The End Times | Daniel 11-12 | Gary Hamrick

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well we're gonna bring the Book of Daniel to a close today by looking at the last two chapters remember that the first half of the book at Daniel chapters 1 through 6 are basically a historical narrative of the 65 years that Daniel served various kings of Babylonia and Persia the last half of the book of Daniel chapter 7 through 12 are basically a prophetic journal of the various dreams and visions that God gave Daniel over the course of his lifetime concerning things in the future so all of chapter 7 through 12 were in Daniels future but some of the things from chapter 7 through 12 have been fulfilled so they're now in our past but some of the things that Daniels saw and was given by inspiration of the Holy Spirit concerned things that have not even yet been fulfilled in our lifetimes so we're heading into a section here as we close out the Book of Daniel that have strong prophetic application for our for our world there are things are gonna happen in the globe that God tells us in advance you know a lot of people in the world are intrigued by you know futuristic kinds of things like the you know Nostradamus and all this kind of stuff and peering into the future and that's why people spend a lot of money you know with with people who are charlatans you know we want to read your palm or or you know who want to involve themselves in in what I think are kind of demonic things to to try to like tell the future right here we are as Christians we have the Bible given to us and God has given us a glimpse into future things and so it's like this journal that we have in our hands here which tells us things that occurred in history and which tells us things that shall occur in the future and of course when God says it it has come to pass and will come to pass that which has not yet been fulfilled and so we have the advantage as believers of peering into the future through the lens of the Bible and Daniel is giving us some things here that will occur in the world whether or not we will still be here is yet to be seen but these are things that will happen in the earth and so as he finishes out these last couple of chapters he talks about some things that are to come remember from our study last week in chapter 10 that an angel of the Lord appears to Daniel to give Daniel a message and that angel was delayed for twenty-one days because of the spiritual warfare that was happening in the heavenlies when the angel finally gets to Daniel the angel tells him these things that are to come so what we're going to read here concerns things even in our future I'm gonna start here in chapter 11 I'm gonna look at verses 36 and 37 and then we'll jump on over to chapter 12 and read a few verses there but in Daniel chapter 11 there's this reference here to a king but this King as you see the description unfold is really a metaphor for the Antichrist and so in Daniel 11 verse 36 it says then the King shall do according to his own will he shall exalt and magnify himself above every God shall speak blasphemies against the God of gods and shall prosper till the wrath has been accomplished for what has been determined shall be done he shall regard neither the god of his father's nor the desire of women nor regard any God for he shall exalt himself above them all now if you'll jump to chapter 12 look at the first few verses with me in chapter 12 verse 1 it says at that time Michael this is the Archangel Michael shall stand up the Great Prince who stands watch over the sons of your people and there shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation even to that time and at that time your people shall be delivered every one who was found written in the book and many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake some to everlasting life some to shame and everlasting contempt those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament and those who turn many to righteousness like the Stars forever and ever but you Daniel shut up the words and seal the book until the time of the end many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall increase look at the very last verse as we close out this book verse 13 but you then you'll go your way till the end for you shall rest and will arise to your inheritance at the end of the days and so it concludes here talking about going on your way till the end we're going to talk today about the end times but first let's just pause again and pray once more as we start into our Bible study lord thank you for this time as we open up our Bibles that we can get a glimpse into things that are to come and I pray that this wouldn't just simply be a review of these chapters but it would be a readying of our hearts that men and women and young people would be ready for what is to come we thank you for your word that tells us of these things in advance we pray Lord that we would be comforted and encouraged to note that even though things will get dark in this earth things will get difficult there's great tribulation that will come upon the world you have provided a way of escape you have provided an ultimate plan of redemption for as many as wood shoes can be saved can spend eternity with you so make our hearts ready Lord as we read through these things and encourage us with that great reminder that you're coming again and so we shall be with you forever and ever it's in Jesus name we pray these things and all God's people said amen we've all heard the expression timing is everything in music keeping a beat timing is everything if you want to tell a good joke timing is everything in sports if you want to catch a ball or take a bat and hit a ball it all involves timing making investments involves timing they always say you want to buy low sell high and so trying to find that right timing and all things is important relative to a lot of things in life the Book of Daniel is about timing these closing chapters Daniel talks about the end times things that are to come and he uses three different phrases in Chapter 12 I'll put on the screen for you to talk about end times he talks about a time of trouble in chapter 12 verse 1 he talks about a time of deliverance also in verse 1 in Chapter 12 and he also mentions the time of the end in chapter 12 verse 4 these three phrases represent three elements of the end times that will happen in our future so as we're reading through this keep in mind these are things that are still to come one of the things that he points out to us here just taking these three elements one at a time is that there will come upon the earth a time of trouble or another word to be used instead of trouble is tribulation the Bible speaks about a period of seven years that will come upon the earth that will be of great tribulation different things are gonna happen upon the earth and here in Daniel 12 verse 1 Daniel says and there shall be a time of trouble a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation even to that time in other words never before never again will there be the kind of tribulation or trouble that is going to come upon the earth in other words this trouble this tribulation that is coming will be unparalleled in human history and never to be repeated again now Jesus spoke of these same days in Matthew chapter 24 and he said the same thing verses 21 and 22 he said for then there will be Great Tribulation such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time no nor shall ever be and unless those days were shortened no flesh would be saved but for the elects sake those days will be shortened so there's that glimpse of hope therefore the elektra first to the Christians so Jesus saying listen there's going to be this tribulation it's what Daniel spoke here in Daniel chapter 12 it's going to be this these cataclysmic events that will happen on the earth God is going to pour out his wrath upon a God forsaking Christ rejecting world as a way to finally get the attention of people who have up to that point rejected him and so the seven years of tribulation the Bible refers to and describes between Revelation chapter 6 and Revelation chapter 18 in great detail I'm gonna read just one tiny section from Revelation chapter 8 so you get a small idea how some of the things are gonna come upon the earth this is from revelation eight verses 6 to 13 it says this so the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound the first angel sounded and hail and fire followed mingled with blood and they were thrown to the earth and a third of the trees were burned up and all green grass was burned up then the second angel sounded and something like a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea and a third of the sea became blood and a third of the living creatures in the sea died and a third of the ships were destroyed then the third angel sounded and a great star fell from heaven burning like a torch and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water the name of the star is wormwood the third of the waters became wormwood and many men died from the water because it was made bitter that's what wormwood means bitter then the fourth angel sounded and the third of the Sun was struck a third of the moon and a third of the stars so that a third of them were darkened a third of the day did not shine and likewise the night and I looked John wrote and I heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven saying with a loud voice woe woe woe to the inhabitants of the earth because of the remaining blast of the trumpet of the three angels who are about to sound so that's a description of what's going to happen over the series of four angels blowing a trumpet proclaiming a series of God's wrath being poured out the last three trumpets I'm not even reading so you get a Glen the idea of the cataclysmic disastrous things are going to happen upon the earth the Bible describes through revelation how God is going to unleash a series of all of these events on the earth in the form of for example famine and economic collapse natural disasters like earthquakes volcanic activity meteor showers things like the darkening of the light sources we just read sores and plagues will break out on people oceans will be turned to blood this is just to name a few things that are going to happen many will die because of their stubborn refusal to believe in the Lord and be saved and those who do put their faith and trust in the Lord during the seven years of tribulation will be martyred for their faith they will be taken to heaven but they will experience martyrdom on the earth as a result of their faith now you hear some of this and I'm only giving you a glimpse of it and you might say to yourself why would God do such a thing why would God pour out his wrath in such a way that it's so catastrophic upon the earth and many people die there are three things three reasons why God is going to bring tribulation upon the earth number one is to wake up unbelievers that's the first thing this is a final opportunity for people to get saved you know sometimes it just takes a bigger 2x4 across somebody's head to get into the place where they finally will surrender I don't know what it took if you know Christ as your Savior I don't know what it took for you to come to faith in Christ but I know this that there are varying degrees of difficulty that God uses in people's lives to finally get them to the bottom of themselves some people come more easily than others and some people are more resistant than others those who are resistant God has to go to drastic measures to reach so as much as we listen to these things as I read them from revelation that are gonna happen upon the earth and as much as we can quickly say to ourselves so that doesn't seem like a very loving God a very caring God keep in mind this is in regards to people who have been forsaking Christ rejecting God what's it going to take what's it going to take finally for them to be broken enough to realize their need for a savior sometimes it's gonna take this so it's better to believe early right it is better to believe early if God's trying to get your attention and some of you right now are wrestling with God there's something going on in your life right now probably when God's trying to get your attention and you know you can you can cry uncle and tap out early or you can keep wrestling with him it just is more painful but you will eventually surrender because God is going to do all he can to go after you because that's the kind of God he is he pursues us because He loves us and he doesn't want any to perish he wants none to perish but all to come to repentance he wants people to be safe that's why he gave His Son Jesus to dine across two thousand years ago he doesn't allow his only begotten son to be crucified on a cross except that it was the opportunity for anybody who believed in him to have their sins forgiven and be saved you don't do that kind of a thing unless there's a great motivation behind it God's great motivation was his love for the world that's John 3:16 for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life the reason why God gave his son was because he loves a lost and dying world so as many as received him to them that believed on his name he gave the right to become sons of God this is what the Bible tells us ok and so people can respond to Jesus and say yes and come into relationship with them even now but there's gonna come a day when the last of the last the most stubborn are left on the earth and God's going to use a series of cataclysmic events to try to get their attention now again we know human nature when a crisis comes and that's the tribulation will be some turn to God but when a crisis comes others sometimes get angry at God and they don't turn to him they just blame him and so that's going to be a mixture of what we see at the end times when the tribulation comes upon the earth the book of Revelation says that some gets saved and some raise a fist and get angry to God and and so they refuse to get saved but it is God's last attempt here the tribulation is God's last attempt to wake up unbelievers number two the tribulation is also an opportunity to shake up the nation of Israel now there are many Jews who are coming to faith in Jesus Christ and believing that Yeshua HaMashiach that Jesus is the Messiah but the great majority of Jewish people today do not believe that Jesus is Messiah one of the things that will come as a result of the Tribulation Period is an unprecedented number of Jews will come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah it's what happens as a result of the tribulation let me quote from the Prophet Zechariah you don't need to turn there but Zechariah 12 verse 10 God says and I will pour on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the spirit of grace and supplication and then they will look on me whom they pierced yes they will mourn for him as one mourns for His only Son and grieve for him as one grieves for a firstborn your attention Zechariah the Prophet also is given the future by God that looks at a time when Jesus returns and he stands on the Mount of Olives and when that event happens the Jewish people will see him and they will see the marks of his crucifixion they will see the marks that he bares and Zechariah says they will weep as one weeps bitterly over an only child that they've lost but in other words when they behold Christ with the marks of his crucifixion it will move them in an unprecedented number to put their faith in the one who stands before them and Zechariah 13 verse 9 says that about a third of the Jewish population will come through the tribulation and put their faith in Christ zecharia 39 I will bring the 1/3 through the fire I will refine them as silver is refined and test them as gold is tested they will call on my name and I will answer them I will say this is my people and each one will say the Lord is my god in fact the Bible tells us that during the Tribulation Period God is going to raise up Jewish people as believers in Jesus so much so that he's going to use a hundred and forty four thousand of them Revelation chapter 7 says that God is going to pick twelve thousand Jews from each of the 12 tribes of Israel who believe that Jesus is Messiah to serve as a hundred and forty-four thousand witnesses who will testify of Christ throughout the earth during the tribulation time and many will come to faith in Christ because of the 144,000 witnesses now with all due respect to my jehovah's witness friends they're just wrong because they say they're the 144,000 sorry the Bible says that God selects twelve thousand from each of the 12 tribes of Israel that's the hundred and forty-four thousand not JW's okay the Jews just missing the e between the J and the W Romans 11:26 Paul says and so all Israel Israel will be saved because in essence at the end of the tribulation it will shake up the nation of Israel so much so that the Jewish people will come to the place of believing in Jesus as Messiah and then the third reason that God is allowing the tribulation to come upon the earth in the future is to make up the kingdom of God in other words the final list of who are believers and who have rejected God will be drawn up I mean I don't know if you've ever thought about God's patience but his patience his long-suffering has a limit and at the end of the tribulation when Christ returns it will be the end of any opportunity for anybody else to get saved it's it the door is shut there is no more you know we take for granted oh we might have tomorrow you're not you're not guaranteed tomorrow by the way but we all think about God's patience is long-suffering if I'm not ready to receive Christ maybe I'll accept it tomorrow maybe next week maybe next year which again you're not guaranteed but there's actually going to come a day when there is no opportunity tomorrow or next week or next year because at the end of the tribulation the door for eternal life is forever shot so it's important for us to understand that God is going to use the tribulation to accomplish these things now as part of the tribulation or what Daniel calls a time of trouble will emerge one known in the Bible as the Antichrist if you look again here at Daniel chapter 11 where we've started our study in the at the beginning the Antichrist is referenced in Daniel 7 8 and 9 and now here again in chapter 11 when we were in the earlier chapters I spoke more about the Antichrist and I'm going to speak about him today but in Chapter 11 we get a little bit more insight in into this guy who's going to come on to the world scene in chapter 11 verses 36 and 37 I'll just read it again it says then the King shall do according to his own will he shall exalt and magnify himself above every God shall speak blasphemies against the God of gods and shall prosper till the wrath has been accomplished for what has been determined shall be done verse 37 he shall regard neither the god of his father's notice nor the desire of women nor regard any God for he shall exalt himself above them all so verse 37 gives us some insight into the spiritual condition of the Antichrist okay the Antichrist is possessed by Satan so he's operating under the influence of you know satanic powers but it says specifically in verse 37 that he shall regard neither the god of his father's okay now pause there the god of his father's is a Jewish idiom and it's talking about the heritage of Judaism which implies to us that the Antichrist may in fact be Jewish but that he will have no regard for the god of his father's in other words he's going to be this secular atheist he's Jewish by birth it intimates in the text but he is atheist by choice he does not regard the god of his father's the word god here in the passage is eloheem in the Hebrew Elohim is a common word used for God Almighty by the way it's a plural word in the Hebrew why would a plural word be used about a singular God because God is a singular God but reveals himself in three persons Father Son and Holy Spirit it's actually a very appropriate word eloheem to be used about a singular God with three persons that he reveals himself as father son Holy Spirit Elohim is the Hebrew word used here but the Antichrist will have no regard for the god of his father's no regard for God Almighty nor it says the desire of women he has no regard for the desire of women this is another Jewish idiom what it means is the Messiah every Jewish woman longed for the opportunity that God should so select her uniquely to give birth to Messiah the desire of the women is a Jewish idiom meaning the Messiah every woman wanted to give birth to Messiah that ended up being exclusively reserved for Mary that was God's providential choice that's what we read about with the birth of Christ God coming into our world taking on flesh so when it says here the Antichrist has no regard for the god of his father's neither for the desire of women it means he rejects Jesus as Messiah for sure and he has no regard for any god verse 37 says again he's a secular atheist Jew he has no regard for any God because he wants to exalt himself it says it says that the rest of verse 37 for he shall exalt himself above them all he has no room for God in his life because as far as the Antichrist is concerned he is God you see and he wants to be worshipped as God so four quick things about him that's number one the Antichrist will oppose God proclaim himself to be God and demand to be worshipped and by the way he will kill those who don't people who will be martyred during the Tribulation Period will be martyred in large part because they don't take the mark of the beast to buy and sell but in addition because they don't bow down and worship the Antichrist and when that happens they'll be martyred also the Antichrist would be a charismatic political world leader who will be given dictatorial powers by 10 nation confederation to rule the world for three and a half years he comes at the beginning of the seven years of tribulation but he doesn't rise to power into the middle of it and he'll be given this dictatorial power over the whole world thirdly he will gather the nation's together against Israel for the Battle of Armageddon which is the climax of the Tribulation Period spelled out in revelation 16 and 17 but he will be overthrown by Jesus at the Lord's second coming and he will be cast into the lake of fire so all of that is part of the tribulation but the other thing that Daniel sees here is a time of deliverance and here's where it gets better for us because in Chapter 12 verse 1 it says and at that time your people shall be delivered every one who is found written in the book God's people shall be delivered Daniel has shown a time of deliverance when will God's people be delivered well I guess in the truest sense were delivered when we leave this earth and we finally shed this body of flesh and we go to be with the Lord but in regards to the end times the deliverance of God's people happens at the time of the rapture the rapture is a word that is not found in the Bible but the principle of the rapture is found in the Bible because what it teaches us is that there's going to be a generation of Christians who do not experience death that there's going to be this trumpet call of God in heaven and it tells us in the Bible in 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 that Christians who are alive at the time when this trumpet blast sounds just prior to the tribulation all this stuff we've already talked about this morning is going to be avoided because the trumpet call sounds and God's going to take Christians who are alive at that time from the earth snatches talk about body-snatchers we're going to be taken from the earth this is good news we're gonna be lifted right from the earth taking it heaven get a glorified body on the way up this is what 1st Thessalonians 4 tells us Paul writes this for the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout with a voice of an archangel and with the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ will rise first and then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them caught up in the in the original Greek as our pods oh it means to be seized or snatched the latin of that translation is wrapped to switch means where we get our english word rapture snatch taken we're gonna be taken caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and thus we shall be with the Lord forever therefore comfort one another with these words it's not not comforting to know we're gonna be delivered friends this world is gonna get nuts and we're gonna get delivered before it goes off the rails okay praise God for that now some people some people who love Jesus I just disagree with them they're brothers and sisters in Christ some people think we go through the tribulation some people read their Bibles and say we go through the whole thing and then God only rescues us at the end it listen at the end of 1st Thessalonians 4 the passage I just read Paul writes therefore comfort one another with these words I mean it doesn't really make sense to say hey listen listen listen listen God's gonna rain down hail fire brimstone trees are gonna D be disintegrated the blood is gonna turn to ocean fresh water I mean sorry oceans gonna turn to blood fresh water is gonna become bitter a lot of people are gonna die but comfort each other with these words now because when the trumpet sounds we're out of here before all that happens we're out of here and then people will ask me some fun questions over the years people will say things to me like is the trumpet call of God when we're called out is the trumpet call only heard by Christians well other people hear the trumpet call or only Chris is it like a dog whistle well only dogs be able to hear the whistle well only great I don't know and I don't care when the trumpet call sounds I'm out of here that's all I know and not other people like speculate about what if I'm on an airplane and the pilot is a Christian and the rapture happens and the pilot is gone what does that mean for me what that means is you better get right with Jesus quick that's what that means so you can go with the pilot because that's like he's going down after autopilot goes off when the trumpet call sounds God's people are going and he's gonna rescue us from this world the last point real quickly that Daniel sees here is the time of the end in Chapter 12 tells us in in verse 2 and many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake some to everlasting life some - shame and everlasting contempt now this speaks in general about life after death for everybody you do know that right there's life after death for everybody the human soul never dies the question is where will you spend eternity the soul never dies our body of flesh disintegrates and for Christians we get a glorified body but the soul never dies and so where will you spend eternity what we read here is that there are two groups of people some will go on to everlasting life some to shame and everlasting contempt the some to everlasting life speaks to those who have chosen to put their faith in Jesus and will enjoy heaven for eternity the some to shame and everlasting contempt speak to those who have rejected Jesus and will suffer the eternal consequences for that there is judgment at the end of all this in Matthew chapter 25 31 to 32 jesus said when the Son of Man comes in his glory and all the holy angels with him then he will sit on the throne of his glory and all the nations will be gathered before him and he will separate them one from another as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats Jesus is going to judge all the nations and he's going to separate the sheep from the goats in other words he's gonna separate believers who have trusted in him believe in him from those who don't there's judgment at the end of all this in the book of Revelation in chapter 20 verses 11 and 12 John says then I saw a great white throne and him who sat on it from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away and there was found no place for them and I saw the dead small and great standing before God and books were opened and another book was opened which is the book of life and the dead were judged according to their works by the things which were written in the books very similar what John writes in Revelation chapter 20 is what Daniels writing here in Daniel chapter 12 when Daniel talks about when he says here in at the end of verse 1 at that time your people shall be delivered every one who is found written in the book and then Revelation chapter 20 says there's going to be this great day when God seated on the throne and the book of life is opened what is this book God has a book in case you don't know and the book is a compilation of names and the names that are written in the book are names of men and women and young people who have trusted Christ as their Savior so that on the day of judgment when God opens up the book and he sees your name you're good to go if your name's not in the book then you'll be numbered among the some to shame and everlasting contempt this is the way it works you ever been to an important event and your name had to be in a roster in order for you to get into the events you had to stop at some station first make sure your name may when I was asked by the Israeli ambassador to come down to the embassy Israeli embassy in DC and pray at an event that he was hosting there my name had to go on a list and and have you ever had some angst when you're at something like that hope nobody screwed up and my name's not on the list because then you know what am I gonna do and and so you get there give me your name here's some ID okay your names on the list you're good to go there won't be any screw-ups in heaven your names either gonna be on the list or not and if your name's not on the list you're not getting in you say well how does my name get on the list anybody's name can get in the book if you surrender your life to Jesus if you humble yourself and recognize your need for the Savior the book of Acts tells us there is no other name given under heaven by which we must be saved and that name is Jesus jesus said I'm the way the truth and life no man goes to the Father except by me there are not multiple ways to heaven there's one and some people balk at that I've heard people over the years say to me you know I don't like a God who says there's only one way to get saved I think all paths lead to God well that's a very humanistic approach let me just tell you something I'm thankful that God made a way it happens to be the way but I'm grateful that God made a way so that anybody can be saved anybody who humbles himself or herself and says I'm tired of ruling my life I need my sins forgiven and surrenders their life to the lordship of Jesus can have their sins forgiven be saved go to heaven when they die and have their names written in the book of life the book of life is mentioned eight times in the Bible six times in the book of Revelation alone is your name in the book if you have any doubts don't leave here today without settling that your name can be in that book and you can know that your name is there if you would surrender your life to the lordship of Jesus Christ as many as shall be saved call upon the Lord and he will save you let's pray together would you bow your heads with me Father in heaven as we close the Book of Daniel we close with this reminder that there's no entry into heaven without our names being in that book you have provided a great deliverance for your people for as many as shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved acts 3:19 says repent then and turn to Christ that your sins may be wiped out that times of refreshing may come from the Lord Father I pray for those right now here in the sanctuary we're watching online or who will later listen to this on podcast or some other venue who doesn't know for sure that their name is in the book Lord I pray right now they would make a decision for you so they can be certain that their name is in the book of life I'm just gonna pause in my prayer just your heads bowed eyes closed I just want to invite you today if you don't know Christ as your Savior if you're not sure your names in that book please don't leave here without making a decision now you have free will and you can choose to reject Christ I pray that you would choose to accept him because the only way that you can know your name is in the book that your sins are forgiven that you're going to happen that eternity is your reward is if you humble yourself bow at the feet of Jesus surrender your heart to him and ask him to be your Lord and Savior there's no other way to be saved if you want your name written in that book make a decision for Christ today I'm gonna lead you in a prayer and you can pray that prayer where you're seated today if you just pray it with me I'll go slowly enough you can just repeat it after me you can make him your Lord and Savior today you can make sure your name's in that book start the journey today pray this prayer with me just where you're seated you can pray just say this say Lord Jesus I thank you that you love me you love me so much you died in a cross for me forgive me of my sins forgive me of everything I've said or thought or done I surrender my life to you I confess that you are Lord of my life I yield to you Jesus I believe that you are the only way to be saved so I put my faith and trust in you that my name would be written in your book today by faith I believe Lord and by faith I receive your forgiveness your love your salvation I trust you in Jesus name Amen and amen you
Channel: Cornerstone Chapel - Leesburg, VA
Views: 86,128
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Keywords: Cornerstone Chapel, Calvary Chapel, cornerstone chapel leesburg va, End times israel, Israel biblical prophecy, is christ coming again?, is Jesus coming again?, gary hamrick podcast, Daniel 11-12, daniel chapter 11-12 explained, daniel 11-12 explained, daniel explained, daniel explained youtube, gary hamrick pastor, The End Times, the jewish nation state, Daniel 11 sermon, a wake up call for all believers, The end times, recognize the signs of the end times
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 59sec (2339 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2019
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