Jesus Paid It All | Mark 15:1-39 | Pastor John Miller

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mark chapter 15 the title of my message is jesus paid it all beginning in verse 15 I want you to follow with me in your Bible Mark tells us that immediately in the morning verse 1 of chapter 15 that they held a consultation this was the Jewish authorities he's been arrested in the garden he's been tried before Caiaphas that Thursday night they held the consultation with the elders and the scribes and the whole council and they bound Jesus and they carried him away and delivered him unto Pilate the Jews didn't have the right of execution so they are going to take him to Pilate they have found him guilty according to their law of blasphemy because he said he was the Messiah the Son of God so they're taking him to the Roman Authority Pilate and so Pilate asked him verse two art thou the King of the Jews and he answered and said thou sayest it and the chief priests accused him of many things but he answered nothing and Pilate asked him again saying answerest thou nothing behold how many things they witness against thee but jesus answered nothing so Pilate marvel which is interesting because Isaiah chapter 53 and verse 7 tells us that he was led as a lamb dumb before the slaughters and that he opened not his mouth so God had spoken to the prophet Isaiah about this very thing and verse 6 is this now the feast that the feast he released unto them one prisoner whomsoever they desired there was one named Barabbas which lay bound with them and it made insurrection with him and had committed murder in the insurrection the multitude crying aloud began to desire him as he had done unto them but Pilate answered them saying will you that I released unto you the King of the Jews for he knew that the chief priests had delivered him that is Jesus 4mv but the chief priests moved the people that he should release Barabbas unto them and Pilate answered and said again unto them what will ye then that I do unto Him who is called the king of the Jews and they cried aloud here it is crucify him then Pilate said unto them why what evil has he done and they cried the more exceedingly crucify him so Pilate willing to content the people he released Barabbas unto them and delivered Jesus when he had scourged him to be crucified and the soldiers led him away into a hall called Praetorian and they called together the whole band and they clothed him with purpled and platted a crown of thorns and put it upon his head and began to salute him mockingly and said hail King of the Jews and they smote him on the head with a reed and they spit upon him and bowing their knees they worshiped him and when they had mocked him they took off his purple robe from him and put on his clone clothes on him and led him out to crucify him and so they compelled one Simon a Cyrenian passing by coming out of the country the father of Alexander and Rufus to bear his cross so they bring him unto the place called Golgotha which being interpreted as the place of the skull so they gave him to drink wine mingled with myrrh but he received it not and when they had crucified him they parted his garments casting Lots upon them what every man should take and it was the third hour and they crucified Him the third hour is a reference to 9 o'clock in the morning Jesus hung on the cross for six hours from 9:00 in the morning till 3:00 in the afternoon so beginning at 9:00 in the morning Christ was hung upon the cross after being beaten whipped scourge and mocked and so it says the superscription over his head was the accusation ridden the King of the Jews and with him crucified two thieves one on the right hand and the other on the left and the scriptures might be fulfilled which says he was numbered with a transgressors citing Isaiah 53 and verse 12 and so they passed by they reviled him and they wagged their heads they were saying ah thou that destroys the temple and you build it in three days save thyself come down from the cross likewise also the chief priests mocking said among themselves with the scribes he saved others himself he cannot save let Christ the King of Israel descend now from the cross that we may see and believe and they were daily were crucified him reviled him and when it was the sixth hour now it is 12:00 noon there was coming a great darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour 3:00 in the afternoon so three hours of darkness I believe that darkness was universal and some of them that stood by when they heard it said behold he's calling for Elijah and one ran and filled the sponge full of vinegar and put it on a reed and gave it to him to drink saying let alone let's see whether he lighted ligea comes and takes him down then verse 37 Jesus cried with a loud voice and gave up the ghost and the veil of the temple was ripped from - and - from the top to the bottom and when the Centurion which stood over against him saw that he had so cried out and gave up the ghost he said truly this man was the son of God there are four facts about the Cross as we've read this narrative that I want to bring out if you're taking notes want to write them down they're simple but they're not simplistic the depth that is in the cross cannot be explained with human language God in his word a divine revelation has explained the cross and its implications for us but I think that there's divine mystery and depth there that we could never fully understand or comprehend but the first fact about the cross I want to mention is that the cross was the planned in the mind of God the mind of God planned it you might say write down Acts chapter 2 in verse 23 where Peter was preaching on the day of Pentecost and Peter said these words him being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God you have taken by wicked hands have crucified and slain the mind of God planned it I believe in eternity past before Adam and Eve were ever created before they ever disobeyed God and fell into sin in the Garden of Eden before any of the prophets spoke in the Old Testament before Christ was ever born that God planned the day that he would actually bring the Redeemer into the world before sin ever entered the world it didn't catch God by surprise God knows all things one of the exciting attributes of God is what's called his omniscience that means that God knows everything so there's nothing outside of God's knowledge and this is why I say the mystery that we don't understand why God allowed sin to come into the world it was brought my man's own rebellion and free will and disobedience but God had a greater plan to be able to redeem man so then not only did he create man but he redeemed us and he redeemed us by the blood of his own dear son and I think that when we get to heaven there's going to be understanding about the redemptive cross of Christ we're gonna be singing about Christ our Redeemer and we're going to understand things that we don't understand now the model says now we see through a glass dimly but then we shall see face to face now we know in part we prophesy in part but then we will know all things so God's going to reveal some of these deep mysteries but you can mark it in your notes the mind of God planned it God had it planned out before the foundations of the world the second fact I want to point out is that the Word of God promised it we've already seen that in this passage many of the passages of the prophet Isaiah and the Old Testament that predicted and prophesied that the Messiah would come and suffer and die Genesis chapter 3 verse 15 which is seen as the first Missi Anik prophecy right after Adam and Eve fell in the Garden of Eden it says the seed of the woman would bruise the head of the serpent and that the serpent would bruise his head the head of the seed of the woman it would bruise his heel so there that there is a reference to the death of Christ and the crucifixion of Christ the Messiah would come as the seed of the woman speaking of his entry into the world through the womb of the Virgin Mary and then when he died on the cross he would actually be victorious over not only sin but over Satan he would defeat the devil the Bible tells us that at the cross that Jesus divested Satan of his power he's defeated the powers of hell there's also Isaiah 53 verses three through seven which says he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities and by His stripes we are healed so the mind of God planned it and the Word of God prophesied it and those are just a few references of many references where God prophesied that the Messiah would come and he would suffer and die upon a cross but the third fact about the cross I want to mention is that the love of God provided it the love of God provided it write down John chapter 3 and verse 16 yes John 3:16 the Bible in miniature for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that were begotten doesn't mean that he was created it means that he is the greatest one the highest one the one of preeminence his only unique son would be a good good translation that whosoever believes in him would never perish but have everlasting life what a great verse God's marvelous love sending his only unique son that he would die on a cruel cross and pay the penalty man the creatures sin what a great statement about the love of God how great is God's love so we have the mind of God planned it the Word of God promised it the love of God provided it and then third letter fourthly the Son of God paid for it mark chapter five or mark chapter fifteen excuse me and verse 39 the Centurion that was standing at the foot of the cross so near to the cross can you imagine actually standing at the foot of the cross thinking maybe even the blood of Christ dripping upon you the Creator hanging on a cross of wood someone said he hung upon a cross of wood but he made the hill on which it stood the creator of all things the giver of life dies for man sin and as this man watched this a strong Roman soldier he said truly truly this is the Son of God now when Jesus died it tells us in verse 37 of mark 15 that he cried with a loud voice and gave up the ghost now he doesn't tell us what he cried with a loud voice we know that seven times he uttered his voice upon the cross but the last two statements that Jesus made and he does it victoriously so Jesus died on the cross vicariously for us in our place but he died victoriously he said with a loud voice he said it is finished we know it as to Tellez die or some translations have paid in full thus the title of my message jesus paid it all when he died on that cross and he cried out with that loud voice jesus said it is finished what is finished atonement has been made reconciliation has been provided God the Father has been propitiated or satisfied in the death of His Son Jesus Christ so jesus said I've come to redeem I've come to satisfy the law by dying on the cross and I've come to pay for man's sin when he cried to tell this die it is finished it reminds us of the truth that there's nothing more for us to do we don't have to work we don't have to deserve it we don't have to merit it to try to be good enough to get to heaven so many religions a matter of fact all other religions other than Christianity teach that you must do something to be saved you must work hard or reform yourself or be a good person hopes that your good works outweigh your bad works but Christianity and only Christianity says not do but done it is finished paid in full so the only thing that's left for you and I to do let us remember this Good Friday is to enter into that finished work of Christ by faith to receive that free gift that God gave us by faith and that's how that gift is received now there's one more utterance that he made on the cross as he died it says that he said to his father father into thy hands I commit or I commend my spirit and Jesus voluntarily bowed his head and dismissed his spirit jesus said no man takes my life from me I lay it down to myself I have power to lay it down have power to take it up again so when Jesus bowed his head and dismissed his spirit he had dismissed his spirit into the father's hands how glorious a truth is that now the gift of God is a gift that provided in the cross it's not of works lest any man should boast remember Ephesians 2:8 and 9 by grace you have been saved through faith and it's not that of yourself it is a gift of God not of works lest anyone should boast so the cross is God's gift of salvation it is God reaching out to us remember Jesus saying come unto me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest he's calling for us to come to him and to believe upon him and to put our faith in him jesus paid it all all to him we owe sin had left a crimson stain but Jesus when he died on that cross washes us white as snow let's pray
Channel: Revival Christian Fellowship
Views: 402
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 2nYPmL5OiDI
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Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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