Things To Know In Serving God - Pastor Peejay Murillo

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amen you may be seated all right you guys ready for the word of god amen praise the lord it's always a blessing to be able to open the word of god with the church family and we're thankful for the freedom that we have to be able to assemble here without any fear of persecution without any fear of anything it's just we have that freedom you know and that's that's a gift from god not all of our brothers and sisters in this world have that freedom um so we gotta appreciate it make sure that we're thankful and never forget how blessed we are and uh so we're gonna be in jeremiah chapter one we're going to start with jeremiah chapter one tonight hopefully you're going through the bible calendar with us this year it's been a blessing and so today we're in jeremiah chapter one and two so we're gonna study jeremiah chapter one tonight the calling of the prophet jeremiah all right jeremiah chapter one starting with verse one and then we'll just read the whole chapter there's only 19 verses here we'll pray and then uh we'll go to the message all right jeremiah chapter 1 verse 1 says the words of jeremiah the son of helkiah of the priests that were in anathoth in the land of benjamin to whom the word of the lord came in the days of josiah the son of ammon king of judah in the 13th year of his reign it came also in the days of jehoiakim the son of josiah king of judah until the end of the 11th year of zedekiah the son of josiah king of judah and to the carrying away of jerusalem captive in the fifth month then the word of the lord came unto me saying before i formed thee in the belly i knew thee and before thou came his forth out of the womb i sanctify thee and i ordained thee a prophet unto the nations then said i ah lord god behold i cannot speak for i am a child but the lord said unto me say not i am a child for thou shalt go to all that i shall send thee and whatsoever i command thee thou shalt speak be not afraid of their faces for i am with thee to deliver thee saith the lord then the lord put forth his hand and touched my mouth and the lord said unto me behold i have put my words in thy mouth see i have this day set thee over donations and over the kingdoms to root out and to pull down and to destroy and to throw down to build and to plant moreover the word of the lord came unto me saying jeremiah what see us thou and i said i see a rod of an almond tree then said the lord unto me thou has well seen for i will hasten my word to perform it and the word of the lord came unto me the second time saying what see us thou and i said i see a sithing pot and the face thereof is toward the north then the lord said unto me out of the north and evil shall break forth upon all the inhabitants of the land for lo i will call all the families of the kingdoms of the north saith the lord and they shall come and they shall set everyone this throne at the entering of the gates of jerusalem and against all the walls thereof roundabout and against all the cities of judah and i will utter my judgments against them touching all their wickedness and have forsaken me and have burnt incense unto other gods and worship the works of their own hands thou therefore gird up thy loins and arise and speak unto them all that i command thee be not dismayed at their faces lest i confound thee before them for behold i have made thee this day a defense city in an iron pillar embracing walls against the whole land against the kings of judah against the princes thereof against the priests thereof and against the people of the land and they shall fight against thee but they shall not prevail against thee for i am worthy saith the lord to deliver thee let's pray heavenly father thank you so much again for preserving the book thank you lord that uh that we can still read it today father thank you that it's powerful and lord we just pray that you'll help us to learn something from me today lord if we don't the problem is on us not yours lord and it's just because you your words are perfect it's pure and it's powerful and i just pray lord that you'll just help me to communicate the message that that you prepared today and i pray lord that he'll just use me as a messenger lord and that you'll get the glory from it and uh lord as usual i can't i i don't want to do this without your help lord please just help me to to just deliver the message clearly and help your people to focus lots of things going on in everyone's lives today lord and i just pray that you'll just in this few minutes lord help us to just focus on you and in your words we pray in jesus name amen all right so the first chapter of this book shows the calling of the prophet and the lord called jeremiah to be a prophet to be a spoke person for god if you will and the verse one talks about his family background verse one says the words of jeremiah the son of hilkiah of the priests that were in anathoth in the land of benjamin so the verse one talks about his family background and the location where he's from and where his family is from and verse two and three tells us that time the timeline of his ministry verse 2 says to whom the word of the lord came in the days of josiah so we have a timeline there the sign of ammon king of judah in the 13th year of his reign so he started his ministry in the 13th year of josiah's reign and it came also in the days of jehoiakim the son of josiah king of judah until the end of the eleventh year of zedekiah the son of josiah king of judah and to the carrying away of jerusalem captive in the fifth month so those verses showed us the the span of jeremiah's ministry and if you can see behind me here so josiah reign 31 years in total and according to the verse that we just read he started uh in the 13th year of king josiah so if you're a math mathematician 31 minus 13 is equals to 18. i had i took out my fingers today just to look at that you know okay so 18 18 years all right so 18 years plus the three month they they didn't mention the three month reign of joe a has there in those verses in the three-month reign of jehoiakim they just mentioned the great the 11 year of jehoiakim and the 11 year reign of zedekiah so if you add those together that's a a span of 40 and a half years of ministry that's a long time and if you've read the book of jeremiah he didn't have an easy ministry i mean he did not have a patronage or whatever you call it didn't have a didn't collect a salary as we you know no one kissed his hand and kiss his ring and say that holy man of god they threw him in prison and they did not accept his message you see and but he preached for more than 40 years that's faithfulness that's faithfulness and reading throughout the whole book of jeremiah he would you know uh you would see why he was called the weeping prophet just because of the message that he was preaching to his own people all right so jeremiah was in domestic for more than 40 years so you can see from that chart behind me in verses 4 to 10 the lord refused jeremiah's excuses and insecurities the lord always has an answer for any and every excuse that we have he had he had an answer for moses excuse me for job's excuse the lord always has an answer for every excuse that we have in this flesh uh the lord always wins so the lord then gives jeremiah his first object lesson and message in verses 11 to 16. then in verses 17 to 19 the lord gives jeremiah the assurance of his calling we see in this chapter jeremiah's calling is to serve god he was called to be a prophet and to deliver a difficult a very difficult message to the people but he faithfully served and dedicated his whole life for the lord that's a life worth of ministry he was called when he was yet but a child he said i am but a child so probably he is no more than 25 years old of age but he faithfully served and dedicated his whole life to the lord who called him so as christians today the bible says that we are saved to serve every christian here today should have a ministry uh we are saved unto good works the bible says if you can go to titus chapter 2 uh verse 13 with me please titus chapter 2. and look at verse 13 and 14. the bible says looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great god and our savior jesus christ who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity and purify unto himself a peculiar people zealous of good works and uh look at chapter 3 verse 8 of titus titus 3 8 it says this is a faithful saying and these things i will that thou affirm constantly that they which have believed in god might be careful to maintain good works these things are good and profitable unto men now look at ephesians chapter 2 so we are saved not to just sit in church as if we are just watching a ball game or watching a good movie we aren't supposed to participate in the work of god look at ephesians chapter 2 verse 10. bible says for we are his workmanship created in christ jesus unto good works you see we need salvation we need the holy spirit of god to be able to serve god without our salvation in this flesh we will fail you know for many years before the cross people have been trying to please god they always fail you know why because they don't they for all have sinned and come short of the glory of god the book of isaiah says that all of our righteousness are as filthy rags whatever goodness that we have in this flesh without jesus christ you try to offer that to god he'll say that stinks it says filthy rag you need the lord jesus christ and now that we are saved we have the ability we have the power we have the opportunity to serve god and that's a blessing we are cert we are saved to serve the bible tells us that we all we are all called to christian service in other words every christian is a minister every christian is a minister and as ministers of god there are things in jeremiah chapter one that we can learn about serving god so first we should know god's purpose in serving god we should know his purpose let's go back to jeremiah chapter one please jeremiah chapter one and look at verse five verse five says before i formed thee in the belly i knew thee and before thou came his forth out of the womb i sanctified thee see he was already separated for a specific purpose and i ordained thee a prophet unto the nation so god told jeremiah that he has a purpose or a plan for jeremiah's life even before he was formed in the womb that's a great anti-abortion passage by the way along with the calling of the apostle paul and along with uh david's psalm all right um that the lord already has a purpose even for that child that is still in in his mother's womb he already knew jeremiah he already sanctified or separated him even when he was still in the belly he's already ordained him a prophet unto the nations and he's already had a plan for him even before he was born into this world the lord also has a plan for every single one in this building tonight uh there the lord has a plan for every single child in the other building tonight i know sometimes they act like a bunch of demons but you know what the lord the lord has a plan and a purpose for that for those the lives in there in that building uh the lord has a purpose and a plan for us none of us came into existence in this world by accident uh god has a purpose for creating you and me uh the lord said in jeremiah 29 verse 11 for i know the thought that i think toward you saith the lord thoughts of peace and not evil to give you an expected end he is the alpha and omega even if the alpha and omega of your life from the beginning from the begin from the time that you were born and breathe your first breath until the the last the last time you breathe in this world the lord has a plan for that and but you still have a free will so just get on the will of god he has a plan for your life and his plans are good especially if you are a child of god you know i have children i don't want anything bad for my children see as a good if you're a good father if you're good mother you you you want the best for your children how much more for your heavenly father who cares so much about you uh if you if you ever doubt how much the heavenly father cares about you just look back at the cross that's how much he loved you the bible says you are a child of god you are born of his bones and his in flesh of his flesh you are part of his body the church and god wants to use you as a christian if you're a christian here tonight god wants to use you and the bible teaches that god has a specific purpose for each member of the body of christ look at first corinthians chapter 12. first corinthians chapter 12 and verse 18 the bible says but now hath god said the members every one of them every one of them in the body as it pleased him and if they were all one member where were the body but now are they many members see you're part of the body of christ and god has a purpose for you just like your physical body every single part of your physical body has a purpose your feet for walking your hands for washing your face bathing praise the lord right so there's a purpose for every member of your physical body so every member of the physic of the of the body of christ has a purpose and if you are saved you are part of that body and god has a specific job for you or a ministry for you to do in this body the lord gave the church diversities of gifts as well for the purpose of to edify the body of christ whatever gifts and talents that you have it is for the edification the building up of the church it is not for you on your own all right so you can you know be proud and tell the world how good you are it is for the edification of the body it is our responsibility then as members of this body to find out what gifts and abilities we have we have received from the lord and use it for his glory and for the edification of the body so whatever ability that you have did he give you an ability to clearly communicate the word of god preach teach use it uh did he give you a sensitive heart you need to help others use it to be a blessing to other people do you have the ability to earn money you need to give you and i have to use our gifts and abilities for the lord find out and fulfill the purpose the lord gave you in your life and at the end of our time here on earth what really matters is if we finished our course with joy if we ran the race that's set before us the purpose that the lord put us in uh paul told octopus in colossians chapter 4 verse 17 to take heed to the ministry which thou has received in the lord so whatever ministry that the lord gave you as we've talked about before every christian here has a ministry that's given to you by the lord the bible says in colossians 4 17 fulfill it you got to fulfill that ministry that the lord has given you whatever that is every child of god is given a ministry by the lord and we are to fulfill it next we should know god's priority back to jeremiah jeremiah verse chapter 1 verse 12 it says then said the lord unto me thou has well seen for i will hasten or hasten my word to perform it so the lord said he will hasten or accelerate his word in other words the lord will surely do what he said he will do because his words are true jesus said thy word god's word is truth god's word is the absolute truth god is not a man that he should lie neither the son of man that he should repent hath he said and shall not he do it or hath he spoken and shall he not make it good so once god said it it is so uh in psalm 138 verse 2 the bible says god magnified his word above all his name the word of god is more important than anything in this world he magnified it above all his name even so think about it is jehovah the name of god is jehovah the name of god all right if you have a king james bible jehovah is the name of god the bible says he magnified his word above all of his name that the word of god is above his name jehovah is jesus the name of god is jesus god yes that's very important to learn because the bible says that at the name of jesus every knee should bow and every tongue should confess that's a pretty powerful name is jesus god yes you know what the bible says he magnified his word above all his name you won't even know who jehovah is you won't even know who jesus is without this book it's very important to him that's priority it is more important than any church program it is more it's more important than any lyrics of any song in this world without the word of god we won't even know how to worship god properly without the words of god we won't know how to be a blessing to others and it's the word of god which told us about the lord jesus christ and the sacrifice he did for us if we put anything above the word of god our worship is out of balance we will be found as a church out of order his words are very important to him so the church must be the ground and pillar of the truth look at first timothy chapter three that's our duty that's our that's the purpose that's god's purpose for the church is to be the ground and pillar of the truth first timothy chapter three and uh verse 15. it says but if i tarry along that thou mayest know how thou art is to behave thyself in the house of god which is the church of the living god the pillar and ground of the truth so there's the ground there's the pillar and the pillar is holding something up the pillar of truth what is truth that's a good question everyone in the universities are looking for truth everyone in that world out there in the world are looking for for truth but if you have a bible you know what truth is the bible says sanctify them through thy word thy word is truth jesus said i am the way the truth and the life no man come to un to the father but but by me so the job of the church then according to that verse is to hold up lift up the lord jesus christ and the word of god if you're in a church that does not open the bible and does not preach the gospel you're in the wrong church uh you're not in a bible you're not in a biblical you're not in a biblical church because it is our responsibility as a church to lift up jesus christ the truth according to john 14 6 in the word of god the truth according to john 17 17 the word of god is our priority therefore in serving him we must trust in it and not delay in following it even if sometimes it doesn't make sense to us there's so many things imagine that especially in the old testament they have so many things that they had to follow that didn't make sense you mean i can't touch that i can't eat that but i can sell it to the gentiles that's not fair lord right that night doesn't make any sense but god said it so you better obey it right um so even there are things in our lives or there are things written in this book that does not make sense to our nature in this body of flesh we just need to trust him just trust the lord blessed are they that hear the word of god and keep it someone said delayed obedience is disobedience anyone ever been in the military here have you ever been in the military oh yeah brother rocking thank you for your service sir yep iraq right praise the lord you know you military people they know that delayed obedience is disobedient right uh try that try delaying obedience in the military the late obedience can cost people's lives worse yet delayed obedience can cause people's souls you see isn't it i'll give you an example didn't god command his children to witness to preach the gospel to the lost if you delay that some people can die and go to hell delayed obedience can cost people souls we need to know what god said and do what he wants to do right away we do that by reading and studying his words the bible says study to show thyself approved unto god a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth every christian worker should know how to properly handle the scriptures by reading and studying it we will know how to serve him the word of god is our final authority in our service you see good intention in serving god is not enough you know you can have the heart and the good intentions to because of your love to god but if you are not serving him his way you're still wrong sincerity is not enough you and i can say that we love god as much as we want how how how often was we want but if we don't keep it if we don't obey it then we really don't love him the bible says for this is the love of god that we keep his commandments and his commandments are not grievous we need the word of god to know how to serve him it's his ministry it's his calling so we should serve him in his terms not in ours the word of god is essential in christian service and uh we also need to know god's prescription in jeremiah chapter 1 verse 17 jeremiah chapter 1 17 god gave jeremiah a prescription here an order if you will of how he should start all right verse 17 it says thou therefore gird up thy loins and arise and speak unto them all that i command thee be not dismayed at their faces lest i confound thee before them so the first thing that he said gird up thy loins so in this verse we see the lord's prescription of order to jeremiah he said great up your loins so that means he needs to remove all hindrances all right remove all that would hinder you in serving or slow you down in serving the lord he was told to gird up his loins the gird means to prepare for action and in jeremiah's time and culture the man wore a robe like garment praise the lord for panting man good night imagine walking around like that so enable for a man to move freely at work or battle he needs to just like rolling down your sleeves when you're working right putting put some clothing away from where you're working all right so they need to put up parts of their garments that can be an obstruction or to what they needed to do so this is symbolic of just putting all these hindrances away hebrews 12 1 says let us lay aside every weight and the sin that easily beset us see there are things or people in our life that can interfere or hinder our service for the lord paul talks about this in galatians chapter 5 verse 7. look at galatians chapter 5 verse 7. galatians chapter 5 verse 7 says ye did run well all right so you started well you were running great you did run well but something happened who did hinder you that you should not obey the truth something happened along the way that hindered them from moving forward in their growth and in their relationship and service to the lord so if we truly want to serve the lord we should be ready to lay aside anything that can hinder our service that can slow us down or stop us from continuing to serve god whatever it is maybe it's a relationship that you need to put away maybe maybe it's even a job that's hindering you maybe some vices or habits that we shouldn't do as believers that's stopping you or slowing you down in your growth in service for the lord and we should be ready to remove whatever it is that's preventing us from serving the lord in full capacity and not only that we also need to remove all laziness uh james chapter one look at james chapter one remove all laziness jeremiah was told to gird up his loins and arise get up jeremiah get up jeremiah look at james chapter 1 and verse 22 the bible says but be doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving your own selves see it's easy to sit in a service and just absorb everything right and just hear the teaching and the preaching of the word of god it's almost entertaining sometime but the danger of that is what are you gonna do with what you heard that's the good question what would you do with what you heard but the bible says be ye doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving your own selves the last time i read it still says that knowledge puffeth up you know what charity is that's taking action so you just don't sit and listen but do what you've heard and read from the word of god jeremiah jeremiah was told to arise it's one thing to have the desire to serve it's another to actually get up and do it so many have lip service christianity it's one thing to sign up and it's another thing to show up the bible says be doers of the word and not hearers only we need to get up and serve at some point in our christian life we need to move from being a spectator to being a participator i remember every believer should have a ministry there's something you can do for the furtherance of the gospel and for the edification of the body of christ there's always a ministry for you in the church um letter c remove all hesitations where we were in hebrews go to hebrews chap we were in james go to hebrews chapter 11 please hebrews chapter 11 and verse 6. hebrews 11 6 says but without faith it is impossible to please him for he that cometh to god must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him so remove all hesitations jeremiah was instructed to speak all that the lord commanded him to he is not to hold anything back do not hesitate just give it to them that's basically what the lord said especially when we know and believe is the truth you know the thing about christianity you see with all these people that claim that jesus christ is god they were willing to put into practice what they were preaching i mean the apostles were ready to die for the cause of christ because they know what they've seen they've known who they've believed in they know what they believe it's they know it's the truth so no matter what happens to their physical body it does not matter they know heaven is their home or they know where they're going they know what's going to happen they know who they've believed in and it's the lord jesus christ so like jeremiah we have the very words of god we have the truth and we know that our mission came from the lord himself so remove all hesitations don't hesitate just just do it like just like that bran said right just do it uh letter d remove all fear ii timothy chapter one 2 timothy chapter 1. this is a very familiar past especially for the kids they they like this verse ii timothy chapter 1 and verse 7 for god has not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind you know jeremiah had fears you you read that in that passage he had fears he had he had some fears and insecurities he thought he was too young he knew no one would listen and the message he was to deliver is so difficult to accept it is a message of judgment to come but the lord knew jeremiah's fear in verse 8 god told jeremiah not to be afraid in verse 17 he was told not to be dismayed at the people's faces i mean there's some scary looking people out there right god has not given us the spirit of fear the fear of man bringeth a snare the bible says fear fear can paralyze and prevent us from doing what god has called us to do how many how how many opportunities did we miss how many opportunities of serving god did we miss because of our fears see uh fear is paralyzing fear is but fear is a natural thing everyone has fear fear of failure fear of the unknown fear of rejection is it's legit it's we have here it's normal to be fearful but god knows our fears uh many times god had to remind his servants not to fear he told that to abraham he told abraham not to fear he told jacob not to fear he told joseph not to fear he told joshua not to fear he told isaiah not to fear so every servant of god that you read from the word of god god knew they had fears that's why he had to even without them telling them lord i'm afraid he just had to say it don't be afraid because he knew he knew what's in the heart of man we are fearful people but we have god many times god had to remind his servants not to fear the lord knows there are times that we are afraid it's not easy to witness and to speak up for the lord i bet it can be frightening to stand in front of people and sing praises in front of a congregation but we must put our trust in the lord the psalmist said what time i am afraid whatever time it is that you're afraid i will trust in thee good thing about that the lord does not sleep he's always available what time 3 a.m 4 a.m whatever time it is that you're afraid just trust on the lord our confidence is in him it is better to trust in the lord than to put confidence in man the arms of flesh will fail us and has failed us many times but the lord shall be our confidence this brings us to our next point we need to know god's power for us to fully trust the lord we need to be aware and we need to know his power god god promised jeremiah that he will empower him he will make jeremiah stand against opposition he will secure him as a defense city he will keep him standing as an iron pillar and strengthen him as a brazen wall we all have our weaknesses but you know the lord promised jeremiah that he will strengthen him i know jeremiah you're young i know jeremiah you're just but but flesh i know jeremiah you're of a tribe of benjamin the smallest tribe but you know what i'll strengthen you as a defense city as an iron pillar as a brazen wall see we all have our weaknesses and without god we cannot accomplish anything but he is our strength and power source as someone said god's calling is god's enabling he does not call the qualified but he qualifies the called god is a good leader he makes sure his servants are ready and well equipped for the task he's given them and he will make sure and he will make sure that he empowers us as we serve him in the ministry he's called us to do thine oh lord is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty for all that is in heaven and in the earth is thine thine is the kingdom o lord and thou art exalted as head above all mor he's the most powerful being in the whole universe and outside the universe he's all powerful so remember his power and lastly we should know his presence we should know his presence in jeremiah back to jeremiah the last verse of this chapter please jeremiah chapter 1 verse 19. look at verse 19. the bible says and they shall fight against thee oh thanks lord you're calling me and you're telling me now that you're they're gonna fight against me but he didn't praise the lord the verse didn't stop there jeremiah would have quit before he started but he said but i like those butts in the bible right he said but they shall not prevail against thee praise the lord they'll fight against you jeremiah but they'll not gonna they're not gonna win they're not gonna prevail against thee for why how how is that possible lord here it is for i am with thee saith the lord to deliver thee what a blessing so the last verse of jeremiah 1 shows us the reason why the opposition cannot prevail against us against jeremiah it is because the lord is with him it is not always easy to serve the lord in this present evil world it is a spirit it's a it's a spiritual battle indeed and it seems like it's heating up every single day the lord even told jeremiah they shall fight against the it's a battle but it is comforting to know that god is with us look at psalm 16. that's a good psalm to read psalm 16. psalm 16 and verse 11 please it says that will show me the path of life in thy presence is fullness of joy that's why you know sometimes you when back when we can visit people in the hospital see these people that are you know close to the lord spend some time with the lords um you see them you know they they have their infirmity in the flesh but they still have joy you see mrs wade just lost a husband you see she still had the joy of the lord in her last sunday she she was teaching those kids and as if mr wade was still around you know you know what because in the presence of the lord there's fullness of joy it's joyful knowing that the lord is with us it's comforting to know to know that god is with us and if god be for us who can be against us well we know the world the flesh and the devil they're against us but the bible says greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world but we must remember that greater is he jesus who is in us greater is he that is in in us than he than is is in the world the battle is the lord's he is with us and in us in this fight he is ever present as we serve him there are times in our service for god that we feel we're alone in this battle remember elijah elijah was so discouraged he thought he was by himself he thought he was alone but the lord assures us that we're never alone when you're out there mowing the lawn by yourself on the charts church property here when you think that you're by yourself you know what the lord's with you uh when you're cleaning the the bathroom downstairs or worst yet in the ed building where the kids are you know when you're when you feel alone and discouraged just remember the lord is still with you when you are witnessing door-to-door by yourself now it's getting darker colder you feel and you feel like man this is really this kind of discouraging it's dark gloomy a lot of people are just in the comfort of their own home and i'm here trying to witness tell people about the lord jesus christ and you feel alone you know the reality is is you're not alone the lord jesus christ is with you when you're teaching that sunday school a sunday school class it feels like no one's listening you know god's with you when you're in the nursery while everyone is in the service you know god is there and when you are discouraging your christian life god is there you know you see i one of the devil's tactic and the world's tactic is to make you feel like you're dealing with your problem by yourself but it's the lie of the devil he's a liar from the beginning it's a murder from the beginning it's the father of lies the murderer from the beginning is the father of it you know what it's the life of the devil to to make you think that you're alone in this battle called the christian life but you're not alone you have the lord jesus christ you have the holy spirit of god in you and you have a church you have the body of christ to support you so you know whatever you're dealing with in your life just continue serving the lord knowing that he's always with you it's his promise not to leave his people the bible says that he will never leave us nor forsake us it's his promise we know that god always keep his promises we can always be confident that the lord is with us as we continue to serve him you know it's it's a privilege to serve the lord i mean you know some some people they counted a privilege even if they can just get into that white house and mop the floor it's like wow i'm working for the government i'm working for the white house you know for those palaces in other countries people counted a privilege to just even be a door keeper just the person who opens that gate of that palace but you know what if you are saved today god's giving you an opportunity to serve the god of glory the god of heaven the creator of heaven and earth and everything in it he's given you and me the privilege of serving him i know it's not always easy but remember what he said he said his yoke is easy and his burden is light and thank the lord for this lesson in jeremiah serving the lord let's pray so let's just take a moment as a church to to pray um i think we'll get the microphone
Channel: Open Door Baptist Church
Views: 96
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: zrlCkWvTX-Y
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Length: 42min 28sec (2548 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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