Prayers before the Blessed Sacrament

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[Music] on behalf of frg ministry i'd like to welcome you to this time of adoration this is an extraordinary opportunity for us to turn to the lord jesus gave us his body blood soul and divinity through the eucharist and we get the privilege of being able to adore christ now i know that you are far away from the actual event but god can still work god can still heal you can still adore the god who is with you and the god before whom we stand on your behalf i am so grateful that for those of you who have been joining this holy week retreat for the graces that god has bestowed on you but the best is yet to come as we contemplate jesus death and his burial and eventually his resurrection let's sit with the lord there'll be moments where we can pray together but there also be moments where we can be still and be silent myself and alyssa here will be leading you in this time of worship and we just ask you to to allow god to work in your heart to allow god to heal you as we adore the lord as we confess our sins to the lord and as we ask him to reach out to a world that is in need i for those of you who haven't joined the retreat also we have a link below for you to join in to download the pdf to be able to follow us and they'll also be the subtitles i hope on the screen so that you can follow with us so as we begin this time of worship let's stop let's just ask god to reach into our hearts let's ask god to to to heal and to restore us and to allow us to be present with the lord [Music] and you spread out a feast we humbly fall before you [Music] you meet us on our knees and we cannot comprehend this that your mercy would surpass each and every sin king you're the one who rules the heavens yet you come this child to offer us everything oh what can we bring we sing holy holy [Music] sing is holy is the land we sing holy holy is sing holy holy [Music] is you call us to your table your boundless love is seen your body fills our hunger your blood washes us clean and we cannot comprehend this that your mercy would surpass each and every sin extraordinary king you're the one who rules the heavens yet your calmness child to offer us everything what can we bring when we sing holy [Music] is holy is the land we sing holy holy is [Applause] [Music] ancient god in present time you come to bed [Music] will be healed [Music] only say the word and will be healed we sing holy holy is the lamb we sing holy holy is [Music] we sing holy holy [Music] jesus we worship you we thank you lord for being here with us and we thank you lord that you love us so much so unconditionally lord we thank you that you love us so much that you came down into this world to be with us to fellowship with us to love us but love us so much that you want us to be with you forever and this is why lord jesus you died for us and so lord we want to spend time with you as you told your disciples to spend some time with you during his time of suffering we too want to spend time with you we love you jesus we desire you and so lord god we ask as we begin this time of worship this time of adoration that you speak to our hearts that you melt our hearts that we may be able to receive all that you want to give us lord i'd like to pray for those who come to you with a desire to love you more with those who come with the need for healing with those who come broken and in need of restoration lord we come to you with those lord who who are tired exhausted and don't know that they can go on anymore but also we come to you lord with your people who are grateful thankful for what you've done in their lives lord we pray also and lift also at the beginning of this time your world a world suffering from pandemic a world suffering from isolation a world suffering from economic breakdown lord you throughout all of this remain the same remain loving us the same and so we welcome you jesus into our hearts come jesus send your holy spirit into our houses to our offices wherever we are at this moment come and heal your people [Music] so we come to the lord time of adoration [Music] contrition thanksgiving and supplication so let's in a moment of silence just adore jesus tell him what you need tell him what you want tell him what he is to you tell me your doubts give him your heart so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so together we'll pray a litany of adoration your response will be i adore you o jesus [Music] you are in the holy eucharist body and blood soul and divinity i adore you o jesus you are my lord and my god i adore you o jesus you are the second person of the blessed trinity i adore you o jesus you are both god and man i adore you o jesus you come to me in holy communion i adore you o jesus you come to me and you are always in the tabernacle i adore you o jesus you take away our sins by the sacrifice of the cross i adore you o jesus you obtain grace for us by the cross i adore you oh jesus you offer yourself for us in the holy sacrifice of the mass i adore you oh jesus speak to us o lord [Music] [Music] [Music] so you know the lord speaks so we might not be able to hear we might not be able to understand the lord is speaking he's speaking to your heart because he loves you but the thing is it's nothing to do with how good you are how perfect you are whether your life is in order or not you see god loves you and cannot love you anymore he cannot love you any less the only thing that can stand in the way of our love for him is when we don't trust in his love we don't trust that he can love us one of the ways we don't trust that he can love us is when we hold on to sin and we don't allow god to heal our sin we don't ask god for forgiveness we don't approach the sacrament of reconciliation these are ways we block ourselves off the love of god not because god stops loving us when we have sin it just takes away our capacity to be able to receive this love so what we're going to do at this moment we're going to place ourselves before the lord and we're going to make an act of contrition we're going to ask for forgiveness but as we are before jesus we are at this place of forgiveness this place of mercy we're going to ask for his mercy for his grace so even at this moment just think of the sins the things that stand in the way of your love for god and your love of god for the ways you've sinned maybe through relationships maybe through your thoughts maybe through things you know you should have done and you didn't maybe through an attitude maybe through something you did maybe big maybe small god is able to forgive whether it is big whether it is small so let's just pray this together my jesus i am sorry for my sins i'm sorry for the times i have offended you help me to turn away from sin help me to live more like you every day and so after every response you can respond i am sorry jesus for loving things more than you i'm sorry jesus for those who do not attend sunday mass i'm sorry jesus for the lack of respect for the name of god i'm sorry jesus for the lack of respect for parents and authority i'm sorry jesus for the attacks against life i'm sorry jesus for attacks against marriage and family i'm sorry jesus for offending you i'm sorry jesus for offending my neighbor i am sorry jesus for offending those i love i'm sorry jesus and so in your presence we ask you lord for your holy spirit and we ask for your forgiveness and may almighty god have mercy on us forgive us our sins and bring us to everlasting life and so now we just sit before the cross before the foot of the cross jesus who is there who loves us and just receive his forgiveness receive his love [Music] savior i come quiet my soul remember redemptions hill where your blood was spilled from my wrangler [Music] is lost [Music] bring me to my knees lord i lay me down head me up myself lead me to the cross you were tempted and tried the world became flesh by my sin and death [Music] lead me to the cross where your love poured out bring me to my knees lord i'll lay me down hit me up myself i belong to you oh lead me lead me to the cross to your heart [Music] to your heart [Music] lead me to your heart lead me to the cross where your love poured out bring me to my knees lord i lay me down me of myself i belong to you only lead me to the cross lord we thank you thank you for your mercy we thank you for loving us we thank you lord that even through the pain through the suffering through the joys through the the successes you were there you don't move you never move or teach us to trust you and so lord at this moment we just ask that you heal us that you touch us but i'd like to pray for those who are praying for healing those who are praying for healing in their bodies in their minds those who are praying for healing from cancer those who are praying for healing with blood disorders those who are praying for healing with a deep sense of anger frustration lord from broken relationships from people who from who heard them lord heal your people you know jesus is present here and he's already healing he's already touching people lord i thank you that you're healing a person right now even from their lower spine lord you are able to heal and we thank you lord lord for those who have some kind of scar tissue and an internal organ in that maybe their heart lord you're healing that even right now that has been causing you trouble lord jesus i thank you thank you thank you that you're able to heal this lord people who are suffering from tinnitus lord are ringing in their ear lord i thank you right now that you're healing your people lord those with anxiety depression heal them lord heal them jesus thank you holy spirit that you are capable you are able thank you jesus and so we'll pray together as we we pray the litany of thanksgiving and at the end of each one you just pray jesus we thank you because you are in the holy eucharist jesus we thank you because you offer yourself in holy mass jesus we thank you because you come to us in holy communion jesus we thank you because you remain always in the tabernacle jesus we thank you because of your great love for us jesus we thank you because of your great goodness to us jesus we thank you because you understand us jesus we thank you because you love us jesus we thank you because every gift comes from you jesus we thank you jesus because of your dear sacred heart jesus we thank you and so lord we sit with you as the apostles sat with thee with jesus with you lord i get so many they were there they were still they were tired they were lost but you were still there lord jesus in your pain in your own anxiety and frustration in your own fear lord but lord you didn't let the anxiety control you you didn't let the fear control you so lord we pray for your world a world that is fearful a world that is lost and separated from you a church also that is asleep that is too tired to stay with you raise us up wake us up come holy spirit lord we pray for holy priests we pray for holy families [Music] we pray for our holy people who would rise up as your voice in this church and lord i declare in the name of jesus that the church would wake up the church would rise up as a voice of hope in this world [Music] lord you who went to the cross for your church give us quick enough to rise up to let go of the things that are selfish of pride of power of security in the name of jesus lord help us let go and trust in you i pray the lord for seminarians and priests that you raise them up to be holy holy people people who are dead to self alive in you i pray for your the women in your church lord jesus raise their voice raise their voice as a prophetic voice a voice that the church is so desperate to hear i pray lord god for your people for your families protect them and guide them lord those who are suffering right now with the pandemic heal them so i'm just going to pray a prayer of vocation at this moment and then we'll have another time of worship and benediction so father in heaven we give you thanks for sending your son jesus christ into the world to be our lord savior and high priest we believe that in the power of the holy spirit jesus won for us the gift of eternal life by his sacrifice on the cross we believe that jesus renews this sacrifice in the holy eucharist through the ministry of his priests father we earnestly beseech you to raise up holy priests in your church grant young men the strength to accept generously the call to the priesthood may they joyfully give their lives so that your people can receive your holy word and sacraments especially the holy eucharist and the great gift of your body blood of your son jesus christ our lord savior and high priest in whose name we make our prayer amen and so we'll pray the prayer of benediction blessed be god blessed be his holy name blessed be jesus christ true god and true man blessed be the name of jesus blessed be his most sacred heart and blessed be his most precious blood and blessed be jesus in the most holy sacrament of the altar blessed be the holy spirit the paraclete blessed be the great mother of god mary most holy blessed be her holy and immaculate conception [Music] blessed be her glorious assumption blessed be the name of mary virgin and mother blessed be saint joseph her most chaste spouse and blessed be god in his angels and in his saints [Music] this broken world [Music] [Applause] [Music] hope can rise again up from the grave abide with me abide with me [Music] don't let me fall and don't let go walk with me and never leave ever close god abide with me there in the night get settled [Music] overwhelmed alone you pray [Music] abide with me abide with me don't let me fall and don't let go walk with me and never leave ever close god abide with me o love that will not ever let me go love that will not ever [Music] a love that will not ever let me go [Music] ministry thank you for joining us for this time of adoration this has been a holy week where we've been able to serve you to support you and tomorrow good friday we have the stations of the cross saturday um also we have something i'm not sure what we have on saturday i can't just remember and then sunday holy mass as well so please join us join with us um we love to serve you and if you have been blessed by this ministry please do consider supporting this ministry we're able to do the things that we do here because of your generosity because of the way you bless us so just go on the link just here below forward slash donate and show your support and give us your support so that we can support you we can continue to bless you again thank you may god bless you may his face shine upon you and i pray that you continue to thirst for the lord with all of your heart and i wish you a wonderful and a holy um through the womb as we continue this time preparing ourselves for the death and the resurrection of christ frg ministry presents introduction to the bible in this six part course you will learn about what the bible is and is not the old testament the new testament how to read and how to pray with the bible whether you're looking for a place to start your journey with the word of god or you're looking for a place to expand upon what you already know this course has something for everyone features of this course include two hours of high definition videos with teaching from very reverend dr brian boyle biblical scholar and input from the catholic influencers podcast hosted by father rob gallia and alyssa aegis testimonies from everyday catholics about the role of scripture in their lives downloadable content including an interactive pdf to guide you through this course with beautifully designed prayer cards and computer and phone wallpapers and accreditation for professional development for catholic education staff in australia get ready for the introduction to the bible and enroll today at
Channel: Fr Rob Galea
Views: 15,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mQLqcLGjRDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 16sec (2056 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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