TOP 25 Tips For Beginning Players For 2024! - Fallout 76 Guide

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howy y'all good morning good afternoon and good evening in today's video we'll be going over the top 25 tips for beginning players in 2024 I will also be timestamping each tip so if you already know you can skip ahead the first major tip is to complete the main story quest lines this includes the Wayward Brotherhood of Steel the wastelanders and the vanilla story quest line these will give you great plans great resources and teach you the fundamentals of Fallout 76 I highly recommend following the order you will f will first be done by talking to these two lovely ladies then heading over to the wward then if you want to complete the vanilla quest line you need to go over here to the like Flatwoods if you want to start the Wast ler quest line you can either go over to Foundation crater or you can go over to the overseers house or listen to the radio there to start that one the overseer's house is in Sutton which is over here the final quest line is at Atlas And this is the Brotherhood of Steel quest line as of now this is the current upto-date story line or at least main story line the second important tip is to explore and scaven everything in Falls me sticks for example when I'm wandering to this building I'm not just going to go straight to the terminal I'm going to look around the entire building I'm going to grab this pistol and probably destroy it but at the same time I will get steel resources junk things I can redesign or make a better 10 million 10 mm pistol that I have or use that scrap to design something else it is very important that you explore the entire map there is tons of great locations to build that tons of places to explore tons of side quests and even for the main quest they'll hint towards you doing these it is very important that you stay up to date and do these the third most important tip in Fallout 76 is to make sure that you're crafting everything armor weapons you are making sure that you are the best that you can be for your level from designing the right weapons like a baseball bat a board a gulper Smacker a mechanic's best friend to even down to making a chains stop that's on fire it is very important that you design what weapons you feel comfortable with people may say oh this is the most OP build or this is why this is why make sure whatever you use you're comfortable with don't go out of your way to AAS or say oh I have the best weapons have fun with the game and craft the best it is that you can that suit you correctly the fourth tip for newbie players is to build a nice Camp while I am a high level player and I have a ton of hours into this game a beginning Camp is probably a 2 by two Shack with some workbenches in it when you have completed the main St quest lines when you have some caps when you beat some side quests then I would highly recommend that you decorate but if you're a starting new player just build a shack you'll rebuild it soon it is no worries build to your best ability for the fifth tip of the video I highly recommend managing and keeping your inventory tidy for example I have haul my Hollow tapes inside the stash boox any notes that I do not need they are inside the stash boox there's barely any junk on me although I currently do have some on me now I will put it inside the stash box and ammo is very light everything goes inside here from notes holot tapes miscellaneous junk random things I do not need extra weapons I make sure to keep my inventory light if you have Fallout first then you'll have access to the Scrap Box which you can easily just throw while your scrap in it will not take up inventory space and there is no weight limit to it for the sixth tip of the video I highly recommend joining public teams from expeditions to role play to events to Daily Ops to Casual to exploration these will give you great Buffs that you will use in the game plus Fallout 76 is a multiplayer game although other Fallout in the franchise are single player and yes you can play this game single player it is much more preferred and you'll have a better time playing with friends or random people random people in this game are extremely nice this community is outstanding and I highly recommend you make friends from it or join discords or find places that people play this game it is an amazing community and I would highly recommend that you join public teams to get the benefits from it for the seventh tip of the video I highly recommend doing public events these are great way to get resources plans XP and you can combine this with the last tip join public teams and do events it is always fun to play with other people and do these random challenges like defend the courtyard meditation Hub you will get really good rewards Ray XP caps everything that you need to push on through your journey in the Wasteland for the eighth tip of the video it is very important that you understand how PVP Works in this game starting in PvP you'll have to walk up and hit another player therefore they will have to hit you back then you can initiate PVP it is important for new players to never ever do this you can make sure to have the setting off by going over here by like pausing your game going to map going to settings going to game you where slide down to pacifist and turn it on or off I would highly recommend it being on for you as the new players will get destroyed by the veteran players there are some people who only focus that on PVP in this game while it is very rare to find them they are still in the game just have pacifist mode on and you will never have to engage a combat please note other players cannot destroy your build without using cheats or other like nefarious ways of doing it they will have to go out of their way and it's very very very very rare that this would ever happen so just having pacifist mode on making sure that that that you respect the community and don't cause any problems and you'll be totally fine I just want to make understanding PVP as a comfortable step it is not a major thing that happen in this game but it is something that can happen for the ninth tip in this video making sure to maintain your Vats is very important you need to use it wisely it is not like other Fallout games when you click on bats and you freeze time you can choose all the limbs it is real time you have to lock on Limbs and shoot there is per cards that will maximize or make it more effective but overall just use it wisely you're smart you see a bar go down you see a bar go up just use it wisely and you'll be stay okay for the 10th trick in this video making sure to maintain your food and water levels is utmost important while there is not really a ton of negatives to letting them drain or get to zero or get to Red the benefits that you get for increasing your food and water is great I always recommend you build resources at your camp or if you're just starting the in the game steal stuff there is tons of deserted pre-war locations that you can take water food Rivers many rivers in this game that you will be able to get supplies so make sure to keep those bars and those levels up and just be wise about it for the 11th tip in this video I highly recommend making sure that you level up and choose perks wisely at train stations you can always readjust the levels of your perks or change what load out you're carrying but it is important that you choose the correct cards for whatever you want to run there may be meta videos or there may be videos explaining why you should only use this or this or that use whatever you are comfortable with remember at the end of the day you are playing this game for fun for the 12th tip in this video I would highly recommend that when you join a team you always are sharing a per card you just need to make sure that you are a part of your team from I don't care how low your Christmas thatat is see what you can share see what you can can give I always like to share although I have hard bargain on I always will put on inspirational to help people level up or help me level up or team medic when I use a stem pack everyone getes a stem pack you are a part of the team so make sure to contribute to it for the 13th tip in this video make sure to visit vendors the white Springs Mall is by far one of the best areas to visit as it has a combination of all different faction vendors plus your basic necessities from hunting to like random toy scrap to local Goods to everything it is all located in one area you can also visit Flatwoods vendor any all any and all train stations will have vendors at them so it is important that you sell or buy things to proceed or level up your way through the Wasteland for the 14th tip in this video I would recommend taking over workshops to generate your resources while this is a dangerous thing as PVP can can be initiated in here even you have pacifist on it is a very good resource generator so if you have a lot of friends in the server or you own a private server through Fallout 1 it is a great beginning or even highlevel thing that you could do make sure to check out my video which is linked in the top right hand corner and check out the comments of that video as a few of the commenters have talked about things that I have not talked about during that video for the 15th tip in this video is important to make sure that the durability of your armor your weapons your power armor is well maintained as items in this game will break very easily this can be done through looting getting scrap getting junk or by doing nuke events which will give you access to the repair kits you can either buy these in the atomic shop or it's my opinion for the better one just get the improved repair kits from events you'll get so many of them and there's so many nuke events or high Lev tier events nowadays where there's no point in buying those ones you can also get them from the scoreboard so do not waste your atoms buying repair kits for the 16th tip in this video make sure to read and learn about the notes and lore of the game is very cool and interesting plus you can get even some Secrets like hidden loot stashes or ways that groups travled or just overall it will better flesh out this great and vast big world for the 17th tip in this video mutations play a very key and important role in Fallout 76 for example I have currently six ongoing mutations that will improve my build and make me better in this game to make sure that your mutations stay put you need to have startch genes ranked two ranked one is a little bit iffy if your RADS may cure it or may not class freak will only enhance You by almost removing the negative effects of mutations this is recommended for when you're a higher level and do have a kind of a build going or you feel what's right in this game do not do this when you're at a lower level as R away will carry your mutations or get rid of them tip 17 leads directly into tip 18 make sure to use rad array and rad X when you're at a lower level these will help you out as your health will increase or make sure it stays at the correct health bar you don't want to go into a fight with slightly lower Health when you are a higher level you will be able to access legendary perk cards or perks in the game that will reduce the negative effect or help enhance radiation for better builds or for builds that will do more damage while at the risk of losing all your health for doing it I like to equip what RADS as I will basically almost be immune to radiation and any radiation that I get will be immediately cured for step 19 make sure to fast travel smartly by either using travel agent perk card or by joining a public team and having an ally that you can just fast travel to their Camp to walk to location or you can use faction themed locations for a free fast travel Point some of these may include Vault 76 is a free fast travel the crater is a is a free fast travel Atlas Observatory or Fort Atlas and Foundation are all free fast travel points while there may be others these are the four main ones that you will be using for step 20 make sure to do your daily quests and upgrade your reputation with the Raiders and settlers as they will offer you better and cooler plans that will either fit with your build or fit with how you want your Camp designed they will help all across the board so make sure that you max out your reputation with either or you do daily Quests for factions to either increase it or to get fraction rewards like turn in terminal data at Camp Venture for BOS Rewards or do the settler talk to Ward Quest where he'll ask you to go grab an item everything is about a fetch Quest or go kill a subject they're very easy and very straight to the point for tip 21 make sure to adapt to your surroundings although there is the one Wasteland update which will adjust creatures level to about your level it is important that you watch out and be very wary of What creatures surround you as they will still mess you up or even kill you because a death Claw is a death Claw at the end of the day uhoh for the 22nd tip make sure to do Daily Ops and Explorations as you will get very good rewards that will help you through your leveling adventure for the 23rd tip make sure to combat any diseases that you get as they are always negative effects from either affecting your stat points to draining your health to overall negative effects happening to you these can be combed with a symptomatic or having a disease cure in your inventory the symptomatic plan can be acquired through Daily Ops and disease cures can be acquired through just adventuring in the Wasteland for the 24th tip make sure to invest in intelligence the higher your intelligence the faster that you will be leveling up it is the utmost important that you have a good amount of intelligence while at least you are trying to get levels another way to get intelligence from other having stats or wearing outfits or anything is to join a public casual team as it will boost your intelligence level to about four plus whatever you currently have so make sure again to always join public teams for the last tip of the video make sure to have fun cuz at the end day this is a video game we're here to have fun we're here to build camps we're here to kill monsters thank you for watching the best tips for beginner players in 2024 I hope if you have any suggestions you would leave a comment or join my Discord and pay me if I ever update this guy video I'll make sure to add them in the video next time thank you so much for watching and I hope you have a great [Music] [Music] day
Channel: Bio Wagon
Views: 77,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fallout, fallout 2023, fallout ccxp, fallout game, fallout show, fallout series, fallout amazon, fallout teaser, fallout trailer, fallout first look, fallout prime video, prime video fallout, fallout release date, fallout show trailer, fallout series amazon, fallout teaser trailer, fallout official teaser, official teaser, amazon, action, new amazon teaser, action show, amazon prime, action series, amazon prime video, prime video, Fallout 76, Fallout 76 guide, beginner
Id: cKolCFf_w64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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