Dragon's Dogma 2, CPU Performance Improve, Stutter & FPS Fix, DD2 CPU Priority fix.

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hi guys uh today I'm going to show you how to improve your FPS in Dragon do mod to uh it's actually a simple fix uh uh you can do this manually or downloading the file in the description both are the same way but I'm going to show you how to do it manually uh open your task manager find your uh process dragon stma to click details and it will show you dd2 exe and you will see a set priority option this is actually your CPU your processor priority uh you need to set it to high the disadvantage of doing it manually is that you need to do it again and again when you open Dragons Dogma 2 but uh the file which I Linked In the description which is a registry file what it actually contains is uh it contains the location of the regist and it going to change the CPU priority to high uh this address which means it's I priority uh uh it will uh this is a permanent one you don't need to do it again and again when each time you open the game so uh uh you can negate this manual step we task manager you need to download the file which I Linked In the description and after downloading this ddu CPU priority. regist file double click it and press run and press yes after it will store the value to the registy every time when you open the game which is Dragons Dogma 2 the CPU will automatically set to high priority which which means the CPU is going to run maximum as it can to boost your FPS uh actually this fix Works in certain games when you do this exact step in certain games it doesn't make any difference like you gain one FPS maximum but in Dragon Dogma 2 it actually make a difference uh let me show you actually you can follow me you can see the FPS I'm using the uh Nvidia overlay but it somehow doesn't show in O OBS but the FPS which I actually getting is 10 to 15 FPS plus by using this fix um try this fix it actually works for everyone uh if you have RTX 4000 series graphics card you can also use the dlss 3 frame mod think of it from the Nexus mods different Masters favor different pawns one Obed preferred to have Beasts for Alloys fascinating uh let me check whether I can show you the FPS just a moment oh God it's not going the FPS but anyways the FPS I'm getting is uh which is 164 169 the CPU is running at 44% when you go to the cities uh the FPS will drastically increase trust me this fix 100 100% works it seems we that's it guys uh download this registry file run it and press yes do everything which uh exactly which I shown in this video definitely you will see a FPS increase because this game is highly CPU bottlenecked uh thank you so much uh for watching this video uh make sure to subscribe my patreon if you can uh thank you see you
Channel: Ranjith Kumar
Views: 18,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DD2 CPU Priority Mod, Dragon's Dogma 2: Improve CPU performance: CPU Fps Fix, cpu fix, how to gain FPS, plus 10 to 15 fps increase, city fps, dragons dogma, increase fps, fps +, mod, cpu mod, CPU Priority Mod, Dragon's Dogma 2, Dragon's Dogma 2: CPU Performance MOD: CPU Fps Fix mod, Stutter & FPS Fix, CPU Performance Improve, DD2 CPU Priority fix.
Id: rGUx3aLgYTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 9sec (249 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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