⏮ Apostle R.D. Henton Preaching | The Rewind Revival | #OldSchoolCHURCH

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[Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] this one [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] are you [Music] [Applause] is [Music] is there any word from the lord i will bless the lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth my soul shall make its most in the lord the humble shall heal thereof and be glad oh magnify the lord with me and let us exalt his name together there is word from the lord and our pastor and founder apostle dr richard daniel hinton thank you again dr one well praise god he is the answer and that's why because he's the answer i'm going to wait on him waiting on him is not because god is late for the old proverb said he that waiteth on god loses no time sometimes the weight that we think is for for god is him waiting till you get to a certain place of faith waiting until you trust him for what he said he will do and i'm glad they that wait on him he'll renew your strength and anything you're waiting on you're depending on uh-huh and he says if you wait on me i'll renew i'll change if you depend on me wait don't just means that he's late but if you depend on me i'll renew your strength and you'll mount up with wings of eagles and you'll run and not be weary and walk and not faint that's why you get the word waiter and waitress from you know because wait waiter and waitress means to serve it don't mean because you're waiting on god that you're sitting somewhere idle but you're depending on him while you're serving in the way hallelujah and that's the thing that caused your strength to be renewed and enable you to mount up with wings of eagles run and not be weary and walk and not faint now i don't want nobody to do this but only those that god's been good to you or glory to god i don't want nobody to do this but only those that's in love with god hallelujah that's in relationship and in fellowship with god i want you to put up those hands and give him a holy praise yay glory bless him wonderful king eternal wonderful son of god oh i feel god in here he's in the room he's in the room he's in the house [Applause] oh wow bless him bless him thank god bless the lord bless the lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah he's in the camp tonight thank you jesus somebody's gonna get over tonight somebody's gonna get over oh i feel it in my spirit i feel it burning on the main arches of my heart yeah hey if you need this place you better come on here tonight let me lay my hands on you yay from 7 to 8 on live broadcast glory he's in the house we love you tonight we love you tonight we love you tonight glory to god thank god thank god thank god where you can be seated if you can sometimes it gets you where you can't sit down [Music] grow it up god bless his holy name glory to god we're certainly grateful to the god of our salvation what he's doing right now going on in praising get in the glory [Music] wow [Music] oh [Music] do you like jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's so wonderful bless his glorious high and holy name thank god nothing like the spirit of god nothing like the anointing of god thank god [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] and [Music] let's praise him everybody [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] yes [Music] praise god for this service would have expired we're going to have you do do that we don't want this service to end without that happening on tonight amen those of you that have your bibles isaiah the 50th chapter and the seventh verse those of you that's near this place those of you that's near this place amen i want you to turn your feet in this direction let me lay my hands on you isaiah the 50th chapter the seventh verse you'll find these words for the lord god will help me therefore shall i not be confounded therefore i have set my face like a flint and i know that i shall not be ashamed let me read that again for the lord god will help me therefore shall i not be confounded therefore i've set my face like a flint and i know that i shall not be ashamed catch your neighbor by the hand look them in the face this message is not for just only you in here but those that's listening out in the blue ether and i want you to repeat after me that's listening to me out there in radio land i want you to repeat after me these words don't give up on god that's what the devil wants you to do don't give up if you have to give up on anybody but don't give up on god what god has promised he's willing and able and god enough and big enough and bad enough to fulfill what he says when you dealing with god you're dealing with the top of the line and i don't care how much you see many times god has promised in his word and god has sometimes even promised by giving you a rhema word as to what he's going to do and what's going to come to pass now maybe he didn't put a time limit on it and you've been waiting and the devil's got you at the place to just forget it and give up because while you're waiting the devil is trying everything about you he's trying your patience he's trying your money he's trying you with tithe he's trying you in your body and look like everything is happening and look like the very thing that god says it seems to be such in a distance but i came to tell you don't you give up on god because what god has promised he's willing and able to perform it now we're going to dissect this first here the seventh verse but i'm grateful when he said uh don't give up on him and sometimes giving up don't just mean backsliding it just means well i'll just give up maybe the lord didn't tell me that have you ever been there maybe i was off in space maybe the lord didn't tell me or maybe the lord didn't tell sister coco what she said the lord told her because everything is working to the contrary but i just came to tell you don't you give up on god some of you you know the lord called you to preach and look like the very time the lord called you you've been waiting for doors to open and the few little doors that was opened the devil had closed in your face but i came to tell you i've been there don't you give up on god for the scripture says i'ma help you thank god and i believe that help is the help that we all need and i'm glad that the help that we need is from god i'll lift up mine eyes into the heels from whence coming my health so i'm here to tell you there's help in the camp tonight there's help in the spirit of god on tonight may you be encouraged for the lord god will help me what does that mean what does help mean in hebrew help means for the lord will encourage me how many know you can stand some encouragement oh i know you feel like you're on the mountain but you can stand encouragement on the mountain and the word that helped means in hebrew encouraged me the word help means strengthen me the lord will confirm me i mean tonight he want to give you confirmation as to what he said already you see the lord don't have to prove nothing to nobody else all he wants you to do is believe his word and trust his grace and cast on him you'll every care number four the word help means the lord will aid me oh he know how to come to your aid for the lord number five will cure me i don't care what you're sick of god is able to cure you for you don't you give up on god because the pain is there don't give up on god because you've been fighting and trying to rebuke that ancestral condition that ran in the family the fact remain the lord will cure me he's still the bomb in gilead and he's still the physician it's not enough to have a bomb in gilead the healing ointment but you got to have the physician to apply it but i'm here to tell you jesus the great physician that is here tonight to apply the condition to your body the word hebrew the word help in hebrew means fortify for the lord will fortify me the lord will prepare me the lord will amend me the lord will deliver me the lord will preserve me now the word help in hebrew means preserve and it was david that said preserve me o lord for envy do i put my trust now some things have been canned some things have been pickled and some things have been preserved david didn't ask god to can him neither did he ask god to pickle him but he said preserve me oh lord for envy do i put my trust some of y'all remember how you used to make preserves you know what i mean and you'd put that you put that wax at the top and then when you got ready to tie it down you screw that lid real tight and it had like a rubber around it to give it air and all those preserves they were there if need be to shine or come and i'm here to tell you if you know how to make preserves and know how to preserve those preserves what makes you think god don't know how to preserve you or when everything around you is spoiling god knows how to preserve you am i right uh-huh not only that but the word help in hebrew means rescue me the lord shall rescue me number 12 the lord shall surround me the lord shall protect me the lord shall loose me the lord shall free me the lord shall prosper me and he shall assure me it means to give help it means to conquer it means to give welfare imma give you welfare i didn't say i'll put you on the welfare but i'll give you welfare god's got a welfare that's not even on the welfare he's got a welfare that'll take you off of that welfare and put you on his way of fail the lord shall make strong god comes to strengthen you you stop looking at god from a negative standpoint don't throw god in insult god for you to put him in the category of man because god is not a man that he should lie or the son of man that he should repent has he not said it shall he not do it hath he not spoken it and shall he not make it good the lord shall give me victory and the lord shall make me safe hallelujah so when he begin with then in the verse saying the lord shall help me and there the next phase of the verse says therefore shall i not be confounded because the lord is going to do all 20 of these things for me then i'm not going to sit up here and let the devil make me confounded for confined means confused and you know when the devil can confuse you he can accomplish a lot of things he's the author of confusion and anytime you confuse rest assured it's not god because god is not the author of confusion and the reason why the devil wants to get you confused because when you confuse you get all mixed up or you're hearing men and you cannot hear god clearly so the lord said listen don't don't worry i'm not going to mix you up i'm not going to confuse you the word confused means perplexed when you get perplexed and we're living in the day of perplexity where people have become perplexed and sometimes the devil will make you feel perplexed for the like of an answer but the lord shall not cause you to be perplexed the word perplex means mixed up and you know you gotta you've got a city full of mixed up folks or you got sometimes you got mixed up folks in the church some of them even shouting don't even know what they're shouting about some folks just come to church don't even know the scripture got a big bible big enough to sit on the pulpit and still don't know how to unfold it i don't know the analysis of the word but if you walk with god god said i'm not going to let you become mixed up the word confound means to overwhelm it means to defeat and this is the purpose of the devil is trying to defeat you if he can defeat you in your spirit defeat you he'll let you come to church and still get defeated you can do well and the devil will cause you to become weary that's why the bible said let us not become weary in well doing see you think you only become weary when you do endeavor men you can be doing things pertaining to christ and the devil can cause you to become weary but god said let us not be weary in well doing you'll reap if you think not and that's god's guarantee he's promised you if you don't cave in if you don't lose heart if you don't turn coward you'll reap if you faint not can you say man in other words confound means to ruin and it's something about the devil if he can't run yet he'll try to ruin you y'all know that don't you uh if he can't run you he'll ruin you but sometimes you just gotta look at the devil and tell him devil you run your heels over but let me run god's business say amen he and it means to be discomfort and this is what the devil want to do so the lord will help me therefore shall i not be confounded number three therefore i've set my face like a flint i think god has done enough for you that's listened to me out there over the ether have done enough for you to set your face like a flint well rather hidden how do you do that that's why it's always good to keep your old bible around even if you don't bring it to church bring that word bible somewhere keep it keep it where you can reach for it because in that old bible you've got marks all in it where you put on the corner of the right corner hallelujah and over on the left corner at the bottom a glory to god and then there's another scripture that you put a check there when he woke you up in the wee small hours of the morning and gave you a scripture there and look like that scripture was the thing that brought you through and sometimes he'll give you a scripture and allow that scripture to hold you up for months and years one of the three scriptures he gave me as a young preacher preaching over the country and that was the lord shall perfect those things concerning me and i will go in the strength of the lord god and the steps of a good man are ordered of the lord and he delighteth in his way though he fall he shall not utterly be cast down for the lord will uphold him with his hand those three scriptures i traveled over the length and breath of the land that have became my strength i will go in the strength of the lord god that some of you the reason why the devil is wearing you down you've been trying to make it in your strength but you've got to go in the strength of the lord god and as you go in the strength of the lord god you've got to trust him and take his strength because he says if you wait on me didn't he say i'll renew your strength i'll take this old weak strength from you and give you my strength and tonight god wants to renew your strength are you hearing me then he says number three i've set my face as a flint with all god has done for you and with god what god has promised for you you ought to start setting your face as a flint i mean in the direction of your destiny you haven't got no business looking nowhere else but looking toward what god has said to you for the bible says even jesus set his face to go to jerusalem even the apostle paul set his face to go to jerusalem they told him paul you bet not go you better not go my daughter's just prophesied the four daughters of philip and they rolled in the floor demonstrating they picked up your mantle and wrapped themselves up the medal and began to roll in the floor demonstrating and said the man that wear this cloak bonds in affliction is waiting for him but paul said listen i now i go bound in the spirit unto jerusalem not knowing the evils that befall me there say bonds and afflictions abideth me but none of these things move me neither count i am i left like the unto myself but that i may finish my course with joy and the ministry church i received to the lord to testify the gospel of the grace of god they say well paul our prayers is going with you but do you really feel yours that you should go he said i'm not just willing to go to be bound and afflicted but i'm willing to give my life and hallelujah they waved at him they bid him goodbye when he got to jerusalem they beat him and you would think uh-huh they tried to tell you going there trying to be yeah you're hard-headed man after they had beat him he stood on the steps and said sirs let me speak hallelujah you know you got some folks that's increased to them the devil could defeat him if he just could stop him from talking some of you the reasons why he haven't defeated you no more than he had you just didn't stop talking you told everybody how good god was to you you told him how much of a savior he is and the devil kept telling you shut up and you wouldn't stop you kept telling folks he's away makeup he's a bridge over troubled water he's everything it takes to feel your need when lights go out and sprint clouds get thin friends move out he steps right in you told everybody he's a friend that's sticking closer than a brother you've been telling that and the devil's trying to get you to shut your mouth because he know if he can get you to shut your mouth he can get you defeated but you talk you even talk in your sleep that's why the devil don't mess with some of you because you don't know how to stop talking of the goodness of god you don't know how to stop praising god when you turn over on your left side it's glory to god when you turn over in your right side it's glory to jesus the devil can't get in edgewise are you hearing me these are the days you've got to set your face as a flint and know what god has done for you can't nobody tell it like you can tell it because it was you that god did it for am i right so he said i've set my face as a flint and jesus going to jerusalem he set his face up even though he was going there for the last time to be crucified he was willing to go oh bless his name and these are the days as people of god you must set your face as a flint now it's something about a flint a flint is a hard stone it's a hard sharp stone and when you hit it against the barracks or hit it against iron do nothing spit but fire that man's face was set as a flint and that's what you've got to do and you've got to set your face and purpose in your heart heaven is my destination i'm here to tell you his will is my destination and as soon as god live my destiny is my destination when the devil sees that he knows when you're determined he knows when you mean what you say oh yes he does and you know this tell me years ago when you get that horse running i heard my father in the gospel said that many times and after they've worked in the field all week the father would give them the access to the horse and they would take the horse to town and they would run that horse 20 miles to town and 25 miles back river and he would get on that horse and ride that horse hole but they said whatever you do the father would say don't let him set his neck because if you set his neck he's gonna run away you got to hold the line you've got to hold the range because once that dawson set his neck and stretch his nose ain't a thing you can do well i'm here to tell you the devil's been trying to hold me down but i set my neck he's been trying to tell me whoa but i just can't stop him he's been telling me gee and tearing me to heart but i've set my face hallelujah he's trying to make you go left he's trying to make you go right but i set my face as a flint can you say glory glory and because you've set your face as a flint you won't be ashamed indeed you won't be put to shame the devil's been trying to make you ashamed because the high cost of living he's been trying to make you ashamed because of foreclosure he tried to make you ashamed because of lawsuits he tried to make you ashamed because of garnishment he tried to make you ashamed because of bankruptcy he tried to make you ashamed because of he fixed your notice he tried to make you ashamed from layoffs he tried to make you ashamed from false retirement but ahead ahead he said thou shall not be put to shame i know you got heavy bills but god said i'm not going to let you be put to shame somehow some way he's going to work it out do you believe it he's going to work it out tonight set your face as a flint don't lose your eyes on the prize keep your eyes on the show post in glory keep your eyes on the promise keep your eyes on the rhema word from the lord keep your eyes on the commission when he called you with a holy call out of darkness over into holiness up on the king's highway keep your eyes on the prize and god said you'll never be put to shame i won't let you be put to shame they'll even laugh at you but i won't let you feel embarrassed they'll laugh at you but i won't put you to shame the reason why because i heard it the bible said the lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptation the lord knows how to turn this thing around the lord knows how to fix this problem the lord knows how yes he does it's all in his hands did you hear what i said it's in his hands he'll fix it let me hear you say fix it he'll fix it he'll fix it for you you may not see him standing there but i came to tell you he was there all the time yeah oh glory to god he will deliver from every evil work but that's not all he's going to preserve me unto his heavenly kingdom i'm a candidate for the heavenly kingdom and i came to tell you i've been sealed to the day of redemption and ten thousand snares may entangle my feet but neither one will hold me fast if i know god he's still a windmaker he's still a mountain mover he's still a demon chaser he's still a devil buster did you help me believe god don't give up on god yes yes yes you're fighting internal foes you're fighting external foes you're fighting infernal foes infernal foes is the characteristics of hair external folks are the fightings external the fightings without but internal are the fightings existing within you believe in god you're saying in your spirit it's going to be all right and the devil in your body is saying you're lying the devil is talking to you in your body but your spirit is saying all is well all is well all is well it will be well faith is talking hang in there faith is telling you everything is going to be all right can you believe him can you trust him can you rely on him can you hang your hopes on him tell that devil give me your best shot but if i know god the same god that brought you this far the same god that drew you out in many waters that reached out his hand for you and brought you from the deep pitch of degradation from the guttermost to the animals he will he will he will see me through shout yes jump to your feet and tell yourself i refuse to refuse to let this thing get the best of me look at your neighbor and tell them neighbor whatever you do don't give up on god don't give up the darkest hour is just before dawn every dark cloud have a silver lining help is on its way everything is going to be all right somehow some ways things are going to work out [Music] what it's gonna work out throw your arms around your neighbor tell a neighbor don't cry over this episode no more i heard from heaven there's a lame word it's gonna work out the heart of your situation is in god's hand and he'll turn the king's heart he'll turn the [Applause] lift up your hands and praise it [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] the lord know them that are here devil you're messing with god's child hey [Applause] get you get get get get your hands off of it get get get your hands off of them you hear this he bought you he paid the price you belong to him [Music] wow [Music] i'm here to help help is in here [Music] wow [Music] help is in here oh jesus oh jesus jesus [Music] [Music] yay [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] wait a minute look at the one next to you and tell them neighbor i shall not die not now but live to declare god's words prophecy haven't been fulfilled in my life i couldn't die now even if i wanted to [Music] i shall not i shall not [Applause] i shall not die but live live i command you to live i command you to live i command you to be healed to be free to be delivered to be happy to have joy full of praises i command you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i feel god in this place wow [Music] [Music] ugh [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] wait a minute the lord just spoke he said tell everybody in the artist everybody just stand on your feet lift your hands and jump up and down and just say free free free free free free free free freedom free free free free freedom free free free free [Music] freedom [Music] oh [Music] hey freedom [Music] free [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so freedom [Applause] [Music] freedom [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh [Music] you know what i know what you're thinking you think this is just a whole sunday now sunday night shout out sunday night dance man this is the freedom dance [Applause] oh something's falling off something's turning you a loose shackles are falling feathers are falling stocks and bonds are falling yeah yes i've been waiting on this shop i've been waiting on this shop the freedom shop it's been a long time coming but here the lord is here to help you [Music] [Applause] [Music] shout that tumor off of you shot that haploid pusher down [Applause] [Music] shout them migraine headaches away [Music] shake yourself [Music] hey [Music] [Music] great [Music] is man this is a shot of faith [Music] shout them habits off of you but mix it with faith [Music] so [Music] i'm free [Applause] i'm free [Music] i'm free i'm free [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] [Applause] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] nice [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] they sing the song we shall overcome someday and march it no y'all ain't saying that thank god you rejoicing over what god has done the freedom that has already took place somebody got free from tobacco tonight you ain't gonna smoke no more cigarettes amen and that's been the plague that the devil had plagued you with drink no smoke no more amen and i pray if you try to do it and make you sick as a dog hallelujah this is the freedom this is the freedom shout out thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus come and dine the master's calling come and dine you may feast at jesus table all the time [Applause] he who fed the multitude turned the waters [Music] now [Music] [Music] you ain't clapped like that this year [Music] nice [Music] son i want you to shout for papa when i was young like you i shouted but shout for papa come on baby shot hey guys wow [Applause] oh oh so what i tell you look at this [Music] huh [Music] that's it wow oh well the holy ghost is in this place [Music] wow so so [Music] oh i'll shout with you [Applause] oh so [Music] hi [Music] whew [Music] [Music] [Music] this year the holy ghost
Channel: YLC TV
Views: 10,098
Rating: 4.8391962 out of 5
Keywords: ylc, young leaders conference, elder mark moore, praise break, the clark sisters, bishop lambert gates, bishop noel jones, pentecostal, cogic, preaching, whooping, apostolic church, kierra sheard, bishop jakes, praise and worship, spirit and truth, yoli, mark moore jr, bishop brandon jacobs, pastor ypj, holiness, singles, praise breaks, Bishop Ellis, Rd henton, Willie james campbell, Clay evans, Whooping, Mother Poole
Id: z1PkGoWtz6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 14sec (3974 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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