Draw Me to your Presence, O Lord! | Fr. Rob Galea

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[Music] are you searching for answers discover your true identity stay tuned - Shalom work [Music] [Music] Lord Jesus we come to you as we are longing to be just as you are but we know even in this time of prayer that it is not possible without you reaching out to us without you chasing after us but as we gather in our homes as we gather before you Jesus the savior of the world Jesus the source and summit of everything we have everything we are we ask you Lord Jesus to take over our lives we ask yuji's assal so that you would draw us into your presence because Lord we're nothing without you we need you Jesus we long for you Jesus we test for you Jesus [Music] draw us into your presence here and now draw me to your presence or bring me into that holy place so I may see your glory beauty of your face draw me into your presence so bring me into that holy place we bow down before your throne in that holy place one thing I ask me that is there of my heart I may eat well your present song from this day for draw me into your presence or bring me into that holy place so y8c upload me the beauty of your face cuz one thing I ask you the desire of my heart I may dwell in your temple alone from this day forth let me live in your presence O Lord from this day forth oh Jesus you just lay before you all that concerns us right now [Music] all our worries are life things that are stable in our lives but also law the things that are that are not so stable especially right now Lord we give you this world in need of you our world in need of you the world across the world but also the world in our families the world that immediately surrounds me the world that you know every single part of there's nothing we can hide from you nothing no where we can run from you you are our world Lord you know our world but we give you those parts of the world Lord our world the world around us that don't yet belong to you and we want them Jesus to belong to you our hearts and mines those places that we have not yet surrendered to you the dark places that nobody knows about but Lord you do you know and you know what the amazing thing is Lord Jesus even though you know you still love us in spite of our mess and you want us to surrender to you and so Lord Jesus we surrender our world to you right now surrender our habits we surrender our sickness we surrender to you the good things Lord our health and our families we surrender to You Lord Jesus our property everything we have we surrender to You Lord our children our parents those in the wider world our friends and this whole world Lord Jesus this country and this whole world in need of you and Lord as we lay it down as we surrender to you Lord we want to worship you and and acknowledge that you are king you are God you are Lord Lord of my world Lord of the world outside of me Lord of the world that is my country my nation Lord of the world that is this earth and this universe this multiverse you are Lord and we thank you we thank you that you are in control but as we surrendered to you we just want to continue to worship you because you are a God who sits on the throne surrounded by angels surrounded by the heavenly creatures surrounded by multitude of saints but yet yet you're in my world Jesus you're in those dark places you're in the places of light you're in my family and you know every prayer that I prayed every cry that I've cried Lord you know and so Lord in this moment of silence we just want to surrender to you to worship you in our surrender to thank you Lord Jesus that you are in control but you are greater than my world but big enough Lord Jesus to be part of my world to be the Lord of my world it's a beautiful verse in the Old Testament Exodus chapter 14 verse 14 and it says this it says just stop and let me fight your battles for you God fights our battles he's involved in our world and wants to protect our world but wants us to triumph wants us to love him in our world to put him first in our world and so Lord we just want to ask you to fight our battles to fight the battle with within this world Lord Jesus this world at this moment that is praying that is going through maybe time of pandemic but Lord Jesus the pandemic doesn't have the last say you have the last say you are the god who can set us free you are the God who can heal your people you are the God who's in control even though the world seems so far away from you and we thank you Lord Jesus [Music] the world around us may take away our health and our freedom and our mobility but Lord Jesus our hearts our souls our eternity belong to you and we thank you because we understand this and we know this that we can be a people of joy understanding that joy is nothing to do with happiness or what even a stability in this world but joy has everything to do with the fact that we know that you have the final say we know that we will be happy that we will be free that we will be yours so let's just worship Jesus it's praise him and thank him that he has the final say he has the final word that our sickness that our infirmity not even what the world says and what's going on around us but Jesus has the final say final word of peace of hope of salvation so let us in this moment just worship Jesus and thank him for this who we worship You Jesus oh we worship you you deserve a break you are who you are you are my king you are homie you want you will singing you owe me you won't leave you a mighty king you hold me my tea you breaking you were holding you are mommy you you taking oh you are me you you a mighty king we worship you [Music] we worship You Jesus we worship you you are homie you wanna be you are lighting King you are holy you want be you am I ticking we praise you we praise you because you are my work you oh my god I lay down my life for you you are my lord one night nothing will learn to change your Jesus well Jesus you are our world you are the Lord of our world and nothing can compare nothing can take your place and so Lord Jesus we just ask even at this moment that you send your spirit upon us that you bless us that you guide us so we continue to worship you we continue to place you as the Lord of our lives we ask you to bless us to bless those around us and in as a result us and in overflow let us also be a blessing to the world around us [Music] Lord Jesus we just pray for your blessing open our hearts to receive this blessing [Music] so we'll pray the divine praises blessed be God blessed be his holy name blessed be Jesus Christ true God and true man blessed be the name of Jesus blessed be his most Sacred Heart blessed be his most precious blood blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the altar blessed be the Holy Spirit the Paraclete blessed be the Great Mother of God Mary most holy blessed be her holy and Immaculate Conception blessed be her glorious assumption blessed be the name of Mary virgin and mother blessed be Saint Joseph her most chaste sparse blessed be God in His angels and in his Saints you are Lord you are risen from the dead and you are Lord every knee shall bow every tongue confess that Jesus you are a lot of talk in our church today about the New Evangelization and we might ask for what to do about the New Evangelization one thing that's new is that we're time to renew the faith in people who should already be Catholic should already be Christian individuals families communities whole cultures that need to rediscover the gospel and so what's new is that they're getting a new shot in the arm of faith of evangelization another thing that's new about it is the way that we do that and the new media and groups like Shalom world TV are very important for bringing the gospel on you to our cultures to our families to each of us individually and so I encourage all the viewers of Shalom world TV and I encourage Shalom well TV themselves to keep up the good work to keep watching this channel and hear about the good work presenting the Catholic faith to our world today [Music]
Channel: Shalom World
Views: 17,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fr Rob Galea, Eucharistic Adoration, Songs and Praise, Pandemic, Covid19
Id: 0Qyd_d6DqUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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