“Alpha Male” Thinks He Can Pick Up ANY Woman

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Hey so this happened thank you for the memes you guys made of me that made me feel good they're actually pretty funny though what is up guys hazel grace here back at it again with a brand new video and today we're going to be looking at a YouTube tutorial and YouTube tutorials they're honestly great I mean I taught myself how to do pretty much everything through YouTube tutorials anything from learning how to edit or learning out a bunny hop on a BMX youtube tutorials and they did wonders but some youtube tutorials are a bit off they're just not really the best and the other day i came across a youtube channel by the name of alpha m i'm assuming that stands for alpha male but continuing i noticed you had a video titled how to flirt in a bar or club so today we're going to see how hey alpha male flirts in a club or a bar and maybe just maybe will we learn a thing or two together so let's just get right into this hello hi Mara Moreno from alpha M and today I am going to attempt to get you action because today's video is all about how to flirt in a bar and nightclub no fancy dance moves required all right mr. alpha male how are you gonna pick up a woman without your fancy dance moves there is no need to look like an eager beaver but at a bar or club you can toss all that crap out the window because here time is of the essence you mess around playing your little look at me I'm cute and aloof game waiting for that precise moment when you have mustered enough courage or have drank enough booze to grow some balls guess what game over some other dude has just moved in on your potential future ex-girlfriend your potential future ex-girlfriend oh you know you was a frat lord this guy is a true alpha male oh my goodness but yeah let's let's find out how he picks up women now the first thing you need to understand and realize is that it is not the most attractive people that are the most successful in a bar club getting dates numbers or action the people that are the most successful are those that signal their availability through basic flirting technique okay what are these basic technique give them to us we need them and success boils down to four things number one is body language knowing how to read others but mastering your own number two is confidence number three is courage and number four is practice so now let's talk about how to practice time to get to work boys and it all starts with step one time to get to work boys oh yeah fry Lord why are you doing this frat Lords way Alex it's fun let's find out what these techniques are when you get to the bar club take a walk around the place survey the scene making eye contact with whomever you can oh oh eyeball make eye contact with anyone you can I contact seems so simple but it is the first and most basic component of flirting it's also the second reason why you should never wear sunglasses in a club at night whoever wears sunglasses at night in a nightclub sunglasses night club they don't really go together you don't need to tell it's not over sunglasses I feel like this is uh this video is just going downhill I feel like this audience is primarily douche bag so if he has to tell them not to wear sunglasses at my club oh yeah but also everyone's seen that like one guy who just reeks of extra cologne like Armani sunglasses in the club yeah I'm like a polo shirt collar pop and then and then like sweat stains yeah and then reeks of like armani cologne or just does like super dry cologne no wait what's the store that's like super obnoxious with the Cologne or you can like smell mr. Hollister reeks of Hollister Cologne Hollister is the story you can smell from like a hundred yards outside of the store it's like you enter the mall and you're like there's a Hollister somewhere here no that's me with Auntie ants on diancie no aunty ends is actually good smell could be somewhat decent Hollister is just Hollister but anyway let's let's continue alright you can't make eye contact the other reason you look like an a-hole like a super sexy Tiger you walk it's more of like a prowl around the room making eye contact with everybody the sexy girls and their ugly friends okay my cousin Vinnie looking you're going in it just sounds so creepy to me though like if dora the explorer' kids would be watching this they'd just be yelling creepers stop creeping creeper stop creeping throughout the entire episode what is this you want something else yo man he's on X Games mode with these wild comments everybody this is your opportunity to walk the room seems there and to let everybody else know that you my friend have arrived but don't linger not at this stage stick and move okay now so awkward for him to mmm-hmm and then he starts yes this is what we're living for I'm so confused in this you have successfully moved mingle that dare I say prowled the room you know where everybody is you have the lay of the land but time is of the essence you need to move on to step 2 stop maybe acting like whoever you're approaching is being blessed just by your mere presence and overwhelming charm isn't really the best way to go I'm the lucky lady that is about to meet your acquaintance and be dazzled by your charm grab your boys do not forget to grab your boys grab them by the hoods just drag them all around just drag all your friends around it's like okay yeah oh no couldn't get an eye contact there all right come on guys you just drag him like 12 feet down and then you just start trying too high a ball down a new person what is this and go hang out station yourself near her a Philly is about a year really creepy now not creepy quote ah never mind he said not creepy close this should be fine I would say 10 to 15 feet is good MMH he's like the middle of filming he can't even handle is him so he's like hey I'm gonna need a drink yes that's what we needed 10 to 15 feet away and to position your body now you can't face her directly you need to be at a slight angle not side angle slight angle your friends right here talking conversing with a simple turn of the head you have a direct unobstructed line of sight what now it's time to start checking around stop okay stop please all right now that you got your boys right there make sure you have a unblocked pathway so you can start checking her out hell yeah what is this video and why the amount of like planning and thought that went into being a creep is kind of insane I'm cocked as surprised by this is what he's doing he's like so forced it's so like far away from just being natural but also nothing in a nightclub is natural at all look at her not a glance more of a gaze and wait and when she looks at you be cool don't freak out don't look away maintain eye contact and give her a little smirk she will then most likely look away now it's time to open your posture face her and wait was a lot I tell he's flirting with us now she's just like [Music] I just did the do it on him stance that's the go-to pose just just go into any club and then just like find a random girl do that do it on him pose I'm just staring the eye instant shag promise guarantee shag oh my goodness now at this point one of two things is going to happen in the next 60 seconds if she is interested or at least intrigued she will look back or glance in your direction again in that 60-second window if she doesn't it is time to pack up move on find number two does this meet or your second option does this mean find number two in the bathroom I'm just so confused with all of this like it just does not make sense I mean like one thing we've definitely established here is your boys literally are your boys in this situation you have to like completely drag them around I mean you have to bring like three to four wingman's just to like pick up a girl with your tactics here because you're just gonna be dragging around your friends from like point to point in the club desperately just trying to get a look back from some girl come on boys nothing going on here let's go to a ten feet away I mean come on what if someone tries like these moves you know he's talking about like get a line of sight give her a look give her a smirk someone tries it and like the girl walks up and like punches him in the face that comes back to the comments like didn't work how BAM what the heck also like I feel like you really mess up when I girl walks 10 feet to punch you in the face from just you giving her looks that's like a whole new level of messing up oh wow yes an alarm to interrupt the video that's what I wanted if she doesn't it's time to get your boys saddle up the posse and roll on to your second choice alright yeah okay but does this mean that you can't come back to your first choice later in the evening absolutely not not the way and see how the rest of the night goes though Wow any woman would be flattered to know that they're the lucky number two ladies anyone are there any lucky number two's out there nothing says romance like being a second choice 2014 hey won't come back and when you find lucky lady number two you're going to repeat step number two and eventually you're gonna get a second look in that 60-second window and when you do it's time to give them a smile oh hell yeah give them that look that'll do it that's exactly what all women want nice big smile why that part like what's the endearing part of that I'm so confused and take a sip of your drink one last bit of courage because now it's time to make your move playboy walk up and introduce yourself hi I'm Aaron what's your name now what you say next is up to you but never lead with a physical compliment but I know it's tempting in your head your life girl you are so fun I've want to just stop stop please stop I hate being that guy but I'm cringing out of my skin if I was a snake my pile of skin would be over there because I've completely shape-shifted out of that skin because it's just like this is how I feel from that video like why and then what confuses me again hiss these videos they get so many views and next to no dislikes so basically it's a guy who's like ah yeah I get girls and he makes this video just being a frat Lord going like yeah keep eye contacts stay confident and she can be your future ex-girlfriend yeah it's so cringy and I hate being this boomer acting person but acting like that it's just it's just a yikes it's a yikes in my eyes it's just like alright well what comes out of your mouth is something calm cool and collected pickup lines are tough right you've heard horror stories and yeah I don't know that I've ever actually heard a good one but there is a degree of finesse that comes along with starting conversations when you're in this type of environment and I feel like I would be doing it more good doing you more good if we actually dedicated a video to the art of the pickup line oh boy yeah it's a good pick-up line are you from Tennessee cause you're the only ten I see oh it was good thank you hey Anna yes can you some insane pickup lines on you yes go ahead right now please if your transformer you'd be Optimus fine hey girl yeah is your name Wi-Fi cuz we got a connection I lost my teddy bear mm-hmm can I sleep with you instead hmm on a scale of 1 to America how free are you tonight yeah I'm actually gonna refrain from doing those for the rest of my life how many of those do you have stacked up in your brain only the worst if any of those actually works my mind would be blown my favorite is when someone says did it hurt and then the person other cause is like what do you mean like when you feel from when you fell from the sky we're gonna take up flying the gnarly where you fell from the sky when you fell from the sky bro okay don't pull me I'm sorry but for right now we're just using this standard Hey I'm Aaron what's your name boom congratulations from here gentlemen it is yours to screw up Wow talking about throwing your class into deep water okay so what you've taught them is get eye contact act confident Parral over to a woman and introduce yourself as Aaron even though your name maybe isn't Aaron but hey that's an alpha male name it gets all the ladies I don't know what this is but yeah it's yours from there take over have fun so Hannah yeah from one to ten how awkward was our first date here oh it wasn't awkward at all do you need a locker no but I thought like all men kind of were awkward on the first day was it not awkward no I went ahead of time watched alpha males dating advice and went back into time he used them on you me rings weird don't mirror but do touch her arm oh yeah the arm in my opinion the arm is the safest place to touch a woman when you're trying to express that you are interested but in a non-threatening way yes be endearing but do not be threatening that's the catchphrase of the patented alpha male arm touch technique don't caress or lick her face not now anyway it's gonna be a big hikes from me do lightly touch her waist as you pull her slightly in tell her something because it's so loud it's also the perfect opportunity to check to see what type of muffin top she's rockin I have no words I just genuinely have no words right now what look at me like that it's totally true and totally practical the dudes out here looking like both a pirate and a frat douche at the same time and he still has the nerve to say this ha ha just frat lord things am i right frat lord we put so many people Fred do you sure frat Lord there's just so many of them I feel like every time someone starts acting out like that if someone just screamed frat lord add them they'd stop it and frat lords by calling out frat Lords know like why take it as a compliment oh I just backfired I tried ending it don't stay too long don't wear out your welcome flirt meat and then mingle and come back and flirt some more it doesn't dance my friends and one that I am confident that you now know the first two steps this sounds exhausting like who genuinely cares that much like the level of mind games this guy is on is just insane if I were some dude trying to like figure out how to go up to a girl and I watched this video I think I would end the video more stressed than before I think like realizing like all the different like minor details you have to pay attention to yeah you can pick up women without acting like a frat Lord with underlying confidence issues a simple rule to follow is just don't be an ass and in general you will find someone and also if you want a relationship with actual substance don't go to a bar or a nightclub look anywhere else but a bar a nightclub quite like if you're a college student just go to a study group that's the perfect way like a class in common is the perfect conversation starter come on but on that note guys I'll be ending today's video if you enjoy the video please drop a like on it if you're new here I welcome you to the channel it'll be awesome if you subscribed and by the way guys I would really appreciate it if you did share around you have my videos to your friends trying to hit a million subscribers for our birthday which is April 21st so if you do share the channel I would really appreciate it and also if you want to follow me outside of YouTube you can find me as a de tozi on Instagram and Twitter links to me down in the description down below but on that note I'll see you guys next video I've been seeing all these sites and traveling in my suitcase I pack like I got my plans
Channel: Atozy
Views: 958,523
Rating: 4.7762742 out of 5
Keywords: how to pick up women, how to pick up girls, pick up artist, how to pick up a girl, women, how to pick up women at the gym, pickup, how to approach a woman, simple pick up, proven ways to pick up girls, how to pickup women, pick, pick up, how to pick up girls at the gym, cringe, funny, atozy, try not to laugh
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 13sec (1093 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 19 2019
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