Dr. Bunsen Honeydew & Beaker Montage - 24 Clips

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welcome again to Muppet Labs where the future is being made today Dr Bunsen Honeydew here with news to set you a quiver Beaker Beaker dear lad come over here oh Beaker you forgot the beaker now get the Beaker Beaker you were about to see the first sample ever isolated of the new element bun sonium contained in this silk same Beaker here so far we have found no use for bunsonium we already know that it does not remove paint it isn't a good glue and when used as a shampoo it produces unusual side effects right beaker so today we begin an experiment to see what bensonium does when taken internally my assistant speaker here will now drink the bunsonian oh that's all right there there Beaker just take a Teensy little sip at first and remember not to get carried away and gulp the whole thing go ahead it's all right good and now in just a few moments we shall know exactly what bensonium does dude [Music] oh so that's what bensonia does Oh Come Baker let's go find a bicycle pump and pump you back up [Music] Dr Bunsen Honeydew here at Muppet Labs where the future is being made today well Jeepers you're about to witness the world's first demonstration of fireproof paper here is my assistant Beaker carrying a lighted blowtorch he will now show you how impossible it is to ignite the fireproof paper in this basket this fireproof paper you will always feel secure tune in next time and with this Muppet lad's new answer to the energy crisis flammable water that's all for now what do you suppose they call that a novelty act I don't know but it wasn't too bad well that's a novelty welcome again to Muppet Labs where the future is being made today well our latest development is the nuclear-powered shaver the honor of shaving for the very first time with the nuclear-powered shaver goes to my faithful lab assistant Beaker come on in here beaker it's all right come on there you go now in order to protect beaker's fluffy orange hair from nuclear fallout he will wear this protective helmet which is made of solid lead bend over Beaker here come on hurry up bend over there all right up you go bigger now Beaker is ready for the demonstration [Music] notice how effective the lead helmet is now Baker doesn't need a shave tinker tinker fiddle Dr Bunsen Honeydew here at Muppet Labs where the future is being made today well I've got some news here to tickle your fancy because here they are friends the answer to your prayers Muppets all new edible paper clips now the owner of tasting this first batch of delicious paper clips goes of course to my helpful and eager assistant Beaker what is the matter oh that's very naughty Beaker now you eat these clips this minute go on eat not so bad go ahead [Music] yes yes friends Muppets edible paper clips are delicious nutritious and nickel plated they are handy around the office and they're wonderful as a TV snack more than more they are absolutely harmless poor fellow lost his nose holy smell without it same as always terrible Dr honeydew is Beaker all right oh he'll be fine I'll just go invent some nose glue yeah yeah but hey welcome again to Muppet Labs where the future is being made today well we are just feverishly excited here at the labs today because our latest invention is ready for testing here it is Muppet lab's new hair growing tonic and who better to test it on than my willing and eager lab assistant speaker come on in here beaker now you would like to you would just love to test this new hair growing tonic wouldn't you Beaker um [Music] down in the stool here come on there you go we'll shake a little bit of this on here down and massage it in vigorously well yes now in just a matter of seconds you can grow a rich luxurious head of hair go from a baldy to a Shaggy In The Mirror tick of a clock there now watch closely here is the result of using Muppets hair growing tonic [Music] perhaps we should call it hair raising tonic [Music] I told you never to talk to me like that because I can't understand it [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] oh my god did you get this machine on stage Muppet laughs is next Muppet Labs on stage please come on ball move it move it I'm trying foreign Labs where the future is being made today and what a sad day it is too for Beaker my fickle and Wayward assistant has gone missing so I guess I'll have to demonstrate Muppet lab's new copying machine a la carte Pico what were you doing in there if you've broken that machine I should have conduct your salary [Applause] I've only got one thing to say [Applause] thank you Benson honeydew here at Muppet Labs where the future is being made today and here is my assistant Beaker to demonstrate the Muppets all new automatic waste basket yes audience this should end your trash disposal problems forever whatever the refuse this little doozy can handle it show them deeper in my land let's see another example people just imagine never having to empty a wastebasket again go to your waste basket today it comes in both regular or housebroken do try to keep him in place just send us 22.95 and we'll send you a muppet please it's the most consistent show I've seen yes they get worse every single week welcome again to Muppet Labs where the future is being made today and it's breakthrough time here at the labs again well here it is the all-new Muppets electric nose warmer yes how many times have you been Outdoors on a cold nippy day and gotten your nose cold wouldn't it be nice you thought to yourself if I could warm it electrically well now you can as my assistant Beaker will now demonstrate come on over here we're just going to slip this on your nose all right there you go all the way up here and now with the nose warmer in place we have only to turn on the electricity [Music] toasty water nose you really should stop smoking bigger it's very bad all right that was great fantastic yeah didn't like it uh what would you know you old fool don't call me an old fool I'll give you the evil eye oh I'm scared I'm scared I warned him Labs where the future is being made today well it's a well-known fact that some people like doggies and some people like kitties [Music] up to now if you were given the wrong pet you had to put up with it but our new electronic pet converter solves that problem my assistant Beaker is putting an unwanted Kitty into the converter yes that's wonderful Beaker and now I throw the switch and out of the other side comes a cute little puppy dog and if you happen to my kitties instead of doggies the converter works the other way show them bigger Kitty on the other side [Music] the important thing to remember is that anything that passes through this door is turned into a puppy dog sit here [Music] I'm Dr Bunsen Honeydew this is Muppet labs and I'm tickled pink to announce our solution to the banana problem as you know once removed from the bunch bananas cannot be reinserted this results in extra bananas lying around underfoot where they can be hazardous to your health such problems disappear with our new electric banana sharpener show them beaker [Music] say goodbye forever to DAL bananas with this equipment you can store bananas on any convenient vertical surface you can even store a whole bunch this way and that's all for today from Muppet lads [Applause] [Music] oh Dr Bunsen Honeydew here at Puppet Labs where the future is being made today well I have good news for you World Travelers who are always struggling with cumbersome luggage introducing the new Muppet Labs luggage compressor my assistant speaker will demonstrate okay Beaker I see you've dressed like a tourist to make the demonstration more realistic very cute all right put the bag on [Music] okay [Music] oh very good now my assistant Beaker will show you that it also works on large luggage like a steamer trunk oh come on Beaker give it the old College try [Music] and that's all from Muppet labs come on beaker Uncle bunny will just put you in an envelope and mail you to the hospital welcome to Muppet Labs where the future is being made today folks let me take just one moment of your time to acquaint you with a fascinating new product it's Muppets all-purpose tenderizer now you can use it on all sorts of dishes for example dishes like this one here that's one of the problems with dishes isn't that they do tend to break but if you had used all-purpose tenderizer in such fashion as this your dish would have been as tender as this oh it sets me all a quiver well it's it's lovely and what it does for dishes it can do for utensils too watch it only takes a second so there it is Muppets all-purpose tenderizer it's new from Muppet Labs uh smarty pants to tenderize the table I mean it science huh they can put a man on the moon yeah but they can't put a moon on a man oh [Music] Dr Bunsen Honeydew here at Muppet Labs where the future is being made today well I've got some news of Welcome relief to short stubbly people like biker here announcing new Muppet Labs Atomic elevator shoes yes these shoes can add inches to your height at the mere flick of a lever Beaker is wearing them now and they work like this up [Music] down oh Beaker stop it you're just acting like a baby [Music] oh the atomic ninjas [Music] you wore stripy socks that's all for today from Muppet labs Dr Benson honeydew here at Muppet Labs where the future is being made today well excitement is running High here at the labs because today is the day we introduce our new line of exploding hats isn't that cunning folks and of course for those who want the daring double-barreled effect exploding earmuffs well there you have it these are the perfect companions to The Perennial favorite the Muppet self-destruct necktie Dr Bunsen Honeydew here at Muppet Labs where the future is being made today well our latest development is the German larger for years scientists have had to study teensy weensy germs under a powerful microscope but now the German larger makes the microscope obsolete comes out of your pay beaker here in this dish is isolated a sample of the deadly germs streptococcus yuccotherium now watch what happens when Beaker adds one drop of German larger [Music] [Applause] so how easy it is now for Beaker to study that germ vice versa that's all for now from Muppet labs bunching that that germ better not be contagious welcome again to Muppet Labs where the future is being made today and here it is folks the product you've all been waiting for the new solid state gorilla detector yes friends how many times have you awakened at night in the dark and said to yourself is there a gorilla in here and how many people do you know whose vacations were ruined because they were eaten by undetected gorillas well no more of that whenever a gorilla comes anywhere near this device its lights will Flash and its bell will ring think of the safety think of the sense of well-being at last your family can be protected from the Heartbreak of gorilla invasion this feature is not a gorilla if you were a gorilla the lights would flash and the bell would ring yes you know the technology is wonderful it tells us that we are not seeing a gorilla smash a cabinet so I know scientifically that I am not being eaten by a girl foreign [Applause] [Music] honeydew here at Muppet Labs where the future is being made today well we've had a major breakthrough here at the laboratory Beaker come on in here and let's show the Muppet Labs brand new magnetic carrots come on Beaker just pick up the lid there it's all right isn't that snazzy now these carrots are perfectly ordinary in every way except that they are magnetic friends you can carry these new magnetic carrots home on the roof of your car and store them on the ceiling of your refrigerator oh of course to be perfectly honest there is one slight drawback sometimes the magnetic carrots tend to attract steel uh rabbits oh tune in next time for news of our Research into the feasibility of cast iron watchdogs let's switch channels this show is dull you bet what is that it looks like two ancient old guys sitting in a theater box watching television that's crazy no one would watch junk like that hello I'm Dr Bunsen Honeydew and here at Muppet Labs we think we have finally made a major scientific breakthrough in the field of international statesmanship so it is within calculable Pride that I give you the new robot politician yes this electronic politician will end corruption in government forever and furthermore it is absolutely International for instance the robot politician would make an excellent British prime minister watch although their skies are dark and the road ahead is yet with perseverance we can knee we shall Prevail thank you and on the other hand with equal ease he could be an American president and I tell you my friends this is the greatest country in the world stands ready to forge ahead bring peace to the world afterwards to All Nations enough of that how about a Russian premiere there are Russian people will not rub this salt agreement into the wounds [Music] all the people Republic of China objects to the Running Dog tone of this milestone in the Middle East block must confirm in the belief thank you well back to the drawing board a masterful performance hmm reminiscent of the late Rudolph Messer Rudolph besser is dead no he's late no he was supposed to be here you always get me with that same dumb joke well maybe it's not the joke that's dumb if you catch my drift Dr Bunsen Honeydew here at Muppet Labs where the future is being made today many people suffer the embarrassment of being ridiculously tall and spindly isn't that right beaker but now comes the Honeydew shrinking pill take one bigger not the whole bottle [Applause] well uh I guess that's all today from Muppet labs thank you oh Dr Bunsen Honeydew here at Muppet Labs where the future is being made today and here with me is the lovely Miss Gilda Radner today we have an amazing demonstration and Gilda here has graciously volunteered to be our human guinea pig I have good that's settled then oh I shall need you too Beaker come on in here now we're ready to begin uh listen Dr honeydew you you said assistant I never heard you say the word guinea pig just put your head down here so Uncle bunny can work on you well you see I'm but I'm not crazy about the idea of guinea pig I have just placed on Gilda's forehead a single teensy weensy drop of Muppets new super adhesive now we'll wait a moment for it to get tacky what are we waiting for we're at to get tacky well another first on this show that was it that's the first time we've had to wait for it to get tacky and with that single drop of glue I shall stick this rope to Gilda's forehead and then Beaker and I shall Haul on the Rope thus lifting Miss Radner bodily off the floor that's okay Gilda poo that's all right now Beaker I hope you're feeling fit oh that's good okay oh [Music] there was glue on the rag Maybe oh no oh wait oh no no don't don't squeeze that tube okay let me consult my notes [Music] [Applause] it wasn't meant to go this way [Applause] that must be the glue all right well what glue is that the one they mend the egg with it yeah well okay here's Here Comes now Mr Scribbler I'll ask her again I feel that a reporter would like to know what is the secret of your success can I talk to you for a second uh well I guess you could just say that she has stuck with it the little time I've known her she's really cemented our friendship close friends but this is ridiculous okay well bye-bye hey guys get on stage oh the intro piggy piggy not right now not right now I'm stuck on the phone literally welcome again to public Labs where the future is being made today well I am just bubbly with excitement we have just been testing our new Muppet Labs teleporter and it works perfectly you see a teleporter is a device which instantly transports people from one place to another so that's what's been happening around here you have been zapping people in Please Mr Kermit I'm in the very midst of an important demonstration oh yeah well listen I'm in the midst of a nervous breakdown you cannot go zapping people around as I was saying our new teleporter works perfectly a few minutes ago I sent my assistant Beaker hurtling through space to the deepest jungles of Africa and now we will bring him back the speaker put that gorilla back you don't know where he's been there back to Africa they go and now just Beaker will return okay that's all today from Muppet labs [Music] Dr Bunsen Honeydew here at Muppet Labs where the future is being made today for centuries Alchemists have labored in vain trying to turn lead into gold now this machine cannot turn lead into gold but it can do the next best thing it can turn gold into courage cheese now here's my assistant Beaker with a nice Shiny Bright bar of gold let's put it in the machine Baker what that's good now we turn the machine on [Music] so the experiment is complete what do you do with a gold well he put it right in the machine here come on this is cottage cheese low in cholesterol high in vitamins [Music] Dr Bunsen Honeydew here at Muppet Labs where the future is being made today will my assistant speaker is bringing in Old bossy here because today we're going to test Muppet lab's latest inventionally heated milking machine [Music] ah it's just about sliding into a warm cozy milking machine on these Frosty mornings [Music] oh piggy who that's not funny you'll get dandruff in the milk why beaker you're hauntingly attractive today oh Dr Bunsen Honeydew here at Muppet Labs where the future is being made today and today we have something to speed up those time-consuming repairs yes you've guessed it already the electric sledgehammer nibbling concept yes but is it foolproof well that's where my assistant Beaker comes in good Digger right on kill now when I plug the machine in you press the start button and we'll drive this stubborn old nail to Kingdom Come on go oh dear oh thank you Peter no you've broken it no he hasn't news flash Muppet Labs has announced the Escape of their new electric Sledgehammer which is believed to be roaming the city on a very long extension cord there is no need to panic however since the hammer only attacks really wimpy nerds
Channel: Jeff Welcher Media
Views: 789,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video producer, western ny, rochester ny, videography, jeff welcher media, video production, media
Id: Wlh6yFSJEms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 12sec (1992 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 03 2023
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