Dragon's Dogma 2 - Guide to Augmentations, Vocations and More!

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in this video we'll talk about which vocation is the best vocation for you which one's the worst what are their strengths and what are their weaknesses as well as which vocation would be the best vocation for your Pawn your Pawn is basically a companion that's going to be traveling with you throughout the game so picking a vocation for your Pawn that complements the vocation you've chosen for yourself is going to be really important in Dragon's Dogma too before we get started there's some Essentials that you need to understand vocations come in three types you've got basic Advanced and hybrid basic vocations are your starting vocation you can use these from the very beginning of the game despite being your starter vocations these are just as capable as your hybrid and advanced vocations they include fighter Mage thief and Archer your pawns are capable of playing as basic vocations Advanced vocations are more complicated though not necessarily better your pawns can also be an advanced vocation you'll have to unlock these vocations as you play through the game you'll unlock them by finding their corresponding NPC which is going to give you a quest that often involves going out and finding the weapon that that vocation uses and bringing it back to them Advanced vocations include the warrior and the Sorcerer the third and final category of vocations is going to be hybrid hybrid vocations cannot be used by your pawns so for hybrid vocations you've got Mystic spear hand magic Archer trickster and warfare much like the advanced vocations you're going to have to unlock these by finding the corresponding NPC and doing the quests that they give you it's worth noting you can change your vocation anytime you want while you're playing the game there is one downside to this though you will have to re require the levels that you gained on your original vocation all right with that out of the way let's talk about the starting four vocations that you can choose from be sure to pay special attention to these first four because you're going to have to play one of these four starting vocations for some portion of the game until you unlock one of the other vocations down the line so Choose Wisely first up we're going to go over the fighter this is the sword and shield specialist if you like playing a tank in MMOs or RPGs this is the one for you you can block with your Shield you can Parry you can counter attacks you can use your shield to protect your yourself and your allies you can use your Shield to deflect attacks back at Targets you can use your Shield to reduce the impact of fall damage Fighters have augments that will increase their aggro on enemies so that enemies are more likely to focus them and they have augments that increase their health so that they can stand in the thick of battle for longer getting good with your parries is going to be incredibly useful because well timed berries can negate enemy attacks and leave them open to offensive onslaughts you can play as a fighter through the whole game or you could start as a fighter if you're interested in becoming a warrior later but I just want to remind you that just because it's a starting vocation doesn't mean that it's not great to use for the whole game as a fighter you can expect your job in the group to be to keep the enemies off of your other pawns the more the enemies are attacking you the more you're doing your job as a fighter your ability to negate damage and keep enemy attention means that you're not going to put out quite as much damage as fast as other vocations but don't let that fool you they still put out great damage if you're going to play as a fighter for your primary Pawn a mage would be an incredible compliment to your fighter as it would be able to enchant your weapons heal you and attack the enemies that don't have the balls to land land on the ground and fight you face to face and who can blame your flying enemies as soon as they're on the ground in front of your fighter they're toast next up we have the thief the dual wielding specialist if you like playing as an assassin something sneaky this is the one for you wait did you hear that sound that sounded kind of like a zombie speaking of that makes me crave a good zombie game where I can dive in with my friends like apocalypse party an action Rogue Survivor game with refreshing combat this 3D top down action Rog like game sees you embarking on a new mission to Traverse through the Middle Ages and gradually Master abilities and arm yourself in order to survive the apocalypse this game is rated very positive on Steam right now and is 30% off for only 6.99 until March 21st making it an absolute steal you can Master Firearms melee weapons spells dark curses and so much more to create your own unique build and progress your way through the game it's also got a talent system with a ton of strategic talents for you to choose from apocalypse party approves upon its prequel with more fluid combat more enemy variety and fresh lore for you to explore plus the dropping its largest update ever called Dark Moon as a free DLC available right now this includes an infinite dungeon where you can climb higher and higher up a tower and best of all you can bring your friends with you if you want the Dark Moon update adds 60 new talents 12 new weapons three new Divine skills two new characters and four new bosses so don't miss out use the link in the description below to check out the game for yourself you're going to be hard press to find a better bang for your buck than picking up apocalypse party while it's 30% off using my link so don't sleep on this deal it's not going to last forever if you want to snag a free copy to give to your friend join my giveaway on Twitter where I'll be giving away multiple copies of the game shout out to apocalypse party for sponsoring this segment thanks for listening now let's get back to the video thieves are very agile they're great at getting in and out of combat at their choosing they can steal items from NPCs and enemies they have great Mobility for jumping up onto enemies to exploit their high up weak spots they can also leap off of enemies and leap off of walls to get onto enemies as a thief you'll be able to do things like cover your yourself in mud so that you're harder to detect and if you manage to attack an enemy undetected you're going to do extra damage thieves have a rather unique vocational ability called Swift step that acts like a Dodge not every class gets a Dodge like this so this is incredibly powerful as a thief you've also got other really cool abilities like placing explosive charges on your enemy heads as for augments theves get access to reduce stamina consumption as well as reduce likelihood of enemies targeting you as for pawns that would fill in your thief's weaknesses great vocations would include the Mage to enchant your weapons or to heal you to Target Airborne enemies and bring them down to the ground for you or a fighter to hold aggro on your enemies so that you can slice and dice while they're distracted the next starting vocation that you can choose from is the Mage Mages are going to be a staff wielding specialist they have a great combination of damage spells buff spells and healing spells this is why they're going to be an incredibly popular choice for both players and pawns as a mage you can enchant allies weapons which is more useful than it sounds because enemies will be highly resistant to various types of damage so being able to change your damage type on the fly with an enchantment will provide some some highly welcomed flexibility as a mage you've got access to an AOE heal you can cure allies debuffs and you can levitate temporarily but you're not just a support you can also spew out Elemental damage in a variety of forms like flamethrowers or calling down lightning you don't have a Mana bar in this game so casting spells in Dragon Dogma 2 cause stamina so managing your stamina on your Caster is going to be very important spells have long cast time so you can use Quick spell to fire off multiple spells in Rapid succession as for the augments for your Mage you can get things like spell damage reduction or increased effectiveness of curatives and more if you play as a mage you'll definitely welcome having a fighter as a pawn to keep enemies off of you while you cast those spells with long cast times since you've already got healing and range damage covered anything beyond the fighter is icing on the cake the fourth and final starting vocation is going to be the Archer as you probably guessed it uses a bow and it shoots arrows this is a split of the original Striker vocation from Dragon sagma 1 it features charge shots that can interrupt enemies barrage shots to shoot multiple shots into a single Target it's perfect for all those flying enemies in the game that will no doubt be a total pain for all of the melee classes it's also great for targeting weak points on enemies targeting weak points is going to be essential for taking down big enemies in a reasonable amount of time beyond that it can do things like shoot explosive arrows into your enemies you'll have access to augments that increase your stamina or increase your damage to enemy weak points now in case you're not aware of this in Dragon sagma 2 every time you take damage you lose some of your max Health permanently until you head back to rest at a campfire or in town so you'll always be able to heal yourself after battle but you won't be able to heal yourself up to full health so as you're playing you'll eventually find yourself at 50% Health even though you're topped all the way up on Heels this is where being a range class like an Archer could come in incredibly Handy by avoiding damage altogether you're mitigating the effect of this mechanic in the game this means avoiding damage on a range class like the Archer could be incredibly useful so feel free to sit back and unleash a rain of arrows on your enemies as an Archer if dishing out damage while avoiding it sounds right for you bonds that would complement your Archer really well would be a fighter to keep and hold aggro or a mage for the heels Buffs and complimentary damage it would put out now that covers your four starting vocations you'll have to pick one of those at the start of the game and use it for some amount of time until you find the NPC to unlock one of these other vocations that we're about to talk about next up we've got the advanced vocations of which there are two the Sorcerer And The Warrior the sorcerer is another staff wielding vocation it has long massive spells with massive cast times but your patience is rewarded when those beautiful spells discharge dealing huge damage as a sorcerer you can syn cast with your bonds to enhance spells to do this look for a pawn casting a spell then stand next to them and cast the same spell this will cause your spell to cast faster and for more damage as a sorcerer your rotation is going to look a little something like this you'll be able to use Quick spell so that you can cast faster then you'll fire off some spells then you'll be able to use Galvanize to restore your stamina because all of your spells are costing stamina if you recall and then you'll start the process all over again as a sorcerer you can't go wrong having a fighter Pond keep enemies off of you while you cast those really long cast time abilities you'll have no problem hitting ground and air targets so so having allies around to help distract your enemies is going to be key for augments you'll get things like resistance to being knocked down very useful for those long cast times and you'll get increased damage when taking advantage of enemy Elemental weaknesses alternatively a mage is as ever a welcome addition to buff and heal the group so if you want to summon massive ice spikes or perhaps summon massive tornadoes starting as a mage and then advancing to a sorcerer could be the play for you next up we've got the warrior Warriors will wield great swords and hammers basically you'd start out as a fighter then you'd drop the Shield of the fighter and go all in on a two-handed weapon for big damage you'd basically become a living embodiment of all offense all the time the warrior in Dragon Dogma 1 was considered lackluster so in Dragon's Dogma 2 the developers have set out to make this class feel especially good so if you play Dragon Dogma 1 don't worry it should be considerably better this time around expect to charge lots of powerful heavy attacks so your attacks will be slow and methodical but when they land they'll hit harder than anything else out there Warriors will have high grit making them hard to done or knock out of their attack animations you'll have augments for your HP as well as augments that will increase your ability to break enemy guards and perhaps most useful of all is an augment that reduces the amount of your health that is lost permanently when you take damage and remember when I say permanently what I mean is until the next time you're able to rest at a campfire or in town just remember that fast travel is really Limited in this game so you're not always going to have a campfire nearby and you're definitely not always going to be nearby town so if you love the idea of chunking your enemies down or if you want to leap off of cliffs and slam down on a monster's head the unrelenting impactful hits of the warrior might be perfect for you as for pawns you can't go wrong having a mage around to top off your health when you inevitably take damage on this Frontline combatant you could also make a great case for an Archer as it would be a great Ally to help damage weak points and to take down flying targets and that wraps up your Advanced vocations so at this point we've gone over the starter vocations and the advanced vocations those 61es are the ones that your pawns can use the remaining four are for players only and these are going to be known as the hybrid vocation just like the advanced vocations to unlock these you'll need to find their trainer and then do the quest to unlock the vocation the first one we're going to talk about is Mystic spear hand if you want to fling a spear around like a lightsaber while Force grabbing and throwing enemies around cool let's talk about this class it uses the duo spear it's got flashy melee attacks it uses Force like abilities so you'll be able to pick up objects or Fallen enemies and use them as projectiles against your foes it summon Shadow clones of you to fight alongside you it can shoot range projectiles out of your spear the developer calls this CL the glass Cannon capable of massive damage but with low Health perhaps its most flashy ability is the one that allows it to teleport onto its opponents this is going to be insanely useful for getting up high and wailing on your enemy's weak points as for your augments you'll get things like increased gold obtained from pouches and increased movement speed while carrying objects since you'll probably be doing that a lot as you're forced throwing things around as for your Pawn since you're a glass Cannon you can't go wrong with having a fighter as a tank for you or going with a mage to top you off and buff you next up let's talk about the magic Archer do you want to kill things with a bow do you want to heal things with a bow if you answered yes to both of those questions you're in the right place the magic Archer gets unique abilities like ones that deal massive damage in exchange for reducing your max HP you can switch from multi-target mode to single Target mode and if you let go of your bow string at the right time you can score extra damage with your attacks you can use ice arrows to apply a stacking slow that eventually freezes your target you can use flame arrows to burn them you can apply sedatives to your arrows to use them against your enemies and then you've got your remedy which not only heal allies but can also revive them if you shoot a fully charged attack you can get augments that give you stamina back with killing blows and one that increases the defense of your pawns so as a magic Archer you're definitely going to be a hybrid you're going to be part DPS and you're going to be part support as for your pawns you can't go wrong with a fighter to taunt and keep enemies off of you while you dish out damage and support the group Next Up we've got the trickster which is probably one of the most unique classes I've seen in any game it uses a sensor as a weapon this sensor isn't actually used to hit enemy or do significant damage to them it puts out smoke that debuffs enemies and Buffs allies it can create walls to disrupt your enemy's Vision create Illusions like a fake floor and then you can put a copy of yourself on the fake floor and watch your enemies try to jump onto the fake floor to attack you and leap to their death this seems like it's going to be a unique vocation that gives you a lot of laughs so if you want to command the battlefield and psychologically torment your enemies this is the class for you as for your Pawn having a fighter around to keep the enemies off of you or a mage to take down those flying enemies and keep the group healed up will always be welcome as for augments you can get one that alerts you to Seeker tokens as well as another one that gives you crafting Buffs next up we have the Warfare now if you were watching this video and you made it to this point and you thought a lot of these looked cool and you can't decide which one you want to be this might be the perfect one for you the warf farer is basically every class all rolled into one if you want to doal wield and use a thief ability and then pull out a staff and use a sorcerer ability and then bull out a great sword and use a warrior ability all in a span of 5 Seconds then look no further the Warfare won't be as good at any one thing as the Specialists but it'll be solid at all of them it'll be your jack of all master of none if you will so don't expect your sorcerer spells to hit as hard as they would if you were on a sorcerer but do expect to take advantage of combos that only the Warfare will have access to to strategically dismantle your enemies since this is every class all rolled into one it shouldn't matter what starting vocation you choose as for your bond as always the fighter and the Mage are going to be excellent additions to your group for their tanking healing and buffing capabilities as for me I think I have it narrowed down to three vocations either the sorcerer for the big flashy spells the warrior for the massive two-handed weapons or the Mystic spear hand for the glass Cannon build and if I can't narrow it down to one of those by launch I'm going to go ahead and choose the Warfare how about you which POC are you going to start out as and which one are you going to end up playing in the long run let me know down in the comments below and if you enjoyed the video be sure to subscribe for more Dragon zma 2 content there's a ton of highquality guides coming your way massive shout out to my channel members for supporting the the channel if you want to become a channel member click the join button below or click the link in the description to find out about the perks like having your name appear at the end of every video a private Discord Channel where you can ask me anything and more if you're not sure what to do next check out one of the videos popping up on screen and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Lucky Ghost
Views: 67,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dragons dogma 2, dragon's dogma 2, dragons dogma 2 gameplay, dragon's dogma 2 classes, dragons dogma 2 classes, dd2 classes, dd2 evocations, dd2, dragon's dogma ii, ddii, dragons dogma ii
Id: 7NbYyn_YTgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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