Dr Myles Munroe WHO AM I

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I want you to notice something very quickly verse three begins to three words and god said verse six and God said verse nine and God said verse eleven and God said verse 14 and God said verse twenty and God said verse twenty-four and God said now everything God created it creates it by setting it that means God speaks things into being by his power of his word the same thing happens here when he creates man I want you to take your pen underline those words in all those verses please verse 3 and God said verse 6 and God said verse 11 and God said verse 9 and God said verse 14 and God said verse 24 and God said when God created anything or should I say when he called things into order he used the power of his word but he was very cautious than when he did that whenever God wanted anything done he decided what he wanted first and why he wanted then he spoke to what he wanted made it out and whatever God said to what he spoke to came out of what he spoke to exactly what he said do you get that now by the tape and winding it down three times you understand what I just said and we try one more time very important to understand this principle when God wanted to create something he first decided why he wanted it and then what he wanted then it incited what material he wanted made it out then whatever he wanted met it up he went to what he wanted matter when he spoke to what he wanted made it up and whenever God said to what he was speaking to came out of what he spoke to exactly what he said now you'll find it all true this creative process here in chapter one for example look at verse 14 when I was in verse 11 when God wanted trees the Bible says and the Lord said to the earth bring forth vegetation so God wanted clients that come from dirt so he spoke to dirt therefore whatever he spoke to bought for what he said God said that the herbs vegetation he spoken to the dirt so the dirt bought for roads and vegetation therefore whatever God speaks to brings toward what he says so God aims his speech at what he wants things we made oh no so every plant and tree and shrub on the earth is hundred percent dirt because that for God spoke to that's why when plants die they go back to the earth when you eat an apple eating dirt banana eating dirt mine goes eating dirt tomato eating dirt it's all dirt that's why when you leave a dirt tomato on the ground and come back in two days it's just a lump of dirt there it's all dirt that's what God spoke to when God wanted the Sun verse 14 it says and God spoke to the permanent the permanent full of gases so when God said let there be light in the heavens then that brought forth the Sun the Sun is nothing but gases they just discovered that about seven years ago - the Sun is 100% gases and every star you see in the sky nothing but gas is made from what God spoke to when I was twenty when God wanted fish it says what and God said to the waters so therefore fish are made from water dirt that means a dirt under the water bought for the fish and God said Let there be living creatures in the ocean so what they bought for these they've increased every fish you see is hundred percent water dirt look at verse 24 when God wanted plant animals creatures birds and cows and horses it says and God said to the earth bring forth living creatures so God spoke to what the earth he said bring for one living creatures therefore out of the earth came what whatever God said living creatures so every plant and animal you see is 100% dirt that's why when animals die they go back to the dirt when you eat animals we didn't do it it's all dirty because that's what God spoke to so whatever God wants he decides what he was admitted of then he speaks to what he was admitted of whatever God says what he speaks to comfortable countries that duties it now this is a very important principle of creation there's another principle that goes with this and say very quickly wherever he bought something from there's a principle it has to remain attached to where it came from in order to live it's a principle so when you study creation everything that came from somewhere in as the feet on red came from in order for it to live so plants came from where the earth so they're going to be attached to the earth not to live stars came from where the feminine so they got to stay in the firm in order to live if they lead they become meteorites and burn up fish come from where waters so they can remain attached to the water in order to live there and stay in the water where the plants come from but it's come from well the animals came from the dirt so they got to keep feeding on dirt in order to live they keep eating plants or one another as a principle look at verse 26 then and God said what did you say ungodly same process and God said let us make man now when God wanted fish he spoke to the waters when he won his style he spoke to the feminine when he wanted plants he suppose to the earth when he wanted animals spoke to the ground when God wanted man that's youth he spoke to himself now God is spirit animals 100% dirt fish 100% water dead plants hundred-percent dirt stars hundred-percent gases man hundred percent God that's why you are a spirit you don't have a spirit you are a spirit because that's what God spoke to and you came out of God therefore God says let us spring forth this one so God said to himself man come forth our God came a beautiful spirit he named it man that's why man is a spirit and man has the characteristics of a spirit now spirits have no gender there's no such thing as a male or female spirit nowhere in the Bible you'd ever find the turn experience of no gender so the word man is a plural word in Scripture all of the species called man are spirit beings because they came out of what spirit because God spoke to Spirit of God wanted men to be made out of his own spirit whatever is in plant is in dirt whatever is in water is in fish study it scientifically whatever is in the permanent is in the stall whatever is in dirt is in every animal so you're never you sitting next to an awesome person whatever is in God or is in man that's why God cares about you what is man that thou art mindful of him and the son of man that you care for him is it not because you made him a little lower than Elohim not angels the King James said Elohim because the writers in England couldn't believe what they read in Hebrew the word in the people text is Elohim you have made man a little lower than Elohim your own self and that's why God loves you so much because you are not only like him you are of in that's why plants cannot fellowship with God they are wanted 2% dirty that's why animals cannot fellowship with God 100% dirty that's why fish cannot worship God 100 percent dirty that's why this permanent and stars cannot worship God hundred percent dirt that's why only you could worship God 100 percent spirit and they that worship God must worship Him in spirit and in truth come on praise the Lord somebody [Applause] ha or I should make you feel good tonight [Applause] [Music] well let me let you go home with some stuff and keep you up write this down man is a spirit let's write that down God said to this man who is a spirit hallelujah in verse 26 read it let us make man in our own image in our own life is our own stuff and let him have dominion over the fish of the sea the birds of the air on over all the earth and over everything that creeps upon the ground read it read it isn't a beautiful gossiped here's why Magus creature to have dominion over the earth now the problem is the earth is physical but the man is spirit so God now has to do something to make it work he said I graded you man spirit talk Dominion or rulership or government ship over the earth you are a leader or a king over the earth but you are spirit and the earth is physical so God now has to take the man who is spirit and put him in an earth suit so the man could get on earth to rule the earth so in chapter 2 verse 7 God says I have to make this earth suit for the man to wear so he says it says in chapter 2 verse 7 God formed the man's body from the dust of the ground and blew the man into the body which is dirt and the man whispers now living in a dirt suit so that the man could rule the earth which is physical like the dirt God's desire was for the man to rule the earth for him the man is like him therefore the man whose spirit can relate to God who is spirit God is invisible the man is invisible but the body is visible so God who living in the unseen is also living in the unseen which is living in the scene is on the scene and God's desire is for his will to be communicated from the unseen to the man who is unseen who's living in the scene on the scene so when God wants something done all he does is communicated from the unseen to the unseen living in the scene on the scene and then the scene does it so the unseen could make the scene know for the unseen wants it's called King Dominion the king of heaven was dominating earth through his own children so the kingdom of God is God with King of glory King of heaven dominating the earth through his spirit children through their bodies sort of the unseen that manifests in the scene so that the will of God in heaven to be done on earth through the seen by the unseen living in the unseen which is in the scene on the scene therefore what's happening in heaven could happen on earth without heaven coming to Earth do you understand the kingdom of God [Applause] that's why the whole message of God is the kingdom they asked Jesus would we pray for he said prayed that means desire what God always wanted our Father who art where is he he got honor he is that's the unseen hallowed or holy is thy name that means you have integrity you will get what you want oh you don't understand the word of God Jesus our Father who is not on earth you are full of integrity you will get what you desire you are hallowed thy Kings Dominion come Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven let what you want in the unseen be seen in the scene the kingdom of God shall be within you I will give you once again the Holy Spirit laughter he paid the price and shed his blood he called them in a meeting and he taught them about the kingdom of God and then he went to each one and he breathed on them and he said received now the Holy Spirit why because the kingdom of God is now joy and peace in the Holy Ghost come on somebody praise Allah when you receive the Holy Ghost again you're being reconnected back to heaven and now God's will could be done again in a dirt suit here's my bottom line tonight in verse 26 God says let them have dominion hey boys they let them play it loud let them one more time let them say it loud did you hear what you just said play it again the Bible never lies God did not say let us have dominion you got to be very careful what you read in the Bible God says let us make man as plural in our own image and our own likeness out of our own spirits and let them have dominion over the earth let hook them that means the only creatures that have legal authority on this earth i men humans what is a human right the word human down quickly the word human is an important word it's if they it's a combination the word human is from two words put together in the word human hu mus humans and it's from the word man and may end now the word humans means dirt and the word man is spirit being when you put the two words together if we get away from human humans man a spirit in a body the only creatures that have legal authority on earth according to God to function here legally is humans that means a spirit in a body if you don't have a spirit you can't function you're legally you got to leave that's why when you die you live because you no longer legal that is why Satan is illegal tell us why demons are running to and fro trying to get a body because they want to borrow your body because they need to be legal to do business here demon possession is a an attempt for spirits to become legal who are illegal demons cannot function without a body here on earth that's why you can walk up and down the street with demons they never bother you but if they get into a person they destruct it because now they got a body to legally work through that's why you have to be cautious that your body your body is important to this earth well when God said let them have dominion he was also taking himself out of the picture because God is spirit he doesn't have a body so even God Himself became illegal now why it is important because God is faithful to his word he will violate his own word remember his words above his name that's why God Himself cannot come into the planet without a body that's why when Adam and Eve was sinning when even picking the fruit God couldn't stop her not because he was weak not because he was afraid not because he's not powerful not because it's not mighty not because it in a sovereign but because he is too faithful to his own word he couldn't come in as a spirit and stop her because he would have broken his word and if the other procas were at once you will never trust him again so God has a state out even though he knew who was going to happen you could say that God's faithfulness caused the fall and I'm glad he didn't interfere because that God had interfere of the spirit and broken his word you could never trust the promise he give you ever since because he's so faithful to the point of the fall of his own children than anything he promised you will come to man that's why when you read the Bible you find in the next chapter instant action chapter 3 when Adam and Eve messed up the first thing God doesn't make a promise and he made a promise not to Adam and Eve he made a promise to the devil is found in verse 15 of chapter 3 reading genesis 3:15 he says devil paraphrase you know me used to live with me you know what kind of God I am you know ever faithful God and I keep promises and you know that I would not come in and break my words and violate my words you know I can't come in and stop this fall because you know I have no body legally but I promise you or listen to the promise he's a Satan I promise you that the woman the same human that you use she's going to provide a body for me someday and I'm going to come into the world legally and I'm going to trust your head legally I will take the power back legally I'm going to give my children authority legally come on shout somebody he's coming back dinner party well come on stand up on your feet praise the Lord thank God for Jesus he came in a body legally and he destroyed Satan legally so she had a body literally come on shout somebody praise the Lord clap your hands you and I are born again because of Jesus Christ hallelujah come on praise His name [Music] whoa hallelujah well well well well well everybody stand up come on I want you to look at me look at me look at be very quiet look at me look at me look at me that's why you are so dangerous you are dangerous because you have a body your body makes you powerful on this earth that's why Jesus needed a body as a matter of fact the Bible teaches some very interesting in the in the book of Isaiah chapter 7 it says under Lord shall give you a sign a virgin shall be with child and his name shall be called m-man you Elohim it means in and Hebrew man is mankind and L is Elohim God inside a dirty man it name shall be called what God in dirt leo listen to me listen don't miss this we're going to go home but I want you to stay up on this one God said something very unique to Satan concerning the women he said the woman it's going to be your nightmare he said the same woman you use to break the rule she is going to be your nightmare I will put enmity between you on her and her seed and you'll see now the way she is going to be the one who wrecked your King now why what because God made the woman before Satan tempted her and God designed the woman before say he didn't and definitely so God designed a female in such a way because he was thinking about himself women were designed with God in mind a woman's room is designed in such a way that she can carry a baby and the baby's blood never mixes with the mother's blood come on use your wisdom think of the name now God did that before women men fell God look just in case I'm going to make arrangements for myself my Willa Garbett sir dr. Sagan you made a mistake why because I'm going to come in the woman's womb all a woman needs to have a baby is a seed [Music] hallelujah you don't need a man just needs a seat ha ha the gods are Satan I got your number I'm gonna plant my seed in the woman and see on a glow a body around my seed to make me legal but the blood in that baby will not mix nor have wings but the blood of that woman for the rest of your blood that can forgive her fin and the world fin I'm going to be in her legally but I'm going to be there with a pure blood give the Lord a hand for his wisdom he's awesome God Hey hallelujah signs are for women I did thank God for women signs are for women [Music] my god says in Chapter nine der he says for unto us a child would be born and unto us a son to be given now the child would be born but not the son the son will be given she'll born the child but she won't born the son the child would be born of the woman but the son will be given by God himself she was born the body but God will give the spirit she was born to house daughter give the resident she was born the flesh God will give the spirit [Music] hallelujah I say hallelujah so Mary is the mother of Jesus but not the mother of Christ oh you'll get it after I'm gone [Music] Jesus is the body but Christ is the spirit Jesus is the resident oh come on somebody thought so Mary you shall name the child Jesus don't name the son you will name the body I already got the name for the spirit the body is Jesus that means Savior but the Spirit is Christ that's God come on somebody so Jesus made price legal favor with me Jesus made Christ lega come on say it again Jesus made price legal clappy and you understand what he just said Oh hallelujah [Music] that's why God could walk on the earth without breaking his word because he was in the fresh in a body but he was still God hallelujah and he died on a cross paid the price for his body cost in order for us to be forgiven we need blood and spirits have no blood so Christ needed Jesus's body to get blood from it that's why Jesus called Savior oh you're a go get it in order to heal us God needed some stripes on the back for the blood to come out the healer but spurs have no pact with blessed so God needed the back of Jesus for the stripes for your healing that's why I Jesus is the healer the Bible says the wages of sin is what yes and spirits cannot die and in order to pay the wages of sin someone had to die but the body could die so Christ needed Jesus to die that's why he needed a body so that there could be the price paid so the Bible says God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself he was in Jesus doing the works to bring us back to him it is so powerfully simple so here is Jesus taking price to the cross come on somebody and Christ stretches Jesus out on the cross that's why Christ says no man takes my life i laser hallelujah and on the cross I can hear Jesus talking to Christ because Christ can feel another pain hallelujah and see the third the Christ if there any other way to do this crisis no it was agreed before the foundations of the world and the Bible says and Jesus cried out father talking to Christ I know you got a leave for a couple of days but don't forget me don't forsake me you promised if I later party down I'll take it up again I can almost hear Christ on the inside since I promise you I got to go downstairs for three days get some keys I'll be back to get you later glory hallelujah come on brazen horse the button hey my mom remember mama come on this brazen impatient prolific collector about sack mandarava for Shonda Brandon a broken collarbone horrible food we serve a powerful God and the Bible says the Bible says that that after he had cried out he expired afterward use which means teeth he released and he died and so we get Jesus dead but not Christ hallelujah Christ comes out of Jesus and goes down into Hades in the she all in the Gehenna walks into the dungeon of Darkness keeps open the door of lies looks at Satan and Satan say what are you doing here you can't come here you need a body to come down here but Christ says I got a body upstairs on lizard hallelujah I come to get some keys Carabas Telemachus in the water hallelujah that's the gospel [Music] and christ walks up to satan sitting on that throne raining by blood he puts his hand into Satan's belt and grab three rings with keys on him and he pulls it he looks at the Satan and Satan says I didn't come for you yet I just came for the keys I'll be back glory hallelujah and he took the keys of death hell I'm the prey he turned around when he walked back into the dungeon of darkness he's brought to the first cell and he thought his unlocking cells the Bible says he went down and descended and he that descended also offended and he led captives in his train he said Abraham come on out of here David come on out of here Joseph come on out of here he'll come out of here Moses come on let's get out of here Joshua come out of here Malakai come out of here come on Jonah come on Daniel come on Shadrach get out of here I come to get you go come on shout hallelujah somebody were Loren I mean he got everybody behind him in his train he says y'all ready david says one minute chief this is the day the day that the Lord Davis our example baddest thing had come on somebody to clean hell when the Bible says he attended and led captivity captive and astrayed understand who were dead raised up with him and they break open all those graves the Bible say on their way up to paradise and they walked around the earth for a few days under the hair up with him into paradise and they were there and here's Christ in heaven he bought the blood of Jesus before the throne he parted before the father the father said Christ paid they are forgiven [Applause] now Christ says I got to go back to earth because I got some unfinished business I can hear careful saying but you can't go down there chief why because you ain't got a body I can hear Jesus Christ saying I got a body it's on Isis right down there waiting for me I'm gonna be legal I'm gonna be legal well I got a party he went back into the body of Jesus I mean raised Jesus from the dead and now Isis still legal there's a buddy one but Jesus come to walk among at these cycles he breathed on them he says now what receiving the Holy Spirit and then they watched Jesus leave who left Jesus this same Jesus the same Jesus not priceless same Jesus that you see leaving shall return in like manner but Christ says I go but I could be right back oh you're gonna get in a minute for your neighbors hand Christ I gotta go back to earth because I got to win the whole world and heaven says you can't go down there because you need a body to be legal down there and Christ says Christ painted Jesus's thank you very much you prepared a body for me they are forgiveness they are clean they are holy by your blood I can go back down to earth legally come into the body legal
Channel: open doors tour
Views: 196,473
Rating: 4.809772 out of 5
Keywords: business, father, housewife, kids, succes, millionare, internet, leadership
Id: p-iqEfxGBBU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 50sec (2030 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 22 2017
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