Adoration with Fr. Rob Galea - Feast of the Sacred Heart 11/06/2021

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[Music] on behalf of frg ministry i'd like to welcome you to this time of adoration today is a great solemnity a great feast of the sacred heart of jesus a time where we stop and we listen to the heartbeat of god a heart beating with love for us many of us are in isolation unable to attend mass unable to go to adoration ourselves so we thought we'd pray with you a short time just to adore the lord to stop and allow god to love us but also to be generous with god in a moment of adoration so as we begin this time of adoration on this great feast let's pray together let's ask for miracles i want to pray for you i'm going to pray for your intentions i'm going to pray that god would reach to the heart that is crying out for an answered prayer you know god knows your prayer he knows your heart allow the sacred heart to touch your heart and allow this time to be a time of worship a time of adoration god's love for us is reckless god's love for us is relentless so let us bow now and worship the lord as we sing together this song which i'm gonna sing with hannah schaefer in the united states um this song called reckless love [Music] before i spoke a word you were singing over me you have been so so good to me [Music] before i took a breath you breathe your life in me you have been so so kind to me oh the overwhelming never ending backlash [Music] i [Music] reckless [Music] [Applause] [Music] you have been so so good to me when i felt no worth you paid it off for me [Music] you have been so so kind to me oh the overwhelming never ending reckless love [Applause] [Music] [Music] i don't serve it still you give yourself away oh the one overwhelming never ending reckless love of god there's no shadow you won't light up bouncing you won't climb up coming after me there's no way you won't kick down lie you won't sit down coming after me there's no shadow you won't light up mounting your own climber coming after me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh it chases me down i don't deserve it still you give yourself away oh love of god there is nothing more powerful than allowing god to love us to be still and know that he is god to surrender to him those things that we are so much struggling with right now a world that's struggling with pandemic a world that is struggling with depression anxiety with death and a lack of certainty not knowing where we're gonna go where whether we're gonna survive but god knows your heart he knows your needs and now's our time just to turn to the lord to give him our needs to give him those things that we need to let go of so just in a moment of silence just bring your prayers to the lord your needs to the lord spend a few moments letting go of the anxieties of your life and laying them at the feet of jesus at the sacred heart of jesus this lord we place before you are our anxieties our uncertainties our frustrations and worries our debts our broken relationships lord we just lay them at your feet and ask that you teach us to let go to trust that you are in control of it all lord you ask us to give it to your sacred heart because lord you love us and you want peace for us more than anything you want us to find your joy again and so god we receive your peace you receive your presence come holy spirit come as we worship you as we surrender to you let us now together sing this song which i'm going to sing with francesca larosa song asking for peace peace in our hearts and peace in our lives [Music] when my mind is like a battlefield and my heart is overcome by fear and hope seems like a ship that's lost at sea [Music] my enemies on every side and i'm tempted to run and hide your gentle whisper reaches out to me [Music] peace holds me when i'm broken sweet please the past is understanding when the whole wide world is crashing down i fall to my knee i'm breathing your peace [Music] fiery sets in but i can feel your angels [Music] your promises are where my hope is [Music] peace is understanding when the whole world is crashing down i fall to my knees breathe in your peace i remember who you are you're the god who's never far so i will not be afraid god you always always keep me safe in your arms [Music] so i will not be afraid god you always you are you give me peace that holds me when i'm broken sweet please [Music] and breathing your peace take a deep breath in and be still and [Music] let us together pray the prayer to the sacred heart of jesus o most holy heart of jesus fountain of every blessing i adore you i love you and with lively sorrow for my sins i offer you this poor heart of mine make me humble patient pure and holy obedient to your will grant good jesus that i may live in you and for you protect me in the midst of danger comfort me in my afflictions give me health of body assistance in my temporal needs your blessing on all that i do and the grace of a holy death amen and so we'll pray our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil amen hail mary full of grace the lord is with thee blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb jesus holy mary mother of god pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death amen and glory be to the father and to the son and to the holy spirit as it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end amen this thank you lord for your holy presence we need you lord and we need your blessing and so lord we ask you we welcome you here as you bless us this day so once again on behalf of frg ministry we thank you for joining us for this short time of prayer this is a beautiful feast day a time of sacred heart a time where we can turn to the lord in the stillness of our hearts he loves you so much so much spend some extra time now by yourselves in prayer if you can pray the rosary seek the lord through the divine mercy chaplet make some time for the lord today on again on behalf of frg ministry this is only possible because of our ministry partners so please consider prayerfully consider becoming a ministry partner or donating to this ministry we'll put the link below god bless you and we'll see you at mass on sunday effigy ministry presents our new online course subscription package as a member you will receive digital on-demand access to frg ministries growing library of online courses frg ministry online courses cover teaching devotional and practical elements of the catholic faith to help individuals teachers students and parishes across the world grow in their faith and understanding of the catholic church and their relationship with jesus christ current titles include knowing mary school of prayer pentecost and the holy spirit introduction to the bible and more with new courses being added regularly all courses include high definition videos with expert and engaging speakers testimonies from everyday catholics and downloadable content including interactive pdf guides prayer cards and phone wallpapers online courses from frg ministry are also accredited for professional development for catholic education staff in australia for more information about enrollment and subscription options head to forward slash subscription [Music]
Channel: Fr Rob Galea
Views: 6,704
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Id: wkKYSwEyII8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 55sec (1195 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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