Dr Myles Munroe How to overcome life challenges

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and I believe you beginning to understand how and why it is important for us to learn about this good news of the kingdom of God I began this morning with an illustration and that illustration had to do with if you ever had a key that you found in your house but you couldn't remember what lock it unlocked then really you ended up with a key that was useless to you and I believe that all of us have experienced that who have at least some keys right I looked at one against it before I left home there was a key in my car and I can't figure out what this key is for even right now so the so I possess the key but the key is useless to me now that illustration is graphic because it describes what happens to religious people religious people have keys it's in this book there's a bunch of keys but having keys and knowing how to use them or knowing what they're for is a different concern so having scriptures but not knowing how they work to unlock the riches that God has in store for us is just as bad as not having a key at all someone said to me he who doesn't read is no better off than he who cannot read the same thing is true of he who has a key is no better off than he who doesn't have a key if he doesn't know the key is for and so the religious leaders of the day of Jesus had the same problem Christ specifically said to them he said you know the scriptures he says but you do not know the kingdom of God which means they had the keys I want to quickly review to pick up where we left off we started with a scripture that implied and emphasized the importance of the kingdom of God in the Book of Luke chapter 4 Christ told us why he came he says I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to other towns so why because that is why I came I think that's an important remembrance here tonight and the the emphasis here in this passage this verse is finding out the purpose of Jesus coming to earth notice what he says himself he didn't come really for Calgary he didn't come for the resurrection he didn't come to make two work miracles these things were not his goal these were were means to an end what was the end of his coming he tells us what is it to preach the gospel of the kingdom of God the good news came of God this is why I came he says so his coming was motivated by the kingdom being delivered to man the second scripture we read is in Luke chapter 12 verse 32 and it says do not be afraid little flock why for your father has been pleased to give you what the kingdom another passage we read Matthew 25 verse 34 and is an important one I want to read just review for those who had to work this morning they didn't get this all right this passage here Luke and Matthew rather 24 verse 25 verse 34 he says Jesus speaking come you are blessed of my father he says receive your inheritance which is the kingdom of God and then he goes on to say that that kingdom was your inheritance how long since the creation of the world which means the kingdom existed before the earth the kingdom was given to you before the earth and that's why he made the earth the earth had to be created in order for you to carry out the assignment of the kingdom God wanted his kingdom his rulership - to happen on a visible planet so he created children first in the spirit and then he gave them the responsibility and then he had to make the territory for it so really the the earth and the heavens were created the physical heavens on earth were created so God could carry out through his children his kingdom desires so the reason why Christ came was to restore to us the inheritance that was always ours how long did the kingdom belong to you from the creation of the world that's important so Christ really came our inheritance is not Calvary our inheritance is not even the resurrection the Calvary and the resurrection and the blood and all the things we talk about so much they are really not the good news they are the process or the means to the end to get it to the good news which is the kingdom of God let's take another look at another verse in Revelations 5:10 now revelations the last book in the Bible so it culminates the entire program of God and you'll find in this verse God says in the end he says that he will make us a what a kingdom of priests to serve our God and they will serve Him where they were reign on earth this morning I didn't emphasize the word reign because we can deal with that a little later but please kind of tuck that away for a little bit okay but look at that he didn't say we gonna sing on earth or dance or clap hands he said he gonna do what rain well on earth so our destiny is earth not religious people say our destiny is heaven no our ultimate destiny is still earth because that was the original assignment let man have what dominion over the fish the birds the cattle and over all the earth so God created man in his own image and God blessed man and said what have dominion over the fish and the birds and the cattle and the earth in other words God's original plan was earth on his final plan will be earth he gonna get what he always wanted anything between Genesis and revelation is a program it's not the main issue so we find here then that his desire is to get us back to rule and reign on earth now it's important to note here also this next verse we talked about the law on the Prophet Luke chapter 16 verse 16 says the law and the prophets were proclaimed until John since that time since John the good news of the kingdom is being preached and that's important because he's saying up to John the kingdom was not the emphasis but after John that was the focus of God so John is the most important prophet in the Bible as a matter of fact Jesus said about John there's no greater prophet born of men why every prophet before John spoke about the coming of the Messiah John actually talked about him coming and then introduced him so John was the the greatest prophet in the sense that he was the most privileged one because he not only got to say he was coming but he literally was able to introduce him personally now he goes on to say that when this kingdom is preached many are forcing their way into it in other words people want it when they understand it when I was in in in London a couple of weeks ago I was speaking on this kingdom and I was sharing with them briefly about why people are not coming to Christ and I and I picked up this teaching again when I was briefly with Marilyn Hickey a couple of days ago we were talking about this at the church I was telling the church that the the Bible says in the ninth chapter of Matthew Christ says the harvest is what right and what plentiful now notice he looked at who humanity at the multitude and 2,000 years ago he said the harvest is what right that means by now the harvest must be rocky stink you know if you keep apples or mangoes and don't pick them you know what happens right they fall then they start decaying and then it becomes mushy and then all the worms show up and and then it starts smelling in other words the things that taste so good begin to smell stink do you know why because the harvest was right but you did not kid now Christ says he looked at the multitudes chapter 9 of Matthew verse 13 and he saw them like sheep without a shepherd and then he says what he says they are like sheep without a shepherd and then he turned to disciple says the harvest is plentiful I'm right and then that verse ends this way therefore don't go to the harvest go to the Lord of the harvest Lord means owner and ask him to send out laborers in other words don't go to the harvest go to the Lord and let him send you if he wishes into the last statement says his hobbies two things here he is Lord of the harvest means what he owns it and his harvest means he claims it which means every unsaved person on this planet whether they are Buddhists Hindus Muslims Shintoist Scientologists Unitarian Muniz it doesn't matter who they are Rastafarians or atheist God ripened them already now what's amazing is he said the harvest is right so he's not trying to ripen them for you they are ready for picking but the problem he says what I ain't got no laborers in other words the quality of people to reach them is very rare why it is important about what we just talked about he says here that those who understand the kingdom are forcing themselves into it people want it when they understand it which means that if they're not running after something that we have then would be having what God told us to get you know it's incredible to me every time I talk about the kingdom to somebody doesn't matter what they believe before that they get excited about it do you know why let me tell you why because the kingdom answers man's number one problem I know what it is man's number one problem we're going to repeat it again is he doesn't control circumstances that's your number one problem nothing feels more helpless than when that doctor tells you I can't do no better no more for you how do you feel nothing feels worse than when the banker says your credit rating ain't good enough we can't give you the money you feel hopeless don't you nothing feel worse don't render fellas say you didn't get the job thanks for your application me there's the sinking feeling in life when you can't control circumstances well Kingdom gives you power over circumstances let me put it another way the reason why people pursue religion no matter what kind of religion is because that religion promises them power over circumstances the most helpless circumstances we have in life is what death that one we can stop so all the religions try to offer you some kind of explanation as to how you can overcome that but the kingdom of God doesn't only give you powers like consensus in this life but also in the life after death because Christ is the only one who proved that it can be done you know Buddha never came back Muhammad never came back I mean I appreciate Muhammad I read you know the Quran and 90% of it is the Old Testament so at least I give him credit for you know getting his sauce from the good sauce yep I appreciate the Hindus they got six hundred million gods so one gotta work somehow but no Maharaja ever came back from the dead so they they're still not certain that they could control the circumstances of death that's why the resurrection is so important for the world because Christ not only sure that we can overcome poverty and lack and the elements like this wind and the ocean but he also should be authority over what disease he healed people and authority over demons he cast him out but he also had authority he says and I'm going to the grave and I'm coming back to show you that I also got power over that circumstance that's why the kingdom is so important as the kingdom promises us Authority and victory over circumstances it has to do with what Dominion but now our problem is we don't understand the message so let's talk about what a kingdom is again real quick a kingdom includes this list is not exhaustive but I'm gonna give you some of the basic elements of a kingdom and that's what Christ preached first the kingdom has to have a king that's a sovereign secondly it must have a territory in other words a domain over which it has influence and rules thirdly a kingdom must have citizens now I want you to note here that this kingdom we talking about has been misunderstood and turned into a religion Jesus hated religion his number-one opposition was from religious leaders and he kept they were the only ones he would you remember that Jesus never Ward a sinner but he wore religiously because religion reduces citizens to members of religious organizations a kingdom does not have members H have members Church religious groups it's like Rotary clubs and key clubs and church clubs we are just a bunch of clubs we become members and and so we do we don't experience the reality of the kingdom life because we are religious members my number one goal for the next two years is to transform you from being a religious Christian to a kingdom citizen because if I ever get that done you're gonna have responsibility to take charge of circumstances so a kingdom and citizens by the way a state between the citizen and a religious person is that a citizen is a legal element it's a legal person they have rights a religious person has emotions they appease they try to appease their God so they offer offerings they you know the pagans are religious people and you that's a good one I just felt that one the pagans are religious people so if you study Hinduism or Buddhism or Hinduism or all the isms you'll find that those people they keep offering things to their gods like food or money fruits they even cook food for their gods and put it out under the little plates and thing and when the rats if they say the guard ate it I mean it's incredible if you study these religions this happens now why do they offer those gods things they tell you why because we don't want a God to be angry with us or they want a guard to protect us in other words if I do this for you you do that for me if I do this you see there's this appeasement going on so when a hurricane comes or tidal wave comes or or lightning strikes somebody say the gods who are angry see so now they're afraid oh god we didn't do something to please that God that's religion well it's Christianity any different if you give $10 you get 100 see we still walked up into that appeasement let me tell you something in a kingdom you don't appease the government if you are a citizen ain't no appeasement involved in that what's involved in that right once you are a citizen you can make demands oh you understand me a government is there not to be served but to serve the citizen that's why Jesus coming to me to have you late not give you wrath he says cast all your another way that's reverse in this kingdom the government works for you but in religion you work for the religion you're not a citizen it's a very different contamination that we have in our religious relationship and then fourthly every Kingdom has a constitution has have a covenant we call it of course in our Constitution the Bible and then v every Kingdom has laws their laws have to be obeyed for a kingdom to work and everybody must obey the laws and then number seven every Kingdom has a government that is the ruling authority and number eight every Kingdom has what say it loud privileges say it again say it again say one more time citizenship is a privilege I want to stress that you don't have a right to be a citizen but once you are a citizen you got rights there's a big difference that's why it's difficult to become a citizen of any country because citizenship is a privilege and it gives you privileges and what rights and that's why citizenship is so important for everybody in the world an illegal immigrant has no rights and no benefits that they can demand from a government the same thing is true about the kingdom of God you know crisis in that synagogue that day you remember and the woman was bent over she was sick and I tell this story obstacles it's such a good example of Kingdom and he was sitting there and and the Bible says he stood up now he's about to do something everybody know oh boy here we go again it was the Sabbath day there's a woman who was sick for many years she was bent over couldn't even look up the Bible says she had a problem maybe a hernia a herniated disc or something or some some tumor or something that had a pump over and she was sick who was standing there with Jesus the religious leaders see religion makes you comfortable in your discomfort religion make you accept circumstances as the will of God now your talk to me religion tells you well it's the Lord's will for you to be late to see so religion makes you accept a condition that you get power to change so those religious people said to Jesus mattify they said to each other first they said what is he going to do now and they said talking among themselves oh it's a Sabbath day he shouldn't be healing on the Sabbath day and then Jesus heard them so he began to talk and he shifted from their religious talk to Kingdom thought he said and I believe he might have said without even looking at him he says is this woman a daughter of Abraham no where'd he go now he went to contract where he go to rites see as a religious present she's a member of the church but as a kingdom president she got a right to be healed so to them they wanted her tithes and offerings keep her coming to church we ain't you can say when I get Neil long ashiya in a seat and paying her ties it's religion religion doesn't give you power to overcome circumstances number three Christ goes Christ doesn't Gila because he's sorry for her religion is built on making God's sorry for you if I can just God to be moved if I could just move in by my weeping and by my by how bad I feel you just got to feel sorry for me Christ I'm healed because I saw him for at all let's go to rights is she not a daughter of Abraham yes she's a Jew good now didn't I make a contract with Abraham yes that there have been none of these diseases among you is that right yes so once I can identify that disease he's supposed to be among you then you have a right to be free from it you know he didn't ask where the woman was a believer anything oh boy you don't get things from God what it's gonna be rough now boy oh yeah it's tough to teach us you know because I get in trouble you don't have to be saved to get things from the kingdom now how's that for shocker see see okay you are a bohemian right you bohemian okay or you are an American or some of you from England all right British history okay now whether you black or white red or yellow does that make a difference for you to have citizens rights no once you're a citizen doesn't matter suppose you speak Spanish or French you don't speak the language of the country you still get things right once you're a citizen you got rights what if you are a Catholic a Baptist Methodist you still get rights as a citizen in your country sure what if you are a Buddhist or Hindu or don't believe in God at all they still gotta give you your rights in your country don't they because it doesn't depend on these other things once you are connecting with the government authority you get rights now let me prove it to you the person who understood the kingdom of God the most was not even a Jew I rest my case he was a pagan Centurion a Roman but he understood how Kingdom works this man didn't worship Jehovah matter of fact he was sent there to keep the Jews down to keep them in order he was in charge of 6,000 soldiers Centurion powerful guy and his servant was sick his personal aide we got sick and obviously he was tolerating Jesus in these Crusades for a while you know in his in his area where he was in charge this young man came from Galilee to 30 old guy having these meetings and I believe his sole issue and one duty to make sure there was no riot because that was their job to keep me you know keep everything in order so I believe Centurion came many times and listened to this young man preach doesn't Jesus talk about this kingdom and he was intrigued at this guy and he also of course observed Jesus you know doing things and probably heard it he healed people but now he has a problem what he had what does he have a circumstance that he cannot control so do you think he tried everything he could yes he has money he had a power so he sends a guy to doctors I'm sure an area tried everything the guy wouldn't get well so he says let me try this guy who taps into another sauce well I'm getting excited now everybody's a heaven see when the doctors finish with you he better have another key that can tap into a heavenly health sauce so this pagan centurion decided this man could heal my sermon so he came to Jesus he said what he says sir my servant is sick before he was finished Jesus responded interesting to me because usually Christ didn't volunteer but in that instant before the man finished Jesus volunteered he says my servant is homesick crisis I will come and heal him then the man said you don't have to come but you're gonna study this kingdom thing is heavy the masse I understand what you understand you and I got an understanding the understanding of this Caesar is in Rome I am thousands of miles away from Rome I am in Palestine here in the Middle East but my kingdom headquarters is in Rome Italy but I am all the way here in Palestine and my Authority in Italy released me with the same Authority in Italy so when I tell a soldier go he doesn't hear me he is Caesar because of what my relationship with Caesar when I tell one come he comes when I tell one go he goes why because I am a man quote unquote under Authority you see the key to get stuff from the kingdom is you gotta move under its authority and this pagan man shifted an open a lock my lord he used the key the guy shoved the key in of authority Bob he said I know that even now if you say you are healed and send your word like that he says I know that the serum my word works yours will work and Jesus responded listen now I responded he says I have never seen you talking about Pharisees scribes Herodians you talking about religious people in Judaism he says look this man has more faith than any jewel of ever man you gotta study with this man knew the man knew simply a key of authority he said where you get things done is to understand Authority and if Jesus said go your way your servant is healed and the Bible says when he ran home the same hour Christ said that that's when they told him that the boy got her you see the privileges and rights in a kingdom comes from what citizenship I believe that Centurion after that follow Jesus no doubt about it because once you get that kind of response you got trouble leaving and ignoring that that source of authority yep the next one Kingdom has coals of ethics and every Kingdom has what an army we dealt with that a little bit we can do that later on in the conference in the in the series rather but an army is what the angel sent the Angels the angels take care of the citizens one of the important things here is the fact that in a kingdom the citizens do not fight and that's important because religion has made the church an army nowhere in the Bible now notice a tough statement but nowhere in scripture is the church ever called an army but how many books are written that the churches the army of the Lord and we are in the battle jesus never says it and he never teaches it matter of fact he says that he's given his army charge concerning the citizens so the kingdom of God if you really understand it the hold of the army really fight to protect the citizens let me ask you a question when you become that it's going to be deep ok when you become a soldier what do you have to give up when you become a soldier you are no longer a civilian that's heavy in other words you I believe God says look if you rearrange it people won't become soldiers then I can't take care of you you take care yourself that's why you fighting so much the Angels are so upset at you cuz you won't let them do their jobs so hold on you think you know Daniel had a problem what do you do when you have a problem in your citizen you pick up the phone and you call the police that's the army and when you call the police who's calling the citizen I love the way it works you got the power to pick up the telephone if someone is violating your rights and you can call the military the law enforcement agencies and they help to come have to if you were citizen you got authority over the entire police force that's money blowing but if you are a religious Christian this don't work for you because now you are the army of the Lord no other way you get whooped every single day they whip in you the demons whooping you you can't fight against flesh and blood you splash of blood man citizens have rights Hebrews chapter one last verses are not angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who are heirs of salvation they here to serve us well how do you get this king of the function on you I bought the scripture up because I wanted to show you that all Christ's really thought about was the kingdom not before he died he preached the kingdom for three and a half years and all he taught was the kingdom now he went to hell he got the keys he rose again now this is after the resurrection let's read what it says in verse 2 of AX 1 it says after his suffering that's Calvary he showed himself to these men and gave many convincing proofs of his his being alive that was what his resurrection he appeared to them over what a period of 40 days that means after he was raised from the dead he was on earth for 40 days talking to these guys read the last thing what does it say can he spoke to them about what one subject the kingdom of God he didn't talk about Calvary didn't talk about the blood didn't talk about even a resurrection because can't be the blood and resurrection were the means to the end of getting the kingdom back in them that's why Christianity is such a depressing religion because we sing a lot but we can't pay our bills I mean that's frustrating to see I got a victory I got the victory and then you ain't got none when you go home something ain't right come on that's not sister fooling ourselves man I'm a king's kid but you can't pay your mortgage I mean something's wrong with those two statements if your father's the king you can at least pay off your house that's why Jesus told the disciples admit to the Pharisees he says you know something you guys know the Scriptures but you wouldn't enter the kingdom I wouldn't let the people enter and then he oh boy I better not you said concerning Oh forgive me anyhow he says whoa whoa means damned he curse them who are they religious leaders what were they doing keeping the people out of the kingdom living toughen what was on his mind at the resurrection the sealing that was on his mind before the resurrection he spent 40 days with a seminar teaching them on the same thing he taught them for three and a half years for the kingdom Acts chapter one same chapter couple verses down so when they meant together they asked him Lord are you now going to accomplish and restore the king of Israel he says look you guys are crazy his answer was interesting what did he answer he said look you guys misunderstood I'm not here to knock off Caesar and wipe out Pilate I'm not yet established some military kingdom they were still thinking Judas Jewish Messiah ship because the Jews were expecting what a military leader crisis no you missed it he says even though your era Isaiah but the Messiah you read you misread the details the teacher said that he should become a suffering servant he shall be disfigured and he was hang on a trillion and and he would not be worthy to be looked at in other words you guys I'm looking for a military leader and I'm coming as a suffering servant to set you up to receive the kingdom again he told pilot you know Pilate when Christ confronted wrong was when he confronted pilot that was Caesar representative and seasoned said the kid Jesus are you a king Jesus yes I am you know you say it right you said correctly but then she says let me explain something to you though as the first time he ever spoken to trial okay and I appreciate him speaking he never spoke to her because her hair was the food the guy was paranoid okay but when he spoke to Pilar he was speaking to who a kingdom person so he knew that Pilate would understand Kingdom talk so Pilate says are you King crisis Joe you're right you said it I'm a kidding he says oh by the way I better let you know that my kingdom is not of this world he said because if my enemies of this world my soldiers would fight for me in other words I if I was going military you would have been my servant pilot pilot you lucky I ain't go and military because I could call 10 legions of angels right here and night now and wipe you out you remember when he was arrested in the garden now this is not this is good this is good good example this is a religious person get taken into action who was religious person Peter what religion like to Friday ready to fight they come to arrest Jesus Peter's a shoe touch him touch me tell your neighbor you ain't gotta defend the kingdom hey neighbor god no you can't defend your own Kingdom how did you defend the kingdom of God and you can't even pay your rent Peter pull out his sword and start to fight for Jesus religious mentality put it Christ do crisis no Peter put your sword up I don't need you to fight for me he picked the guy air up put it back on and then he says look he says even now I could call 10 legions of troops in Legion is 6,000 soldiers 10 is how many 60,000 how many moved to stone one is 60,000 and big boys show up you know you might as well let Jesus go what was Christ getting across the same military not that he strike was disappointed him they still asking for a military kingdom his answer was interesting his answer was in the next verse verse 8 he says but you stay in Jerusalem but this kingdom is one in the Holy Ghost you shall receive the Holy Spirit and power and you shall be what witnesses and to me in your home Jerusalem in your job Judea in your community Samaria and your whole world that's your nation he says you would be one witnesses now here's an important I said this morning we don't understand the purpose for a witness witness doesn't mean that you take tracks and you go along the streets this a religion makes it that's why the people ain't get the same because you're going around giving out tracts and and possibly to come to it you say you know Jesus you die you could eat but you're smoking for you better stop drinking crisis you will be witnesses on to me not to the people you gonna read the verse carefully now how do you witness unto a person well it's a legal term in other words in a court of law if I claim something to be true and I I'm the plaintiff or I am the accused the matter which depends on who you are on in the box if I claim something and I tell the judge I'm going to bring witnesses to prove what I say then everyone I bring to that courtroom as a witness unto what I said they have to bring what evidence you see in the court from words I'm not their power is if evidence is a power if you bring words you could lie so I'll just talk about I'm a king's kid I am God's child hi I'm gonna see and that's why you break you poor you're sick you depress either I am gotcha but you're broke you poor sick in the breath I am gotcha but you're broke poor sick please enough you ain't listen to me I told you I told the people that my kingdom have overcome the kingdoms of the world it has power over every circumstance he says now get in the box and show them the evidence what is the key to the evidence not talking in other words things that work it works cushy Hannity don't work I know I'm rough on Christianity can see cuz that I used to be a Christian it doesn't work I notice it's tough because it just cuts you see but think about it be honest I'm honest that's why I'm living the kingdom life now it's a beautiful life see religion makes you lie I am here am you you say you getting worse I am eating I mean no no you ain't somehow you ain't unlocking something Jesus lord have mercy there's a key that you ain't you didn't work it for you am i speaking the truth might be honest come on be honest let me hand of you if you if you sick and tired of Christianity in working let me see handsome see around you you ain't alone don't you get don't you wonder sometimes I'm really working but they're making me say things I'm bear I'm well I'm prosperous I'm here unless I still ain't working so guess what you are a liar in the court you ain't got no one clap your hands and thank God for the truth look at that Oh hallelujah [Music] tell your neighbor I wanna be a kingdom citizen hey neighbor I want to learn how to live in the kingdom well that's our next point how do you live in the kingdom I figured it out and it works here it is it's found a beginning in Matthew 13 11 jesus replied the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you but not to them in other words the kingdom has some secrets that make the kingdom work that means that you can be in the kingdom and still starve to death if you don't know the secrets of the kingdom now I want you to underline a word please in your notes write that verse down underline the word of knowledge oh not knowledge - can I have a bunch of keys please thank you pastor rich alright I got a bunch of keys here now let's say that Pastor Richard comes to me gives me this bunch of keys and says I'm going away for five years here the keys everything I own and he gives it to me everything I own he had a bunch of keys I got the keys what's the problem I could be there for years trying to figure out I don't know how to get into anywhere because I don't know the secret of the keys okay did he leave me the house yes now here's the way the kingdom works getting in the house is easy because if you read the Bible there's no key to the kingdom it doesn't exist in the Bible there's no key to it but there are keys read it again I will give you the keys of the kingdom chapter 16 verse 19 Matthew I will give you the keys right oh not to okay so now pastor Richard says the front door is open but all the other doors are locked so I'm in the lobby most Christians die in the lobby there's a room full of help there's a room jam-packed with food there's a room full of peace there's a room full of victory there's a room full of this of our Dominion there's a room full of money I mean there's rooms full of all kind of stuff but you're stuck in the lobby because you can't figure out which key so what do you do watch this now it's gonna be good what do you do if you got keys but I ain't got the secrets to them what do you do you experiment you keep trying this verse you try another verse you try another verse when that words to win we quote this other one you keep and for ten years your cell phone I come back and you have dead what are you doing while I'm away quoting scripture but what happened you don't know how to use them man talk to me you busy and you're quoting put your experiment forgot the first statement again he says the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you but not to them who's them them other people right around you that mean you supposed to be living right next to your neighbor and in economic crisis they loosen their house and you build into so now they trying to figure out now wait a minute we in the same economy same neighborhood same conditions what's your secret now you gonna tell them I got some keys that can unlock another realm that's above our economy the only one is on a deep disease man if you go back to Egypt the kingdom was in action you know Gaza Moses I'm gonna bring a farm in but tell all the turn of Israel that they must do this and this and this and this he told instructions what are they secrets he say don't tell Egyptians what'd I tell you so they did it and guess what the Bible says the farming hit the line farming means economic crisis crops died no business economy fall apart trouble over the land the Bible says but in the in the house of the Israelites there was abundance of food but their neighbors was starving to death let me tell you something friends and there's gonna be deep if you become a kingdom person it doesn't matter what IMF World Bank g7 or anyone [Applause] because you operating with some other keys they don't know about the trick then is what getting the knowledge of the secrets he didn't say the secrets you know it's the knowledge of them so here's my punchline for tonight yeah I want to get this to you watch this Matthew 16:19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven not to now of whatever you bind on earth will be what parent in heaven whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven okay now no I was brought up in a religious environment that misused this verse because this verse have been applied to bind in demons and loosen angels or something or binding money and loosen money is that right I mean come on let's be honest matter fact the charismatic sigh really perfected this particular verse they perfected this one now but have you noticed it ain't working you know people may be buying this stuff and ain't never get bound through some stuff they never get loose why misuse of verse that was a called experimental key I hope this work read the first the first the first thing can undo no demons he's talking about functioning in the kingdom he says I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven now the the Greek word for bind is locked the Greek word for loose is unlock he's talking about a lock he said look whatever you unlock on earth heaven have to unlock for you whatever you lock up on earth heaven is locked up with so if you don't know how to open up something then heaven cannot get it to you you get it someone get it he says the key to getting stuff out of heaven is learning how to unlock how to use the keys of the kingdom now it's so wonderful man do you know the next verse is and we're gonna read on teacher on this when we study the keys individually because what I've done is I've gone through the entire four Gospels myself I'll peel through every single line and I have found all the keys I found all the keys brother and they are in there let me give you one right after this verse verse 19 the next verse says and if you offended someone now what was he talking about he's talking about keys he said look you unlock having a pass have unforgiveness even the way you lock heaven is unforgiveness the way you unlock it is forgiveness he says and if you do not forgive then your father shuts down he can't forgive and if you forgive then the father forgives so here you are in a religious service singing I Love You Lord and I lift my voice sound good but you better against a member across the the hall or you just had a big fuss with a member of your family and you hate their guts and you hold in bitterness here I Love You Lord heaven is as cold as an ice crystal I mean there is a metal door slams shut up there you just want locked up heaven to the Bible says if you bring your offering before the Lord wasn't offering your worship before the Lord and then remember that someone has not you now they fought against you but you know it it says don't try to offer your honor why heavens locked up go and make it right with them first heaven opens the door he said then come back and see if I won't pour you out a blessing but you can't continue how many Christians standing in church meetings singing loud and bitter at everybody at home it's one of the keys is forgiveness it's just one of them it's forgiveness so if you're gonna live in this kingdom and operate this kingdom you got to make sure you always have a right spread with everybody that is why Jesus said isn't it okay if you have an enemy then what does that mean they offended you right if you have an enemy they offend they are the offender what offender did this Kingdom is strange this Kingdom says if if you're offended by anybody so you must gonna make it right why because one of the keys of the kingdom is you must be what a peacemaker blessed are the peacemakers for theirs they are the sons of God these are the ones who God claims to be his children a peacemaker means that I make the peace I don't wait till you call me I am the peace make up where he hurt me he doesn't come to me cause I know no in this kingdom and was locked up on you so you don't wait till they initiate the peace he's a strange Kingdom in there why because the kingdom says you can have nothing in your life that offends otherwise the place is locked up he says so it's up to you whatever you lock up on it heaven locks up when you loose it on earth ever loses it well y'all are quiet you know why it's down to the practical stuff in there yeah see it's a nitty-gritty of the kingdom you see that means you can live any moment with anger bitterness malice deceit what Kevin's is a cold steel door locked imagine if you would live in that way the kingdom man there'll be no hatred hurt feelings frightened and divorce and brokenness Peter says have you married he says live with your spouse sensitively he says least your prayers be not answered shut your whole life down but I speak until he speaks listen let me tell you something you can't afford that but I wasn't the one that was wrong cause it's not the issue the issue is there's a fence in this house so every praying working heaven I shut the door hmm the Lord's pray our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come that was you praying for thy will be done nobody praying for good on it unless you request right next verse give us all we need for daily bread no problem because there okay I got your request now let's get the next thing in forgive us in other words heaven ready to release this thing you asked for now but gosh they're blocked up why is that in the prayer he said but that's how you unlock the thing forgive us our debts as we forgive those who offended us also and then while the other don't lead us into another one [Laughter] what can't afford to be offended no fan tell your neighbor this is good stuff for you take neighbor you better love me and forgive me for your own sake look at verse 10 the King the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God has been given to you but to others I speak in parables so that those saying they may not see and hearing they will not understand we deal with that some time later on Luke 11 54 52 says woe to you expression the law because you have taken away the key oh man look at what he said see you never saw this to people he says you experts in what the law these guys knew the scriptures they memorize man listen to me let me tell you or something they're memorizing scripture don't get it done these were experts the King moon doesn't work for you because you know the whole book of Galatians these guys let me tell you what these guys didn't read the Bible part time this was their full-time duty but listen to the words of Jesus and his religious leaders he says woe to you teachers of the law not just experts but teachers of the law you hypocrites because you have taken away the key to what the key to knowledge so verse 52 what I say is the key knowledge of the keys you've taken away the key to knowledge you yourselves have not entered and you have hindered those who were entering Matthew 23 13 woe to you teachers of the law and Pharisees you hypocrites you shut the kingdom of heaven in man's faces you yourselves don't enter nor will you let those and who are trying
Channel: steve kuul
Views: 49,864
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Id: WsPyADdFuok
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Length: 59min 6sec (3546 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 14 2018
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