Dr. Quick's Weekly Bible Study 9/29/21

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good evening first baptist we're excited to be here at our first bible study excuse me we're learning i'm learning as you know i believe god is not interested in our perfection but in the process so i'm so excited you're here with us tonight and we're looking forward to having an amazing experience over the next couple of years we're going to explore the bible i pray in a way that you may have never looked at it before that we're going to have conversation sometimes arguments a lot of questions and i want to just give you a sort of insight into how i believe this process should go before we hop too deeply into it as a teacher it's my belief that i have to teach myself out of a job i want to teach you how to read the bible for yourself there's nothing more dangerous than completely relying on someone else to interpret to give to read the word that god made especially for you that through the holy spirit you can get insight into the word that no one else can and so as we begin this journey together i just want to tell you how excited i am to be with you how humbled i am that you would take the time to allow me into your home and how privileged i am that we're taking this journey together we're going to start on a unique subject tonight and over the next couple of weeks we'll explore this subject and then we'll move to new subjects i'm going to look for your insight i'm going to look for your questions your input i'm going to wonder what you want to know about the bible and there'll be times when we focus on a book and there'll be times where we focus on our idea and there'll be times where we read a book together and use it as our god so as you come in and you join me and and we come together i just want to invite you to be open to the possibilities just be open to the idea that this very book that you've been reading sometimes all your life that you've read it over and over again you can quote it be open to the idea together we might learn something new that together god will give us an insight that you've never seen before challenge you in a way you've never been challenged before hold you accountable in a way you've never been held accountable so as we come in i want to thank reverend henderson for helping to make sure this goes off tonight and our brother michael has also set it up so that we can do this together we're going to do this together and we're going to seek god together so join me now in a word of prayer and then let's get into it god our father and our mother maker of heaven and earth creator sustainer provider giver bridge over troubled waters we thank you for this grand and unique opportunity to come together and study your word to seek you in ways we've never sought you before to be caressed by you held by you we give you the glory and the honor now allow what happens here to be transformative that someone may come into this space and see themselves differently empty me so that i may give something that comes directly from you and we will give you the glory in the other amen thing i want to do in welcoming you is to invite you to uh do something for me i want an opportunity to see who you are and where you are so if you could take a picture of yourself take a selfie take a picture of the room you're in and then post it instagram twitter facebook i want the world to know that we're studying together my information is there you can tag me come on with me we're about to set the world ablaze with how we engage the word and i am so pleased that it ain't just about me it's about us and over the next year or so you're going to hear more about this notion that i've developed that we are first baptist so just let me know who you are where you are let me know what you're doing where you at are you making dinner are you eating dinner while we're studying if so i'm a little jealous but i'm not going to hate on you so it's up there i'm also going to be trying to on occasion read some of your comments answer some of your questions to try to make it as interactive as possible we're still learning this is our first night it'll get better as we go over we're going to look at expanding into other platforms so let's get ready to get started tonight i really want to start us with future forward thinking and i want to explore how the bible helps us to make plans for our tomorrow as a church we're about to engage in strategic planning we're going to develop a one three and five year plan for first baptist but in the process i'm challenging you and your families to make a strategic plan for yourself how about your family have a one three five year plan how about you as an individual make your own plan and don't get me wrong this isn't just strategic planning this is spiritually based seeking of god's will for your future and over the next couple of weeks i want to walk with you to explore how i believe god gives us insight to walk with god question you ever wake up and feel like the same thing is going on in the same way at the same time with the same people you ever get frustrated that you're not where you want to be or thought you would be at this point in your life are you ever interested in what's next and what if i told you that god is not interested in your survival that god doesn't just want us to survive god is constantly and intensely interested in us thriving and too many of us are just surviving when god wants us to thrive and how do we do that well we need a plan and the scripture is the roadmap to get there so tonight i want us to start on working on the master's plan working on the master's plan for our life what is god's plan for your future how do you discern it and how do you get there how do you lead your children through it how do you walk through it with your marriage if you're single how do you even find your boo in it we're working on the master's plan ready to buy a house but your credit ain't right you're looking for a new job but you don't know exactly what you want to do next are you a caretaker for somebody and you're not sure if this is what your future holds for the rest of your life what's god got for you next that's what i want to spend a couple of works weeks on so if you're going to tweet something out or tell somebody tell them i'm working on the master's plan i'm working on what god has for me because i want to challenge you that where you are is not where god wants you to stay that god finds us and i'm grateful god didn't leave me where god found me and over and over again god has to search me out because sometimes i get a little lost and i don't know about you you may never get lost but sometimes stuff takes my attention and i start chasing after things that not meant for me i go start going down roads i'm not supposed to go down and god's got to gently sometimes not so gently push me back on task in plan so let's hop into it the scripture we're starting with tonight coming out of proverbs proverbs chapter 3 verses three verses five through seven is where we're gonna start tonight proverbs chapter three verses five through seven it says trust in the lord with all your heart and do not rely on your own insight y'all know this first but let's see if you kept reading in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make straight your past now here's where it becomes trouble do not be wise in your own eyes fear the lord and turn away from evil there are three pillars that i think the scripture's giving us trust passion and worship those are three things that are going to be critical as we start planning trust passion and worship a couple of things i want you to know when you read the bible never read one verse and not read what's immediately before it and after it that's called context also know who's writing the text and whom the text is being written to proverbs is notably known to be written by solomon now the interesting thing is before solomon writes this the scripture says that he gathers all the people in the community all the leaders he says hey y'all i got something that i'm trying to figure out let's go up to the temple we're going to fast we're going to worship we're trying to figure out what god has for us and instead of solomon asking for stuff he asked for wisdom i'm clear that our text today is guiding us down a path not of being intelligent not of being well educated those are important don't get it twisted i am here because i put more than 20 years of intense study of scripture of theology of ethics to work the scripture says study and show yourself approved but grandma used to say ain't nothing worse than a wise fool and so as we begin to read the text there are certain things that i will explain to you certain words that i will give to you hermeneutics and i'll write out hermeneutics in future studies it is the practice and study of how one reads and understands language as i teach you i am going to be teaching this study as what they call a liberationist theologian i believe god has called all of us to be free and i believe one of god's deep goals is our freedom i believe that the church should be fighting for our freedom and not just our social political freedom not just our economic freedom but god wants our emotional psychological and health freedom but we have to walk with god we can't just sit on our sofa and wait for the job to fall we just can't sit at home and wait for that loved one to come into our life god requires that we walk with god how do we do there how do we do that lean not to your own understanding so let's look at the scripture and and i just want to point a couple of things out to you the first is that word trust and as we go to the next slide we'll we'll see verse 5 says trust in the lord with all your heart and do not rely on your own insight that word trust in the hebrew is transliterated on your screen the first symbols you see is the hebrew writing of that word that's what the author made it to look like when he wrote it to begin with the second word is what we call the transliteration that's taking the hebrew and putting it into english letters and then the third of course is how we read it trust now talk literally breaks down to its most base form to being careless to being without worry when you trust in god you can almost walk in a certain careless movement because you know god got it covered when you when you trust god you're able to take your hands off of it and allow god to do with it what god wants to do and that's if we keep it at 100 i have a hard time with that i mean if we if we're going to be honest i say i trust god and i do i say i'm giving it to god and i try but every now and then i try to pick it up because god ain't doing with it what i want god to do with it means that i am completely focused and trusting that god can do exceeding abundant above and beyond anything i can and yet if i'm honest there are times where god ain't moving at my pace in my direction with what i want god to do and i try to snatch it back are any of you honest enough to say you trust god but then you don't anybody ever get into a relationship because you were blaming it on god and you realized god had nothing to do with it you you out of desperation out of frustration you trust god but then you try to control it on your own as a parent it's real difficult you say you trust god with your kids and yet there's this sense in which it's all about you now how do we know how do we know we're not trusting god because it says with your heart and when your heart is filled with worry and doubt there's no room for all that worry and doubt and talk at the same time because trust involves a certain i ain't worried about it you know if you're from the south you know and somebody gets on your nerves and you say did you hear what he said and she says i ain't studying him that means i got no cares about that individual patak says that there's something about who god is for me in me with me that allows me to operate with a certain careless way of motion now when i say the word careless i'm not saying without concern without detail and diligence i'm saying without worry stress or confusion i know exactly who god is exactly god's capabilities and i've placed my emotional senses in god's hands so let's go back and look at it again verse 5 says trust botox in the lord with all your heart that means your emotions do not rely on your own insights that means your mind will play tricks on you every now and then every now and then your mind will tell you something you know ain't right and then secondly in all your ways acknowledge him now that's the hardest part let's let's just keep it real it says in all your ways acknowledge god are you able to acknowledge god in everything you do everything you say you are everywhere you go everybody you meet are all those they're are there those moments where you believe that this has nothing to do with god this is about my job god ain't got nothing to do with this acknowledging god is is simply here a way of saying that in everything i do everything i am everywhere i go i see the god in that situation i even see the god in my crises i i'm learning how to drive through new jersey streets and i've learned what jug handles are and all that kind of stuff i was on my way somewhere the other day and traffic came to a complete standstill i was in traffic just sitting in the same space for me like 10-15 minutes i was heated anybody ever had that experience i was heated i had planned where i was supposed to go what time i was supposed to be here i am my time is being wasted and you know how we are as christians i begin to say the devil is busy look at the devil trying to swim and i was heated and as traffic slowly began to itch off and i slowly began to make my way there were four cars on the side of the road and one was totally flipped over and then i began to try to repent because i realized had i been 20 minutes earlier that might have been my call on the side of the road i may have been involved in that accident if i were 20 minutes earlier i began to see that my delay wasn't the same thing as denial you ever do that you ever confuse god's delay with a denial that sometimes god slows you down holds you back keeps you away from something because god knows that if i let you go at your pace if i let you trust yourself and trust your sense of timing that you're going to get screwed up and as i drove by i prayed in my heart for the people in the accident but i thank god that god slowed me down i began to see that god was at work by keeping me 20 minutes later and now as i get older and i grow spiritually i am constantly trying to find god and acknowledge god in everything because if i can acknowledge god in everything i can follow god through anything and so i'm learning not to confuse delay with denial and that might be something somebody needs to tweet or instagram or snapchat whatever you need to do you all stop getting worried because it ain't coming when you want it to come how you want it to come when you wanted to come because it doesn't look like you wanted it to look like it doesn't dress like you wanted to dress sometimes the very thing you need comes in a form you didn't know you needed in you got this preconceived contrast concept i want him to be 6'5 and 240 and yes he may be 6'5 and 240 and unemployed that sometimes what god brings us is so beautifully deceptive because god knows that if it looked like we wanted to look and act like we wanted to act it wouldn't really meet our needs anybody ever get what you thought you wanted and after you got it you said this ain't nothing like i thought it would be lean not to your own understandings trust god with your whole heart the scripture is trying to tell us that we'll never know exactly where we're supposed to go if we think we're in charge a talk means that if we want a state of peace then we've got to ground everything our money our love relationships our parenting everything has to be placed in god's hands or with our own hands we're going to mess it up a talk is i can trust god knows more than i know can do more than i can do that god will bring the right elements into my life and allow me to live fully and boldly now the last part of this opening verse that i want to explore with you as we look at the scripture is it says do not be wise in your own eyes fear the lord and turn away from evil do not be wise in your own eyes fear the lord and turn away from you now this is important because i want you to understand something about this journey that i think we're about to go on no matter how much we study how much how much we know there's still more for us to learn and there's a phrase that i find was very liberating to me it helped change my life for one solid year i had the same prayer it was a simple prayer it didn't take me but 20 seconds to pray it and i prayed it every day i didn't have anything i was unemployed i had not graduated from school all my friends seemed to be passing me by at this point in my life i felt a little bit like a failure and god put this on my heart and i prayed it every day for a year and it was this god make me to be humble every single day for 365 days probably a little more i prayed the same prayer god make me to be humble and and and when i look back at it now it seems crazy i didn't have anything my lights were getting cut off every now and then the sheriff was putting a note on my door saying you got 30 days to pay your rent i was at one of the lowest points in my life i was young and i couldn't figure it out i was seeking seeking it in all the wrong places sometimes in all the wrong people lord help me to put be humble and god put that prayer on my heart because god wanted me to be ready when it came i don't know what you're planning for i don't know what you're gathering your family for i don't know what you and your spouse want i don't know what you want for your children i don't know what you want for your parents i don't know what you're going to put in your plan as we go through the next several weeks but whatever you put in your plan my request is that you start with a prayer of humility because sometimes god will delay your blessing because god knows you're not ready to handle it god knew that if god gave me 5 million dollars 10 years ago i'd be broke right now because i was not ready to handle it god knows that you are asking for that perfect spouse but god knows you're not ready to be married there are some things that god does to humble us in order to prepare us for the bounties that god wants to bring us so here's a phrase that i keep in my heart and my mind all the time because it helps me to walk through life and not allow life to drag me through it humility can never be humiliated i call that my quickism humility can never be humility humiliated no matter what you lose no matter how you fail no matter who talks about you as long as you walk in humility and know that god will make the flash to be first and the first to be last as long as you know god will make the lender and the borrower transformed places as long as you know that where you are is not where god has for you to stay and you can walk in the humility that if i am faithful over a little bit god will trust me with much you won't lose focus in those moments of deprivation humility can never be humiliated and as long as you walk in that the very people who laughed at you may one day be working for you because god seeks and elevates the humble god loves the underdog look at who jesus lifts up that widow with the might jesus loved people who weren't supposed to be there that woman at the well jesus took humble people and made them into apostles and disciples fishermen shepherds and if if jesus if our god can use them imagine what that god can do for you with your college educated self imagine what god can do for you with that job you already have and that car you already driving and those gifts you already have but but if you begin to elevate them above your purpose and above the god who gave you that purpose then god will withhold provision until you are humble enough not to throw it in other people's face not to be defined strictly by it but to walk in it and thank god through every step if it had not been for the lord who was on my side i'd have been on the side of that road god delayed me and in humility i began to recognize that if i am a good steward over the little i have right now just how much more god can do for me and oh have i failed y'all don't understand how many times i've had to start over or how many mistakes i've made or how much i don't know and how i've learned to fail beautifully because i don't always take myself that seriously because humility allows me to see the lessons and humility gives me access to the holiness that god has placed inside of me because i recognize that what god has for me ain't about my education it helps that what god has for me ain't about where i live that'd be good too but what god has for me is so much bigger than what i can dream and or imagine all i have to do is be a good shepherd over my now make a plan for my tomorrow be prayed up and humble so let's look at the next slide and see how we continue this journey isaiah 55 is the second text that we're going to use to help us understand some things isaiah 55 verse 6 and 7 gives us some insights into how we're going to again begin our planning now remember we're not planning yet we're developing the right not mindset we're developing the right concepts so that when we begin the plan our spirits are right our attitude is adjusted isaiah 55 verse 6 says seek the lord while he may be found call upon him while he is near let the wicked forsake their way and the unrighteous their thoughts let them return to the lord that he may have mercy on them and to our god for he will abundantly pardon now this is this is the foundation for how i think we plan for what god has in our prosperity it says seek the lord while he may be found call upon him while he is near i want you to remember this there is a time factor in all planning and your victory plan cannot be based on their defeat now you may be wondering what that means and i'm going to tell you something very important especially for any of you who remember when somebody did you dirty when people came against you i i want you to hold on to this and i want you to remember this dearly you can never plan for your success because you want to show somebody that you were smarter than you they thought that you were better than they thought you can't plan for your victory by trying to prove somebody else wrong let me tell you what that means if you've ever said i'ma show them if you've ever said i'ma prove them wrong if you ever said they're gonna regret what they did to me i know y'all done it stop tripping don't lie to the pastor we've all said let me bring it home to you for my young people don't meet your future partner because you want to show your ex up i know what you said oh my next one gonna be so fine and you might be walking into more hell than you can imagine stop trying to be successful because you want to be successful to prove somebody else wrong be successful because you're honoring god in your journey build your company not because you got fired from the last one but because you're honoring god in the journey get your house not because you lost the last one in divorce because you're honoring god in the journey and honoring god in the journey is living your testimony and your testimony can never be negative your testimony can never be designed to prove somebody else bad your testimony can never be a get back story your testimony has always got to be a comeback story y'all know the difference between a get back story and a comeback story i've never really tweeted before but i might start because some of this has worked for me don't confuse your comeback with your get back because far too often we're living our lives to try to impress other people prove other people wrong show other people they should have given us another chance every door the day closed was a door god meant for them to close god used them as an instrument to propel you to the next level so now that you have this in mind now that you understand you can never plan as a form of defeating someone you didn't like didn't agree with you didn't accept you at first now that you know that you've got to walk into this planning process this planning phase with a clean heart and a clean mind you got to learn to forgive the people you felt liked it and honor your presence your time you got to learn to forgive that x you got to learn to forgive that former boss you got to learn to let go of all those negative things in order to plan for your future and forgiving them doesn't mean forgetting the lesson god brought them into your life to teach you something so with this in mind let's look at the scripture again let's look at what it says seek the lord while he may be fine call upon him while he is near let the wicked forsake their way and the unrighteous their thoughts okay i want you all to understand there's an urgency in living in your path and what i've learned about leading people and trying to help people is you can't help nobody who ain't urgent about where they want to go and there's a difference between being urgent and not being patient i can be urgent in trying to get for where where god wants me to go without being impatient about how i get there what's the difference urgency says i gotta be on my task urgency says i've got to be prepared and ready urgency says i've got to be engaged in what's important when it's important while it's important being impatient is expecting an outcome before the process is complete anybody ever been impatient let me tell you one of the leading causes of regret you work so hard at something then you give up on it and two days after you give up on it it turned around but you couldn't benefit from because you got impatient y'all ever been in a place a situation where you laid the foundation and then you walked away from it and somebody came upon and said oh look at this foundation and went places with what you built because you got impatient now the urgency seek the lord while he may be found call upon him while he is near and what i've learned is god is already done the work god's just waiting for me to catch up god's just waiting for me to get close it's already been done and far too often i'm distracted i'm looking at other things i'm i'm trying to go other places i'm trying to catch up with other people when i should be seeking god with a certain urgency you know don't get distracted by the things that are fleeting god is near and god is opening doors but if you're not urgently seeking god you can miss the door i went somewhere for lunch today and i was following um the gps was lagging a little bit so gps said 800 feet but i sped up and i sped up and by time gps said zero i had already passed the street i was supposed to turn into i was moving at a pace that was a beyond the gps i want you all to know the difference between moving urgently urgently with determination with zeal and being impatient don't force what faith ain't made you ready for ah yeah that was good don't force what faith ain't made you ready for some of y'all wants them you ain't ready for it let's be honest can we keep it real can we keep it real you know you're not ready for some of the stuff you want you want a big house but you can't keep the apartment clean can we can we keep it real you want a baby but you just starting to grow up yourself you want the perfect partner but it's some flaws you need to go to therapy and address for you you want what you ain't ready for and sometimes i think god disciplines us by giving us what we ask for i i think god says oh isn't that cute he think he ready let me give it to him see what happens and all hell breaks loose because you got it now that's because you get distracted by the goody goody all around you you you're distracted by the range rover and the tesla and you you're distracted by what somebody else got but you don't know their struggle to get there you don't know how many nights they cried you don't know how many people turn their backs on them you don't know how much time they spend failing you want what they got but are you willing to force go the pain to get there now some stuff i'm just gonna be honest for y'all with y'all y'all i'm not ready for pastoring this church i've been here year after year i've come here before and the place has been filled and things have been moving and shuttles have been moving around and stuff has been going on and and now here i am as the pastor and what i've learned is i might not be ready to walk into two thousand people in a sanctuary that covet might be a gift for me because it's allowing me to ease into this part of the journey it's allowing me to spend more time trying to get ready be ready because there may be some things i gotta pick up again don't you don't you ever confuse delay for denial god may be trying to get ready but in order to get ready you've got to seek god and use your time wisely god is near and when you feel like god is far away and god ain't hearing you and god doesn't care for you stop seek god why god is near well let's look at the the next part of that because i think it's important it says for as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways hired in your ways and my thoughts your thoughts faith planning is flexible by nature this whole verse verse 8 and 9 for my thoughts are not your thoughts nor are my ways your ways says the lord for as the heavens are higher than the earth so my way is higher than your ways and my thoughts your thoughts oh what y'all don't hear if you don't understand this properly is god doesn't necessarily care about your plan god is not interested where you thought you were going to be at this point in your life god could care less about how much you thought you would have in your retirement account god's ways god's thoughts are not your thoughts and your ways in other words we got to get with the script god will flip some stuff on us to get us some act right because we got a whole premeditated plan and i'm just a witness that if i had done everything i wanted to do been everywhere i wanted to be met everybody i wanted to meet i want y'all to know something it's a little secret that i had i want you to know i i don't tell a lot of people this so this is just going to be between us because it's on zoom and it's it's it's not on facebook and instagram yet so i can share this and i know i can trust you not to tell everybody it's our secret anita baker is in love with me anita baker has been in love with me for so long every album she's made is dedicated to me and before the pandemic i saw anita baker in oakland i flew to las vegas and i saw the new baker then i flew to new york and saw her in radio city music hall i saw anita baker everywhere i would catch a plane get a hotel just so she could see me in the audience and continue to love me now here's what i know while i was making an eater witch i was going broke i know that my plan was to see anita baker in every city in america but my plan was stupid it brought me joy in the moment but it made absolutely no financial sense it made absolutely no logistical sense it was my plan though because i know she's obsessed with me and if you listen to you bring me joy and you slow it down real slow you can hear her calling my name in the song i'm telling y'all anita baker can't get enough of me and i'm convinced one day first baptist she's going to come to church sit in the first row and it's gonna be all good it's your it's your next first lady anita baker now some of you may be calling me delusion but that's my plan and what happens if that ain't god's plan for me have you ever wanted something thought about it prayed about it tried to manipulate for it and it just wasn't what god had for you and then when you said well i guess i'll just trust god doors started opening ways started being made people started showing up because you abandoned your inclinations and actually started to seek god sometimes failure and faith go hand in hand sometimes we have to fail at what we want so that god can fill us with faith and we can start walking faithfully down the path that god has for us that's why i tell everybody i fail beautifully i've had some failures that have led me to some beautiful places i've fallen down and god has sent angels to lift me up doors have been opened because i failed because i stopped seeking my own path my own will my own way and i know y'all on zoom and i think some of y'all can inbox but i'm i'm going to challenge somebody just to join me in typing in i have failed beautifully i'm going to challenge somebody to text to tweet to tag somebody to put it on your facebook page i have failed beautifully and then ad then people when they ask what you mean by that tell them pastor quick explain to me that in my failure my faith was built that in my failure new pathways were open in my failure i abandoned all my selfish inclinations and god opened up ways that i never thought i could open up i ended up in a career that i never planned on being in in my failure my eyes were open my ears were open my expectations were changed beautiful people were brought into my life because i failed and that's not where god had for me to stay that the failure was only an invitation to view life differently to adjust my expectations and to align myself so much more with god my thoughts are not your thoughts my ways are not your ways my understandings are not your understandings and god is trying to tell us before we start planning put down a plan yes discern what i may be saying and be flexible because i may decide to switch it up and go in a different direction but if you ride with me i'll take you places you've never been before i'll open doors you never thought existed there's an old country song every now and then i listen to country music it's beautiful every now and then i can't do too much of it it's called jesus take the wheel and she's saying that she was driving down the street and crying and the car slipped and spun and she took her hands off the wheel and she said jesus take the wheel and god brought her to a beautiful and wonderful safe stop that's what failure can do failure can sometimes make you humble and say jesus take the wheel i tried to get through school by myself it didn't make it jesus take the wheel my marriage isn't right i'm trusting you with it jesus take the wheel my children acting crazy i don't know what to do jesus take the will i got more bills than i got money jesus take the wheel and every now and then when you take your hand off the wheel and you get that talk that i'm trusting god god will do wonderfully boldly beautifully above and beyond everything you thought you wished you knew this is how we should plan this is how we should begin to think about our futures understand our lives that that maybe god wasn't intending for you to be a millionaire but maybe god was intending you to be rich with children and a beautiful spouse and a loving and peaceful home some things as you get older you recognize money really can't buy it's a whole lot of rich miserable people in the world i am a bill cosby scholar bill cosby gave me money to go to school i knew ennis cosby his son who was killed bill and camille cosby would give every dime they have back just to have their son alive see sometimes where we are god is reorienting us to get us prepared for something that we weren't ready for that we didn't even know existed to to alter our perspectives and our priorities and then to start making a plan that aligns with the prosperity god has for us and when our plan aligns with the prosperity god has for us all of a sudden the provision god has for us falls into place y'all see that order that sometimes our plan has to align with god's prosperity which invites god's provision and when we get all mixed up when we know where we want to go what we got to do when we lay it out so clearly and it ain't got nothing to do with god oh it seems nice it it it it it it seems wonderful and y'all don't get me wrong you know i i am not against money that the problem is not money money is a tool god gave us it is the love of it and the worship of it i i want to do some stuff too i i i'd like to have that new tesla i ain't mad at you for that but is your marriage good do your kids know they love you are you on the verge of a heart attack or a stroke do you have joy when you wake up in the morning those things that only god's prosperity can give you okay i i i i hear what you're saying okay pastor quick this is all good and well how do we get to making this plan well there are a couple of things i want us to get straight before we actually start playing it y'all y'all got to follow me because if the foundation ain't right everything you build on top of it won't go well let's look at the next slide and and and and i want to invite us to think about this yeah come now you who say today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a town and spend a year there doing business and making money yet you that do not even know what tomorrow will bring this is james chapter four this is all part of our planning james chapter four verse thirteen and fourteen i'm gonna start it over again because we don't need much of this but this is important when we start making plans we need to hold on to some of this verse 13 come now you who say today or tomorrow we will go to such such a town and spend a year there doing business and making money yet you do not even know what tomorrow will bring what is life what is your life for you are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes now we're back to my original statement humility is the key to faith and planning and i'm going to leave this on the screen for a second because i want you to focus on something i want you to focus on the fact that planning outside of your present ain't no good i know the english i used but you gotta stop being so tomorrow oriented that you take today for granted you got to stop being so worried about what's coming that you're not even present for today you got to know today and tomorrow are connected and that god is in control of it and that if you are so tomorrow oriented you have no idea look y'all there is a real possibility that i won't wake up in the morning so i'm going to enjoy this study right now i'm going to enjoy you right now i might get on the car get in the car be on is it and 78 accident might be waiting for me come now you who say today or tomorrow we will go such and such town and spend a year there doing business and making money and yet you do not even know what tomorrow will bring what is your life for you are missed that appears for a little while and then vanishes this is the perspective of planning and if you don't have the right perspective you'll be so tomorrow-oriented that you missed completely yesterday you'll be so busy trying to get somewhere that you have no idea how you got there we are finishing that series sunday we're finishing that series how did i get here this sunday will be my last sermon on that because i feel like so many of us have missed parts of our lives there is a phenomena now that they're studying called covet memory loss and it's people not able being able to remember everything that happened in the covet year they're they're missing gaps y'all don't don't miss your children growing up don't don't miss your spouse slowly going gray and the years and the love that y'all share together don't miss those moments that money can't buy again don't don't set yourself up for a regretful future because you didn't live in a full today god did something for you today i know god did have you stopped to acknowledge it have you stopped to say lord i see you i'm checking you out god i see your glory right now have you stopped just to say god you so good right now if i could let me just stop and hug you god has god done anything for you to make you say god i saw that sunset this morning that was good work god it's it's 7 57 and i made it through the day i still have my job there was food on my table my children came into the door none of them were sick god i i'm i'm sitting in my living room my lights are on have you ever just marveled at god in the now are you so busy trying to get to the next to the new that you don't even acknowledge the now god i love you for what you're doing right now god i praise you for what you're doing right now god i don't know about y'all i'm not gonna close this may be a little too personal my mom was watching she made me get mad at me she often does y'all know when it's cold outside and you keep it a little chilly in your room and you get in your bed and you pull the comforter over you and it feels so good that your body just reacts to the fact of the warmth and that comforter hitting your body you go that's that's real praise that's real worship that's momentary recognition of the mercy can you hold on to the mercy of the moment even while you yearn with urgency the blessing of tomorrow can you thank god that you're in your part right mind right now can you thank god that you had something to eat right now can you thank god that enough of your bills are paid that you ain't got to worry about the sheriff pulling up to your door right now can you thank god that somebody loves you it may not be the boo you want the spouse you want it may be your best friend that somebody loves you that if you went missing somebody would search for you right now look we're about to make a plan our church is about to make a plan i want you to make a plan for your house i want you to make a plan for yourself if you're single it's gonna be a one three and five year plan i'm gonna make a plan where do i wanna be next year let me rephrase that where does god want me to be next year what does god want me to be doing next year seek ye first and as we make that plan we're gonna seek god out together there are things that god has for us to do now we've been debating when we're going in bible study i'm just giving you some behind the scenes stuff right we debate it whether it's gonna be 8 30 when it's gonna be eight o'clock uh it's 7 59 i think tonight it'll be 8 o'clock justin's ready to go home and be with his wife you know brother michael he's looking at the phone like how long is he going to talk i get it you all got to put kids to bed i have pushed you enough to try to understand some stuff next week maybe we'll go to 8 30 who knows we're going to be flexible but what i want you to do for me now for all of you who've tagged me on a facebook page or tweeted something out or put it on instagram i'm going to go look at your pictures to see who you were and how you studied if you haven't done it yet and you just want to post yourself after bible study saying this was good take a shot of yourself now so i can see it when i get off screen i want to know who i worship with tonight i'm going to marvel in this moment's mercy and then i want you all if you can to type in your prayer request if you're in the chat just type in your prayer request i want us to pray for each other i want to pray for your future i want to thank god for your now i want to honor god for what god did for us all today first bible study damn i was a little nervous i don't know about y'all i'm excited to be here first one year one let's see what god does for us we'll be back next week we'll see what god does for us i want to praise god for brother michael and reverend henderson for the amazing work they did i have no idea how all this is going on i'm not technologically advanced in any way shape or form but i'm humble enough to recognize that it ain't about me it's about us it's about we i want to thank you all for watching i want you to invite somebody else to watch next week let's see if we can grow this a little bit see how god blesses us in the future it's only going to get better did you type in your prayer request is there something that we can do better for our next study somewhere you think we can grow i'm willing to hear it so uh reverend henderson's telling me we got some prayer requests we're going to pray for ayanna and her healing lydia we're praying for eyesight for everybody just in case we don't say your prayer out loud don't mean we don't see it we're not responding if we have ministers on there i'm gonna ask them to pray for you as well just know that we're all here together together we're gonna get there let's pray god we thank you and we honor you because you are good your steadfast love endures forever lord grant us a spirit of humility that we may not have seen it yet we may not know it yet but it is coming it is being prepared for us i thank you god that you have endowed us with a spirit that can meet you wherever we are we repent for where we have fallen short and we thank you for beautiful failure we recognize lord that you are going to do amazing things if we just walk with you i honor you in this moment i thank you for this moment's mercy and i seek you for tomorrow's prosperity we will give you the glory now and forever amen all right y'all have a good night thank you for joining us let somebody know i think we're going to post this to facebook and all the other things so you can tell somebody check this out join us next week hit me on the handles you see i look forward to talking to you seeing your pictures and walking together have a great night
Channel: fbcsomerset
Views: 1,151
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: ot18_MRg5UU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 0sec (3780 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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