"I Remember Me"

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of our hearts will indeed be acceptable in your sight tonight we ask that they will not see jazz but they will see jesus they won't hear jazz but they will hear jesus and when all is sinner then we thank you that your name will be glorified we know that your people will be edified and the very devil will be horrified as we exit in the only name that matters and that is the name of our lord and savior jesus christ and the people of god who knows that you're walking talking breathing miracle release that hand and give god a hint of praise in this place come on you can do better than that [Applause] on your way to your seat would you at least hug two three people say i'm so glad you're sitting next to me i'm so glad i'm so glad you're sitting next to me [Music] would you help me thank god for the ministry gift of pastor vita mccoy come on thank god for her and can you thank god for my bff for real bishop rosie o'neill to all of the presenters on today thank you so very much for being a part of this historical moment dr dallas dr anita phillips come off anger for them dr lynn richardson and the one and only mc light would you celebrate what god has done in their life and tomorrow is another full day for us we want you to make sure that you get up early for our morning walk and then of course if not you're walking at least you can do yoga and then we'll have going into morning glory and then um a dear friend of mine a young lady that god is using to teach people about strategy uh sister natalie uh taylor is going to be doing vision division 2020 and i'm excited about that and then i'll end on tomorrow how many of y'all are staying over for sunday how many of you are wonderful if you need if you need transportation stop by the uh guest relation we'll make sure and get you to our church but if i were you if you would not stain i will change my flight and i won't leave till monday or sunday night cause bishop rosie o'neill it's gonna be preaching i'm like bishop o'neil i don't i i don't want to stop talking about her i don't want to stop talking about a whole lot of people because i'll just begin weeping and crying and and i'm but i'm so grateful as i was sitting there i was thinking about at my early age when i was on the island of trinidad and i most people build tree house i build a church house and a tree and i would be preaching to the plants watering the plants prophesying to the plants and now i look out here and the plants have become people and so i'm thankful to my entire team everybody thank you so very much of course we're streaming live so somebody can make it tonight would you go on your social media text your friend tell them go ahead and check us out there they can check us out they can watch us wherever they are finally me for real uh dot com finally me for real dot com if you're posting anything please use the finally me for real amen i've been around the world people have traveled with me been with me but on tonight i'm absolutely honored and i want to take the moment i think this is the first time i've ever done that is to introduce you to my family my sister anthony amen would you thank god for her where is she where is she all right there she is brittany my niece come on britney stand so they can see who you are and five years ago i said god this is what i want i want to experience unconditional love before i die i want to know what it is to be loved unconditionally and the lord answered by sending these two little twins cam and chloe they're here tonight amen amen amen amen and up in the penthouse suite simba is sleeping amen but thank y'all so very much all my products is available of course i'll be book signing many of y'all been asking am i gonna be signing my book my brand new book bowl moves i'm coming home i'll sign it after service so you can get the finally me from pieces the pieces i'll sign it dancing with broken bones i promise i'll sign it and then i did a 12 part series i think this is the first time i've ever done that a 12 past part series on the book of root that's what the book is about it's just been an amazing thing i'm still on the map get out coming home amen i mean from started from the bottom seven marks of a man how you know you got a bow ass and not a bow okay all right all right all right from shame to gain uncommon favor carry out favor from the pit to the praise go get it he loves me and love on top all right that's gonna bless you got all that cds and all that stuff but i came to put you all ready for me to preach the gospel according to us in luke chapter 22 the gospel according to sin luke chapter 22 the gospel according to sin luke chapter 22 hallelujah lord prepare me to be your sanctuary pure and holy tried and true and with thanksgiving i promise to be nothing else but in sanctuary tracy my cousin god bless you bernadette and cheryl my in-laws thank you so very much as you turn into luke chapter 22 i just want to look up to heaven and say hey dr booth mama shepard and hazel my biological mother miss nell wilshere anthony isaac senior and anthony isaac jr those are names that mean nothing to you but they made me who i am i'm an eternal grateful luke chapter 22 lord prepare me let's sing that one time to be you're unholy [Music] with to be [Music] the gospel according to us in luke chapter 22 if it is your custom to stand for the reading of the word of god let's honor it on tonight the gospel according to us in luke 22 reading particularly at verse number 14 and he begins the reading of the word of god and when the hours come he sat down and the 12 apostles were with him and he said unto them with desire i have desired to eat this passover with you before i suffer for i say unto you i will not eat anymore until it be fulfilled in the kingdom of god and he took the cup and gave thanks and said take this and divide it among yourself for i say unto you i will not drink of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of god shall come and he took bread and give thanks and break it and give on to them saying this is my body which is given for you this do in remembrance of me likewise also the cup also after supper saying this cup is the new testament in my blood which is for you but behold the hand of him that betrayed me is with me on the table look particularly at verse number 19 and he took somebody say he took and he took bread and give thanks and break it and give on to them saying this is my body which is given for you this do in remembrance of me this is my body which is given for you this do in remembrance of me on your way to your seat look at your neighbor dead in the eye and i want you to give them my summon tylenol tonight said neighbor i remember me you may be seated in the presence of god this do this is my body which is given for you do this do in remembrance of me and the time that i have i want to preach from the subject i remember me a couple of days ago in fact it was last sunday in preparation for this conference and for my birthday which took place on october the 8th my makeup artist for the last five years suggested that i got what she called a skin peeling she came to the realization as much as she told me that never sleep in makeup that often time i would ignore what she tells me to do and fall asleep like many of us but complete makeup on our face she said dr jazz in order for you to glow at your conference and to shine at your birthday party you need to go through an extensive skin peeling i said okay well make sure whatever day you schedule it that i don't have to go out in public when we look in the calendar the only days that was available for her to do a skin peeling on me was this past sunday but little did she know that on tuesday october 8th would be my birthday she schedule it the lady came over to do the skin peeling process i was a little bit nervous because this is the first time i ever met this woman and secondly i've never experienced what they call or what i'm calling a skin peeling treatment the woman set up in my kitchen laid out everything and more tools she began to take out the more nervous i become i was wondering why in the world in order to hurt the skin my peel my face that i had to lay down cover my eyes and she tells me over and over again you're gonna look better when i'm finished she go through this three hours extensive detoxing of my face pulling out stuff all over my face telling me that i need to drink more water stop sleeping with makeup and then tells me that i'm a woman of god i didn't even know if the slapper just listened to her and she kept asking me was i in any form of pain i said no after that she left and told me she was gonna come to the conference but because of illness she's not here i was excited i looked in the mirror and my face looked fantastic i mean i looked 25 years younger the next morning i woke up and i rolled over in my bed and my face was on my pillow for real my face was on my pillow like a snake in my my face was on my pillow i looked over my bed and my face my skin was no longer on me but it was on my pillow my face began to peel and this is now monday morning and tuesday is my birthday all of us know whenever it's your birthday you want to look your absolutely best you want to sing the words of beyonce i got up oh i woke up like this you want to be flawless and now for whatever reason half of my face because of the treatment is now on the pillow i begin to text her and she says to me did i not tell you three to five days your face is going to begin to peel i recommend that you don't scrub it that you don't rub it just slightly wash it and for god's sake do not put on makeup the devil is a liar i mean what will you mean it's monday somebody holler it's monday it's a day before my birthday natalie you know we want to look flawless on our birthday and she said don't rub it don't scrub it slightly wash it dr phillips and for god's sake do not put on makeup my goodness i woke up on my birthday thank god for another day but i was being perplexed do i want to risk going outside do i want to risk going out in public it's my birthday i woke up and on my birthday the second half of my face is on my pillow mode the first half was there on monday the second half was there on tuesday it's my birthday it's my birthday i'm supposed to be flawless i'm supposed to be woke up like this and yet i thought i can fix it because at least i've got some major makeup i text my makeup let's silence and i said listen forget the peeling woman you need to come over and do my face and she said no can do i've been working hard and my boyfriend planned a day for me to go away i'm not available i said did you tell your bow ass it's my birthday i mean if i'm not going to get none on my buddy why you getting some on your birthday i mean you got to do something she said no i'm not coming over you ain't supposed to wear wig makeup now this is what i did for my body i had planned that i was going to go to the spa and have a full blown out spa treatment but the spa was not at my house i had to leave my house get in my car get on 95 and get on 495 drive on the highway stop at the side get some gas in my car then check in at the spa speak to people at the spa and tell them i'm dr jazz while my face is peeled are you for real have you lost your mind don't you know i got 90 000 people following me on twitter facebook and instagram i am the daughter of thunder i am the voice of the next generation you want me to get in my car to get on 95 and drive without makeup have you lost your mind you want me to check into the spa walk up to the front desk talk to somebody say i'm checking in for a day knowing they're going to see that i got wrinkles and dimples and i've got 90 acne because i ain't got makeup on no i ain't leaving the house i'm not going nowhere but i build up the courage i got in my cop put sweats on put shades on got in my car did not look at the driver on the left or the right driving straight ahead my neighbor tried to wave at me ah that's not me i don't even wave at me the trash man that i've been floating with been trying no it's not me today it's an impostor and you know when you're looking the worst you don't want to meet nobody you don't want to be connected to nobody you don't want nobody to recognize you and sure enough it's like god dropped everybody who knows that i'm dr jazz just dropped them on the side of the road pulled out my garage hey dr jazz no that's not dr jazz it it's dr jazz sister get to the place checked in the spa and the lady said i've been watching you know you ain't been watching me cause if you've been watching me you know none of this stuff don't you only ready for me who you been watching you've been watching my sister and this woman at the spa begin to have a conversation with me of how i impacted her life and i was not even hearing anything she said i was thinking about that wrinkle on under my eye i was thinking about the freckles that i keep telling my makeup artists the devil sends them cover them i was trying to tell edna but she kept telling me and then to make matters worse i finally got in the spa got ready to have a massage the brother is massaging me his name is dan but i told him i've been paying for hours so for the hour your name is tyrone i wish i had some single women up in here i said ooh tyrone ooh time y'all ain't ready for me treat this ugly girl like she's royalty y'all ain't ready for me he kept telling me no my name is dan i said for the next hour your name is tyrone it's johnny it's barack obama whoever i wanna don't you mess that fantasy up and then after that i decided to go in the sauna and the whirlpool and so i stepped into the whirlpool and there is a caucasian somebody say caucasian there's a caucasian woman in the whirlpool who forgot to read the sign that says please wear a sim swimsuit she's in the whirlpool naked i mean no two-piece naked no towel wrapped around her but naked and she begin to have a conversation with me she's looking at me in the whirlpool i'm trying to look at everything else oh i'm trying to look everywhere around and she's asking me what brought me here i said i can't even focus do you know that you naked have anybody told you you're naked and then i said well it looks like she's enjoying herself being naked it's my birthday i came into this world naked naked shall i leave so i decided hey can i help you can i just join you we need to even the whirlpool either you're going to put on clothes i'm going to take off clothes but we're going to have to level this relationship can i preach up in here i said and noticing because she would not put on clothes i decided to take mines on your i was in the jacuzzi with my face all jacked up and i was butt naked i was and we were having a conversation talking about where we've been and all the stuff that we've been through and isn't it amazing that you can be naked with a stranger god i'm going somewhere you can't even be naked with your sister you can't even be naked but your family but a complete stranger from a different color you can be naked with because so many of us as black women we have been betrayed i promise i'm going somewhere that we can't even go into the spa with another sister but would you push on your sister and say tonight you can be naked in here you ain't got to be the reverend dr bishop elder you ain't got to be the prophet you don't have to be the evangelist you don't have to be the anointed one touching him and say i'm sitting next to you because by the end of this sermon you're about to shed everything you get on and you can be naked in here [Applause] has this conversation with me and only uh i was traumatized i don't know because of looking at her or looking at me i told her i gotta go and i got my clothes on got in my car and drove home and that night i got in bed and i took out my journal and in my journal my journal i started doing a journal this year in my journal it'll ask the question what are you grateful for and then at the end it says what three amazing things happened today what three amazing thing happened today number one on my birthday i did not go on any social media i know y'all were looking for me on october 8 on social media the devil is a liar i didn't post nothing i ain't text nothing i didn't tweet nothing i ain't took no picture ah no no no no no no no no i shut that thing down that was the first amazing thing the second amazing thing is i was in a whirlpool with a stranger completely naked having a conversation but the third thing that happened on that day on october the 8th as i was writing in my journal is i remember me i mean remember me i can't remember the last time i was me my birthday was not involved with no party no friends no hang out no sidekick no sidebar i spent the entire day with me i was bouncing around laughing with myself dancing to my own beat even when i was off beat waving at people on the highway on my way back home because the longer i stayed in public with the real me the longer i stayed in public i became more comfortable and i realized that the only person who sees my imperfection is me the lady at the front desk didn't see anything but the woman of god the person in the spa only experienced the power of god the only person who saw the stuff on my face was me the only person who saw the brokenness was me the only person who saw their bruise was me the only person who saw the flaws in me was me because the greatest judgment of yourself is not other people it's me i'm the hardest on me i condemn me more i beat up on myself more i criticize myself more i condemn myself more i put myself in places more nobody can hurt me nobody has the power to hurt me i hurt myself more that's why jesus said you didn't crucify me i laid down my life i am the worst enemy of me i am more defiled than me i am more painful to myself i'm more harder to myself i'm more critical of myself more judgmental of myself than any time and for the first time somebody said for the first time for the first time i remember me ladies you were gathered at this conference because some of you have amnesia you've been gathered at this conference because some of you have forgotten who you are you've been gathered at this conference because god wants you to remember you remember you before the mack remember you before the gucci the louis vuitton remember you before there was a wee before there was a boaz before there was somebody in your bed remember you before you were misses you were just miss remember you that when before nobody was in your life before there was facebook twitter or instagram when last have you remembered you and last have you seen you when last have you celebrated you when last have you touched you this sermon is to empower you to remember yourself touch them and say i remember me you remember you when nothing really bothered you nothing really affected you what people said about you didn't even bother you it rubbed off like water on your back you remember you when you laughed more and you danced more and you were more happy and more excited you remember you that it didn't take a whole lot for you to praise god when you think of the goodness of jesus and all that he's done for you you didn't need no drums you didn't need no keyboard you didn't need no praise team you don't need nobody to pump you up or preach you you just look back over your life and you remember the stuff that the lord has brought you over this praise is not for those of you who got amnesia this praise is for those of you who just remember what the lord has done for you would you slap fire but two people say i just remember mia i just got a flash god you remember when you first got saved when you first got delivered when the lord picked you up you remember how excited you were when the lord just blessed you you didn't need a mercedes you didn't need a bmw you didn't need a lexus just the lord woke you up this morning you can praise him all by yourself but some of you forgot you you got lost you got lost with your children got lost in the marriage got lost in the job but i came tonight to tell you if you just remember yourself you'll open your mouth and praise god like you lost your mind somebody holler i remember me yeah i remember me i remember me so many times bishop o'neill so many times we want people to remember us we said that statement all over again child remember me in prayer oh child if you got a platform and you're going to start a conference remember me who if you're ever looking for somebody to do something remember me we often ask people people we always ask people please remember us and this is not new with us we see this all through scripture in fact in first samuel real name to juice the hannah uh who asked the lord to remember her you remember hannah she was married to elkanah and pinanaya was getting on her last night she was frustrated that she couldn't produce any children and the bible said she goes up to shiloh miriam and she cries out to god and she said god remember me and if you remember me i want you to give me a male child how many times we've asked god to remember us y'all remember samson samson was the destin to be great samson was anointed but because he had a sexual problem our weakness he end up sleeping with the wrong person delilah she cut his hair out they pluck his eyes off they put him between a polar and with his eyes plucked out his hair is cut off you remember what his praise was his prayers was lord remember me you remember joseph y'all remember joseph the dreamer joseph moves from the pit to the prison and now he's in prison and while he's in prison being accused of something that he did not do there's somebody in prison that got a dream but he cannot interpret the dream and joseph interpret the dream and after joseph interpreted the dream he said man when you get out of here when you get to the place that you need to get to and do what you need to do would you please remember me y'all remember hezekiah he was about to die can i just call the roller he's about to die but the bible said he set his face to what jerusalem and he cried out to god and he said god remember me and the lord added 15 years to his life y'all remember the children of israel found themselves in egypt they were in bondage they cried out to god and what do they say they say god remember me it is so important that we often think of the fact that we ask people or we ask god to remember us and it's okay somebody holler it's okay yeah it's okay for you to ask god to remember you it's okay to ask god that's why the psalmist was a pastor nat or gentle savior hear my humble cry touching me say he will remember you all of us ought to ask god to remember me remember my children remember my family remember the stuff i'm going through remember what i'm facing in life all of us want god to remember us touching him and say he hasn't forgotten you come on tell him say he hasn't forgotten you it may feel like it is but he hasn't forgotten you and why is it we often ask god to remember us we often ask god and people to remember us because we do not want to be forgotten i'm going somewhere tonight i said the reason why we often ask people oh god to remember us is because we do not want to be forgotten we want to be noticed we want to be recognized we want somebody to know that we are in the room and when we're not in the room we want them to remember that we were in the room we want them to know that we were here that we were here and we made a contribution the problem is is when we ask people to remember us but we don't even remember ourselves can i preach up in here the problem is is when we ask every preacher and pastor and prophet to remember me remember me in prayer remember we are in fact the thief y'all remember the thief on the cross when jesus is being crucified what does the thief said he said when you come into you when you come into your kingdom remember me but the passage then are y'all still here the passage that i'm lifting on tonight is a strange passage because this passage has nothing to do with any one of us in particular it's one thing for us to see hannah asking god to remember her it's one thing for us to see hezekiah asking for god to remember him it's one thing for joseph that remember asked for him to be remembered but in our biblical text on tonight it's jesus can i preach up in here it's jesus it's jesus and jesus got the same issue that you and i got he does not want to be forgotten god he does not want to feel like he's been abandoned he does not want to feel like he's been rejected he does not want to feel like he hasn't been seen that he's unnoticed unrecognized and so jesus instituted god cannot preach in y'all he instituted a commandment he said i want you to do i want you to observe at least two ordinances jesus knows what it is that experience the sense that you may feel that you're forgotten or forsaken because you can't tell the difference between being forgotten and forsaken forgotten and forsaken have the same emotion how you feel overlooked you feel like nobody recognizes you you feel like in the crowd but nobody knows your name nudge your neighbor and say you're not on notice you may be unnoticed by somebody but god notice you he knows exactly where you are he knows exactly what you're going through he knows exactly what you're facing now here is jesus somebody holler jesus this is jesus who knows that god does not have amnesia this is jesus who knows that god does not forget this is jesus and yet jesus cries out to god he gathered the disciples and he said listen on tonight i want you to do something in re in remembrance of me are y'all still here he said i want you to do something in remembrance of me now this is jesus and in this particular text the bible said at the night that he was betrayed that he took bread and blessed it and broke it up and he said to them eat this and as often as you eat it when you eat it i want you to eat it in remembrance of me jesus was making sure that he was not forgotten so he instituted an ordinance that said every time you eat this i want you to do it in remembrance of me i don't care how many time you do it out i don't care if you do it in the morning or the evening i don't care if you do it at midnight i don't care if you do it on sunday morning but i want you to make sure that you do it in remembrance of me now if jesus struggled with the possibility that he may be forgotten or forsaken and so he instituted a command that said every time you take this you ought to do it in remembrance of me i don't know what your ordinance is going to be but i want to suggest sometime you ought to implement something that remind you of you touching them and say i'm remembering me tonight i'm gonna say i'm remembering me tonight i'm remembering me tonight let's look at the scene of this thing the scene took place during the passover now all of us know in jewish culture that there are three traditions that all jews ought to celebrate one of them is particularly the passover let the church say the passover the passover has to do with when the children of israel found themselves in bondage and they cried out to god and god raises up an emancipator to become a liberator tell moses go down and tell pharaoh to let my people go up moses goes down but pharaoh will not hear it and god said i've had enough with pharaoh at midnight i'm about to do something so moses tell the children of israel find a land without spots i want you to kill the lamb i want you to take the blood from the lamb and put it over the doorpost because at midnight when the dead angel passes by he's going to see the blood and he's going to pass over your house i don't know who i came to preach on on a friday night but would you give your neighbor a high five and said tonight i'm celebrating the passover stuff that should've killed me something that should have destroyed me something that should have wiped me out a long time but the mere fact that i'm still here i'm gonna celebrate the passover is there anybody of the song in my voice who know that the bullet should have killed you the drug should have destroyed you stuff should have wiped you off but aren't you glad that you got the passover just wave over your head and said this shout out it's not for the money it's not for the honey it's not for the car it's not for the job it's not for the house it's the stuff that the lord is allowed to pass over me the only people who don't need to shout right here is the people who have been through nothing but if you've been through something if you're seeing something if you experience something and the lord has allowed it to pass over you i'll give you five seconds to open your mouth throw your head back and scream for the passover come on holler for the passover give your neighbor a high five and tell him this shout is for the stuff that the lord has allowed a pass over me here it is the scene is taking place during the passover and jesus and the disciple come on sit down we just talking jesus and the disciple are reclining around the table it's a passover meal that's set in front of them and none of them but jesus knew what was about to take place in the same text at the beginning of the chapter it talks about judas betraying jesus it talks about in the same text about judas betraying jesus and yet after jesus has been betrayed he never lost his appetite oh god i'm going somewhere the same night that he was betrayed he had a appetite this is just for 20 of y'all whoever experienced betrayal in your life tell your neighbors and neighbor don't you lose your appetite because somebody betrayed you in fact the night that you were betrayed that's when you ought to eat god i wish i i said that night that you were betrayed that's when you want to eat don't you let anybody make you lose your sleep or lose your appetite in fact you don't know who's watching on social media somebody might be a hater thinking that you won't go make it so you might as well go ahead and remind them in spite of the betrayal i'm still alive in spite of the betrayal i'm still here in spite of the betrayal i still got my joy it's part of the betrayal i'm still hungry are there any survivors who ever been betrayed but you live to tell it the same night somebody hollered the same night the same night he was betrayed he asked for popeyes the same night that he was betrayed he had a meal the same night that he was betrayed and remember now he experienced betrayal and denial in your life you're going to have three people you're going to have people who are going to betray you you're going to have people who can deny you and you're going to have people that love you can i preach up in here look down your world say which one are you come on get an answer come on get an answer get an answer you're going to have people who are going to betray you they are judases they may look like john but they are judases they share oh come on can i preach up in here because you cannot have john without judas and that's why if you're going to ask god to send you a john you got to watch out for judas because john and judas look the same can i preach up in you i said john and judas look the same in fact john and judas are at the same table so whenever you are in the company of three you got to size the room up and you got to say which one is john and which one is judas can i help you only an understanding that this is how you know if you got a john or judas it's when you are naked they don't get naked with you god you all ain't ready for me okay you'll miss it i said you know it's a judas where you is the only one that is naked in the room tell your neighbor say if i'm the only one that is showing my boo-boo i may be sitting next to judas because when you got a job next to you they're going to reveal exactly what they're going through and they're just going to be hearing your stuff they're going to be sharing their stuff dr william houston curtis one of my preachers from years ago said jazz my issue has never been my issue has never been what i shared has been who i shared it with oh jesus god deliver us from judases deliver us from women who we trust our secrets with and because of opportunities y'all ain't ready for me because they're trying to climb the corporate or the church ladder they will sell you out i wish but telling me it's a neighbor tonight you ain't okay are y'all talking decent neighbor tonight you ain't got to worry about any judas because all judas end up hanging themselves i gotta get out of here pull your neighbors to navy just give them a little rope because the ditch they dig for you they're going to end up falling in i need somebody to shout over every hater over every lie [Music] oh judah somebody's going to all shoot us all you gotta do is give them a little give them a little give them just give them a little give them a little rub it's like when you go home just mail them a rope in the middle just oh y'all in here me just send them a rope come on up in here he prepares a table for me in the presence i feel like preaching here in the presence of my enemy he anointed my head with all but my cup run it over surely goodness and mercy shall in the night that he was betrayed he ordered pizza in the night when he was betrayed he had five fish collard greens cornbread because a betrayer can't stop your destiny god i feel something pushing me i push on your neighbors and neighbor every lie that they said about you it's just to prepare you for your next level everything that they try to do against you was just to prepare you i feel something pushing me real hard pushing your neighbors back like you're about to push it out and say neighbor you survive every lie you survive every gossip you what they said about you you survived it are there any survivors in the heart on the night in the night that he was betrayed but listen only we got to be honest in here because while we have been betrayed some of us have betrayed others oh can i preach up in here i said while we've been betrayed we have betrayed others we betrayed others by telling other people secret in the form of pray for this person you know how we sugarcoat it and spiritualize it hey listen i want you to pray for this person because they're going through so and so and knowing that they told it to you in confident or in secret but i learned something linda i learned something in the year of my finally me i learned that the greatest betrayal does not come from others it comes from how i betray myself oh jesus god i feel like preaching here i know i know i know yeah yeah your greatest betrayal is sitting in you you remember when you betrayed yourself when you tried to be something that you would not you remember when you betrayed yourself because they called you bossy and so you dummy down yourself trying to fit in with them you remember when you betrayed yourself because you know you had that solution and you knew the answer but you know if you open your mouth they gonna call you all the dead but a child of god so you dummy down yourself and you keep quiet and you won't say anything to anybody that's self-betrayer you remember when you betrayed yourself when you knew that you ain't supposed to hook up with that person because they don't even meet your standard they don't even meet where you're trying to go but you rather hook up with ishmael rather than wait for isaac it's called self betrayal you remember when you betrayed yourself when you tried to dummy down and shut your mind push on your neighbor's back and say after tonight you're about to get a backbone that's the wrong neighbor say after tonight you're about to get a backbone come on if i got the dummy dumb myself to be in your bed if i got to dummy dumb myself to be in relationship with you you in the right one baby because when you know who you are you can celebrate somebody and you ain't got to criticize people who not like you would you sniff i bet your neighbor and your neighbor i got to forgive myself tonight because i try to be everything that i try to be less than who i am but i'm black i'm bold i'm brave and i'm finally me whether you like it or not and finally me somebody open your mouth and give god a shout right here tell the university you be you be you you can't betray yourself to be in friendship you can't betray yourself to be in relationship you can't betray yourself to be connected with people and so many times especially for those of us women who people look at us and they don't see us as confident they see us as arrogant can i preach up in here who she thinks she is miriam is in here cynthia jones is in here i got some people from shiloh i had pastored this church for a good five years and i moved to church from the south side to the west side and ten women somebody out of ten women not one man ten women decided to sue me because i moved from one side to the other side and when we met with the mediator for them to have a conversation with us they said the reason why we sued her is because she thought she was all dead a bag of chips on some dip i wish i had some real women in here and i said i'm sorry i forgot to tell you i'm not just all that i'm not just a bag of chips i'm not just the dinner i'm the picture on the chips i wish i had somebody in here slap fight at your neighbor and say i just know who i am in my 20s i apologize for who i am in my 50s i declare who i am i'm the head and not the tail i'm above and not beneath i'm blessing the city blessed if you know who you are shout in here in the night that he was when last have you betrayed yourself how have you been betraying yourself have you experienced not other people betrayal but self betrayal oh my god o'neil and i have this conversation all the time we go back and forth i said well neil we got to say something i said we gotta say something you know how god drops you in a room and you see something in the room and you know you gotta say something and because you say something now you're isolated and now you ain't one of the boys can i preach up in here and now can i preach up in you now you you in one of us now invitational swinging now people not calling you no more because you dare to step out and start your own conference and they think the conference is a revolt they think it's a rebellion they didn't even think that it may be god moving in such a way how dare she from trinidad start a conference y'all ain't ready for me i'll tell you how it's because god told us to i am tired of being a slave on a plantation when i can own the field can i preach up in you tell your neighbor says slavery days is over and because it's 400 years since we left ghana this is the 400th year you might as well open your mouth and slap fight at your neighbor and say there's only one master promotion does not come from the east it does not come from the west it does not come from the north it does not come from the south it comes from the lord and when the lord cannot preach right here when the lord lift you up ain't no devil can stop you pull your neighbor by the hand and said neighbor i'm a game changer i came to change the game are there any game changers in here push on your neighbors back like you're about to push it off and say i'm a game changer come on push on their back look you're about to push it and say you looking at a game changer i came to break the rules are there anybody in here who said i came to break the rules i blame you to go where you've never gone before so you can do what you've never done before so you can see what you've never seen before so you can have what you never had before i dare you to tell the person next to you said neighbor when i step in the room i came to change the game are there any game changers in here open your mouth throw your head back and holla i'm a game come on tell your neighbor say you're looking at a game changer the rules were meant to be broken come on i said the rules are meant to be broken and if you don't like the game start another game tell your neighbor say finally me for real it's another game baby and the night in the night that he was betrayed [Music] he took place in the night that he was betrayed he took bread he blessed it he broke it and he said it does in remembrance of me [Applause] don't forget me don't forget me don't overlook me just cause i may not look like you just cause i may not act like you and the night that he was betrayed he took prey and he blessed it and he broke it and then he multiplied and he said i want you to eat this and every time you eat it i want you to remember oh jesus i want you to remember me don't remember what i did don't remember what i say remember remember not just the public me but the private remember me and all of my facet remember me in all of my glory remember me in all of my splendor and jesus wants you to know that he struggle with being forgotten he so he said i'm not going to leave it up to chains i'm not going to leave it i'm going to institute i ordinance there's only two other ordinances in the church there's one called holy baptism and the second one is called holy communion and you would think it would seem like jesus was self-centered oh god i'm going somewhere there yeah and finally me is not about being self-centered it's making sure you understand that there is a self that there is there is a stuff he said he said i want you to do this in remembrance of mira well what do you want me to remember children say i remember me and and i would come and tell her i remember me i remem and i want to talk about i remember me in three stages and i remember me her bible said come on sit down he took brain and he blessed it that's the first thing i want to remember i want to remember how blessed i was oh jesus i i want to remember the blessing how many of you know that you've been blessed by god touching him and said the blessing the blessing because whenever you're going through something betrayal or denial you may forget how blessed you are whenever you're going through painful situation i tell you to say i'm blessed i'm blessed i can't get charlie wilson up in here so i got to say it myself come on say i'm blessed i'm blessed he took bread and he blessed it come on touch every say i'm blessed i'm blessing the city and blessing the fear i'm blessed coming and i'm blessed going are there any blessed people in here and blessing in got nothing to do with the car i drive it ain't got nothing to do with the house i live in it doesn't have anything to do with the money in my pocket every time i wake up and i got breath in my body i know i'm blessed touch your neighbor say i'm blessed i'm blessed you remember when you just shout over the little blessing you just shout for being alive you just shout that you got your white mind now you need somebody to give you a prophecy you need to see it before you praise god but when i woke up and i got the blood running warm in my vein when i saw that my eyes open and i'm in my mind mine i know that i'm blessed when the blessed people know that they're blessed they will bless the god who bless them you see the only people who can bless god is the people who remember that they've been blessed and before i came to this country i was blessed before i got on the platform i was blessed before i became the reverend dr jasmine scholar i was blessed before you give me your last name i was blessed before you put me on a platform i was blessed and when god blesses you no man can curse what god blesses i wonder if i got 50 women in here in fact i got a thousand women in here who said neighbor i'm blessed i may not be driving a mercedes but i'm blessed i may not be living in an opinion house but i'm blessed i may not have a million dollar but i'm blessed would you tell them why you know you're blessed tell him it's because he woke you up this morning he started you on your way he put laughing in your hands and running in your feet if you knew that you're blessed put those blessed hands together and give god a blessed shout if you know that you're blessed tell your neighbor say i'm doing this i'm blessing the city and i'm blessing the field i'm blessed if you've got strength you're blessed if your mind is right you're blessed if the one is running in your blame you're somebody open your mouth and tell anybody neighbor i'm blessed i'm blessed i'm blessed i don't know about you but i know i'm blessed i know he saved me i know he delivered me i know he said sanctified me somebody scream i'm blessed put your foot out and tell the devil everywhere i put my feet it shall be blessed everything i touch it shall be blessed somebody holler i'm blessed come on put your hands on yourself and say i'm blessed blessed is the man who walking nap in the comets of the ungodly i'm blessed i remember me i remember i remember i remember i remember living in a shack but still feeling blessed i remember i remember i remember antoinette i remember i remember growing up poor but i was blessed i remember i remember not having anything but still feeling blessed i remember my mama i remember she trying to take care of us but i know i'm blessed i remember just having peanut butter and jelly sandwich and saying father thank you for the peanut butter and the jelly sandwich and i'm blessed i remember sleeping in the bed with other siblings but i can roll over and say i'm blessed would you snap fight at your neighbor and say i remember how blessed i was i remember when all i had was joy when all i had was peace when i didn't need a dime to praise him pull your neighbor by the head like you're about to pull it off and said neighbor you must get amnesia just look back over your life and think things over twice are there any blessed women in here are there any blessed people in here i dare you to open your mouth i dare you to jump up and i dare you to scream i'm blessed i remember i remember i remember i remember i remember one pair of shoes but feeling blessed i remember just one one one suit but still feeling blessed i remember not having anything externally but still knowing i'm blessed why he took bread and the night the night that he was betrayed natalie he took bread and he he he blessed it i remember i remember how blessed i was but he took bread he blessed it and then he on the night that he was betrayed he took bread and he blessed it and then he broke linda i remember when i was blessed before the break-in i remembered me before the break-in britney i remember me before the divorce i remember me before the rape i remember me a little skinny girl looked like olive who hooked up with popeyes and i remember i remember to free me i i remember i remember me like when i was cam and chloe when there was nothing that i was nervous about i i remem i remember me when i didn't meet a stranger i remember me when i packed my bags and had 32 dollars and came to a country i never even saw i i i mean i remember me boswell you got those pictures put it on the screen i mean i remember me i remember i remember me i remember me with my mama before she died i i i remem i i remember i remember mom i remember your voice i i remember i remember when you told me that my name was jasmine i i remember you told me don't let nobody call me outside my name i i remember me when i was free to dance and free to sing and free to shout i remember me swimming with the dolphins i i remember i remember me in the ocean loving up on the water i remember me with mr mr shepherd and devin that's me i remember i remember me wait wait you go where where did you go when did you lose you when when did you lose you when when did you lose you and when you can find you when when did you move from thriving to just surviving where what where where did you end uh it was in the breaking god i feel something it was in the break and i remember me being kissed by a seal i remember me everything and there's a bird on my hand that's me that's that's me that's me that's me eating a mango i i remember me that i wasn't concerned about my image only ready for me i was concerned who was i was authentically young i remember can i preach up in here push on your neighbor say you remember you i remember me drinking coconut water climbing up austria swimming licking me dancing what happened to breaking do you remember yourself look at me i before the break-in do you remember what you used to do you remember you used to dance without music you used to shout like you lost your mind you used to run and nobody chasing you push on your neighbor and say if you just remember a little of who you are you can praise god but something happened somebody hold up something something happened a demon was assigned to stop me a demon was assigned to kill me that demon was assigned to destroy me but i've come to prophesy to every woman in here no weapon from against me will be able to prosper pull your neighbor by the head and said the breaking can kill you the break-in can destroy you the breaking can wipe you out pull your neighbor by the head and said neighbor you're survived the break-in with somebody open your mouth and scream the break and then kill me he took bread he blessed that [Applause] and then and then and then and then and then from the blessing i remember the first breaking the first rape i remember i tried all my life not to remember i left trinidad and left the accent the culture so i won't i remember standing over that casket is that my i remember coming home from preaching and my stuff is out on the moon if you don't want to be married to me anymore you don't love me anymore i just gather my stuff and now i'm moving to i move into my own space and then i meet these amazing people who adopted me and then now she dies two moms now in the grave and then i remember coming and doing woman died loose and then everything is plastered about me for my guy who doesn't even know me and now i'm in my closet those are scared to come out i don't want to live no more he took bread he blessed it why did you allow the break-in why can you stop the breaking if you're all-powerful my my mom my marriage he took brain blessed it broke it and then o'neil he has the audacity to tell me eat it eat it sit in it then i realized i'm not choking on it oh wait a minute i can eat your lies and still keep on going y'all in ready for me he said i want you to eat it in remembrance of me the only comfort i have in that scripture is that the same hand that did the blessing [Applause] is the same hand put your hands out and say he still got you in his hands that's though come on touch at least three people say he still got you in your his head just cause you're being broken doesn't mean you're out of his hands i gotta get out of here would you just at least touch three people say you're still in his hands come on no they need to hear that prophecy come on say you're still in this hands come on touch at least seven people in your room and tell him you're still in his hands you're still in his hands you're still in spite of it you're still in his hands in spite of the situation you're still in his hands in spite of the circumstance you're still in this if you know you're still in his hands you ought to thank god i said you are the thank god you are to take put your hands out i preach i have preached 25 years i'm one of the baptist preachers and they said whenever you preach make sure you close in some form of hoop and i had all intention but the lord said tonight i don't wanna hoop i said well lord what do you want he said i want you to serve them communion the equals come on come on bill come on o'neil come on up here and the same night that he was betrayed you can take that sheet off of it come on in the same night because each take a tray go to a particular position each take a tray go to each position there you go linda take a tray don't need six on six and six rosa come on i need your help get one pass the cannon come on the barber come on dr carp until come on you've been broken into pieces thank you dubai need one more person on that side you begin to serve them yep yeah linda you're on the outside yep all the way up you got everybody in the front row put that loot scripture back up [Music] do for me [Music] way back [Applause] [Music] strength [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh yeah that kiss me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] from day to day from day [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] the blood [Music] [Music] [Music] and all he's [Music] please keep on blessing me jesus performed miracles in several ways slowing down musicians sometimes he spoke a word sometimes he laid hands i mean make sure has anybody has everybody been served because tonight the healing is going to come into eating on the night that he was betrayed he took boy he blessed it father we recognize these to be elements they represent your body and your blood and so we thank you that they are consecrated that as we eat and as we receive healing healing spirit soul and body healing enters into us to god and the strengthening of our spiritual covenant we declare it consecrated for this moment in the name of the lord it is his body that was broken for us so we've not been through anything he hadn't been through take and let us seed of this body broken take and eat healing in your body the new covenant is in his blood ratified and sealed healing in the cup blessing and responsibility drink all of it right now in remembrance of him offer worship right now [Music] oh god we worship come on worship worship worship let him know he's not forgotten worse [Music] receive your healing receive your healing receive your healing [Music] [Music] [Music] these ministers are at this altar in case you just need a special prayer deacons come get the trailer if you need a special place [Music] and heal my disease [Music] you are [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] um don't get restricted you want to come to the altar come and spend some time [Music] i remember me come on come on [Music] [Music] restoration [Music] [Music] you can't get to the altar but there's a minister next to you but you just start praying for your sister just start praying for them right there just stop praying just start praying your cup and stop praying stop praying and when job prayed for his friends start praying for them break the spirit of betrayal offer them come on [Music] you said your words you are the lord [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and we say [Music] [Applause] you are [Music] me [Music] [Music] here comes [Music] you are [Music] i remember me [Music] i remember me some of you have forgotten you you got lost you got lost you got lost in the career you got lost you got lost in the career you got lost in the relationship he got lost in life you got lost on social media [Music] and we give glory yeah just open your mouth [Music] you are somebody says that whatever you experience at the age of four just play that's the musician play in the fourth grade it resurfaces in your adult i had lost myself in fourth grade [Music] but how many of y'all know he's a restorer [Music] i remember [Music] me [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] wow [Music] oh you are [Applause] thank you she just remembering herself you [Music] remember [Music] god we thank you god we bless you god we thank you god we bless you god we thank you begin you
Channel: VGC TV
Views: 3,893
Rating: 4.8857141 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 0sec (5940 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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