Dr. Gary Fettke - 'The Failure of Medical Education: Why is #LCHF not being shouted from rooftops?'

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2nd year med student, doing keto for four years now. I honestly have no clue why it’s not taught. I think it’s because most of our professors were taught during the time period in which low fat and low sodium diets (I have a professor that is obsessed with the DASH diet) were popular and thus that thinking was ingrained in them. I also have vegan peers that swear by veganism.
Low carb diets did come up in my physiology class but the rational against them was not all that great, because then they will later mention physiological reasons why “less sugar” is good without putting a specific diet to it. A rose by any other name, I suppose?

👍︎︎ 32 👤︎︎ u/zomgitsanna13 📅︎︎ Dec 01 2019 🗫︎ replies

I thought I might be diabetic for a while, like 2 years. Finally felt like I was having a heart attack and went into the ER but turned out to be type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure (still $5k to go to the ER in US).

I had already lost 50lbs to help my weight through OMAD and IF 18/6 and maintained in the 180lbs range for over 2 years. After my diagnosis I cut sugar and refined carbs. My a1c went from 9.4 to 5.4 in 3 months. Technically I’m no longer diabetic but still insulin resistant. With more exercise I can be free of meds. Type 2 is completely reversible which most doctors won’t tell you. If you take on a Keto, IF, and Mediterranean diet as a life style you’ll find 90% of the crap in the stores should not be eaten or sold if the corporations cared about the health of the nation. Dr Jason Fung’s books and videos are great.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Popeye_DOA 📅︎︎ Dec 01 2019 🗫︎ replies

It would be interesting to see what would happen if we erased everything we ever thought we knew about diet and started over without bias.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/qofmiwok 📅︎︎ Dec 01 2019 🗫︎ replies

We as a civilization are doomed. It’s such incredible bullshit. Money runs the world.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/mfsocialist 📅︎︎ Dec 01 2019 🗫︎ replies
rhod low-carb downunder thank you once again for inviting both of us to speak barber Linda speaking tomorrow and I can't really explain to you how proud I am the fact that we are husband and wife able to speak in forums and for her work to be recognized along with mine and it's been an interesting journey for us both look our health system has turned into a sickness industry and how did we as healthcare professionals actually allow this to happen we know that the benefits of a low carb healthy fat lifestyle are an improvement in health and a reduction in medication for many so that message should not only be shouted from the rooftops that I saw this it to be run and I was told not to put that near the microphone so why and who is blocking that message and those industries that have much to lose have actually been influencing our medical education for a long time and that education has been failing both the patient and the doctor and it's actually not about the science and and it's never been about the science and so this talk blends with Belinda's work it's a combination so I'm going to build on her her work and she'll continue to build on that tomorrow so let's expose the red pill story so I want to present the case of the big food and the pharmaceutical industry's complicit activity on our international health disaster big food educates us on what to weave and farmer controls our education on what to prescribe and how to treat and those activities extend back over 100 years Gary this morning looked at history and we're going to take that back even another layer and Peter talked about those industries those associations and I'll be talking about how they're actually complicit and conflicted so the question is whether or not they were well intentioned or have they hijacked the entire show so this talk is about understanding the origin of our education and you alone can then decide what you actually do with any information so guidelines actually create the illusion of knowledge and we as doctors have succumbed to following guidelines written by those with vested interests we have a fear of stepping outside the guidelines and it's really interesting said David and ones observe that amongst us as health professionals here in Australia we have a fear of challenging surprisingly much of what we've actually been taught in medicine is actually not science-based so I'll make the argument that medicine as we've been taught is more about art than science art is open to interpretation it is non science and our guidelines are based more on opinion rather than fact and non science is actually nonsense so much of what we've been taught is a house of cards ready to collapse most education and particularly medical education works on the principle of read repeat and be rewarded and most health professionals are very good at that to read and then question is a path less traveled and comes with a different reward and that's been my journey for many years so are you ready to question your education and your teachers and at what price I have been a victim of disinformation for decades have we all been led astray but now I know why so the greatest health issue on the planet today is non communicable disease we are getting fatter and sicker the complications of obesity affect every organ of the body childhood obesity is out of control and there are escalating rates of obesity diabetes dementia cancer and almost every non communicable disease and it's within a lifetime it's not genetic this is our work future and as a result of our health we have an economic disaster bearing down upon us and it's only going to get worse and we're dragging down the environment with us topsoil is now the greatest agricultural export on the planet and our farming practices are to blame and that's related to our dietary guidelines and we're actually exporting our milk into the oceans so what's to blame for a health crisis is it the food we are not supposed to be eating or is that the food we've been told to it have we been completely conned so is everything in nutrition and by extrapolation medicine just made up Orpheus in the matrix gave me other choice to find out the truth and to continue on in the made-up world but neo takes the red pill and is reality disintegrates so the red pill version is a tangled web and so today I'm going to look at how our education has been manipulated and address a couple of the myths that are amongst us in it right now so is medicine science based on fact or an art open to interpretation and manipulation there's medical education about maintaining health or is it about band-aiding sickness and so what's the story and the history of our education and where is that education now so is medicine the science or not is it the right or the left side of the brain winning out you know argue that biochemistry is science it's as pure as it gets for normal cells in the Krebs cycle which I often come back to is how a cell or how a normal cell converts essential proteins essential fats and non-essential carbohydrates into acetyl co a an acetic a acetyl COAS and fuel of our mitochondria just like wood is to a fire the acetyl co a is converted into ATP the energy of life itself in every form that science so we're familiar with the bell curve and how things vary as we move away from the midline and nearly one-third of people fall outside of to standard deviation groups this becomes a massive confounding variable considering that guidelines are drawn up for two standard deviations so a third of the population fall outside of what guidelines are actually opposed to be applied to so how we live as individuals is the exact opposite of a laboratory controlled experiment evidence by association just art biochemistry of science and how we have been applied to the population is art can you believe the opinion of a health care professional that cannot actually work out the answer for themselves or have their opinions based on funding dollars for decades medical education has been eminence based rather than evidence based it is increasingly hard to question guidelines and authorities and as a result guidelines are suffering under the weight of that inertia that we're all part of science has become biased the scientific method is steeped in tradition but every step is now conflicted by bias preconceptions funding experimental design observer bias right through the publisher bias are the norm analytically argue that the null hypothesis may now be null and void there's been a corruption of the scientific process and most claimed research findings are fault with the majority of research not able to be reproduced our reliance on the scientific method is at best on shaky ground bias has turned science into an art one of my favorite quotes Voltaire was trying to tell us that medicine isn't art in the 18th century the art of medicine consists in amusing the patient whilst nature cures the disease even the language of medicine is that of an art the operating theatre is never called a laboratory we perform operations and we describe surgeons and artists by their skill not by their scientific rigor new technologies often describe their state of the art and doctors are judged by their communication and interpretive skills these are not scientific terms and why do we in fact practice medicine who wants their doctor to be practicing on them medical education is far and away focused on investigating and treating sickness rather than keeping us healthy its reactive rather than preventative we spent infinitely more time and money treating the sick rather than being rewarded for keeping people healthy the return on investment from in prevention is measured in multiples that only compound over time the problem is that the return on investment is longer than one electoral term for government elected policymakers so we need to look at the history of modern medical education to work out where we are now when did the pharmaceutical and food industries take over our education and our current problems lie in history books a century ago the very early 20th century saw a battle in the u.s. over medically over the medical education model John rockefeller of oil and Andrew Carnegie of Steel were two of the wealthiest and most influential people at the time they commissioned Abraham Flexner to change the medical model away from patient education to patient medication in comes William Osler azor was one of the fathers of modern medicine who promoted patient centric care and was commenting about the management of obesity in one of his textbooks about carbohydrate it became a battle over medicine being an art or science was a battle over educating or medicating Osler encouraged the masses to not take medicine as allah knew that medicine was an uncertain art he was patient focused rather than disease focused and he strongly thought that education came from the bedside and not the laboratory Flexner had an agenda he visited 155 medical schools in the US and Canada sometimes only for a few hours flexin was criticized for his superficial survey and cavalier attitude he emitted the dynamic between patient and physician big money actually won out the flexural report was adopted by the US Congress in 1910 so what did that mean for medical education the following years saw the closure of 50 medical schools down from 131 to 81 the Flexner report was the broom literally sweeping through the system the Rockefeller Carnegie flex the model was adopted by most of the remainings medical schools with Rockefeller pouring enormous funding into the institutions that came around to the Medicaid model the early 20th century was an exciting time for the development of drugs the prevention model was put to the side and with that came the birth of the modern-day pharmaceutical industry one that continues to shape clinical guidelines in medicine today a bit more history exposes where the food industry started educating us nutritional science is nonsense it has little if anything to do with the scientific method this is about improving the power durability of food searching for that bliss point it's about improving the shelf life of food the transport ability and the profit and nutrition science has rarely actually been about health but we as health professionals have fallen for nutrition science being called science for a long time and actually 102 years ago next week so the birth of our modern food guidelines actually started in October 1917 with the origin of the American Dietetics Association the ATA became the model for all Western Dietetics associations the ODA was started by a protege of John Harvey Kellogg the processed food industry was right there at the beginning Leonard Cooper wrote the textbooks that were used for Dietetic and nursing programs around the world for the next 30 formative years she was educated by the cereal founders she was a vegetarian practicing the Texans and beliefs of the seventh-day Adventist Church our current cereal based and he made guidelines come from a religious ideological that had nothing to do with science and was all about salvation and this is part of Belinda's talk tomorrow so let's take a jump to now where is our medical education coming from and what are the big food and farmer up to today so most general practices in Australia use medical director or best practice software much of the backend resource mature has been very kindly supplied by Kellogg's just look it's there it's been pushed down a level in the last 12 months following its expose of it in 2017 but it's still there our current Australian guideline to healthy eating is cereal and grain based rapidly of all of the inter budgetary and vegan it is definitely not the Aussie HF it's littered with processed food it's loaded with energy dense nutrient lacking or refined carbohydrate throw in the inflammatory seed oils and wash it all down with junk food and alcohol and if you don't follow the guidelines you get reported to the Medical Board so so who gets to write the Dietary Guidelines for Australia and I revealed the Western societies well the dietitians Association of Australia has been given that contract for some years in the same timeframe the DIA has been in a contractual agreement with the cereal industry to promote the benefits of sugar and cereal to the Australian population just think about that more conflicts arise the 2012 Medical Journal of Australia supplement promoting vegetarian diets went to most doctors in Australia was sponsored by sanitarium our most trusted breakfast cereal manufacturer unfortunately the authors failed to disclose their commercial and ideological vested interests in that publication sanitarium being a processed food company wholly owned by a vegan religious group and paying no taxes my guiding textbook through medicine was Harrison's principles of internal medicine it was actually given to me by the father my own aunt Bertha last year over eleven million dollars US dollars of undeclared funding was paid directly to the authors other articles described hundreds of millions of funding of dollars of funding from the pharmacy pharmaceutical industry into shaping our education the Center for Disease Control which was referred to earlier today based in the US has its origins completely conflicted by the contribution of coca-cola they were there at the beginning with a very generous gift of land for the headquarters in 1946 they remain under heavy influence from the food industry that's fascinating to never see the CDC talking much about the problems of sugar in the world anything that you'll see to do with LZ the International Life Sciences Institute our Institute is conflicted it is effectively the food and pharmaceutical industry's spin doctoring of science just follow the money you'll see research reaches to every corner of the world and don't for one second that think that they're not influencing any other universities and hospitals right now the Chinese Center for Disease Control was set up by coca-cola and it was the interests in the late 1970s and continues to influence policies throughout the Southeast Asian region so the same thing goes with the highest echelons advising food policy in the world when you see the International science of nutritional sciences here you'll see you see big food and farmer at the American Society of nutrition to those conflicted by corporate influence and whilst with the UI you nest though the senior advisors and lobbyists to the World Health Organization the Food and Agricultural organization of the United Nations and the United Nations Standing Committee on nutrition the leading bodies determining policy around the world are under direct pressure from industry food and farmer lobby groups Coca Cola's mint health washing its sugar beverage for decades it's the longest-running sponsor of the Olympic Games dating back to 1928 when you hear the term exercises medicine realize that it's actually been Martin can be traced back to coca-cola the first founding corporate partner of exercises medicine and when you hear the latest bad medical term lifestyle medicine and it's moldable international brandings then realize it has its current influence from coca-cola funding lifestyle medicine is popping up everywhere but it does have X origins primarily with the seventh-day adventists promoting their vegan agenda and with the help of coca-cola in recent years just be very aware of the influences in your education right now many proponents of vegetarian diets quote the China study on the benefits of taking meat out of the diet very much anti or CHF so without going into the floor epidemiology methodology and cherry pick data these three men came together to make it all happen and then promoted T Colin Campbell Johnson Chan and Alex Malaspina the China Study is a big business Jhansi Chan is still highly influential in developing health policy in China and Southeast Asia and Alex Malaspina is now retired but was the senior vice president of coca-cola and work for them from 1969 to 2001 Malvina was also the founder of ill Z the China Study and he made propaganda message suits the processed food industry very nicely so what else is influencing us and Peter talked about the American Heart Association they're heavily involved in medical education and developing guidelines for heart health they received nearly 180 million dollars in corporate sponsorship each year and 33 million of that comes from the pharmaceutical industry and the risk comes from a variety of sources including the food industry on to the American Diabetes Association shaping guidelines they've certainly been influencing diabetes education for decades six of their top ten funders are pharmaceutical companies dota donating more than us 1 million dollars every year to this advisory group they are all peddling drugs for diabetes management how do you think they feel about low carbing reduced need for medication in diabetes diabetes Australia's little harder to track as far as I can work out they receive only one thousand seven percent of their direct funding from the corporates and wouldn't it be great for them to drop that industry influence and become truly unbiased the Australian Heart Foundation used to be able to be bought for about eighty thousand dollars to put on your food packaging sanitarium is a cereal manufacturer seems to be the only one that continues to buy influence of the Australian Heart Foundation even today they even managed to get the Heart Foundation to endorse their weet-bix on questionable sanitarium funded research originally educational bodies in Australia are clearly conflicted look I just want to touch on a couple of topical areas around low-carb firstly where does low-carb and keto fit into society at present so I want to consider the dietary evolution of an individual many people are eating carbage and poorly and ill health is upon them they decide to eat by the food guideline pyramid cereal base but unfortunately soon take on the shape of that food pyramid the smart ones workout that any real food is actually low-carb healthy fat alone and with the right amount of protein for age and activity the hard core that have some specific health agendas moved to keto and many more embracing the carnivore diet there's a group of people that embrace a big and lifestyle at present for a variety of reasons unfortunately that requires supplementation is often nutrient poor leading some of these two leading them to be sicker embracing a full fresh fresh food diet turns them back to at least the lchf and hopefully back to meat so the vegan movement is clearly gaining notoriety but are they actually aware of where their propaganda comes from the anti meat agenda is driven under an animal rights banner and on questionable environmental statistics I encourage you all to get knowledgeable about the environmental factors here particularly around meat production let's beyond today's talk but how many vegans understand that the basis of their diet is from the Garden of Eden diet promoted by the Seventh day Adventist Church for salvation and not health and that group just happened to be the originators of the cereal soy and fake meat industries of the world big food and religious ideology have a Purpose Driven agenda the vegans have become their foot soldiers we've been told that we're getting fatter and sicker because people are not following the food guidelines you've all heard that haven't you people are not doing as they're told when we've actually been following them and we've been doing it for 50 years the classical food guidance oil guidelines are cereal and grain based anti red meat focusing on a transition to vegetarian so over the last 45 years we've been advised to increase our cereal and grain consumption that's just more non-essential carbohydrate our protein intake has gone up dude and that's peanuts and poultry but our red meat intake has decreased significantly we've increased our intake of fruit and vegetables and decreased dairy consumption as we've been advised and in the developing world we've convinced them to increase cereal consumption and have little meat and virtually no dairy the only trouble is that following those Dietary Guidelines for the world has been a total failure for preventing non communicable disease here's the next one I can't lose weight because I can't exercise it's totally ingrained in our psyche the Australian life programs 42 years old this year proudly supported by the food industry it's convinced us that we're fat because we're lazy losing weight as we know is infinitely more about diet rather than exercise are we surprised to see the marketing message of the sugar and cereal industry's putting the blame back on the consumer it's your lifestyle remembering that coca-cola was the founding member of exercises medicine the food industry is right behind the educational message of exercise being the answer for our health problems it couldn't possibly be their product it's a final myth to bust the processed food industry continue to remind us that we need fiber this is the last bastion of the breakfast cereal industry after sugar and carbs and then condemned they are fiercely protecting their turret e0 fiber diets are associated with less bowel issues and I encourage everyone to look at poor Mason Zoe Harkins and David Gillespie's work on this the processed food industry is not interested in the message of low carb low fiber diets so the myths are out there when you start to look and I've only just touched on a few that comes converted I had 200 slides that I could have put to put in it so the propaganda of the food and pharmaceutical industries is starting to collapse from the stories of people dropping processed food improving health and not requiring medication there is a maze of disinformation deliberate misinformation in front of us all and I wish I'd just known a fraction of this when I was at the start of my medical career my patients would have been healthier and I would have been healthier I do think our education has been hijacked that's why the low-carb healthy fad message is being blocked it's never been about the science so you can decide what you want to do with that knowledge now that you know the origins so I do have hope I do think we're at a tipping point lchf is here to stay and the results are with us all and out there in the community I was brave enough to rewrite the Dietary Guidelines for the world I truly believe we can turn around our health and our environment by fueling our bodies correctly so eating a diet that is fresh local and seasonal according to your culture and environment I mean latitude they're reducing added sugars and processed food will work and when you actually dissect that I've actually just described low carb healthy fat living based on biochemistry not opinion nor ideology science evolves by being challenged not by being followed any of you that will get an email from me will find that on the bottom at every email that's our purpose that's what we're here for we supposed to evolve yes it is challenging but swallowing that red pill for me has given me the opportunity to see that my education was compromised but now I can move forward because now I know mostly what's right and wrong this is not my work alone I am merely a voice of many of you out there that are questioning the guidelines the list is enormous but starts and finishes with my wife Belinda who has uncovered much of this work and I only hope I have done it some justice life is exciting when you question your education may you all continue that journey thank you
Channel: Low Carb Down Under
Views: 61,419
Rating: 4.9413114 out of 5
Keywords: Low Carb Down Under, LCDU, www.lowcarbdownunder.com.au, Low Carb Gold Coast 2019, #LowCarbGC, #BigFood, #Pharma, Medical Education, Science vs Art, Biochemistry, Eminence Based Medicine, Flexner Report, Non-Science, 7th Day Adventists, Dietitians Association of Australia, ILSI, Exercise Is Medicine, Coca Cola, Lifestyle Medicine, Diabetes, Obesity, Sanitarium, Vegan, Fake Meat
Id: A3FWxOsgwTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 35sec (1655 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 30 2019
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