Dramatic Husky throws a fit at the groomers

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while the husky's appearance closely resembles the wolf and they were built for endurance surviving the cold winters of the arctic they do in fact think that grooming is going to kill them this is finn and he's a stunning nine-month-old siberian husky this is his second professional grooming appointment with me [Applause] or ignore me finn typical husky what what don't look at me like that now if you ask a pet professional what breed of dog is their least favorite i can assure you the husky is probably pretty far up their list that's because the majority of people who buy huskies do so because of their looks without knowing anything about the breed requirements without proper training they can be very stubborn and they do not like taking no for an answer and of course they like to rupture eardrums [Applause] that is just a little sneak peek of his dry can i help you oh he loves it oh he wants to rub his feet [Music] what are you doing okay well this is what we're doing so this is what not to do this is what not to do but it's funny for nine months old finn is very well behaved and i must admit i love doing huskies because they make my job very comical finn was not so happy in the happy hoodie so i removed it and then he turned into a cat at one point he started to go after the dryer like it insulted his mother and like most toxic relationships there were some dramatic ups and downs [Music] wow [Applause] huh [Applause] [Music] when the death flower wouldn't stop his singing got louder and louder but i guess i should be grateful for the free mariah carey concert [Music] [Applause] huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] after his dramatic performance id shed him using the undercoat rake and the equi-groomer but finn is not losing much hair today good boy i let him smell my clippers before i shave out his paw pads and finn got a little bit snippy with me but i realized he was full of poop i sprayed him down in our pumpkin spice latte cologne and this handsome man is all finished i'd like to take this moment to talk to you all about girl with the dogs merchandise featuring your favorite and much requested fredo let me know in the comments which pet you want to see on a t-shirt i really appreciate your continued support because without all of you this wouldn't be possible thank you so much for watching i hope you enjoyed the foolish fin
Channel: Girl With The Dogs
Views: 5,453,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Husky, dog, dogs, funny dog, cute dog, loud dog, big dog, fluffy dog
Id: P-5qAm2nUnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 11sec (311 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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