Dr. Bob Gray, Sr: I Have Fallen And I Can Get Up

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the following is a message from the pulpit of Parkside Baptist Church in Mesquite Texas led by Pastor Mike Wells get your Bibles if you won't turn to Psalm 37 verse 24 that's brother Hamlin I've had 15 people say brother Hamlet told me you were gonna buy me a new King James Bible some want everybody here to call him and say where's my new King James Bible Psalm 37 verse 24 he'll never do that to me again top 37 verse 24 please Psalm 37 verse 24 and then I want you to turn to proverbs 24 and verse 16 two scriptures tonight Psalm 37 verse 24 Psalm 37 verse 24 then I want you to turn to proverbs chapter 24 and verse 16 I want to commend you for your soul-winning your faithfulness to the Word of God and the work that you're doing here in this great Dallas area if there's a need it is a need for an innovative Baptist Church over here to be on fire for God and I want to commend you for your labors and for your work I preached in the area Sunday morning and Sunday night tried to get home and couldn't get out of town because of the sleet so Monday I drove home I had to get back for a meeting Monday night and then last night it took six hours they get from here to Longview that I got home and I blew my front left tire and my tie rod broke in my car so they had to work on it all to get it ready to get be able to get back here tonight but I'm glad I was able to make it back and to be a part of this meeting of course I love dr. Shelton Smith dr. John Hamlin he's a mess now that's all yes to it you call him now don't don't you obey me and call him tonight and I hope he gets a thousand phone calls tonight and but anyway I love your pastor I love his zeal for Souls I've known him for many many years in fact both of us got off the ark together and hey there what is this decade stuff you're praying affairs decades I know how now well the house said I know how John rice felt because I'd get up and say sit up straight listen now because dr. rice will not be with us forever and and then dr. Hiles I guess hikes it up listen dr. house you'll not be with us forever and now I've been around for decades by the time some so sit up straight because this may be the last time you hear me psalm 37 verse 24 let's stand and stretch just for a moment here psalm 37 and verse 24 the bible says though he fall he shall not be utterly cast down it ain't wonderful for the lord upholdeth him with his hand now turn to proverbs 24 verse 16 for a just man falleth seven times and rises up again now that means for each fall there's a rise but the wicked shall fall into mischief there is no rising back up for the wicked I want to speak to you this night tonight on this subject I have fallen and I can get back up have you seen that commercial what's a night I don't want to talk to you about I have fallen and I can get back up and I hope that you'll listen carefully there's a whole army of people who are not here tonight they're not here they'd fallen I mean an army and we ought to be cognizant of those who've fallen because it may be you tomorrow and maybe myself so I'm going to talk to you tonight about that and I think it's a part of leadership our concern and deep concern for every Christian so I hope that you'll get your PIN out and once you write some things down it's like that fat woman go underneath that barbed-wire fence a few more points and we'll be through I don't know where that stuff comes from but I want you to listen thank you for having god bless you the only help I've got up here but so what you listen carefully tonight I believe there'll be some things would be if your father helped me tonight to help lord I thank you for the opportunity of service I thank you for this pastor who has led the way in training future leaders and I thank you for those who've willingly given themselves submitted themselves in his leadership I thank you for the literally thousands of souls have been saved because of this great church I thank you for the meeting that we've had I pray that every sermon to have its place in our life every truth one more brick in the wall of life help me tonight add that which will be of encouragement and blessing please in Jesus name we ask it amen may be seated I think sometimes if we're not careful we will tend to forget those who have been shot in battle I think sometimes we may not realize what has happened or or to some degree we may be somewhat fair see achill about those who have fallen in battle so I want to help us all tonight and help my son Oh buddy appreciate heart against sin and I do yeah I'm an ice-cream how to get some of those tapes back there but you better get a new tape player our CD player because they're awfully rough and nobody preaching harder gets the sins that we somehow condone that shouldn't be condoned and I preach hard against it but I believe in being just as hard in helping those who have fallen now I want to give you my inner way of introduction for thoughts number one some fall because of what they do some people who are not here tonight and some who are here tonight maybe you've fallen but you did it you did it to yourself there's nobody to blame but yourself those decisions that you made were bad decisions but they were decisions that you made you can't blame the preacher you can't blame the church you can't blame your faith we can't blame anybody but you you made the decision so some people fall because of what they do number two some people fall because of what others do in our church I have pastored young ladies whose husbands walked off and left them to be single moms to rear their children alone they didn't ask for that but it just so happens that that's their lot in life now well I pastored husbands whose wives ran off and left them to rear their children alone they didn't ask for that but it happened some of you have lost jobs you didn't ask for that to happen so you had your to pay cut back or maybe different things have happened in your life but you didn't ask for that illness you didn't ask for that sickness you didn't ask for that layoff it's something that somebody else did but it's harmed you and it's caused you to fall I sent another one some fall because of what others do I said number two some fall because of what they do number three some Falls are seen there are some things that happen in a church that happens on Monday night and everybody knows that by Tuesday morning some Falls are seen some are maybe regional where it makes the news and it makes the newspaper some are national where everybody in the whole world knows of a specialist Internet age and if you're not careful you must be true is on the Internet that's a wonderful axiom for life that'll carry a long ways you just hope that God doesn't happen to you but I said everyone some fall because of what they do there's some things your life you did it you got nobody to blame but yourself now you may point fingers at somebody else and you may want to blame somebody else but truth is you made the decision number two some fall because of what others do you didn't ask for it it happened to you we as you do here you're on a bus ministry hundreds of children coming well you know who their dad is come and don't even know if they'll have be at the same house when they go home at night there we started a bus kids school and those those kids would come and have another way paying tuition we paid their tuition there's no way of experience any type of love or at all if it's not for the church or not for the school that cares for them some fall because of what others do some Falls are seen number four most Falls are unseen most Falls are unseen everybody in this auditorium has fallen but nobody knows about it preachers I've knew about it dad doesn't know about it mom doesn't know about it nobody knows about it but God knows about it and I proposed tonight and make a supposition here I don't understand the difference between those that are seen and those that are unseen if sin is sin then please tell me what the difference is and you'd be careful where you start throwing rocks at people whose sins are seen while yours are unseen but if that isn't the height of hypocrisy I don't know what is that's why it's imperative for us to understand we're nothing but a bunch of sinners here you understand that Bob says for all half what sin does that include you and does your horns are holding your halo up oh I wish I had a video camera to follow you around all week long we'd really have some good sermon material the truth is we're all sinners and you better thank God those sins are under the blood of Christ they may not be off the internet but they're under the blood number one I said some fall because of what they do there's some stupid things you did in your life that caused your problems and you got nobody to blame but yourself number two some fall because of what others do you didn't ask for it it happened to you number three Sun Falls are seen but number four most Falls are are unseen so I say this all of us are guilty now because we're all guilty then maybe we need to understand the importance then of people who fall who have fallen and getting them back up on their feet again maybe there's an army of people that maybe some of us have well you know he sees I don't think he's ever gonna come back well how do you know until you pick up the phone and call now let me give you the sermon here we go it's not bombastic but I think a great truth that we need number one according to scriptures here write this down the just man does fall the just man does fall now that's what the Bible says the just man does all oh I don't think the guys even saved oh really hello God how you doing I was looking from where you're at I don't think the guys born again he wouldn't have done what he'd done well hello how are you doing we you wrote a Bible lately the truth of the matter is the just man does fall now if you think that perfection is is is a part of your life you are sadly mistaken because all of us are imperfect you know what the preacher is an imperfect man preaching a perfect book to a bunch of imperfect people trying to perfect them when you leave Church y'all decide I'm going to live a little bit better than what I've been living and take the challenge but it's not a challenge of perfection it's a challenge of maturity of growing up and learning but the just man does fall well so and so I don't think the guy saved her he wouldn't have committed adultery or you talking about David in the Bible there was talking about is that in I don't think he would have killed anybody if that guy was a if he is saved he's a just man well let's see now most of the Bible is written by murderers now you're gonna have a tough time with that one I'm not trying to justify sin at all I'm trying to give us a perspective of leadership here to where we understand don't ever give up on anybody don't I did not get into this to run around kicking people while they were down I got in this trying to pick them back up now I'll tell you what's shocking to me will win a total stranger to Christ bring them in here walk them down the aisle baptize them and treat them like they're eight plus heroes and don't know a thing about them but you let somebody fall out and then get right with God and come back and we have to know something about them it's almost like it Chabad it's almost put up put an X on that guy mark that guy because we happen to have knowledge of something that he's done let me tell you something you better be careful about your judgment of people because you're judging yourself while you're judging others i senator 1 you talk to me now the just man does what talk to me the just man does why I can't hear you just man does wat phou don't holler at me the just man does fall now the next time you fall and make a mistake are you saying that you're not saved all about yourself you say well I just made a mistake well why can't you say the same thing about the other guy don't say well I don't think he's she saved her he saved because they did such-and-such now wait a minute now we're not working our way to heaven are we the part of me that got saved was my soul not my body yeah I was taking my wife that nobody said 38 surgeries I was taking the hospital down in Tyler and this woman cut me off I'm trying to cut me off I Ford that carpool thing around got the power when I run that window down cut up close to her but I was fixing let her have it my wife said be careful it may be one of our church members and then here's what she said they think we're Christians now I got a temper just like the next guy I'm stubborn and bullheaded and I don't know I wouldn't give two cents for a man that wasn't bullheaded you little wimp I bet you were never mind I searched one time the lady walked up and said our pastor hollered at the secretary I said good she probably needed it well you women aren't happy tonight are ya hey you walked up to me said I was married to you I'd kill you I said if I was married to you I'd be willing to die the just man does fall do not equate the falling with salvation any more than you can equate salvation with living a good life as if well it's not true the others not true and you're gonna have to be very careful about how you analyze somebody who falls in this end statement number two the just man according to our scripture night falls many times that's what the Bible says many times well I think there he goes again falling right now well look at that he did it again and he did it again and he did it again I'm sick and tired of helping him well wait a minute now this guy fell seven times and got up every time and God called him a just man just being that of being justified just as if we'd never sinned in the sight of God just means those scales are balanced that's why there's a part of you that can't stand it when there's not justice it bothers you haven't you ever seen a picture there's crooked and you just you had to straighten it up and just bothered you had to straighten up well that's a part of our make up a saved man wants things to be just well that's why you fall and you say I cannot stay down I've got to get back up that's why when you backslide and get out of church Holy Spirit of God works on you it says what do you doing knucklehead get back to church and get back to reading your Bible and get back to praying and get back to soul and the Holy Ghost of God works on the inside of you and tells you what you ought to do right because you're a just person justified I said number one they'll talk to me now the just man does what falls number two the just man falls what many times so here they come back again and here's what you say well look what the cat drug in maybe we ought to give you a visitor's card maybe we ought to slap you in the next Friday what kind of talk is that you ought to be you know how much listen this statement here do you how much courage it takes to come back do you know how much courage it takes for somebody who has fallen out to show back up and walk in on Sunday morning scared to death that you idiots are gonna make some stupid statement well don't make it just shake their hand hug their neck and say man it's good to see you how would you like to be treated there already something about us and I say this because it's a great army out there that have fallen that somebody don't ever give if they're on your sunday-school roll and you haven't seen them in a year don't ever give up on them go after them find out what it is that they need and meet that need don't ever say that's a hopeless case it's not a hopeless case I sent over one that just man does why talk to me just man does what cause have you fallen you have well then maybe you ought to treat others like you'd want to be treated I'm not going to ask you to raise your hand there's anybody here that's fallen out of church and then finally came back after a period of time don't answer is that has that happened to you well weren't you glad they took you back huh but we must have a lot of that so I got it awful quiet number two the just man Falls many time number three according to our scripture the just man gets back up a court in the Bible the judgment does seven times down one up one down two up two down three up three down four up for life to keep going down five up five down six up six down seven and up seven that's what it says now there are two things laid out here on your back there you go get up because you got a fall first here we go this this is the fun part okay all right so he didn't fall very graceful he did yet now so he falls alright now let me give you two things the Bible says that we've got to do to get him back up to helpers number one the Holy Ghost of God he's called the Paraclete he run advocate he goes alongside of you he lives in you and he wants to help you let me give you a second helper and that's a Christian the Bible says in the book of Galatians if any man be overtaken in a fault ye which are spiritual restore such an one all right I'm gonna be the Christian that care so we know what we need is for a Christian to also according the Bible the Holy Spirit can speak and speak and speak but it ought to takes somebody in the flesh who will come along and say I want to help you that's why I understand the Holy Spirit is speaking to people right now but we need somebody who's spiritual who can say to them we want you back thank you get my hand did he do a good job he does a good job of falling doesn't he I said number one the just man does what I can't hear you the just man does why so don't say I don't think that guy say that's not wise because the just man does fault number two the just man Falls many times are you sick I helping them are you tired of helping them Sunday morning we could go I had a cancellation suppose me in California and I stayed home and Bob asked me to teach a combined adult class and my son my pastor something wrong with that this is my pastor I changed his diapers and he's my pastor I was in New Mexico it made that statement he got up next and said yes in one day I will change his diaper he's a smart act like his mother but I was in-between so school in church and shaking hands a little old lady walked up and she said you led me to Christ when I was 10 years of age and she began to tell me I said oh I remember you're your parents but I don't remember you and she said don't leave and she went up the balcony and brought two of her kids down and she said I want you to meet my two kids now she said I ride the same route in Tyler that I rode when you led me to Christ I'm still faithful to church and these are my kids and they got saved last Sunday and baptized well somebody shout Amen Elena in a deaf department we have about 30 in our deaf department she walked over and she started doing this and I didn't understand it's an interpreter he mrs. Smith came over and I said what's she saying she said she's thanking you for leaving her to Christ years ago well somebody say Amen now that lady has been out of church they'll definitely depend on Church for 10 years but when she came back she told me she felt just as welcome as the day that she left was something that she did wouldn't say if I did something to her she chose something now I say this to you because I'm telling you there's a whole army out there somebody ought to care about them well if you said you'd come to church you know domme that is you know it's like you lead somebody to Christ well if he's really saved he'd come to church there babes in Christ okay have a baby bring it home put it in the crib and say hey kids Supper's at 6:00 if you're hungry you'll come to the table now they're babies you pick them up you came around you burp them and you're moving along number one the just man does what talk to me just man does what don't question a man's salvation because he falls number two that just man falls many times don't get too tired toes are tired of helping somebody well I've helped him and I've helped him I've helped it seven and the nuns the number of the Bible of completeness and so it's not necessarily the exact number of seven but it's perfection its maturity its completeness it may take somebody a long time before they finally catch on but thank God they ought to be the holy ghost of God is working in but we need somebody in the flesh ye which are spiritual restore such an one then number three the just man gets what backup number four the just man then develops a habit of getting backup the just man develops a habit of getting backup so he falls once gets up he falls a third a second time and he says oh my goodness I don't want to stay down here so he gets back up the third time he falls he says you know I this is crazy I should be sucking on these cigarettes I shouldn't be drinking his beer this is crazy so he gets back up again he knows that he can get back up now that's the important that you know that tonight do you know tonight that you can get back up on your feet if you quit reading your Bible do you realize tonight you can start reading your Bible again do you realize tonight if you quit soul-winning you can start soul-winning again now don't don't look down on people finally come back to midnight Bibles never come back to soul-winning like where have you been we have labored all these years and and we're and now you now you're gonna show up for a big day don't do that because if I understand the Bible correctly the people that came into the vineyard last got paid the same as the people went in the vineyard first choked on that one for a while suck on that cigarette for a while I don't know where that came from either number one the just man does rod Falls number two just man Falls number three just man gets number four the just man develops a habit of getting back up number five the just man is perfected by both I don't miss this the just man is perfected by both the man who saved is matured core to that number seven he's matured he's perfected by what by falling and by what by getting back up he falls makes a mistake gets back up and says wow I learned something that time I may pull another stunt but it won't be that one he's matured by it he's perfected by it he that listen you young ladies oughta listen to old women they don't sound right does it listen to Asian women you know I I don't understand a 12 year old who runs around to a 13 year old to talk about what they think about love you think they're your year older wear pantyhose is so they must be smart you know that's crazy and I don't understand why you young lady you look look you young ladies are have a natural beauty there's a natural beauty that you have and I don't understand why you want to paint it up my oldest daughter Kimberly came down the stairs when she turned 13 that 14-foot eyelashes on I should take it off Tammy Faye we don't need another Tammy Faye jr. take it off now you all women paint it up cover up the cracks will ya every old barn needs a cool toupee never what's in a while you young men ought to listen to the older man these gray hairs I've earned every one of these gray hairs every one of them I've been in ministry for 42 years that's four decades I guess you were right now dawned on me how old I am I'm 68 I got two years left that's all I got man I ain't even got time to buy a car well anyway oh that was funny there I soon won the just man does what Oh number two that just man Falls will get tired of helping people number three the just man gets back up needs two helpers the Holy Ghost of God and then somebody who is what spiritual court of the Bible number four the just man develops a habit of getting back up hey I can get back up I can go back to church I can serve God number five the just man is what perfected by both the falling and getting back up if you're not smarter today and you were yesterday you're from Kentucky that's where you're from not for six the just man does not blame others the just man does not blame others you know look you're 45 years of age you've got to have to quit using this thing the dog ate your homework somewhere in here you're gonna have to you're gonna have to take responsibility for your life you're so dumb if you think you can keep giving the teacher an apple every when you go to that that's gonna help you pack learn the math past the course we're in this victim society everybody else's fault no it's your fault we don't like it but you know why it's why you deep preaching you need somebody to tell you what you will not tell yourself we don't like it when people are honest with us but we need it doctors here you go the doctor I went the doctor and the doctor said to me time for a physical well I said okay he said now you have to get on a scale I said you're nuts I'm not getting on a scale he'll and he said I dr. Dre you could have to get on the scale I said not unless you got one of my left leg one for my right leg not getting on a scale so after a while he said to me he said you ever thought about a low-fat diet I said no all my fat slowed and I looked at him I said have you thought about plastic surgery they'll charge you 180 bucks to insult you and you'll pay it for some reason I don't know what it is but we don't like to take responsibility but don't go through life blaming others Obama got up and in Colorado said oh I lost the debate because of the the height of the we were so far above sea level that's I couldn't think that's the stupidest thing I ever heard of my life and then they were so mean to me that's the reason in a recession when your neighbor loses a job and depressions when you lose a job and recoveries when Obama loses his job yeah Putin he takes over the Crimean and Ukraine and Obama says don't do that I think Hillary may be more of a man than Obama but I don't sure Palin is I know then number one the just man does what fall number 2 the just man Falls I'm tired of helping that family oh really is that right so you're tired huh aren't you glad Jesus wasn't tired of helping you back yeah you better be careful about that well I don't think that got saved oh really really you know a preacher gets up and says he never gets up since we had five bodies saved today it's always five five Souls oh so you can't see it huh oh but you're pretty good aren't you you're almost like God you can see everything is you number one the just man does what Paul number two just man Falls many times number three the just man gets back up number four the just man develops a habit number five the just man is perfected number six the just man does not blame others number seven the just man ends up on his feet down one up one down - you owe me - oh that must have been your wife saying no but seven times down seven times up but the Bible leaves this man standing on his feet you said here tonight you say preacher you say the justice that doesn't sound right we're we're broke you mean we're supposed to be on our feet preacher our health is so bad and our family and you're telling me that we're supposed to end up on our feet we have a grandson rgp he's 23 years of age has the mind of a child but he thinks the whole world's abnormal he's the only normal one bob was voting in his pastor RG started going around saying to people you're fired what's their one Wednesday night Bob got up and said have you been fired by RG half the crowd raised her in your fire on the front row we have seven pastors that they we have Tim six more for 12 section balcony and seven pastors across the front RG you sitting down here he went to the assistant Patrick assistant pastor leaned out and he said you're doing a good job keep it up so I asked the guy said what were you thinking he said I was afraid he's gonna say you're fired listen you if you it is it is a heartache it's a heartbreak when you go through things like that and it doesn't seem right and you say well how you sad your wife said 38 surgeries the last surgery said they put metal plates in both her feet and put screws in there because her toes were separating and she couldn't stand and couldn't walk well now she can stand and now she can walk she sleeps about two or three hours a night she's got more metal in her and I got in my car but the truth matter is it's hard it's difficult and it's not easy and you say but you keep saying we land on our feet I got news for you you let that trumpet sound you let that command and the dead in Christ are brought up out of the grave and we which you're alive are changed in a twinkling of an eye I promise you we're gonna end up on our feet don't you feel trapped by this whole world and what the world's trying to do to you you are a winner I read the end of the book and we win God one devil nothing another shout out hey would some of you go home and practice smiling I know you left your teeth on but gum it baby the Bible says a lot about countenance in the Bible you really ought to learn to smile you know you know when a preacher tells his famous joke and nobody laughs but the one visitor that came and he cackles out laughing and everybody says he thought that was funny he ought to live here but the reason the preacher uses humor is to get you back after three to five minutes your minds gone some of you've been gone for a long time you're sitting there saying did we shut the stove off did we let the cat out so a preacher tries to get you get you back listen we always ought to be thankful that God wants to get us back and when you have see that army out here and ucx church members out here what a field are you ready for this one I'll close with this there's rejoicing and the presence of the angel somebody help me over one that repenteth show me where it says lost doesn't say that twice it says there's rejoicing the president angels over one sinner that repents show me where it says he has to be lost somebody ought to take you sunday school teachers ought to take to task this thing of people who have not been coming and you ought to win them over you ought to take to task church members who do not we've not been coming and win them over well that's why we hired a preacher oh oh I didn't know this is a Catholic Church Parkside Catholic Church that's what it is not well the Catholics are their priests do their praying for them you church members hire you a reverend do your soul winning for you that's crazy and you know it's crazy do you know they'll listen to you quicker they will him somebody sick in the hospital if he doesn't show up both and you can you've searched members slay me I'm not pastoring now so I can say this it was gonna fire me you slay me you go the hospital don't tell nobody and then get mad well how come the preacher didn't come see me you think he's got ESP don't yet he's got ESPN but he doesn't have ESP that's crazy do you know if someone's in the hospital they're sick and one of you church members goes and you go visit them they'll think they're dying for sure cause it's so unusual you have somebody misses church tonight you church members pick up the phone and call distance say we missed you tonight because for him to do it it's almost like he's paid to do it which is not true there's almost in their mind it's that way do you know how I built it God allowed me to build from 13 on quote visitation and I can show you the picture pastor right here this is this is a Thursday night service do you know how I grew from 13 to 625 a week the last year I was there I'll tell you why because I said to the people the 13 that showed up will you invite somebody and I'm just hit worked and I promise you in or you you fall well I'll tell you what Jack highs were here I believe we could do something jack house couldn't do more with you than what your preachers do with you cause it's in your hands and I say tonight there's a whole army out there yo I don't understand us okay let's just let's just put the rubber on the road you ready if Jack's cop walked in here tonight and set down jacksgap walked in there tonight set down the Pew where you're at how would you respond some of your another mistake and hypocrisy so they are they got crows because of you what if Dave house walked in here tonight sat down next year no whoremonger sitting next to my family I wonder if anybody calls you late at night watching something on television you shouldn't have been watching I'm gonna tell you something there needs to be some spirituality spiritual minds concerning a great army of people who have fallen when the loss absolutely I give the gospel out 15 times a week and every seven Souls a week I work hard at it but I think that there's a whole host of people that we have forgotten and almost feels superior because you're falling was unseen and theirs was seen no difference not a difference in the world maybe we ought to get right with God tonight you don't like idiot come oh come I can slap about three of you maybe you ought to get right with God about your attitude about a whole host of army members that could really be used but stand our heads about our eyes are closed thank you for joining us today for more audio or video content you can visit our website at Parkside Baptist org you
Channel: Parkside Baptist Church
Views: 13,257
Rating: 4.5733333 out of 5
Keywords: pbc, parksidebaptist, parkside, baptist, mike, wells, tx, Baptists (Religion), Mesquite (City/Town/Village), Texas (US State), Dallas (City/Town/Village), Church (Type Of Place Of Worship)
Id: 2zEVqLVKUac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 9sec (2409 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 06 2014
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