[MapleRoyals] The Ultimate Mage Farm

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welcome back to another Maple rules video today I'm going to show you everything you need to know about M farming of course you need a MH with jice Breezer or metal Sher to clear the mob and B Shop store to sell items finding PC chat on the y key will help you sell items fast and small key pads will help a lot too you also need a rouer to do the drops usually it's a shers or n because of the high void drop with disappear after 3 minutes so keep in mind when you are working on your forming method there are few popular Maps such as ice Val two or U one but of course other Maps might have potential as well first method is a single PC setup usually there are three channels five mes and one loter in one party and one Mage outside the party you buy the Mage AOE skill at the side Mouse bottom you click the Mage client and press the side Buton bottom and move your mouse to the next Cent after you go through all the Mage clients you can start looting until the monsters spawn again some tips that might be useful are find channels who spawn red is close to each other if you are doing three channels one MCH will not be in the party usually they will be the match that cl to your loter in the first channel because after you finish looting all the channels you will go back to the first channel and wait a little bit until you can doot it second method is the Dual PC setup you can do five channels five mes and one R in one party and two parties total you bind the M AE skills at the side Mouse bottom and bind it on control as well also B left right up down and terrible keys on the other side bottoms when you farm you use one PC for all the manage CL and move your mouse to the game Icon and press control left click this will use the meas a skill and go to the next CL for the second PC you use it for all the rooted cles so you can Loot and sell items while span M AOE skill on Mage PC this control left click method need to use text bar software to stack Maple clents together third method is triop PC setup you can do five channels five Mages and one R in one party and two parties total or you can do two Mages and one Roo in one party and five parties total I personally like one Rooter on each channel so I don't need to change channel I also like this method because it's easier you should have n key small key pads for each PC two PCS have y m clients each third PC will be the ler clients and shift all tab is similar as control left click it use M AO skill and goes to the next client fourth method is the quad PC setup you can do 10 channels two measures and one roter in one party and 10 parties total it is the same as the third method using the strip o tab but each M PC will have 10 Mage clients the fourth PC will be our second loter PC each roter PC will have five Ro clients so in total it will have two M pieces and two roter pieces you will use your feet to control your second lter PC you will need left right up down and jump Keys then you will add a keypad with shift or tab for your second Lo PC you should spend M A skills on two M PC and loot drops on two lter PC at the same time you should get two more keypads they buying Y and left click when you sell items on two dood the PCS at the same time some tips for the shift allab method I use my both thumbs to control the r the PC when I sell items I use one hand to continue spaning M AE skills and use my other hand to sell items I think that's all for my Mage farming there might be a better way but this is how I farm if I miss anything or you have any questions feel free to join my Discord or comment down below thanks for watching
Views: 2,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ckw31wGmdiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 30sec (270 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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