Pastor Mike Wells: Winning Over Temptation

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[Music] yes [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] just [Music] this [Music] so [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] let's talk about jesus [Music] jesus [Music] we're glad you're back for church let's stand together and sing if you would page number 413. seeing love lifted me lift yourself on the word lifted me page 413 on the first and the last verse [Music] from the with me [Music] in danger [Music] um [Music] well if you're glad that love lifted you say amen that's a wonderful blessing and ushers come if you will and if you're visiting tonight for the first time or the first time in a long time thank you for coming we're honored that you're here tonight and so if you're visiting tonight if you be kind enough to be seated our ushers are going to come back your direction they're going to give you a smile and they're going to give you a visitor's card maybe not in that order but they'll do it and they'll do a good job of it okay god bless you fellows for always doing a good job we appreciate that so very very much all right good and thank you be seated if you will we appreciate you being here catherine is in our deaf department and this is going to be catherine's last service she will be moving to ohio is that right ohio ohio and you pray for her if you will we appreciate her my my some of my finest memories of of catherine is this uh i'm talking about a track pass router uh she passes out tracks everywhere she goes okay i'm telling you uh she just gives them out you know and and uh and just uh just a good good lady she used to live just a little bit over here and uh she would come up she'd walk up to the church and she'd take care of cleaning all the windows for us you remember that yeah and clean all the windows for us and then i'd say oh my you're walking an awful long ways to come to do that she lived over a mile away and she'd walk clean the windows and then she'd walk back home and i said oh you're just walking an awful long way and she's oh no i'm not no i'm not i'm not and she just enjoyed serving the lord and so we're going to miss her and you pray for her if you will and and we would appreciate that so very very much but uh here's something for you right here and so we praise the lord for that fellas help me with these things if you will and this is to uh mrs uh mary croft if you'll raise your hand please all right right here eliza thomley eliza tomley raise your hand in the choir in the choir all right good uh this is to hallie wells there you go that you take care of that you're wells all right there you go daddy wells right there uh oh here now this is a request from the parents uh from the parents this is happy birthday vicky now vicki mom and daddy want you to come to the platform they've already told me this where's vicky at is she over here come on up here vicky come on up here mom and daddy asked me to do this and all right good here we go we'll put this in there too all right as this now tell me folks is this something she's supposed to put on is that what it is that's why you want to come up here oh no just a gift all right there you go give vicki a big hand okay another one right here you got it you okay you got it you need help you all right you think you got it help her please if you will good good good right isabelle kramer raise your hand please isabella kramer raise your hand please if you will good let's see here what we got here ashley ashley's in the service tonight we love you ashley we're praying for you hang on a second brother palmer i think there's more here hang on a second please yes brother mrs gates back there too thank you nathan and tammy raise your hand please good brother sherwood raise your hand please there you go good so the donner's here tonight i know they they're working on a piece of property they here to not don't see them just place that somewhere why don't forget them thank you yeah thank you so much for being here tonight and we love ashley we're praying of course james going home to be with the lord and we love the gates family and love ashley's parents and so you continue to pray we'll let you know more about funeral arrangements when that takes place right now they're still working on the details of that and so you continue to pray for her and pray for the family we appreciate that and and of course i'll give you this right now i wouldn't do it till later but i will give it to you right now and that is uh we have a meal train at if you like to be able to donate meals you may do so it makes it easier on the working people to be able to do so if you like to do that then we have there's a gofundme page that nathan started and i i you know i talked to the family about it i i i thought it was a good idea that way people could give that's not even members of our church and be able to love the family it has worked out quite well and so you could go to the gofundme page for ashley gates and nathan headed that up and i appreciate him he has done an outstanding job in helping the family in just a marvelous way and i appreciate him doing so very very much for the family as he has done let me do this we have a couple of things i want to give you we have a labor day picnic tomorrow ushers are going to come labor day picnic tomorrow and if you did not yet receive a flyer on this we want to give you a flyer labor day picnic tomorrow and uh and by the way since it is tomorrow this would be the last time we passed these out okay i just want you to know that uh we won't pass them out uh come next week okay but if you want one now it does tell you on here everything you need to know okay what you need to bring what you need to prepare for and things of that nature okay so if you not yet received one or you lost one maybe your dog ate it or your parakeet ate it raise your hand please let's go ahead and get these out anybody needs one for tomorrow you might have to go shopping tonight i don't know if you've not yet done that to be able to pick up the needed things for tomorrow and so please be mindful about that we have two gospel films we like to promote one of these is one we helped mike ray to put out and this is uh it's called i got the answer right and what it is it's done in an animation way a cartoonish way if you will has the qr code on the back and so great to give out the kids they can hear the gospel just that quick then caleb garroway that comes and preaches at our youth conference put this one out for adults this is called the gospel film for adults and of course teenagers too or maybe an older young person would enjoy this more and of course it's a film and it's a great great gospel presentation there and you can get those at the guest services or the receptionist center to be able to get that one more thing we'll pass out fellows if you'll help me please this is the music clinic we passed it out this morning we'll pass that again tonight and so music clinic if you'd be interested in attending the music clinic brother palmer come if you will i'm going to put him on the spot he was good about that this morning he did well and he's going to come up and tell you about the different classes that would be offered and ushers go ahead and watch this if you will don't pass it out until he tells about a little bit that way it might spur some people on to get it the music clinic was created six years ago here at our church for the purpose of helping our music department but now it has grown we're trying to help others not just those in our music department perhaps some folks that are in our church that need some would like some more information or understanding about music but also for other churches as well yes brother you are welcome to attend okay and uh we have this year more speakers than we've ever had we have more sessions than we've ever had brother byron fox who is the founder of bible truth music we use a lot of his choir music here he'll be with us and he'll be our main speaker but we'll also have brother and mrs ed russ from evansville indiana which is where we record our tour group cds from faith music missions they'll be here and also brother david chamberlain who is uh he's a very good pianist he'll be here as well and they'll be singing and teaching brother brother fox will be teaching also we'll have sessions if you've been to our music clinic before most of us been done in the auditorium and we'll have some of that still also but we're going to have sessions breakout sessions for vocalists and choir members group leaders orchestra members song writers and so forth and we're going to have men's sessions we have ladies session and so you don't want to miss it okay it's 15 to attend that includes a friday supper and a saturday lunch then it concludes your materials starts on friday night and picks back up on saturday afternoon supper will start at 5 30 on friday night sessions will start at 6 15. so you have a little bit of time if you're trying to get here from work to still make it and then saturday will start up about two o'clock or so um if you have children who are not 12 and up but you don't really have a place to put them because the only nursery is available for the little ones the pre-schooling down little ones the 12 and below can come sit in the sessions for free we're making some arrangements so that you can bring your kids to have a supper and lunch also so we'll be letting you know about that very soon but we like to have as many of you come as possible especially those that are involved in our music program if you can only make it to one one of the two days that's great one is better than none but i know it'll be a blessing and a help to us you've done a great job i haven't shared this with preacher yet today but i was thinking i shared it with the choir we had 60 people that were involved in our music program this morning that's a choir orchestra special music all the instrumentalists 60 people involved uh two sound men account 60 people that's more than we had when my family came to church here and we had 45 people here so the music department is blessed and we're grateful for all that's taking place but we still have room to grow and still we want to get better and and serve the lord with our best talents so please consider that we'd love to have you yeah we'll be also uh just several things of course that is going to be taught during that time about group leaders and things of that nature songwriting of course uh mrs shipline with the orchestra she's doing a great job with our orchestra and it's growing continually and we thank the lord for that so many many things would be there in addition to some of the things he even mentioned which you might just be interested in if i were you i just come for the food is what i would do because you know 15. you know you go out to eat my dear friend and it's going to cost you that much one time eating so you come and eat twice 15 and you get to sit in on all of the stuff i mean that'd be worth it right there now if you're interested raise your hand ushers are coming down the aisle music clinic coming up and you don't want to miss that we also have a ladies conference coming up you can get that off the back table back there tells you all about the speakers for the upcoming ladies conference and you don't want to miss that as well october 1 and 2 and that could be a tremendous tremendous blessing there as well please pray for joshua aaron and his dear family they're missionaries out of our church uh they're at the first baptist church there in pennsylvania then thank the lord we have a church plant in south dallas they had 38 in attendance one visitor one profession of faith 12 people saved while out knocking doors then yesterday we ran our sea program and had 41 in attendance yesterday and there was two people receiving christ one person being baptized our homeless ministry chapel on wheels yesterday 17 in attendance and uh there was four people that received christ as savior 17 is this the attenders not the workers and so that was good right at 561 so we're starting to climb back up and before the pandemic we're right at 9 50 and then all of a sudden the coronavirus hit and but we're starting to climb back up again so what a blessing that is and there's four people walking in the aisle this morning too following the lord in baptism so we praise the lord for that as well then also please don't forget if you want to register to vote out here of course november is a time for november elections if you'd like to register the vote you can go out here at guest services and we've arranged it for you to be able to register to vote right there then of course don't forget some of the other upcoming things i mentioned labor day picnic give it all this year be october the 3rd and we're trying to raise between 20 and thirty thousand dollars and this would be for a more uh travel type bus it'll be for of course our senior saints the couples the college and career the singles teens will use it children will use it spanish department special needs ladies men and ladies choir so please be mindful about that there will be a brief teachers meeting tonight after the service my teachers meetings only last 10 minutes long i make sure of that if i'm not done within 10 minutes i'll just give you the rest of the material when you go but 10 minutes long okay teacher's meeting tonight and that'll be in the old sewing room then deacons don't forget to meet with me tonight tonight we go over the budget yes and so if you're married to a deacon god bless you uh but we're gonna meet for quite a long time and so you you be mindful about that and we would appreciate you giving them that allowance to be able to do so have a bookstore hope you avail yourself i push these things real well today with brother palmore's help and he did a good job in describing this apron here i know it's embroidered now i heard about that i know it's for fall i heard about that i know you're supposed to use it in the kitchen heard about that this is the thing i'm interested in you have a camouflage bible oh yes that's right girls you look up here i mean boys you look up here at a camouflage bible and that means you can go out in the woods while you're hunting fellas and be able to lead somebody to christ and so what a wonderful blessing you can go hunting for different game that way and so please pray for the denise family course uh this is brother denise's mom and daddy that's in the hospital with covet dear friends every time i'd go and preach there in cebu he'd always come and be a part of the conference and dear dear friends so you pray for them that's mom and dad denise over there in cebu philippines then josh combusts we've been mentioning him regularly from her pulpit to pray for him i mentioned to you last sunday night also i mentioned to you of course on wednesday regularly and of course that's rebecca edipio's brother and so if you'll pray for him he's had about with covet he's in the hospital and would appreciate your prayers there as well okay if you brought a guest would you introduce your guests please stand and introduce your guests if you brought a guest tonight i saw a whole busload come in on this first pew right here god bless you folks thank you so much for coming we appreciate you being here all right yes go ahead oh sarah i tell you what she just puts you on the spot for sure okay well that's good god bless you well folks thank you for coming god bless you and would you like to introduce your parents would you like to do it you can make a big deal of it if you want to go ahead you want to try that's great good to see you folks god bless you thank you so much for being here all right anybody else have a guest you want to introduce well god bless you folks thank you for coming let's give them a big round of applause please and let's pray together heavenly father thank you for a wonderful morning that you gave us god it's always good to see the visitors come in almost every service god folks that you bring our way as our people go out invite people to church and encourage them to come to the house of lord thank you for every week us being able to see folks saved and folks baptized in the different ministry outreaches that we have here into the community and then around the world through our missions program dear lord i pray to continue to help our church to be that lighthouse that we need to be continue to expand our influence and our impact in our community and god thank you for the faithfulness of your people on on saturday my goodness what a great group of folks that came out uh to go knock on doors and invite people to church and give out the gospel continue to help us be what we're supposed to be in these last days and reach as many people as we can bless our service tonight be with us as we gather around your word help us to learn some things that can help us in our personal individual spiritual lives and god make a step of growth that would please you in jesus name amen well the wells boys are singing tonight appreciate them so much i used to just uh introduce them as the wells boys but now they're men and i know it's it's almost like carl hatch used to come up with these boys when they were young and uh he would get when they they were three and four years of age he'd get him on the cheek and say how's my baby doing and and then he never quit he never quit so when they were 16 and 17 he come up to him in public how's my baby doing you know and i appreciate these fellas they're married now of course got children of their own but they'll sing tonight and has climbed every mountain no matter how high he has conquered the planets from sky to sky but there is a [Music] my lord place he has buried my sin in the depths of the sea of god's forgetfulness [Music] far away from all power and principality my sins are in the depths of [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm free from the bondage free from the chains my sins are separated as darkness from god praise god i'm forgiven [Music] [Music] [Applause] far away from all power and principalities [Music] my sins are in the depths of the sea of the sea my [Music] [Applause] [Music] well stan once again if you would as we sing page number 465 who is on the lord's side we'll sing the first and the last verse page 464. turn there and sing with us is [Music] is [Music] mercedes [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] is me [Music] all right if you're a visitor take your visitor's car just a minute place in the offering plate as it does go by we'd appreciate that brother bachmann is going to come he's going to lead us in prayer we'll receive the offering tonight by the way if you're home tonight and you're a member of parkside baptist church we invite you to be a part of the offering time as well you can do that by going to the website okay let's bow our heads for prayer please or we do ask that you'll take now our tithes our offerings our gifts unto you you'll multiply the use of these god we thank you that we're just not investing in something that's temporal but in something that's eternal and god every week of the world folks are getting saved because of the faithfulness of your people to give so that we can run the buses and purchase tracks and send missionaries around the world and uh run programs here in this area to get the gospel to people god our patriot help us to continue to be faithful god thank you for the way that you have blessed our church and god that these folks have been obedient to you in making sure that they obey the command that you've given to us to make sure that we honor the lord with the substance and the first fruits of all of our increase might that again be the case tonight and god might each of us receive the blessing as well as our church continue to be blessed because of our people being faithful give you the thanks for it in jesus name amen [Music] all right just a few announcements to make sure that you're up on the calendar course sunday school teachers bus captain reminders and make sure that you turn in your fall program plan form to the reception desk tonight and then of course sunday school teachers you can pick up your next week's sunday school lesson at the table by the copy room after the server so make sure you pick that up before you leave property tonight and of course tuesday's regular uh adult soul winning at seven o'clock and meets in the choir ready room uh wednesday night service course is at seven just prior to that is our call ministry which is a grief support ministry that meets in the senior saints classroom at six o'clock and then of course uh the peewee and patch clubs meet uh on wednesday night they'll meet in here for the bible study and then dismiss towards the beginning of that uh to their respective areas park side baptist academy we'll have a chapel combined with homeschoolers a second wednesday of every month and i think didn't that just happen already i think but anyway second wednesday of every month starting this wednesday at 10 o'clock our annual music clinic is coming up on friday and saturday we just heard a lot about that and the multiple guest speakers multiple sessions on different areas and that's for ages 12 and up and that includes all the materials and two meals just for the cost of 15 you can register at guest services or on the church website there is a family prayer breakfast coming up and that is the same weekend as a music clinic and so they're providing the supper on friday and then family prayer breakfast will be saturday morning at a run from 8 30 to 9 45 and that way to be as come as come and go and that way the folks in the bus finish can come and still make it on time to their meetings cost is just a dollar per person you can pay for your ticket at the guest services and then pray together with your group or family that you came with senior adults are headed to medieval times that'll be saturday september 25th any one course is welcome to join them you can pick up a flower with all the details at guest services the deadline to sign up and pay is september 12th and that will make sure that we get all the tickets in one area as far as seating is concerned and then also that evening single adults 18 and up will be having a round town scavenger hunt that'll be september 25th that'll be from three o'clock to eight o'clock the only cost is for your meal at a fast food restaurant so make plans on that you can pick up a flyer and sign up at guest services and the deadline to do that is wednesday september 22nd ladies conference is right after that for girls and ladies third grade and up that'll be on friday and saturday october 1st and 2nd our special speakers this year are joni bolton and amy sapp and you don't want to miss all the fun fellowship great teaching and of course there'll be quite a few door prizes and so you'll make sure you want to be on time for that register online at parkside or you can sign up and register there at the guest services if you're interested in setting up a craft table at the conference or the craft fair in november you can register at guest services starting tonight and for more information there are some flyers at guest services that give details on how to do that the best in the west marriage retreats going to be held friday and saturday november fifth and sixth cautious 155 dollars per couple there is a fifty dollar non-refundable registration that will be due october third and then of course after that the registration will go up to seventy five dollars per couple uh remaining balance of 105 is due by october 20th of course you can sign up and pay at guest services and pick up your flyer with some of the details all right take your bible please let's go tonight to the book of james the book of james chapter 1 please if you will the book of james chapter 1 look at verse 12 the book of james chapter 1 and verse 12 tonight please let's stand together for the reading of god's word please the book of james chapter 1 and verse 12 blessed is the man that endureth temptation for when he has tried he shall receive the crown of life which the lord hath promised to them that love him and let's pray father we thank you for tonight and what a privilege it is to be able to come and open a bible learn and grow speak to our hearts tonight we do pray and show us the truth that can help us to be more like christ and the way that we live our lives and we'll thank you be with the spanish department and dr whitfield as he preaches there and of course other things that's happening on campus right now and we appreciate all that you do in jesus name amen be seated please [Music] we believe in the father who created all that is and we believe the universe and all therein is his as a loving heavenly he father to save us all [Music] to lift us from the fall we believe [Music] we believe in jesus the father's only sun existing uncreated before time had begun the sacrifice for sin he died then he rose again to ransom sinful man we believe [Music] we believe in the spirit who makes believers one our hearts are filled with his presence the comforter has come the kingdom unfolds in his plan [Music] his church upheld by his hand believe all the earth be removed and time be no more these truths are secure god's word shall endure whatever may change these things are sure we [Applause] so if the mountains are cast down into the plain the walking dogs may crumble this one remains our faith is not subject to seasons of man with our fathers we broke lame we believe our lord will come as he said the land and the sea will give up their dead his children with him as their head we [Applause] believe [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me all right good job patrick wow what a blessing amen aren't you glad we believe aren't you glad about that now we're in the book of james chapter 12 please er chapter 1 chapter 1 don't go to chapter 12. you won't find it james chapter 1 look at verse 12. here's what it is okay the bible says james chapter 1 verse 12 it says blessed is the man that endureth temptation now hold to that thought i want to preach this evening on think about this winning over temptation don't let temptation win you but you find out how to win over temptation in other words how to be victorious over temptation is what we're going to talk to now i'm going to give you bible principle after a bible principle after a bible principle on how to avoid being if you would please drawn into temptation now notice the rest of our bible verse here the bible says for when he has tried he shall receive the crown of life and went watch it which the lord hath promised to them that love him and as we think about temptation i don't know about you but i've seen many people many people over the years that have succumbed to temptation otherwise they have fallen into temptation now i want to tell you something dear friend there's no reason for that there's no reason for that if you make wise decisions you can avoid falling into that which is being tempted and i want to show you some bible principles tonight that will help you to avoid that you need to work on it you need to work on it it doesn't matter what age you are doesn't matter what it doesn't matter if you're a child it doesn't matter if you're a teenager doesn't matter tonight if you're an adult it doesn't matter if you're a young adult or an older adult every single person in this room the devil would like to destroy and the way that he will destroy you is to put things inside or in front of you to tempt you and so i want to give you some things tonight how is it that we can overcome temptation well with the following statement number one with decision with decision you have to decide inside of you tonight that you are not going to succumb to temptation you say well is it that easy no there's more principles we'll give tonight but that's a pretty good start just to decide that you're not going to be overcome by the wicked one you understand this the bible says that the devil goeth about is a roaring lion seeking listen to it now seeking listen to it now seeking whom he may devour he's not after your things tonight he's not after your things he's not after what you possess tonight he's not he's not after that what he's after tonight is you that's what he's after and if he can get you my dear friend he gets everything you own if he can get you he'll get all your possessions if he can get you he'll get your future okay he'll destroy your life forever now the bible gives us if you would please uh the things that we need to do in order not to be overcome by temptation one of those things we do tonight is with a decision listen to your bible james chapter 1 verse 14 the bible said every man is tempted when he's drawn away of his own lust and enticed now an enticement is a glance it's a look if you would please all right you have to be sure that you keep your eyes in the right place you have to be sure that you keep your heart in the right place it first starts with the decision you have to decide that you're going to be firm in your heart that i will not do thus and so but i will do thus and so in serving god okay but i'm not going to do those things that's going to cause me to have a downfall see you choose everything that comes in your life you choose everything you you don't have to eat that apple pie you don't have to you don't have to eat that cherry pie you don't have to oh the other night last night i announced it this morning told about it in the message but i had such a fun time i want to tell you about a little bit more we had the privilege to take the assistant pastors children out yesterday we had a staff children's activity these are the children of the assistant pastors and uh my wife and i took them out from two o'clock to 6 30 and yes we did survive but we took them to a put golf place and it was a glow-in-the-dark type of golf place and boy they had fun but you know i found out that some of them had never played putt-putt golf before and we did we did we did we certainly did we tried to teach them how to hold the club and that that didn't work but they didn't know how to hold the ball now i'm not talking about the teenagers and i appreciate the of course two of our college young men as i talked about this morning uh you know jordan bachmann of course dr mrs bachmann's son and and sean did a great job sean of course being the son of brother mrs palmer and they did a good job matter of fact i told them as we were leaving the place that we were eating i said fellas you're going to make good husbands one day you're going to make good good daddies one day because they just took those little bitty kids under care i mean we're sitting there at the restaurant they're taking down their orders for them and they're telling what they want and then as we're driving along in the car if the and one of the kids were getting a little bit rowdy they try to calm them down a little bit you know and and some of the stories that these kids told was just unreal like the story one of them told where all these snakes came into the house and they got up and they were the hero because they killed them i thought that's neat uh one of them said this is where my grandpa works another one said well my dad worked in a bigger building than that only to find out they worked in the same building you know and you heard this you know my dad's better than your dad type of thing and stuff like that now now wait a minute watch this but i had fun of being able and my wife did too we had fun being able to be with these children and and to be able to watch them even though they the little ones now not the big ones they they they knew how to hold the club and we didn't have to teach them how to hold the club and things of that nature but the little ones would take the ball up and they knew the object of the game was to put the ball in the hole they knew that they knew that so they simply took a shortcut for every single time that they go up and uh supposed to put the ball in the hole they did it matter of fact they got a hole in one almost every single time because they'd take the ball up they'd walk up they'd see the hole they'd bend down and put the ball in the hole now i want to tell you something overcoming temptation is not that easy it's just not one thing that you do it is several things that you do and you have to do it the way god says to do it in order for it to count in your life you can look at other shortcuts if you want to you can decide to take the shortcuts in your life if you want to but i'm telling you here tonight i've seen many young people that have failed because they have not followed god's instruction and they have failed miserably and before you know it the preacher comes along or somebody else that's a godly counselor or maybe a mom and daddy come along as a godly counselor they're trying to help them to pick up the pieces but can i tell you it's a shame that they have to help them pick up the pieces there never should have been any pieces where does it all start it starts with a decision a decision that you let your guard down a decision that you think a wrong thought a decision that you go a wrong place a decision that you hang around the wrong crowd a decision that you put the wrong type of music in your life a decision that you watch something that tempts you on the television or you listen to something in a variance of music that causes you to think the things that you should not do it might be picking up a book and reading it might be picking up an article and reading it it might be if you would please going to a certain event or going to a certain place it's all about this one thing that is called decision and here's what the bible says and let me re-read it again james chapter 1 and verse 14 every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust and enticed you have to make sure that you do not put yourself in a place where you're drawn away first thessalonians chapter 5 and verse 21 the bible says prove all things hold fast to that which is good so when you find out what is good and something else comes along may i say this when you find out what is spiritual and you find that something else comes along that should not divert your decision you should always stay with your decision no matter what comes along president ronald reagan long before he was president ronald reagan was a young boy and his grandmother saw that he needed some shoes she took him down to the shoe cobbler and said now now ronald you tell him what type of shoes you want and he'll make them for you ronald reagan looked at the shoe cobbler and and he couldn't make up his mind does he want round tip or does he want square tip just couldn't make up his mind the next day the shoe cobbler saw ronald reagan walking down the street said ronald have you decided do you want the round tip or do you want the square tip he said i don't know he said come by my uh a place tomorrow and tell me tomorrow morning because i'm going to be making them all tomorrow afternoon come by ronald reagan showed up at the shoe cobbler's uh place and and so he walked in he told the shoe cobbler he said i still don't know i just don't know shoe cobbler said don't worry about it i'll take care of it so the next day when he came by to pick up the shoes he had one round one and one square one and the shoe cobbler said this and it stayed in ronald reagan's heart even during the time of his presidency the shoe cobbler said this if you don't make a right decision somebody else will make it for you now you have to understand i don't care again what age you are you are in the place of decision-making you have to if you're going to be able to overcome temptation uh be able to escape the wiles of the devil you've got to decide that you're going to make the right decision when the devil comes knocking on your door statement number one how is it that we can overcome that which is temptation well with some things tonight that's important with a decision statement number two with devotion with devotion here's what the bible says second corinthians chapter 10 and verse 13 the bible says talking about god god's saying this that that he will not suffer to be tempted above that which are able all right god said i'm not going to suffer you to be tempted above that which ye are able see inside of you my dear friend you have a holy ghost and that holy ghost will help you to be able to make the right decisions that holy ghost will lead you in a direction that you should go that holy ghost will also lead you in the things that you should say and the things you should not say listen to me now when you should say them and when you should not say them the whole thing about being able to overcome that which is the devices of the devil is walking with god and allowing god to be able to work in you and through you to overcome temptations so how is it that you do that you do that with a decision you do that with devotion the bible says over in psalm 119 and verse 11 the bible says thy word have i hid in my heart listen to it now that i might not sin against thee so god said he's given you his word now why has he given you his word he's given you his word so you might not sin against him dr bob jones senior said this he said the the dwarf success swings on the hinges of opposition the devil does not want you to be able to be successful in your christian life now because of that that door of success or that door if you would please obedience to god will always swing and it's going to swing on the hinges of opposition serving god is not always easy standing against the wiles of the devil is not always easy standing up for what is right when everybody else is going wrong is not always easy trying to live for god is like swimming upstream against the current for the person that says i'm living for god and it's easy something's wrong there i've lived for god for uh now on to 40 some years and can i tell you living for god is not easy what's quiet in the house tonight god's going to send people in your life to try and discourage you he'll send problems in your life that's overwhelming he'll send difficulties in your life that you might not understand then watch this if you will please those things are there many times sent by god himself to help you to trust him more but sometimes the devil gets in it and what becomes that which is a little a problem are you listening to me a little difficulty are you listening to me now the devil gets in he puts a hook and tries to draw watch this watch this watch this all right come here devil if you will come here god come here watch this watch this watch this i i i i got to go to the dentist i don't want to go to the dentist i don't like dentists i don't care for a dentist i think that they're of the devil no i'm kidding but i i got to go to the dentist i'm just kidding i love dentists but not really i just don't like the pain but here we go here we go here we go so i'm going to go down to the dentist and oh my oh my it's starting to bother me a little bit and so uh what happens is the devil starts to put doubts in my heart and he's starting to say that dennis he's going to miss the tooth and he'll probably drill through the back of your head or something you know he just you know all these doubts and he'll try and pull me this way he'll try and pull me but god says god says god says it'll be okay it'll be all right it'll be okay it'll be all right it'll be okay the devil's heavy and uh but all right now watch this if you will watch understand this we understand this we understand this we understand that who you yield yourself to is oftentimes you know when god allows things to come in your life is to draw you closer to him so that he can be the one that answers your prayers so that he can be the one to show you he's mighty he's great when the devil sins if you would please things in your life he tries to keep you poor but i don't have no matter what he puts in my life no matter if there's a mean cantankerous uh angry person that the devil puts in my life i don't have to go that way i can always go this way what is that i'm telling you what it is it's decision it's decision now watch this if you will here's what we see there's decision there's devotion there's devotion out in california they have what they call orange groves orange groves you've ever been to california you can drive through the orange groves now here's what they're concerned about they're not concerned about the oranges that's on the tree they're concerned about the tree because being concerned about the tree if the tree is that which is healthy it'll produce the right type of oranges it'll produce the right type of fruit i think sometimes here's what we do we look at the fruit and we're more concerned about the fruit in a person's life than we are about the healthy spiritualness of a person and because we're more concerned and and here's what people do they judge people and only judge people by the fruit that they see but not about the spiritual health of the individual just because somebody gets down doesn't mean they're going to stay down just because somebody sins doesn't mean they're going to live in that sin the rest of days of life just because a dad makes a wrong decision you listen to me children just because dad makes a wrong decision you are not to wipe him out x him out that doesn't mean he's going to make wrong decisions the rest of the days of his life that doesn't mean that uh just because uh a guy gets up to sing one time and he messes up that doesn't mean he's gonna mess up see here's what we do we write people off way too quick and then it's something you are quick to write off somebody else's child but you're not quick to write off your own that's kind of hypocritical isn't it now can i tell you the way to get over that is to simply understand that we need to be the one that tries to help all those to be that which is spiritual so that later on no matter when that later on is we get to see some fruit you realize there are college students that come here they come here and we have a largest freshman class i think we've had in a while but did you know the college students that come here they come here from every walk of life we've had the privilege to preach either dr bachmann or or brother bell or or brother butler or myself to preach in these churches and every church is different every church is different so when they come to park side because every church is different you know what that means it means our church is different hello when people join our church you know uh they see that well there's something there's there's some things different about your church the way you run the program the way that you uh instruct people the way that maybe the way you preach or the way you guys make announcements or something like that now can i say this uh listen just because you go to a different church when you're on vacation and they don't do it like we do it that doesn't mean the church is wrong just because a man of god gets up we have all caliber of preachers that come here and preach in this pulpit some will get up and boy they'll shout the whole time and they spit the holy water all the whole time now watch this why i said don't don't fall into this trap some people come and they're they're they're monotone and they're preaching some people come and they stand behind the pope at the whole time some people come they try and climb on the pulpit some are storytellers some are straight shooters now wait a minute watch this all of them god can use in your life if you let god use them in your life they're all different you say well i like that type but you know even in your life you don't walk around shouting at your family the whole time takes balance my bible says a just balance is a delight having that just but a false balance is an abomination so what we have to do we have to understand that there is that which is a decision there is that which is devotion we need the devotion statement number next i'm saying how can you overcome temptation with the decision with devotion you ready with discipline discipline discipline when our children were coming up and we would teach them not to touch certain things we uh we didn't hide a lot of things from our children because they needed to learn what their boundaries were i know a lot of parents well you know they put everything on the top shelf and stuff like that well you might want to put your most expensive vase on the top shelf but those other 99 cent ones leave on the bottom shelf and teach them not to touch them teach what it is to help your children to be obedient discipline help them to sit up in church and pay attention and listen to what the preacher says discipline help them to know how to help around the house discipline now the bible says in james 1 12 the bible said blessed is the man that endureth temptation oh what is that that's discipline when all of a sudden you have a sinful thought that doesn't mean you have to rest upon it have a sinful thought that doesn't mean you have to entertain it doesn't mean you have to be obedient to it first thessalonians chapter 5 verse 22 says this abstain from all appearance of evil so what do you do you put some things down i'm talking to dads tonight i'm talking to older men tonight but i'm talking everybody under that too you put some discipline things in your life if you have trouble watching the wrong things on television then don't stay up after all your family goes to bed you're putting yourself in a place of temptation get some discipline if you have trouble staying away from the liquor crowd and stuff like that don't go drink milk at the bar have some discipline put some things in your life if you have problems with looking at the wrong things on your phone then uh get somebody to be accountable to for those wrong things have some discipline in your life now i'm saying this the bible teaches that we're supposed to abstain from all those appearances of evil now what is evil knowing to do right choosing to do wrong knowing what is good choosing to do bad he that knoweth to do good and doeth it not to him it has talked to me he that knoweth to do good and doeth it not to him it is talk to me he that knoweth to do good and doeth it not to him it is sin so if you know to do good and you don't do it then it's sin so why not do what you're supposed to do so that you don't fall into sin now what is that that's called discipline harry heinz was born in 1844 he was a german immigrant that came over from germany he landed and grew up and had his business in pittsburgh pennsylvania he came from a poor family he grew vegetables and had a big family garden and he sold the vegetables to be able to work his way through school and work his way through college then after getting married he started his own business it was a horse reddish type of a business where they would take the horseradish and they would go ahead and get it produced and to put it out in 1875 of course the national economy here in the states collapsed it was just everybody's going bankrupt back in those days and so his business went bankrupt he had some people that invested in him in that business and he made a vow he said i'm going to pay them back if i have to pay them back in my own pocket i'm going to pay them back later on he started a business and uh it was called uh heinz it was called heinz 57 it was the h j heinz company it became a national national chain i'm talking about how many you've ever had heinz 57 catch up yeah okay well this is the man that invented that he went back to these gentlemen that had invested in him and he said look he's not i'm gonna pay you back and he paid them back now can i tell you what what is that that is called discipline discipline you know i don't know about you you know here's something that bothers me when somebody owes me money it doesn't bother me and i i try not to say much to them if somebody does owe me something but if i owe somebody a dollar then to eat my lunch if i owe somebody five dollars they'd just eat me up until i can pay them back i mean just eat me up eat me alive now you know why because long ago my daddy taught me some discipline now the same it is in your life when it comes to that which is having discipline in your life to be able to overcome temptations there has to come a time stand up devil if you will and stand up representative of the lord he tries to get me to come he starts shouting at me don't don't touch just shout at me and go ahead shout shout out come on come on he gets all louder he jumps up and down he just he's excited all right and so he's trying to get me to go that way all right now wait a minute the bible talks about how the holy spirit is a still small voice the world does this the world jumps up and down probably better than what he did right there but the world jumps up and down tries to get your attention tries to get you to come has all sorts of if you would please hooks in the water to pull you to pull you to pull you to pull you to pull you to pull you and yet there's a still small voice inside of you listen to me now you know it's true this is bible there's a still small voice inside of you that says don't do that nobody has to really tell you because you have the holy ghost and that holy ghost says don't do that now so what do you have to do now it comes down to decision now it comes down to devotion now it comes down to discipline thank you when we uh was in evangelism we traveled 45 minutes every time that i wasn't preaching off to attend a local fundamental independent baptist church where the bible was preached without apology and i could grow and my wife could grow and our children could grow in the lord we never used that which was the length of time that we traveled the distance of time that we traveled as an inconvenience because we never talked about it we never said oh it's time to go oh no we're always looking forward to church and even if sometimes we were tired because we traveled on the road all that week or whatever we never skipped church not one time because of discipline there has to be discipline in your life how is it that we can overcome temptation with decision with devotion with discipline let me give you just one or two more ready with denouncement with denouncement the bible talks about how jesus said on to this on to satan matthew chapter 4 and verse 10 says then jesus said unto him get the hence satan oh listen to this uh luke chapter four and verse eight uh when jesus was tempted he denounced satan and he said get thee behind me satan in james chapter 4 and verse 7 the bible says resist the devil and he will flee from you all right so the bible talks about how is it that we can denounce other words we can ignore you know we can just ignore yeah i'm not going to have him get up and do it because you know he had trouble there but if he is going to take and he is going to try to get me to come his way he will use everything within his power to get me to do that now you be aware of his parents he'll do everything within his power to get me to do that so what do i do i denounce that i turn away from that i'm not going to have anything to do with that i'm going to walk away from that i'm going to turn my back on that you see the bible talks about how our lord jesus christ gave us the answer to be able to overcome temptation as he himself was tempted in the book of james as james so skillfully writes by way of the inspiration of the holy spirit to resist the devil and he will flee from you one of america's probably most popular politicians if you will was a guy by the name of daniel webster he was in the 1800s it was before the civil war he gave powerful powerful speeches daniel had an older brother by the name of ezekiel and one day ezekiel and daniel as being instructed by their dad every day decided they wanted to do their own thing so dad like normal every day gave him a routine to do chores to do if you will dad came home and he looked at the older boy ezekiel and he says what did you do today ezekiel and ezekiel spoke up being honest he said nothing sir he didn't do any of the chores nothing sir at least he was honest then he looked at daniel and he said what did you do today he said i helped zeke he was honest now folks can i tell you you have to be honest in your heart because nobody else knows you like you know you your parents don't know you like you know you you'd be thinking the wrong thing entertaining the wrong thing nobody knows that and you know nobody knows that and so that's why you continue to think that but somewhere in your life you're going to have to decide that you want to get close to god somewhere in your life you're going to have to decide that it's not any longer playing religion it's not any longer coming to a good church it's not any longer just hearing a bible study or hearing preaching but i myself are going to become a dedicated christian and a part of that is simply being that person that denounces these two boys both grew up to be fine outstanding american citizens but can i say they made some decisions in their life now let me give you this last thing and i'm done i said how is it that we can overcome temptation statement number one i said with decision that's where it starts statement number two i said with devotion that carries it through statement number three i said with discipline you have to be strong in what you believe and just decide i will do right statement number four with denouncement you denounce that which is wicked and turn away statement number five and i'm done tonight and that is with diligence with diligence the bible says in the book of james chapter 1 verses 15 and 16. the bible says lust then it talks about bringing forth sin then it talks about how sin bringeth forth death and then he says this he says this verse 16 he says do not air my beloved brethren he said don't err you know that lust brings forth sin you know that sin brings forth death then he says this do not air do not air there was a missionary to china by the name of jonathan goforth jonathan goforth was an amazing missionary as you study missionaries perhaps he will become one of your heroes of the faith he was a great missionary he labored in china thousands of people came to know christ as savior and when he died his dear wife rosalind wrote a biography about his life she said i marveled at my husband who had lost his total eyesight how much he still loved the word of god so what he would do is he would bring in one of those young people that he had mentored that was now teaching the bible college and he would say read me the scriptures he was there in bed he was very sick he was dying lost his sight they would come in they'd begin to read the scriptures to him and he would correct them because he had memorized almost the entire bible and so when they would read it in chinese he was listening to it american missionary knew chinese well very well and when they would read the scriptures to him and all of a sudden they would make a mistake he would back up and he would correct them say no this is how you say it and he would say it to them he would quote the scriptures and make them read it again to read it correctly now what is that called i'm going to tell you what that's called that's called diligence if you're going to memorize a verse that's called diligence if you're going to memorize a chapter i would dare say that's called more diligence if you're going to memorize a book i would say that's very diligent if you're going to memorize the bible that is ultimate diligence never amazes me how young people can memorize and i think some parents they don't take advantage of the fact that your young people can memorize they memorize how to say words they memorize places they memorize people's names very young age they memorize their favorite cartoon characters very young age they memorize baseball players and football players and soccer players and those that play rugby and those that play all sorts of other games they memorize their names movie stars they memorize their names people that do great acts or great feats of accomplishment they memorize their names and then you ask them can you quote john 3 16 they can't do it might it be that what we teach our children to emphasize or what we emphasize to our children might it be that's what they pick up on may i remind you please that we're supposed to hide the word of god in her heart heart heart one day your heart my dear friend you listen to me listen to me now one day your heart is going to stop beating within your chest and your kid is left alone to defend themselves to be attacked by the wicked one and the only way they can survive is to have the word of god hidden in their hearts that they might not send you know we have great emphasis and we have a growing choir you heard brother palmer i think 60 or so was in the orchestra in choir this morning that's great it's growing back to uh full capacity again and we have ministries that's growing man that's that's great that's fine that's good that's that's that's that's super but here's the thing what are you gonna do one day then all of a sudden pastor's heart stops beating your daddy's heart stops beating oh you say oh brother wells ended on a good note i'm going to try to in just a minute but we do know this that what we hide in our hearts what's the last thing your kids remember when they it's time for bed is there a reading of a verse is there a prayer is that what they remember right before going to bed is there a prayer is there any talking about jesus whatsoever or does the tv go off and the kids go to bed and the last thing they remember is somebody shooting somebody else and that's in their mind and in their heart is that what they remember do they remember you telling your dear wife honey i love you see in the morning you telling your husband love you good night is that what they remember or do you remember you fighting and fussing maybe even for real boxing is that what they remember do they remember anything that would help them to grow up and practice diligence in serving god one last verse i'll read you and i'm done the bible says in 1st peter chapter 5 and verse 8. i quoted it a moment ago i want to read it to you now be sober be viligent because your adversary the devil as a roaring lion walketh about seeking here it is whom here it is whom see it whom he may devour he wants to devour you he wants to devour your kids i think you ought to pray a hedge about your family i think you ought to decide as dad and mom to help your kids overcome temptation put some of these principles in place heads bowed and eyes closed you say preacher i want you to pray for me tonight i don't know for sure if i died i'd go to heaven there's a doubt reservation lack of peace i want you to pray for me i'm not sure i'm going to go to heaven i would really like to understand the need of christ please pray for me here's my hand would you raise your hand just put it up put it down pastor that's me tonight i'm not sure i'm going to go to heaven please pray for me here's my hand here's my hand say preacher god spoke to my heart tonight god spoke to my heart tonight and i want you to pray that i'll do the right thing to overcome temptation please pray for me here is my hand would you raise yours god bless you dear friend i'm going to ask us to stand for just a moment i'm going to ask us to do something quite different tonight everyone stand please just a minute i'll point to the pianist i'll point to the organist they'll begin to play i want to tell you something i want to tell you something i think it would be really great you do what you want but i think it'd be really great if you as a family came and you gather around an altar somewhere here tonight and you prayed as a family if you're here tonight you're single come as a single person get as close to the altar as you can and to fill up but you come and you pray and say dear god please help me to overcome any temptation help my children to overcome any temptation that they're facing in their life my my my how important that is as they begin to play right now would you come would you come come on grab your wife by the hand grab your kiddos by the hand get as close to the altar as you can it'll fill up but you come still you come still you come still [Music] you need to pray by yourself pray by yourself but you come and you pray and ask the lord to help you parents ask the lord to help you to have the wisdom help your children help your children overcome temptations that means that you might have to do some things in their lives to help them overcome if that be true you should do it you should do it don't let your friend fall into temptation and be ruined you be the one that you should to stand up to love to walk beside to encourage [Music] let god help you let god help you [Music] what about you friend what about you take your time let god work in you let god work through you what about you nothing wrong with going to a parent saying would you pray with me about this there's a temptation in my life i need help with nothing wrong with going to a friend saying dear dear friend help me what about you i love you dear friend i'm honored to be your pastor going to tell you i can't help you to overcome your temptation i can't wish i could wish i could walk beside you hold your hand so this is what you do when it comes here's how you hit it with a baseball bat i can't do it but i can teach you bible principles i can put it before you and say this is what you need to do you have to choose to adopt them in your life you have to choose to do that thank you be seated if you will in just a minute antonio sanders has come receiving christ as savior he's one of our bible college students and he is going to be baptized tonight so you can be able to see antonio get baptized if you rejoice with him say amen please all right good i'm so glad is wonderful when people get saved no matter who they are what age they are where they come from it's a wonderful thing when people get saved all right here's what we're going to do i'm going to of course do something that we've not planned on doing i'm going to have in just a minute i'm going to get brother weslowski to come up he's going to i kind of he's baptizing in just a minute i'm not going to have brother while he'll ask me to come up here but normally what we do is we hand out a campaign and we'll read through it i'm not going to do that tonight i think i think it would just uh hurt the spirit of us just having what we just had in church service and i don't want to do that tonight so here's what we're going to do ushers come you got these things doc you got them back there well these ushers do such a good job they'll get their rewards in heaven yeah bring them up that's what they're doing thank you doc good job fellas i tell you what come on forward if you will everybody gets one of these this is about the campaign given these fellows up here too if you will they don't have one they got a white one they need a blue one all right this is about the campaign tells you everything about it okay tells you when it starts tells you what the soaring high is and i do want to introduce the captains though i want us to see these captains you'll get whose team you're on by next week and uh of course we're not splitting families or anything like that all families together and stuff and so that'd be a good thing you'll get that list by next week you know i think it's good that we have a fall campaign now i realize this i realize that we're uh of course uh the pandemic and so many different views about that but we should still listen to me now we should still go on for god so still going for god and whatever team you're on you can earn many points you can earn points for soul winning points for witnessing uh points for coming to church personal phone contacts you can read about that you can read about all the different places you come and what's going to happen is on sunday night you get a piece of paper and you just check off the amount of points you earn that week and so you're in competition with yourself how much you want to do to help your team and also to be able to appropriate those points okay i want to get the the black hawks captain and assistant captain to come now soaring high these are all these are all names of different flying um what would you call it yeah okay different flying teams but different different flying groups if you will or specialty groups that's what i want to say these are specialty groups because these are special people so here's what we got we got the the black hawks the black hawks okay the captain is patrick cummings come up here if you will and assistant team captain is kenny tucker kenny tucker all right you guys come stand together because you're a team okay all right here we got the blue angels the blue angels the captain is going to be uh of course ahe at a pie you come up if you will so brother ah you come and then uh david castillo you come david is going to be the assistant captain all right and then we have the thunderbirds the thunderbirds okay brother dale cavanaugh you come if you will thank you and then brother jonah uh creighton if you'd come please right up here please all right now these are the captains okay we have the blue hawks right here we have the blue angels raise your hand fellas we have the blackhawks i'm sorry the blackhawks raise your hand we have the blue angels raise your hand we have the thunderbirds they are now we are going to have an old-fashioned church split i've never pastored a church that we had an outside church split thank the lord when i remember going through a church split don't know what they're like so since we've never had an outside church split we have many inside church splits so we divide the membership up into three teams you will be assigned to one of these teams okay if you're a church member you'll be assigned to one of these teams okay and then they'll have meetings after church we won't take any more of your time except for like brief meetings after church and stuff like that they'll be able to get in there and tell you about some stuff every so often i'll call them up here and they'll do a chant or they'll do a a cheer or they'll put on a skit or they'll do something to try and promote you to work and and that we do four weeks sunday school campaigns four week we never do when i was on staff at a different church we did six-week campaigns i did a six-week campaign when i was pastoring in tennessee about killed the people and i said no more no more so when i became pastor at parkside baptist church here over 12 years ago i said we'll only run four-week campaigns okay and so that's what we're doing this campaign is different than what we do in the spring in the fall we divide the church in the spring it's individual competition and bringing folks it's always of course uh based on points and so you can read the points hope you can do your best you'll hear more about give these fellas a big round of applause deserve it good thank you coach go down good all right very good let's sing a song as we make ready for baptism page number 77 in your psalm book page 77 oh that will be glory for me may remain seated as we sing waiting on my and i am oh [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] glory for me glory [Music] is [Applause] [Music] my friends i'll do all the holding my friend okay all right i haven't dropped anyone yet you want to be the first one no okay all right cross your hands over your heart and i'll take you from here all right i'm just brother antonio saunders brother saunders upon a public profession of your faith i baptize you my brother in the name of the father son and holy ghost by the likeness of [Music] [Applause] please don't forget if you're a sunday school teacher or assistant sunday school teacher when you're back in the old school winning room uh of course i'll give you 10 minutes or so to get back there fellowship around don't run out uh and so please be mindful about that also there's a deacon's meeting tonight deacon's meeting tonight that will begin 30 minutes after the last amen so fellas you have time to fellowship if you need to run your wife home or whatever deacons let me remind you deacon's wives let me remind you this is a time where we cover that which is the budget and so please be mindful about that uh please uh give your farewell but a temporary farewell to miss katherine tonight okay now here's the deal she needs to go there i think she needs to get married i think she needs to move back here all in favor of that tonight raise the right hand please in the opposed of like motion okay we voted it's so and so we love you catherine god bless you and uh we we we're gonna miss you and so you be sure to come back okay all right good thank you so much for being here tonight any other announcements friends i need to make here said it dr bachmann anything labor day picnic starts at 10 ends at 3 try and come get here a little bit early don't drag in at 10 after 10. once we get here at 10 we'll divide up the teams immediately for the softball we'll try and get the softball in before it gets terribly too hot and so please be mindful about that okay we have plenty of water you don't need to worry about that if you're not sure what to bring you do not get one of those labor day picnic handouts you'll see them back there on the counter pick up one on your way out that could be a tremendous help you do not have to play softball we don't make anybody play softball if you are going to play softball you need to bring a glove okay or or have somebody that's a friend you can borrow a glove from okay so please be mindful about that if you will we will have two fields secure and so nobody will come and get those these fellows would get up oh i don't know probably about 3 30 or 4 30 in the morning and go secure those fields for us and so you won't be able to miss them they'll be the fellows laying down on the fields taking a nap when you get there and don't forget to bring the stuff you need to bring if you're going to come okay we love you and let's stand together thank you for coming tonight don't forget wednesday night bible study i'm teaching on preserving the christian home preserving the christian home wednesday night bible study hope to see you then god bless you tonight we'll sing your way out taking the chorus every day with jesus is sweeter than the day before [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] every way is [Music] oh
Channel: Parkside Baptist Church
Views: 143
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: sG4morqmHks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 21sec (6081 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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