Dr Abel Damina: Online International School of Ministry-Day 2 (26.12.2017)

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cool of ministry Ebell demeanor is my name we started the online school of ministry yesterday and it was such an awesome time in the world of His grace brother Paul we'll see I commend you to God and to the word of His grace which is able to build you up and give you an inheritance among those that are sanctified the Lord laid in my heart you know to put again any online international school of ministry so ministers around the world who are seeking for knowledge seeking for growth seek Him for direction at this time of the year as we prepare for yet another year can come into the school and be equipped with revelation knowledge of God's world and I'm glad you're a part of the school of ministry I want to appreciate all of you sent us emails I'm sure you're receiving responses and if you are yet to receive a response to your email you may need to check your spam because some mails we sent actually went but we're not we don't know why the people we sent it to us still requesting for the mails so check your spam and if you still don't see it resend your mail will make sure you get our letter a letter will show you what to do to be able to ask questions and to be able to to seek for counseling in case you do need counseling we'll give a number that you can reach me on so I can be able to bring to you knowledge and counsel and direction by the Holy Ghost but you see as we began to look at the word history in just a little bit of recap we established yesterday and ministry is New Testament ministry God had made us able ministers of the New Testament not of the later so there's a Ministry of the letter there's a Ministry of the Spirit there's a Ministry of death there's a Ministry of life there's a Ministry of condemnation there's a Ministry of righteousness there is Mount Sinai and there is a oh you're either preaching from Sinai or you're preaching from Zion if you're preaching from Sinai what you're preaching is on tables of stone what you're preaching is tables of stone if you're preaching from Zion what you're preaching is in the heart of by the spirit of the Living God if you are on scene I you are giving people the later that killeth which is expired food and if you are on Mount Zion you are bringing the spirit never give it life if you're on scene I'm your ministry is the Ministry of condemnation if you're in Zion your ministry is a ministry of righteousness if you're in Sinai your ministry is the Ministry of death and if you're in Zion your ministry is the Ministry of life how do I know which is Zion and which is sin I that's why the school of ministry in Hebrews chapter 8 verse 6 the writer of Hebrews began to make a comparison he said but now had he obtained a more excellent ministry by how much also he is the mediator of a better solution paracin a more excellent for there to be a more excellent means there was an excellent ministry for there to be mediator of a better covenant means there was another covenant that this is better than which was established upon better promises so Jesus is the mediator of a more excellent ministry than that of the Old Testament now the Old Testament is not books and the New Testament is not books we saw you know our our teaching yesterday that the Bible is not called the scriptures technically on the page of your Bible is written the Holy Scriptures but technically it is not the scriptures because in John 5:39 when Jesus said such the scriptures there was no book of John in Matthew where Jesus said you do err because you know not the scripture nor the power of God there was no book of Matthew so mass is not the scripture John is not the scripture and look when Jesus expounded unto them in all the Scriptures Luke 24 verse 27 expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself there was no Book of Luke in the book of Romans WebRunner Paul said the according to the scriptures of the prophets there was no book of Romans so Romans is not scripture in tea motivated brother Timothy Paul said to Timothy all Scripture is given by inspiration of God there was no book of Timothy so Tim what is not the scripture romance is not the scripture meaning the pistols under the scripture Marti is not the scripture Luke is not the scripture John is not the scripture meaning the Gospels are not the scriptures away the scripture the scripture is Genesis to Malachi it is called the scripture or Jesus conceived all the mystery now but Matthew Mark Luke and John are transitional books or eyewitness accounts of the humanity of Christ the new testament does not begin from matthew the New Testament begins from Acts of the Apostles in Matthew 26 28 Jesus said this is my blood of the New Testament so the New Testament is in his blood which is shed for many for the remission of sins in the book of Galatians chapter 4 verse 4 the scripture tells us but when the fullness of the time was come God sent forth his son made of a woman made on that the law so Jesus was made on that the law operated under the law he said I have not come to destroy the law but to fulfill the law to fulfill the law means to meet up with the demands of the law then you could meet up with why he came as our substitutionary our substitutionary sacrifice that that was not jesus' death that that was my death he did nothing to deserve that I seen the wages of sin is death but my death will have been useless to God so Jesus came to die my death so I can have his life his substitutionary sacrifice when Jesus died I died when he was buried I was married when he was i rose when he ascended i ascended where his glorified I am glorified that is why when he sat down he raised me up to be seated with him in the heavenlies when Jesus operated on earth in the Gospels he was operating on that the Old Testament to redeem them that were under the law that we may receive the adoption of sons why did he operate under the law to redeem us from the law so Christ has redeemed us from the law and the causes of the law for what the law could not do romance at the head verse 3 God sending his son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin condemned sin in the flesh so Jesus came to fulfill the law and his demands on our behalf Matthew Mark Luke and John are part of the law but they contain transitional truths the New Testament is in his blood Hebrews chapter 9 verse 16 for where a testament is there must also of necessity be the death of the testator for a testament is only of force after men are dead so the death of Jesus gave us the New Testament so therefore Genesis to Malachi Old Testament Matthew Mark Luke and John transition our truth historical account or eyewitness accounts acts to Revelation Jesus revealed or it is called the revelation of description or testament scripture New Testament the revelation of the scripture Old Testament Jesus concealed New Testament Jesus revealed you don't understand the Old Testament by looking at the Old Testament because is conceived to understand the concealed testament you use the revealed testament to look at the concealed testament that's why the new testament is called the revelation of the scriptures in the book of romans chapter 16 verse 25 brother paul give us that insight he said in Romans 16:25 now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel what is his gospel the preaching of Jesus Christ according to the revelation of the mystery which was kept secret since the world began the mystery was kept secret since the world began that is when the Book of Luke chapter 10 verse 24 Jesus speaking say true to them he says for I tell you that many prophets and Kings have desired to see those things which you see and have not seen them and to hear those things which you hear and have not heard them so he said to them blessed are the eyes which see the things that you see meaning the Old Testament remained a mystery until Jesus came and give us the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit earful unveils the mysteries in the Old Testament so the New Testament is a revelation of the mystery so to understand the mystery we use New Testament binoculars to look at the Old Testament now please this is unsharp imparting some of you it's so much a dimension but you need to listen over and over and prayerfully minuted through what we are hearing now so we establishes the idea that the Old Testament is not from Genesis because in matthew 19:3 jesus said that in the beginning it was not so in the beginning it was not so so Genesis is referred to as the beginning John 1:1 in the beginning was the world in Genesis was the world because beginning refers to Genesis so where did the Old Testament began in the book of Hebrews chapter 8 verse number 8 for finding fault with them saith behold the days come saith the Lord when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel how the house of Judah next verse and not according to the Covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt the Old Testament started in Exodus 19 they may be left Egypt to the promised land so Genesis 2 Exodus 18 was not Old Testament so therefore Old Testament is exodus to Malachi what is Genesis the beginning please pay attention meaning that Genesis is not the law Genesis is the promise that has been fulfilled in Christ meaning Genesis is the New Testament that started before the interruption of the Old Testament which Christ fulfilled his death burial resurrection again Genesis is the New Testament that started before the interruption of the Old Testament because the Old Testament was an interruption of God's plan Galatians chapter 3 verse 17 and this I say than the Covenant that was confirmed before of God in Christ the law which was four hundred and thirty years after after the New Testament started before the Old Testament all cannot make the promise of non effect meaning that God's plan from the beginning of time has always been to relate with man based on the New Testament and his positions but the Bible tells us that the hotness of man's hat warranted Moses to give them the law in the beginning that was not gospel but thank God for Jesus he died shed his blood fulfill the demands that we couldn't fulfill and provided for us righteousness devoid of walks now you're either preaching the New Testament that give it life or you're preaching the Old Testament that kill it it is called the ministration of death somebody is ministry and he's killing people and then there is the ministration of life that's what you're about to find out for that today as we get into the word of His grace I'm gonna ask you to be patient I'm gonna spend quite some quality time teaching the world and if you have questions be patient is as cool it is it is a school it's not just a one day teaching so some things that we do not explain well today will be explained well tomorrow till the school is over so before you start running to conclusions just be patient and keep watching keep studying keep making notes and just follow the teachings at the end if your questions are not cleared I'm available that's why you have the email with phone number details to reach us and we were clarified but I'm excited I'm excited let me pray with you tonight as we get more into the world I pray that the revelation of Jesus we're as big on your inside until not in Smothers the eyes of your understanding the florid Laura president Minister that ministry that broader that sister will come to a place of clarity of revelation and preach Christ to this world like never before thank you for greater light shining in our hearts today in Jesus name I'm excited friends I'll be back towards the end of the broadcast with a few more information that will help you please stay tuned and enjoy the world of His grace second Timothy chapter 3 verse number 15 and that from a child that was known the Holy Scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus so we said that the mission of the scriptures is to make you wise unto salvation because the gospel is the power of God unto salvation the mission of Jesus he came to save his people from their sins so the scriptures are able to make you wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus then he now says all scripture or Pasig rafi or all sacred writings are given by inspiration of God or God breath and are profitable for doctrine and we say doctrine is learning for doctrine in the area of reproof which is evidence correction and instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be thoroughly furnished perfect thoroughly furnished unto every good walk so we establish that when we say scripture we refer to the Old Testament the New Testament is not referred to as Scripture is referred to as a revelation of the mystery which establish that the Old Testament non-stop from Genesis in started from Exodus to Malachi and we established that Genesis is called the beginning and then we said Matthew Mark Luke and John and not New Testament they're historical books recording the humanity of Jesus and then we said Acts to Revelation will be referred to as the New Testament or the revelation of the mystery we said the Old Testament is Jesus concealed and the New Testament is Jesus revealed that you will not know the Old Testament buried in the Old Testament you will really understand the Old Testament by looking at the Old Testament through the eyes of the New Testament because the New Testament is the decoder of the codes of the Old Testament was establish in John chapter five verse 39 that Jesus said search the Scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life and their descriptions are they which testify of me so the mission of the Scriptures is to give evidence to the person who is the message of the Scriptures called Jesus and looks at the 24 verse 25 he said unto them all fools and slow of heart to believe all all all that the prophets have said and Jesus gave us an exposition into the message of the prophets but major and minor are not Christ to have suffered these things and to have entered into his glory so Jesus summarizes the entire writings of the prophets in two sentences because he is the message of the scriptures and then we also saw that Jesus beginning at Moses and we said Moses is Martha mean Genesis Exodus Leviticus numbers and Deuteronomy so Jesus started from Genesis to expound to them in all the scriptures in all the scriptures that will include the law the prophets the sons all the spirituals the things concerning himself Jesus is the mess it's of the scriptures and then we also saw from the Word of God that when Jesus did that he he said what the prophets the law of Moses and the Psalms wrote these things concerning me John 1:45 Philip findeth Nataniel Phil if I met Natalia and Philip said unto Him we have found him torture never say we have found him tell her never we have found him Vanessa we have found it we are not yet in a finding it's business we are any finding him business we have found him of whom Moses in the law that the law of Moses Aaron Moses in the law and the prophets did write who is a person Jesus so the message of the prophets the message of Moses all of Moses writings we are an attempt to unveil price because you see the unveiling of Christ is the revelation of the identity of the believer you will never know who you are until you know who he is because the revelation of who you are is contained in the unveiling of who he is when you see him you see you because as he is who are you you will never know you till you see him because the revelation of you is contained in the revelation of him so to see him is to see me many don't know who they are because they have not seen him they don't know who he is and if you don't know who he is you won't know who you are because you know who you are you must know who is that we may have boldness in the day of judgment for as he is over there so are we now in this world so I can never know where I am until I know who he is and that's where the prayer a pause is that the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know he never prayed for you to have he prayed for you to know know what has been wrought in you by the resurrection of Christ am i communicating here and then we went on and on we began to talk about our mandate as ministers of the New Testament we are dispensers of the New Testament I want our our message is the New Testament why because Jesus has obtained a more excellent ministry than this that he is the mediator of the New Testament Jesus does not mean here to the Old Testament he mediates the New Testament Hebrews chapter 8 verse 6 put it up but now has he obtained a more excellent ministry by how much also that is what makes this ministry excellent by how much also he is the mediator of a better covenant which was established upon better promises he is the mediator of a better covenant what is a better covenant the New Testament we saw that God abolished the old because the old is a fault-finding Testament God abolished it and when you abolish it he took it out of the way I replaced it the New Testament is not a compliment is a replacement you can preach the old and the new together it doesn't work you're either under 10 minutes of the New Testament that gives life you are or you're a minister of the Old Testament that killeth I mean there's no myth there is no mixture you're either new or old you can mix it mix it mix it about product we're together here can somebody shout hallelujah so let me get into what the Spirit of God has asked me to show you in this session Galatians chapter 106 I'm a fool that you are so so removed I marvel that you did not last I marvel that you have lost focus I marvel that you are so so removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel so that means the grace of Christ is the gospel and it is not the grace of Christ is another another this is the apostle of the New Testament Paul talking that you have dear him people are flush you out you have been you have been distracted you have been distracted you will serve by grace but you want to live by works I never a mouthful you came by this and now you're making efforts to sustain what grace acquired I'm a fool I marvel that you are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ so the grace of Christ is the gospel and if it is not the grace of Christ you are preaching another gospel and then Paul added in the next verse which is not another so if you are not preaching Gratiano preaching the gospel if you are not preaching grace you are not preaching the gospel no grace no gospel I mean clear unto another which is not another he says whether be some that trouble you any message that is not the grace of Christ his trouble look at it there be some that trouble you and they will pervert the gospel of Christ so if it is not the gospel of the grace of Christ is a perversion and they'll trouble to the gospel am i teaching here I mean this is very serious this is the Apostle talking now brother Paul there are trouble trouble us some messages that are preaches just from trouble is from Cosmo she's a possession is heresy but by some Old Testament Scriptures because most of these heresies are backed by scriptures from the Old Testament they cannot be bought by the New Testament listen jacala namaha Jesus himself Jesus placed a disclaimer on his teachings in the Gospels Jesus himself himself placed a disclaimer on the things he taught in the Gospels how John 16 will go back to Galatians John chapter 16 verse 12 I have yet many things to say unto you and this one about the last words he gave before his high priestly ministry and he died I have yet many things to say to you but you cannot bear them now that means the things I told you and other things I want to tell you because the things I want to tell you you don't have the capacity to carry it that's a disclaimer not just everything I was telling you people I was just giving you bedtime stories that's not really my heart I have yet many things to say but you cannot be at it you lack the capacity to receive what I want to say you don't have the capacity so I won't say what I want to say so whatever I'm saying now we're just plain disclaimer happy when he the spirit of truth is calm because by that time you will receive the spirit of adoption and you will have capacity to understand what I want to say that I cannot say now now how many of you know that the teachings of Jesus in the Gospels were all parables all of them were parables because the Bible say and without a parable did he not talk to them what are parables parables are stories that are told to low-minded human beings they are stories you tell people who are low minded all a capacity for comprehension so when people lack capacity to comprehend you use parables to talk to them and if you watch his parables to them because they are without so all the particles were for unbelievers so the teachings of Jesus in Matthew Mark Luke and John we are teachings for unbelievers to point them to Christ those are not leaders for the church those are not leaders for each other he said but when the Holy Spirit is come by then you will have capacity then he says he will guide you into all truth and he shall not speak of himself the message of the church is not Holy Spirit when our Holy Ghost conference 40 days Holy Ghost conference what do you have to teach he himself shall not speak of himself so he didn't speak of himself we argue that the way you're talking he shall not speak of himself the message of the church is not holy ghost the message of the church is Jesus there's no competition in the Godhead that job description is clearly spelt out for us in the message called the Scriptures am i communicating here but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak and he will show you things to come next verse he shall glorify me he shall glorify himself I'm the one he's here to glorify Jesus explained to you the job of the Vela goes he shall glorify me for he shall receive of mine and he will show you of mine he will show you of himself everything the Holy Ghost will show you will be Jesus because Jesus is the message of the Scriptures am i communicating at all oh I love this side next verse all things that the father had a mine Jesus a look live distill oh I own everything and this I'm the main guy and I'm the main guy look this thing is me even the Holy Ghost will be in the background he will not be in the front line he will hide in the background and be pointing me and be pointing me because I'm the center of this thing when it comes to Bible Bible is my book it's all about Jesus somebody touching this revelation sapphire is they but the Holy Ghost shall not talk about himself speak about himself it's not the center he himself will hide and be revealing me to you because all that the father had asthma am I the aforesaid I that you shall take of mine I shall show each on to you period I mean the Scriptures actually shall not speak of himself that means that everything Jesus taught in Matthew Mark Luke and John we are crusade messages to bring people to faith so the Gospels are not for the church the message of the church is the EP sprues the epistle is our family album because it pays to lease what the Holy Spirit tube until Apostle Paul showed it to us that's why now you need revelation but the eyes of your understanding being enlightened somebody shot I hear you as a minister of the New Testament is the Ministry of Revelation it's not a minister of I think if you don't know it just get out of it it has to be revealed to you somebody shot I hear you let's shoot a little more so everything Jesus taught in Matthew Mark Luke and John they were not really the main gist the main gist is from the Acts of the Apostles and even acts of the Apostle is not a doctrinal book is a narrative doctrines begin from Romans is from Romans that the doctrines of the New Testament began because the doctrines of the New Testament is not doctrines is one doctrine it is called the doctrine of Christ all the doctrines are in one the doctrine of Christ because the message is Christocentric is centered on Christ you are saved into Christ you are baptized into Christ are we together here is all in Christ if your anything is because you are in him outside him you are nothing so the doctrine is the doctrine of Christ the doctrine of Christ is the talking of the new creation the man in Christ he has never had a life before who manages the witness this man is a new kind of man according to ewk on he called him a new kind of man a race he breathed is the she of existence that the earth has never seen before get ready these are the days these Saturdays when man will operate on the face of this earth like the earth never saw before if you are one in the number shot a mallet under a generation of men and a generation of women like the world has never seen before the Jesus people here hey man that was swallow up death men that was swallow death land I will see the end of death mental function with mortality with immortality men whose immortality will swallow the immortality while they are still here I'm talking about a people that has never seen before if you are shot I hear you the same man that will defeat that they will defeated completely how do you defeat that by revelation that can knowest and revelation revelation is the end to death that is swallowed up where revelation shows up revelation moves you from mortality to immortality because you see you are a tenth repose you are a god man you are a man and at the same time a god why because you are a partaker of the divine nature so that is the unity of humanity and the merit of divinity humanity is called the Son of God as many as receive him to them gave he power to become the sons of God are we the sons of God behind the house shout I hear you I feel this then that devil is a lie this is a man that will rock the face of his head and the head will be Tata we came here with elation is increasing I this would be a year of revelation lights like never before somebody shot light this is pleasure let's talk a little more consider mother back to Galatians Galatians one servo which is not another for the Ibiza that trouble you and would pervert in those days if you go to church and they give you something you doubt that charge you doubt it because churches were known for only the gospel if they give you something most relative doctor but today people are carrying handbag to church traveling back because they carry I am water Bobo Co salt sand Oh foolish Galatians who has bewitched you have you begun in the spirit in a flash Kristin's cannot travel without a bottle idolatry Kristin's cannot sleep without a bottle on their bed I go worship foolish Galatians how are you born again by faith how do you live by faith listen up see the Colossians 2:6 I should have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord was in him how did you receive him officials chapter 2 verse 7 how did you receive him that in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of His grace in his kindness towards us through Christ Jesus next verse for by grace that's how you came into Christ by grace are ye saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God next verse not of works lest any man should boast how did you receive Jesus by grace through faith so how do you walk in him by grace faith that's reported in acts 20:32 I commend you to God which is the word of His grace which is able to construct you that word build up means construct you and give you your inheritance among the sanctified until the message of His grace is preached the church cannot be built up the church cannot be built up outside the message of His grace until we preach the message of His grace what is the message of His grace the message of Jesus Christ until we preach the message of Jesus Christ we will not have them my cha-cha-cha we'll have the baby charge a touch of infant's that do not know how to stay without Pam bass and that's why we've got to get into this thing and preach it well somebody shouts I hear you yeah gotta preach this thing well I see I've received the Lord Jesus so walking him next verse go back to Colossians chapter 2 verse 7 I'll still get back to Galatians Colossians chapter 2 verse 7 rooted and built up where in him and established in the faith as you have been taught about enduring with being taught as you have been taught to much razzmatazz in the church so the church can grow too much razzmatazz Bobo in everywhere how can people grow spiritually well you're always throwing them on the ground when people are falling to more decanting and people that cannot in Kannamma church come let us listen do you know that the ministry of a New Testament pastor any pastor doctor not teach should close his church down officials 4:11 and he gives on help me church he gives on and so on and so on and so on pastors and teachers pastor is not different is a combination they are called shepherding teachers yes teaching pastors or sharing teachers does what it does no comma between pastors are pastors and teachers is one office or does the DOS : put comma when it came to pastors it connected Pass because that is one of these pastor you cannot be a pastor you're not a teacher because the people of God have to be fed within his teaching people can grow if you don't teach them if they keep falling every Sunday they can't think I told a group of pastors a student goes to university unintelligent sits down on the a lecturer who doesn't speak in tongues the lecture I will come with secret and the mouth of the class he will hit enter you know carries chock no opening prayer no closing prayer anthropology so like we were saying last week he puts it up all right see you tomorrow he's gone another teacher will come who is even possessed with Devils he will teach and work out the student is the keynote after four years he graduates engineer what happened to him transformation by teaching we have Holy Ghost we have anointed but some of your members if they drop them they can defend their faith why they don't know their left from their right why they have not been taught why are they not taught because the man of God is not doing is Rob ship adding teachers share pod in teachers and 19 is not falling down no no no no no no and 19 is not falling down I'm not even guys inside a man once upon again the anointing lives inside you because the Anointed One is inside you Colossians 1:26 kata-kata don't start even the mystery which had been healed from ages and from generations but now somebody shot no no no no no but now is made manifest to somebody say sense alright next vas to weigh these things God will make known this knowledge sings must have knowledge God will make known no knowledge God will make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the gentiles what is the mystery which is where's Christ where's the anointing Sarah let me tell you something shocking in the whole book of Acts and the EP stirs crystals are not called anointed the effective use of the word anointing is in the Old Testament it's not a New Testament word in the whole book of Acts the only person that was called anointed was Jesus acts 10:38 how God anointed the people in Africa believe us let me show you in the whole book of Acts even see born again no new creation that word is not there because Acts was a baby church some of you will read actually they're agile they were babies they were just babies trying to grow the business now gives us the picture only Paul refers to a believer by saying the anointing you have received of him abideth abide the Abidin anointing is Christ Christ rose which is taken from trial in the Hebrew Christmas which means concentrate equitorial who is concentrated oil Christ raised Christ in you so by his presence in you you are anointed and that anointing doesn't travel it abides it's a residential property even when you are sleeping that anointing is at work within Amala that anointing as oh nothing moves that anointing because that you removes Christ it's not a feeling is a no-win Carrie bottom Oh handkerchief they call handkerchief man - how can I achieve the man - do you understand mine to plot this is handkerchief this is my mantle this is handkerchief this is handkerchief check your Bible somebody said Oh pop it pop it give people an easy life Peter dealing with people on catchy he didn't Peter I was passing the people carry clot and pursue him and we approaching he's not the one that gave them it was them that touch him with clots and literally upon one time so it's not a doctrine we should stop building the church on things we should build a church on him are you catching the point yeah that's the point I'm making they should be on him that you affection others in the wisdom of men but in the power of God what is the power God Christ the wisdom and the power of God so the effectual rest on him not on elements there's a new sound this sound is going to rock this world I'm telling you believe me I speak to you as one that has had from Jesus this sound is going to rock this world I didn't hear your Amen see there be some that trouble you they will provide the gospel they will twist the gospel they will make the gospel what the gospel is not and we have seen it all over the place they are a so not everybody preaching is preaching the gospel not every man with a suit and a signboard in front of his building is preaching the gospel and listen when everywhere is imitation nobody will know the difference the difference is only known when the original stands in between the imitation then you know that this is different from the others what will make the church different from all these native doctors and palletizing which is where we stop preaching the message what is the message Christ because nobody can preach Christ except by the Holy Ghost anybody can do miracles even Satan can do miracles about cause he lying wonders miracles are not a validation of God let me tell you something Jesus a an every generation seek for sign and evil generation when you see people running around looking for Naraku the evil people and if you give them nutrient every pastor because Jesus said and every generation sit aside and now shall be given to them except the sign of Jonah what is the son of Jonah's the message of his death his burial and his resurrection if that Jesus died he was buried and he rose if you're not satisfied with that one they are looking for something else I don't know if I'm talking to somebody the shredder songwriter said I need no other argument I need no other play it is enough that Jesus died and that retired for me the message of Christ the message of Christ the message of Christ hallelujah Paul called that the gospel cause in the gospel first Corinthians 15 verse verse verse 1 put it off for me moreover brethren I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you the gospel not a gospel the gospel Paul is giving us a definition of this thing called egos but some people don't know what they are preaching we need to know what preached because we are men of God the gospel which I preached unto you which also you have received this is the kind of gospel when you hear you stand you don't need follow-up where we are is gospel you stand where you stand not worry you you stagger they have to follow you up when you hear the gospel this gospel makes you stand because of the grace we are in you stand what is the gospel that makes people stand tall is about to open it up next verse by which also you are saved if you keep in memory what I preached unto you except or unless you have believed in me if you forget these messages your faith is in vain next verse 4 I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received so was that gospel how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures does the first line of the gospel does the first line of our message as New Testament ministers we preach his death we preach about what his death has done for us because that is the crux of the matter there were some Christians and some men of God talk it looks like Satan and Jesus are still fighting we have to support Jesus to win the sacrilege or he finished this thing he finished it well and he seated in heaven wait until all of us take charge he died for our sins according to the scriptures next bus and that he was buried that's the gospel and that he rose again the third day according has closed as the gospel the gospel the gospel is about his death his burial his resurrection and somebody said we'll is that all accomplished if you can't preach that then you are lost because as a message somebody actually how can I be preaching this as I can preach this for another ten thousand years and I will finish it did you know that the death the burial and the resurrection of Christ took place in three days it was a million eternities compressed into three days because it is out of that death burial resurrection he obtained for us eternal life applause eternal salvation he obtained for us eternal inheritance so what happen in three days was the whole of eternity compressing time so if you're going to preach that eternal message you can't finish it in a lifetime and if you can't find what to preach you don't know what to preach the death and the better and resurrection of Christ is not an Eastern message that is the message that is the message last year did a conference in discharge Soteria I thought I was going to teach for 30 days after 30 days I have not read half of it I did part one 265 CDs on Soteria and I still have season 3 season 4 season 5 on sotiria you can't finish it I'm looking for time to teach this charge Genesis 1 and 2 for 1 year I need 365 days to finish Genesis 1 and 2 now I'm serious I'm not joking because there's so much there's so much Christ has done hey we can't finish it whoa whoa I marvel that you're so slowly moved to another gospel which is not a dust another for the abyss some that trouble you who will provide the gospel of Christ look at what Paul said but don't we this is for talking but don't we or an angel from heaven not the woman that died down roots and angels from heaven because there was a woman now that are dying and coming back and then they went to heaven and I know just cerebral malaria and go anywhere during his childhood fantasies they didn't go anywhere people like us can't get carried away but we're cops we know the Scriptures we know people that go to heaven one of them is Paul he said I woke up to the third heaven and when I came back my mouth does not find English to describe what I saw so when they come back and describe it is no heaviness is bad because when you really get to heaven of [Music] English I'm talking about we are you ready we'll fly you will fly this year if your aim is disgraceful please please sit down let's get into these things from more photo we're on Ranger put it off for me we are an angel was it from heaven preach any other gospel to you than that which we have preached unto you let him be a cost stop preaching Old Testament to believe us you are bringing a cause on yourself pasa let him be a cost in fact the next verse he said as we said before so say I now again preach any other gospel unto you than that you have received let him be across double costs in the same chapter the teen is a serious matter totally versus a serious matter so Olivia I'm gonna say today I'm going to preach on altars altars is not a message there's no message in the New Testament called altars altars a place of killing animals Jesus is our animal he has died and that message is abolished which is death and burial and his resurrection there are no more altars what is all of us is alta is not a message is just philosophy and psychology for manipulative tendencies what Christ did was complete and what he did was finished it was the time when he rose from the dead he rose as the high priest General of the New Testament charge and in stable to serve all those that come to here the victory was total he completed the victory there is no more battle for you there is no you didn't hear me there is no more battle for you he defeated all the battle somebody said to me but the Bible says we wrestle not against flesh and blood don't study well don't be carrying scriptures of head study well when it's a race or a solution of fights wrestle is the enforcement authority obtain victory so wrestling is maintaining what has been obtained and how do you maintain by standing in faith and in faith you resist how do you resist in faith by saying what you said I kept saying what you say what you said consistently constantly constant we are not called to fight Satan we are not called to fight Satan Jesus in issue etcetera somebody said when the Bible says fight the good fight of faith he didn't sell fight the fight of Sita he said the fight of faith what is the fight of faith is the fight to keep saying what you said before because the circumstance don't change what you say what you say change the circumstance while we look not at the things that are seen for the things that are seen are temporal but we look at the things that are not seen for the things our associate Anna I give you the mouth and the wisdom but your enemies can no resist no against a power is in your mouth I'm communicating here touch your heart surprising me case is settled that's right said oh we are an angel do we or an angel from heaven preach anything that is not the grace of God let him be a cost and top in the same place of course our cost for preaching anything that is not Christ if you know that even if they are calling Jesus in a place is not a pig it's not a guarantee oh sure let me give you a scripture Corinthians put it off for me the book of Corinthians got punished 2nd Corinthians 11 for for if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus so that they are calling Jesus doesn't mean is the same Jesus they can be calling Jesus as a cover up in Jesus name is not guarantee of weight vests cool down and listen how to distinguish is by the doctrine if it's not the doctrine of his death burial and resurrection is a fallacy is called doctrine of Devil's so don't be carried away by Jesus that is called yeah that's not the validation they call it another Jesus now somebody's about to enter everybody spirit was moving people are falling the next thing on trance is what did they say that made people fall what did they say because what they say is what would determine did the folly I can walk into a place and make everybody for it is in what I say no today I begin preach it is in what I see if entire place and I say there are five girls here you are long past your age of getting married the spirit resume move now there are three people there but a time I taught you in the area of your emotions and problem and analysis right it's called psychology am i talking to somebody now see down let's talk Alistair we are not called to cite people we are called to preach Christ then you hear them say major major one dig deep dig deep dig deep dig deep well and that is why people like eating snake in churches that is why people are drinking kerosene people are drinking petrol because people do not know they are stick anymore for measuring the truth the a stick is doctrine its doctrine a man of God may must have a sound drops of doctrine you must carry with you a body of truth a body of truth not just preaching anyhow and copying people's messages you yourself must have an understanding of the scriptures in a way that you on your own have a body of truth that you are carrying that becomes the basis for what you communicate to the people that does work and that's why it's called label let them gain that label in word and doctrine deserve Tabu honor is ministry's remo not label running around manipulative members label in digging out their own such abilities of Christ making it available to the people so there is another spirit look at it put it back or whom we have not preached or if you receive another spirit which you have not received and then there is another gospel there's another gospel there's another Jesus there's another spirit the yard seat is the borderline the borderline or Scripture by inspiration and they are profitable does never bother lying when you stay within the confines of the body of truth called scripture nobody can be caricature of you nobody we live in very parallels these we live in very rough times where people are ready to do anything at any cost to just keep afloat and that is why we that preach the fruit of Jesus we must preach it like never before because of the days we live in and not just preach it like never before but we must know what we're preaching and we must know it well I marvel I mother so there is a difference between New Testament and Old Testament very clear difference so now I'm going to go into some of the characteristics that differentiate the old from the new so that once you just see a ministry you can tell what I say New Testament or an old one because if you don't have the courage sistex you will not know the difference sometimes you must be able to look clearly this is Old Testament and clearly this is New Testament you must be able to know that this is later and this is spirit without even thinking because they have their senses exercised they can discern and discernment has to do with knowledge somebody shot I hear you now take down because I'm going to give you some notes hallelujah number one the Old Testament is a compilation of types shadows prophecies and promises it's a compilation of all that and the New Testament is the fulfillment of all of them in Christ the New Testament is the fulfillment of types shadows promises and prophecies Hebrews 10 1 Hebrews 10 1 for the law having a shadow the law is a shadow is a type it's a type is a shadow of do things to come and not the very image of the things can never with those sacrifices which / year by year continually make the comers thereunto perfect the local never bring a man to maturity never because he says shadow it's not the very image of those things Colossians chapter 2 verse 16 Colossians let no man therefore judge you in meat or in drink or in respect of a holiday or of the new moon or of the Sabbath days next verse which are a shadow of things to come but the body the substance the reality is of Christ so Jesus is the reality of the shadows the shadows were important on - Jesus came the coming of Jesus rusticated the shadows so when I it is kabocha sadhas anointing oil handkerchief breaking of coconut salt Saudis honey and wine bread and butter fruit bananas oranges pineapple perfume services all of that and that when Jesus showed up the arrival of Jesus abolished the practices so Christianity is not a practice is a revelation of he passing is the revelation of he passes all of them crumbled when the person that they were pointing to arrived they were point us all of them they were point us all the Old Testament things they were all pointers prophets were pointers types and shadows were point us Hebrews 1:1 Hebrews to God who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the father's by the prophets God does not speak to us today by prophets he spoke to the father's in time passed by the prophets in fact the original the original Greek of this text reads the prophets spoke unto the father's in time past there's no even God in sight in the original text because it was an operation of angels so prophets were talking to the father's that's Old Testament then look at the New Testament us to have in these last days spoken he is no more speaking he has spoken he has spoken the last time God spoke what he said was Jesus and his shuttle and never to talk again so now to hear God you must be in Christ you hear me say Christ because Jesus is God's last word he has spoken spoken unto us the originally be said by his own he has spoken to us in his son in his that does the Greek in his son whom he had appointed of Alton's JB Phillips translation says Jesus the lawful owner of everything does a JB Phillips translation Jesus the lawful owner of everything Jesus is God's last word why doesn't God use prophets to speak to people in these days because we are no more servants we are sons how many of you use your house boy to be talking to your child is a cleaner tell my child to wake up cleaner tell my child to eat clean tell my child not to go out cleaner tell my child to stay in the room cleaner then when the child has something child talk to her cleaner to me what kind of parents will behave like that instead it is the song that we speak to the cleaner my father said go out in the New Testament we are songs in the Old Testament we are servants and because they are seven they relied on external communication but we are songs he lives in us so inside us we have the witness of the Spirit my sheep hear my voice and the voice of his stranger they will not yet it is got capacity Testament they will major prophets and minor prophets major prophets were prophets that had the prophecy of Messiah like Isaiah Isaiah was a noted prophet this as either told us his name shall be called a magician conceived wonderful counselor mighty God this has had that told us surely he was wounded for our transgressions bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him all we like sheep have gone astray all of us have gone to own ways it has pleased God to place on him the iniquity of us all oh that is Isaiah so as I say major prophet David is another one David told us the Bulls of Bashan has come past me his David have told us lift up your heads o ye gates and be lifted up everlasting doors and let the King of glory coming and they say who is this King of glory since the Lord mighty the Lord mighty in battle that's a prophecy of Jesus instead we do todos the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want when Jesus showed of his and that Good Shepherd David was talking about because a Good Shepherd lays down his life for his sheep so David was also a major profit but there are minor prophets also in the Old Testament people like Nachum it's a book like that neroon Obadiah Jonah why they call my no they are my no because most of them they are prophecies didn't contain Christ there were prophecies about events and about activities around so they were my know is what's in the volume of the book is in the content of the message they were may know whatever profits that talk about phone number and address and Catholic number familiar spirit as divination God doesn't work in MTN he's got jobless a huge empty and I'm the copy know their phone numbers listen the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy so every process has a target to reduce Jesus I'm teaching here every prophets assignment is even the holy spirit that has inspired you to professor when he is come he shall not speak of himself racially speak about he shall speak of Jesus so will the Holy Spirit not be able to reveal to us things about people not a save doctrine not as he lives that echo happens in a whole lifetime and it will be for a purpose like Jesus did it once once he said to the woman your five husbands and the one you're living with is not your husband but what was the end of that prophecy that woman came to salvation it was him to impress or God a crowd it was to save her sooo I'm teaching here if you understand it shout I hear you Jesus is God's last word he has spoken to us in his son whom he has made the lawful owner of everything now let me tell you when you stop preaching this thing you are hearing me preach you will start losing friends o some of your members who live oh I'm not joking because some of them are not they are for Christ they are there for those things you are doing that made them happy now when you stop preaching Christ they don't like Christ because they are Antichrist let me tell you Antichrist is not in room anti-crisis in our churches they were among us and they went out from among us because they we are not of us so they are there in our churches and the class is not a person Antichrist is a spirit that is among people there's nothing like the Antichrist stop following those stupid films read your Bible there's nothing like the Antichrist we only have Antichrist Antichrist is a spirit that is at work in people I hid the message of Christ so when you stop preaching the message of Christ there are people that will never you and blackmail you and fight you because that spirits in devil we talk they'll turn up they're like when Paul preached Jesus there was an opera this is not a message you preach and have friends everywhere this message makes the difference between the men and the boys because this is the crux of the whole gospel I'm talking to somebody so the Old Testament is what type shadows prophecies promises the New Testament is the fulfillment of the types the shadows the promises and the prophecies number two the Old Testament was given by angels empowered by the blood of bulls and goats it was given by angels and powered by the blood of bulls and goats Galatians three eighteen to twenty Hebrews to two acts 7:25 236 the New Testament was given to us by Jesus Hebrews 8:6 the Old Testament could never take away seeing but the New Testament sins have been taken because the mediator of the Old Testament didn't have what it takes to what we will see but the coming of Christ put an end to see John 1:29 behold the lamb of God that does what get away the sins of the world Hebrews chapter 10 verse 12 put it off for me but this man talking about Jesus after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever one sacrifice for how long forever that was sacrifices taking care of sins forever sat down what didn't sit down for no because he was tired but the job was finished sat down at the right hand of God so listen carefully the Old Testament is a testament that record scenes give me Hebrews chapter 8 verse 8 for finding fault with them go back to verse 7 for if that first covenant had been faultless there should no place have been shot for the second for finding fault now look at me everybody finding fault there means that whenever the Old Testament is preached it must find fault it's a fault finding Testament that is what is in the Old Testament you were here of David and Bathsheba in the Old Testament you were here of Solomon and his numerous wives in the Old Testament you were here of Abraham and his house Gael in the Old Testament you hear of some sin and all those prostitutes Rahab as a prostitute you see all the details if there was no New Testament you will hear all those details so the Old Testament is a fault-finding Testament in the New Testament souls are not recorded the New Testament doesn't record fault because the New Testament is the Testament of God being a father to his children and a loving father does not keep record of evil so no records why that's why you see Hebrews level one in Hebrews 11 what uses by faith they elders obtained a good report which held us rehab which held us something which held us David which held us Jacob with only stealing the New Testament does not see him as a fallen Knight the New Testament since Jacob has an elder who obtained good report why because the New Testament does not record Falls because jesus paid the Falls for the New Testament and atmosphere not just of the New Testament even of the Old Testament the New Testament of the record Falls why all the force have been punished on Christ all false or he died for the sins not of the church but of the world he paid for the sins of the world now sis something that will shock you if you don't agree with me write it once at guam pray in tongues look at it again pray in tongues look at it again printin look at it again the next time I see you you will tell me what you found out sin cannot take a man to hell why if sin takes a man to hell then that bed of Jesus was not a sacrifice it was murder so the next question is so what we will take a man to hell the rejection of Jesus because when you reject what Jesus did then now you have to do for yourself and your own cannot be good am I talking to somebody that is the way you when you receive Jesus you don't confess your sin will confess Jesus as know the way you declare is lordship the price he paid for same rights the way your record and you become a brand-new man I don't know if I'm teaching here uh-oh are you touching this go back to Hebrews chapter 8 verse 10 I'm getting somewhere now Hebrews 8:10 look at this for this is the Covenant somebody's a covenant that i will make with the house of israel after those days saith the Lord I will put my laws in their mind and write them in their hearts I will be to them Oh God there shall be to me look at its beauty lies that the Old Testament says thou shalt not thou shalt not thou shalt not dots in the New Testament I will I will I will I will the old is your effort the new is what I am done for you in the new you don't do for me I do for you in the old you do and even what you do is no good enough I'm teaching good here then look at the next scene he says in verse 11 and they shall not teach every man is labor and every man is brother saying know the Lord for our shall know me from the least to the greatest somebody say why ask me say why say why why will they know him we're willing they need to be taught to know him let me ask you a question look at me for a minute Josefina Estrada I used to behave like soldiers when they hide under the bed some we escape through the window true or false such a father cannot have the good relationship with his children because they'll be running away from him is that true no you can never know such a father you under father can never know yourselves so in the New Testament God said they give a bad impression of me in the Old Testament but not in the New Testament I want to be a father and I want to have children and for my children to relate I must expand my mess and grace so that given when they make mistakes I must be ready to overlook so nicely because of me wanting them to know me I will be merciful to their unrighteousness and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more so because I want them to know me and if you have to know me I have to have a look there falls so they can come because what stands between man and God is sin consciousness I will give that is the chapter of the New Testament if you remove this from the New Testament it has become Old Testament this is the chatter I will be merciful he did he said they will not have unrighteousness he said they will have but I will be merciful he didn't say they will not commit sin he said they will commit sin but I will not remember you know many of your problem is as men of God we classify scene and that's where the problem is and sin cannot be classified sin exactly you don't classify see no if you classify him then you are you are like you are you're a hypocrite see this is see me see so most times you classify homosexuality is not funny Kesha I don't a I have blood of Jesus lies anyway stealing he was hungry that's the problem we classify si but we forget that in the New Testament the Bible say whatever is not of faith so if I don't like this suit but this is the only suit I have and I have to wear it it means because I don't like it I don't have faith in it so all the time I'm wearing it I am sinning because I have no faith in it but that's all I have so I'm just managing it all to the time I'm wearing it I'm singing to him that knows to do good what is it you know you shouldn't come late to a conference like this and you came late so for a period you came here and while you are here you're sinning I'm teaching here so therefore if not that God is merciful then none of us who go but the message of God is expressed in the debt of Christ the bed of Christ paid for sins past present future because his debt is once and for all so that's what we can now see there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus why the law of the spirit of alcalá namaha the law of the spirit of so area in Christ Jesus has set me free from the law of sin and death for what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh God sending his son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin condemned sin in the flesh why give me phospho romans 8:4 i want to receive us for I don't want to relive bad romance it for that watch this that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in a stop not by us we are not the ones fulfilling it Christ fulfilled it in us not by us acaba Nevada he fulfilled it in us and because of that we walk not after the flesh let me tell you something quickly we don't teach believe us how to live supernatural no it's not a teaching of the New Testament how many fishes have gone to swim in school to learn how to swim fishes swim naturally when you are born again you are born of the Spirit and so when you are born of the Spirit you live supernatural that which is born of flesh so that which is born of spirit Romans 6:6 knowing this that our old man so Venetia old man is crucified with him that the body of sin might be destroyed that henceforth we should not serve committing sin he said we should not serve seen as nature not as acting Romans was always nature not act but your problem is you want the act to change even if the nature has not changed but the problem is this if the nature does not change the act is just pretending so for there to be a genuine change it is not the act it is the nature and once the natural changes even if the person is still doing wrong it is because it is taught in his memory if he keeps looking into the perfect law of Liberty and keep looking the old memory will delete and the new memory will register after a while you will look for those things and not fine because was that nature has changed the act is a matter of time it will comply somewhere else my song where shall we continue in sin he didn't say shall we continue to sing there's a difference we shall we continue to sin and shall we continue in in is nature that's like the moment you get born again your one of the spirit now look at this look at the next verse seven for he that is dead is freed from seeing now it will be dead with Christ we believe that we shall also live with him now go to Romans 8:6 for to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace verse seven because the carnal mind is enmity against God for it is not subject to the law of God neither indeed can be it so then there that are we in the flesh cannot now hold it hold him there that I will there that aware where is he born again very good so next verse but you are not in the flesh you don't need fasting to overcome the flesh you just need to be born again that's all once you're born again you are not in the flesh you are not in the flesh but in the spirit if so be that the Spirit of God telling you how many of you have the Spirit of God somebody shot I'm in the spirit yeah neither any man have not the Spirit of Christ he is none of his i prophesy over you today this is one year you will enjoy the rest of God I'm around you nope are you bless let me round up this take note of these quickly the Old Testament was conditional the New Testament all conditions are met in the Old Testament you see if you shall hearken then this blessing shaaka if you shall know how can this cause he shall come when Jesus died he fulfilled the conditions and he says he hath blessed us with our no condition in the New Testament no condition so any message that is conditional is an Old Testament message in the New Testament of conditions are met in Christ the only thing the believer needs is to understand his identity in Christ which is what Christ what was wrought in Christ when he was raised from the dead that's all the believer needs and once you see that you begin to walk in power so the New Testament is not conditional the Old Testament is a conditional testament so when a message is full of conditions is an Old Testament message because in Christ all conditions are met the Old Testament justifies no one Romans 3:20 it justifies no one the New Testament were justified by faith in the blood Romans 5:1 and 2 in the New Testament grace teaches us without do son don't we are taught by grace Titus chapter 2 verse 11 and 12 the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared on to all men teaching us the grace teach at us the grace the chat was and in case after all I said today you have not been convinced to still know that I shall abandon Moses completely after all I have done since morning you still are not convinced maybe this last verses were convinced you Galatians 2:20 1 I do not frustrate the grace of God for if righteousness come by the law then Christ is dead if righteousness is based on what I do then the death of Christ was a wasted effort that's the first one think about it number two Galatians 3:10 for as many as of the works of the law are under the cross they are under the cross for it is written cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do to do them thus 11 but that no one is justified by the law in the sight of God it is evident for the jaw shall live by faith verse 12 and the law is not of it the law is not of it but the man that doeth them shall live in them verse 13 Christ has redeemed us so if you are with the law stadia Oh before us that are not with the law Christ has redeemed us last one for you Galatians 5 for Christ is become of no effect unto you whosoever of you are justified by the law you are fallen [Music] and if all these don't talk to you that you need to be born again Romans 10:4 for Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every man Ian mmm along with these few words of mine most under your shoddy ass whoa my goodness that was some world world world world you know in the cost of Vasari's this crew of ministry women an altar call we had bishops general overseers reverend's who came out to receive Christ for the first time into their hearts you may be watching tonight he may be watch worried about whatever time zone you're in and you're not born again you may be I've been in the ministry for years you may have been preaching the gospel where you're not born again if you understood what I have preached there is a conviction in your heart mother Holy Ghost I pray that the reality of Jesus takes effect in your heart that with your heart you believe on to righteousness with your mouth confession is made unto salvation you are saved right now in Jesus name hallelujah let me also mention for those of you that are beginning to ask for more materials come on then a lot of people are asking for materials yes we are going to email to everybody who have Santos in mail a catalogue of all the books the number of books I have written in the light of Christ messages series of messages that you can order and our office will process your order and make sure you get the materials wherever you are in the world all you need to do is just respond to the email my office is sending to you with a catalogue of all the materials that will build you up and edify you and if you are watching you have not sent an email you really want to order for materials then you need to shoot an email right now to dr. Abel damina at yahoo.com the email addresses on the screen should an email right now we're gonna round up the broadcast today but I still have a question and answer session for a couple of minutes maybe about 10 minutes they are about you want to be patient and listen to the questions and answer session so you are you have more clarity some of the things we have taught but look listen this is exciting you need to tell 10 5 to 10 ministers of the gospel believers were hungry for a move of God to hook up to this online school of ministry so that they can also be impacted so together we will preach the gospel with demonstration in the year to come with accuracy and what fulfillment friends nothing can beat regulation knowledge so you want to get your friends to hook up and be part of the school of ministry and if they need counseling or they want to ask questions you can also advise them to shoot emails to us we will send them an email and listing them in the school and at the end of the school for those of you that have sent emails in will send you a certificate of participation in this online school of ministry I'm truly excited friends that alignment accuracy is coming to the Ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ the days of Charlotteans and rogues are over these are the days of genuine men that are called to unveil Christ to his generation that doesn't know him I love your friends stay tuned let's do the question and answers together and I pray that grace abounds to us you you will always have all sufficiency in all things in Jesus name praise God papa somebody said I'm so impressed with today's one-day Bible School Oh school of ministry as he put it and I thank God who brought me to this revelation center Papa please Pulu a Latin Osborn the concept of what we call Christian dressing and how a Christian should dress under the grace under grace Peter gives us certain instructions and light and understanding and he began to talk about modesty so Christians dress modesty modesty means modesty they say our attention should not be on the outward but on the inward man of the heart so dressing should be modest dress decent dressed of cover yourself but dress also for beauty the Bible says issue is not against gold is not against apparels but it says your attention should not be on those upper rails your attention should be on the inward man of the heart which in the grid in the sight of God is a great price so modesty doesn't work please Papa how do I use The Awl and a New Testament you know to preach Jesus how do i balance it oh yeah how do I use the Old Testament with the intestine preach of Jesus and how to heat the sea balance please I will advise you because I can't even get into that now I have a comprehensive series but 1 to 27 on the old and new Testament in Christ if you get those 27 CDs you will unlock the Old Testament is there I will advise you to get that time go allow me to deal with that amen Papa please what is the New Testament position on tides and phase food the truth is in the New Testament we don't deal with percentage because if you read the book of Acts you will see Titan in the book of dogs if you read all of the teachings of Paul you will see Titan in the teachings of Paul but if you check the New Testament church gave everything so in the New Testament we give everything all we give as we unlit by the spirit but we encourage believers to begin with the 10% and be faithful with the tempest and and as their revelation increases they up there giving but no more as a legalistic approach but just as an encouraging goal for his that in our journey with our generosity towards the Grace and the mercy of Jesus I don't know if I just said something but you can get more in my book on the priesthood of Jesus the present day ministry of Jesus I say book like that and it deals with all of that yeah please sir you said God is not in heaven but you also said that Jesus sitting at the right hand of the Father yes is this right hand of the Father not in heaven the right hand of the Father is not right hand like right hand it's a word that you need to understand it means a place of authority okay a place of authority and that place of authority is occupied by a man because heaven is for man that's why Jesus is called the man Jesus all right yeah somebody's asking here of the New Testament now you said something about foundation breaking of curses some breaking of generational covenants and I say so does that mean they're in the New Testament these things are not applicable to believe us yes they are not when you're in Christ where is generation a cause the moment you come into Christ you are a chosen generation a royal priesthood is you know true that's how you you're called out off into so where are causes in the light they don't apply to you believe in the New Testament those things you can preach them in crusade to make an unbeliever see that if it's not in crisis are the things that would befall him but the moment a man comes into Christ don't preach that to him you show him who he is in Christ amen yeah papa he said God knows our needs so does that mean that in the New Testament prayer is not necessary for example what is the importance of Matthew 7:7 Matthew 7:7 is not New Testament I taught you that it's not New Testament New Testament begins from us and if you check in the New Testament the emphasis was on Revelation your eyes being lighting okay but for Christians that are growing pulse is casting your tears upon the Lord so if you are still growing you still ups you still pray those prayers but if you followed my teaching I said when you grow in the light you come to a place we are prayer requests I reduced the trans giving because that was where Jesus function and that's where he wants you to function I don't know if I'm teaching here are you understand yeah all right no man has seen God at any time he said to us other scriptures but he was asking now does that mean that God did not speak to Adam and Eve in the garden if you followed my teaching speaking is different from seeing it's different from seeing and even then when Jesus was talking in Johnny said none of you have had the voice of God before jesus said that in book of john he said you have never had his voice nor seen his sheep jesus also said that you have never had his voice you have never seen his face panting ship and you don't even have his reward in you see when we deal with the Old Testament we have to deal with the Old Testament looking at it from what Jesus thought because Jesus is the unveiling of the scriptures and we must trust Jesus okay and that's why I've got to get you again get my teaching on the old and the new covenant in Christ but for somebody adds a question as a teaching I did on the true nature of God revealed in Christ I think is part 1 2 6 if I gather it will help you understand all these concepts and the voice of God Old Testament New Testament the coming of Christ and it will help you understand that Jesus is the invisible is the image of the invisible God he came to give God a face so Jesus is the face of God okay so get the CDs I'll help you yes sir what was your preaching stroke teaching like when you first began your ministry compared to now also this with the recent confession of past W of qu me last question one okay then this is how what did why did God not write the New Testament and give to the people straight at the beginning instead of the process through which you have faced it alright how many of you remember when I started teaching today I said as ministers we grew that I start by saying that we grow as a man of God you grow but the good thing for me is when I got born again newly I was raised up by water faith teaches people like Kenneth Hagin people like Kenneth Copeland those are my first instructors so I have always been in the Word of Faith Movement but as a growing Christ I discovered that there's a ram beyond water faith it is coming to the fullness of God because water faith is for elementary live in the elementary principals let us go on to perfection and he said Elementary is faith towards God which is what of faith so we grow we grow we grow and a man of God that does not grow there's a problem we begin some of us started from deliverance ministries we are for Austin deliverance is throwing people down and casting out Devils but as you grow in Christ you discover that deliverance has nothing to do with evil spirits deliverance is born again when you are born again does deliverance and there's a difference between deliverance and casting out Devils these are two different things in the scripture and I did an extensive teaching in the month of December on the concept of deliverance and I think his part one to ten or something so this this as we grow we learn something with brother Cooper as he grew he began to see things that he thought that actually were in right and it's humility for him to make corrections and you know one of them also that us that is preaching the message of Jesus is Bishop Michael Kong Kong and I was talking with him he said to me Abel where were all these things now why did we waste all this precious yes what was I read in my Bible all these years and I didn't see these things until I'm reaching 70 I'm discovering truth and he went back his torch and he said I apologize all that most of the things I've taught you we are wrong so from now I'm going to teach you the writings please be ready to learn now it takes humility and some of us may need to go back to our church and tell them that kind of thing it doesn't take from you it only makes you a great person admitting I have admitted in power CD here there are things are taught before and I've told him I'm sorry have I said that some of you Daria I said I'm very sorry what I taught you was not right this is the right thing and I take time to show them the right and I showed them what I thought all right so it is growth it means you're growing and I don't want to fool a pastor that does not grow I want to follow it grew impasto because as we learn and as we grow we learn and we make corrections are we to get a year so that's that yeah I know go on to know his house that sometimes if you are ministering and then somehow just within you know the devil stop speaking through someone does that mean you should just ignore or what is responsible for that you rebuke him Jesus somebody's the devil spoke through Peter jesus said to the Peter get behind me Satan does avarice not the things of God and that was it there was no drama idea there was no drama we're have a problem is where you stop an entire service time concentrate on the destruction and the whole church is waiting for you to be distracting yourselves with theta and the service is on and everybody's waiting watching the drama does no New Testament I will together here if a deborah makes noise in the service you tell him to keep quiet and get out and you keep teaching the world because the focus is Christ and Satan must not take the attention from Christ we ignore him and after the service they can take the person somewhere we're going to tell that that would a man sir someone said thank you so much for this message Papa but I want you to let people know that our final home is heaven even though heaven is iNOS because jesus said I go to prepare a place for you all right stop hold it listen John 14 is not for the future it has passed even that quotation is put India I need to teach him jesus said I go to my father's house to prepare a place now look at it in my father's house have you ever seen my son's inside a house have you ever seen mansions in your house there's no such thing so Jesus is not talking about what you are thinking there are no mansions in a house so what Jesus was saying is different from what you were thinking and he said that before he died so what Jesus is saying is very soon I will die and I will take my place at the right hand of the Father that dimensions the right hand of the Father the place of authority we are I am di you may be so the moment you get born again you are raised up to be seated with Christ that's dimension and it's not going to be one day that's where you are now so that's why when we read the Bible we have to read it and study it carefully because John 14 was not after resurrection it was before his death and when he died he went to heaven and the father says sit down he said no I have people on earth and he came back and met them that's the coming back and after that he now went back to come back again to take us out of this place then to create a new heaven on earth and give to us he's on a true yeah who's going to be a new heaven and earth because this one has been messed up he's going to give us a new heaven on earth because man owns heaven and AIDS and so there's no need to be afraid that you won't make it if you have Jesus you have needed Jesus in you is the guarantee for heaven I don't know if I'm talking here yeah that's what it is so that's what we're teaching here amen as any man where in this world exactly but that doesn't mean that our prayers don't be I will make him have to make ever have to me Christ in you is the seal that you have made heaven and when the trumpet of God sounds let me tell you on that day when the trumpet when they think their stands on the eastern sky and blows the trumpet it is not your ear that will hear the trumpet your ear will know yet your body will not even know that trumpet is sounded when the trumpets sound eternal life the life of God inside you will respond to the trumpet so as the life wants to do it will change you and you're gone so the seal of rapture is eternalized I give unto you eternal life so once you have eternal life rapture is automatic without eternal life even if you jump you will fall heaven is very far you need eternal life to travel my talk is over here if you understand shout hallelujah one more question and then we close the rest we can deal with it in the next school of ministry answer someone he is asking Papa that the angels that gave Moses the command mental know under the tablets who are they working for what arrangement is it is it God because of the way that dispensation was man couldn't go to God only God could come to man because there was a call and man could not take God because man was literally dead and God is a spirit so God couldn't man had nowhere to occupy God so the best that man could handle was angels but in the New Testament because of regeneration we have capacity so God lives inside us I don't know if I'm communicating here yes so that's why it was arranged for angels if you keep reading you keep seen as sent my angel before you he will prepare the way and it was all angels operating it's because of the state of man because of the states the spiritual state of man and that's why it took got time to get Jesus according to the scriptures to take on the form of humanity and pay the price of salvation to redeem man to himself remember man saw the authority man must get it back because God is a God of justice and no man on earth could do it so God decided to a man to come and do it so that there is legality to redemption I don't know if you understand what I'm saying so that's a great plan of salvation it is called great is the mystery of godliness that God is manifest in the flesh I declare over this house today you will enjoy the whole of this year [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: vooke
Views: 3,044
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Keywords: Abel Damina Ministries, Dr Abel Damina, Abel Damina, Word of Life, Word of Truth
Id: jQwePvXHzQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 53sec (6773 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 26 2017
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