Dr. Larry Brown: But He Had A Friend

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[Applause] thank you so much remain standing remain standing if you would in turn in your Bibles to second Samuel Chapter number 13 I've got something on the stove about to burn right now I've got to get into it get the cheerleaders off the court the big games about to start I mean hi clover in deep cotton and I'm as happy as a raccoon in the cornfield with the hound dogs tired right now and how you buckle your seat belt we're gonna take a ride and I think you will enjoy it now brother josh has already talked about not going out during service you do because you think you need a drink of water you don't just because you think you need to go to the bathroom you don't dr. house was up one time he was getting ready to get up and he noticed more people walking in now for service he had ever seen these like any irritated he did he told me one time he said I don't have what about 5,000 things that really irritate me and that was one of them but anyway he said this he said he kind of aggravated him and said when he got up to preach he said no look I've noticed there's been a lot of walking in and out here tonight good night he said you think you got to go to the bathroom he said I have and what he aimed to say was I haven't left the church service to go to a bathroom in 67 years but instead here's what he accidentally said good night I haven't been to the bathroom in 67 years and he was two little boys setting order front row and when I looked up you could hear him reel out that's got to be a record now if you haven't been to the bathroom in the last 67 years you've got my permission to go but if you've been any time in the last 67 years it's high time to sit tight and let's get into the mess I'm open to second Samuel chapter 13 and I'd like to read the first four verse you have no idea you have no idea how much of a struggle I've had knowing which sermons I listen I've got it narrowed down to three or four for tonight and and I struggled with this I had two or three sermons I wanted to preach right here and but I believe the Lord is leading in this simple little message you you be shocked to know one of the ways I know what to preach I look at the Sun timeslot that I've got and figuring out what sermon would fit in that for time so I'm hoping this one wheel I better get started second Samuel Chapter number 13 verse number one and it came to pass after this that Absalom the son of David had a fair sister whose name was Tamar and Amnon the son of David loved her did you catch that here's his half-sister he falls lusting for his own half-sister Tamar verse two and Ammon was so vexed at me so possessed with temptation that he fell sick for his sister Tamar he was actually sick with it temptation for she was a virgin and Adnan thought it hard for him to do anything to her but Evelyn had a friend whose name was jonadab the son of Shania David's brother and jonadab was a very subtle man now look up at me maybe narrate some of this for the sake of time Amnon had a half-sister whose name was Tamar they shared the same father but they didn't share the same mother so this was his sister he Falls lusting for his own sister Tamar but he thought it hard to do anything to her for obvious reasons I mean sin gets pretty sickening sometimes sin gets pretty putrid sometimes he thought it hard to do anything to her but he had a friend named younger Dale and Jonah death was a very subtle man and here's what Jonah dam said why aren't they I noticed there's something bothering you why why aren't they being the king son lean from day to day you're sick we're too close it was his running buddy there were first cousins by the way Amnon and Jonah dad were first cousins and he said look we've been too close too many years there's something bothering you and I know it what is it bothering you and he says I'd love to have my sister and Jonah Dow being as subtle as he was said there's no use for you to want something you can't have why don't you play like you're sick and asked your daddy to send your sister down to take care of you while you're sick he'll never suspect anything because you're her brother and when she comes in you just do whatever you want to do and that's exactly what happened and the Bible tells us that she begged for her life in verse number 12 when she realized what he was about to do to her and and she says where what am I going to do about my shame she begged and begged and she said you're gonna be like one of the fools in Israel you're gonna make a fool out of yourself well he wouldn't listen to her and he begged she begged again in verse number 16 and then after he got done with his dastardly deed toward her how humiliated her ruin her he said now put now this woman out from me and bolt the door after her that's the last part of her 17 verse 18 said she had a garment of diverse colors upon her for with such robes with the Kings daughters that were virgins apparelled then his servant brought her out and bolted the door after kid just woman out of my sight by the way young ladies if that's the kind of love you want you ought to wield your brain to the Smithsonian Institute for observation after your death but a notice here Tamar put ashes on her head and R in our garment of diver colors that was on her and laid her hand upon her head and went out crying when she got her clothes on she ran out and she had an outer garment that was over her regular clothes this outer garment was a garment that the Kings daughters who were virgins were apparelled with it spoke of her purity and when she come running out she reached up and took her hands and ripped it off of her and threw ashes on her head a symbol of humiliation and honey and she went out crying according to verse number 20 she went down to her brother Absalom's house and of course he was told the story of what his brother had done and the Bible says she remained there desolate that means she never got married she never fell in love she never could look at a boy again without having horrible flashbacks so her life was ruined forever no husband no children no marriage no nothing and then before the chapters over Absalom who harbored her killed Amnon his brother who raped her and then Absalom flees for his life to keep David from putting him to death under Old Testament Jewish law and that led to his rebellion with his long hair hanging in the forks of a great oak tree and three darts sticking through his heart and as you look at this long line of sickening sordid satanic activity you asked the question why the why is answered in five words and I want you to see those five words verse number three first - let's read down to it a man was so vexed that he fell sick for his sister Tamar for she was a virgin and then thought it hard for him to do anything to her but there's the five words hello but and then had a friend I want you to say it with me now I say it together but and then had a friend let's say it together again everybody louder but Amnon had a friend one more time real loud but and then had a friend and when you walk out those doors I hope you never forget as long as you draw breath on planet earth that Amnon had a friend let's bow our heads in prayer Holy Spirit of God thank you for the privilege to preach the Bible bless us now as we preach teach me Lord what to leave out and what to keep in for we ask it in Jesus name I pray oh God heaven will swing low this morning make everything as real as it ought to be for we ask it in Jesus name you may be seated please anthem had a father when you see Amnon fell lusting for his own sister but he thought he'd hard to do anything to her why because number one Amnon had a father when you said King David his father you said it oh he was the one that wrote the beautiful Psalms he was the one that wrote the Lord is my shepherd he was the one that wrote as the heart penneth after the water Brooks so penneth my soul after the O God he was the sweet singer of Israel he was the one that's going to sit on the throne of David in the kingdom age and ruled this world Regent yes sir we're talking about King David and when he thought about his daddy and he thought about who his daddy was it stopped and he would have stayed stopped but he had a friend but he had a friend but he had a friend but he had a friend named Jonah damage Jonah that was a very several man Amnon had training he knew the Bible he knew the law where where shall a young man cleanse his way by taking heed thereto according to God's Word thy word of a hidden my heart that I might not sin against God and like a mighty jackhammer a blow boom the Word of God stopped him he thought it hard to do anything to her and he would have stayed stopped but he had a friend but he had a friend but he had a friend but he had a friend named Jonah death he had a conscience he had never done anything like this before and he had a conscience and is conscious oh it's my sister I can't do anything like that and he's conscious stop T he would have stayed stop but he had a friend but he had a friend but he had a friend but he had a friend named Jonah damn and Jonah dad was a very subtle man Amnon had a name the Bible says a good name is a rather to be chosen than great riches and eleven favor more than silver and gold and I'm gonna tell you something pretty sure I'm not pretty and never have claim to be a good preacher but I've got a good name and I've worked hard on that my name means something and I'm not talking about big preacher I mean it means pure andhrite and clean and straight on doctrine and I've worked hard about my name but I could stop at the wrong place getting back to the motel today preacher and take one drink of the wrong thing or walk into one x-rated whatever and tear down everything it's taken me 52 years to build up and neither you nor any fundamental preacher in America would ever want me back in your pulpit again and he thought about his name and when he thought about his name it stopped him and he would have stayed stopped but he had a friend but he had a friend now he's got a little sister it can't live a normal life because he had a friend now he himself has got a lay in an early grave because he had a friend because he had a friend you are right now are you soon shall be what your friends are you show me your friends I'll show you who you are or what who you soon shall be the Bible says in Amos 3:3 can two walk together except they be agreed the obvious answer's no the Bible says in proverbs 13 he that walketh with wise men shall be wise but a companion of fools shall be destroyed you are right now are you soon shall be what you offer go down yonder to the Jailhouse this morning and see that old see that girl twenty-five years old she's got bruise marks up and down her arm where she sold her body to several men last night to get another fix the drug fixed to keep him screaming her head off before daylight and say hey tell me about your first fix you know what she'll say and that goes all the way back to the sixth grade I knew this girl and this girl she was my friend but she knew this guy but she had a friend but she had a friend but she goes watch that old boy sitting in there it got thrown in the slammer last night because he picked up a barroom stool and slammed it through the windows of the bar and they put him in the in the slammer and and say hey tell me about your first drink my first drink or your first drink of anything alcohol oh I was just a kid I was only ten years old and and I was over at my neighbors one time my buddy's house and and when I was over there his mom and daddy was gone he said come here let me show you something and we went over any open frigerator doors a big old tall can a bud buddy had a friend but he had a friend but he had a friend you are right now are you soon shall be what your friends are Jonah that was subtle so eminent became subtle jonadab was sneaky so eminent became sneaky Jonah that was a filthy minded so eminent became filthy money jonadab was dirty so eminent became dirty jonadab was an adulterer and a wicked vile fornicator and adnan became that you are right now are you soon Shelby what your friends are you show me let me tell you something preacher you can drop you can bring a family into this church from Timbuktu it's never seen your state before March them in that back door and I'm telling you the truth you you look at that family and maybe you look at the boy and the girl teenagers you'll say who are they spiritually what are they spiritually and you won't know but I'll tell you how you know in 21 days if that teenage girl is not sitting with her own kind I'll eat any Pew you got in this room fabric and all and she'll know her own kind she's got radar control if she's a spiritual girl she'll bounce off your carnal girls like a hot potato if she's a carnal girl she wouldn't be caught dead around any of your spiritual girls and she knows which is which I don't know how she knows what she knows and she's got that that ability I tell you what you can do you you you show me your friends I'll show you your direction you show me your friends I'll show you which way your heart is looking and this is not just for some riffraff they're coming here this some of the best kids in this church preacher I have seven children I had five teenagers at one time none of them twins and none I'm adopted and all of them belonging to us and I'm telling you the truth it's not always easy to know where your children are spiritually it's not always easy to know but there was one surefire way I could always know I just want to see who the one hang around I don't see who one call after sir I was whoever they want to invite over to the house whoever they want to hang with that tells me the spiritual level of macho and by the way aren't you adults enjoying me preaching to these young people well I'm gonna load your wagon this goes for you too I had a deacons wife I had I said a deacons wife come into my office she's a preacher I don't know what's got wrong with me I said what's your problem she said I'm just depressed all the time I had the joy of the Lord but looks like here lately I've been depressed I am gloomy I've lost the joy I look straight across the death and said have you been criticizing me she said what I said have you been criticizing me she said what do you mean I said I mean have you been saying things like why did the preacher vote on this and why's the church doing this and why did they do that and why don't they change us and why don't they change it I said would you like for me to tell you how I know you've been doing it she went like this I said I know you've been doing it because I know where your car has been parked three and four mornings a week I know what woman you've been drinking coffee with I know what woman you've been hanging out with there's no way under God's heaven you don't spend that much time with that woman and come out with a positive attitude that's one of the most critical depressing bitter gossiping human females on planet earth and you've been parking over there at that house you've been spending time with her I know what you've been doing because I know who you've been with let me tell you something you hang out with negative people you'll be negative you hang out with positive people you'll be positive you hang out what people say the parkside Baptist Church it is the greatest place in the world that's exciting around here good night hold the phone hazel it's wonderful around you it's great you hang out with people I can't you'll have that same attitude you hang out a people to have good know what I got the screen on for what screen off preachings going out screen eight bothering nothing well it took two offerings instead of one that's because you a change that's why I have to do that and what a dumb thing it put in maroon carpeting and gold P what a matchup when what what everything is wrong everything they you hang around people like that you gonna be like that what the preacher hat what does he get what does he have to keep getting back on the same subject all the time for cuz you're guilty that's why and you need it we rub where it's dirty we scrub where the dirty is if you keep hearing the same tastes cause you need it well why does it have to do that in the sunday-school class and then they get up that just recognize everybody's birthday and everybody's anniversary well what's that got to do with anything it's got a whole lot to do with a lot you don't know about and if you wouldn't hanging around with people your same rotten attitude you wouldn't have that attitude say Amen right there and then had a friend you are right now are you soon shall be what your friends are amen I'm enjoying my own preaching this morning believe it or not parents who are your friends I'm speaking of women in this room right now you love this church and you love what goes on here but you got a sister that don't agree with you now your standards are this Church of what this church stands for and you can't really sell out for God and be what God wants you to be because your sisters like a governor on your life teenagers you're the same way you've got a girlfriend or a boyfriend and it might be the same sex of the opposite sex commute doesn't matter and you want to sell out and go all the way for God and you've you've you've looked at that situation and you've pondered doing that but you got a governor on your life it's your friend your friend has an influence on you and they're holding you back yeah it's a governor on your life and you can even in the bible college sometimes you have a friend that and you can't cut the road and go for God because you got a governor on your life it's your friend you show me your friends I'll show you who you are and some of you mean you got your buddies at church well Eve me and God bless your wonderful hey how you do and then you get out on the golf course with some of your business buddies and you draw back to hit a line drive and crack your ankle instead of the ball you don't say ho look at race you don't say that you say some other things because you got two sets of friends you got two friends at church and then you got two friends on the golf course who are your friends who are your friends you are right now you soon shall be what your friends are I tell you what you can do parents and I'm gonna warn you you can take that little ten-year-old boy or yours and you say son there's things you play with and things you don't one of the things you don't is an automobile and when you get but if you want to raise get on a go-kart if you want to race get on a dirt bike but when you get behind the wheel of an automobile as tight I'm somebody thought responsible thoughts you gonna kill yourself or some other person and it's not right yes sir dad i boy I'm agreeing with you dad 100% and you raised that child with that attitude and he can you be the best the sweetest attitude boy you ever saw in your life but the first time he gets a chance to be with the boys out with the car and he's first time he's out to drive with the buddies the Deacons children of this church or somebody like that and they're on the way out here to a youth activity out of town and the boy in the backseat says hey Joe put the pedal to the metal let's go down the road what was that drop the hammer man you got a clean machine let's see what this thing will do do you mean speed do we mean speed what do you think we mean oh man I couldn't speed I don't know my daddy oh we got a daddy's boy well I bet he knits and crochets with mommy too don't you when he gets home come on man you act like we're a bunch of daddy haters or something we love our daddies as much as you do and we love God even the manual says you ought to blow the carburetor out now and then you got a straight road drop the hammer let's see what this machine will do let me tell you something you you you can doubt me if you want to parents but you put 20 minutes of that kind of pressure up against 16 or 18 years worth of your influence and everything you've done in 16 or 18 years well drop in a pile at the power of twenty minutes with the wrong kind of a friend I'm talking about it's the most powerful force on planet Earth who are your friends who are your friends who your children's friends in the neighborhood I had a preacher for him I'll tell you who was if you ask me I have to search I have to preach a friend he moved into a neighborhood and the little girl next door came up can your children come over - no ma'am thank you the next day honey preacher can your children come no ma'am they can't we want to welcome you to the neighborhood and we'd like to have them come he said honey thank him we're gonna be tired of today we're going to be busy but she kept on and kept on and kept him and she got him cornered and finally one day she said well pastors a little 13-year old thing it said pastor just why can they not come is it honey look I didn't want to tell you but they won't be coming over for several reason number one you don't wear enough clothes and number two y'all listen to rock music over there and we don't agree with the beat the message or the method of rock music so for that reason they're not gonna be coming well she went home and told her mama that and that went over like screen doors on a submarine I mean that really created wonderful spirits in the community but I like what this preacher said he said I want to win all of my neighbors to go but I'll let the whole community go to hell before I'll send my children to hell hanging out wrong place say Amen right there yes sir eight who are your children's friends who are your children's friends and that's the question won't ask who your friends and neighborhood who are your friends at church fundamental premillennial temperamental jesus levin heaven exalting hell day throning church i don't care if it is there's kids in this there's there's young people in this church I've take your child toward God and there's young people in this church or to take your child away from God who are your children's friends who are your children's friends I even watch the preachers I hang out with somebody said brother Brown you're the same preacher you were 52 years ago when you started out how did you stay that way pretty simple I just watched you a run with who are listened to preachers are preached for preachers ahead in preachers I listen to I know the Liberals have a lot of good stuff but they have a lot of stuff I don't want to pick up so I don't listen to them I just listen to the fundamentalist I go to the fundamental meetings and go listen I'm just trying to say who are you friends by the way young lady who's your boyfriend you say well that's personal I get personal when I preach who's your boyfriend and see that boy that comes in looks like something cants drugged-up I mean his britches has a bag you drop a Mack truck and the seat up the hanging half off of him got so many chains wrapped around him you the type I heard of bull elephants got his shirt unbuttoned all the way down to his navel like I supposed to excite somebody got three hair sticking out right here they're really not his hairs he superglue them they're off his German Shepherd dog you know I'm talking about is that your boyfriend honey if that's your boyfriend whether you write a car or a bus to church would you have somebody hold your hand hood you can get on the vehicle you ain't got enough sense to keep him getting run over in the parking lot that's honest truth who's your boyfriend no pastor wait a minute I know he's got problems with his parents and I know he's got problems at school but I'm gonna help him no honey you're not gonna help him he's gonna help himself he's gonna leave you sitting high and dry with a little baby to raise by yourself that's exactly what he's and he's gonna have you parked at your mamas and daddies and without a husband in disgrace to raise a child by yourself that's what he's gonna do and by the way while I'm mad at young men who's your girlfriend is she the one that comes through were not enough clothes on to make a pair of leggings for a hummingbird bridge is so tight if one thread broke the whole thing would go huh who's your girlfriend by the way let's just bring it right down and include everybody here in the Christian school or in the church or in the college is your girlfriend the one that presses the issue about how tight those sweaters can be how tight those skirts can be you know what you're doing what the Thunder is wrong with you girl you think you're the only female God ever gave our body to are you crazy or what what are you up to well pastor Brown that doesn't bother me if my girlfriend dresses that well don't you shake my hand you slimy devil I'm 71 years old I live pure all my life but I can't look at a girl improperly dresses think sunday-school thoughts and UK neither my wife said to me this morning eyewitness to that girl we talked to or that I talked to yesterday it was in the breakfast room I said which one was that she said there was a one skimpily dressed I said I don't remember why I said I'm glad you don't remember her yeah and I don't I said honey you remember her and I don't because I turned my eyes away I don't look at stuff like that so I don't really I couldn't tell you if a woman stand on the platform I could Dave which one she was I don't know I don't look at that I have to control my eyes I have to control my mind my eye affected my heart and I want to be a pure preacher so I can't look at certain things and and I don't do look at certain things but but you come up here with don't you shake my hand if that don't bother you is he the one of three things wrong with you either number one you're lying or number two you ain't normal you're as odd as a nine dollar bill you ain't normal or number three you better tatiane down to the mortuary because you dead or you think you are I'm just simply saying who are your friends who's your girlfriend who are your friends and the books you read who are your friends and the books you read you can go place and do things and participate in things and and be in activities without ever leaving your chair by just reading a book by just read hey there was a girl in our church went to the Christian school preacher dress right went to the Christian school got rebellious as the devil with horns oh and her mama couldn't understand it one day cleaning her room while she was at school she found the problem down underneath her underwear there was a book about that thick and on the front was a picture of a girl in a long white dress and blood running down the dress witchcraft she got hold of some bad stuff created the rebellion rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft but it don't have to be that bad there's reading material I see laying around in Christian homes it's not fit for a hound dog to look at you gonna have to control who are your friends in the book who your friends and the music you listen to I had a young lady called me one night 25 years old she was a single mom and she said I'm considering suicide and I've already done it but my little five-year-olds here with me and I did more to do it with her with me I counseled her for a while on the phone he promised to be a church she did the next week she came she came early in my assistant who was Terry angel at the time was doing a series on rock music the next Sunday night she came back and laid a whole box of rock music on the altar and I saw it in the office the next morning when I walked through and I said to the secretary Mary what's this she said what's that stuff Tori brought last night and I reached down picked up a piece of it it has satanic symbols on it there was nothing Lugard on it but it was say temp satanic symbols I looked I said good grief dropped it in the box I said get rid of that stuff I went on in my office out of the secretary's office into my office and don't know me I'm depressed I didn't know what had happened so I prayed I had to pray two or three times for I got that off of me I didn't even listen to it I just touched it see if there's something you don't know young people and older people there's something you don't know every one of these major rock releases are prayed over before they're released is they prayed over yeah yeah not by Christians but by Satanists they bring the Satanist and they have a seance and they anoint those CDs with satanic power that's the reason they do what they do that's a reason for the drug rate the suicide rate and the murder rate that's what's going on you think you're just hearing the beat and all that you're not you're getting a lot of stuff you don't know you're getting hello who are your friends and the music you listen to and while you parents are enjoying this let me just say a word to you some of this contemporary country junk ain't fit for a hound dog to listen to either you ought to be ashamed of yourself they ask that woman Rooney I think was her name she kept country music songs in the top ten she wrote the songs that stayed in the top ten for years among thousands of country songs hers were in the top ten and asked us said what is your secret how do you do it she said I've got a simple solution I keep it sad and I keep it sensual she said that's what I do I keep it sad and I well she left last night sad sitting here all alone on the pier drinking my beer sad and sensual and I heard her sing I somewhere in a restaurant hers it's all wrong but it's all right the immoral life she was insinuating to live it's all wrong but it's all right it's all wrong and it'll stay all wrong and wicked and vile and you have no right Christian listening to such filth is that in God's name why don't you set a standard you want to jump up and down because your kid went to a rock concert and somebody cut them with a with a with a switchblade why don't you clean your own life up say Amen right there don't you realize this is Sunday morning well I I'm not a Sunday morning preacher at that preaches sermon that's two Christian ads they smoke cigarettes and dress like majorettes and drive Corvettes I take that one back but anyway look I'm just saying em9 had a friend and then had a friend hurt a friend let me give you this and we're going to go to the house two boys went to pick a girl up one night and shows what she was didn't it instead of her coming out this true story you're gonna hear a true story instead of her coming out her daddy come walking out walked over to the car summertime my window was more driving the car had to win her down he said boys I know why you're here but you can go ahead and leave he said she won't be going with you tonight or tomorrow night or next week or next month or next year so best thing you do is just leave they glared he never said a word started the car backed out the drive and they put the pedal to the metal scratched out and threw rocks all up in his yard went down the forks of the road boiling mad God due to drought decided you'd make one more pass at the old man's house and when they slowed down in front of his house he broke the window down hey you old blankety-blank blink used the filthiest language you ever heard in your life custody they didn't see custody went down turned around gave him two or three doses of that went downtown mad cruising the fours there was a boy watch this there was a boy a good boy a boy didn't cousin a boy wouldn't have been caught dead with a girl like that he was walking along the sidewalk bored Saturday afternoon boy a good boy but a boy that didn't know how to pick his friends they pulled over to the curb hey Frank let's take a ride let's call him Joe I don't know what his name was I got a son named Joe but we're just calling Joe for the sake of the illustrate hey Joe let's take a ride he said where are we going I don't even know we thought we knew but our plans got changed so the boy on the passenger side got out and let Joe in the middle they went back down the road and the boy driving was still man he decided to go make one more pass at the old man's house so he slew down in front that nice brick home in a road - winter - hey you old blankety-blank Blake but you see what he didn't know was the last time he came by and did that he pushed a daddy over the line what he didn't know was that daddy was standing behind an evergreen bush with a 3006 what he didn't know was that when they dropped the hammer that time and sped out this daddy stepped out from behind this evergreen bush and drew a 30-gallon six pound guess who died guess who died they said you guessed it the boy in the middle they said it made a little hole about sighs the end of your thumb went in his back and blew a whole section of his heart out and he dropped in the floorboard he was dead when he hit the floor but his blood gushing out of his chest and filling up the floorboard his eyes rolled back and they were quivering he was gone and how chunder in a lonely grave somewhere this morning lies a boy I don't know what to put on the tombstone but if they had to put the truth here's what they would have put here lies Joe he was a good boy he would be alive but he had a friend but he had a friend but he had a friend but he had a friend but he had a friend but he had a friend but he had a friend but he had a friend named Jonah daven Jonah that was a very settlement I will tell you about my friend we're gonna shut her down they pulled a bag down over his head and they beat him till he didn't look like a human being I can see him in my mind now when they pulled that bag off his teeth be completely out of their sockets he's spitting out teeth big old cloths of blood sliding down the side of his neck and then they led him yonder to a place called pilots judgement Hall and they planted a crown of thorns and jerked it down on his head and those long Palestinian thorns hit the skull and turned out like that and the blood dreamed down he's hit and then I watched him at pilots whipping post when that big old ugly Roman soldier took the cat of nine tails and came down on his back and he didn't hit and come off it had bits of ball it had bits of bone metal in glass in each one of those strands and it didn't hit and come off like a whip would it hit song and then he jerk it ended hitting Hung's and then he jerk it anything hung and every time he'd hit him by faith I could see Jesus dirties face toward me with the blood dripping out of his head and he said Larry I'm doing this because I want to be your friend I followed him a plazi mile up Calvary's Hill I watched him as they nailed him to the cross and he raised the cross and dropped it in the hole and I heard him in every bone in his body was out of joint now and when he caught his breath he said Larry I'm doing this because I want to be your friend I'm doing this because I want to be your friend and I watched him drag his back up and down that old rugged cross don't every drop of his sinless blood was poured out for me and I could hear the echo of his roars Larry I'm doing this because I want to be your friend suddenly it got dark and it got dark and I thought oh god what in a herd of horse Huayra God's heaven say ill are you oh I love my Sabac tonight which is to say my God my God why hast thou forsaken me and then I heard an echo say Larry God the Father first suit me because he can't look on your sins and your sins are laying on my body hanging on this cross and I'm doing this because I want to be your friend young people I got saved at 18 became brother Bobby's assistant at 19 I was an 18 year old rock and roll singer in an amateur show business I was singing Elvis songs when he first premiered on The Ed Sullivan Show and and I was an 18 year old rock and roll singer with a big future I thought but when I saw him dying for me and I heard him say Larry I want to be your friend I said leave die sing swim get fat or die skinny I live for Jesus day after day I live for Jesus let come what makes the holy spirit I will obey and I'll live for Jesus day after day and you know what God brought somebody here this morning to say lived I sing swim get fatter die skinny I'm gonna trust the Lord Jesus Christ what a friend we have in Jesus all our sins and griefs to bear and he's waiting to be your friend this morning our heads are bowed eyes are closed
Channel: Parkside Baptist Church
Views: 8,435
Rating: 4.8241758 out of 5
Keywords: pbc, parksidebaptist, church, parkside, baptist, mesquite, texas, mike, wells, tx, pastor, preacher, preaching, sermon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 41sec (2261 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2017
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