HUGE Dragon's Dogma 2 Discovery for STAT GROWTH! (Pre-Launch)

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so I've been doing some searching for some Dragon Dogma 2 news and while it is a little bit light right now I did come across a few comments that struck my fancy in my recent new features just got confirmed for Dragon's Dogma 2 video I had a reply from Nero PR which seems to suggest that different vocations will have different stat growths and while this would be a return from Dragon's Dogma 1 how they did stat growth where essentially your vocation determined your permanent stats and as you level up in certain vocations different stats like strength magic defense and Magic defense would level up so let's say you're playing a fighter obviously that's a more physical vocation it would get more points into health and more points into strength likewise if you play a mage you'll gain more permanent magic in Magic defense as opposed to the other classes the full breakdown of the levels that you need to be in order to gain which stats which are by the way are permanent stats are shown here in this graphic from the Wii now one part of this comment that I found really interesting is that there is a subred admin named cth who has been contacting a player named ISBN who had been streaming the Dragon's Dogma 2 demo at Gamescom Asia in this post he links a playlist of all the gameplay that was captured here and this was back in December so it's not like it's anything too new but these three images popped up that I wanted to go over now the important thing to note here is that these are all on the same character these are all Ace and they are all the same level it's the same character swapping between different vocations all the way back from December so this is n really anything new but I would bet that there's a lot of people who have never seen this before so like I said it's all the same character and there's swapping between vocations the first image shows a thief with his HP at a base of 764 and stamina at 9913 keep that in mind for later and if we go over to the next image we can see that it's a sorcerer the level's the same everything seems to be the same maybe the equipped armor is a little different but if we just look at the base stats here we have a base of 564 HP and 813 stamina stamina so clearly what this means is that there is a discrepancy between the health and stamina between thief and Sorcerer And this happened whenever they swap vocations however that's not all though because if we go over to this third image which is a mage also same level looks like the HP is a base of 714 the stamina is what appears to be a base of 813 we must look at the stats here in the parentheses which are the base stats as you can see between the two vocations it appears that sorcerer has less strength strength than the Mage does with 72 compared to 88 less defense with 66 compared to 76 we can see that the sorcerer has way more magic base magic at 137 versus 107 has a lot more magic defense at 114 versus 104 and so on and so forth now with the knowledge that this is all in the same character and they are simply swapping vocations this means that we will be getting Dynamic stat reallocation as you swap different VOC ations and by the way I should bring up that I have been paying attention to all of the different gameplay that IGN has been posting and if we go to their 18 minutes of X vocation we can see that when the warrior levels up to level 11 that his strength is the thing that is most increased along with his health which is in line with what we had been seeing in demo playthrough earlier it would also fit that stat growth would be following much the same as it would in Dragon's Dogma one however the next level up is something that's a bit surprising because if we go over to the sorcerer gameplay on the level screen we can see that there's very little health and very little stamina which is in line with what we expect but the strength is the most increased out of all four stats that are displayed here with plus4 and the others being plus three now if we go over to the Dragon Dogma 1 chart in levels 11 through 100 we can see that we would expect a massive increase to Magic and Magic defense if the sorcerer is to increase in level but in this case for some reason the strength is the thing that has increased the most obviously it would be covering attack in this case which again seems to indicate that the level up system in Dragon's Dogma 2 is not at all going to be based on what Dragon's Dogma 1 was so going back to my point that stats seem to reallocate depending on what different vocation you swap to let's now go over to the Capcom website and look at the wording for the warf farer vocation specifically I want to look at this last sentence the warfare's lower base stats require them to utilize the situational strengths of different weapon types to be on par with other vocations with specialized strengths now here's the thing about about this sentence a lot of people have been taking this to mean that it means lower stat growth because there is the assumption that stat growth will be following Dragon's Dogma 1 this is an understandable Viewpoint because not a whole lot of footage has been released covering what happens whenever you swap vocations in looking at the different stats in detail however since we have covered that these three images here seem to cover the same character swapping between different locations and the different stats that it's getting whenever it does so we can then assume that this sentence here with the warfare's lower base stats means that whenever you swap to the warf farer vocation your stats will actually be lowered and you will need to play as an underpowered character and the reason this is important is because I have been seeing a lot of comments saying that oh Warf farer is just a late game vocation you're supposed to gather all of your stats before you decide to play as Warf farer similar to how in Dragon's Dogma 1 you would play as assassin to level up all of your strength before swapping over to any different vocation all the way up to level 200 before you can actually play the vocation you want to play this is a type of Min maxing that will allow you to have the most damage possible whenever you swap off to an in-game version of whatever you want to play and many players myself included are not very fond of this kind of system as it kind of forces you to play as the same vocation for about 200 levels before you can actually play the vocation you want to play and that is the case for many myself included I'm an MMO vet and watching numbers go up is what I live for but what this wording seems to indicate is that the Warfare of vocation will actually lower your stats in order to balance for the different vocations you're going to wield so in conclusion the evidence that I have presented here seems to indicate that we will not be getting a Dragon Dogma 1 level up system and instead we will be dynamically reallocating stats depending on what different vocation you will choose let's say you want to play as a warrior vocation you're going to get more health and more strength whenever you swap over to it likewise if you swap over to a sorcerer vocation you're going to get a lot more magic and a lot more Magic defense instead and of course similarly if you swap over to the Warfare vocation all of your stats will be reduced drastically and you will need to rely on the different situational strengths of the vocations themselves as opposed to the stats you've gained as you level up and again the reason this makes sense is because if you could level up all of your stats normally and then swap over to Warfare in the endgame it would pretty much eliminate the downside for the Warfare vocation which is why I don't think that makes sense also I know a lot of players that are efficiency-minded have been complaining to Capcom and ituno about this particular issue and I wouldn't put it past him to give a quality of life update in this way so let's go over some pros and cons on what this would mean the pros obviously is that for players that are efficiency-minded or also want to play casually you don't need to basically hammer out stats on one particular vocation in order to be the most efficient for in-game battles and I think for the vast majority of players I don't care what Reddit says I don't care what Twitter says I don't care what YouTube says most players that play video games are not on these platforms so I think for a general audience I think that this is a good move in order to allow for ease of use there's also the double-edged sword of that is that if they don't know the men maxing values they probably won't care anyway but this is still a cool feature if you're a casual player regardless it also makes it to where if you want to play a different vocation you're not penalized for not picking it first whenever you're on your journey it also would alleviate the pain from having a single save slot that I know a lot of players are going to complain about and have been complaining about I'm not going to cover that here but I know that it's a sour spot for a lot of players this would alleviate the pain of that to some extent as you can just freely swap vocations and be efficient in the same way likewise it also means that when you level up your Pawn you don't actually have to pigeon hole it into a certain vocation in order to give it the best stats which means that there's more opportunities for pawns to be hired and that is a good thing in the long run as you want to spread the love a little bit when it comes to pawns if the rich get richer that's a very bad feeling if your Pawn never gets higher due to bad stats as far as the cons go I can really only see one and that is that it would eliminate the ability to specialize into certain stats like if you wanted to make a character with as much strength as possible regardless of vocation you can no longer do that if your stats are just going to be allocated based on whatever vocation you choose so there is a little bit of loss of Freedom like let's say you just wanted to be a troll and make a sorcerer with as much strength as possible and as little magic as possible just to give it something unique there is the aspect of that being eliminated but overall I don't really see it as a downside to General gameplay which is why I would be in support of this type of mechanic so that was a very long-winded way to say that a very small portion of Dragon's Dogma 2 seems to be changed from the previous game and stack growth seems to be headed in a good direction for a general audience but what do you guys think let me know in the comments below and thanks for all your support I will see you guys next time
Channel: OSK Gaming
Views: 31,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dragon's dogma 2, dragons dogma 2 gameplay, dragons dogma 2, dragon's dogma 2 gameplay, dragons dogma, dragons dogma 2 classes, dragons dogma 2 vocations, dragon's dogma, dragons dogma 2 review, dragons dogma 2 ign first, dragon's dogma 2 review, dragon's dogma 2 classes, dragons dogma 2 release date, dragon's dogma 2 preview, dragon's dogma 2 new gameplay, dragons dogma 2 demo, dragons dogma 2 preview, dragon dogma 2, dragon's dogma 2 trailer, dragon's dogma 2 stats
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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