Stardew Valley Mods Install Tutorial - How To Install Mods Super Easy 1.6 Update 2024!

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hey guys and welcome to another video in this video I'm going to teach you guys how to install stard Valley mods this tutorial will be super simple and super easy to understand and if you have any questions you can leave a comment in the comments below the next thing you're going to want to do and you're going to want to do this before you install any mods or anything is you're going to want to go to steam and you're going to want to run stardy Valley if you've run it before that's okay just run it really quickly when it loads up just immediately exit you can just immediately exit just like that next you're going to go to a website called Nexus Nexxus it's completely free it's completely saved tons of people use it there's a million mods on this website this is where you're going to be downloading a couple things this is where you'll be downloading your mods and where you'll be downloading the program that you need to run the mods first make sure to make an account it's completely free you don't have to buy the premium upgrade you can do everything with a free account so just go make an account real quick and sign in the first thing you're going to want to download is a thing called sppy it's spelled SM mapi this is a modding API what a modding API basically is is it's a kind of client and basically what it does is it combines itself with steam and stardo and when you install mods the mods go into sppy which allow the game to run the mods basically a mod holder in a sense so you don't need anything else you don't need to download anything else to make sppy work all you have to do is go to this files button right here after you look up sppy click it go to the top one with the main files go to manual download and then you're going to go to the slow download you don't want to do the fast download the fast download will cost money because you have to buy a premium account but the slow download as you can see is still relatively fast it'll only take about 30 seconds so the next step is actually installing sppy into steam and on your computer cuz you downloaded it but you haven't installed it so just go to this little folder icon here and go to downloads and it'll be right here you're going to drag Mappy onto your desktop like that you're going to right click you're going to go to new and you're going to open the folder then you're going to drag sppy into that folder you're going to open that folder you're going to right click on it and hit extract here now if there isn't an extract here button and your file doesn't have this little book icon it's because you don't have WinRAR installed to install WinRAR it's really simple it's completely safe millions of people have it it's completely free and I recommend downloading it anyways so just go to Google and type in WinRAR w i n r a r go to the top link don't hit any of these buy or download things you're just going to want to hit this download button right here for WinRAR and you're going to want to download the 64-bit or the 32-bit depending what system your computer has if you don't know if your computer is 64-bit or 32-bit just go to Google and look up how to check if my computer is 64bit or 32-bit most computers are 64-bit so I'll download the 64-bit this screen right here just tells you how to install it but I want to show you myself and again when Roar and sppy and everything you downlo downloading this video are completely safe so just go to your downloads again open up WinRAR it'll bring up a little prompt that says WinRAR archiver just hit yes it'll bring up this little screen right here and you're just going to hit install once you're done installing it it'll bring up this little weird console thing just close it out and then you're done and you have wi R installed and all your files that are zip files should have the book icon so now going back to installing sppy once you have sppy in that new folder you just like I said right click it go to the extract here button and click that basically what that did is zip files have files inside of them and when you extract them you take the files or whatever is in that and extract it basically so basically inside that zip file there was a folder with the sppy installer and you need this so that you can actually install sppy and like I said before SMY is absolutely needed for mod moding because it's what actually holds the mods and allows the mods to run so once you extract it you're going to open up the Mappy folder and you're going to see a couple options you have install on Windows install on Mac and install on Linux we're going to be doing Windows unless you're on Mac then hit install on Mac but this tutorial is more guided to people that are on Windows if you don't know if you're on Windows or Mac or not Windows is just a normal computer and Mac is an Apple computer so to install it on Windows you just left click it twice and open this little box right here this black box is called the command prompt and you just got to do a couple things to just install smapp now now to install it it says up here where to add or remove sppy now most people have this on Steam some people have it on Game Pass installing it on Game Pass is a little bit different and I'm going to make a tutorial for that so if you're trying to install mods on Game Pass on your computer just go to my channel and look for the game pass version of this mod installation but if you're on Steam you can continue with this tutorial so to install it on Steam you're going to hit one and then enter now it's asking you what do you want to do do you want to install sppy or uninstall it now we haven't installed it yet so you're going to want to hit one and enter again to actually install it this stuff right here is just an installing and once You' seen these green little lettering then you know that it's installed correctly okay so now that you installed sppy it's going to bring up these green letters basically what you're going to want to do is you're going to want to highlight from this little apostrophe all the way to the percent symbol it's very important that you don't miss a percent symbol and you don't miss your apostrophe so you want to left click and drag across all of this now you're going to want to copy this normally people will rightclick and try and copy but as you can see when you right click it just goes away but there is another way that you can copy text without actually doing it that way it's super simple you're going to want to press and hold control and then you're going to press C doing that copies the text so now that you did that and you copied the text you can close the command prompt I've also been asked how do you install mods for stardew valley with pyed versions of the game so meaning that you stole it a pirated version of the game is basically where you install it from a website for free and you don't pay for it I don't know how to install mods that way and I also don't recommend doing that you're stealing from the person who made the game and it is technically illegal but if you're trying to install mods on steam or Game Pass you're in the right place and you're doing great and now you're going to want to go back to steam so now once you open Steam you're going to want to to library where startu Valley is installed you're going to want to right click and you're going to want to go to the thing that says properties so just right click on startu Valley and go to properties it'll bring up this little box right here and at the bottom it'll say launch options right here you're going to want to paste the text you can either right click and hit paste or you can press and hold control and then press V that'll also paste it either works once you pasted it you can close this the next thing you're going to want to do is run and play stardo Valley again really quickly the reason this is is because when you play the game again with sppy installed it creates a mod folder and it just prevents any issues when you do install mods so once you load up you can immediately exit just like before you can also delete this folder on your desktop now you don't need it anymore next is actually downloading the mods that you want to download so just go back to Google and go back to Nexus there's only one mod you really need to install and it's called content Patcher the reason you need to install this is simply because so many mods require content Patcher you might as well download it because when you try and download a mod later you're more than likely going to download content Patcher anyways whenever you're downloading mods you're going to want to make sure you read the description in case it says anything specific a certain mod may not work with a different mod and it's good to read the description to find out and the other thing you're going to want to do is you're going to want to check the requirements for every mod so a required mod basically means if you wanted to download this mod up here it may may require another mod to work correctly so an example of this I'm going to use stardo Valley expanded to show you a required mod so right here you can see under the Nexus requirements tab that you need all of these mods right here to be able to play stard valy expanded the tab that says mods requiring this file you can completely ignore so to actually download content Patcher it's very similar to how you installed sppy you go to files you go to manual download download and then slow download now you have content Patcher downloaded in your downloads but it's not actually installed into steam yet so you still have to install it now I'm going to download one more mod like I said before content Patcher is just a mod that allows a lot of other mods to work so it actually doesn't add any content at all so if you load up stardo with content Patcher installed you're not going to really be able to tell simply because it doesn't add anything so the mod that I'm going to download to show you that the mods actually work is stardy Valley expanded stard Valley expanded is one of the most popular mods in the world and I feel like a lot of people that are commenting this video are probably going to be learning how to download this mod anyways so like I said before go to the description and quickly read through it and make sure there's nothing wrong so now to actually install stardy Valley expanded you have to download stardy Valley expanded itself and the required mods so I'm going to install the stardy valley mod itself first so to do that go to the files again man ual download and download slow download so now while the actual stardo Valley expanded mod is downloading I'm going to go and download all the mods that I also need to download for this mod to work correctly so just go back to the description go to the requirements and you're going to want to download all of these mods here now we already downloaded content Patcher and we already downloaded sppy if you see smapp stardo modding API you can ignore this on any of the mods even if it's under the requirements tab because it's already the thing that you downloaded already which is SMY you already downloaded this onto your computer and into steam but you don't have to redownload this again so we have content Patcher installed SMY stard do modding API most mods don't require this many mods they may only require one or two but stard valy expanded is a big mod so there's a lot of requirements so to download these really easy you can just right click and do open link in new tab that basically just brings it to another tab and you basically can do that on all of them so now I got all the mods up here so now I need to install them even though these are mods for stardy Valley expanded you're also going to want to check if these mods also require mods so for an example of this if you wanted to download Star Valley bigger backpacks you're going to want to actually download stard Valley bigger backpacks itself and you're also going to want to check the requirements Tab and you can see that stard to hack is a requirement so you need to download stardo hack and under stardo hack which is required for bigger pack packs stardo hack also has its own requirement which is General mod config so to download all the required files it's the same process you go to manual download download slow download so now that I downloaded all the required mods for sardu Valley expanded or now that you guys have downloaded all the required mods that you may need for that mod now we can actually install the mods into steam SLU Valley so to actually install the mod mods into your game now that you have them downloaded onto your computer the first thing you want to do is you're going to want to right click go to new and make another folder again you're going to go back to your downloads you're going to highlight all of the mods that you downloaded you're going to drag them into the the folder that you made once you do that you're going to open the folder and then you can see all the mods that you put into this folder now the most amount of mods you're going to want to download at once is between 5 and 10 you'll want to test them out see if they work correctly and if they do you can go back and download more mods don't download 30 to 50 mods at once it can cause problems or your computer may not be able to keep up so you're going to do the same thing that you did with sppy you're going to highlight all the mods that you downloaded you're going to right click and you're going to hit extract here again this will extract the files just like how you did with sppy and create folders now that you did that you can highlight all of these zip files the ones with the books and you can delete them you don't need them anymore now the next thing you're going to want to do is you're going to want to keep this folder open with your mods and you're going to want to open up steam once you open up steam you're going to go over to stard Valley again you're going to right click and instead of going to properties you're going to hover over manage and go to browse local files now this folder is going to appear this folder basically shows you all of like your files for stardew Valley including your mods and your saves now there should be a mods folder here if there isn't just close this play St to Valley again it and then come back to this window here and it should be here if it's still not here just leave a comment and I'll help you out but in most people's cases there should be a mods folder here you're going to want to open up the mods folder then you're going to bring this little folder here and grab your other folder with the mods in it you're going to highlight all of the mods that you extracted and downloaded and bring it over to the mods folder and as you can see all the mods are now in the mods folder now at this point you can exit both of these window windows and you're done your mods are downloaded and now you can test out your mods so to test out if your mods work just go to stard Valley here and make sure that you run stardo Valley through Steam if you try to play it through like the icon it may not open up your mods and that's because sppy is combined with steam and if you just open it with the icon it just doesn't open properly so just hit play the command prompt will come back up it'll give you some lettering if there's no red lettering that's really good if there's yellow lettering that's completely fine but as you can see everything loaded up correctly and if you want to make sure that there is no red lettering and it went by too quick just come right up here hit this little button here it'll minimize the game you can drag it somewhere so I just made a new character and now I'm going to show you guys that St Valley expanded downloaded correctly but as you can see once you come over here to Pi he has a complete new like farming area in the back and if you check the map there's new area is down here but once you come down near Mary's you can see that there's a huge difference like this is completely different so if this video did help you leaving a like would really help me out also leaving a comment would be awesome I love responding to all of you guys' comments and if you enjoyed this sort of content and sty Valley content you can also subscribe for more but I hope that I helped you guys out I hope you guys got your mods installed and yeah that's about it so I'll see you guys in the next [Music] video oh
Channel: Sarity
Views: 30,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #stardew, #sdv, #stardewvalley, #sdvmods, #farm, #indiegame, #mods
Id: YiBmNi4Bbew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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