Dragon Ball Z Abridged Buu Saga parts 1 & 2 (TFS)

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the following is a nonprofit fan base parody Dragon Ball Dragon Ball Z Dragon Ball GT and Dragon Ball super are all owned by FUNimation towy animation Fuji TV and Akira Toriyama please support the official release wait Gohan your [Music] [Applause] lunch sorry it's just that the vend diagram of Supply chains for prison and school cafeteras is basically a circle thanks Mom you're the best and sorry you have to travel 600 mil to school it's all right I've got the coolest ride in my grade n later mom always listen to your teachers and remember all women are liars and you'll always be my baby and you'll never grow up when can I go to school when your father comes home and that hero's name is the great Sam man oh my God is the part of his name what is he a rapper it is a weird name for a superhero I think it's kind of cool of course you do you're hell folk sharer irasa he knows I love him Gohan you know I love you I guess he's a menace a superhuman wannabe hero and forcing his Justice on my city unlike you who enforces your Justice on your dad's City I'm Different he's working outside of the law I work with the police oh and that makes you the good guy what does that mean it means you're my favorite neppo baby Videl and I love you so I can't use the helmet for the tournament can you come up with a workaround think you can pull off a do-rag I mean I can try so so what do you think trunks I think if I'm honest mom will ground me probably well if it isn't the great say man gracing us with his presence having fun using our name for your stupid superhero [ __ ] Vegeta did you take out the trash like I asked why we have slaves for that stop calling them slaves fine interns thank you hey Vegeta you taking part in the World Martial Arts Tournament too why so we're can to beat up a bunch of weaklings from money I'm already rich and I've got nothing to prove what if I was there oh no the voices are back no I'm real he King Kai am I real oh yeah no I'm real not according to that corded quack actually I hear him too what the hell heaven actually oh wow look at you Krillin you've got hair and proof I had sex hello aw what's your name Marin so we going to talk about that or talk about what it's my grandmother's name talk about how great it is you can still have children the thank you you're welcome goodbye you're right it is funnier if we act like I don't know Told You So then great seam man what's your story I'm just a small town boy with alien blood looking to make a difference you an agent of Justice cleaning up the city and fighting against the filth that took my mother from me oh my gosh criminals killed your mom well no uh I actually lost her to the big sea but that backstory doesn't exactly strike fear into the hearts of criminals yeah I lost my dad to the big sea too oh wow I'm so sorry Cancer's a [ __ ] huh oh no I thought you meant cell but didn't everyone mysteriously come back after he died not everyone did you say alien who wants to learn how to fly wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what so you're this massively powerful half human half alien super Warrior do I mean saying that about myself feels a little conceited but what I'm saying is you can dodge bullets much less any attack I throw at you well yeah [Music] honestly why do you ask no reason dang it I can't get him out of the ring guess that's what I should expect from the son of kakara baby baby okay how about we get a little [Music] spicier a hey Gohan you ta him out of Dodge that's great trucks pull it [Music] up wait does that mean we can use pews of course we can duh cool come come dude you're not even saying it right it's Kam H wait even if you say it wrong it still works then why say it at all because it sounds cool does it though oh come on he knows I love him you know I love you the great Sam man seriously though who put that doag on him in all my years of watching brutal violence unfold this is without a doubt the most pinous unnecessary savagery we've ever witnessed oh come on this could be way worse she still has all our vital organs all of them I have to do something I can't let this continue no Gohan if you step in you'll be disqualified damn it you're right oh God my arm [Music] AR my true identity is the Supreme Kai or Kosen but you may just call me Shin huh are you above or below the grand Kai you had a fum beard the Supreme Kai are the highest ranking of them all actually cool what about you are you also Supreme I do not speak to mortis mores it means mortal which is what he should be saying so what's with the ends on their heads that is the mark of the Majin if Boby finds any evil in your heart he can use it to control you turning you into his puppet wait any evil yes any evil even using your phone during a movie or leaving your shopping cart in a parking space Oh that's super evil the C return is like right there hello can I speak with a Vegeta [ __ ] are you name's Bob son of bibid that's stupid right well I'm here here to make you a proposition I'm listening hold on what about tipping because some places actually pay their employees but others don't I mean obviously then you tip at the places that don't this is why I hunt my own food come on Vegeta I can see it deep in your soul let me give you what you want all the power that you need to defeat Goku you know funny thing is I know you're playing me wait no don't tell me that Vegeta has darkness in his heart oh oh [Music] no Vegeta wait stop it Jets this isn't like you you're not a bad guy since when when on this worthless Earth should I ever become a quote unquote good gu you were at krillin's barbecue last week yeah and I brought potato salad he is truly lost to us wait no you mustn't this fight will only serve to hate Majin Boo's Awakening and how strong is he much stronger than any of you no I mean he can literally blow up galaxies but Mr Shin you are only making this worse [ __ ] mortis I'm so sorry I was trying to save the Earth you self-centered brat Prince I have been stuck since birth being perfect and exemplary and then you sneak in and go ruining my responsib ability messing things up oh then I'll just go back to the other world then and you revive everyone and be the main big dumb hunk I didn't do this to show off I just wanted a serious fight because I missed you well that's a very nice confession okay get over here bring it in best buddy [Music] Vegeta I don't understand why would you let Bob do this you don't get it how could you you who's never once questioned why he fights you've always lived for yourself trained for yourself but once you were gone I lost what drove me to be better I lost my Edge and now I'm going to PTA meetings and krillin's movie Nights listen to me kakaro I'm using his [ __ ] name but now I have a chance a chance to finally fight you one onone no Outsiders no interference just you me and my victory all right that's it yeah look jez I'm just here for the fight you don't got to justify it God I missed you was that finally after all these years and all of my hard work he's finally been set free my baby boy Martin [Music] boo I'm sorry to does he need to go back in the oven I'm I'm a clone so I don't really remember the original dorah Little Elia let me talk with him Master Marin boo oo are you new friend you play games with boo I am not here for games I Am The Demon King dorah our Master is bobi and you shall follow his every whim understood you play games with boo what was that speak up you pillowy pink pry I take you it oh [Music] God wait what you feel that yeah new strong guy dropped want to go see yeah I doy see I do know you shut up and give me a sensu you got it best buddy too bad we couldn't finish our fight though I didn't even get a chance to whip out man for victory for Vegeta master I beseech you look at this thing it cannot be trusted or controlled it is not a child yes dbor he is a child a child that must be nurtured and raised into a subservient obedient little dor dor where did you [Applause] go man TOA is going to be really pissed at me who gives a [ __ ] [ __ ] barely Cannon trunks I'm going to hug you for the first time ever oh cool hug complete is it going to be okay I'm a way better Dad than kakarat noan take the kakat and my son away from here fine I've got nothing better to do and this is way above my pay grade but before you go tell me do you think I'll see Kakarot when I die what like in heaven because no okay [ __ ] you but fair hey who not stop playing with you squinty eyes on me Bubble Yum we're playing my game now first rule you [ __ ] die oh bu has played this game that regeneration [ __ ] got old six years ago so I'm going to take a page out of kakarot's book I'm going to hit you really hard hard enough to wipe every last bit of you from existence existence existence is but shallow question with no answer Bo you chicken nuggies this is farewell Bulma Trunks and even you best buddy Vina no veter yes [Applause] [Music] [Music] so you're new I'm God you can call me Dand skd if you're feeling spicy welcome to Mikasa oh um I'm Videl daughter of Mr Satan the devil in God's house got to love it yeah uh I'm actually a friend of Gohan oh oh you're you're Gohan's friend a friend who just happens to be a girl a girlfriend if you would with your nice long human legs and uh normal colored skin well I mean I wouldn't say normal that's got a lot of uncomfortable implications you know speaking of have you met Mr Popo hi oh my God are you allowed first off we got good old Super Saiyan everyone knows this one wait you seriously just put super at the beginning of it that's kind of lazy if you ask me and this oh okay yeah just cut me off is a super dup Saiyan you don't look I mean is there a difference I I I literally cannot tell there's little zacki Zachs see and this is to go even further [Music] Beyond oh no go ahead Goku waste the last of the time you have there whipping out your dick ow do you hear that I feel that I taste that what's that [Applause] smell this is a super D dup Saiyan I'm just going to call those Super Saiyan 1 2 and three okay that's boring well very boring we fight now [Music] sure you sh [Music] wa look it finally worked they fused into actually what do we call you you can call me the miraculous Tru go okay which one am I going with well I mean trunk tent sounds weird but go tanks is like all go tent and a little trunks and I both know how this Stacks but yeah it does sound better okay then I'm going with go tanks but I owe me later yeah I know hold on then do we use he him or they them why he's not non-binary well definitely not there's two of them in there no yeah that's kind of my point you kids and your pronouns you can just say I'm him cuz I'm about to bust up boo later drun and wait all I'm saying is back in my day a hole was a hole you're gross boo hungry boo eat doggy no boo we do not eat dogs boo confused if humans eat cows and pigs why don't eat dogs because they're cute domesticated and functional so sa bre and boo not eat you yes then boo want door Dash oh come on they're overpriced uats that's worse ghostmates they're all bad boo bad booy driver just don't eat people no more use your magic and turn rocks into food Satan is genius no eat people no more eat rocks instead wait a second did I just save Humanity I did I saved the world everything thing's going to be [Applause] [ __ ] Super G coming CU here [Music] [Applause] [Applause] again woo hey wait Uncle Nappa hey kids how's it hanging what are you doing here oh yeah so I was having a stroke in my trailer and it did not end well our condolences H it's my fault shouldn't have made that extra notch in the belt I don't get it ask trunks's Dad but he's dead [ __ ] am I doing here oh no hey Shin I think your grandpa's here um excuse me sir who are you what are your eyeballs for show peep the suit kiddo I'm a kaien Kyo what but how and why were you in the sea sword before I answer that can anyone here pop my back I spent 75 million years sealed away in that son of a [ __ ] all because of that bingus named be wait a second who are they are them they're from the Mortal realm oh my what what are Morty's doing on our planet oh [Music] no oh what's wrong little boy do you need an adult no I am an adult now listen to them child the voices of those you fail to save go on I can see what he sees I can feel what he feels brother help me please what's going on was that an egg where am I uh door dash for Mr B whoops Ignore that one no wait oh good another Fusion so what are you then we are a Warrior born of the patara a combination of Vegeta and go go Kat huh that was weird why can't we say go go are you too are you all right sir we are talking to ourselves Vegeta and go Vegeta and go whatever you can just call us Vegito and Sun [ __ ] yourself are we going to sir we will fight you in a minute uh so he's definitely still stronger than the both of us right and almost is dumb got any ideas well you're oldest brat still stronger so where's he on Earth so dead what the then who did you grab hey are you kidding me Kakarot I had to grab dende come on the magic man I get but why that o you know I can hear you I hope you can look I panic and I grab the Dragon Balls okay oh so that's how you see me well great we have dragon balls now he's have to live long enough to use them oh come on I'm sure we'll be I see you for more than your balls your daughter's a man stealing [ __ ] just like her mother Vegeta I think I got an idea is it you should have saved your son no I think I have a plan to beat boo was it saving your son listen I'm going to use the Spirit Bomb no why Give Me One Reason I'll give you three you used it on me didn't work you used it it on Frieza didn't work and you didn't even bother using it on Cell like yeah because I knew it wouldn't work but it will this sign though fine but if this doesn't work I will kill you if this doesn't work boo will kill you and I will drag you to hell with me feel guys I need more energy someone talk to him I'm busy bomman yeah yeah I've got it oh okay people of Earth what the [ __ ] put down your trash food turn off your [ __ ] television and get on with it matter for once in your meaningless little insignificant worthless human lives you know what screw this I'm taking my energy back yeah [ __ ] this guy Vegeta stop vetting you're making it worse don't you burp me stop you're doing it all wrong let me take a swing at this you think you can give a better speech than royalty please I've been cing these suckers for years oh wait they didn't hear that did they no good got to keep that gas lit all right mik's hot people L wait is that Mr Satan we love you Satan hell Satan hell Satan hell Satan hell Satan I swear to God I'd let that planet burn if it wasn't where I kept all my stuff what about your wife and kid I said my stuff hey problem it's still not enough hey you should probably you know oh all right but only one hand holy [ __ ] L my it's been so long 10 years right what are you talking about I saw you barely over a year ago because of that black Frieza nonsense oh right remember when I was black well that was weird I dyed my hair for a bit and I stopped looking exactly like my dad was that before or after we met Broly which one the good one oh after huh whatever happened to beerus I think he's napping again and then there was jiren remember jiren so did you guys ever beat Frieza probably now let's take pan to our first World Tournament before GT willins her yay so you're saying you're only here because your family's poor and you need the money yes I spent all our remaining money on a plane to get here please let me win or we are literally going to die what I'm hearing is I need to abandon my life at home and spend the next couple of years training you how to punch what good my mother has not eaten in days Bulma already on it they will never know hardship again man I'm glad all the people with money use it for good Gohan Chi-Chi I know this is probably tough to hear but oh no it's cool have fun really of course we've had you home for a decade now if anything little much well you heard him come on boo Bo [Music] boob a Hold Your Hand [Applause] [Music] I will not let you destroy my world fight
Channel: Killalox
Views: 331,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xbFt7ZEwfKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 52sec (1672 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2023
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