking awesome questions but there's too many this is super fun though okay got that now I want the legs to be sticking out like crazy Thanks card thank you thank you thank you what's up Ronnie hey Heather hey Victor over it on Facebook how's it going if you're still watching sorry you guys I have a hard time keeping up with the facebook comments cuz it's in it it's on a different window okay this is kind of tricky has any of you guys did you see when I when I was at the zebra summit a couple years ago and I did like for the for the sculpt off I made a dandy lion I just had a lot of fun with that and I wanted to do something kind of funny again I wonder if I should you know what I'm gonna I'm gonna redo this redo this because yeah I want to do I wanted to be sitting on the egg so I want to have a little bit more contact with it so I'm gonna pull it out from down here maybe make it a little bit bigger because I want him to actually have contact let's see it's kind of messing it up a little bit but I don't want to mess up the sphere too much so it's very tricky tricky tricky okay I want to make a big enough surface now this is just gonna be this is gonna look dumb for a minute shut the angle I want I want it to be like this and then come off so attached and then come off anyway the reason I the reason I bring up that that dandy-lion is because I I had so much fun working on it because it was funny it was just funny and this this thinking about this idea in my head just kind of cracked me up so I wanted to make it okay why aren't we working what's going on did I turn the intensity down too much okay that's why I meant to turn it down on unsmooth not not the brush itself okay I'm peaking it out a little too much let's get the inflate going down here there's a case of the warbles look at that well I Daniel I think I want to do it mid like mid lay like it's like it's in the middle of happening or just finished that's why it makes me laugh because like the facial expression we can get on here yeah honey I should like the case of the Mondays okay pixal I'm just gonna love this except for I kind of went too big with it I want it to be small small grimaced oh man okay let's crank this up I mean this too small or I need it I need it smaller I need it to go down probably going to work that's fear too much it's like chicken legs they're all thick near the body then they go really I want them to be exaggeratedly thin down here and then have these really big talons the chicken sub challenge what you see Napoleon Dynamite - chicken sauce stroke towns yeah hey what's up how's it going BX Boris for birdie you guys got it it's hilarious right hilarious okay I want them to be like you're the meat let me get the feet off a little bit more just have some space that's not the direction gotta pull it off in this direction well too fast too fast [Music] just kind of trying to straighten out the warbles here then it'll have some kind of feathers coming out around this leg now it's sticking out then some really big toes let's see like exaggerated toes this is the part where sculptress is sculptress pro mode is beautiful thing so maybe like this like this and I want it to be yes so I got a look at it from back here okay now let's make those toes let's finesse this a little bit and make those toes fat they're not small well gosh dang sometimes it goes fast and sometimes it's slow okay not so fast okay now use the regular move get these out here even more oh gosh see if you smooth when your brush is too big it's just gonna smooth those things right out of existence yep dynamesh yep dynamesh master you got to use it to get it water watertight mesh so if you guys seen the cool things in kind of looks like frog feet the cool stuff in under the gizmo so check this out remesh by dynamesh remesh by Union and remesh by zremesher you guys need to check those out they're super cool so basically it does exactly what it says it's gonna do so it will read redo the mesh by whichever one of those you pick and what's cool about it is it's it's dynamic so you're not committed until you go back to the gizmo so you can say remesh by dynamesh and it'll give you like a bounding box and some cones and you can pull on those cones and get the the density of your dynamesh while you're still working on it so you can kind of get a kind of guess and see what the level of dynamesh that you want and you're not really committed until you let go and you're done and it's I almost like that a little bit better than decimation master because decimation master is kind of a it's kind of a a goal that you're kind of a target you're trying to hit and this is more like I just want to crank it up enough where it looks good to me and it's doing everything I need it to do and it does the same thing so if you do remesh by zero measure that will use all of the things that you've already set up over in your geometry menu so any kind of settings you've set up in your zremesher it will do that by zremesher so you can do it over and over again and it's not it doesn't commit until you're done so it's like a nice kind of little preview it does it does take some time it does do its little you know timer when you do it but it's it's super cool and that z:z remesh or sorry that I keep saying Z but that remesh by Union that will actually take primitives and stick them together without destroying the mesh it's kind of like live boolean if you've seen the live boolean and you go okay live boolean let's go let's do it so it's kind of like hitting live boolean without actually bullying and anything together or part it just slows it together and gets rid of interior meshes without doing a dynamesh it's really cool super cool yeah death decimation master for sure yeah it's Shawn it's just like dynamesh you will lose detail it's just like dynamesh unless you have it high enough so it depends you'll have two reproject ored hatred awesome very cool okay let's get back to it back to it back to it so physician physician um yes so they actually use decimation master along with sculptors pro mode yeah I was explaining it a little bit earlier in the stream where if sometimes you will get so many triangles see all these triangles sometimes you will get so many that your your machine will start to bog down and you can you can use decimation master to to read estimating model and get it to a manageable level which is cool yeah so this is just I can come in here and just kind of you know set the level of my tessellation based on brush size I'm just kind of work it around okay let's see I want to mask this out yeah Shawn it's necessary evil I use it all the time reproject so I'm just basically making this little kind of leg feather thing that I want to pull out I don't know how pointed I want it okay let's do like a so I can inflate inflate along here let's see make the brush a little bit bigger mm-hmm not sure how well I like that let's try a sneak hook sup James yeah you should man I don't know that they've officially announced it to the to the public yet but I think they're going to they're gonna allow I mean you can do whatever you want but like officially you know doing an official sphere challenge okay I'm gonna have to come back in here and clean this up obviously because it looks like a crap okay that's just gonna happen that's gonna have to be for now okay let's get smaller you can see kind of what it's doing you get close up in here and you get the detail brush and you can literally add detail and you can even smooth it out first whoops with a smaller brush to add that resolution that you want so you kind of lay the foundation of how much detail you want in there and then switch to like the detail brush Jamari on and just start to cut that in I just it just makes it so it's it's it's the most like clay that I've ever experienced in ZBrush and you know I'm a sculptress user I use sculptress a lot back in the day and I have a video showing how to use sculptress on YouTube and it's old now but it's been seen a lot and this is uh this is like having sculptors and ZBrush I like it a lot it's really good for roughing stuff out you know this this will never be used for like you can't really use this for a game or anything like that but you could you know rough this in and then zremesh it and just you know go to town with it polish works with it so you can come in here the the biggest thing you need to get used to is how the resolution is based on your brush size that is like the biggest thing and that's the thing that you will fight with the most because you'll you want a bigger brush size but it won't have you know you know maybe you won't want as much geometry or tessellation or whatever as it's giving you or you want more yeah it just depends so it's just kind of a practice and work with it and yeah okay let's see just get some morphs done here yeah really - right just making this a little bit bigger this is so right now I typically use a sphere and I didn't serve a sphere for the eyes but I can't I have to use sculptors Pro Mode I cannot add anything else with this challenge okay let me catch up hey what's up Lance how's the primitive gizmo changed your workflow if any uh it so I'll get into that like next stream it has but not as much as you would think I still I still prefer the insert multi mesh just because I'm used to it and it's fast the insert are the project primitive method it's good but when I first tried it it was like I thought it was destructive because when I say destructive that just means once you commit it you know it melds together like two objects will meld together and once you commit that then it's done and you can't really go back and edit that as far as you know the normal way so that's why I'm like instantly primitives are better because you can go back and edit them but there is a cone it's the purple cone if you pull the purple cone all the way out then it makes it so the two primitives do not meld and they do not subtract from each other so if you use that if you keep that cone pulled all the way out then it's essentially my insert multi mesh primitive method it's essentially the same only instead of picking the primitives out of the insert multi mesh you are pulling different cones to make different primitive shapes which can be very powerful so say if you wanted like a a more square finger section but it's it's semi rounded you can get that shape pretty easily with the project primitives because you can start with a square and you can kind of start to soften it up and stick it in there but I I'm still trying to figure out if it's if it's something that I would continue to work with because you know those that that's like the going meme right now right as I was like there's so many cones which one is which and how does it work and you know that kind of stuff so anyway that's yeah I'm still getting into it I'm still getting used to it I need to decide if that's it's if it's gonna change my workflow or not but so far not it's very very cool though it's very cool and I might use it to get specific shapes just like I said but let's see I just want to make these a little fatter and this a little fatter down in the just toes all sticking out here all right let's see did it is there any reason to use dynamesh over sculptures Pro yeah just rebuild your surface where scope does Pro does not so it depends on what you're doing oh I see - tech tools made by sculptors pros an insert mesh eventually yeah you could you could set it up that way bezel tops yes I do it's over it looks like thanks me me posted a link over to my website and I give this info the interface my brushes in the and my ruler file I give it away for free just but just know that I haven't updated the user interface to - 2018 version of ZBrush yet the brushes are the same the the ruler file is the same so you can use those just put them in the the 2018 folder directory the directory is exactly the same except for 2018 instead of for r8 and the user interface will work but it'll be missing a few buttons it'll be missing the sculptress pro mode and this one the draw size and the dynamic size and I updated this menu so there's a few things yeah and it's really easy for you guys to do that I made one but that's okay Shawn me me posted it over there and you can see it but just go to 3d character workshop calm and it works yep new surface from 1 to 16 yep red hatred totally what is it so it just makes it so you cannot it doesn't meld them together so that and I just don't want the shapes to actually like fuse together I want them to stay separate so anyway okay what do we got we got 9 o'clock not too bad for an hour I guess let's see let's get going on this some more good question though questions okay let's see pull this out that looks like a duck I don't want a duck I don't want it let's see get a different angle no just straight it's all it's all sad he's all sad face sad little guy okay now I kind of want him doing an expression with his mouth open so I'm gonna actually mask this off and rotate it up now to kind of push in his head - hey what's up from New York how's it going hey what's up Tony how you doing man you gonna do some sphere challenges some did you do one there were so many I can't remember them all all right take care Shawn SIA hey Hannibal the my I have you I have updated the UI but I haven't released it to the general public yet I've released it to my students but not on my website yet This Is It this is what it looks like and it will be coming soon like I said I just I just updated a few a few little things not not too much mainly I just added sculptress mode sculptress pro mode and a couple other things but I'll be updating it racing it's a parable it's separated but 15y fifteen more dials um because it does it it does deep it does attach I believe in the lower anything lower than one I can't I can't I can't remember I'd have to mess with it all I know is that's how I use it is pulling it all the way out okay let's see yeah Robert okay I'm just shaping this bill put it on my bill I just wanted to kind of hook down to the very end and then come out this is this is the part about Scopus mode that I really like is I can just kind of come in here let the detail brush or the move brush and just start pulling these shapes around and it doesn't doesn't destroy my mesh so I can make the place where the eyes are gonna go and then just kind of work around and smooth it so I do use a keyboard my keyboard you can't really see it in my but it's it's it's underneath my desk and I slide it out so it comes out underneath my Cintiq here yeah I use I do use a keyboard and the ghosted keyboard is that's just it's called Noah Noah keyboard and it I just put it there to show you guys what keys I'm pressing one I'm pressing them this should be working is it not yeah it does see that I'm holding down shift it's changing Oh windows like do you want to use sticky keys no just pushing shift leave me alone okay it's cut in this detail here solid love it okay then I can grab the snake hook and I'm gonna make his bottom mouth looks like a beard I'll put the gobbler on later let's see hey what's up I can't say your name fam fam I mixed real how's it going let's see tell us about the brush you're using I I'm using several different brushes this is just the move brush but I'm using Scopus pro mode and I have these brushes down here that I use all the time this is the detail brush this is just a brush it's kind of based on the Damien standard brush but it's tweaked a little bit and I put a new icon on there so I can see actually what it does and then I have a pinch brush in a cloth brush all these brushes are available over on my website at 3d character workshop comm and they all worked with they all work with sculptress pro mode surprisingly which I'm happy about okay I want his mouth way open I should have pulled it down but since I have this oh boy let's see if I can do this see this is another thing another thing cool about sculptress pro mode is see how I just basically messed up his mouth but I don't care because I can just grab this business and shove it down his throat and then like hollow out his beak a little more and then hollow this out a little more easy see that's what I'm talking about my brush is too big so when I grab that with the the snake hook it actually reduced it I don't want to do that so I'm gonna grab move I'm just gonna move it make his mouth a little smaller let's see Oh Michael Pavlovic he was on this morning right oh hell that goes so red hatred you should check out Danny Danny Mac's 60-second tutorials he actually goes through the cones really quickly on one of his 62nd tutorials it's pretty good but he just he just put out a new one today on how to use zremesher and polygroup like the new polygroup it super nice he's been doing those tutorials and they're they're fantastic so check those out yeah I'm gonna make a tongue actually you're you're already ahead of me gonna make a tongue cuz he's pushing this egg out this egg this giant sphere he's like God what is this okay got some warbles happening just say no to warbles Mike yeah Mike Mike is like superhero technical guy and I love his tutorials they're they're they're spot-on and he teaches you so much in such a short amount of time too you kind of have to record it and go back and watch it you talk so fast he's like the Micro Machines guy and Galoob remember Micro Machines where do you find the UI so just join the newsletter and you'll get it so just say sign up for the newsletter you can also scroll down the page and there are three videos that show you how to install it install all three items and how to use them so there are three different videos there's one on the UI there's one on the brushes and one on the ruler file and how to use it so just just scroll down and it both of those buttons link to the same here I'm going to show you really fast I'm gonna show ya this is my shameless plug shameless plug here we go so if you go to 3d character workshop right here so if you click on this button you'll get my brushes see how it says you will get my free brushes and user interface right here for signing up so go here and you'll get them and here are the three videos one two three so this talks about the Rush's this talks about using your face and this talks about the ruler file and you can click here and it goes to the same place so you just click here and then just fill out your info and you'll get and these are some awesome characters that my students have done so anyway shameless plug right there and if you've signed up before I'm going to send you an email with the updated user interface shortly as soon as I get it done so if you've signed up before you don't need to sign up again if you want the new stuff I'm gonna send you a link to the download page you don't have to sign up again if you're already on there so don't worry about that I just need to get it out there it's not like I said it's not available to the to the public yet soon I just been crazy busy with contract work and you know trying to do this ZBrush 2018 stuff okay let's see soon soon I'm just trying to work out these eyeballs it's gonna be weird that's all pushed in right there don't be such yeah so if you're on my newsletter don't you don't need to sign up again just know that you you'll get you get the latest info when I update it and I'll send out an email a mass a mass email I think I haven't told many people but I think I think I have eight almost 8,000 people on my email list I don't send out very many emails I send out emails when I when I launch my course and I'm gonna be doing that for spring time enrollment pretty soon I'm not exactly sure what the date is but that's coming so if you're interested stay on the newsletter for that and you'll be notified and then you'll get like a series of emails you know over like a week or so you can just ignore them if you don't if you're not interested right now so when I said students I I have I teach an online choral sorry I teach an online course it's called the 3d character workshop and I need to do better community I need to do better I can't even communicate today but I need to do better at communicating on my website exactly what it is and that that there's a course there you can't really tell but here I'll show you really fast so if but if you log in it's not I must be I must already be logged in well there sometimes there's a log in right here so yeah okay here we go so I'm already logged in if I go to my library so here's my course this is the 3d character workshop and I'll show you kind of a preview of what it looks like so this is the course there's there's a bunch of modules and a couple bonuses and I do I need to change this out but like for example here's the first module and I go through ZBrush fundamentals and you can see all this stuff and then if you go into say one of these I'm talking about polygroups then I go through and tell you all about poly groups and how to use them and all that kind of stuff so that's that's kind of the course in a nutshell but there's a whole bunch of videos and there's text and there's comments and all sorts of really fun stuff and inside the bonuses I teach you how to prep your models for 3d printing how to render in key shot and I do like this mini mini head course that takes you all the way through and I do some industry pro interviews and there's a community like a Google+ community and I also take you all the way through game character creations so I talked about how to create game characters in here how to do UVs and how to bake maps and all that stuff so it's a it's a big big big course anyway so you asked I told you yes Jake one its lifetime access so once you get in you're you're in the cool kids club and and you it's I I based the model around ZBrush around pixologic so what that means is once you've purchased it all the updates are free and you don't have to pay for updates anymore and I update it once in a while so I'll be updating it after this the 2018 release talking about this new sculptress mode and stuff like that so yep so there'll be a spring enrollment so be be ready for that one if that's if you're gonna be if you want to get in there not like I said I'm not exert I'm not sure the exact date yet but coming soon it's pretty funny okay let's I want to get these get the tail feathers going on here let's see hey what's up Devon hey Joe how you doing man if you're still here you probably just popped in and bailed how's it going man oh man that's that's really small okay that's what the snake hook does okay let's see maybe a bigger brush I kind of want it's kind of tricky okay the slower I go the more geometry it takes with it which is good I guess I can come back with inflate and fix these a bit okay and do one more well this middle one's gonna be hard to do that's not what I want oh yeah yeah yeah yeah that's way more complicated way more complicated I mean I break it down so it's not like super complex but it's I cover a lot more information okay well that's what I'm gonna get I know right has anybody ever said yes to sticky keys yes I want sticky keys thank you I was hoping you'd ask it was kind of trying to make these looks sorta similar it's see it's it's really hard not to have warbles not undulating surface it's easy to make make it have undulations okay then I want to take these what if I can do them all at the same time let's see so DJ Kim would you ever do one modeling for animation purpose I want to see how you handle the edges and positions of three five points and stuff I don't do this on I don't do that on this stream but I do teach it in my course I do teach how to do it but I I don't show that while I'm streaming because it's it's pretty boring and I don't want to give everything away you know I'm saying so and I typically also don't do that inside of ZBrush I use another program so and since this is the pixologic streaming channel I don't show it here so I'm gonna unmask these and I'm gonna see what happens if I just pull these out not that far like this then they're all messed up so I can go back in here see how they're all stretched and then just smooth them out yay super sculptress mode super I call it super sculptress mode it's like flags they're supposed to be feathers we'll try and make em more more feathery here oh yeah red that's cool I do have a little bit of automation happening in between launches so that's what that might be what you got going on there I just don't I just don't leave it open all the time because I don't want to be overwhelmed with students so I kind of drip it drip it but I will do like webinar style launches I don't I hate the word webinar yeah James totally yeah you can do that yeah you can smooth it what James saying you can you can smooth an area and eventually it will actually like separate out make a new piece so I don't I don't know if I'll be using that on this guy I don't know if I have the need but it's it's possibility you can also turn sculptress mode off so I want to inflate these toes not that much without test estimating that's such a made-up word guesstimate just meet your friends there we go see I just want those feet to balance out and be bigger Tessa me for fun and profit yes right oh I'm gonna do the same thing to these guys inflate all is such a wordsmith he is let's see did I miss if I miss your question cuz I'm sculpting or whatever and hey Devin um just ask it again because I'm you know I'm sculpting too so so G Castro um have you gone back to the studio life yet I have not well I sort of have I do contract work and I can't say who I'm working for right now until I actually like finish and contribute to the game I'm working on so I don't want to go announce it or anything but yes I'm still working in the industry I need to stay relevant and teach teach new pipelines and things like that so but but but the course is doing very well so I tend to just you know do a lot with the course okay so there's three three little feathers in the back smoothing I'm smoothing everything down without sculptress Moton so I can use a way bigger brush and just start to smooth this without it destroying things and he's pretty he's pretty large from the front my trying like push some of this in just to kind of make him its I want him to kind of be like heavy on the bottom you know so he's like sitting on the egg or whatever the sculpt is sculptures on the sphere and I actually want those back feathers to be much bigger all right Robert no worries thanks for stopping by man have a great rest of your evening day or wherever you are at okay I'm going to mask these feathers off I want to make them larger so I'm turning symmetry off let's Center this there we go there we go that big mm-hmm maybe you like that yeah that works I'm talking to myself don't mind me yep-yep should be should be up in a couple days if not tomorrow pixologic tends to get them get them on YouTube fairly quickly ok this is gonna be tricky just want to pull this back I need to save this save it okay I know it's working if it makes me laugh Raphael will see one cool cushion after all the sculpt with the new sculptors Pro is done we can use remesh sure yes you can now I feel topo I really need to be done outside of ZBrush okay just if you ever do topology for games or film always do you will always need to redo the topology by hand zremesher is not there yet it's it's I'm it's not quite there you can't really you can't really use it as a you know a mesh for rigging for animation it's not quite there yet but what you can do is you can you can duplicate this then zremesh it and then project the detail back on so you can do that and that will get you quads back so you're not using triangles anymore so that's that's the way to do that do I ever use back face masking for the thin stuff I do I do if I need to if it starts to affect the back that's why I have it on my interface right here see it's right here back face mask or yeah mass by polygroups stuff like that I'll turn it on occasionally but this stuff's thick enough that I don't really need to worry about it okay let's see um I really I really want him squawking so her it's gonna be her I guess not him it's her I'm gonna see if I can let's see yeah no worries Jake I use it all the time okay let's see and I can get the tongue coming out go on okay now let's put what do you got 919 all right we're doing all right let's get a little bit of a connection happening all right workday starts in 40 minutes oh sorry man take care have a good workday thanks for joining me so early is it official that this version would be called yeah 5r1 yeah you know I don't I don't know why they switched to 2018 but yeah this would be technically version 5.1 or just five version five they usually don't say point one okay let me see if I can turn this off and and I went inflate his head more probably gonna ruin his eyes but that's a sure so it's it's hard when you have symmetry on you need to make sure that you're right in the center or you'll get like two two lumps one lump or two and if you're not in the center it's got to be very very cautious you don't make two lumps brush size I'm still getting used to it okay let's let's make his little gobbler right little gobbler I want to make that his neck also have kind of a thing let's see is it gonna be I got a hold on I got a look at reference I gotta see if it comes off of the where if it's right like hook to the bottom of the beak or what sorry one second yeah I guess it is it's all kind of one part one piece that goes all the way around this is not any any former realistic okay I'm just gonna I'm just gonna make it come off the beach who cares all right tomorrow on fleek turn-offs go chris mode let's see gobbler yes it looks like what you think it looks like I'm gonna put some I'm gonna try and put some motion to it topological range three shrinks the next still gonna be careful I also want to I want more emotion to these these wings I don't know if I can pull them off like I want to there we go um Edgar I I will do I'll try and keep hard surface modeling in ZBrush as much as I can but if I'm gonna do a lot of it I usually do it somewhere else just because it's it slows down my workflow a little bit to be honest but if I can stay in ZBrush while I'm working I will hang this up I just want to pull these wings out just a little bit so he's kind of just going you know like what is happening one of those and pull this back in and it's gonna break it but I don't care cuz it's sculptress Pro I just smooth it let's see it fixes it sort of let's fix all we won't be seeing all this back here hopefully maybe I'll pull it in a little bit just using regular move so topological slowing it down that's why I'm gonna turn that off yeah norisse but everything you know I'll I will do a lot of hard surface in here so don't especially when I'm making like weapons or something like that like a pistol you know I'll go ahead and do it in here don't be afraid okay let's let's get the tongue how'd you reposition the gizmo um so anytime you hold down alt you can do whatever you want with the gizmo and it will not affect the object that that includes any part of this except for that yellow square it won't do anything because it's it's scaling on all axis and you can't scale the gizmo but if you want to just move it just hold down alt and move it or rotate it or you can't scale because you can't scale the gizmo so anything with scale you can't do but all these buttons right here actually affect the gizmo so this one will Center it in if you have symmetry turned on its gonna Center it in half of your object right there in the objects mass or if you have some kind of a like a mask like that when you invert it and you hit that button again holding down alt and you hit that button it's gonna Center it in the middle of that masked area like that then if you want to orient the gizmo along the objects normals you can hold down alt and just tap anywhere and it'll move while you're holding down alt yeah it'll do it and it'll move and then if you want to reset it to the world axis you can just hold down alt and click that and see it resets it to the world and then if you hit hit this home while you're holding down alt it'll Center it into the center of home so um yeah hopefully that hopefully that helps you out that's all I did let's just tap on the surface dukkha uh can sculptors Pro replace dynamesh uh not not not how you're thinking dynamesh acts in its own different way and it you its dynamesh will do the entire object all at once and sculptress just kind of works locally when you're when you're sculpting there is a Tessa mate and decimate function inside the geometry menu underneath see it right here Tessa mate I can click that and it will Testament the entire object but it won't necessarily merge parts together like Dyna does so dynamesh will merge parts and get rid of interior geometry whereas Tessa mate I could be mistaken but I don't believe it does that so it's used they're used for different things okay yeah no worries okay let's get these these eyes and then okay I'm gonna add kind of these the little crest going along the top but I want to put some eyebrows in first let's see how this brush works I haven't use this one with sculptress mode yet so I got rid of my eye out see this is just the fill this just builds it up softly so like the clay this claybuildup builds it up quickly like this and makes a mess where this fill brush is really subtle smooth so fun to build up some eyebrows I can without it you know ringing surface too much okay now he's got some eyebrows and then in a snake hook out this ought to make them kind of goofy [Music] I'll fix these here in a minute I'm just trying to get some geometry in place [Music] gosh dang it's hard to stay in the center mmm like a punk punk rocker maybe this angle why did the other ones go so easy and this one is having troubles okay that's good enough I'm just gonna deal with it it's gonna kind of make these skinny and then fat no well I want more geometry on here so I can inflate them with no problems if that one's going away come back okay that's I guess move will work without destroying anything oh hey what's up okay yeah let's inflate without scope just mode on um the other snake good brush oh I haven't tried that one yet let me see peace snake hook - uh-huh let's try that okay I want to try that bad boy I sure I forgot all about that one thank you so much it's new Oh interesting okay it's kind of spongy ooh I like it though that is nice it's nice for pushing in down in these areas thanks for letting me know about that reminding me it's pretty cool peacock thanks so let me try that and I might have to put the snake hook too on my interface if I'm gonna use it that much we'll have to see it's doing stuff like this it's it's a it's nice thing would inflate that myah drugs no should I be let's see I'm going to piece - what's the snake - okay maybe get rid need to be used to the hotkey let's try this try pulling out a tongue with that snake hook - and see if I can get it sorry this is fun man it's fun sorry I'll try and be more depressed let's see snake hook oh gosh in doing out okay oh I see oh it does pulls along the surface okay alright I'm just gonna use a regular snake hook for this one I just want to pull that back into the mouth then just a detail brush and cut it in so it looks like it's not connected smooth at down [Music] not a double single let's crank it up a little bit I can pinch it to pinch it there we go reverse pinch to kind of straighten that out scope just pro you can yep not like super scares about polycount though it does though with with sculptress pro mode you can make your machine cry if you get it if you get the poly count too high yeah so just be careful so right now I'm only sitting at two hundred thirty four thousand which is which is fine it's completely in fine mode all right I'm gonna get some page this around here I usually like to turn my model so I can get a good good stroke on it just add some more geometry whoa that's too much hey what's up Harun chickens are sweet they are is weird they're so weird look at him okay I want to go let me see I want to do I'm gonna try this snake hook with this where you find it um let's see I'm trying to remember where it is references yeah I can't I can't remember where I where I found it I did find it but it's buried in there may be somebody else in the stream knows I don't want to have you guys watch me dig for it sorry okay this is needing some cleanup here it's sculptors Pro a new feature it is indeed it it's new with ZBrush 2018 brand new one that just came out okay I wanted to try the snake hook brush turnoff symmetry though I think that'll work I should have done this with the legs flips break oh he's trying to find these right here the remember dynamic mode per brush button and this remember draw size per brush I can't remember where those are located inside the menu somebody was asking about them if you guys know that'd be great if you could post where they are at sculptress promote is is fun I have to tell you that it is quite fun hey what's up speculation yeah they're not in an intuitive place that is for sure preference draw thank you you're the winner alright hey let's clean these edges up a little bit this is a little too sharp Haroon I don't have it available quite yet but it will be available on my website soon it's on 3d character workshop comm if you're already on my list I will be sending you an email with a location where you can download the new user interface so I'm just kind of running it through its paces right now making sure that everything is on there that I want to be on there like if I want to have this snake hook to brush out on the interface or not I'm still trying to decide that's another one it's a good example but it should be it should be available fairly soon so yeah this is a good example I need to rotate him so so my arms like was like and there we go that's much better hey Shawn what's up junk with tightening sort of speculation that's funny see just like I'm trying to see I'm trying to remember where it is I cannot recall alright let's just put a pinch down here get that cleaner let's lay the sound if I don't have symmetry on dagnabbit all right what did I do without symmetry probably that wing huh yeah oh well dang symmetry as well turn it off to do this side yeah see I like to look at that neck way better than I like to look at these legs I can erase this and do it again if I want I've got about 15 minutes left I'm gonna give him some talons maybe I'll just reduce what's happening here let me make sure there's symmetry is on this to happen on both sides just reduce it there you go that's that's a bit mo bettah ya specky nation that is a fantastic thing you should be doing because you can actually teach yourself a lot about ZBrush by building your own user interface especially if you do menus and stuff like this like putting this user menu together taught me so much about what I use what I don't where to find it all that stuff also downloading other people's user interfaces to see what they've done with theirs and what they use the most and what they think is important then you can just kind of edit it after that just give me an idea you know what do you want to include on yours so this is this is my user interface leftover from the Disney infinity days that's what I used to use a lot and I've just kind of updated it as I went and listened to user feedback and adjusted it as I went along okay let's do some talons oh let's do the snake hook to be s to because it comes out of the normal okay I want let me see if I increase focus I want to kind of heart a hard ring where it comes out there we go check that out yeah there we go that's cool but not in that direction it looks like I have some facets let's clean those up before we do any more see cuz you want kind of even geometry when you're gonna be doing something like that you Billy I beat my last one when I can't find my backup file anymore to update it to 2018 so do you still have four r8 installed because if you do you can just go open for r8 and then go to preferences config and then save UI right there and you save it out and then come back in here and just load up your UI and it'll it'll come up in 2018 so hopefully and leave this king I might but I'm not supposed to touch the sphere at least three quarters so maybe I can get away with just like that's like that's a pretty good idea actually just kind of warping the tip of it to make it kind of look like an egg shape oh that's hilarious there we go easy peasy oh look at this garbage over here garbage on the left it's oh geez that's quite the talent hey I'm Stu it again do it again have one that's all bent weird that'd be funny it is a madcap shooter it's just it's the one that ships called green metallic I just I have it turned on so I can see the surface but I'll be I'll be painting him shortly so that'll change the surface this is just it's like my version of the red wax just so I can see see what it's doing okay let's put some let's give him some eyes like Bunker's eyes like he's going yeah all right here we go uh what should we do okay maybe claybuildup let's see if we can build this up alright I'll build it up a little bit more and polish it back down if it works oh come on what is it MVP is king okay excuse and the Pisgah I'm sorry twit twitch names are so hard to be like what what does that say sorry sorry my bad hey you that's why I should say hey guy ooh maybe I'll push it in push it in so I look weird I looks weird I think I'm gonna take it out Abel just paint it on I'm not gonna have geometry on there for his pupil paint what's plants oh you missed a start a stream did you start with two spheres of one just one so that's the sphere challenge that pixologic has has put forth is basically they want you to start with a sphere and not touch it as much as possible and then just use sculptress pro mode only and just build up from there and sculpt something so I did two of them before I did a scorpion and I did a shark I don't know if you guys saw those or not let me see if I can I'll pull them up for you guys really quick and I know you've seen my email I put up here I'll have to search for it well it's being super slow probably because I'm screaming gosh come on computer you can do it okay here's this one what oh okay there's this one if you guys saw that last week so I built this one just from the sphere the the feet are not touching they're not melded or welded but the bottom of him is so I just started just like I did with this guy and built it up and then built it out and just kind of detailed everything and pulled these little hairs out and all these little bumps and everything like that so that was pretty fun then let me see there's a shark there we go there it is and here's a shark I did so I did the shark first but he kind of looks a little too happy about that spear what is fun it's cartoony shark and that was the first one so then I'm gonna do doing another one so thanks guys but yeah just that's kind of the idea is to start with a sphere and go from there it's that that's the challenge and there's this guy named Pablo if you look on the official pixologic Facebook group thing they've been posting his spear challenges on there that guy is a machine he's been making a ton of them and they look fantastic it looks looks a little too happy with that spear right spear just make that connection a little better okay let's got we got a couple more minutes let's color him up they said they'd you know they they didn't want them colored for the beta but for this streaming challenge they said it doesn't matter if you do or not so I think I'm gonna color him up we'll have fun with him let's see what we can do let's go well let's film with white first like this okay I think I think I'm gonna before I do this I'm gonna try and do the elongated sphere thing just for fun because they said not to not to effect like three quarters of the sphere that's part of the challenge so I'm gonna soften this up soften this up I don't know if it'll mess with these feet or not but then let's see if I can do this yeah I want to keep it a sphere I want to keep it a sphere I was gonna try to make it look like more like an egg but I think it's kind of supposed to keep keep the sphere there then they're gonna put the ZBrush logo in here and stuff so it's kind of funny all right all right so let's let's get some colors maybe something like that when doing faces do you've set the second sphere to make the eye line and jaw I I don't I guess I don't know what you're asking with that one I yeah I do one for the cranium like for the full skull I mean I do another piece for the jaw and they kind of attach right at the eye line going back to the ear that's what you're talking about I think when I'm blocking out with primitives just kind of doing this rough no it cannot attach to things that's the limitation of it right now I asked for it I want it be a cool thing you can detach but you can't attach okay then go kind of darker but not black with the towns oh come on check the bottom check all sides okay I got a little bit of a I can clean that up afterwards here leave him white I'm gonna make his is there any way to get your user yeah so um yeah my user interface it's available for free on my website which is 3d character workshop comm you can go there I don't have the the most recent like for 2018 I don't have that one up there yet but I'm going to get that up there soon thanks me let's see so you'd have to do retopo if you wanted to attach your sculptress pro model tune them no you can do dynamesh dynamesh volt attach them together or you can also do in this gear you can see remesh by union that will do it too that will merge pieces together without destroying your without destroying your surface you can merge them together so what is scope I think Sankey means sculptress so sculptress scope this was a free program that you can that pixologic owns that this kind of tessellating geometry stuff came from so they they purchase the program from my from a programmer that made it but then it took them quite a while but then they finally put it into ZBrush so now now it works inside ZBrush so which is pretty cool I think I want sculptress is that when you're talking about our sculptors okay okay let's see and I can come in here with pinched and clean those edges up to later I'm just kind of coloring what's there no this this UI is is one that I adjusted for 2018 you'll see that it has the sculptress mode right here and it has this remember draw size and it has this remember dynamic mode those are pretty much the only things I added to this my old user interface and then I also added to my menu this decimation master presets right here I added that and that's pretty much it it's not a big update so if you if you know how to update the user interface you can do it really quickly or you can wait for me to upload it to the website and if you're already on my newsletter I will send you an email when it's ready MVP probably not it'd be it'd be fun but I typically don't do licensed characters during my screen stream oh this is asymmetrical I forgot to turn off asymmetry and finish painting this kind of a mess doing my best so what you can do is turn sculptress mode on and then come in and make super clean because it's actually Tessa mating as you're painting right the cool kids mailing list if you're on it go to 3d character workshop comm sound like an advertisement I don't know why I didn't have scope just Moton before well I don't want to fill the entire character I guess with this small resolution it would take me forever to fulfill there you go but I can do this around the eyes let's see I need to get it a better angle um let's see curls how did I start learning it what programs did I use I've been doing this for a long long time and to date myself I've been doing this since 1996 is when I started so I started I started sculpting and modeling characters back with the first program I used was 3d studio version 3 in DOS long time okay so what monitor is this this is a Cintiq 20 27 inch made by Wacom all right let's see how far I can get underneath here and go a little lighter oh it doesn't it doesn't matter which way come you have as long as you have a tablet that's the only thing that matters you do not have to have a Cintiq to sculpt this is just it's luxury something you save up for after you know that this is what you want to do and it's worth the investment but to learn it you do not have to have a screen honestly it's vit is much more accurate but you can turn on lazy mouse and you can use that to help you get better strokes are we sculpting some cartoon cuz that's what I like to do man that's my thing yeah welcome we come welcome tomato tomato I'm actually gonna feather this if I can if it does yeah I'm just painting you paint works with with sculptors pro so it does uh let's see so sick that's why this fear challenge is an insider challenge at pick so if not what are the rules um it's it's a it's a streamer thing right now it was a beta user thing now it's a streamer thing for a little minute and then the they are going to they're going to release the challenge to the public fairly soon they just want it to you know make sure that it's it's good to go I guess they're testing it on the streamers first they just announced it like right before I went to stream so they're like yeah if you want to do it so I did it during the beta and now I'm doing another one okay let's see what's the key bind OC the the letter C that will I drop your color I think I might take this around let's do this actually I want to turn sculptress mode on there we go alright let's paint some derpy eyes on this guy mr. spot they ever worked on Smurfs no I have a friend that did but no I have not personally some brushes have lazy mouths like this one see that little red line that's this brush is using lazy Mouse yes I still use lazy mouse even though I use a Cintiq it just helps most every tutorial livestream are about character art yeah so a friend of mine streams his come on stuff bouncing he he streams environment arts his name is well and it was real name his name is worth daily trying to remember his twitch name you guys what's worse twitch name I gotta move this out it's driving me crazy I don't have Robin here to tell me or tour or worth but there there's there a handful of people that do mutated jellyfish thank you Mike thank you very much I cannot believe that I forgot mutated jellyfish you guys are awesome anyway yeah follow him on Twitch and watch his environment stuff if you're looking for environments if you don't want derpy cartoon characters right James speak the truth honestly you could use so with there's a there ZBrush core which is a very low-end cheaper version of ZBrush to help you get into it to see if it's what you actually want to do and there is a bundle that comes with a a tablet a Wacom tablet and that tablet is just as good as anything as long as you're not sculpting with a mouse you're doing good just telling you that right now just don't use a mouse it's like sculpting with a brick all right what do you guys think should I paint I'm gonna paint Estelle feathers maybe like a bright ass green I think that's the actual name of the color let's try it yeah I use whatever is available but that's like number one investment that you should work for the tongue thank you the tongue paint the boom alright in the inside of that mouth but maybe this Pinker there you go look at that what a mess let's do that again careful err this time more careful okay it's not much geometry in here so it's painting all weird then I'm gonna grab this color this just kind of feather it all in those gradient look good I don't know if it looks good with a gradient I think I'm just gonna paint it solid a sculptress mode on let's get that in there okay I'm gonna fake some ambient occlusion in here I think how some gradients see if it works turn off sculptress mode a blue tongue it's not a bad idea just to kind of separate them from the egg a little bit the egg egg we're calling it an egg I colored it too much let's go a little darker on there the undersides of these feathers a little bit of gradient sound like Bob Ross about now happy little feathers yeah alright I'm gonna try something 10:16 we're going a little bit over but that's okay so this is I'm gonna try something with with the sculptress mode right right yeah yeah kill the challenge I might do it like some cracks in there it's not a bad idea okay so what I want to do is uh some sweat beads right and so we're gonna hear me save it save case this doesn't work okay I might put some okay turn off RGB let's get this out here now bear with me here try this I'm gonna try to smooth it oops okay I didn't have Sculptra smote on there we go and then smooth us away hopefully come on there you go smooth away all right you guys saw me do it so I'm still within my within the challenge okay and smooth this down come on inflate work your magic what are you doing just late there we go just got to turn off sculptress mode okay I'm gonna mask this out so it doesn't smooth that back down in there oh there's a fine line between happiness and pain there we go all right I took a little too much effort all right I think well yeah it's fine fine we put some nostrils nose holes and I can do this I can turn on RGB mode and grab this like this color and go dark with it like not black just kind of push it in they'll deal with a mask so you can have a little bit more control area that works [Laughter] [Music] you decide well let the user decide the viewer it's up to the viewer all right I think we're done that's why we get maybe I'm gonna do some asymmetrical stuff here let's pose it a little bit more mm-hmm let's do move elastic and see what that does see I'm gonna save it first too much she's gonna kind of just making me symmetrical a little bit [Laughter] for chicken I don't know bad seed just trying to get away from white whites boring whites boring thank you very much dukkha just complimentary colors that's what I'm trying to do okay I'm gonna change this left pupil so we can see it so let's because I kind of want to view it from a certain angle and you can't see both pupils at the same time unless you're looking at it right on so I'm gonna change it to be more derpy derp mmm-hmm whoops went too far gosh maybe something like that yeah yeah rotate the whole thing right like you do you funny do I render in another software sometimes I'll render in key shot yeah too much kale for sure alright looks a little dirty from this direction move this too so you can see it more okay okay would you Center please need to kind of put it off to the side this is the screenshot something like this back here we go all right kids I think that'll do it for the night thank you so much for joining me it was kind of a fun to do a sphere challenge hopefully they'll pixologic will open it up soon to everyone you guys can try it yourselves but let's see-oh missing some conversation over on Facebook hey what's going on press all of those on the shows where the buttons located oh yeah for sure this Oh pressing alt above the button there no it's just showing me that maybe control oh there it is control you mean yep if you want to know where a button is holding control shows at the bottom I didn't know that cool yeah you're right I'm gonna change it back watch I'm with you man I liked it better back here let's see I'm gonna I liked everything else so I'm just gonna repaint it back there okay let's do it again do it again all right yeah it's better all right hey John Doe thank you thanks for dropping by everybody hope you were entertained by this whacky chicken well thanks you guys I'll be streaming again next Tuesday if you want to join me I'm not sure what I'll be doing but and if you if you're interested in these brushes and this user interface as always you can get it over on my website 3d character workshop comm and I teach an online class course workshop what do you want to call it and if it's closed for enrollment right now but if you get on my newsletter on my emailing list to download these brushes you can you will be notified as soon as the course becomes available for enrollment so yeah thanks you guys hey what's up squid thank you Chris it was a fun one kind of a kind of Easter ish right I keep seeing things that I want to fix though like this wing is really flat I want to puff it out puff it out I can keep going keep noodling forever keep noodling oh but anyway thanks everybody for joining me again it's always fun I look forward to it every week egg-cellent nice dude all right anyway - fun oh I should I should do one of these things do one of these one of these pull these apart give it some more action all right Oh what what pad any any like any tablet if you're talking about a tablet gray any tablet it doesn't matter if it's off-brand if it's Wacom if it's whatever it is just make sure it's a tablet not a mouse don't scuff little mouse you'll be great so just the best one you can afford at the time as usually and doesn't the the larger ones don't miss necessarily mean better I actually prefer the smaller ones like that the 12-inch acrost ones those are those are nice yep I'm gonna go have some chicken yes desk oh I will update my custom user menu it's if you sign up for the newsletter you'll get an email and I'll tell you where to go download the latest so I will let you know when that's available it should be available very soon like you can see it right here I just want to make sure this is exactly what I'd like to to give you guys before before I release it so I don't just slap some something together and throw it out there I want to make sure that you know it's good so anyway thanks guys have a good night and we will hopefully see you next week all right take care see you later
Channel: Pixologic ZBrush
Views: 12,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pixologic, zbrush, zbrushlive, sculpting, modeling, 3d modeling, art, design, tutorial, how to, making of, digital, twitch, 3d, 4r8, character creation, live boolean, vdm, sculptris pro, deformers, project primitive, illustration, digital sculpting, characters and creatures, mudbox, 3d coat, autodesk maya, adobe photoshop, 3ds max, c4d, 3d printing, concepting, zbrush 2018, sphere challenge, chicken laying egg
Id: Hw1ioq8mJPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 149min 30sec (8970 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 04 2018
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