Dragonball Z Abridged Creator Commentary | Episode 54

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Yamcha and Vegeta is honestly like re-watching through all this that the last couple of episodes were so high energy and such big moments and now we've got like real just a moment to [ __ ] relax until it runs back I feel like I know a lot of people are like just waiting like come on the show game so it's like no this like flowing space where we actually get some like time to breathe and let the characters spread their legs a bit I love this that's why I think we Love episode 31 so much too it's just because it was just everyone's just all in a more grounded everyone just hanging out that way oh by the way I want to remember one thing real quick that we're doing that yes say that at the end oh right right sorry shall we go yeah sure the following is a non-profit fan-based parody Dragon Ball Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball GT are all owned by FUNimation toy animation Fuji TV and Akira Toriyama please support the official release I wonder which character did that the most [Music] are we counting multiple forms of characters hard to say I wouldn't count multiple forms oh wait hold on is this the bit I think it is yeah oh yes it is [Music] you've been slacking on your back now yeah man what are you doing here I'm sorry coach immediately hinting that it's a dream do you have the money to pay people for that Mom I'm trying to help save the world here what world is there and you have no idea how to prove or disprove the Rayman hypothesis the same one we live in now I guess if you wanted to squander and disappoint hell yeah where is your father yes where's Goku oh thank God I mean oh my God so dark it really is the crunch yep there's something you should know if this were now would you have made some purple blood I'm just gonna start pulling out I I think I think the discretionary Gore is better here okay also this shot does not exist yeah like I had to I had to like basically I can see some of the lines there yeah obviously some of it just doesn't line up exactly correctly I'm so glad I was able to make this work because it's adds to the dear God yeah you're the hand I love you son so I wanted to like talk a little bit about that joke because when we were originally coming up with it I don't know if we necessarily had a little intentions behind it we just thought hey he's got this dream where cell comes in and kills everybody what if his face just ends up being Goku I mean he obviously has a complex by this one yes and I think what it is is it's kind of the way that Gohan will ultimately come to see his father before things are cleared up because you know Goku forces are at like has him fight gives him the sense of being for Gohan Goku is kind of like both the father that he does love but also the person that brings a lot of strife into his life especially because cell is a the actual physical embodiment of all of his father's Past coming back to haunt them yeah you know yeah so in a way like Goku is kind of a villain for Gohan and not in a conscious way and not even in such an Insidious way but more just like it's a physical representation it is a representation of Eternal conflict yes life yeah so I I that's why I really ended up liking that nightmare a terrible terribly the one where your mom and Piccolo come in what Moscow is so good I've been having that one for a week we've been in here too long maybe just a little [Music] uh The Shining yeah nothing about a title story no TV and no beer makes home or something something go crazy Don't Mind If I Do so development cell's gone wait so trunks won no he split as in grabbed his metaphorical [ __ ] after killing no no Vegeta nobody's dead you just got bored and left so we won then oh my God I roll with the third eye always gets me like father like son yep oh jeez he's taking it pretty rough it's pathetic find some honor and defeat for God's sake you must be great from that glass house of yours you should go check on him foreign with me couldn't do anything I wasn't even important enough to kill I mean it sucks to be you again guys come on it's just me Krillin everyone's friend I would like more friends huh I seem to have misplaced mine when cell oh yeah I would never be friends with you I was not speaking to you I was speaking to the duck well quack quack big guy mine let's get you all patched up you are the pluckiest such a dumb scene but I love it the b stands for robot yes yes what am I watching I don't know but I hate it well hopefully he doesn't try and screw this one no Robo that is the like most acidic thing trunks has ever said so far so Vegeta respects it yeah you notice that like that's their bonding moment yeah well hopefully it doesn't try and screw this one and that's like the biggest bonding moment they have it's like their hatred of Krillin having a nice time I think I remember pitching I hope for different reasons yeah [ __ ] this one yeah Vegeta just doesn't want Krillin to be happy trunks is like he really wants to [ __ ] the person who killed my master god damn it and he ruined this timeline by not blowing her up yeah exactly oh he's got to be so pissed at Krillin right now it comes back at the very end oh yes here we go oh my God farmers in this world just have no break [Music] beta doing the Ricola again but it's not a mountain nope yeah I don't even I don't even know how this one came about I think this is gonna have to be muted by the way yeah is this not public domain no wow no not this recording remember ah it's the right music isn't copywritten but the recordings are yeah just this is where he like God the power on display here right yeah this is so cool it's such a cool scene he's just showing off his freeze the second one it's coming up the green one yep people freaked out when they noticed it was there yes [Laughter] son of an emerald horse starting again we decided like that'd be the running joke he just continues to build this stuff so that we have something to cut away too yeah and it's like no I'm not gonna repair the one I just built it was not built perfectly the first time need a new one yep start from the ground up everyone's a lot of people say this is the most relatable villain seen in the entire Series right now it's sort of funny because this is the first time we see this version of cell like getting frustrated at something and it has nothing to do with anyone else just himself because he's a [ __ ] perfectionist yeah well it's just like in the end like he just got a green stone just switch it out it's like no it's wrong I have to start all over again because I had a perfect system and I have to start from step one step ten and then look I had a whole Orchestra cued up in my head that's why I love this scene like just as a character moment for Vegeta this is so funny [Music] hello MILF oh veggie I'm a grandmother now your culture is so confusing look this is the mom of the woman he has impregnated he is actually showing some form of reverence by calling her what she wants to be called oh my God you're right yep she actually says call me MILF and he's because he never uses anyone's name nope he barely even calls because in my in my head candidate is because she is the grandmother of the next line in the throne to the sand line so she would be showing respect that's right you will do it but but I do love that that he gives her that reverence it's like oh your culture is so confusing oh and who is this lavender hair gentleman you brought with you once again Amber killing it leave The Swinging for the bark I love that line and I wonder how many people miss it grandkid from the future leave The Swinging for the park we got an Android in desperate need of repair I taught Bulma everything she knows except the dangers of miscegenation apparently by the way miscegenation means the mixing of race yeah again Dr briefs is a monster a monster a monster Heck if you're volunteering to help we won't say no just try to keep the house guest to a minimum we just got rid of yajirobi and we barely have enough food to accommodate anyone what up [ __ ] with my Goofy else ah I love this because you never get them all in the same spot that's natural [Music] yeah Son Goku kill Son Goku kill Son Goku [Music] by the way that kills Son Goku is from Android 13 because I didn't want to just pull him to record a new line so I just used the killson Goku from Android 13. that's great yeah it works because it's a robot doing it too yeah no it works just fine and then he just flew off now we don't know where he is or what he's playing oh I love this conversation you're alive consolation hey don't knock it sometimes oh sorry I just wanted to point out krone's jacked yeah so this is cooling from another scene oh yeah [Music] Twice first round being a dick about trying to kill Vegeta's dumbass friend now he's out there making movies or some [ __ ] you were just I I swear to God that was mine he makes movies or some [ __ ] [ __ ] I don't know man I love again Gremlin shoutsu is great yeah 100 just just the fact that chaochu looking away not even looking at them while saying it makes it she's out there making movies or some [ __ ] and he shouts who has another great line when cell shows up all right I love it oh yes go ahead tell us how you died I'll fact check oh my God like a man well you're half right if you're finished picking on Yamcha never get bigger fish to fry that's one of my favorite off-screen lines [Music] it bothers me it bothers me a lot and that one's still green I quote doesn't bother me it doesn't bother me it follows me it bothers me a lot yeah I quote that all of the time I've heard you in a call do that I love them and I don't know the squares make a son of a [ __ ] oh this scene oh yeah that is fine life accordingly adults and all I could always give you a sick Gatling gun I appreciate it but unnecessary by the way so we don't talk about it much I love the fact that Android 16 is like no you don't need to do anything I'm good yeah I'm me I'm already I've already developed I'm going to live my life the best that I can I don't need any more and I really like that I I it's an interesting take on the character skipping over a thousand updates is fine oh yeah I I just there's I don't want to go too far out of my own like my own lane but a lot of people kind of deal with certain neurodiversions and there's a little bit like we've had some people be like hey I could have identified a little bit with Android 16 there if somebody's not quite on the same like wavelength as everybody else but it doesn't feel like he's incomplete he's living his life he's happy I mean like the way it is like all of our brains like fundamentally deep down they're the same but they're all wired incredibly differently and even through that the experiences that you have and you know stuff that happens to you throughout your life changes it and we all have to learn to come compensate for that and we all live our lives according to whatever the hell this thing lets us think yeah and so that's why like you know when we have this again this line of like I I am my own Android I'm like oh that's I think it's a good message to send like hey don't worry too much about the things that may or may not be the same as everybody else just focus on you it's part of me also this is to add to what you're saying on that one for him part of me wonders if when gero was making the Android if he didn't focus on the program being okay with itself first and foremost before anything else in the end as much as he's a bastard man he did care for his son and he was trying to rebuild his son found that that's under the [ __ ] joke yep what is that creature on your shoulder this this your [ __ ] such a crashed grass piece hello it is licking me now should I lick the [ __ ] absolutely not if and when we have to fight cell again we're going to need Gohan what you need is to get it through your heads I told Goku he could train with Gohan I never said anything about letting him fight you cannot keep him out of this he's a fighter he's 10 and he's the third strongest fighter I know I really like that line because that's what she was saying like wait a second so one two yeah going by who's the fourth I'm either second one or third or fourth which one is that which one's the fourth yeah I better not be placing me below him yeah it's a subtle line and so maybe a little bit thicker I don't know shout out to hinomic in the scene as well oh yes she's so good in this scene yeah actually I want to talk a little bit more about Chichi after the listeners one is lighter too you think I landed the strongest man on the planet do not maybe come over there I will rip your world a [ __ ] Thunder [Laughter] but that's want something better for my son instead of surviving off prize money and Welfare now I know that I can't stop him but if he fights and gets hurt or God forbid dies and any of you could have stopped it there's no dragon in this universe that will save you from me luckily Gohan ends up marrying the daughter of one of the richest men in the world so it works out that way right so um this was a little bit of contentious and I think like kind of between you and me actually when we were writing I I remember you because you know I always want to go for the joke and that's always how I am I always want to go for the joke but you're like you wanted to Showcase how you know vulnerable like in the end Chichi's not an idiot she's not that selfish she knows the reality but what's actually being asked is so such a hard ask for her emotionally to do this like hey can we go have your child you love possibly go die every time you do this I lose my [ __ ] mind guys and this one's the scariest one of all yeah and and it was really important to me especially because one of the things the like one of the problems that like the anime does to Chichi is that it makes her so much worse than her manga counterpart like the the way she responds the way she reacts to people the way she hires a tutor that whips him yeah you got to play him though I do um and so it kind of mattered to me as look you always to say don't care more about the show than they uh than they created it also mattered to me that Chichi had a scene to really kind of show the audience I'm not just some crazy [ __ ] I love my kid and you're telling me you're gonna go throw them out to possibly get murdered do you know how many times has this happened to me and you expect me to get used to it and so like yeah I just kind of like sending to a child to an American school it's like oh she that's not my fault and also this also fits what I love it ended on a joke too because of Vegeta's wonderful read here so hit anyway please don't make me come over there it is complete ah perfectly square of fine marble white in a full 24 by 20. breath breathing exercise yeah it's all mine ah oh Jesus why he tap come on you killed for Less that's not Andrew um kind of aping the what would you do for a Klondike bar joke yeah admittedly yeah um but also I just we really wanted to do it because we started doing heat tap jokes like crazy we don't get a lot of opportunities where characters are watching TV so we're like we first of all let's make a commercial and we did for Heats app which is going to come back in a big way and also I could use Gundam footage because I was looking for footage I'm like I need to use a 1980s slash 90s anime although I think that's 70s and even use an older anime that would work I scoured the internet found that shot I'm like there we go I I love using other footage of other animated things in an animated show like um I'm still going back in like actually by this point maybe I'm done I don't [ __ ] know uh but I've been going back and re-watching through uu Hakusho Abridged to do commentary on that yeah and in one scene I had this like whole joke where kubar is obsessed with the 80s and I found the old RoboCop the Animated Series footage to put on his TV he's like guys what's going on I'm watching RoboCop yeah my favorite movie yeah as if like he's watching the movie but it's the cartoon so how can you tell the difference I honestly that's really cute also we uh had Mark swint uh playing the uh the uh the announcer there um you killed for Less which by the way some people thought I and I told him dear Steve Bloom impression I I want the full bloom yeah and yeah some people think that's Bloom it is not but that's a compliment yeah he he is not a man who values himself as an oppressionist but he does love being able to do the Tom voice so but do we need and take off I'll stick around and watch for cell cat loves Cruz Von again watch old TV shows I checked out the country music channel earlier did you know that country is actually awful okay I was like I've heard all about it now why I for All You country fans out there I I swear to God that comes from a place of sincere hatred um no I grew up with I grew up a country I grew up I actually grew up liking a lot of country I was surrounded by it my mom took me square dancing oh boy that's country like from Garth Brooks to Toby what's his face like Shania Twain to Dixie Chicks my youth was filled with that [ __ ] and so for me as an adult I'm like I'm taking the shot I'm taking the shot John I'm like I'm not gonna belabor it but I'm taking the shot I'm not throwing it away um but yeah so it's all you country fans out there I don't think you're wrong okay obviously everybody's got their taste I hope you like your country music but for me this beautiful thing about art go enjoy it in your own time all right it's all the same to you I'm gonna hit the gym make sure I'm ready for a cell comes you're getting me I'm Chuck how can I join you out of it get some Froyo after it is my cheat day oh that sounds like fun mind if I join me all right maybe we can see a movie two I want to point out someone pointed this out he's lactose intolerant so is he is he only getting that is he only getting like Food flavors the ones where they don't probably like yeah it's only gummy bears yup my favorite it just fills it with toppings or or maybe maybe since it is his cheat day he's like all right we're gonna have this and then I'm hanging up on this case is lactate there we go okay now I'm imagining Vegeta I will also get Froyo so what do you put well there's one that's over above it of course the top I am only that the sports I'll keep my crushed cookies in there yes Vegeta would be the guy who would just like go for the most monstrous like combination get me a bucket yes and Oreos that are crushed I'm actually just imagining Goku just sitting beneath it just emptying the machine and be like all right that was a good start Mark all right next what's the next flavor sure that sounds awesome I've been waiting for your being sarcastic aren't you careful it's learning you know if you're gonna I think how's that gaping chest wound just just fine how's your spine I'm giving you a five minute Head Start thank you I'm gonna need it you're very fast as soon as we roll as soon as we came up with that line yeah and it was like I know how this needs to be delivered and Valero Just Nails it it's like it's that intensity that thank you I'm going to need it you're very fast he's got the same attitude of like standing up but verbalizing that I'm going to die I know I won't win here I'll have you know that when I die it will be painful and excruciating and everyone will remember the screens I made goodbye I like I like to think that he's he's thinking back the tension hun like I wonder if I have the same I wonder if the same thing applies to me probably not no I should leave yeah I should go the object doesn't have the bravado to do what Tien does honestly honestly you think if Beyonce was like okay go ahead do it you killed me because I got on your nerves oh yeah but he does but he doesn't have the ability to do that no he just doesn't have the guts big baby [Music] I I help people I hope people got that I don't know if it was too subtle because I love that that's I don't know I don't know how that could be seen as subtle I I don't know no offense no offense to any of y'all who get the jokes there's some people in the car well they didn't well it wasn't yelled I see the Reddit threads people ask like what does this mean to be fair some of those people just English is not their first language there's a lot of that actually it's really funny bracky of all people will come to me sometimes and he'll be like I don't get this joke and I'm like oh yeah I guess that double entender isn't so like prevalent for you and so I I like I've had to explain some of them he's like dude that's so dirty and I'm like yeah yeah which is why I think people did some people have done redubs of what we did and that's why there's a full Spanish dub out there it's really cool there's some dubs I feel like there's one where they got like an official like somebody who's actually in the cast to play a main character Spanish dope it's insane which is why when they get to the nail joke I'll speak the international language and I think they always say the native language it's just I'm like good that's the yes you change that joke for each language yeah that one's that one's obvious that one's a good one so I thought I I personally will always love uh you know the universal language English just because of Americans always being like you know speak English or you know a wrong language speak American yeah my mom absolutely tried to like just be like you don't speak English you speak American I'm like I don't have time for no [ __ ] the British invented the word English and you shipped it out to everybody by force if we talk about the fact that I say English we have English you said yeah I don't know if we've addressed it but it certainly has been in the comments before everything I love how Bulma is now fully comfortable she's moved past it she's okay just hanging out she's just concerned about him and I I love baby tricks it's really cute can't touch me I might die I don't know how it works Mom I'm 18. oh right um stiff drink mom still 18. okay fine make sure you don't hurt nobody you know there's actual porn on the internet right by the way yep you [ __ ] roshi got that art oh yeah no he's throwing it back yeah um what separates the perverts from the connoisseurs that's one of my favorite grocery Lines by the way just to like look of course you could find internet porn but you gotta find the Beauty and the small things if you can't appreciate the female form clothes you'll never appreciate it naked I may be a degenerate scumbag and a bastard I love women's and here we go [Music] it's true thank you I love this gag in the original yeah no it's good it's a good joke [Applause] I know he was talking about the king the following contains violence course language and adult situations not suitable for minors your discretion is advised chapters smiling for that wow by the way that I'm really proud of that one oh that's great just damn actually funny enough in the original version he doesn't break his neck he drops him and then blows him away yeah but I like the breaking of the neck because that's just so much like it's on camera crunch oh yeah absolutely the implications boys and girls and that Technicolor rainbow in between I am Sal you may remember me from the following cities I like the idea that he gave this note to The Tech Guy before he showed up remember because you are now part of my biomass as I absorbed you yeah by the way some people pointing out that Penguin Village is on there yeah sorry um by Raleigh well a roll I probably survived actually she's a gag character she would have she would have slapped cell in half you know what I'd like to think actually he showed up there fought for a minute with a Rollie it was like yo I spoke this I'm out I'm out I'm out good I'm good what is all this that canonically Penguin Village completely safe got knocked around by O'Reilly but he put it on the list because technically he showed up there yeah but that's not what I'm here to talk about today today I'm making an announcement please be leaving the plan forever please forever I am leaving the planet forever after I blow it up oh no unless okay we had a different version of this where that bit kept going but maybe just how many squeaks and sounds can we get crazy again I don't think that ever made it to paper that was you once again pitching to go as far as we could but this is stuck with the rule of three that's how funny that bit is though just going like I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry this shot is perfect oh yeah yeah that's what a great looking what a great place wherever he is on the screen right now I hope he's looking at one of us just I just I was just thinking about that thing I did this person was screaming it's a funny Pond look at these [ __ ] talking about us yeah he's looking at you now with the way that it's placed he's looking at you but yeah yeah um yeah yeah this entire bit's great yeah yeah no I just I love making Krillin noises so Goku then shut up there's something about Vegeta yelling from off screen that is always funny I'll be fighting against one of your champ Champions so Goku then shut up a tournament s you're supposed to be on my side I hear the Cell Games the fact that we actually got this and he's already trending yep was like globally was kind of amazing I was psyched about that I was I could not believe we managed to make that happen it was trending for like 18 hours and we had uh literally a bunch of uh different wrestlers and people were just big nerds in the entertainment we're like Cell games is training [ __ ] you out of Cell games yeah yeah we got it trending I I don't know how it would work nowadays uh since the websites I don't know maybe it's still broken maybe it's already gone maybe in concept I think it was broken down in the comments tell us how it's gotten worse but yeah it's it's astonishing that we were able to do that and thanks to all of you out there for making it happen I I hold on just real quick here you made it happen because you were the one pushing for it to Trend the hardest I remember you were pushing I did I interacted with a lot of people that night you did uh I also cheated with every subsequent episode because we got it trending for a little bit after every episode after this yeah because I added to the YouTube title games so every time somebody who had their Twitter account linked to YouTube liked the video or shared it the hashtag cell game ended up on Twitter thereby pushing it up there so I cheated for a while I cheated the system I don't think that now I gained this game the system yeah but I I kept it trending every time we had a new episode go up for a while but it really did work it really did work dude that might have been why we got to 3 million so quick that's what I was thinking actually maybe [Music] your only opponent and much like Vegeta's mother I will accept all comers how dare why'd you take off your shirt okay that was my show but how dare why'd you take off your shirt because the only shot we had was his shirt is off yeah I remember you you did how dare and then when you got the shot yeah yeah you're like why don't you take off your shirt yeah it's also they somehow got a TV up there yeah that's fine they just like underhand pitched it there so it it's just the fact that he just like just a quick little aside [ __ ] Vegeta you know just you know really just [ __ ] them I like to think this is actually 10 Shin hunts like this is like tension on this is how we like you don't you don't think Bulma brought that up there with us like here guys have that you can keep this I I don't need it anymore we don't have an internet connection up here I don't even know why it has a handle completely off that is blame the photographers [Music] participating I'm with loved ones get your Affairs in order but maybe just kill your boss get a purge [Music] so keep that in mind and I'll see you next Sunday but I'm sorry that was a [ __ ] to edit by the way oh I can imagine yeah son of a [ __ ] also feel free to pray to your God but spoilers I will be listening such a cold line hold on roshi what the heck he said one week I'm using it okay I wanted to point out um I honestly thought that line was going to come off as corny to people well I was afraid here God I won't be listening I thought people were gonna find that corny I was surprised all in the delivery yeah honestly and you know what guess what sometimes a corny line works if you just commit to it commit to your jokes again it all comes down to delivery I'm so proud of that scene I really really I I really am too I I like I I feel like I'm always kind of like jerking either myself or one of you two off when we're doing this but I just am so happy sometimes with like how a scene comes together how it plays off itself and that all comes down to you you're the one that mixes the time and you're the one that directs everything okay okay that there is a bit of truth that but it would not have worked without everybody just giving it their 100 that's why we're Team Four Star it's like for like for all the secondary characters or quick little one jokes it's like all right you're gonna have to carry this whole [ __ ] intimidating scene I'm like [ __ ] okay here we go like because this is I've usually playing The Wacky dude usually playing the cuckoo Lander I'm usually getting weird with it I mean you're still getting weird but in a much darker and much easier way and it's I'm just really happy it turned out that way and in the in the indeed and also shout out to you as a director you really knew how to strike the Menace because I could get too silly or too I get too bouncy with it essentially honestly I I I knew you could do it I knew you could because you know we'd work together for so long I just like okay it's gonna take them a little while to understand the tone I'm going for at first but once we've just gotten to sync on it it wasn't that difficult no I think once you sat down we're like okay here's the thing he is gonna get snarky because I know that's the direction you want to get that's later at the beginning stage this is good and it's just all this build up for sale is just it we got to nail it and I'm just happy we kept this this this thoroughfare this through line right to the end yeah and you know what that's get yourself a salad guy can do everything he can do comedy he could do serious I love it zero to 100 that's his character it really is [Music] here we go speaking of yucks [Music] hello oh yeah I've already got my promo team on it we'll have you on a plane tomorrow you just do some push-ups sit-ups and draw plenty of buses champ I'm back baby uh that's right I'm producing movies or some [ __ ] right now hold on I'm producing movies or some [ __ ] hello producing movies or some [ __ ] not badasso honestly during that time um we actually had a bunch of side videos sometimes the the T-shirt ads or the convention ads we had were so much fun they were fun because they would just let us be like uninhibitedly creative yeah you know honestly if some of y'all haven't seen some of the old shirts or convention ads we made they're full on skits with sometimes with the characters you also check them out if you haven't already one of the continuous jokes for the couple of them was nappas the producer trying to get the reads for the actual yes oh my God we've always put effort into our ads we go the extra mile and we want to make them entertaining we want to make them something that people enjoy watching so they don't feel like they're wasting their damn time a good example of that is when we were doing convention announcements instead of trying to do a whole isolate escapement we would do is whatever the most topical meme at the time was and then do that which is why one of them is just going drop it [Music] oh yeah I was a lot of fun then there was there was also leak spin Goku there was neon Catnapper one of them I was dressed up as Loki yeah yeah it was so good yeah I was happy we got to do that too we do put effort into the things that we like have on our videos we don't want people to think like we don't want to do a boring ad read and I yeah and I don't want the people like the worst thing ever is someone's watching something like oh they're really they're not having any fun Hawking this [ __ ] no we will have we will always have fun Hawking [ __ ] we will find a way to have fun but to tie it back to the episode this this was a big one and like I said I I really loved that we had a chance to get all of the main cast in one room and have a chance for them all to interact because this is the last chance we really get to do that yeah it kind of is with the ancillary characters as well with like Bulma being there physically Bulma roshi uh the Z Fighters you know get a chance to do that during the sell games but yeah this is their only chance to do this in a non-threatening situation absolutely yeah it's it's sort of sad um but you know what I'm really glad we did it I'm really glad we have these scenes you know we're about to see there's a lot of decisions I'm really glad we made going into the ending because if we hadn't like done some of them the ending would not have worked as well like like here's the thing we it was still up in the air whether or not we were gonna do season four by at this point we had not made a decision it was pretty contentious at that point as to like man we're feeling the burn but you know we're pushing forward we got [ __ ] we we got [ __ ] on our mind at this point what was on our mind very much first and foremost was Broly this was the point where we started trying to work on that oh god there was a lot of free there was a lot of free conversations about what came next yeah we could talk about this was when we were getting the when Broly's list right and Center where it is Broly where Broly is after 56. why does no one ask why Broly but first we have to get through 55. which we'll get to next time on this thing that we're doing they didn't need the paper this time I'm so proud of you I'm gonna cry I appreciate it oh I can't I'm wearing glasses not a good actor I just want to be perfect [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: FourStarBento
Views: 493,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fOBuEI8f4Pg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 50sec (2570 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2023
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