Lunatic Husky swears at me her whole groom

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when an owner of a dog tells me that they themselves are a groomer that's never a good sign this is you guessed it luna and that's short form for lunatic i'm definitely going to need my ear protection for this opera singer so sit back relax and enjoy the show [Music] i certainly can't imagine why her owner would want somebody else to do this [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you look closely you can see that luna never fully shuts her mouth that's because she wants to maximize her barks per minute [Music] people say that huskies don't like water because they are sled dogs and getting wet in alaska could mean freezing to death whether or not that's true i don't know but what i do know is that when my neighbors see a husky pull-up they shut their windows [Music] after her full-blown temper tantrum i'm looking so forward to the dryer [Music] the husky lovers have given an explanation as to why they hate water but now i wonder what explains their hatred for the dryer as i'm fairly certain the winds in alaska are much stronger than this [Music] [Applause] [Music] and just as i thought that the screaming was over luna decided that my ability to hear was not necessary i brushed her out with my slicker brush and my comb and then i de-shed her with the undercoat rake [Music] i shave out her paw pads and of course she is still screaming at me seeing as she is owned by a groomer her nails are too short to be clipped and finally we have reached the end of her performance i spray her down in our spring meadows cologne and i hope you all enjoyed this raging lunatic [Music]
Channel: Girl With The Dogs
Views: 4,790,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8kwTnMS9naw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 50sec (170 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 09 2022
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