Dr Richard Hinton

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be a part of the breakthrough thousand a thousand people that can send us at least twenty five dollars a month and so doing that we can uh uh we can uh bear our expenses on the telecast because it's very expensive to stay on the air and there are other things tv equipment and whatnot so listen it's imperative important we need your support i don't want you to take what we are saying lightly those of you that are out there in the blue ether uh those of you that's sitting on your sofa and those of you that's in your motels and hospitals and those of you amen that's uh up the stuff you haven't got no business doing yes i'm talking to you yes you uh i want you to i want you to be a blessing and i want you to send us send us those of you that will not be able to be a part of the breakthrough thousand that will send us 25 a month and those of you that will send 25 a month i will send you the tape of the month uh the tape of the month free you'll get a tape of the month out of all of the message that we will preach during the month we will send you the tape of the month that we feel will be the outstanding tape and you will be blessed by it now those of you that will not be able to be a part of the breakthrough thousand and you say well i just want to be a one-time partner that's fine you can send us a love token amen if if it's just for one time a one-time support you do that and god will bless you for it we need your support now so many people say i appreciate you ali hinted because you don't beg well you know i'm still not begging i'm just asking you i'm just asking you i'm just making a appeal i'm just making a plea you know what i mean yes so i want you to you know feel the burden will you do that and let me hear from you this week if not this week as soon as possible now those of you that's out of town uh out of town number is one 805 liam those are those of you that's within illinois our number is 955-1499 and those of you that are desirous of writing us you can write breakthrough ministries post office box 2060 chicago illinois 606 2 0 let me hear from you i want to be able to open that mail this week and know that you respond to this clad and call this is an sos cry that have gone out and i want you to respond will you do that let me hear from you when this week god bless you we'll send you a tape of the month for those that's in the breakthrough thousand now let me let me be honest i don't have no cookies just send you no peanuts or no candy bars to send you all i have to send you is a message from god hallelujah and if and i believe that away amen you know people are funny they'll send you some if you send them some peanuts and amen some sardines or some candy or something but i don't have all of that i'm just gonna give you a message from god is that all right oh hallelujah god bless you and god keep you it's my prayer into the word of the lord those of you that have your bible time is of the essence and those of you that have your bible will you turn with me to the 12th chapter of ezekiel excuse me and i'm going to begin reading at the 27th verse let me see i better start the 26th verse again the word of the lord came unto me saying son of man behold they of the house of israel say the vision that he seeth is for many days to come and he prophesieth of times that are far off therefore say unto them thus saith the lord god there shall none of my words be prolonged anymore but the word which i have spoken shall be done saith the lord god therefore say unto them thus saith the lord god there shall none of my words be prolonged anymore but the words which i have spoken shall be done saith the lord god catch your neighbor by the hand and tell them neighbor what god have spoken shall not be prolonged anymore hallelujah what god have said i like that oh what the lord have said shall not be prolonged anymore now you know it's something to that when i read the text i can see now here god gives two predictions he predicts two things in the text there will none of my words be prolonged anymore number one and the words which i have spoken shall be done all you want to know is did the lord say it and if the lord said it it shall be done and what god has said shall not be prolonged [Music] anymore that's the attitude yeah well you know the lord delays his coming prolonged you know or did the lord tell you that well you know well him when when that's the cry of many christians when and i'm convinced that many of us has been guilty of praying the how long prayer you say well where's the how long prayer well you find the in the psalms the 13th division of psalm and the first and second verse you'll find the how long prayer how long will thou forget me oh lord forever how long will thou hide thy face from me number two number three how long shall i take counsel in my soul having sorrow in my heart daily number four how long shall my enemies be exalted over me now let's let's tell the truth and stay in the church how many if sometime another prayed a how long prayer amen minded of a preacher in philadelphia he said when things don't go right and when pressure's brought to bear he just says i goes in my little closet and pray my three breath and pray my three sentence prayer lord don't you know don't you see don't you care all of us got a little bitty prayers we pray when it looks like god is too slow and david in the 13th division of psalm the first and second verse prayed this how long prayer but then he lets us know in the text that god has spoken and what i've said is not going to be prolonged anymore and i've noticed this that folks is reaping more quicker today than they used to read years ago you talking about fret not that self because of evil doers and neither be thou envious of those that prosper in the way they'll soon be cut off and some of y'all would go before god and say lord queen but you know people are reaping whether it's good or bad they're reaping much quicker today and i can understand that because these are the last days these are the last days when people are just reaping much quicker well if these are the last days and we don't have much time as it is if it don't happen now it won't be no need after a while if god don't answer now it won't be no need after a while if you don't get your answers now it won't be no need after a while i mean if you don't get healed now it won't be no need after a while so what god is doing is letting his people know i want you to have faith in what he says i want to read that text again let me kind of turn it around a little bit to this extent son of man behold they of the house of israel say that the vision that he or you see it is for many days to come and you prophesy of times that's a far off say what he's saying oh that's going to be so far our children will be grown by then that time that come to pass and i'll be dead and a few more of us but he said therefore say unto them thus saith the lord god there shall none of these words be prolonged anymore hallelujah but the words which i have spoken shall be done and then he puts saith the lord i like it when you put that said the lord regardless of what jeremiah isaiah ezekiel daniel malachi oprah di zephaniah hagar in spite of what they say and it isn't that i belittle what they say but look like when i pick up the bible and see that red print in the new testament i know there's jesus talking and when i read the scriptures in the old testament and hear thus saith the lord and the lord saith you know what i mean that bad some weight i mean that packs power because god said i watch over what i say to perform it and there are many of us that have been praying those how long prayers but then as i noticed in the book of jeremiah the first chapter and the 12th verse says then said the then said the lord unto me thou has seen well i will hasten if god is not going to prolong the thing then he's going to hasten i will hasten my word to perform it then i heard him in the loo in the book of luke the 18th chapter the seventh and the eighth verse it says shall not god avenge his own elect which cry day and night unto him though he belong with them i tell you he will avenge them speedierly now in the book of jeremiah he said i will hasten my word to perform it and in the book of luke the 18th chapter the 78th verse says i will avenge them speedierly now the word hasten means to speed up hasten means to accelerate or to hurry or to move or act quickly how many know in some of the situations you in you need god to move in a hurry you need him to accelerate as far as the answers is concerned and then the word expediently means swiftly a fast rate of motion quick action one that wish you god speed and these are the days folks we're living in the time now we need god to move in a hurry in our behalf am i right so i want you to know that god has spoken and he will not prolong his word any more and that many of you you have took what god have told you and you put it on the back burner you say well i know you the lord said it but and you and you see a lot of things you have prolonged god from doing because your faith was not in the now your faith was well before i quit the walks of this life you know what i mean but you didn't take that attitude when you wanted god to give you a husband you wanted god to give you a husband not you wanted god to give your wife now you wanted some children now anything you want from god you want it now but then when it comes down to god telling you something the devil makes you put it on the back burner but he is the god of the everlasting now oh thank god and god don't have to prepare nothing as far as he's concerned everything in god is ready everything is ready in god the only thing that'll prolong it is on your part now in this same chapter in the book of ezekiel you will find if we back up to the 21st verse now our text is the 26th and the 28th verse but listen at him in the 21st verse and the word of the lord came unto me saying son of man what is that proverb that ye have in the land of israel saying what is this that i'm listening to saying the days are prolonged and every vision faileth is that what they're thinking what is this proverb that i'm listening to among my people tell them therefore thus saith the lord god i will make this proverb to cease and they shall no more use it as a proverb in israel but say unto them the days are at hand and the effect of every vision and listen to what he says in the 24 verse and there shall no more any vain vision nor flattering divination within the house of israel for i am the lord and i will speak and the words that i shall speak shall come to pass and and listen what he says here and it shall not be it shall not be no more prolonged for in your days oh rebellious house i will say the word and i will perform it saith the lord god of host i'm here to tell you that god is man enough he's god enough he's powerful enough to back up whatever he says for he said i will watch over my word to perform it and whatever god says it's not coming back empty it's not coming back empty and all god would have me to tell you is you people that god has saved and dug up by the plowshares of the gospel started reaching up and reaching out and grasp faith in what god said and not let the devil make you put it on the back burner and say it's not going to happen for a long time and looking at one another got your love prophesying on one another saying the lord's gonna bless you a long time from now hey look here we need it now [Applause] that prophecy can wait you don't have to tell me that i want to know what is the lord saying now is there any word from the lord now not a long time from now but i'm talking about now or praise god and you will notice in this same chapter in this same chapter the lord was speaking to ezekiel and told him now you know what i want you to do i want you to prepare your stuff in the same chapter i want you to prepare your stuff for moving you're getting ready to move and i'm here to tell you folks it's time for moving i mean moving in more ways than one it's time for moving for in in order for god not to prolong what he says there's some things we've got to move up to there's some things we've got to move from first thing we've got to do is move from bad company move from bad company now i know you may be living in an area where there's some rough people but then you can move from bad company to this extent you don't have to associate you you're not going to tell me times is just so tough that you can't find a job a job where you got 500 or 5 000 employees you mean to tell me you can't find nobody righteous you mean to tell me you can't find nobody that's half saved that sounds so been sensible enough to hold a decent conversation without fussing and cussing and talking about nude women you mean no no no you need to change your company you need to move you need to move it's time to move from bad company number two it's time to move into that latter day anointing i keep telling you there's a latter-day anointing that's being pulled out among god's people and it's for you if you can move into it some of you you've got to realize that it's just like prayer sometimes you can pray in before you get down that god is ready to pick you up then that time you've got to enter in you've got to enter in do you understand you've got to bring in your wondering mind you've got to bring home your scattering thought and god said now ezekiel i want you to prepare your stuff for moving but i don't want you to move in the night but i want you to move by day where everybody can see you let everybody know you're moving to a new place in here let everybody know bless your heart i'm not where i would i'm not what i used to you should be but i'm not what i used to be i'm moving i'm moving i'm moving can you say amen it's time to move some of y'all have been in the same place too long remind me of a message we would preach years ago you've been in this mountain long enough and god said to moses don't come back around here all you've been doing is circling this mountain making tracks and getting nowhere but you move from this mountain and get on the canon some of you you're going to have to move in order to enter into the latter day anointing then that some of you bad as it sounds you're going to have to move your membership oh i know i didn't fell off my dunking now [Applause] but that's some of you that's going to have to move your membership and understand me i'm not saying that to try to get you to come over here but because there's some folk that's sitting over here need to move oh yeah but when i there's so many of you you trying to stay in a certain place and because of sentimental value you trying to stay in a certain place and your time is out there and you're not going to go but just so high but you're just determined to stay there because you position hungry when god is saying there's a spirituality about you that i want to come out and god is saying you need to change your membership now i can't be talking about everybody because i told you that there's some of you all that's in here need to change your membership you won't come up in god you won't leave you won't go long enough to be left you won't you're not you're not here often enough to say you're a member you won't leave but you'll drive other folks away you won't get sick you won't die you oh god help me here you won't get straight you won't shape up and you won't ship out it's time to move it's time to move don't you know if this ministry can't be a blessing to you if you cannot draw nothing from this ministry overhead monument do you know it's time to move but then on the other hand there's some of you that's sitting where you are and you're just sitting there and sitting there and you're drying up like a powder house and god is saying you need to move you need to move so you can graduate in god understand me i'm talking about monument as well as anybody else if i don't want you here if god wants you somewhere else and you should want to be somewhere else if god wants you here god just wants you like the dry bones when the bones have the word of the lord the word brought them in their place you've got so many dislocated folks hear you sitting up somewhere when god wants you in a sanctified church he wants you in a full gospel church and you living in some twice dead plucked up by the root church that don't have no principle and no stand for nothing that don't stop at nothing and don't believe nothing is wrong and yet you're saying god i want you to use me he said where are you going to prepare your stuff for moving and you're going to have to step out and you say well i can't leave because my friends are there my relatives are there and i won't be able to take the persecution that i get when i go but you've got to make up in your mind that i've got to prepare my stuff for moving if i have to move my membership amen amen then you've got to move from one level to another level in god you've been at the same level long enough but god want to bring you to another level and you've got to move you've got to prepare your stuff for moving not only is god saying move to another level he's saying move to a higher realm of sanctification i'm here to tell you folks you can say you're saved all you want but god is not using no half whips god is not using god is not using no sinners god is not using no have saved hypocrites god is no no no you might have had a gift and your gift might have fooled people but god is using clean folks you've got to be sanctified i mean that's all it is to it and i want to serve this notice on you that sanctification is not a denomination but sanctification is what god requires out of anybody that tend to be shaved for sanctification is a separation and i heard jesus in the 17th chapter of saint john he said i sanctify myself if jesus had to be sanctified what in the world is your problem hallelujah this is why people in the secular world have got this coverage with the church because everywhere they go they'll see church folks they look in the beard garden you were there the cocktail lounges you were there smoking dope you were there smoking pot you were there using craft and snorting you are there and they've lost faith in you they'll look at you perform with them and turn around and see you in the choir marching down the aisle crying holy holy holy lord god almighty but i came to let you know you've got to be sanctified this is the will of god even your sanctification let me hear you say hey say yeah i knew you was going to get quiet with god it's time to move to a better lifestyle he wants to you to move to a better lifestyle when god saves an individual he don't want you to live raggedy lives you've got to take a stand you've got to sanctify yourself and the very god of peace will sanctify you holy he's not going to pull is anointing him and his spirit on folks that don't want to live nothing your body is the temple of the holy ghost he wants you to be clean and present your body a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto god it's time to move to a life of consecration are you listening to me i'm going to tell you what god is doing as i conclude i'ma tell you what god is doing you talking about some cutting god is cutting he's cutting the loose he's cutting down he's cutting up he's cutting out he's cutting away he's cutting back he's cutting in he's cutting through he's cutting short he's cutting to the bone he's cutting out the fact and the lord would have me to tell him if you're going to walk with him he's got to interrupt your program he's going to interrupt you you got a program for your life you got a program for your life what you want to do and what you want to be but the holy ghost is going to interrupt your program he interrupt isaiah's program and isaiah said here am i send me i'll go if you're going to walk with god you're going to have to sell out i got to make a statement i got to tell you like it is we've made religion we've made christianity we've made it look like anything and anything can rob the highway but the bible said and a highway shall be there and the way and it shall be called the way of holiness the unclean shall not pass over it we've got to straighten up we've got to clean up we've got to clean out we've got to purge out the holy places we've got to be real we've got to be honest that the holy ghost can have their right away shout glory shall glory that's why you're miserable that's why you're miserable and can't stay like you are ellen hint and i'm miserable i listen to the message but i'm not satisfied when i get off my knees i'm not satisfied when i come off too fast i'm not satisfied when i come out of the way i'm still hungry i'm still feisty i'ma tell you why because god has put something in you to move up to move up to a higher ram he's got an anointing he's got blessings he's got gifts he's got power he's got miracles he have got answers but you got to move out from the place you're in move up where god can get to glory i came to tell you that god is ready now he's ready he's ready he's ready to answer your prayer he's ready [Music] [Applause] he's ready to do a quick work he is ready to answer the prolonged prayers he is ready to turn the tide show glory shall glory sound glory glory glory [Music] what god has spoken it's not going to be prolonged did not tell you that god moves in mysterious ways his wonders to perform he plants his footsteps on the sea and rides on every storm he's getting ready to work he's getting ready to stir up jealousy like amanda wall he's getting ready to cry like a travailing woman he's getting ready to devour at once he's getting ready to rim the heavens and come down shout yeah shout yeah yes yes [Music] it won't be palone martin luther king was giving a speech and in one of his speech he was saying how long and he answered back and said not long not long not long you lay that proverb down that god prolongs his answer say ellen when is he ready to save now when is he ready to heal now when is he ready to baptize now when is he ready to bless now you can lay that proverb down he said i'm gonna do it now i'ma do it now your faith has been shaken you wonder if god's gonna ever do it god said now lift your hands and praise now now is the time now is the time now is accepted time now is the day to be delivered now is the time to be unshackled the devil is a liar before i go any further something i must do but before i go any further you that don't know the lord now is the time to be saved come on down now get up now make your way to the front now move now if you know you need it move now if you don't prolong god will not prolong [Music] come on come on come on come on you got to move quickly don't hesitate don't hesitate that's something that i must do but you must come first move how conviction is on you [Music] i'll bring answers to your life i'll help you now i'll unshackle you now i'll deliver you now come quickly come quickly he's ready those of you that's enjoying this telecast i want to hear from you this week let me hear from you this week you're here i'm praying for you you that's not here i wish you were here but because you're not here god loves you take the message god is not going to prolong amen the answer's in your life he's ready to save you you need peace you need deliverance in your body god is ready to get it let me pray for you before we go off in the name of jesus touch this people unshackle them and snatch them as a brand from the burning bring them out of the devil's hands make all things new show them how to move in jesus name amen you that are here come on there others move our conviction is on you amen move our conviction is on you get on up get on up get on up in jesus name let go work in you let god work a work in you thank god that's what it's all about knowing him knowing jesus knowing jesus knowing jesus if you want him to do it you must come now get up now if you want god to break that yoke you must come now you must come now if you're bound you're going to remain bound until you're calm if you want freedom if you want deliverance you got to get up and come it's the matter of you and god now it's not about your husband it's not about your wife it's about you and god you've got a soul and you've got to meet god for yourself get up get up and come on now before we pray for these that have come thank you lord come on god it's not going to prolong it's not going to prolong what he said get in the category of now [Music] what i've spoken [Music] what i have spoken what i'm getting ready to do what's getting ready to be manifested will not be prolonged anymore yes come on yes god someone else is out there the devil's got you sighing because you figure thank god he's through because if you keep on i'm coming down that's just what god wants you to do [Music] you to be in this altar call you to be in this one girl you're to be in this one man you're supposed to be in this call not the one next week because next week may not be here for you you to be a part of this one get up now in jesus name get up now god will take care of you if you let in i want to bring out something while they're coming [Music] look how smart the devil is so you got to give the i don't say give him credit but i just want you to know how smart he is check this out most of the people that commit suicide are young people young adults that's got everything to live for now it's wrong for anybody to commit suicide but you know who you would expect to commit suicide old folks old folks can't get around don't nobody love me kids don't come to see me got a stroke can a dead side in this wheelchair sitting in this old folks home now those are the ones if anybody you expect to just end it all but those are the ones that live to the last minute but young folks with their health strength youth looks everything to live for the devil is telling them to take the back way out and to snuff out their lives right there let you know it's the devil it's the devil because if you look at it from just a natural standpoint you would expect it out of old folks that have seen it all that have experienced it all but they're living they're living and that's why suicide spirits is following our youth because the devil want to make short cut short your life he wants to rip you off because he cometh to kill steal and to destroy jesus said i've come that you might have life and every chance i get i i'ma say to the youth don't use drugs in no kind of way don't try the first time stay away from me stay away from it and one of the biggest fools you can be is is do it for spite sometimes you've got parents that'll tell you stay away from it and you will for spite to spite them i want you to know this god bless you but you're a fool amen you're a fool you a fool personified to try to wreck your life spite someone else when you are the one that's going to wind up behind the eight ball i don't care what party you go away to college stay away from it you have been the guest of the monument of faith breakthrough hour featuring the ministry of evangelist r d hinton you can receive this dynamic message as well as many others on vhs video cassette as a gift from this ministry for an offering of 29.95 you may receive a 90-minute audio cassette of this entire service for an offering of five dollars for your video or audio cassette of this service please ask for the tape number that is now shown on your screen please direct all correspondence to the r d hinton breakthrough ministry post office box 20608 chicago illinois 60620 now until this same time next week may god richly bless you [Music] monday at 8pm cocaine its source and the consequences a breakthrough this hour i've had troubles all of my life with the bow down head i had to pay the price [Music] [Applause] tears [Music] you that there's nothing god can do [Music] oh lord [Music] the enemy has come to stay [Music] [Applause] [Music] and when at home at night [Music] [Music] god [Music] i've had troubles yeah there's nothing that might [Music] sometimes and sometimes [Music] there's nothing my god it may seem that the enemy [Music] is [Music] [Music] nothing he can do i don't know is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] god again we thank you for tuning in to this the breakthrough hour for prayer won't you give a call right now area three one two nine five five one four nine nine outside of illinois one eight hundred five four five l i v e live you may have a copy of this very service on cassette we offer to you 90 minute audio cassettes for only five dollars and the vhs video cassette yours for only 29.95 please address your check and or your money order to the breakthrough ministry post office box 20608 chicago illinois 60620 when are requesting your cassette or your video please request it by take number today's message is tape number 510 and the letter a 510 and the letter a again address all checks and money orders and any correspondence to the breakthrough ministry post office box 20608 chicago illinois 60620 please stay tuned for an inspiring message to be preached by dr r d hinton and remember through it all and in it all christ is your answer [Music] so [Music] so [Music] is there any word from the lord weeping may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning behold i am the lord is there anything too hard for me there is word from the lord and now our founder and pastor evangelist richard daniel hinton bless your heart well here we are same old same old christ is the answer this is the breakthrough hour and before this service would have expired most certainly you would have had a breakthrough to god to the power of god we're happy for each and every one of you that's listening from far and near those of you that are bound those of you that are behind prison walls the house of correction those of you in dwight illinois prison and uh joliet those of you that's in the hospital oak forest wherever you may be i want you to know that this service is geared toward you those of you that are sinners those of you that are backsliders those of you that don't know which way to go or which way to turn and that suicide spirit is plaguing our youth like never before isn't that a trick of the enemy here you're young and you're full of fire and vinegar and vitality and pepper and you want to take the back door out it's nothing but a trick of the devil you've got everything to live for you just need jesus in your life that's really what it's all about and you get him my god you he'll give you joy you've never known before i'm here to let you know that there is hope in the midst of hopelessness and that for god that we serve come to give you life and that more abundantly now don't lose heart in spite of what has happened don't let it get the best of you don't let it get you down every dark cloud has a silver lining and god still lives and he does love you i mean he does i mean we're not trying to whoop a game on you god loves you do you think i'd be hanging around trying to tell you god loved you if i didn't think he loved me hey god loves you he so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son i want you to be encouraged those of you even you that are in your homes and motorhomes and wherever you may be just lift your hand if you're not ashamed because of who's looking at you who's with you and let's flip those hands and let's give god the praise he has been good he has been kind he has been mindful oh i love him forever and again [Music] thank you jesus [Music] oh glory god bless your hearts you may be seated [Music] i'm certainly grateful i'm certainly grateful to the lord and i want to thank each and every one of you that have called in concerning your pledge we have what is called the breakthrough 1000 the breakthrough 1000 where we have been praying looking forward to a thousand people that can pledge around 25 a month for this telecast oh bless your heart we're happy for the response and i want to pause to thank you for what you have done and what you're going to do i said last week one fellow said it's about time it's about time and he said he couldn't wait he couldn't wait he came on to the church and brought his pledge just came onto the church and brought his pledge last sunday i mean listen god is really moving and i want to thank each and every one of you i was out the other night at state and madison however state and randolph i was going to one of our churches and i fellowship breakfast and when i left i wanted to go pick up an item and was on the corner of state and randolph was just there for around seven minutes my god and a fellow with two children lives in gary eldenton and the lady walked up and said i listens to you every sunday i'm late for my church another fellow was walking and saying i know you i got some people that go to your church do you know uh think of them and do not calling the name you know and then as i was crossing the street the lady said listen who is you haven't i seen you somewhere before another fellow was standing up there just doing one of these numbers and say i know you you that preacher that preaches over that rate of television there i said you got that right hallelujah oh my god in around seven minutes it was about eight told the wife when i got home eight people i mean it looked like from five to seven minutes oh my do you reckon i need body guards bless your heart oh listen i'm gonna tell you something i love people i love people and whoever meet me on the street you're going to get a smile out of me you know you don't get so stuck up and thinking something because god will slap you dead down am i right nobody is ever too big or too small that they can't speak to me i'll stop for a child amen and i don't care if the man is so dizzy he can't stand up if he recognize me i'm going to speak to him amen and i'm going to speak to him with warmth because listen if you anything at all is only what jesus has made you hallelujah oh and i want to thank each of you each of you each of you people have the nerve to ask me for my autograph can you imagine for my autograph oh bless your heart these things don't make me exalted it just humbles me more and make me realize that there's a great responsibility that's resting on my shoulder and again those of you that have been listening to this telecast i want to thank you for your donations and those of you that have sent in and those of you that is a part of the breakthrough 1000. thank you so much for the 25 that you're going to be sending every month it will help us because before the deal go down this ministry is to go on satellite this ministry is to be heard all over the country and all over the world and in the isles of the sea the islands of the sea and i'm looking forward for god to do that because i'm convinced that whatever we do we're going to have to do it right now and then i'm so happy for this service to be grace with sister rhys and her lovely daughter from atlanta oh i tell ya she's put us on her she's put us on her station uh tv station in atlanta every sunday and she tells me how is popping and jumping and i want you to know sister reece you and your lovely daughters and those that's with you monument salutes you and we thank god for you god bless you god bless you thank you thank you so much thank you so much amen into the word of the lord into the word of the lord those of you that have your bibles i want you to come away with me to the book of isaiah the ninth chapter beginning at the second verse the people that walk in darkness have seen a great light and they that dwell in the land of the shadows of death upon them hath the light shine isaiah the 60th chapter the first and the second verse arise shine for thy light is come and the glory of the lord has risen upon thee for behold the darkness shall cover the earth and gross darkness the people but the lord shall rise upon thee and his glory shall be seen upon thee will you catch a neighbor by the hand note now the scripture says arise and shine for thy light has come so if the light has come it evidently was some darkness before the light came uh and the glory of the lord has risen upon thee will you catch a neighbor by the hand and tell them neighbor [Applause] come out of eclipse and rise to the occasion say it again neighbor come out of the eclipse and rise to the occasion amen you would be surprised you would be surprised of the souls of many that's in an eclipse an eclipse well brother hinton what is an eclipse echips means to throw into shade or throw into darkness eclipse is when one body enters into the shadow of another sometimes you're reading your newspaper and you're getting your light by the lamp and someone is standing between you and the lamp and you say honey get out of my light because you're casting a shadow and you're bringing about an obstruction and you're covering the light from me so eclipse means to overshadow or to make them it means to throw into darkness or to obstruction that's what it ever so often you have what is called a lunar eclipse which is the eclipse of the moon then you have an apollo eclipse which is an eclipse of the sun that takes place ever so often among the heavenly bodies but first natural and then spiritual there are people that's listening to this message tonight the devil's got you backed up in obscurity the enemy's got a shadow over you you're back up into a shadow there's something between you and god you're not able to get through to god because the devil has an obstruction between you and him and you want his light to shine on you but the devil looked like just won't move and when you get through shouting and praying it's still there and you want to come out and the enemy's got you thinking that you can help yourself but i'm here to tell you there are situations you can get in in this life their habits you can become bound with where it's going to take very god and only god to get you out am i right we need god i can hear him say arise and shine note now you couldn't shine to your eyes you've got to rise you've got to rise up you've got to rise in your mind like we were talking on today you've got to get active faith you've got to put action to your faith you've got to get your faith to working you've got to put forth effort if you notice all through the bible when god did something for somebody it was always something he left for them to do after he raised lattice from the dead he told him now y'all move the stone at first then after a while you take off the grave clothes you lose him and let him go after he healed the blind man now you're healed now go wash you go wash now i've healed you now i'm not going to wash your eyes out you go wash in the pool of salon and you will find that when the woman was on her way the woman in name was on her way to the burial ground to bury her son that had died he told him just lay the bra on the ground when they laid their brow on the ground he laid hands on the bride or the coffin of the casket and when they opened it up the boy lived now jesus didn't pick the boy up off the casket my god you're going to do something if i raised him up from the dead the least you can do is take him by the hand god always leaves something for you to do now if you notice in the text he said i'm not gonna rise here and i'm not gonna shine you you rise you've got to rise and there are many ways to rise you've got you've got to you know when you make up in your mind to do right that's a form of rising a made-up mind is a form of rising when you purpose in your heart i'll die before i go this way again that's a form of rising you've got to rise in your spirit you've got to rise in your frame of mind you've got to rise in your faith you've got to rise above the circumstances you see and we make a thing difficult because we don't want to put forth no kind of effort but it's got to be something in you there there's some people that are natural born fighters by nature when i say natural born fighters i mean they'll fight a cold they'll fight a cold ordinarily when he will throw you in the bed they'll say no no it's not gonna put me in the bed nope they'll fight they'll take a shower and before you know it they've fought that thing out then there's some folks that's prone to the least pain oh oh here come i won't be no good for three days you don't have enough fight you've got to have heart in a day like this you've got to you've got the bible say resist now that's a fight right there the devil and he'll flee from you now if you want god to help you you know what you got to do fellas you got to rise you've got to rise you've got to rise above your circumstances you can't allow things that's happening to get you down rise rise in your mind even if even if your family didn't do it you can rise out of obscurity i don't care if your father was a drug addict and your mother and your sister and your brother you don't have to be one rise out of it rise out of it and set an example then you see note now he didn't say shine and then rise you got to rise for your shine we want to shine before we rise as long as you down there you're in obscurity but if you rise you can shine and you can shine because your light has come and i love this the glory of the lord has risen upon thee for behold darkness shall cover the earth and hasn't darkness cover the earth gross darkness cover the people but the lord shall rise upon thee oh listen you can make yourself something special with god because the lord shall rise upon thee and his glory shall be seen upon thee i like that his glory shall be seen upon you now something about god god don't deal like man and man don't deal like god you see god don't deal with man like man everything that man does for you he has a number you are not in in the eyes of man you're not a you're not a person you're just a number they don't too much go by your name because they're people that's got your same name they go by your number because note 9 your birthday has a number your age has a number your weight you know how heavy you are by a number your height is by number your address has a number your zip code has a number your driver's license have a number your license plate has a number your vehicle sticker has a number your motor your serial number on your car is a number your insurance policy is a number your credit cards have a number you have a telephone number your currency or your money has a number the checks has a number the calendar on the wall goes by the numbers and mathematics deals with numbers arithmetic and algebra and trigonometry and longitude and latitude all of that goes by numbers you even have the gamblers that's playing the numbers you're living in the day now where we are dealing with numbers well now god is different from man god don't do like man you see god don't go by numbers god weighs his people man counts but god weighs his people for the scripture tells us in first samuel the second chapter and the third verse for the lord is a god of knowledge and by him actions await god weighs your action you see you've got to realize this whether you're a sinner saint backslide or hypocrite you're personal with god now i didn't say you were saved if you don't know him but god so thought so much of you that when he made you he made you in his own image and after his own likeness i'm so glad that god say let us make man if he hadn't put that in there everybody would have believed that we all come from a monkey amen but i'm suddenly grateful to god that we didn't come from market because we were made in the image of god you understand you've got that old saying old saying once once i was a tadpole trying to be then i was a frog uh with movement so free then i was a monkey in a bamboo tree now i'm a professor with a phd that's the way you put it but god's got more sense than you he don't go by that we're made in the image of god and god thinks so much of you to you are not a number with god you're a person and he thinks so much of you that he weighs your action in isaiah the 26 chapter and the seventh verse it tells us the way of the jest is uprightness thou almost upright does wave the path of the jest not only do i weigh your actions but i come along and i'll weigh your path i'll even weigh the direction you're going see we're dealing with a god that's concerned about your motive he knows the motive you did what you did and he knows why you did it this is what i love about god and you can't handle folk that just go by numbers you understand and i heard him in the book of job the 21st of the 31st chapter and the sixth verse he said let me be weighed in an even balance that god may know my integrity i'm here to tell you that god even weighs your integrity god weighs out your motive you hear folks say lord if you bless me and give me a lot of money the glory shall be dying i don't care what you say with your mouth he knows what your heart is saying can you say amen and so i'm here bless your heart to let you know that god weighs our personality he weighs us individually he weighs our character our behavior our moral strength and our qualities he raised our disposition our frame of mind our self-control and our temperament he weighs our action feelings mood and he also weighs our opinion this is what i love about god as far as man is concerned you're just a number and when you die then they take the number and and maybe give it to someone else the world goes on i don't care who you are but god is so concerned that he loved the world so much that he gave his only begotten son so he he would help me to tell you now you rise on up from there you rise on up from there and this is a rounded message because it goes for everybody you've got church folks need to rise you've been in the church and you're just drying up like a powder house you've been in the church and you're twice dead plucked up by the root you're in the church and the devil's got you thinking you established and you're just stuck you need to rise you need to rise you need to rise sometimes if you're not careful you can become so wrapped up tangled up and tied up in tradition and you'll get traditions and certain beliefs and doctrines mixed up with the bible and if you're not careful you can get so many laws in your church and so many thou shall not until they can run all the love of god out of there but we need to ever so often we need to kind of measure up in and go before god and get a new vision a new inspiration you need to get turned on you talking about me listen i'm talking about all of us as church people we're going to have to do it in times like these we must remember bless your heart that the enemy is as a roaring lion walking about seeking whom he may devour and as people of god we need to move into new discoveries just like the world is moving into new discoveries and you find that there has been more discoveries in the 19th century than they have been in all of the centuries put together you find that within the last 150 years there has been so many discoveries of television and the computer or you name it air conditioning oh you name it all kind of electronics and everything that have come within the last 150 years now you would think that a lot of that would have come within the whole full 1900 years but look like everything piled up at the last century and a half of the new discoveries well if the world can discover new things then i believe as people of god that we should put ourselves in the wave and note now and his glory shall be seen upon thee you see what the local church will need is the glory of god to come upon you when we lose the spirit and the inspiration then we become just like samson samson became another man when we lose the power of god when we lose the anointing when we lose our purpose that god the the purpose of the church which means called out ones belonging to the lord when we lose that purpose we become just like other folk we may be dressed like church folks but in our mind we're acting like the secular world and god would not have it to be so he does not intend for you to be like them he said my glory shall be seen upon thee and the word glory means magnificent my honor triumph splendor radiancy brilliancy my adoration and my chicano presence who don't want the shekinah presence of god who don't want the presence of god moving in your particular life that's something that the secular world can't give they can't give you the glory of god they cannot give you the presence of god the secular world can't get a prayer through they can't get under the anointing of god you've got something that the world can't give you've got something that the world can't even take away and we ought to appreciate what god has done and just rest in the power of god if the world if the church would stop looking out these stained glass windows wishing they had what the world had and stop trying to sing like them and stop trying to dress like them and act like them and get on back to business and act like a child of god and look like a child of god and start enjoying your salvation and stop looking like you hungry and miss something in the world looking like you got saved too quick and wondering if you can run out there for a few years and come back you need to listen you need to rise from that frame of mind you need to rise you need to rise from that frame of mind amen you need to rise and come out of the eclipse of wits in some of you have come to which in that's a good place to come which end is when your wisdom is swallowed up which in is when your knowledge is swallowed up in spite of what you know you don't know what to do in spite of what you've understood you don't understand now in spite of amen you've known what to do in times past you're put in a situation now where ellie hilton i just don't know what to do well i'm here to tell you you in a good spot for god to pick you up and turn you around and place your feet on holy ground you need to rise up out of the grave the eclipse of the grave the purpose of the enemy is to bury you for grave is a burial ground a grave is something that submerges or cover you up but i came to tell you tonight the bible tells us in the book of saint john behold the day cometh when all those that are in the grave shall hear his voice and come forth i know in that particular passage of scripture that there's a meaning that after one day we're going to come out of the natural graves but it also has a spiritual meaning the day has come that they that hear his voice through the gospel that he his voice through the world you're in the grave of sin you're in the grave of the deep pits of degradation but you can hear his voice through this message and you can come forth just as lavish was dead buried and stinking when jesus cried lathers come forth he came out of that grave and that grave couldn't hold him i don't care what type of grave you may be in it may be alcoholism it may be drugs but you can come out of that grave oh help me holy ghost here you can come out of that grave too long the devil has submerged you too long the devil have covered you up too long the devil has smothered you no wonder you want to end it all because you haven't found the happiness and the joyfulness in serving god in his presence is fullness of joy i can't help who's been looking sad bad mad as a christian i've got good news to bring and that is why i sing and my joy with you i'll share there's a joy that goes with this gospel there's a joy in serving the truth and a living god too long you've been in the grave too long you've been covered up too long the devil has put the tombstone here lies here lies he's covered you up with the needle he's covered you up with the bottle he's covered you up with alcoholism he's covered you up with homosexuality he's covered you up with lesbianism he's covered you up and made a drag queen out of you but god said he can bring you out and you can rise and shine he can bring light upon you i mean the light of the gospel the light of god's anointing the light of god's power yes some of you you need to come out of the eclipse of limbo yes you've been in limbo and limbo is an intermediate condition it's a place of neglect it's a place of unforgotten things limbo is a prison it's a place of oblivion the devil has told you in oblivion he's forgotten you you've been thrown in jail you can't get no visitors the devil looked like that's forgotten yet but i came to tell you that cain nobody can keep jesus from coming in yourself when visiting hours is over he can walk through the gods he can walk through the sails he can walk in yourself you're laying on the floor because they don't have enough beds for you someone took your sheet your pillow your mattress but jesus can walk in yourself and tell you to arise and shine well the best way i could describe it it happened to brother peter peter was in the debt cell they were going to kill him after easter and i'm using this to bring out a point that peter was in the dead salem he was bound between soldiers they were going to kill him after eastern for they killed james they saw that it pleased the jews and so they proceeded further to take peter's life but prayer was made to god unceasingly for him and while the saints was praying the bible tells us that the angel of the lord came in and smote peter on the side in the scale in the debt cell and you know what he told peter to do he told peter what the text says arise and cast your garment about you and follow me can i tell you what happened when peter stood up the chains failed didn't i tell you if you can just get up god will cause your bondages to leave you if you would arise god will cause your chains to fall [Music] peter walked out that dead cell now i'm saying all that to say this that debt cell is a symbol of a place of bondage the devil is trying to whip a death on you the devil is trying to sift you this week that he's trying to sow you to the wind he's trying to make an end to you he's trying to rip you off but god said come out of the eclipse and rise to the occasion too long you've been in limbo too long you've been in oblivion too long your mind has been in prison he's blinded your mind but jesus told me to tell him come out of the eclipse come out of that dimness come out of the shadow and rise to the occasion many of you the devil's got you in the eclipse of obscurity now obscurity means gloom a retired state an unemployed state or state of darkness or hidden state you get into things you can't shake a loose you get into things you can't get out you feel it's got to be a better way it's not supposed to end like this it's not supposed to end like this your life is not supposed to end with an overdose of drugs your life is not supposed to end on an elevator platform your life is not supposed to end in some gutter or some alley your life is not supposed to end in some basement off the alley it's not supposed to end like that he said arise get on up from there the devil want to kill you but i've got good news to bring the devil comes to kill to steal and destroy but jesus jesus jesus jesus i said i come that you might have life that you may have it more abundantly he wants you to live he wants you to thrive he wants you to flourish he wants you to succeed he wants you to glow he wants you to grow [Music] you can come out of that death cell you can come out of that spiritual prison for jesus said in his word the spirit of the lord is upon me he's anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted to preach deliverance to the captives with covetous sight to the blind to set at liberty them that are bruised to preach they're acceptable ye are the lord the devil's got your bound but god says i come to unshackle you i come to lucia to take the stalks and the bonds come off of your spirit and out of your life i come to unshackle you from your sins i come to unshackle you from bondage from demons from devils shall glory shout glory i want you to know it's a new day it's a new day yes it is it's a new day this is the day that the lord has made and i i i i i i'm going to rejoice and i'm gonna be glad this is the day of restoration rise and shine it's restoration time rise and shine it's replenishing time rise and shine it's revival time rise and shine it's refreshing time yeah yes rise and shine it's a day of deliverance it's a day of victory it's a day of divine answers it's a day of miracles that cannot be denied can you say glory can you say glory [Applause] glory it's a new day it's a new day you're getting up you're getting up you're getting up people have crushed you they're set on you they won't give you a chance they're afraid they're threatened because of a gift and ability you have you're disgusted you're discouraged but i came to let you know can't nobody sit on you if jesus is under you if jesus is under you you're gonna rise you're going to rise yes yes yes the government can be sitting on you the mafia can be sitting on you the gangs can be sitting on you poverty can be setting on you yes but when jesus is under you i heard him say paul don't you worry nobody is going to sit on you to hunt you yes yes [Applause] yes get on up from there get on up from there get on up from there [Music] i'm coming out of this bondage [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm coming out he knows the way that i take and when he's tried me when the devil get through messing with me i'm coming out a new member i'm coming out ready to serve the law i'm coming out holy i'm coming out sanctifying i'm coming out with a new ministry i'm coming out with a new dance i'm coming out with a new vision i'm coming out with a new family i'm coming out with another determination yes [Applause] shake somebody's hand shake somebody's hand and tell a neighbor it's gonna happen it's gonna happen yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] my time you here my time is almost out let me hear from you this week [Music] the breakthrough 1000. i'm leaning on you please don't let me down i'm depending on you the breakthrough 1000. that 25 monthly pledge help me to get this gospel over help me to preach the gospel i want to go to i want this message to go to the isles of the sea i wanted to go from the atlantic to the pacific i wanted to go across the country there's a message burning in my heart help me to tell a dying world that they can live and that there is a way out now you're sitting you're listening to me you don't know jesus you need him in your life this service this breakthrough hour is telling me to get you center friend it's tail and made for you backslider man god loves you i wouldn't fool you at this stage of the game god does love you he wants to help you your marriage is on the rocks you need him everything to be done you've tried it and you're miserable you need to be saved fella that's all i don't mean join the church before you join the church you need christ in your life you can rise from that sea you can rise from the needle [Music] you can rise from prostitution yes you can you can rise from the gangs you can rise from stealing you can rise from the drugs from the crack from the coke yes you can you can rise from homosexuality you can rise from lesbianism i know that they've made it as the third sect in society but god's word speaks against it you know you're wrong god can help you man i love you i wouldn't try to embarrass you i wouldn't try to condemn you i love you man i want you to be helped because we're creatures of eternity and from here we're going into eternity and we got to go in right if we want to see his face in peace and some of you are listening to me out there and you're unprepared to meet a just god i'ma pray right now in the name of jesus as they stand there glued to this television and this radio get a hold of them now snatch them as a brand from the burning ring them out of the devil's hand jesus give them no rest till they're found a safe return take the desire for the drinks and the drugs take it out of this the habits that's eating them up oh god that fella that's on his last leg of age god save him turn him around work a miracle in his life they don't have the answer for age but lord knowing you as i do i know you do let that man live let that girl live god give another chance will you i believe you i really believe you lord and i know you're concerned i know you care a lot of them that have fallen into snares it wasn't because they were wicked guarded necessarily evil some of them just couldn't say no they became victim of circumstances but lord bring them how jesus please lord forgive them in bloodwashing give them a bloodbath from your blood in jesus name now listen next sunday afternoon at 2 30 i want to see you here if you can make it next sunday at 7 o'clock i want to see you here every tuesday night at 7 30 i want to see you i want to pray for you god's not through with you he's not through with you he wants to perfect those things concerning you god can do it send a friend i love you and those of you that's a part of the breakthrough 1000 keep calling keep writing in we need your push has come to shove i'm grateful for what you have done thank you so much amen you have proven and you're proven that you really love pastor hinton and love jesus and love the breakthrough ministry you're proving that because of your response don't stop let me hear from you this ministry is to the world i want you to help me and god will bless you may all god's best be yours those of you in the visible audience you hear you don't know jesus you don't know jesus said man look it's cold out there the world is so cold and unjust and you don't belong out there you need jesus in your life and i'm extending an invitation to you fella [Music] to come on down i can hear the song come and die the master's calling you can feast at jesus table all the time he who fed the multitude turn the waters into wine come on down [Applause] you can dine all the time he who [Music] get on up turn the waters in [Music] [Music] now someone else is on the brink of eternity come and die [Music] you may feast at jesus table all of the times [Music] [Music] [Music] vietnam you have been the guest of the monument of faith breakthrough hour featuring the ministry of evangelist r d hinton you can receive this dynamic message as well as many others on vhs video cassette as a gift from this ministry for an offering of 29.95 you may receive a 90-minute audio cassette of this entire service for an offering of five dollars for your video or audio cassette of this service please ask for the tape number that you have for this ministry and those of you that have done many things in your power by the way post office box 20608 chicago illinois 606 200. now until this same time next week may god richly bless you since something is happening if it happened it's going to happen and you know i feel very disturbed in my spirit with the way things are going on in this country that's like over the heads of so many of us and if ever the people of god need to get together it's now i've never said this before i've never just gotten publicly and said this but you know what the time is coming and quickly approaching that as people of god and as churches we're going to have to have a greater solidarity among us or the devil is going to clip us one by one now understand me when i say this you've got churches in the same organization and got the same head over them but yet they're divided among themselves i mean you've got churches in the same organization that don't fellowship one another if they're not under the same bunch or diocese or presiding elder you understand what i mean but we as churches that's not only in the same organization but we as churches period we're going to have to have a greater spirit among us and stop being stand and stop standing off feeling nobody right but us and everybody going to uh hell but your church because your church may be the first one to go under we're going to listen the way the pressure and the way the lord is showing me this thing that is going to be so much pressure that's going to be put on the church you're going to take a lot of storefronts at one while they had purpose to close all the storefronts down i don't feel to just go in to tell and explain to what degree but god had a few people amen to in in in the city hall to intervene and to pray and to fight that it not happen these are the days i know this is a big church but even though this is a big church there are a lot of small storefronts and you don't look down your nose at them because the bible says despise not the day of small things and many churches that's in big churches and auditoriums and cathedrals they started in store fronts and the day is coming i can feel it in my spirit where the devil is going to try to cut us down just cut us down capsize us one by one and if we don't have that solidarity in spirit i don't mean in the same denomination if we don't have that solidarity in spirit and i mean stand together in spirit the devil is going to carry us under now you can believe it or not but these are the times that try men's souls so again i say i want to thank each and every one of you that have been supportive of this breakthrough ministry your monthly pledge thank you so much keep it up please keep it up we want you to continue it and those of you that would love to become a member of the breakthrough 1000 would love to become a partner i might say not a member a partner of the breakthrough one thousand this has nothing to do with joining the church just becoming a member of a partner rather of the breakthrough one thousand you can write us post office box 206 20608 chicago illinois 606 to old and those of you that are desirous of calling those of you that are desirous of calling 5 or rather 955-1499 and the town number is one 805 45 live my spirit is disturbed i went away a couple of days the wife and i and i just couldn't sleep i just couldn't sleep because my spirit was disturbed at things that's going on that's going to take a god in times like these you know it's the best way i can describe it the lord has allowed the ministers to be the watchman and a watchman is one that standeth on the wall and peers in the distance and warned god's people of approaching danger you know now you cannot have a watchdog in your house and and and and domesticate him and make a pet out of him and every time he bark you tell him to shut up you're going to break him in so until he's going to run when he sees the enemy coming but a watchdog if you got a watch dog you're going to treat him have to treat him like a watch dog and you're going to have to listen to his box and know that something is lurking and the best way i can describe it something is lurking and i'm not saying this to make you afraid but i'm saying this that you can walk soft before the lord and that we can start seeking god that we can start reaching up for a greater hold on god do you understand this has nothing to do with what bunch you with what church who's your bishop what presiding elder no no no if you on your way to heaven and if you're professing salvation we need to reach up and get a renewed hold on god if you believe it say amen bear that in mind god bless you now thank you so much i'm dependent on you let me hear from you this week let me hear from you this week those of you that love the lord and appreciate what we're doing i want you to know kind friends we're not playing we're not up here playing and just trying to put up a front i'm serious about the souls of men i'm serious about the ministry i'm serious about the gospel i'm serious about getting the message over to the people of god and to people everywhere because this is the end time and jesus says i'm going to finish the work and i'm going to cut it short in righteousness a quick work will the lord make on the earth so again call now let me hear from you that would love to be a part of this uh breakthrough 1000 god will bless you for it and keep the keep the pledges coming and those of you that feel with ella hinton i can't be a i can't be a blessing monthly but i'd love to be a blessing a one-time partner hey let me hear from you this week because push has come to shove and god will bless you throughout your endeavor god bless you thank you kindly and then we want each and every one of you listen there's a burden there's a force stated on my heart and i'm concerned and these are the days the bible says woe to them that are at ease in zion we don't have no need no cause to be at ease in zion with the way trouble is raging as never before if ever we need our hide in place you talking about a rock in a weary land we're living in a weary land and if ever we needed christ and to keep him in front those of you that have any notion of walking out on god or leaving god backsliding you better give it a serious thought because some people that leave god really don't get back i hate to say it but they don't get back in spite of a lot of altar calls some of them don't make it back in spite of a lot of prayers some of them don't make it back and that's why those of you that are in god in spite of what you're going through you better hang in there because i tell you these are trying times yes those of you that have your bibles if you will come away with me to the fourth chapter of zechariah let me read the sixth verse then he answered and spake unto me saying this is the word of the lord unto zerubbabel saying not by might nor by power but by my spirit saith the lord of hosts we want to talk on the true source of power not by power not by might but by my spirit saith the lord of hosts if it's done at all it's going to be done by his spirit we're facing a world war three and maybe through the world war three the economy will change people may get better jobs and people's status of living may come up because that will be a turnover of the nations from the financial or materials standpoint but this has nothing to do with man's spirit and what god is doing is aiming at the bull's eye which is the spirit of man and the spirit of man is that eternal being that has to live when he quit the walks of this life when he crawls out of this shell this hull when he crawls out of this tabernacle this boot he's a creature of eternity and this is what we must put the emphasis on when i see dying men and women everywhere and i'm praying that god would instill within many of his people a burden for the souls of men i don't see how men and women that say they have been called of god can run revival after revival and just jump shout and tap dance and don't take time out for the souls of men when jesus his purpose of coming into the world was to save sinners we are so busy having a time among ourselves until we don't stop for the souls of men and i must say that day is long gone where we can spend more time and make revivals and make our church service more like a financial business meeting and then the last three minutes gonna turn the holy ghost on and spend about 15 minutes and within that 15 minutes preach jump shout give the benediction and send them home and spent the last previous three hours on financial business it don't work that way or you don't and you don't have to say man because you know when you've been preaching 40 years you get old in it you don't have him know how and you're just figured you can say man you don't have to say amen but these are troubling types and if ever we need it people are becoming disturbed now and when they have wrestled with the devil all week long hear me now when they wrestle with the devil all week long and the devil have tried them in their home and on their job and some of them are going to school and the devil's fighting their minds and fighting their flesh when they come to the house of god they want you to give them your best shot they want you to head they want to feel like i've been to church they want to feel like i felt the spirit and that i got strength to go another week or you're listening to me they don't want to hear the latest of gossiping and and folks watching one another and got their eyes on one another no no they want to be able to feel look here the service was anointed god blessed me and oh i feel like i can go a little bit further we got to have it folks we got to have it and if there was a time we need to as people of god to pray for your minister pray for your pastor pray for them pray for them if you can't respect your shepherd don't sit under your shepherd if you can't respect him if you don't love him and respect him and don't believe he's for real get up and go somewhere else don't sit there and cause other folks to be poisoned by your spirit that goes for monument that goes for anywhere else because these are the days when you need to get you somewhere where your spirit can be pleasant where your spirit can be able to receive from god you'll miss god with attitudes failing to reach up and get what you need from god watching the things you think and things you know because these are the days it's going to take the spirit of god to carry us over the wrecks of times oh yeah it's going to take his spirit as soon as god lived and you will notice bless your heart that the spirit of god is the thing that's going to see us through the essence of the text is saying that human resources is not adequate for god's task there's nothing we can do humanly to really meet the task that god has laid out before us and beyond our resources there must be help of the holy spirit these are the days you can't even have church without his spirit if you do it's just dead service you can't listen you can't have a good prayer meeting without his spirit if if so it's just a dead prayer meeting these are the days if it happens at all it's gonna take god's spirit and when the spirit of god comes you can't control it and make it act like you the spirit acts like the spirit i don't hear nobody hallelujah and this was the slogan of kings of ruberville not by might nor by power but by my spirit saith the lord note 9 the hebrew word for might denotes human resources in general it denotes the physical not by power not by might speaking of man's might speaking of human might in spite of all of the wealth we have it's still going to take something beyond our wealth in spite of the military force we may have it's going to take something beyond the physical military force besides our knowledge it's going to take something beyond our man knowledge it's going to take divine knowledge which comes from the spirit you can say what you want to say with all of the books we have and the almanac's encyclopedias and libraries and we've come to answers that we don't know how to solve i looked at man bless your heart he can show you how to get to the moon he's been to the moon he's walked on the moon he's put a flag on the moon now they on their way around neptune my god it's a wonder they don't make it to the furthest one pluto it's a wonder you understand and when we look and see how man can use his mind and turn right around and can't do a thing with his spirit i mean he's got the answer for outer space and can't do a thing for inner space he's able to control the lions he's able to control the tigers he's able to control and break beyond the sound barrier and move from the tropopause to the tropospheres and i on his fears he can tell you how far the nearest star is to glory he can tell you in looking at nifty they discover two moons out there and turn right around and can't do a thing with his tongue for the bible said the tongue can no maintain it's an unruly member full of deadly poison and it's fed by hell's flame oh yeah man can really talk he can tell you how long it takes the moon how long it takes the sun to make a complete revolution around the earth and how long it takes the moon to go around the sun he can tell you all of that but when it comes down to knowing god he can't explain god the bible or nothing he'll look at you and say god is a mere myth he'll tell you god is just an idea god is a suggestion but these are the days of we that know god need to know that if it's done at all it's by my spirit saith the lord ah help me holy ghost there's no physical i don't care what we achieve physically it does not take the place of the spirit of god i don't care how much attraction we have and what we do to attract is going to take the spirit of god you see the best way i can describe it the devil and i'm speaking of the secular world now they've done everything and some of us have watched it and many of us is christians we have taken our mind off of god we've taken the eyes off of god watching the secular world and the advertisement of the secular world but i'm here to tell you i'm here to call the spade of spain if you intend to be strong in the lord you're going to have to do some more sanctifying all right what do you mean about that i'll tell you exactly what we mean you're going to have to do some more something if you notice every advertisement everything they advertise i don't care if it's i don't care if it's something to clean your teeth they've got to put a half nude woman up there if they advertise a car they've got to put a half nude woman up there if regardless i don't care if they're advertising babies milk they can't show the baby for the half nude woman and every time they advertise and some of you the devil is working on you with these soapbox operas you're not lying and getting drunk but when you get through with those soapbox operas during the day and see how this one is going with that one's husband and they divorce but she's going now with a stepfather and see this is and all that oh god in the film the only difference is that they dress nice and they dress clean but underneath there's nothing but filth of fornication adultery and all kind of incest that's going on how in the world can you be edified as a saint you don't have to pray like you should anyhow you don't come to church like you should and wondering why the devil is fighting you you haven't spoken tongues since the war you don't come to church then don't turn around when you get to church and lie talking about you beat the devil running how can you beat the devil running oh help me [Applause] if you intend to walk with god you're going to have to do the things that's going to make you strong you can't just sit up in church and profess to be a christian and do everything the world is doing and wondering why the devil is always picking on you man you've got to get up in god you've got to become strong in the lord you've got to walk worthy in the vocation where with your call you've got to deny ungodliness and worldly lust and live righteously and sober in this present world man god is calling for perfected holiness of the spirit you don't want to go with me tonight [Applause] see we want to walk with god but we want to walk with god in a carnal realm but god is a spirit and you are a spirit and we're going to have to walk in the spirit in order for yokes to be broken and the captives to be set free so he said not by might that is to say not by our might not by physical force i don't care how pretty we make our churches it's not by our prettiness i don't care how how much money that is among us that's not going to take the place of the spirit it takes the anointing which is the spirit to break these yolks around here can you say amen not by might or by power now you will notice the hebrew word for power denotes human strength gives us to know that human sources resources alone is not able to accomplish god's purpose you will notice everything that has to do with god is spirit genesis 1 1 in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth and the earth was without form and void and darkness was on the face of the deep and the spirit and the spirit and the spirit moved upon the face of the deep hallelujah i'm here to tell you anything that god is not in is empty anything god is not in is void and the earth was without form and void and darkness is upon it but because the theme is not by might not by power but by my spirit when the spirit of the lord began to move on the face of the water i'm here to tell you it changed the complexion of things those of you that don't know jesus your void you may be good looking but you're void you may be rich but you're empty you may have money but you're empty you may have a future but you're empty you may have a purpose but you're empty you need the spirit of god in your life you need god to blow on you and change you and make you a new person in him can you say amen oh bless his name so when the spirit of the lord began to move that's what changed it now the scripture tells us in the book of isaiah my word shall not return unto me void but it shall accomplish that for which i sin because the words he speak unto us they are spirit and they are light so when god's word go out it don't it don't go out empty my word shall not be turned void the reason why it won't return void because it didn't go out there boy i told you god's word is like a boomerang only to this extent it goes out but it comes back but a boomerang when you throw it out it comes back but it comes back like you stew it out you threw it out empty it comes back empty but god says when my word go out it don't come back empty because when i sent it out it wasn't empty and while it's out there before we get back it accomplished its purpose it's not going to come back hollow it's not going to come back empty it's going to come back with something because his words are spirit so you will notice bless your name without the spirit of god our temples no good without god's spirit our churches is just no good without god's spirit our deliverance sinners and christian colleges and our convocations and conventions none of them is any good without the spirit of god for you see god is a spirit and man is dead and because man is dead he needs life man is blind and because he's blind he needs sight for the scripture says if our gospel be heared it is hit to them that are lost of whom the god of this world have blinded not the eyes but blinded the minds of so man is blind and needs sight and when you're blind in your mind it takes the spirit to give you sight man is lost and need to be found we're not lost to the extent that we don't know washington from randolph we don't when lost to the extent we don't know the north side from the west side but we're lost to this extent where our fellowship with god is broken yes man is diseased and need to be healed you can say what you want but listen sin is a disease and sin is very infesting and man has a disease and need to be healed by god man is in darkness and needs light man is enmity and needs love man is a slave and man needs a liberator when i think of the drug trafficking when i think how the job trafficker is eating up our youth eating up our society it is said that it is said that the black race we're from 12 to 15 of the population but yet the malt liquor that's drank in america we consume one third of the month liquor they've said that the malt liquor isn't as dangerous as the rest but it has more alcohol and it has more alcohol than the regular liquor and it's taken our youth by star not only the youth but the old as well by storm the country's becoming disturbed about the drugs and the reason why because i must confess they have created a monster that they're not able to deal with the monster has become a frankenstein the monster has become a wolf man the monster has become a dracula that's eating and sapping the blood from our youth oh yes the monster look like we can't handle them instead of folks running to kill the monster they're running from the monster it was something that they could make a few pennies off of where the high ups could be make some money but now the thing have gotten serious now and so much money is in on it until the love of money that is the root of all evil folks don't care who killed and who died together yes we have created a monster and it's going to take the spirit of god to clean up the thing i don't care how many speeches we get i don't care how many speeches we give and how much we say don't use drugs this thing is spirit this thing is a demon this thing is a dragon this thing is a monster and it's going to take the power of god to set men and women free they're not able to shake it elusive themselves and then all on top of that to say the least of aids that's on the rise and that's on the increase of they're being quiet about it to keep you from panicking they're not telling you the danger of it to keep you from panicking but it's on the rise don't tell me we don't need god don't tell me we don't need to call on god pushes come to sure we need god to move and we need god to spare our hearts we need to know the true source of power we've got to learn this lesson that if it be done at all it's going to be done by his spirit if you believe it say glory say glory when i look at the drug problem i'm looking at the drug problem they've got nicknames for different types of drugs and no not marijuana years ago they called in mary jane but they've jumped from mary drain to pot to grass to bowl t reefers join stick now they call it acapulco gold they call it thc and it enters into the bloodstream and works on the brain and works on the nervous system altering your perception affecting one's coordination and making one talkative loud and uneasy and drowsy it affects them and the effect lasts from two to four hours and it's distorts one sense of time then you've got another one that's called lsd now lsd is a strong hallucination that makes you smell music and hear flowers it affects the five senses and they got another name for lsd they call it mickey mouse they call it acid they call it bladder acid and they call it paper acid and this lsd is dangerous it affects me and then women just like the other drugs then you have another one that's called infetter mines now the amphetamines are different from barbiturates for the infetter mines is another name for speed and it's called crank not crack crack comes from something else but they even nicknamed the amphetamines crank them it's called chlorine it's called happy dust it's called snow it's called benny speed bends a dream crystal and crank and after it wears off it leaves you depressed jittery angry tense duh with a hangover then you've got another one that's called barbiturates barbiturates is a drug that depressed slow you down such as yellow jackets red birds purple hearts blue heaven which is a highly dangerous drug it's another name they give it called goofballs and downers and also it's called stimulants and then this is what it does it leads you with cramps it causes you to have accidents deep sleep convulsions suicide as well as diarrhea you've got another serious thing that's called opium you got another one that's called chlorine or cocaine you've got another one that's called harem and they call it a nickname smack they call this stuff they call it horse dope they call it boy and they've even given it another name and the name that they gave it they couldn't find it they couldn't find no better name then they've got another drug that's called pcp now the pcp the nickname they got for that is angel dust they even call it the hog and this thing has gotten out of hand it's gotten serious then we can even explain and if every man need god it's not if god if ever we needed to call on god in these dark hours of distress it's not just in the homes it's not just in the schools but it's came the church some of you people in the congregation your sons and daughters are these drugs and it's going to take the power for god to do this thing i'm going to tell you what the church will need to do we need to let names and titles rest for a while we need to stop fighting over positions and trying to be wonders and trying to be great trying to get a big name and quit all that mess and let's get together and call on jesus call on jesus if ever we need him we need him now not by our power not by our mind but by my spirit saith the lord all earthly means and human instruments cannot take the place of the spirit that we need him the might of money is good but it don't take the place of the spirit the might of intellect is good but it don't take the place of the spirit the might of law the light of organization the mighty number is good but it don't take the place of the spirit we my god can't do nothing without him we can do nothing can you say glory there's no other name given whereby we must be saved other than the name of jesus i'm like the songwriter today without him i can't do nothing without him i would fail without him i would drift like a without a sale how many know we need a surge of the spirit the only thing that moved pharaoh it wasn't moses experience it wasn't moses experience it wasn't because of who moses was but it was because of god's spirit god's spirit worked wonders god's spirit what miracles and god god's people out it's gonna take the spirit we've gone to theologian seminary and come out cemeteries we need to go down on our knees and wallet before god and say like jacob of all i'm not gonna i'm leave gonna let you go until you bless me [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] we need god's spirit say yes [Music] look at the one next to you and tell them neighbor that's just what it's going to take we're living in a day now the yolks need to be broken it's going to take god's spirit to break the coke yolk to break the crack yolk the lsd yoke the age yolk the homosexual yoke it's going to take your spirit it's going to take your spirit what the church will need to do is come back over on the hallelujah side stop trying to act like secular world singers and get back over to zion's songs shout glory shall glory [Applause] we need [Music] we need another dip another touch we've revival or refreshing we need a search of the spirit shall glory hey another move another move let's get in the spirit let's get out of sale let's get in the spirit let's do like samsung and tell god one more time one more time i've been wrong you'll be right one more time restore to me the joy of your salvation one more time punch me lift me help me remind me one more time yes yes one more time one more time i'll serve you i live for you yes yes yes by my spirit by my spirit by my spirit you know what we need you need a new anointing a new anointing talent talent anointing [Music] i've got to have more than this lord start with me tell him yes tell him yes tell him yes [Music] you know what to do you know what's right do what you know is right do what god requires our time is about hour i got to pray for you sinner friend i got to pray for you i'm indebted i'm in debt this service has tailored me for you fella for you girl you haven't gone too far he loves you god by his spirit can snatch you as a brand from the burning and ring you out of the devil's hand i'ma pray for you that god would break the yoke i'ma pray for you that god will set you on high that he'll give you a new lease on life he can do it fella i'm gonna pray right now this is the breakthrough hour this is the breakthrough hour in the name of jesus the son of god god he haven't gone too far save him she haven't gone too far deliver her break that yoke set her free set her free deliver him cold turkey deliver her cold turkey in the name of jesus bring that back slider home say that that sitting preacher save that back split missionary bring home back to the fold work it out work it out regulate that hole fix it lord fix it lord give him the lift give him the pickup through the tube through the radio let it be i thank you for it that's it neighbor come on let's praise him let's give him the glory hey hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is the day of restoration god is going to restore it it's going to give it back to you and the glory of the latter is going to be greater than the fall this is a new day and i want to say something to you preacher i'll say something to you missionary don't say something to you evangelist god don't intend and he never did intend for you to be like the rest of you he called you with a holy calling your calling was divine but you got off and you got to hang it around carnal folks in the ministry and in the church and you lost it but tonight is restoration god said i'll give it back to you i'll give you back your favor your zeal your determination your perseverance i'll anoint you somebody help me praise him come on let's praise him cow come on let's praise him [Music] by my spirit by my spirit if it's done at all it's going to be done by his spirit hallelujah you here send a friend backslide are you here god want to fill you with salvation if you hung in first you shall be he want to fill you with salvation he want to fill you with restoration he wants to restore your life he wants to bring you back to him you've heard the message i've delivered my soul i'm not his western union boy tonight i'm his traffic policeman i'm directing traffic i'm standing in the ways letting you know that broad is the way that lead it to destruction and many of them will find it but narrow is the way that lead it to eternal life and few there'll be a find it and you hear i want you to step out don't listen to the devil don't pay the devil no mind get up and come on down meet me at this altar i challenge you meet me at this halter i challenge your center friend i challenge your backslider meet me here at this halter and watch and see if god won't do something in you to you with you and for you come on down come on down come on down [Music] [Applause] this is your time come on it's a better way it's a better way that's it it's a better way my brother it's a better way my sister you have been the guest of the monument of faith breakthrough hour featuring the ministry of evangelist r d hinton you can receive this dynamic message as well as many others on vhs video cassette as a gift from this ministry for an offering of 29.95 you may receive a 90-minute audio cassette of this entire service for an offering of five dollars for your video with an everlasting love i'll love you [Music] but with trials deep and sore god said i'll prove [Music] is nothing that can hurt said the high place and when satan and his reigns would tear thee under in all his cunning ways [Applause] insanity even in fine old age god [Music] [Laughter] [Music] god said i'll bring it down [Music] he promised to feed me when it's all over a mansion in the sky god [Music] [Applause] the high place god said i'll pray [Music] by the way [Music] [Laughter] [Music] he promised to feed you when it's all over a mansion in the sky god said [Music] the high place all those difficult things all those mountains in your life [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] he promised to feed you [Music] a mansion in the sky lord said i'll get you [Music] the high place [Music] high place [Music] hallelujah again we thank you for tuning in to this the breakthrough hour and we trust that your hearts will be blessed as you stay tuned will you give a call now for prayer our prayer line telephone number is area three one two nine five five one four nine nine our 800 number is 1-800-545-l-i-v-e we have trained counselors and they are standing by awaiting just your call so give a call now and you may also order copies of this service when we you order we ask or we ask you to please don't forget to make mention of the tape number and today's service is cassette or tape number 772 and the letter a we offer to you the 90-minute audio cassette for five dollars and the vhs video cassette for 24.95 please address your check of five dollars or your money order of 24.95 to the breakthrough ministry post office box 20608 chicago illinois 60620 please know that we're praying for you and also know that no matter what may be your crisis situation we urge you to turn it over to jesus and allow christ to be your answer [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] is there any word from the lord for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life by this shall all men know that ye are my disciples that you have loved one to another there is word from the lord and now our pastor and founder evangelist richard daniel hitler god bless you thank you thank you dr washington we're happy for all of you those of you that's kind enough to tune in to let you know that christ is still the answer you often hear me say i don't tire when i hear those words because they're words of great meaning in crisis like these for in these times of crisis we need christ for the crisis we need a message for this mess age amen and we have one who knows and have been this way before and what i love about jesus there's a lot of love about him but one of the things i love about him he didn't just stay up in heaven and try to tell us what it was all about and just send stuff down to tell us but he came into my world died for my sins on my cross and rose for my justification and coming back one glorious day to get me all he's coming back again like he said he would oh and i thank him for it i love him because he lives and i want everyone those of you in the temple just lift up those hands all over the place those of you that's bound incarcerated and those of you that's sick that's suffering i'm here to tell you that god don't have to go nowhere he's already there oh yeah he's already there i feel sorry for god that can't be but one place at one time in times like these i would want to serve any kind of god that's getting old and looking as bad as i am and teeth falling out and need my focused glasses call yourself serving a god a man with arthritis neuritis lungitis bursitis getting all wrinkled and aged plowing wrinkles in his face and and senility creeping in and you gonna call that a god i know you better go away from here that ain't the god i serve the god i serve is he that was living and was dead but behold he's alive forevermore and got the keys of hell and of death and all power is in his hands come on let's praise him everybody let's give him the glory hey hey i got a ride to bless him lord thank god [Music] he's everything it takes to fill my needs you may be seated [Music] as a force stated this is the breakthrough hour and those of you that love to be a part of the breakthrough 1000 this is a ministry this is a ministry and this ministry has a vision the only reason i won't do more is because of financial circumstances but i tell you if somebody would trust me with a few million dollars i'll let them know what you can do for god are you listening to me now don't turn your channel for me saying that and don't turn your doll i'm fixing to say something else now i'm through with that but i'm looking for those of you that would be a blessing those of you that would be a blessing of twenty dollars a month uh for the breakthrough one thousand i guess you said as long as we've been advertising the breakthrough 1000 that oh my we got money the more money we can handle no no no if we had to depend on what we get through mail to support this telecast as well as this broadcast we would have been off so long until we would have forgotten when we got on but god through his blessings is blessing us through the visible audience as well as the invisible artist of course on the other hand i wish to thank each and every one of you for your prayers i thank you for your prayers and your cooperation your phone calls of encouragement you have been so uncommonly kind and i'm thankful to the lord for that for even the letters that we're receiving abroad from africa and from england and i don't want to go on to start naming how they're calling i appreciate those that's writing in and even those that's walking up to me handing me checks and said i want you to take and put this on the people that's abroad in the third world that cannot afford tapes but listening to your message and would love a tape and you can be able to send them i think that's wonderful we've got to get this harvest in we've got to get these souls in and there's so much to be accomplished so those of you would love that would love to be a part of the breakthrough 1000 you can just write post office box 20608 chicago illinois 60620 and then those of you that are desirous of calling us those of you that are deservers of calling us they're telephone counselors that's waiting to receive your call and you can call 955 that's our local number our town number is 1-800-545 liam four 1-8054 live amen i minister life unto you not death but life so bear that in mind if you will we're soliciting your prayers we're praying because we're in dire need of larger quarters amen that we may just broaden our borders god have already spoken even the day we walked into this church and told us one more move and we're looking forward for that god's got the land god's got the space do you understand and that's the only thing i see now is for church folks to just get busy for god and settle your spirits of indifferences and and start speaking to one another and take down your pride and acting like you something because remember now the only distance from you and the po house is a job uh-huh and you're you're walking pretty today but a sickness can hit you and you the rest of what's left of your life oh yeah and sickness can do you so bad take it off your feet and that's when you find out how much your loved ones really love you mm-hmm so i'm here to tell you it's like the disciples you know when the day was wearing away and jesus said uh uh the days went away and you know first thing the disciples did said send them away but send the folk away jesus said i've got compassion on the multitude because they've been with me now three days and that's the spirit of society when you can't keep up send them away when they don't behave themselves send them away i mean if they sick and don't know anybody want to be bothered send them away if they can't don't have no sense send them away that's the attitude of people but jesus said i've got compassion bring him hither to me so god bless you and god keep you now those of you that have your bibles i want you to turn with me to the 24th division of psalms i'm going to begin reading at the seventh verse lift up your heads o ye gates and be lifted up ye everlasting doors and the king of glory shall come in someone wanted to know who is the king of glory the lord strong and mighty the lord mighty in battle lift up your heads all ye gates even lift them up ye everlasting doors and the king of glory shall come in who is the king of glory the lord of hosts he is the king of glory sila i want everybody to catch a neighbor by the hand and look them in the face regardless how you look look them in the face regardless how they look and tell them neighbor this is my prayer lord come in my temple come in my temple hallelujah now the message on tonight is somewhat the message is somewhat twofold because it has to do with the child of god as well as the sinner it is a prayer for the message to be a rounded message that no one will be left out now the scripture has plainly stated for those that are christians that are genuinely saved i don't mean just a member of the church i'm talking i'm talking about saying i'm talking about redeemed bloodborne have turned your life over to god i don't mean just in the church playing in a role in some auxiliary but those of you that have been born again i'm talking about and i got to say how i mean born of the spirit because see you've got movie stars using that term oh i was born again i always fight me so till i was born again well let me bring to you the type of birth i'm talking about i'm not talking about being born of the flesh but i'm talking about being born again of the spirit the scripture tells us in the book of corinthians what know ye not that your body is the temple of the holy ghost i mean he dwells in you when god saves an individual and feels in them with his spirit it's his purpose to dwell in your life now you're not looking at hitting you're looking at only the house that i live in but inside of me is a soul and a spirit god is a trinity and man is a trinity let us make man in our own image and after own likeness and god made man of the dust of the ground body blew into his nostrils the breath of life spirit and he became a living soul he became a living soul however the soul became the soul is there so that makes him triune which is three now when we say god made man in his own image it does not mean god looks like you because if god looked like some of us i would have a laugh trying to get a prayer through i can tell when god made man he had to have a sense of humor the way he made some of us but you're not made in the image of god that you look like him as far as your face is concerned but father son holy ghost body soul and spirit so within your body is a soul and a spirit and when you're born again you're born of that spirit that spirit in you is what's born again when the lord filled you with the holy ghost it's that spirit in you that he feels and your body becomes as a temple for them to dwell in i often tell them even when i was a child in school in in in sunday school they taught us in every child of god's life there's a cross and a throne either christ is on the throne reigning as lord of your life and self is on the cross being crucified dying daily to everything that's not like god or christ is on the cross being crucified or fresh in your life and self is on the throne reigning and then what make it so bad they stay occupied all the time and i'm afraid that we have taken christ off the throne of our lives and many times people use the term of putting jesus on the shelf you know what i mean put their religion on the shelf no no i'm talking about you taking christ from reigning as lord in your life for you see his name is lord jesus christ jesus means savior christ means anointed one and lord means ruler or master when you accept him as lord that means he has the power of attorney i mean he calls the shot you move at his beckon call you acknowledge him in every one of your ways and he will direct thy past so in every child of god there is a temple and god is reigning if you would allow him he's reigning as lord of your life but then sometimes we run into some problems with these temples and there are things that he wants to share with you in the temple number one in every temple you will find there is a throne there is a throne for the bible tells us in the sixth chapter of isaiah in the year king as i died i saw the lord sitting up on the throne high and lifted up now that's the lord's place in your life no need of saying lord what do you want what place do you want i'll tell you what he want he wants to be the lord of your life as a christian as a sinner if you're not saved he want to save you and become your savior and become your lord and eventually become the anointed one in your life so in your life in your life god wants to put himself on the throne and reign as lord of your life now the second thing that's in the temple you will find is the praises of god and there's a praises that go on in the temple and you'll find that in the second verse and the third verse of isaiah concerning the seraphims the seraphims there were seraphims in the temple when an individual get genuine saved praises ought to go on in your temple you know a religion that don't like to praise god carried back where you got it from you don't even have to tell them where you got it from just cat on back amen you got my permission to carry back where you got it from a religion that don't believe a christianity that don't believe in praising the lord if you notice everything that's got to do with the devil is loud not you talking about the secular world is loud everything is going on strong and loud and yet we're going to come in the temple and gonna worship god like we're sitting in a mortuary man somebody ought to throw a time bomb in there any time you think of what god has brought you from it ought to make you say hallelujah [Applause] i'm sick and tired of folks amen gonna knock on god's business when the bible tells us we're lively stones in the building huh amen and we got churches now the lights all dim you can't even find your seat if the lord was going to use you and the gift of the spirit to design you can't even see faces to tell them the lord wants to heal you coming all in a dark place but go to ball game you see lights everywhere go to football game you see lights everywhere huh but get in church we want to turn the lights down for worship turn them lights on what you talking about let there be light come on here oh hallelujah let there be a ton of lights on and let's let's see what god is doing let's see what god is doing to folks here let's see who those let's see those that will get happy here turn the lights on let there be light hallelujah so in the temple in your temple i'm talking about your temple now he wants to bring on the praises of god i don't believe no one can be really genuinely saved and love god i mean really love god without some praises at some time another you know listen anybody anybody should be grateful anybody should know how to say thanks you do something for a racketeer he ought to be able to say thank you if he gonna kill you the next minute he ought to be able to say thank you well that's all praises is is thanking god for where you brought me thank you because you kept me thank you because you never left me thank you because you blessed me to get grown that many of you you sitting here and you pray the prayer lord let me live till all my kids get grown and out the way where i know they say and your kids are grown and they out the way cause all of this died and you still here god has been good to you god has been good to you and i think you ought to thank him don't you i think you ought to give god the glory i think you ought to rise and shine and give god the glory in your temple no wonder our temples the inner man is all dead and dried up because we don't want to give him the glory but as you begin to give god the glory of where he brought you from and where he's going to carry you too now you will notice the third thing that took place in the temple is the fourth verse the bible tells us that the doorpost began to move at the voice of him that cried i tell you if god can get a doorpost to move what in the world is your problem the bible said in the temple the doorpost the dope posts begin to move a doorpost that don't have no salvation a doorpost that jesus didn't even die for a doorpost that's not going to rise up in the resurrection morning moved at the presence of god and then we think how the lord died for man think of how god died for man and came into your world and redeemed you from the curse of a broken law and here we don't want to move at his present i'm telling you in his presence his fullness of joy and there is motion in his presence i don't know listen i think i think everything dead ought to be buried in fact when a baby is still born they don't keep him around as much as you love him when he's still born they don't keep you or keep it around and i think bless your heart when that baby's born let's take a natural birth when that baby is born naturally it comes out kicking it comes out harlan it comes out it i mean everything in him is moving because he's alive baby first natural and then spiritual i can't help it when i was born again i wasn't still born when i was born again i come out hollering i come out kicking i come out crying what you talking about i come out speaking in tongues and howling talking about everybody ought to been there when he set me free yes i come out happy because i had been born again not of the corruptible seed but of the incorruptible seed and i think that when you're born for you see what makes the church what makes the people of god so lively is because when you're born again you can't help but come out shouting and rejoicing because you see we are descendants of christ and christ is the descendants of the tribe of judah and it is said that judah the fourth child that was born that is motherly leader had a praise fail oh glory to god she had a praise fail at his butt i don't know why she would get happy but she had a praise fail and just got happy when judah was born and so naturally when jacob got ready to die and begin to bless his sons he looked at simon and levi and told them say you all are nothing but instruments of cruelty you were partners in crime you dug down a wall you slew a man so i can't trust you with the subject then he looked over my guard at levi and said levi i can't trust you with it either but when he looked over judah hallelujah judah vowed as a lion's wept and thou art he whom the brethren shall praise and thy hand shall be in the neck of thy enemy judah imma give you the suctor which represents authority and power and the suffering shall not depart from judah nor the law giver from between his feet until shiloh come for unto him shall the gathering of the nations be so i mean i can't help it you know what i mean i come from that jubal tribe i come from that jubilistic tribe i can't help but throw my hands up i can't help but say glory to god i can't help but say thank you jesus and i mean i can't help but jump and shake and shout i can't help but shiver when i oh i can't help it it's all in my spirit it's all in my life it's all in me because hallelujah i'm from descendants of judah when i was born again i came from the tribe of judah and so i can't help but give him the praise i can't help but give him the glory and i'm here to tell you brother any time you begin to praise god the devil wants you to hush some of you sick folk if you just go to praising god you feel better you're just grunting and groaning and looking for sympathy talking about pole me won't nobody come to see me shut your face and just go to saying thank you jesus thank you for loaning me to life a little while longer it at the same time it could be worse thank god as well as it is as you begin to thank god man when the praises of the saints go up the glory of the lord comes down say amen when the praises of the saints go up the glory of the lord comes down and don't fool yourself the lord loves praises he wants his people to praise him even though he made the angels the cherubims and the sarah films and the archangels he created they were created holy and they were created for one specific purpose and that was to praise god but then men that god saved man that god redeemed them man that god dug up by the plowshares of the gospel and called out of a kingdom of darkness and transplanted them in the kingdom of god their son he's looking for praises out of you praise me because my son came and died on your cross and rose for your justification praise him because he's coming back again praise him because the grave couldn't hold him or thank you jesus so you will find bless your heart and in every individual's life when you're born again there's supposed to be some movement i don't want no dope moving for me and i don't want no rocks to take my place and he said if these hold their peace the rocks will cry out i don't want no rocks testifying for me i don't want no rocks i'm preaching for me and testifying and telling folks what the lord have done for me and just give me a chance i'll tell it sing it shout it everywhere god bless his name then the fourth thing that took place to say he's all-knowing and he was unlimited in knowledge and he knows the hair on your head and his eyes are on the sparrow and nothing goes on without him knowing because he's up ignition and then he's on the them that is to say he's everywhere present at the same time what david said where can i go in the 109 39 psalm where can i flee from your presence if i make my bed in hell you there if i take the wings of the morning and fly to the uttermost parts of the earth behold you are there i mean your presence is everywhere but then you have i'm not present of omniscient then you have omnipotent which means all powerful of god the almighty and the jehovah the self-existing one we serve a god that's so powerful there's nothing too hard for him we serve a god that's so powerful he can do anything and everything we serve a god that's so powerful till nothing is impossible with god but wait a minute you
Channel: VLyles
Views: 5,377
Rating: 4.869565 out of 5
Id: M0YYwe964ME
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Length: 174min 53sec (10493 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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