Dr. John Goetsch - Jesus Paid it All

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take your Bible if you will and go to zechariah chapter 13 the book of zechariah next to the last book in the Old Testament if you find the division there between the old and the new and just go back through the book of Malachi you'll come to the book of Zechariah in Chapter number 13 if you will zechariah chapter 13 we're gonna look at just one verse here in this chapter and we're going to leave it for a moment but i promise we'll come back to it zechariah chapter 13 and if you will look with me at verse number 6 and one shall say unto him what are these wounds in thine hands then he shall answer those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends we do not know what Jesus Christ looked like when he was here on the earth we have no actual photographs or actual pictures of the Lord Jesus Christ now all of us probably have seen some paintings or some sketches of what artists have thought that Jesus may have looked like and perhaps you have a mental image of that in your mind but we don't know for sure we didn't we don't have anything authentic as far as an actual photograph I think the Lord knew it was best we didn't probably if we had a picture of the Lord Jesus we would worship the picture rather than the person so we don't know what he looked like we certainly have no idea what he looked like as he hung on the cross of Calvary and died for us again artists of painted pictures and often those pictures shows some blood at the brow of the Lord Jesus Christ from the crown of thorns perhaps some blood at his hands where the spikes were placed perhaps some blood at his ankles where again the nail was pounded through his feet but we have no idea Isaiah said in Chapter 52 and verse 14 his message was so marred more than any man and his face more than the sons of men CI Scofield and his notes on that verse said so marred was his aspect on the cross he was unrecognizable as a human being chapter 53 of Isaiah prophesied of the coming Messiah said we hid as it were our faces from him there's no beauty that we should desire him you know every once in a while in our Christian life it's a good idea to go back to Calvary it's a good idea to go back to that place called Golgotha the hill of a skull and remind ourselves of what Jesus Christ did for us perhaps this morning we could go back in our mind even as David under inspiration of the Holy Spirit looked ahead to that coming crucifixion as he wrote the messianic Psalm in chapter 22 my God my God why hast thou forsaken me why art thou so far from helping me and from the words of my roaring oh my god I cried unto thee in the daytime but thou here is not and in the night season and them not silent our fathers trusted in thee they trusted and they were delivered they cried and now just deliver them but I am a worm and no man a reproach of men despised of the people all they that passed by shoot out the lip they mock saying he trusted in God let him deliver him if you'll have him many bulls have company strong Bulls of Bashan have beset me round they keep tap on me with their mouths as a raven in roaring lion i am poured out like water and all my bones are out of joint my heart is like wax it melteth in the midst of my bowels my strength is dried up like a potsherd my tongue cleaveth to my jaws for the house brought me into the dust of death many dogs have encircled me the Assembly of the wicked have inclosed me they pierced my hands and my feet I may tell all my bones they stare and look upon me they parted my garments among them a my Wester did they catch lots will you go with me this morning let's go back to Calvary let's go back to that scene and let's observe the wounds of Jesus wounded for me wounded for me there on that cross he was wounded for me gone my transgressions and now I am free all because Jesus was wounded for me I call our attention this morning first of all to the fact that the wounds of Jesus were administered violently this was not a kind loving crowd to put Jesus Christ on the cross this was not a group of soldiers that somehow in their hearts felt sympathy or felt sorry for the one they were nailing there they hated the Lord Jesus Christ and could I pause just long enough to say this morning that when you get saved and when you decide you're gonna serve Jesus Christ there will be those who hate you jesus said in John chapter 18 if the world hates you you know it hated me before it hated you if you were of the world the world would love his own but because you're not of the world but I have chosen you out of the world therefore the world hateth you I don't like the promise given by the apostle paul ii and all who live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution that's a promise I don't care for the promise but it's true if you're going to live godly if you're going to take your stand for Jesus Christ there will be those who oppose you why because they hated the Lord Jesus Christ I think of what they did to him even before they put him on the cross the Bible says in John 19 and verse 1 then Pilate took Jesus and scourged him scourging was a common form of punishment in Bible times the Jews when someone was guilty of a certain crime they would they would administer scourging the Jews would take the person who was guilty and they would strip him down to his waist of his clothes they would make him bend over an object like this and expose his back they would then take a scourging or a flogging tool as it was sometimes called it was basically a leather strap on the end of that leather strap would be attached a sharp object such as a piece of glass or a piece of iron sometimes they use a sharp bone or a shell and they would attach it there to the end of that piece of leather with the back now exposed they would take this flogging tool and they would put stripes upon the back of this one who was guilty of some crime now the Jews had a limit as to how many stripes they could place upon the back of a criminal they had a maximum penalty if you please their maximum penalty was 39 stripes the Jews considered the fortieth stripe to bring death and so their maximum sentence was 39 stripes you remember the Apostle Paul in 2nd Corinthians 11 said of the Jews five times received I forty stripes save one five different times for preaching the gospel Paul came unto the Jewish scourge of forty stripes save or - one 39 stripes maximum penalty however Jesus was not scourge by the Jews he was turned over to the Romans for scourging the Romans according to their own history records had no limit they had no maximum penalty my wife and I had the privilege of going to the Land of Israel back in 1975 one day we were taken down into a basement like room it was a small room probably couldn't have been more than 10 or 12 by 10 or 12 it was completely empty it was absolutely nothing in the room it appeared to be hewn out of stone it was like a cave almost an in in in the sense that you got as you walked into it now I remember going in there thinking what her what have we seen here there's nothing here to see the guide came in and he said you're probably wondering what we're looking at here he said this was a room that was used by the Romans for scourging he said we don't know if Jesus was skirts in this exact spot he said they're about a dozen of these rooms in and around Jerusalem he said they're all exactly alike he said this particular room is the closest to Golgotha so it may be the exact spot where Jesus was scourge he said when the Romans would scourge a man they would bring him down into a room like this and they would strip him of all of his clothing he said look at the ceiling we looked up and in the ceiling there was a beam that was cut out of that rock it came down four or five inches and spanned the entire width of that room in that beam about arm's width apart there were two holes cut the guide said once they had stripped this person of his clothes and they would take leather bands they would attach them one to each wrist and they would pull the body upward to these two holes cut in this beam they would stretch the body upward as far as it could be stretched so the skin of the body would be absolutely tight now with the body stretched upward and naked the Roman soldiers would take what they called a cat of nine tails it was a rod with nine pieces of leather attached to the end of that rod and at the end of each piece of leather a sharp object as I described a moment ago with the body stretched upward a naked these Roman soldiers would take turns with this cat of nine tails whipping the body in that stretch position the cords would wrap around the body the sharp objects would bite into the flesh and the skill of that Roman soldier is just as that shell or glass would cut into the flesh they would rip it away pulling the skin from off of the body exposing the very organs of the person imagine a hundred and fifty times the guys to look at the floor we look down and directly beneath that beam in the ceiling there was a gutter or a trench cut into that floor and the guide said that was so the blood could flow out of the room imagine what the body of our Savior looked like before they ever took him to the cross now the Bible says after they discouraged him they put his own clothes on him and led him away have you ever gotten your clothing into a cut remember maybe in elementary school you went out for recess and you slid into second base or something and you came back into class and yeah you'd kind of skinned your knee and and you didn't realize it you don't think too much about it but you sat down and later when you went to stand up your pant leg it kind of stuck to your you wound the dry cloth that helped to stop the bleeding and it helped to coagulate the blood but now when you went to take that garment off you had to be careful not to break that scab loose and the bleeding process starting over again now think about this they scourge the body of the Lord Jesus Christ they placed his own clothes back on him and they take him out to a place called praetorium also referred to in the scriptures the common Hall and your Bible says when they got him there they stripped him of his raiment they didn't carefully remove it from these wounds they stripped him of that clothing reopening that bleeding process now they placed a purple robe around him when they had platted a crown of thorns those thorns still growing Israel to be 2 and 1/2 inches in length when they platted a crown of thorns they placed it on his head they put a reed in his right hand and they bowed the knee before him saying hail King of the Jews and they took that reed and smote him on the head driving those thorns down into his skull now with his eyes blindfolded those Roman soldiers took turns with an open hands slapped him across the face pulling the blindfold up and saying who just hit you come on which one of us just slapped you you're supposed to be God you're no God they pulled the blindfold down and slap up again and again and again and this went on and on and on and the Bible says after they had mocked him they took the purple robe off from him now they've opened those wounds again he placed his own clothes on him and led him out to crucify him as they came out they found a man of Cyrene Simon by name the father of Alexander and Rufus him they compelled to bear his cross from Roman history there were about six or seven different styles of crosses that were used at the time of Christ for crucifixion the most common was in the form of a capital T a little bit different than our thinking of the small letter T this capital T cross that was most likely used in its entirety weighed 325 pounds making it virtually impossible for any man to carry what I can discover in Roman history reveals that the center posts of these crosses which weighed two hundred pounds was left in the places of execution in other words they stayed at places like Golgotha to be used over and over again the cross piece which weighed 125 pounds was cut individually for those who are to be executed and it was customary under their tradition for the person who was to be executed to carry that cross piece that 125 pound block of wood from his place of sentence to his place of execution however Matthew Mark and Luke all tell us that Simon of Cyrene carried this cross when they got to Calvary they put that piece of wood down on the ground they took the battered bleeding and bruised body of our Savior and they placed him back onto that piece of wood stretching his arms outward now those Roman soldiers took Roman spikes five to seven inches in length they found the slight separation between the two main bones in the wrist it was here that they pierced the skin and pounded those nails through his hands into that cross piece of wood when once the hands were fixed to that cross piece they lifted it up to the center post and dropped it into position the legs were crossed at the ankles bent slightly at the knees and the nail was pounded through the feet into that that center post now the knees were bent slightly had the person been crucified with his knees locked gravitational pull would have pulled him down on the cross air would have filled his lungs but he would not have been able to exhale the suffocating and dying almost instantaneously crucifixion was not meant to be instantaneous it was meant to go on for hours sometimes days so they bent the leg slightly this allowed the person on the cross to push and pull upward on those nails in order to exhale gravitation would pull him back down air would fill the lungs and now in order to survive he had to push and pull on those nails in order to breathe or speak and Jesus did speak and seven times he spoke and he said Father forgive them they know not what they do and now the crowds came by wagged their heads he saved others himself he cannot save let Christ the King of Israel descent now from the cross and we will believe they that were crucified with him cast the same in his teeth now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour have you ever wondered why sixth hour Bible time is noon ninth hours 3 p.m. that's when the Sun is highest in the sky and yet for those 3 hours on that day the Sun was blocked was darkened over the face of the entire earth why everything that I've described up to this point is physical Jesus Christ is suffering a physically excruciating death but so are the thieves they were crucified in the exact same way but at noon something very unique is happening on that Center cross you see at that moment God the Father was taken the sin of the entire human race all of it every sin that every person had ever was ever will ever commit your sin all of it my sin all of it the sin of seven point six billion people on the planet today all those who have lived before us all those who live after God took the weight of that entire sin of the hear of the human race and he placed it on his son to bear at that moment and as God placed that sin upon his son he could not look at his son for God the Father was still holy he was still without sin and so he blocked the light of the Sun and turned his back on his son for the first time in eternity and that's when from that cross Jesus cried my God my God why hast thou forsaken me and now he bears our hell he suffers our punishment and finally he cries from that cross it is finished and he bowed his head and gave up the ghost even after he was dead this crowd wasn't done for verse 31 of John 19 says the Jews therefore because it was the preparation day that the body should not remain on the cross on the Sabbath day for the Sabbath day was an high day besought Pilate that their legs might be broken and that they might be taken away the religious leaders of the day came to Pilate they said Pilate tomorrow's our holiday tomorrow's our feast day but we can't celebrate with those bodies up on Golgotha send the soldiers to break their legs so they'll die tonight and we can get them down off the crosses and we can party tomorrow and so Pilate sent the soldiers and they break the legs of the one end of the other that was crucified with him but when they came to Jesus and saw that he was dead already they break not his legs but one having a spear the Roman soldiers carried what was called an infantry spirit was five to seven feet in length one having a spear pierced aside and forthwith came their out blood and water I remind us he's already dead and now this spear is or hamed up into his heart the blood and the water come forth and may I just say the fact that blood came out of that wound after he was dead proved that he was not a man it was God because dead men don't bleed it's a scientific fact if you go somewhere where they're performing autopsy today on a person who's dead there they're making incisions to try to discover the cause of death but there's no blood coming out of those wounds dead men don't bleed Jesus bled after he died because without the shedding of blood there's no remission it's the blood of Jesus Christ his son that cleanses us from all sin these wounds were administered violently but I want you to see secondly they were accepted voluntarily why did he allow this what why did he go through with this why why didn't he call 10,000 angels as the song suggests why by saying nothing by doing nothing was he admitting I'm guilty as charged I deserve this I'm a sinner and deserved to die the Bible says in first John 3:5 of Jesus in him was no sin Hebrews 4 tells us he was tempted in all points like as we are and yet without sin the writer Isaiah prophesied the Messiah said he had done no violence neither was any deceit found in his mouth Peter called him a lamb slain without spot without blemish so why why did he allow this why did he go through with this every time we look in the mirror we have the answer Christ died for us I am The Good Shepherd and the Good Shepherd giveth his life for the Sheep he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and by His stripes we are healed all we like sheep have gone astray we've turned everyone to his own way and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all he was oppressed and he was afflicted yet he opened not his mouth he was led as a sheep to the slaughter as a lamb before her Shearer's is dumb so he opened not his mouth he was taken from prison and from judgment and who shall declare his generation for he shall be cut off from the land of the living for the transgression of my people was he stricken yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him to make his soul an offering for sin Christ died for us I gave my back to the Spyders my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair I hid not my face from shame and spitting you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that though he was rich yet for your sakes he became poor that you through his poverty might be rich these wounds were accepted voluntarily for a very short time after we were married my wife and I live for a very brief time in the state of West Virginia I was traveling in evangelism and my wife was staying at home attending the office and such and I would go out and preach for three or four weeks and then come home for a few days and back out on the road and so on a very trying time in our marriage to say the least but it was what God had called us to do I was finishing up a revival in southern Ohio one Friday and I had about a week off afterwards and I called my wife that afternoon I said Diane I can't wait to get home I've been gone way too long I said I'm looking forward I think I'm gonna drive tonight after the service I was only about four hours away I saw I'm gonna drive tonight she sent down don't do that it's gonna be foggy tonight wait til morning there's deer everywhere just wait till the morning I said I know but I'll be careful she swayed up for it no don't wait up it'll be about 2:00 2:30 just get some rest and so she tried to persuade me otherwise but after the service I packed up and I got on the road and it was foggy and there were deer everywhere but I maneuvered my way carefully down through those mountains into Smith burg West Virginia big town two buildings our house and the county highway building that was it I pulled in the driveway and she had stayed up had a little meal there man we just kind of sat there and tried to catch up you know and he ate a little bit and as we're talking she said John this time while you're home I want to go somewhere well I didn't want to go anywhere I just got home I mean we were 50 miles from the nearest town we were 50 feet from the nearest copperhead snake there wasn't a whole lot to do in West Virginia I said what do you want to do she said I don't care I just need to get out of the house I work in the house I live in the house she said I just I just want to get away and I want to do something with you well I didn't have any ideas she was putting some dishes away after we AIDS and I I picked up our weekly paper on a West Union West Virginia for whole pages and I quickly scanned the big news on the front page and then turn it over to the back and on the back the bottom half was devoted to classified ads in that particular edition in the very bottom right hand corner there was a box and it was advertising an auction or an estate sale the next day at 10 o'clock in a town about 20 miles away I said hey Diane there's a there's an estate sale tomorrow at 10 o'clock would you like to go to that she saw I'd be great I said okay let's get some sleep we crawled in bed and we got a little rest next morning we got up we started trying to find this place now in West Virginia it's hard to find anyplace I mean those hollers they run every which way and if you stop and ask directions here's how they give you directions they'll say well you'd on this road and when you get down past the third big tree on the right you've gone too far you got to come back and take the next left you go down that road till you cross the river twice when you've cross the river the second time you've gone too far you got to come back take the next left that's how they give you directions we must have sat four or five times before we finally found this place and we were late we didn't get there on time which was okay we weren't there to buy anything we're just there on a date but in West Virginia was different where I grew up in Wisconsin West Virginia when you came to an auction he had to go through a little gate you had there were some people sitting by a table there and he had to give him your name and your address and your phone number and once they got your information they gave you a card about that size and it had a number on it like 14 or 23 and and in West Virginia instead of when you bid on something instead of raising your voice or your hand they wanted you to raise your card with your number on it and then they would if you won the bid they'd write the price down next to the number on your card and when you checked out you turned in your card and they would add up all the things you bought and give your stuff and you'd go your way well we had to go through this process we gave them our name our address our phone number and they gave us a card we didn't really need it we weren't gonna buy anything we entered in that auction and all the people were up by the house they were up there selling all the junk you know this stuff that nobody wants to everybody buys there they're up there we didn't even bother to go up there our eyes were drawn to the front lawn of that that estate and there were rows and rows and rows of antique furniture some of the most beautiful pieces we had ever seen in our life the couple that had died were in their 80s and their children were selling off these things after they had passed and and we were just drawn to these beautiful bedroom sets and chests of drawers and tables and chairs and and then we just hand-in-hand began to walk up and down those were that were those rows of furniture we walked down that first row just admiring the beautiful architecture and coming back up the second row and we came back up the second row then a table there and on the table were several items one of which was a cardboard box and there was a little boy probably 7 8 maybe 9 he was standing at the edge of that table and he was looking into the box he wouldn't touch anything affect his hands were behind his back he's looking in this box well we went around him we didn't disturb him we went around him and we went down the next row and and we came up the fourth row and when we got to the end of the fourth row that boy was still standing there peering in that box well now I got curious I thought I wonder what's in that box in West Virginia they could sell anything there could be rats in there I mean there could be anything and I got curious but we didn't go over we kept kind of milling through that furniture well pretty soon they got done with all the stuff up by the house and they moved the auctioneers stand down where that furniture was and they reset it all up and now they started bringing these things to be sold and and it was interesting it was fun to watch and pretty soon they went over and they got that box they brought it up to the auctioneers stand and sure enough that little boy he followed that box and he stood right smack-dab in front of the auctioneer well I got up where I could see and got close enough where I could see in here and that auctioneer Porton they slid that box in front of him he reached down inside and he pulled out an old stuffed dog now this thing had seen its day I mean when he pulled it out of there dust billowed into the sky he pulled the thing out one eye was dangling from a string there was stuffing coming out from one of the dog's legs the tail had been chewed on by a real live dog or a real live kid one of the two and I never he held that old dog up and I thought well he doesn't want that that's a piece of junk there's something else in the box but that auctioneer held that up you sorry all right I got a quarter quarter quarter for this old dog and the boys hands shot up he said I got 25 cents right here he'll give me 50 cents and the boys hand went up again and the auctioneer said no no son you've already got the first bid if no one else bids you can buy it for a quarter if someone else bids then you can bid again the boys seem to kind understand he said it'll give me fifty cents and a man in the back he must have been swatting flies with his card you know he must have been shoo and flies away or something my dad told me son when you go to an auction put your hands in your pockets or you'll come home with something you don't want so I've tried to remember that but he he said I got 50 cents back there who'll give me 75 boys hands shot up again he said I got 75 who'll give me a dollar a dollar well now all eyes were on this old ragged toy a toddler it wasn't worth a nickel finally he said sold this boy right here 75 cents what's your number son he said well you don't have a number do you where are your parents mom dad where are your boys up here buying something come on lift your number where are you silence the boy spoke I don't have any parents the auctioneer said son I'm sorry I didn't mean to embarrass you I'm real sorry I'll tell you what we've been going strong here we need a little break we won't mess with these numbers now you just give me the 75 cents we'll handle it ourselves you just give me the 75 cents and I'll give you the doc 75 cents I've watched this that boy's hands went deep into those ragged blue jeans he was worth tears began trickling out of his eyes the auctioneer said son don't you have any money the boy was speechless son I'm sorry I I'd like to just give you the toy but I can't you see my job is to sell these things I can't give stuff away I'm real sorry I'm gonna have to give the dog to the boy the man in the back the boy had already turned he was walking past the crowd tears just now streaming down his face the crowd was deathly silent no one seemed to know what to do I sure didn't but all of a sudden a voice from the back pierced the silence and the man said sir give that boy the dog put it on this number he held the car in his hand the auctioneer quickly read the number the secretary wrote it down next to the price of the toy the auctioneer he grabbed that dog and he jumped off that platform he caught the boy and he said sir son it's yours it's yours someone has paid the price for your toy it's yours now watch does that little boy he took that that old stuff ragged doll as if it were the only thing he had in life now remember his tears continue to course down his cheeks he he walked around the perimeter of that crowd he kept he kept looking back he kept trying to see that man that had paid the price for his toy ladies and gentlemen one night I was that boy God said who wants to come to heaven who'd like to come to heaven live with me forever have your sins forgiven have eternal life who'd like to come I said God please I do god I don't want to go to hell please I want to come to heaven and God said John what do you have to pay for your sin there's a wage to sin that's to be paid my hands went deep and my robes of righteousness I was a Baptist my dad was a deacon as president of the youth group of the Calvary Baptist Church but none of that could pay for my sin and God said I'm sorry John I'd like to just give you heaven but I can't the price has to be paid I'm sorry and that turned to walk away but thank God Jesus Christ God's Son spoke and he said father give that boy heaven and put it on the cross in that night August 1st 1967 at 10:30 at night as a 15 year old boy jesus paid it all all to him I owe sin had left a crimson stain but he he washed it white as snow the wounds of Jesus were accepted voluntarily but before we go our way this morning look at your verse one more time because I want you to see finally this morning the wounds of Jesus will one day be acknowledged visibly verse 6 one shall say unto Him what are these wounds in thine hands then he shall answer those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends I don't have the time this morning to explain to you the context of this passage I think if you'll go home and study it you'll agree with the scholars who have come to the conclusion the same conclusion over the hundreds of years they've studied it that this particular passage is dealing with the millennial reign of Christ and during that 1000 year reign someone is going to look at Jesus Christ and say what are those wounds in thine hands now notice they're not going to ask what are those scars when we get a wound with proper care and treatment it heals and often leaves a scar but they're not going to ask him what are those scars they're gonna say what are these wounds you see the wounds of Jesus Christ are still visible you're going to see him we're all gonna see him do you remember when Jesus rose from the dead the third day he appeared unto 10 of his disciples in an upper room Judas had already committed suicide Thomas miss church that night for some reason the 10 of them were in that room and the doors were locked for fear of the Jews and suddenly Jesus appears he didn't come through the door he didn't climb through a window he he's just there what he's in his glorified body now he's in his resurrected body and they're not sure what they're seeing there they're taken back there they're afraid because they're seeing a spirit they're seeing something that they'd never seen before and and Jesus said it's me it's I and then they're still unsure and so he asked for something to eat and he eats it in their presence and and then he shows them his hands and his side why would that prove that's where the wounds were now later the disciples they found Thomas and they said Thomas we've seen the Lord we've seen the Lord he's alive it's it's true he's resurrected we've seeded Thomas and Thomas said except I shall see the prints of the nails and put my finger into the print of the nails I will not believe Thomas must had a pillbox in Missouri he was from the show-me-state he said if I can't say it I can't believe it and after eight days the disciples were again within and Thomas with them and the doors were locked and Jesus appears and after a brief greeting he looks at Thomas he says Thomas reach hither thy finger behold my hand reach hither thy hand thrust it into my side be not faithless but believing and Thomas saith unto him my Lord and my god I've often wondered what it's going to be like to meet the Lord for those of us that are saved will meet him at the judgment seat of Christ you ever wonder what that'll be like I mean we've all got to stand at that judgment that's gonna take some time it'd be long lines like at the airport and they inch in her way they finally get to the front and there's Jesus we're finally now in front of him and he has his laptop open named please get spell it geo DT SCH first name John address for 43054 bail court zip code nine three five three five ah Lanchester yeah here you are is that how it's gonna work I don't know but I've often thought when I see him for the first time and I see those wounds in his brow from that crown of thorns I'm gonna be reminded the the thoughts I had that were not pure the wrong desires the wrong motives and I won't be able to look there for long my eyes will drop to his side and I'll see the wound there I'll be reminded of how often I drifted away I walked a far off that didn't stay close my eyes will drop further to his hands I'll see the wounds there I'll be reminded of the times I I could have helped someone but I was too busy it wasn't on my to-do list my highs will drop further to his feet and I'll see the wounds there and I'll be reminded of places I went I had no business to go times I should have responded to his will and I didn't I don't know that he'll have to say anything the wounds will judge my life but what will it be like for someone who is not saved to meet him the Bible says the lost will stand at the great white throne judgment to be cast into a lake of fire I've often wondered if before God pronounces that sentence of eternal damnation if he might say before you go I'd like you to meet somebody son Jesus Christ comes and the father says son show me your hands Jesus Christ like he did to Thomas looks into your eyes and says give me your finger it's okay give me your finger this was for you give me your hand is it's all right this was for you why didn't you trust me why did you reject me I died for you they will be without excuse when I survey the wondrous cross on which the Prince of glory died my richest gain I count but loss poor contempt and all my pride forbid it Lord that I should boast save in the death of Christ my God all the vain things the charm me most I sacrificed them to his blood Oh see from his head his hands his feet sorrow and love flow mingled down did air such love and sorrow meet or thorns compose so rich a crown or the whole realm of nature mind that were present far too small love so amazing so divine demands demands all my life all be the wounds of Jesus tonight today if you're not saved cause you to run down an aisle to accept him who died for you Christian may the wounds of Jesus vault us to revival in our life as never before may we pray
Channel: Open Door Baptist Church
Views: 713
Rating: 4.5999999 out of 5
Id: BfcgJf0cd9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 41sec (2681 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 30 2018
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