Dragonflight Beginners Guide [Restoration Druid]

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the Restoration Druid is a proactive healer with a high risk High reward gameplay style through its ability to shapeshift into various animal forms to adapt to whether you want to increase your own damage healing or survivability this class is a great choice if you enjoy having high mobility and little downtime as you upkeep Buffs debuffs and look always be one step ahead in combat encounters okay so the first step to understanding how to best utilize our class and learn it is to understand our Mastery so for Esso Druid we have Harmony your healing is increased by X percent for each of your restoration heal over time effects on the target so this is why you'll see as we continue to explain the class that the gameplay revolves around applying as many heal over time effects to your target as you can before pressing any direct heals so heal over time effects are going to do less healing up front but they're going to make our direct heels heal for more since for every single heal over time effects we have on someone that direct heel is going to do more and more healing which is what allows our direct heels to be potent in the first place so next up we're going to go ahead and break down uh the different spells into different categories so we're going to categorize our spells to help simplify the idea behind what spells do what so first off since we're a Healer we're going to talk about healing stuff so I'm going to break the healing spells into sustain healing spells and burst healing spells sustain healing spells or spells that you're going to want to cast frequently to keep people alive consistently it's the buttons you're going to be pressing the most so if you're you know planning your hotkeys or putting them on your bars somewhere these are the spells that you're going to want to have the most access to and these spells are going to be lifebloom efflorescence and rejuvenation so lifebloom is just a we just put it on the on a party member and it will apply like a 13 second heal over time on them and this does a substantial amount of healing this is probably our biggest like single Target heel and you can ignore like the Beeps in the background it's just a weak or that I have so it'll it'll make some noises here and there but lifebloom you're gonna pretty much keep this on whoever's taking the most damage which is generally going to always be the tank so this usually goes on the tank and then the next spell we have is efflorescence so efflorescence very similar to life Bloom it's gonna you can see the timer over here on the right it's gonna put a 30 second uh field on the floor that cannot move but while standing in this field players are healed for a moderate amount of Health so with efflorescence it's very similar to life Bloom I like to categorize these two spells together so it is always have life Bloom and efflorescence active just as a generalized rule while you're getting used to Resto Druid these are your two most important spells to keep active at all times the last sustained healing spell that we have is going to be Rejuvenation Rejuvenation very similar to life Bloom it's just another heal over time effect and this one can be applied to multiple targets so life Bloom something I forgot to mention it can only be applied to one target at a time if I switch which Target it's on it it takes it off the previous Target puts it on the new one Rejuvenation however does not do that you can apply Rejuvenation as much as you want the only thing is you can't apply it to the same person more than once so if I apply it to myself all it does is just refresh the timer on Rejuvenation it doesn't actually do any extra healing or anything like that it will remain like right here you can see it ticking for 1 200 1 300 ish so if I just reapply it it will keep doing that exact same amount of healing it doesn't add anything in addition to it the only reason it's popping up with a higher number is because it was gritting so those are our sustained healing spells we have lifebloom efflorescence Rejuvenation always keep those active and Rejuvenation is the spell that you will always default to pressing first when you're going to heal somebody next up we have our burst healing spells so these are going to be spells that you're going to want to use more in you could think of it as more in like emergency situations where the group needs more healing or one person needs more healing and the lifebloom efflorescence Rejuvenation combination is not enough to keep them alive and you need to put more healing into them so these are going to be regrowth wild growth and Swift men regrowth is just a casted heel it's about it depends on the cast time but it's about a 1.5 second cast time and it just does a burst of single Target healing and then it applies a heal over time effect for 15 seconds on the Target that heals for a low amount there you can see it ticking for about 300. wild growth is another cast spell so this is going to be also a 1.5 second cast time and it applies a heal over time to the to your Target and also four nearby Targets that are injured it will prioritize people that are injured it's a smart heel so the way that works is whoever you target it with it will pick four other players surrounding that person and put wild growth on them and as you can see Wild growth is just a short heal over time effect but it is a very powerful heal over time effect so it does a lot of healing in a short amount of time so here you can see I put it on and it heals one 1.4 1.4 and then as it gets lower on the duration it heals for less and less and then lastly we have Swift men so Swift mend is a spell where you need an active heal over time effect on the Target in order to use it because it will consume one active fuel over time effect so I will put for instance Rejuvenation on the Hunter and then I will press Swift mint and there you can see it did a 17 000 heel and that was without a crit the swiftman is like your emergency instant cast this person needs healing right now and I don't have time to press anything else Swift mend is your big single Target heel and it is worth mentioning um that wild growth and Swift men have cooldowns re regrowth does not so regrowth is a good spammable casting ability that you can use to keep people topped up if they need a lot of healing and you can also switch freely between which targets are taking it and then wild growth and Swift mend have cooldowns as you can see all right next up we have our utility spells so first off we have our external cooldown this is going to be something that we use to reduce damage taken on a Target again this will be usually used on the tank but it can also very much be used on any other player taking a significant amount of damage so this is ironbark it's going to be a about like a one and a half minute cooldown and it just applies a buff for 10 seconds that will reduce all damage taken by 20 percent and increase our heal over time Effects by 20 on that person for the duration the main thing the healover time effects is okay like it's nice to have but the main thing we're using this ability for is to reduce their damage taken so when we know someone's going to take damage or if we already see them taking a lot of damage we want to be using iron Bark Unlimited especially because it's such a low cooldown a minute and a half really isn't that long so pressing it as much as possible is definitely ideal next up we have remove corruption this is just a this is our classes cleanse spell um the reason you hear the hiccup noise right there is because it's just a weak or that tells me that it didn't cleanse anything and that it didn't go on cooldown um so this will cleanse as a Resto Druid we will be cleansing able to cleanse magic debuffs curse debuffs and poison debuffs so that's what we use this for and then if it successfully cleanses something it will put the ability on an eight second cooldown also if the target has multiple debuffs so say they have a magic and a Kirsty buff on them it will cleanse both of them it will just cleanse everything on the Target that is Magic curse and poison all right and then lastly we have soothe which soothe is an ability where we use it on the Target and it will dispel any enrage effects on the target so in Rage effects are things that usually mobs will like certain creatures will do or something that will increase their damage done and we can use soothe to then remove that buff off of the target and then lastly we have our damage spells so our three damage spells are going to be Moon fire Sunfire and wrath so Moon fire and Sunfire are damage over time effects as you can see here on these Target frames and they are going to basically just you apply them once and then they will deal damage until they expire and again just like our heal over time effects if we press them again um they will not do any extra damage they will just refresh their duration Moonfire however does have a direct damage component to it so if you do spam it it does do damage when it reapplies but it's not something that you ideally want to do because it does cost a decent amount of Mana to sit here and Bam these and then wrath is just a quick 1.5 second cast that costs almost no mana and we'll just send a moderate amount of damage at the Target and hit them all right now we'll talk about our basic healing rotation and our basic damage rotation so our basic healing rotation first things first upkeep our the two spells that I talked about at the beginning lifebloom and efflorescence this is the number one thing on the class to make sure you're doing as a wrestler Druid the life Bloom on the target of our choice and then keep efflorescence on the ground and keep it up as much as possible while we have these so I'm going to keep these going while I keep talking and we're going to make sure they don't fall off one thing to note is that any heal over time effects on targets they do have something called the pandemic window which means when this gets low enough when it gets to about four seconds remaining on the D on the buff we can actually refresh it early and it will increase the duration on the spell so if I put it on myself you see it only lasts 14 seconds but if I refresh it again it goes up to 19 seconds but that's what the pandemic window is is you have that four second increase of time so you want to wait until it's about four seconds remaining on the buff and then refresh it or you can refresh it when it expires but there's no downside to refreshing it at four because then you keep it rolling without it falling off and then not doing healing and then with efflorescence it's actually the opposite where there is no pandemic window because it's not technically a heel over time effect it's like a like a uh just a duration like a effect on the ground that has a duration so we actually want to wait until F fluorescence fully expires before we refresh it ideally unless we're trying to move it because of the spell that can't move so if we you know move out of it or something and we need to reposition it yeah it's totally fine to refresh it early I otherwise try to wait until it expires before you move or refresh it okay so upkeep spells so now I'm going to keep these going so we have our upkeep spells lifebloom and efflorescence next up we want to be pressing wild growth this is going to be our default heel that we usually press as just a okay the group's taking damage so we're going to press wild growth this is going to be in raid and Mythic plus content doesn't matter which content you're doing this healing rotation and damage rotation that I'm showing is going to be useful for both so same idea life Bloom keep that fluorescence up and then whenever wild growth is off cooldown we can go ahead and press it it's our most efficient heal even though it costs a decent chunk of Mana it does the most healing for the amount of Mana we're putting into it so it's a very very good to be using so now we have our upkeep spells we press wild growth on cooldown next up we're going to move into pressing Rejuvenation on people so now we keep Rejuvenation on everybody we're keeping life Bloom up on one target we're keeping F flow down on the ground or efflorescence and then we're pressing wild growth on cooldown and then we're just refreshing these rejuvenations as they get low and as you can see it becomes a game of just keeping everything going so we're keeping our life Bloom up we're keeping our wild growth on cooldown we're keeping Rejuvenation refreshed on people once it gets low enough just like that pandemic window I explained but you don't want to be refreshing Rejuvenation like this where they already have it and it's full duration and you're just spamming it that's not going to do anything that's when we move into our next step which is then pressing regrowth so if a Target still needs more healing after this after they have wild growth efflorescence life Bloom and Rejuvenation on them then you can move into pressing regrowth the regrowth of the spell we press after we've applied a Rejuvenation to somebody you never want to regrowth somebody if they don't have a Rejuvenation on them just as a general rule so keep lifelong going you keep efflorescence down on the ground we keep wild growth on cooldown breast Rejuvenation they still need more healing we start pressing regrowths now regrowth does have a heel over time effect on it but we can actually just Spam this this is totally a fine spell to be able to just press constantly on somebody if they keep needing more and more healing because the heal over time effect isn't what we're looking for from our regrowth it's actually just the initial heal that the spell does foreign and then lastly for emergency healing we're going to press Swift mend or nature swiftness Swift men is that instant castle I talked about and then nature swiftness swissness does so does the exact same thing it just makes the next spell uh regrowth rebirth or untangling Roots is instant free and castable in all forms so we'll usually use this to just press a quick regrowth on somebody if our Swift mend is on cooldown so that is our healing rotation just to run through it one more time as a tldr uh our healing rotation is going to be our upkeep spells so this is lifebloom and efflorescence keeping those active next up we press wild growth on cooldown then we rejuvenation then if they still need more healing we regrowth and then if we have emergency healing to do or they still need more healing after that we press Swift mend or we press a nature Swift swiftness with a regrowth and that is the healing rotation keeping all of our spells going and then defaulting to Rejuvenation and regrowth to keep people taking extra damage alive all right now we're going to go ahead and move into our damage rotation so the basic damage rotation that I'm going to show is just very very simple it's if you have nothing to do and you feel like contributing damage to your to the raid or to the dungeon encounter that you're doing all you're going to do is just press wrath you're literally just going to press wrath over and over until you need to heal again and then it's like okay now I need to do some healing we'll go ahead and do those same things keep lifelom efflorescence up we'll press the wild growth okay don't need to do any more healing I'll go ahead and press wrath again and then once you get comfortable with this and being able to maintain your spells your healing spells while doing damage then you can start mixing in Sunfire and moon fire so we Sunfire it applies to everything nearby the Target and then Moon fire is just a single Target thing so Moonfire we'd have to actually switch who we're targeting and cast it on all the targets if there's multiple you know multiple Targets in the dungeon or encounter that we're doing and then this is all we're doing and then whenever we have these dots active we go back to wrath and then when the dots are getting low like see here they're starting to get low so now we'll refresh these Moon fires we'll refresh the Sunfire and we'll go back to Wrath foreign and then we'll refresh this Moon fire refresh Sunfire refresh these Moon fires go back to Wrath and that's our damage rotation thank you so much for watching and I hope this was helpful for more information and more advanced guides and stuff like that I'll be there will be Mythic plus and raid guides on the channel this is just for beginners so good luck and if you have any questions let me know in the comments or join our community Discord that's Linked In the description and thank you to all the patrons who make this channel possible and make me be able to put time into teaching these classes and playing all the healers in World of Warcraft so thank you so much for watching have a good one see you later
Views: 56,527
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Keywords: Moarcookiez, MOARCOOKIEZlive, Healing, Healer, Mythic+, Raid, Normal, Heroic, Mythic, Guide, Content, Dungeon, tips, tricks, Restoration Shaman, Restoration Druid, Holy Paladin, Mistweaver Monk, Holy Priest, Discipline Priest, Preservation Evoker, Addons, wow videos, wow guides, commentary, Dragonflight, Dflight, DF, 10.0, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, Ruby Life Pools, Brackenhide Hollow, The Nokhud Offensive, Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr, The Azure Vault, Halls of Infusion, Neltharus, Beginners Guide, Warcraftlogs, vod
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 25 2022
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