Why Kami's Lookout makes NO SENSE in Dragon Ball Z

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[Music] kami's Lookout or God's temple in Dragon Ball is a secret location where the Z Warriors often visit for training but of course we all know it as the home where the guardian of Earth lives as well as his trusted friend Mr Popo but one of the most interesting Mysteries is why it cannot be seen from the ground of Earth and why the mere Earth of the Dragon Ball world can breathe up that high heck you can't even see the lookout from corin's Tower so in this video I'm going to go through the concept and dimensions of the lookout and its location and explain why it should in reality be very visible from the ground below because in Dragon Ball this would create a huge problem in the form of a plot hole however what may save this from actually being a plot hole are none other than Dragon Ball physics which are completely different to real life physics and I'm not talking about anything fancy I'm talking about simply distance and atmosphere spere if you're a fan of my Dragon Ball Z videos hit the like button and let me know you'd like more hey you could even subscribe and check out the rest of my library I'm sure there's something there you'd like and thank you so much now I want you to think about a commercial airplane that are typically 30 to 80 m in length that fly up high around 30 to 40,000 ft that's about 6 to 8 mil above sea level when you look up to the sky on a clear day there's no problem seeing that plane or identifying its shape people from thousands of miles in every direction on that side of the planet would be able to see that plane up high in the sky Sky you wouldn't have to be directly underneath to see it even when you're up high at cruising altitude you can see miles and miles and miles and miles in every direction surely any character on Earth should be able to see a circle shape floating up in the sky good old kami's Lookout they would be able to notice it's not a moon or a planet and a circle in the sky would eventually get investigated by the people of Earth making it no longer a secret we'll talk about the clouds in a moment let's talk about the distance to the lookout from Earth first we need to work out how tall corin's tower is according to the the super exciting guide it states corin's Tower is more than 8,000 M High which would be more than 26,000 246.at to be precise but what annoys me with that is why don't they simply State the exact height they are meant to be the guide after all just give us the number none of this more than bollocks more than 26,000 ft so what 28,000 30,000 where do we stop okay pet peeve over based on more than I tend to sit a comfortably at 30,000 ft which would be 9,144 M no jokes thank you you're 10 years too late Akira Toriyama mentions Corin tower being potentially in the stratosphere which in reality would be within the ranges of 10,000 ft to 50,000 ft and although torama sounds like he doesn't have a clue what he's talking about in this reply because he's a comic book artist not a mad scientist I think close to 10,000 M or 30,000 ft for corin's Tower is acceptable and the safest bet in the Dragon Ball world based on what we've gotten the guys at least in terms of the lookout Goku and yajirobe could not see it from Corin Tower and it should be noted the top of Corin Tower cannot be seen from Earth there is zero information about the exact height of the lookout from Corin Tower or from Earth but one would be safe in thinking it's at least another corin's Tower worth on top of corin's tower put on the lookout of potentially 60,000 ft above ground at least now you'll start to realize why Dragon Ball physics are completely different to real world physics especially in terms of distance and atmosphere in reality if a plane flies 40,000 ft on a clear day or even somehow went higher to 60,000 ft it would still be visible so even at 60,000 ft the lookout should be visible by the human eye at 60,000 ft in reality should be well out of the stratosphere and into the mesosphere where no mere Earthling body can survive all that's said in the manga is that the lookout is much higher than Corin Tower that's it West city is right across the gulf there from corin's Tower and is arguably the largest City in Dragon Ball also not far as the Red Ribbon Army HQ which is basically its own City the truth is kami's Lookout should be visible if it's 10 Mi high and that would create a ton of problems for this secret location in Dragon Ball unless like I said Dragon Ball physics makes earthlings eyesight 10 times worse than in reality I tried looking up to see if there are exact dimensions for the lookout but torama is so inconsistent with his art as well as the panels on the lookout grounds they change per panel a better estimate would be using the trees up there compared to the height of the characters but the lookout can be estimated to be between 75 to 100 m long that's around 250 to 300 ft or maybe bigger depending on which panels and images you use but it's bigger than your average airplane which means the altitude it would have to be for us not to see it would be dozens of miles or kilometers up into the sky to the point a normal person would die immediately from freezing to death or de pressurization 20 miles up you wouldn't just need an oxygen tank but the warmest pressure suit you can find in regards to being constantly concealed by by clouds or possess in some mystical invisibility cloak these are completely false it's times referenced to be the temple above the clouds in the anime there was a moment Goku passes through Cloud layers but we also see him fly directly towards the Tower and the lookout with no hints of clouds there clearly shouldn't be clouds covering at 24/7 365 days a year if there were permanent clouds in that location earthlings should notice this anomaly and this is where Dragon Ball is different from real life it's a magical world there is an interesting panel where Corin says that even if a rocket came close to the sanctuary it would be rejected that makes you wonder if the guardian of Earth would magically repel or divert incoming aircraft without them knowing to keep the lookout secret I don't think Cy would blast them down otherwise he's not really the guardian of Earth or the earthlings is he good luck surviving from that distance but as long as they are weaker than Kami obviously he can probably repel them with magic somehow because it didn't work too well with super boo crash in the party right sure Emperor P got to the lookout in Dragon Ball GT but that's because dendi and Mr Popo were massively distracted with Goku and destroying the lookout it's not like he was going to pause that fight and say let me just repel P left away which if you go with the logic that Earth's Guardian can reject incoming aircraft or anyone then sure dende could have probably stopped the entire Black Star Saga then baby would have got even stronger in space and eventually Enslaved the Galaxy and take over everyone because no one can stop his power well done Emperor PF obviously Bulma flies up there later in the series but that's because she's known to God it's never stated CI can actually make the lookout invisible unless his magic creates an illusion to weaker be to make it look like it's not there that's head Cannon though now let's talk about the oxygen levels in Dragon Ball compared to real life there is no magical bubble of oxygen around the lookout as characters describe the thin air up there if corin's Tower is stated to be over 26,000 ft High and the lookout is potentially double that in reality 10,000 ft is where most people start becoming short of breath at that altitude oxygen levels are about 2/3 of what they are at sea level at 25,000 ft oxygen levels are about a third of what they are at sea level and apparently that's not even the height of Corin Tower according to the guides Bulma Mar and baby trunks all earthlings can survive up on the lookout despite being subjected to the really thin air up there so real world atmospheric conditions do not work in Dragon Ball unless corin's Tower and the lookout are far lower than what the GU state which would lead to the lookout being far more visible from the earth yet it still can't be seen which again traps you because that would mean real world distance and sight doesn't apply the Dragon Ball at a limit the lookout being 25,000 to 30,000 ft would make the most sense in terms of going in line with real world atmospheric conditions but even that stretch in it whichever one you want to go with distance or atmospheric conditions is broken because of the other if an average Earthling would to do a full-blown workout at 25,000 ft or even jog to the toilet to have a they are going to find themselves in a bit of a pickle the battle with beerus in Battle of Gods Goku was much higher than the lookout Goku wasn't in the vacuum of space when fighting beerus because he can't survive there he was likely breathing in the stratosphere Zone which can go up to around 50,000 ft where you actually shouldn't be able to breathe at that altitude no matter how skilled you are in battle of gods they appeared much higher than simply the stratosphere at times more like the exosphere at times just let the story play out and don't question anything airator is writing for the story not to give us a mass lesson that's what power levels were and look what happened to those in conclusion it is stupid whether the lookout cannot be seen from Earth but even if you claim it's too high to see which would be dozens of Miles higher as well as being permanently concealed by clouds then no mere Earthling could survive up there anyway it's a plot hole When comparing it to real world physics which is something you really shouldn't do with Dragon Ball because not only a Dragon Ball physics different but it's a Magic based World heck even the lookout magically floats people in Dragon Ball can breathe much higher than they can in real life and apparently their eyesight sucks compared to real life as well because they can't see the lookout in the sky even baby pan can take the P gang all the way up to where goat when beerus fought and none of them had trouble breathing just look at Monster carrot he officially lives on the moon all of it it's no big deal just enjoy the world for what it is it's essentially a gag universe made for fun even gag progresses the plot at times and I just thought I'd make a video to address that sure Dragon Ball is inspired by things in the real world but what some Greek philosophers can't seem to understand is that just because something is inspired doesn't mean it's exactly the same in the story Goku is not actually Sun wuk Kong I don't know if you know that yet but be sure to tell your friends about it I mean you can try to work out the height of the lookout by watching Dragon Ball super superhero and analyzing Piccolo free falling from it and then calculate how high the lookout is based on how long Piccolo fell at terminal velocity here's the formula and have a nice day with that but thank you so much for watching this video a shout out to Chichi verse on Twitter for helping me a lot with the information in this video I really appreciate that go and follow her for more Dragon Ball content and until we meet again scholar keep being a role [Music] [Music] model [Music] m
Channel: Saiyan Scholar
Views: 27,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3Zzfsfpc8IQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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