Dr. Gary Fettke - 'Nutrition and Inflammation'

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I'm taking one for the team doesn't take any applause I'm very humbled to be here is that a service bit about coming out because I'm not allowed to talk about what I'm about to talk about so anyone from Australia please do not listen this is what gets me is a bit of trouble sugar makes you hungry carbohydrates make it fast polyunsaturated oils making inflames and sick I mean I came out with you this is we've got to try and make our message simple and that was my simple message if we want to talk about nutrition I thought hi things I'm going to be anywhere to talk about is being sent to Siberia and I took this off my phone this morning and Breckenridge's minus 18 degrees but I did actually check to see that inside there it was - 29 degrees so it's actually quite a warm facility that we've got here today who would have thought this concept would get me into as much trouble as I mean it's just a theory a theory that can never be proven because we're never going to be able to do a double-blind crossover study for a lifetime to prove this but imagine imagine that with one simple personal choice with stopping eating processed food that you could change everything and many of you have done that and understand that you can so I can't speak about the n-word n-word here it's like the n-word in Australia the n-word in Australia is nutrition just the term nutrition creates so much emotion so much fighting it comes down to egos industry and me now eating real food which is what I believe like um healthy fat is I help my health and real food is low carbohydrate healthy fat and real food that is local fresh seasonal just happens to be low in sugar has no refined carbohydrate in it and is relatively higher in fat so I'm talking about eating real food that's what low carb healthy fat is so the talk today is about inflammation I think inflammation is the cause of most modern disease and we've been hearing about that regularly over the last couple of days but how do I link that to nutritional that's my crime okay and I'm guilty of that so I believe that what fuel we put in our engines determines our efficiency determines everything about who here would put a little bit of diesel in with their petrol engine every single time they fill up a little bit doesn't hurt does it you know a bit moderation doesn't hurt but over time you end up with one clear outcome your engine doesn't work as well and there's a Health System we're now spending all of our time servicing the vehicle rather than paying attention to what fuel we put in the first place the only question is what's the right fuel next worth of debate is my declaration interest so I have no financial interest a blend and I founded nutrition for life a few years ago which is a group of dietitians diabetes nurse educators giving this individual advice I can guarantee there's been no financial return only heartache but we're getting fatter and sicker that's the problem how did we get here how do we get fatter and sicker now I want to look at medical science and nutritional science no medical science is based on the scientific method which is observation hypothesis and testers became nutritional science has had a better hundred years of being around and it's based on making food tastier improving shelf life and profitability unfortunately in medicine as a profession we've believed that nutrition science was the same as medical science but it's not explained share balls and we're now waking up to that and Joey presented that information yesterday as best bender shambles nutritional science is a shambles either funded by the industry or you try and recollection to other and it's only in the last few days and you know some of us have been talking about this for several years but in the last two days I've heard more science on ketogenic diets and nutritional science which is real science and thank goodness it's coming out now because I'm sitting here I'm learning every single lecture I've learned something and I've been doing this for a while so something has to change we can't wait for governments to change policy because they're influenced by lobbyists we can't wait for the industry to change and corporations to change because they're driven by profit we can't wait for the health professionals to change because they're all following guidelines and many of you have spoken out about effective is a fear of coming out and talking about this because the guidelines have been written by the food and the pharmaceutical industry we need to do something now so briefly why am I here love my early years I was raised on sugar refined carbohydrate and polyunsaturated oils and I was a fat kid I've dropped 23 kilos but I used to be a toffee 2000 was a bit of a turning point for me how big the cure to tumor I had surgery chemotherapy radiotherapy had not a lot of surgery a few years ago or 2004 so I've had a brain tumor don't trust anything I say I've had brain surgery so I'm not responsible for anything I say as an orthopedic surgeon my patients are getting heavier their needs of filing joints are failing I look after most of the diabetes complications in northern tech make I put up a really mild picture here because it only gets uglier most weeks are now amputating something of someone in the public system it's devastating their their lives are ruined the whole system is now failing under the burden of lifestyle related disease and most people on the planet are eating by the food pyramid and as a result lately going to die by the food pyramid and along the way going to look like the food permit I'm not the first orthopedic surgeon to devil in the field of endocrinology it's a Canadian orthopedic surgeons managed to win a Nobel Prize for the discovery of insulin but along the way I've come to realize that inflammation six behind every conditioning hour where neurotics diabetes cancer autoimmune disease cardiovascular disease it's been a common theme talked about so if we could find the cause of inflammation and reverse it then that becomes a model to prevent virtually all modern disease and as a model okay it's the hypothesis and one artistic so if we can find that toxic material we might be on the way so a few years ago I've developed what I call the model the nutritional model of inflammation which I believe is a combination sugar particularly fructose refined carbohydrate polyunsaturated oils and I think it's toxic but just like fireworks each one of those components is not that much of a problem but if we put the wrong amounts in the wrong combination at the wrong time all of a sudden I think that's inflammatory that's what fireworks are so if that inflammation is true then that not only becomes inflammatory for the whole body that it becomes a model of modern disease so let's work through that model okay then we could think about the observation hypothesis and mechanism some pathophysiology I care - it won't be as scientific as the last couple of days because I'm an orthopedic surgeon I like pictures I'm very visual and I'm not that smart we look at a bit of evidence so here's some observations if we got to the top of the food chain over two and a half million years I think we've been on a fad diet for the last 50 or 60 years particularly last 30 but yet we're getting fatter and sicker obesity is increasing cancer is increasing arthritis and gout are increasing effect there's been a doubling of gout in the last ten years autoimmune disease is increasing mental health issues with a spectrum from autism right through the depression and dementia everything increasing I don't know many conditions which is decreasing so welcome to modern disease medicine unfortunately focuses on the disease rather than the cause you know in most it we spend most of our days servicing the vehicle rather than putting the right fuel in there are spiraling health costs and we're trying to medicate our way out of it that's just failing it's all completely financially unsustainable and I've done a couple of papers on that we won't go there but it's just not going to work so look what we do we're lemmings about to go over the edge of the cliff and at least we get back to prevention and most of you here today have put on a parachute as you get on over the edge of the cliff so let's get back to the start it's our only option so that's my observations here's my hypothesis inflammation six behind every condition and let's find the toxic material I believe the combination of sugar fructose particularly refined carbohydrates and polyunsaturated oils create inflammation that renders the body susceptible to damage so it doesn't think you know it just creates the susceptibility so other factors play a role I'll call that other stuff and we'd go through that list stress cortisol genetics chemicals are I finished reading book by a blademan called swallow this on the way over please readers you'll never eat again and if they're looking of their chemicals that are in our food chain it's just disturbing the bowel organisms we touched on a division with the the gut biome it's a huge area come exercise plays a role too heard about latitude longitude as your latitude changes whole lot of diseases come along the same thing with longitude and particularly across the South Pacific diabetes increases there's some good reasons for that and true like Guldur but all of that plays a role sleep vitamin D even artificial lighting so that's the hypothesis what's the mechanism let's define the fact that fructose refined carbohydrate polyunsaturated oils with heard sugar high fructose half glucose the metabolism of fructose was really only described in 2010 and we're still learning about it so all of the textbooks do not have it in it all this is brand new and therefore I think it makes all guidelines that have come out in the last several years completely redundant so what are the natural sources of fructose really like seasonal fruits seasonal fruit you've got sugar whereas half of kazaar sucrose you've got honey which is a little bit higher and fructose than glucose and that's why honey is a bit sweeter than normal stable sugar and what I call manufactured fruit which is virtually all fruit that we find at the market it's been modified in some form and spent treated and some form I talked about there's I mean there's nothing natural about bananas in Colorado is there okay I'm leaving the going to the store here and there's all this beautiful fresh produce sell or wind traded and chemicals green and beautiful and colors but I haven't seen any fruit trees here so they're not glossing really good high fructose corn syrup and the US now there's a whole story behind that but again the source of it carbohydrate ok well that's really what the other thing is and carbohydrate is just glucose or repeating chains of glucose doesn't matter if it's now bread rice passed and maltose lactose dextro that ultimately intends to be glucose there's the only other carbohydrates or anything called fructose and we've heard about glucose metabolism this is the orthopedic surgical opinion about it right here glucose is absorbed from the gut goes straight to the brain and muscle under the influence of insulin and if we take in too much the better gets stored as fat again under the influence of input you have insulin about four grams of glucose in the bloodstream at any point in time about one teaspoon so if we ingest more than one teaspoon we metabolize that defect so one slice of bread is got about five two spoons of glucose bowl of Pasteur standard around sixteen to twenty same thing with a bowl of rice let's define fat again this is me know I try to keep things simple healthy fats you know butter cheese nuts Mediterranean oils and and pasture-fed or natural animal needs let's define polyunsaturated oils we're not talking about vegetable oils anything any oil come out of a vegetable it doesn't exist over the next marketing and margarine I mean the color margarine look like butter it's nothing natural about it so the difference between a fattening oil is determined by its state at room temperature so fat is solid at room temperature and oil is liquid at room temperature and animal fats tend to be liquid at body temperature but solid at room temperature and seed and plant oils are flexible even an atom in very cold climates because nutrients can get up and down the plant and the difference becomes the double bonds within it so it double bond in a fat is a point of flexibility and makes it more liquid at low temperature that flexibility that double those double bonds which you've got in polyunsaturated many points are however unfortunately of weakness high points of potential oxidation and when oxidation occurs it's like rusting you have oxygen free radical or at least so at every double bond if they become oxidized it can become quite inflammatory so if we're looking for a mechanism information let's think about that combination so a little bit about pathophysiology and again we're going to go through some biochemistry the distance with lots of pictures so fructose metabolism again very complex a Robert Lustig put this into a diagram diagrammatic form in about 2010 so I've stolen from him with his permission and we're going to look at this forget all the pathways there I'm going to simplify it down so if we put sugar in we put fructose in to that liver cell that hepatocyte a whole lot of things are going to occur a very small amount is going to go towards glycogen because most proctors comes with glucose and glycogen stores are going to be improved there's an aldehyde pathway in the liver and we know that because if you get fruit you make wine from it guess what the liver does exactly the same so if you put too much glucose in you actually create an alcohol pathway and the liver does the preventing and too much of that is a contributing factor than non-alcoholic fatty liver disease fructose is actually converted into uric acid again let's just skip the pathways and look at it that occurs up in this corner of the hepatocyte what is that you reg acid it actually affects nitric oxide nitric oxide is critical to multiple things within the body and there are three forms of it there's a neuronal form which is involved in supplying blood to the brain and maintaining that there's an endothelial form which keeps the tone there blood vessels and keeping our blood pressure and trol and there's also an inducible form which is involved in controlling how our white cells move around the body how our immune function occurs so if you lose the vaso dilatory effects of nitric oxide if you inhibit it with uric acid then you start affecting the blood flow to your brain you start affecting your blood flow and you create hypertension and it possibly has an effect on our immunity it affects can slow up how our once it was actually get around to do their job and particularly something like diabetes which has got very poor healing I think this is a major contributing factor and it can be involved in the whole cancer makers this is an area of exploration again this is my hypothesis theory let's think about it further now I'm going to show insulin resistance on one slide okay now too much fructose is involved in the whole process of insulin resistance I go just can you know brought down two days of scientific talks okay let's move on it's also a leptin inhibitor so if you have too much fructose and here that's leptin leptin job is to tell you they've actually had enough to eat okay so if you actually inhibit that effects then you start getting hungry it also stimulates growing and groans at hormone which makes the tummy Rumble so we've got here sugar fructose is actually inhibiting our satiety it's making us hungry this is a pathway I want to dwell upon with presentation okay do you have too much glucose it's involved in small dense LDL production at the end product now I understand it goes to predominately veiled Iran and it's converted ultimately the small dense ordeal but for the purposes of the talk if you have fructose and it gets ingested they know they lipogenesis the bad end product product it's more dense ordeal it's a little guy on the bottom right and if we have too much sugar too much fructose come in we produce a lot more LDL particles those lipoproteins are filled up with a combination of fat protein phosphate cholesterol but what fat is within those lipoproteins is interesting and what fat is in them is reflected in what we eat it's either a saturated fat or it's a polyunsaturated fat so our traditional diet means that which is relatively high in saturated fats or monounsaturated fats with one bond means that there's very little double bonds within the fat within those lipoproteins and that's our balloon so it's got no double bonds there's nothing to oxidize it's not inflammatory as inflammatory there's a brick wall however if you then fill up the fat within our fat with a polyunsaturated also create all these double bonds highly inflammatory become oxidized I dry kindling and releases lots of double bonds lots of oxygen free radicals and I think that's highly inflammatory where do those lipoproteins a small dense LDLs end up and they end up in the blood vessel wall complex slide but at the top you've got the blood inside the blood vessel then you've got a layer of the blood vessel wall then d box that looks called the sub inter more layer now I call that small dense LDL or the troublesome one the Goldilocks particle it's just the right size to get into the blood vessel wall and not get out gets in can't get out the hake skills and one of the good ones are mopping up ones they are they zip in and out and they do the clearing the big fluffy ones that float on by but the small dense LDLs get trapped in that layer they forget them oxidized in the sub intimal layer then you've got a whole lot of double bonds a whole lot of inflammation you've then got foam cells that come along macrophages and foam cells that clear that out all of the sub in term or layer there's a critical step there those foam cells which are involved in the clearings are under the direct effect of vitamin D this was a real clincher for me so that when we have in nature a high dose of fructose which is summer the body has this fabulous mechanism in place to clear away the inflammation is called vitamin D whereas in winter and we're all eating whole lot of sugar we're creating this inflammatory load in the subinterval layer of our blood vessels yet we're not having any vitamin D I think that's where vitamin D comes into the equation with fructose metabolism it gives what our cell membranes our cell members all membrane walls are full of fat now we've got a choice of filling up our cell membrane walls with either a saturated fat or a polyunsaturated fat the same thing happens with our mitochondrial membrane walls we've been hearing about mitochondrial metabolism and again that wall of us can either be filled up with saturated fat or polyunsaturated fat but what happens if they are small dense LDLs and their membranes of ourselves and our mitochondria are now filled up with a polyunsaturated oil is that a whole lot of oxidation a whole lot of information a whole lot of oxygen free radical release well I think it is so unfortunately I now think our arterial walls in every organ right through our body are filled up with an inflammatory material our cell membranes and they are highly inflamed and so our mitochondrial membrane let's turn our attention back to carbohydrate carbohydrate is predominately glucose and the fructose component can be contained in two L deals as pathway called polyol pathway again I'm just started learning about this I was a hopeless biochemical student at the University and I'm now the most enthusiastic mature-aged student I know so about the Palio pathway means that about 3% of carbohydrate gets converted into fructose polyol conversion along the way in that process there are some oxygen free radical released about 3 percent here's the clincher the article 1984 if you are insulin resistant hypoglycemic with a glucose above about 8 and that's not that high there is not a 3% trans position of glucose to fructose there's 10 times that 30% so what does that mean that means if we have our standard carbohydrate intake we're not converting through percent of glucose to fructose we're converting 30% of it that means all of a sudden that normal carbohydrate diet which most people are having in society we're converting 30% to fructose that means a massive increase in that ordeal production a massive increase in our oxygen free radical released and again that's occurring in every blood vessel in every single organ of the body I think that accounts for a runaway train of inflammation of modern disease as a mechanism okay as a potential mechanism have you got any Association evidence okay one thing again mix is impossible to prove it's only hypothesis yet it gets me into trouble if we look at that sugar consumption carbohydrate and polyunsaturated was in the 1970s we had a significant increase in our sugar intake I think that meant means that we had a higher increase in that or increase in the amount of LDL production in our blood vessels we also did the same thing in the 1970s we started increasing our carbohydrate intake dramatically so that means we've got even more LDL production we're starting to flood the system with LDL small dense LDL particles what do we do with our polyunsaturated oils well guess what the purple lines there Andreas has shown us that the butter intakes coming up again in Sweden we all need to move there but our poly unsaturated oil increased dramatically Kentucky Fried Chicken went from cooking in lard to cooking in a seed oil all that time and all of that's been associated with an increase and I believe therefore oxidation more rust not only in our blood vessels but in our cell membranes come back more oxidation occurring right through it have we got any proof of that well Stefan going into I put this together a few years ago and I've contacted him and I've tried to work out why would he collect this data and even collecting just put it together and what it's looking at is the limit li new league acid levels within body fat so back in the 1960s I started measuring linoleic acid lily linoleic acid is at omega-6 fatty acid it is the inflammatory acid of the inflammatory fat and started measuring the amount of it within the body fat and I've asked him why did they start doing it nobody really knows but they did whole lot of measurements in 1960s and I've continued on multiple studies so in 1960 about 8% of our body fat was inflammatory fat 2010 about 25% we've had a three-fold increase of amount of fat within our body which is inflammatory as distinct from before that's a worry the same things happens women's breast milk particularly in the westernized society and that's including French as well as us tartar there whereas African women's breast milk remains low enough and the omega-3 component deal but linoleic acid is staying around about the same proportion through at that same time so the amount of omega-6 to omega-3 ratios of change and this is what we're feeding our babies this is the building blocks that our children then using for to create their bodies so that equals further inflammation right throughout the body more oxygen free radical release I think that's highly toxic and I think it becomes a potential model of modern disease so that's the association of attacks is pretty average but see if we got any intervention evidence well we've been hearing for the last term a couple of days about low-carb healthy fat diets and there are multiple studies supporting the fact that it's a more effective method of management of obesity and diabetes ketogenic diets are clearly being used in epilepsy diabetes and cancer management and there are good results or beared early let's look at lust and longevity conscience and some of you will have heard of Blue Zones Dan Buettner put them together and to try and work out what is the common thing between those cultures whether that's actually looked at but the trouble is it's not what they eat it's what they don't eat it's given the longevity and what they're not eating is processed food they also have a great commitment to spirit and community which i think is part of the whole thing as well now low stress environments so look that's a bit of interventions evidence and again it's not evidence I'm really looking forward to seeing further evidence that comes out over the next 10 20 years where does this leave us well I think that the combination I of sugar refined carbohydrate and polyunsaturated oils gives toxic I think it's inflammatory and I want to add to either Cummins talk yesterday where he talked about three kicks to the system of insulin resistance and the hyperinsulinemia this is happening at the liver it's happening at the pancreas is happening at fat and happening peripherally but I think the kicker is the final one is polyunsaturated oils which hasn't really been talked about in creating that modern disease we've got good models now we're talking about VCD diabetes that's my theory about further linked Ted name and touched on it yesterday but I do think that modern food is a weapon of mass destruction I think inflammation sits behind every condition if we look hard at processed foods this becomes a concept and model of what may in fact be toxic and accounting for modern disease I think it's time to put out the inflammation what does that involve well I think that means eating local seasonal natural being mindful of where that foods come from that's a huge term of that being mindful but being aware of the whole food journey and that's what we're all about we are chasing that real food and I think if we get in tune with that then we can start here we're debating how many grams I have of this or that or what's the percentage and I think we're making it too hard we start thinking about a food in that more holistic overall aspect then it sorts itself out what's real food likes the future of eating it tends to end up being low in carbohydrate low in sugar has a higher amount of health effects it's a normal amount of protein notice I don't talk about any specific grands there because you tend to once you actually start eating real food again you become in tune with what you require Andres negative Pete when you're hungry stop when you're full and you I had days and I actually need fat today I need protein I need green leafy vegetables I no longer have a day where I need sugar now that's a huge turnaround for the cake judge at the hospital okay honestly I wouldn't take fasters off children unless they brought me a chocolate cake I am now trying to redeem my seniors minimize the polyunsaturated oils so look here it is I think we can choose health I think we can choose it if you want it our health sugar I think makes us hungry carbohydrates particularly refined in excess making fat the poly unsaturated oils are tied clearly up with inflammation and sickness we can't wait for governments to change we can't wait for the corporation's to change we cannot wait for the health professions to change and I'm a health professional so that leaves just two people me and you that's it and together the two of us can make a difference but don't listen to me because I'm not allowed to talk about but you can listen to my wife believe that right so have a listen to her she has taken over my social media on Facebook I believe in social media and the grassroots revolution and it needs to be led in that forum and you're all part of that and it's an honor to be amongst you or whether or not that means a month honor amongst thieves I don't thank you all for being part of our dress
Channel: Low Carb Down Under
Views: 412,535
Rating: 4.8603001 out of 5
Keywords: Low Carb Down Under, LCDU, www.lowcarbdownunder.com.au, Low Carb High Fat, Low-Carbohydrate Diet, Ketogenic Diet, FructoseNo, Gary Fettke, #LowCarbBreck, Low Carb Breckenridge 2017, Inflammation, Nutrition For Life, AHPRA
Id: iCQmfRMwHfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 44sec (2084 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2017
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