How much does this cost? Screaming husky *INSANE* transformation!

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like anatole france once said until one has loved an animal a part of one soul remains unawakened this is the memorable moses and he's an eight-year-old husky and golden retriever mix good boy good boy now you're about to find out what makes him so memorable [Music] oh that's the super loud man [Music] i'm not too sure what i was expecting because he is in fact part husky moses is very dirty and his coat is extremely compacted so you are about to witness one amazing transformation after his shampoo i give him a much needed deep conditioning treatment and then it's off to the drying table good boy now i prepare for both the fernado and the husky national anthem [Applause] huh but at last the golden retriever part of his brain activated and i was granted back the ability to hear moses has a lot of matting in his coat so before i brush him i go through his entire body using my d matter this will make it easier to brush and cause less pulling i shave out some of his dense mats using my ten blade and the owner has requested that i shave his belly and his back end as short as possible you're dripping on my face man i don't love the look of this but i can understand for sanitary reasons why this would be necessary i'm sure every time he goes outside he brings the outdoors indoors after that i brush through him using my coral slicker brush of course he's still shedding so to finish off his brushing i d shed him with the undercoat rake i shave a little bit of his sanitary areas and then i clip his nails i skim over his back end and his sides using my clipper and then i do some doggy detailing using my scissors so i shave out his paw pads and of course i tidy up his grinch feet i spray him down in our sweet petals cologne and moses looks like he's lost 20 pounds [Music] today for our pet of the day we have izzy busy the pitbull thank you so much for watching i hope you enjoyed the memorable moses
Channel: Girl With The Dogs
Views: 1,598,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ge3HCEcS94w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 47sec (287 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 15 2022
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