Dr. Dre FULL INTERVIEW (Part 1) | BigBoyTV

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real 92.3 Ellie's hip-hop and R&B let me tell you man this is legendary this doesn't happen you know what I'm saying we got dr. Dre up in here man you're here and Dre let me tell you what's good you look amazing thank you you look like a file footage man but I was telling Draya I was like Dre man like you look good Thank You Man I appreciate it you don't know what to doing you know what I just got tired of taking better care of things I can replace you know the mean you can't have a hot car in a hot house and get out looking crazy yeah so you know that was me that was my motivation see that was my problem and I wanted the hot car and I was like me I just look crazy for a little bit you look good man we just were talking off air Dre you just blew out 50 candles yeah I did man a couple of weeks ago everywhere we 18th man man I'm crossed over man I'm I'm halfway if I'm lucky Amen huh yeah tell me buddy doctor happy are you at 50 man you know Dre we we have cats that didn't blow out 20 candles 30 candles out you know what I'm saying yeah how did you celebrate 50 man I uh went out on the yacht man I took my family bein on the turn of the 40-foot yacht and we had a blast man I went out there for about 15 days yeah I didn't step foot off the yacht one time is that how you relax though man cuz I know everything is constant with you as far as like working and creating is that how you kind of detach yourself yeah yeah indeed but it also takes a couple of days to really just decompress you know the man and once I do I'm there yeah you say you never stepped off the yacht not once yeah man I was flying to Vegas on the Southwest one time like man when I touch down book I was like man I ain't coming out the room you don't see you know you didn't get off the boat you know what I'm saying I can get out the room so what is Dre working on right now man do you have your hands in anything yeah I mean well you know we're finishing up the Straight Outta Compton movie you know me kill Gary gray we got blasting off with and I'm really excited about it you know I was worried about it at the begin what are you worried but he has a matter of fact I didn't even want to do the movie really though cube actually quarterback did he went out and got the first draft for the script done I read it was like okay we can work with this we could turn this into something and then when Gary Gregg got on board was it I was in it was a cut and when you think about a movie like straight out of Compton you see movies man and it's like okay with the body Buddy Holly story we weren't around you know I was like right like there's cats there's just no NWA they know each and every member of NWA they remember those hires where you kind of not hesitate on that like man people know the story how do you guys tell the story I was just nervous about putting a blemish on our legacy you know the rain really had to be told right and um it's it's incredible it's um I'm really excited about it you know we had our ups and downs with the filming process but now it's um it's the Edit is almost done we're working on music and what-have-you and I think everybody's gonna appreciate it especially everybody from Los Angeles man we had a conversation with cube and I was like cube I said man was it crazy seeing yourself and Dre just knowing those times was it crazy like man I live this yeah man you have no idea it's just it was freaking me out sometime he's perfectly honest with you I'm I can go back to the day we're on they were shooting the scene where I meet my wife and you know we're both sitting on the set like no man this is this is crazy Danny's crazy what are we doing you know hey dude Hank do you and cube did y'all have those moments where y'all sitting down either in director chairs or whatever and y'all look at each other like like man I remember this absolutely did it so when you watch the movie like if we're talking about 85 to 95 right there was a lot going on during that time yeah yeah you know what I'm saying why that particular time man and do you feel like like man like there were certain things that was going on like the crack epidemic yeah we got all that with the gangsterism the police brutality is there you know it's really a period the period is between arm 86 and 96 so we couldn't stop the movie until after the passing of easy right here you know what I mean so that's why we use that timeline I hear you now with eazy-e man was it hard to actually do the eazy-e parts you don't know saying as far as like how did you want eazy-e to be symbolized we want to admit we wanted to be as authentic as possible and there's exactor I'm Jason Mitchell who actually plays easy he did an incredible job I mean there's a couple of times where I got a little emotional onset you know I mean when he's in the hospital when he finds out has the disease and what-have-you his acting was that great goose goose bumps you know the man and that's what Q was saying man that with with each and every person especially easy that person had to have range yeah because you went from a person that was pretty much you know don't gain whatever maybe all the way to making sure that you were able to carry that emotional yeah indeed and it's a really tough job because we wanted all new actors and the other plays my character his name is Corey Hawkins he was I think up one of three thatno he was on it was four people picked out of 3,000 to go to Julliard he went to Julliard he graduated and he's that sick with it you know the main so that's what we really were concentrating on most and a great performance was he nervous do you think playing Dre in front of Dre uh you know what did you ever tell my man you know what me and him had some conversations beforehand we went out to dinner a couple of times and I told him listen man I don't want you to try to copy my mannerisms or the way I speak I just want you to embody the character and turn it into like what you feel it is and I'll let you know if you're doing something wrong mm-hmm so that made it that made him feel kind you know a little more comfortable about approaching it dr. Dre nothing but a G thang yeah all righty now take us through the recording like what it was that moment like what did that feel like when you guys are making number two G thing okay there's a story today the original version of nothing but a G thang was made to a boss gag song I can't remember the name of the song but Snoop was actually in jail and I really wanted this demo done so he called in and I taped the receiver of the phone to the mic I'll and he's in it you can hear jail sounds in the back and everything he's won to that whole thing so that was the original version I just happened to be at my mom's I was going through records and then I found this Leon Haywood I'm gonna do something freaky to you and thought that would be make a better on foundation track so took that back recorded the track Snoop got out and um we just recorded this song in my house it was a bedroom that I converted into a studio at my house that's what it's the first half of the chronic and what was Snoop like at that time when you guys are doing nothing buddy G thing we were just having fun man you know yeah that's it weirdest I was invited you had to push you don't see him because snoops appeared shy appeared shoot it was not shy oh yeah we're not the push him in the studio he's ready he's ready for action did you know man number two G thang did you know that you were making history at that time I knew um after a house party I played it at a house party and everybody wanted me to rewind it and keep playing it that's when I knew it was special man I wonder where the limit of the freeze-frame on a little kid in the video yeah yeah thank you where's that man at now for those who don't know uh phone taps was created behind pretty much name wise the instrumental you know the firm phone tap you don't and um I've actually played every day Dre you know so I've been keeping you a lot because people won't even know who Dre will unless it was wrong to have okay all right well I really appreciate that big thank you thank you could we get you know and I'm gonna do what I can for you to you get back on your feet man just keep it up man I will you don't need you in my life thank you my brother Straight Outta Compton what do you hope when people see it they take away from the movie I hope think they can be inspired that's that's that was the main word that we use when we went into this we wanted to be inspirational we want to show just the ultimate Brotherhood betrayal you know it has everything your name and we really we really wanted to get across one of the things was how we feel about women because there's a big misconception you know how much we respect our women and what I wrote amazed so um these were some of the things that we wanted to get across with the actual movie itself Dre when we get a chance to actually see the movie and we do know that the whole we feel like we know the NWA story you don't know saying what's in the movie as far and you were saying you know how y'all respect what's it what's in the movie that we don't know well I don't know how much I'm gonna get into that I don't wanna uh put the spoiler so like I said it's just I'm gonna show we want to show the heart of the guys you know what I'm saying the heart of the guys and everything we went through during the creation of the record and everything we went through before the demise of the group right you know why was it so very necessary that you guys let us see this movie you don't saying because this is something that drinkin tonight Cube said it was in his head I'm pretty sure it something was in your head it was never in my head I didn't want to do the movie at first you know the man I said I thought it would put a blemish on our leg right you know the men so once we got in it it started feeling good you know so I was on the set every day making sure you know things were not not babysitting but making sure I agree with everything that was happening you know and I don't know if this is a label but I've heard perfectionist from being when your name is mentioned yeah did you feel like that also had to be in that movie because it when you say I didn't want a blemish on it yeah so you got to make sure that your story is told right a certain way right that you got to make sure you tell yeah indeed and there's only so many things you're gonna be able to get across in a script you know that man it's just like some of these little intricacies that I needed to be there for you know certain ways that he said things that I may have had a problem with you know the movie Straight Outta Compton we're looking for that in August August 14th August 14th yeah is there a soundtrack connected to it or I'm working on something right now no I don't want to put it out there just and say that I'm definitely gonna put it out but then I'm really feeling what I'm working on right now down that's crazy cuz so you talk about new music yeah when I'm thinking straight out of Compton which what would which would have probably been too easy for you you know those hands yeah what's it going grab yeah your red box will be a record that's inspired by the movie you filming hell yeah now speaking of the movie itself man did you get a chance to actually speak with eazy-e before eazy-e passed their relationship yes I did we actually I was so fortunate to be able to get on the phone with him and talk about maybe putting NW way back together and we chopped it up about old times and what have you and maybe not even two weeks after that he was in the hospital really though yeah so the last time I actually saw him he didn't know I was in the room he was on life support you know so I just reached down and whispered a few words in his ear and I think maybe the next day or two he passed away but you guys had a chance to just talk as brothers yes we got a chance to rekindle it and like I said actually talk about getting in the studio again I was in w8 form um well NWA was for him just a lot of friends that got together and decided to make a group you know um I I wanted to get away from the group I was in the wrecking crew at the time you know the main so I was really find a way to get away I didn't have enough money to go in and record I had a group that I was ready to record on and I didn't have enough money so bam man comes easy in a remain I knew he had money he was out hustling it's like listen man won't you come throw some money into this music thing you know the man so me and him got together and the song that was written for this group just happened to be boys in the hood yes sir they were from New Jersey New York or something like that they decided they didn't want to do it so I talked easy into doing the record man and easy didn't want to be a rapper at first he did not want to be a rapper it took me a couple of hours to talk him into getting on the mic and just trying it and everything was kind of like punching like cruising down the street in my 64 I got that yep throughout the whole song man one line at a time and then didn't you see him form into the guy that we see as eazy-e yeah you don't sit the same with Snoop when I first saw snoop snoop when looking at camera you know I tried everything now stupid all right we're gonna see do you do you not just with the voice do you see that in people man because you have taken cats and you turned them into household names what of course you doesn't start it force it doesn't start out like that you know what I mean it's just it's just what I feel and what I like and fortunately you know I've been able to be in the studio with these guys are genius as far as I'm concerned you're the main snoop Eminem cube all these guys are genius as far as I'm concerned that it made me look good throughout my career you know Dre explained to me man next episode we gonna get into that man like right the build up of that record you know what I'm saying that was like when I first started here at real 92 3 that was the first record I played what that record is just it's a real simple record because the majority of it well the big build up is a sample you know the main so we just had a bass player come in and play behind that and we just replayed with the actual sample is the guitar part is it was simple Amen but that was like an anthem for me it's always been and then when I came here it was a record that I was like you know what this is the next episode in my life it was meant a lot then now I don't know what the my first records were that first is first at but I know now with the new chapter in my life if somebody say man what's the first record you play I know that it was next episode that's alright go ahead like - as we should I just made it up how much Beach product is in your house do you wear beach at the house um I listen to the beat boxes you know I mean I you know I every now and then I put on the headphones if it's somebody in the room and I want to listen to something on my own and they're watching TV or something like that but usually I like them listening to the music out loud where I can feel it in my chest how are you I remember one time I was in the studio with you Dre and it was you an exhibit and you had the music something so hard then my eyelashes were vibrate this is on everything dude I couldn't swallow ha ha ha now Here I am sitting down watching the best do his thing like how many people would want to see Dre do this yeah Dre I got up and left it would not like that all the time big usually use wanted me to leave no no sometimes I sometimes I like playing it loud when I'm when I'm on playback you know but a lot of times during the recording process I just have it on a small intestines you know the range so it's not it's not really that bad so your tears are okay you might it's gotta be because beats sound amazing yeah yeah I'm just moving right now facade and cut a check don't stick around your radio hi my name is okay alrighty now this is the first record that you recorded with Eminem yeah alright and so you find this cat you hear it you get into a room widow man like when you first hear Eminem over you're instrumental for that for that particular record what does that feel like man it's amazing you know what I mean because it's always refreshing to know that the artist that you're working with is going to enhance your track you know it's something that you just kind of wait for it cuz and working with him is crazy he never lets me hear what he's gonna say until he gets on the mic really though yes so hard a times when you push away from the board or something like oh my lord yeah yeah yeah yeah my face has been in my hands on the numerous of my times you know I mean has there ever been a line or something where you just like man we can't or you just let them kid not let the artist go man you know me yeah yeah so it's never been a poor I won't ask you the line but there's never been a time when you pull them back all right man yeah yeah we we've had a couple of sidebars you know in a million like ah and it's this is you know this is pushing the envelope hey you know man I wonder what's pushing the envelope yeah yeah man in with other stuff that we heard you're talking about it off here I don't you want to hear nothing happen on you want to
Channel: BigBoyTV
Views: 1,961,671
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BigBoyTV, Big Boy TV, Hip Hop, Big Boys Neighborhood, pranks, phone taps, Luther Luffeigh, Dr. Dre (Music Video Performer), Interview, Music (TV Genre), Rap, Exclusive, Interviews, Straight, outta, compton, Straight Outta Compton (Composition), Straight Outta Compton (Musical Album), Eazy-E (Musical Artist), Snoop Dogg (Music Video Performer), Real 92.3, 92.3, Ain't Nuthing But a G Thang, ain't, nuthin, nothin, but, thing, full, interview, full interview, Eminem (Music Video Performer)
Id: xoQy2BUdxhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2015
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