Did you speak about that neurophysiology of forgiveness sure Think about frozen circuits Frozen circuits are hard wired circuits the more profound the insult to the person that Is connected to a strong emotion? the more the brain freezes circuitry the more we think about the experience the more we fire and wire the circuits in our brain yes or no and The more we remember the event the more we produce the emotions that are associated with it And we're conditioning the brain and body further into the past. Yes or no and it you keep doing it enough times It's no longer conscious that you're holding a grudge It's no longer conscious that You're stuck. It's now you're seeing everybody through the lens of that experience and everybody's a betrayer Everybody can't be trusted everybody. Is that same person? You're you're overlaying the memory of Rio of your experience into reality You're not seeing it the way it is. You're seeing that person wearing the mask of the last person That's the lens that were perceiving reality. Are you with me still and So then anything in your life that becomes remotely close to it based on your limited perception Triggers the emotion and the network and you're back in your past and you're acting like you were when it happened are you with me still and So then the person says I'm not that person you say. Oh no I know I just had this event in my past and I'm sorry and then it's excusable, but then here it happens again and There's nothing wrong with this We all do it. It's just how do we overcome it? So then you're sitting and doing the work and You're you're moving energy up those centers. You're releasing the lifeforce into your brain you are Blessing those centers and taking a scoop and moving it all the way up and releasing it all the way up into the field You're opening the channel You're unfolding as nobody no one no thing nowhere in no time and the identity and the personality is gone Which the Energy's gonna move Scott too is gonna follow the path You're opening your heart once it gets to your heart It's gonna make its way all the way up and when you feel love and compassion When you feel true true kindness and care, it's hard to hold a grudge Are you with me still? So then from a Quantum physics point of view You have that person always in the back of your mind, right? You have the event and the memory rolling around back there Because the very thing that you don't want to have happen you're already preparing for emotionally Are you with me still? so then from a quantum perspective you are actually as a creator of reality holding yourself hostage because of that person and you are holding them hostage because of that experience and you have an energetic bond that's connecting you to them and you're sharing the same energy and So then you're using each other to reaffirm whatever that energetic agreement is. Are you with me still so then? When you forgive someone It's because there's been a strong change in your emotional state because the emotion is what's keeping you energetically bound to them or to more than one person and so then once you start lowering the volume to that emotion and the body starts liberating energy and you're calling your energy back to you because The lower the volume of the emotion the less you're gonna pay attention to that person. There comes a moment where there's a snap There's a release the energy is broken and once it's broken now all of a sudden you free yourself and You free them And this has happened to me in my life that people show up ten years later completely changed and so Humble and so asking for forgiveness just because they had transformed in and I let them go so then forgiveness from a quantum perspective and a Neurophysiological perspective is just taking your attention off them. That's all it is and when you start getting happy with yourself and You start feeling those elevated emotions because you're striving for that. You wouldn't trade this for the grudge You were holding because this feels too good. Are you with me still now? Once that heart opens up and you start having energy in the center and it's releasing 1,300 to 1,400 different chemicals that begin to restore and regenerate the body The bodies start getting a lift of energy once it makes its here Now you're gonna see that track sending it energy to the brain the heart acts as an amplifier To boost the brain. Are you with me still? So then once the energy starts making its way into the brain Once the heart starts to open we've measured this with our students they have oxytocin levels rise Once you start feeling oxytocin and you feel more in love than you feel The Grudge so then you think Why would I want to give this up for that person that's called forgiveness you don't have to try to do it it just is a side effect of your personal transformation and oxytocin then when it's released rushes right into the amygdala the survival center of the brain and the research is outstanding and the first thing it does is it fits in the same receptor sites as Fear and it lowers the volume to fear and anxiety It shuts the lights out for aggression and anger and hostility And it cools the circuits off for suffering and pain and the only thing you can feel is a love for life And that's when you're free now the practice of forgiveness matter to matter you can do it but itself it takes a long time and a lot of work and Then you forgive and then you're like, I don't want to give him Halfway forgive him And just never really authentic forgiveness. Do you understand? and you know, there was a woman that came to our work and She was raped by four men and when she was a teenager and it was abusive and She had severe severe night terrors severe and Anxiety and panic attacks She had cyclic mood problems. She had been to every single doctor every single healer every single alternative Practitioner nothing changed it. She came to our event in in Tacoma, Washington and She hit that point where she became everybody everyone everything everywhere every time every place. She became the oneness in the law and that frequency had a message for her and it said and she was an incredible bliss when this happened I Sent four angels disguised as rapists for this moment And that was the end of her tears That was the end of her night. She couldn't have a relationship. She couldn't she could not live with anybody. She was she was isolated One moment the divine stepped in and gave Her the signal that was carrying a very specific message and she got the download not just that Not just the thought she got the energy moved right through her body and she saw the whole thing and that moment Is what she was waiting for that's where the soul was waiting for now. She's healed. She's healthy She's happy and she's on with a new life. She's born again. My mother would love this. She's born again in the same life Reborn in the same light didn't pass through a birth canal for it. She just was born again in the same life She got a new lease in one instant that energy was carrying message and it made its way all the way into the body and the bliss and the joy and the gratitude and the love that she felt And the message that was carried would made total sense to her She's free one instant to me. That's true forgiveness That's the divine having its way with you