Dragonflight Beginners Guide [Restoration Shaman]

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the restoration Shaman is a reactive healer that is rewarded for some proactive gameplay it has a very simple gameplay flow in both healing and dealing damage which makes it a great option for those who want to get into a Healer that's easy to learn but has plenty of ropes to learn later down the road as you get more comfortable with the class so as a Resto Shaman our gameplay is mostly unaffected by our Mastery so we can pretty much ignore this and instead I'm going to talk about tidal waves which is a core mechanic that we have that will really kind of be the ebb and flow of this class so every time we cast a chain heal or Riptide it's going to reduce the cast time of our next healing wave or healing Surge and increase its effectiveness so essentially what this does is it creates a loop of gameplay where we are generating tidal wave stacks and then consuming those tidal wave stacks and we generate with spells like Riptide and chain heal and we consume the stacks with healing wave or healing surge so next we're going to talk about all of our core spells and we're going to do this by breaking them down into different categories to better understand where and why they should be used we're going to start with the sustained healing spells these spells are things that you're going to be casting the most frequently and are going to be your most used keybinds once you do key bind them these spells include Riptide Healing Rain and healing wave so Riptide is just a single Target heel it does initial healing and then it also leaves a heal over time effect on the target but we don't have to worry too much about the heal over time effect just get used to pressing Riptide as often as possible every time it's available because this is will be our main generator of tidal wave stacks next up healing rain is going to be a spell that we're going to be wanting to use every time it's available and we're going to want to use it on the most amount of targets as possible as you can see it lays like a area on the floor and it will just heal all Ally units inside of it up to a maximum of six allies so typically to heal the most amount of allies you're just going to want to put this in melee or around whatever you're currently fighting and then as it expires it also comes back up off cooldown so this again is just a spell that you're just going to refresh every time that you see it back up and then lastly we have healing wave this is a two second cast time just single Target heel it's very efficient on Mana but it takes a long time to cast with a tidal wave charge we do reduce the cast Time by about 0.4 so about a quarter of the cast time is reduced so as a general rule always cast healing wave with a tidal wave stack otherwise do not press ceiling wave you should try to pretty much never cast healing wave as just a hard cast ability without any tidal wave stacks so next up we're going to go over our burst sealing spells these are going to be spells that we're still using pretty consistently but they have a different purpose their purpose is to pick people up when they're lower HP and the riptide Healing Rain healing wave combo isn't going to be enough to sustain them these spells are going to include healing surge chain heal and cloudburst totem so healing surge is pretty much the exact same spell as healing wave but it's faster and it costs a lot more Mana just like with healing wave we ideally want to always use healing surge with a tidal wave stack but we don't have to with this spell since it doesn't reduce the cast time so healing surge as a default is going to be the button that we press when we don't feel like we have enough time to either a generate tidal wave stacks and to heal somebody with healing uh healing wave or we don't have the time to press healing wave in the first place and we just need a bit more healing to do uh right away to them next up chain heel is going to be a spell that we target one player with it and it will heal that player and then bounce to four nearby players and also heal them for a percentage of the amount that you healed first this is a smart heel so you really don't have to think about it too much you generally just throw it on the person who's the most injured and then if there's other injured nearby players it will also heal them so this is a spell that you would use when you're trying to generate tidal wave stacks and heal multiple people at the same time cloudburst totem is going to be very similar to Healing Rain in the fact that we just want to drop it every time it's available as you can see I have two charges right here because echo of elements so I dropped cloudburst totem and it puts a totem down that absorbs or I guess duplicates a percentage of the healing that we do so all the healing I'm doing right now is feeding into the cloudburst sodium as you can see this number going up and when the totem expires here it's going to burst and heal everybody nearby the totem for and it's going to split all that healing that was absorbed into the totem and dish it back out to everybody so because of the way this works again it's another smart heel so it's something that we can kind of just set down and forget we really don't need to overthink charging it up a certain way or doing anything fancy with it we just set it down and let it do its passive work by absorbing our healing and then dishing it back out on the correct targets that we need that need more healing afterwards once it expires and then next up we have our utility spells this is going to be wind shear purify spirit and Purge wind shear is just a ranged interruptability so you can use it to interrupt spellcasts on enemy units generally as a rule I would just say if you don't know what to interrupt just interrupt anything that has a yellow bar on most add-ons and even the default blizzard UI if the cast bar is yellow that means that you can interrupt it and if it is not yellow usually it'll be red or gray that means you cannot interrupt it so whenever you see a yellow bar just go ahead and press wind shear and just get in the habit of doing that and then later down the road you will learn what is more important to interrupt than other casts and then you can start prioritizing those casts instead but just getting into the habit of interrupting things is going to be a huge benefit and already put you Leaps and Bounds ahead of other Healers purify spirit is our cleanse and all it does is remove curse and Magic debuffs so we want to be using this whenever we see somebody with a curse or Magic debuff and then Purge is an ability that we use on an enemy unit and it will get rid of any magic effect that they have on them so it's usually magic related Buffs if you have nameplate add-ons it will track these and you'll be able to just see when the enemy unit has something purgeable and then you can just Purge It Off so next up we're going to talk about our damage spells this is going to be Lava burst flame shock and lightning bolt and chain lightning lava burst is just a single Target damage spell and it does have a cooldown with echo of the elements it has two charges flame shock is a damage over time effect that we apply to an enemy it also has a short cooldown but the cooldown does refresh much before the actual duration of the debuff is up so we can use it on multiple targets if needed and lightning bolt and chain lightning are pretty much the same spell but just have different uses in that lightning bolt Just Hits one Target and chain lightning hits multiple targets but for Less damage so as you can see chain lightning will hit for four thousand five hundred four thousand five hundred and then lightning bolts will hit for slightly more the benefit to chain lining is when you have multiple targets you can then use chain lighting and it will instead do extra damage it's basically as long as there's two Targets or more you can safely use chain lining instead of lightning bolt to deal damage all right so now we're going to talk about our healing rotation so Step One is upkeep spells this is going to be healing rain and Cloud burst totem our two most important abilities is to just maintain Healing Rain on the ground and keep a cloud burst totem down as much as possible again we don't need to overthink the cloudburst totem just set it down and pretty much forget about it and then we're refreshing Healing Rain every time it's up and then once our Cloud burst detonates we can go ahead and set down another one right away since there's two charges step two is to generate tidal waves this is going to be done by pressing Riptide and chain heal most of the time we're going to be pressing Riptide to generate our tidal wave stacks so this means keeping down Healing Rain keeping down a cloudburst totem and then generating tidal wave Stacks by pressing Riptide on cooldown and if Riptides off cooldown or rather if it is on cooldown and you don't have any charges left you can then press chain heal instead and then lastly once we have two tidal wave Stacks generated since that's all we can generate up to while we're still maintaining our other spell upkeep spells we're then going to spend those tidal wave Stacks with either healing wave or healing surge as a default in raid use healing wave and in Mythic Plus or dungeon content use healing surge since healing wave is much more Mana efficient it's better to use it in raid because it'll let you last longer throughout the fight and then you can just use healing surge for emergency healing but then in dungeons you don't have to worry so much about your Mana so you can freely press healing surge more often instead of healing wave so again one more run through of the healing rotation upkeep spells Healing Rain and cloudburst totem down at all times then we're generating tidal wave Stacks with Riptide and chain heal then we're spending those tidal wave Stacks with healing wave or healing search upkeep spells generate spent and that's the basics of the rotation all right now we'll talk about our damage rotation so first all I want you to be comfortable with is being able to Flame shock targets so when you're fighting either in a raid or dungeon encounter just get used to pressing flame shock every time it's off cooldown if there's only one target you only need to refresh it once it's below about five seconds remaining on the debuff then what we're going to do is use these lava surge procs so while we're refreshing flame shock we are then every time we get this proc on our screen it means we can instant cast a lava burst so we're just going to do that so we keep flame shock on targets and if there's multiple targets we can use it on multiple targets and then every time we get this proc right here in the middle of our screen we're pressing lava bursts then once we get more comfortable with that we're then going to start incorporating hard casting lava burst so this means even when we don't have a proc as long as lava burst is available when it's red that means there's no charges when it's yellow on my UI that means there's one charge and when it's not showing at all that means I have two charges all we're doing is flame shocking and then pressing lava bursts as much as possible also when we do get a proc of lava surge we do refresh one charge of lava burst so it means you can press it right away and you don't have to wait for the cooldown and then lastly for a third step in damage rotation we're then going to start incorporating chain lightning and lightning bolt whenever we don't have lava burst available so we keep flame shock on the target we're lava bursting as much as possible using lava surge charges when they pop up and then otherwise once lava burst is off or on cooldown rather we're going to then incorporate lightning bolt if it's a single Target fight and then if we're in AOE we're then going to start incorporating chain lightning so here I'm maintaining flame shock on targets I'm pressing lava burst every time it's available but as you can see when it's not available I am pressing chain lighting using this lava surge charge now I don't have lava burst available so I'm pressing chain lightning refreshing flame shock lava burst chain lightning lava verse no particular order it's just about maintaining those steps flame shock lava burst then fill with chain lightning or lightning bolt and that's it for the damage rotation which covers the entire tea of our beginner's guide for Resto Shaman in dragonflight I hope this video was helpful make sure you stop by the community Discord that we have linked down in the description and then also once you're ready to move on to the next step you can go ahead and watch the next raid or Mythic plus guide that I release for Resto Shaman whichever is the most up-to-date in the current patch cycle thank you so much for watching again see you all later
Views: 33,455
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Keywords: Moarcookiez, MOARCOOKIEZlive, Healing, Healer, Mythic+, Raid, Normal, Heroic, Mythic, Guide, Content, Dungeon, tips, tricks, Restoration Shaman, Restoration Druid, Holy Paladin, Mistweaver Monk, Holy Priest, Discipline Priest, Preservation Evoker, Addons, wow videos, wow guides, commentary, Dragonflight, Dflight, DF, 10.0, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, Ruby Life Pools, Brackenhide Hollow, The Nokhud Offensive, Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr, The Azure Vault, Halls of Infusion, Neltharus, Beginners Guide, Warcraftlogs, vod
Id: 8WROYkewOSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 25 2022
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