Double Your House For Half The Money Season 2 Episode 5 Church Brampton and East Preston

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we all have our own idea of our dream home but the reality is many of us have to put up with houses that just don't work the kids are living on top of each other there isn't enough space to do all the things I'd like to do but it's only open this covered in this straw you can't move and nobody can comment but it is possible to get more hats for less money transforming a house into something spectacular might seem unaffordable but I really believe it is possible to create your dream home for a fraction of the price of going and buying one if you get it right oh wow that looks really smart these cool last year saw a whopping hundred and sixty four thousand home extensions successfully granted planning permission but get it wrong and a badly designed extension can knock thousands off the value of a house it's slightly nerve-racking because this is our house it could crumble at any moment create a monster in this series I'll be following the fortunes of those attempting to radically overhaul smaller homes for a fraction of the cost of buying a bigger one the headboard of the bed is going to be this far away from someone else something like too close to comfort it's never as simple undertaking that's a mission you set yourself to me with my body sexy maths it's four meters this is gonna be a bumpy ride isn't it I have to brush my teeth in a little small bucket it's been hell but the rewards can be immense how utterly fabulous I really need the rest of the house they've got everything we need houses are adaptable beasts and can be remodeled and reshape to become the perfect for them even the most problematic ones it just takes a bit of courage and I believe it can be done without breaking the bank this weekend with two families hoping to double particularly difficult spaces for half a cost of buying they're unaffordable dream homes both are taking on huge challenges in East Preston Sussex single mom of two Vicky thorne is desperate for more living space to meet her children's growing these if the house was a better layout and a better design then we could do things differently and just make us have more time together and spend more quality time together but first I'm after church Brampton in Northamptonshire to meet newlyweds the ganas they found the perfect country location but the only way they could afford the space they needed was to buy small and faint big so they are planning an extension to dramatically increase the size of their to bed cottage which they snapped up for under one hundred and eighty eight thousand pounds we moved you about five months ago the house is a bit small at the minute is no but we kind of get on top of each other and we need more space really I think you know in terms of the future in terms planning to have a family in things we just need more room search Brampton is full of attractive period properties and there's one in particular that if money was no object planning manager Andrew and teacher Anne Herod would love to own but this gorgeous 4 bed cottage comes with a hefty price tag this would be worth about 450 and you bought your house for 200,000 say yeah shortfall there this it's a lot of money so how much have you got that you can spend we open spend about 80,000 but if we need to we've got some contingency there to buy their dream place would cost four hundred and fifty thousand pounds their property is worth two hundred thousand so they'd need to find an extra two hundred and fifty thousand pounds but they only have eighty thousand pounds the Garner's are hoping to start a family and will soon outgrow their small end Terrace so I'm hoping to see what potential it has for the future beautiful rolling countryside but a very busy road a little cottage save Andrew and anger odds Victorian two-up two-down semi has a very simple layout downstairs there's a narrow kitchen at the rear and a modest living room at the front upstairs there are two small bedrooms and a bathroom they want to turn this into a large family home that will suit them for years so they've got ambitious plans to extend into their massive garden adjoining the cottage so you've got this piece of land to the side here yes and then all of this yes it's a lot of land you've got isn't it yeah it was the thing that really attracted me it is a big plot but it comes with an even bigger problem isn't access straight down the side dividing that cottage from its land and by law the neighbors have the right to use it 24/7 to put it simply if they build an extension they will have to leave an alleyway running slap-bang through the middle of their house but our lemma really but the couple is confident they have found a solution build over the access way connecting the first floor of the original cottage to its extension we're having to build a an archway yeah we're sort of tryna turning into a policy yeah dan says they will replace the old kitchen with a utility room plus loo and create a new open plan kitchen diner upstairs that add two new bedrooms and bathrooms one ensuite this is a conventional layout and would work well if only there wasn't a public alleyway splitting their home into Andrew and Anne Herod don't appear to have considered just how difficult living across two separate houses could be it's beyond impractical really when you have children you know that whether they're in this part of the house or all the other half of the house is going to be a really big deal because you're going to have locks between them so they're going to be in this half of the house on their own or in the back half of the house on their own if you're in this half so yeah so it is like having two houses almost yeah just give that feel there's one solution that could stop the extension from becoming an impractical add-on and give them a far more workable family home at the moment Andrew and Hank Harrods living spaces on the ground floor and bedrooms are on the first floor but they could group all the living space in the new hall sitting room on the top and kitchen on the ground floor and then have all the bedrooms and bathrooms in the old half how you live on a day-to-day basis is between the first and ground floors as the extension when you went to bed you would go across the first floor and then back down if Andrew and I Hara do we think their room layout it would be a simple and costly solution really lovely house and a very exciting project but it's not without its downsides problem is if it overcome those correctly they could end up with a house that's worse than they started with it does make sense what service rested but I don't know I think it's just me it does seem a bit odd snooping downstairs I do quite like the traditional you know lived on ahead sleep upstairs while Andrew and Herod mull over their dilemma I'm off to the coastal village of East Preston in Suffolk's where single mom Vicki Thorne is in desperate need of a workable home for her two very special children Henry is a typical energetic four-year-old in need of more space to play in big sister six-year-old inma has quadriplegic cerebral palsy and better facilities at home would really help Vicki with her care what I would like is just space where we can all be together and play together and just make life a little bit easier it's got a huge difference hi hello Vicki couldn't afford the ideal property so three years ago she paid 170,000 pounds for this post-war semi with two doubles and a box room in the hope that one day she'd be able to extend us hello darling lovely to meet you Vicki and her biggest supporter mum Andrea has spent the last two years fundraising to raise the 60,000 pounds needed to extend and adapt the ground floor there's been the stories of people who bunch to raise sort of 500 pounds a thousand pounds and passed it on to us from an event that they've done to the little boy at a youth club who came up and donated 20 P and said will this help with her bedroom and you just sort of think you were so touched it's it's been it's been an emotional journey Vicki is at pains to get her place right for her children with the funds she is raising but I wonder what type of property she'd ideally owned if money was no object which one of these houses do you like most I really like this one it's ideal in the fact that it's mostly on one level now all of these houses would cost about four hundred thousand pounds to buy and your house at the moment is worth about 190,000 so so how much have you got at the moment we have managed to fundraise thirty six thousand which we know is not going to be enough to do everything but we have had offers people donating services and time for free to buy her ideal property Vicky would need an extra two hundred and ten thousand pounds but she has nowhere near that amount in fact she's only raised just over half the sixty thousand pounds she needs to extend the house they live in now in any normal situation you say that suppose to do that you've got to be joking but this isn't a normal situation that's it no she's a very special little girl again thanks see ya she's managed to grab people's hearts so hoping that's gonna pull us through yeah she deserves it - gorgeous so yes it will be Vicki still needs to raise twenty four thousand pounds for the extension but she's desperate to get started and looking at her current layout I can really see why upstairs Henry's bedroom is a box room and the only bathroom is unmanageably small for this family Vicky and Iona Mae are in the double bedrooms on the ground floor there's a standard land diner with the kitchen alongside this house is clearly not working for the three of them when I'm cooking over here it's just not really enough room there's not enough work surface and having our enemy with me be able to see her I can't see her fairly from the other room so she really got be with me I'm cooking it just because the space doesn't work at all iron amaze room is on the first floor which is another problem because only Vicki is allowed to carry her up and down stairs you have carers that come in and help but but do the carriers carry you upstairs no they're not allowed to why why they not allowed to and half the safety insurance okay and their risks their own health so as Iona Mae grows bigger having her bedroom and bathroom downstairs is going to get more importance so the plan is to build a massive wraparound ground floor extension with our own amazed new downstairs bedroom and bathroom a kitchen and a sensory room come playroom that will provide a special place to relax and play and it's not just Iona Mae he'll be getting a bigger bedroom what about Henry Henry he's in a little tiny room at the moment so it'd be lovely once Iona Mae gets her new room downstairs for this to become his room and he can have a proper boys room and they got a space to play with his toys at the moment he doesn't have any space to play in his room I think this could be a magic haven for Henry and that'd be really good wouldn't it be lovely Vickie clearly has unique and very tough set of challenges ahead but actually a lot of the issues she faces are very similar to anyone who's expanding their home a limited budget not a lot of space and a house that's just not fit for purpose it's so important that this goes right not just for Vickie but also for Iona Mae let's just hope that charity will be done stuff today I'm with two households aiming to transform properties at a price they can afford and end up with a dream home that will work with them into the future in the Northamptonshire village of Church Brampton the extension newlyweds Andrew and Herod have been planning since moving in five months ago is finally underway but there's one big hitch to the 80,000 handbills a public right-of-way running straight through the middle of the property that could split their new family home in two I think there is a definite possibility that you could end up living in one half only and the other half could be feed much underutilized but then that would kind of defeat the purpose of having an extension in East Preston Sussex mother of two Vicki has been fundraising tirelessly for the last two years to build a ground floor extension with a bedroom bathroom and sensory playroom to help with a care of daughter Iona Mae it's a responsibility for me to get this right for our in a May it's a responsibly to get it right for our family but also for all the people who worked really hard to raise that money for us undeterred by the massive 24,000 pounds shortfall she still has to raise to pay for her 60,000 pound project Vicki gives her builders the green light to start work and then cools the materials please I'm not just taking over as project manager so I'm I'm fully it's all in his hands and I trust him completely but it's only day one and there's already a nasty surprise like many houses built after the war Vicki's has held out with a steel frame that is bang in the middle of where I own am a sensory room is going what we've got here is all the weight of the first ball bearing down on a steel frame consequent if we were to take this steel frame away there'll be nothing supporting the first floor and as a result of that we would end up with the first floor down here on the ground floor so the way that we're going to get over that is by introducing a new steel frame which is going to be supported on a new wall this end and to still post that the additional work means Viki will have to raise an extra one and a half thousand pounds making the shortfall in her budget even worse with every penny so precious it puts even more strain on the build we're gonna be continuing to fundraise water build go ahead you know with all that's going on we're we're still keeping you busy back in Northampton share the ganas are five weeks into their six-month build hello I'm over here yeah washing the dishes on my last visit I asked Andrew and Ankara to rethink their pretty and practical layout their design has all the living space on the ground floor and the bedrooms on the top floor but with the ground floor split in two by the external passageway I think they'd be better off with all the living space in the new extension on one side and have all their bedrooms in the old house but they haven't been won over yes we know who's got an unconventional build we're going to end up with an unconventional house in some ways but I think that was probably a step too far for us and I didn't really want our bedroom downstairs press the road I know you say noise is an issue for this property the house is flanked by a busy road that's 80 death bells now 60 decibels would be the standard amount of noise in a noisy office 80 decibels would be a workplace that was so noisy you'd have to wear ear protectors but there's a solid solution to help really the most effective thing and blocking sound is mass it's a density of of a lump of something and that stops the sound coming in if they erect specialists and insulating panels instead a standard fencing the noise and Andrew and Ann Harrods garden will be more than halved at 90 pounds per meter fully installed it will cost them nearly 2,000 pounds offense they're 20 meter long garden it's a big whack of their budget but it's definitely money well spent when you're looking at the threat so I definitely think it's worth looking at acoustic solutions and acoustic barriers so you're keen to do something about the sound if you can that wasn't too hard and there's still time in the build for Ann Herod and Andrew to change their plans and perhaps consider putting the lounge upstairs in the extension I'm hoping a visit to this stylish and unusual house in South London will show them how well an upside down design can work the layout may seem very modern but it's nothing new in fact in Scandinavia it's been a way of life for decades there's a fantastic sense of space here there was really big restrictions in terms of light because they weren't able to have windows overlooking the neighboring property that's quite a constricted sight so by turning the house upside down they've got this amazing sense of scale and size and light but the other way up the house would have really not worked I mean every dingy downstairs yeah it's very clever really bizarre bit about about your house when it's finished we'll be having living space on one side and then having to go through a public alley way to get to living space on the other side that's really quick yes but I'm Mike this of in some ways helps to change your mind no I think it's confused me but yeah you are very persuasive it's convinced me that there is those mortgage there's mileage in doing something I think that's a definite maybe an unconventional layout can make a lot of sense especially if your ground floor is compromised in some way having the living space upstairs will give you more light better views and because heat rises it can be a more efficient and cost-effective way of living back home the idea seems to grow on andron inherit it was really inspired in Tibet wasn't it yeah it brought home some of the things that Sarah talked about on the original visit and things that we couldn't really imagine but I think as you came up the stairs and they opened up they just that whole wow factor as well as that seeing downstairs being dark it made more sense that that was used as a sleeping space so I was upstairs is a lot lighter and I think that's food sridhar plans with this creates more in the Sussex village of East Preston it's six weeks into the build and the essential news deal frame that's blown a grand and a half of Vicki's budget is going in watchings blowed out I'll give it ten minutes in the real take those props down they'll all be as it should be the unexpected cost has put pressure on other parts of the build but there's one room that Vicky's determined not to compromise on the sensory playroom that will sit right here sensory rooms create an environment that calms or stimulates the senses such as touch sound and sight ideal for Iona maze needs I'm meeting Vicky and the kids the local play center and I've got a surprise in store but first I want to look through some ideas for Iona May's new room it's the one space where you all come to learn so it needs to be pretty amazing yeah this is what I was suspecting a soft play company has come up with a design with mirrors lights and soft seating that would be the perfect chill-out zone for the whole family a sensory room like this could cost around 20,000 pounds but there's amazing news after hearing of Vickie's family's situation they have offered it to them for free it's amazing it's completely experience engines you can't describe how much you mean would it be life-changing and Vickie has a surprise for me too she's found love again with an old friend Gavin who came back into her life some months ago while the building works going on you've moved into Gavin's one-bedroom flats all three of you sharing it around how amazing new house mr. trillion I couldn't be more thrilled for Vickie having the extra support of a partner in her life will make building the perfect home for her family said very much easier I'm with two households aiming to enlarge and transform properties for a fraction of cost of buying their dream home in the seaside village of East Preston in Sussex its midway through Vicky's 12-week bills the new ground floor extension will provide the best possible environment for her six year old Iona Mae who has quadriplegic cerebral palsy it's a big moment on site today the second phase that steelwork is going in this massive beam will be supporting the entire first floor it's weighing in at nearly 500 kilograms so vicki has called in reinforcements East Preston's fire crude okay so what we're going to do this end goes up there into the back of the garden that is going to be swung round into the next-door neighbor's garden this bill there's a huge community effort and potentially life-changing for Vicki inma and Henry to an amazing community feel a bit the project that we've done the fire brigade of also raised money for ima and when she was in hospital they came down presented there with a check that they raised so you know it's lovely it's fun they're still being that we've just introduced there is probably one of the major components of the job and now it's in it sort of a big way of our mind now the main structure is up Vicky needs to start thinking about fixes and fittings like most parents with young children she wants an easy to clean kitchen but for inma it's more important than ever it's got a very low immune system whereas your I would get a cold she will end up with pneumonia and be in hospital for a couple of weeks in terms of bacteria keeping it at bay is really important as clean if not cleaner than a hospital but you don't it to look like hospital yeah it's still our home at the end of the day so it's gonna look like a home and feel like a home there's a few facts about germs that I think a lot of people don't know and and one of them is that different metals hold and carry bacteria better than other metals most kitchen sinks a made from stainless steel but bacteria dies much more quickly on copper to prove its effectiveness against germs I put the print from my thumb on a stainless steel spoon and a copper coin and then into petri dishes and left them overnight so the bugs on the stainless steel overnight are already starting to grow yeah so in terms of bacteria I think the copper wins hands down copper sinks can be costly but there are other super hygienic products available like copper coated taps and specially treated flooring materials there are also plenty of jerem resistant worktops available eco-friendly wood is naturally hygienic and affordable it will need oiling to keep its condition super smooth glass doesn't absorb bacteria can be seamless and now comes color coated some quartz worktops have antibacterial protection and there are some amazing colors surfaces that are quick to clean and stay clean for longer not only save energy but also times of busy people I think it might make your life a little bit easier just having the surface very much easier yeah and just the time spent in cleaning and scrubbing there's many more time spent with the children for more handy tips on how to design a healthy and stylish home check out my scrapbooker channel forward slash beanie good news in Northamptonshire the ganas have now changed their layout and moved their lounge upstairs but I think there might be another designer see with the public right-of-way running smack through the middle of their house and that's where to put the entrance and ruin tank Herod wants it down at the far end of the passage so everyone won't have to walk all the way down the alleyway and enter via the kitchen using an augmented reality app I'd like to offer them a different idea that's how you want it at the moment yeah this is what I'm suggesting having the front door by the front of the house would give it a much more appealing entrance it makes more sense to come in off the road on the door they'll be able to get the stairs it's just a more conventional way of living and the thing about this house is that it's not very convinced Kaguya anyway so you want to try and make it as conventional as possible whilst working really well okay there's some key issues that need to be decided right now if they don't make the right decision I think they'll really regret it in the long run back in East Preston Vicky's new extension is at the final stage amazingly supporters have so far raised nearly 40,000 pounds for the build but there's still a 20,000 pound shortfall and Vickie is spending every moment furiously fundraising with help from boyfriend Gavin and the kids today they're at a local fair so it's a win-win situation because I get cake and a little we're done really bad stain and the sun's been on our side so let's Taylor be coming out I think but looking at it we've we've raised enough money for the center income for the very least so really pleased pretty worth it actually a nice day as well extending our home without the money to see it through is an extremely risky thing to do and certainly not something I'd advise but Vickie decided to take that gamble now I'm really looking forward to seeing how it all paid off for them for three years Vicki struggled with day-to-day living in a property unsuited for her family's needs but two and a half years of fundraising and a five-month build later it's now a fatty that's a functional home for Vicki Iona Mae and Henry and I can't wait to see if it looks just as good on the inside very smart honey money thank you that's great brilliant in their old house Iona Mae's bedroom was up on the first floor and Vicki was feeling the strain of carrying her six-year-old up and down stairs and there was nowhere safe Iona Mae could be left to sit or play without constant supervision but all that changed so the sensory room has come to life it's absolutely amazing two sets from in the house by far the state-of-the-art room is designed to stimulate the senses enhance therapeutic play or just be a place for fun and relaxation whatever any of the family needs all rolled into one so tell me how this I am a fighter she absolutely loves it and she's had a really rough year and she's just she had her it stay in intensive care in March and she's just had another one now and she's coming home to this and she's so relaxed so what does an amazing like in here she were there being visually impaired the lights are a real stimulation for her she loves anything like this the lights and she loves to feel things as well so with this cascade here you've got the combination of the light and being able to touch it and feel it she just loves that soft texture Henry can help her feel things and and he really likes that interaction with her as well do you feel unbelievably lucky to ends up with absolutely yeah I mean I could never ask for anything more than this this is beyond anything I pictured in my head when we fought when we first started the plans and the outcome is just the sensory room leads directly into iron amaze new bedroom and there's easy wheelchair access through into the bathroom which has a specialist bath Vicky managed to find on an auction site at a knockdown price this is really nice and fries before the kitchen didn't work at all for the family when Vicky was cooking she couldn't see into the lounge so I anime had to sit in with her too and there was no space for Henry to join them the new kitchen with its door opening into the garden has a view directly into the lounge so Vicky can keep an eye on both kids better storage and more worktops mean everyone can fit in a comfortably and enjoy being together it's amazing I mean got a space now where I can come in here bake cakes with her it's gonna be a nice little space that we can work with her as well now one of the things that you wanted was the kitchen to be very sterile because I anime is more susceptible to bugs and then other people would be I mean did you put anything in that would help that yes we took your advice and we put in the antimicrobial tiles on the floor and so bigger they're gonna help in that way and you know they look good as well so I'm really pleased yes but this new extension isn't just about the needs of one child it's equally important that it works for Henry two before Henry had no space to play in his tiny bedroom and know where to keep his toys what an amazing room this is now I own amazed old room has been turned into the perfect boy's bedroom he's really really chuffed he had to wait a long time you know all this time we've been fundraising it's been about my own ma and what she you need and he's so you know just carried on going and he's helped just long away you know now he's got his own he's got his tree and this makes it all worth it and you know that we're gonna be happier during the 5-month bill vicki and the children have been staying nearby with boyfriend gavin so living with gavin does that worked out well yeah and it's been good it's been been a tight squeeze but I think we don't we're good oh so that's boots it's getting more than wow that's really great it's like a fresh start new house new family mazing yeah it's fantastic news for Vicki and her children who have been through so much for the past three years right from the beginning this whole building project has been a huge leap of faith when you started this project you didn't have enough money to finish it and he's just carried on going hoping that you'd find the money before you got to the finishing line and that was quite a risky thing to do it was this case a failure wasn't an option we had to do it and the determination that we had behind us to fundraise for that money and find some way of making it work that drove us and and now it's finally done how does it feel it feels quite surreal but a huge relief I can't quite believe we're what we've done it it's been an incredible achievement by Vicki and all of Iona Mae supporters but have they managed to create their ideal home for a fraction of the cost of moving to a new house more suited to all their needs their dream house was worth four hundred thousand pounds and it would have cost two hundred and ten thousand pounds to move to it and that's without any adaptation for Iona Mae but they've managed to create a home that suits them perfectly for 70 thousand pounds that's a saving of one hundred and thirty thousand pounds so how much have you now raised we raised 40 thousand temptation and so your thirty thousand pounds it short that used to low the Builder yeah and where's that coming from we have just received a rather large donation which just helps that anomalously and the bank of mom and dad is gonna be helping out a little bit to finish to help us pay the rest so all done does it pay for amazing commitment from your builder an amazing commitment from lots of other people yeah and I'm really lucky we've had lots of support and you know that I own am a just drove us to success and you know and we done it so great well done this was a really tricky project each member the family had very different specific needs and that's a lot to ask from one house but they've pulled it off and now they've got a fantastic family home that they can all stop to enjoy coming up have the ganas managed to pull off upside down living this is great for almost three months Andrew and Aang Herod Ghana have been struggling with the unusual problem of having a public passageway running through the middle of their extended ground floor they're now up to first floor level and today the roof sales are going in everything needs to be in place before we ordered the Steel's and obviously the crane is also a big cost for us getting that on site so we wanted to make sure that everything is here ready for them so they could do the whole job in one day but they still have to tackle that dark and uninviting alleyway that will form the entrance to their new home however I think that some with some really really good lighting they may well be able to overcome it Andrews joining me at a cutting edge lighting exhibition in London state of the art lighting now comes in many shapes and sizes and can be adapted to any lighting need so now this is one option which is LED lighting now the great thing about this is it's completely flexible so you can have it you can have it bending around a curve or and and it doesn't show the light source feel I can invite an area people I might be a really good idea at this stage to slightly retune your head to make it think that the only way you doing it whilst it doesn't go right away through it there's very much the center of your home and I think if you can do small changes and tells a design to incorporates in your home and make it nice and white door lighting is an effective way to boost the curb appeal of your home make your front door the focal point with lamps on either side concealed lights and trees and pathways and enhance architectural features with subtle up lighting the alleyway first is an inconvenience I suppose we've grown to hate it a little bit Sarah's idea of trying to bring light into the inner alleyway was something we just haven't considered for more information about exterior lighting and this show check out my scrapbook at Channel four come forward slash beanie the last five months have been a real learning curve for Andrew and Anne Harrods now the extension of their two-up two-down semi is almost complete and the builders are carrying out the finishing touches newlyweds Andrew and Anne Harris took a huge gamble with this project now after all building a house with an alleyway straight through the middle of it really was a recipe for disaster I'm just hoping that they managed to overcome a lot of the issues and have ended up with a house that actually works at the start of their project the couple were living in a poky Victorian cottage now they've more than doubled its size to create a modern family home to grow into but it's far from traditional it does still very much feel as though it's two different houses with a great big hole down the middle of them I think there were more things that could be done on the outside to tie it together I'm dying to see the inside I could see you cheesy goodness me look at this before the ganas were tripping over each other in their cramped and outdated kitchen in the original part of the house and it was a long way from the family home they longed for now they've created a spacious and stylish open-plan kitchen diner in the new extension complete with the latest appliances must be so pleased it is what I wanted for much more well it's absolutely spectacular Oh lovely overlooking the garden see now that's massive kitchen dining room very light and very bright and I will say the alleyway coming down having the light in the alleyway it makes such a difference especially know it doesn't feel intimidating it's really like those amazing for the life days it looks fantastic we also talked about perhaps having the front door instead of at the back here having it at the front over here and obviously you started to gain fact you find it works yeah I think we've had families where the kitchen area has been in a sort of home part of the home where you mean great place and then the diner has been a bit more sort of relaxed a door that people come in and out especially if you're sort of having a meal yeah I think internally it works the problem with this house has always been and still is to be honest it's really bizarre access because of the only way down the middle and everything your you do to it from now on and up till now it has to consider that because yeah whichever way you look at it it's nice idea you've got a beautiful garden and you've got an amazing kitchen and lovely time at all of its lovely but it's all about trying to times do I have enough ticks in the box that outweigh the massive crops of having this problem through the center of the house previously Andrew and Anchorage only had two small bedrooms impractical for a future family now they have four spacious bedrooms and three bathrooms this is Grace the upstairs lounge is a great success and keeps all their living space on one side of the house and means they won't have to cross the alleyway to go between their kitchen and their living room so the whole transition of taking the living space upstairs was a tricky one food and donate didn't make a lot more sense you know what you were saying about it being left upstairs and dark of the bedroom it's a really calm lovely space and so you've got that big space downstairs which is our kitchen dining space we can come up here to this lovely sitting room up here and having the doors over here obviously that's partly so you get a great view but is that also because you're going to put a balcony yeah we just need to save up so we can afford to finish that off great well it would be a shame not to because the garden at the moment looks so fantastic so you decided to put the acoustic fence in yeah yeah it made a big difference yes it's really something that means we're gonna be able to enjoy that space and with a balcony overlooking it well that would be the cherry on the cake with it yeah brilliant with their wedding anniversary just a few days away completing this ambitious project is a real milestone for Andrew and Angharad is it lovely the feeling that you you have achieved so much in the first year of marriage yeah it really feels like this is our home it's kept us busy isn't it yeah you'll be bored next year I cannot say to each other you'll give us Binet mm how much did you end up spending yeah we went over to about 85 just to incorporate all of the extra bells and whistles that we really want to paint their dream house was worth four hundred and fifty thousand pounds and it would have cost them two hundred and fifty thousand to move to it but they've managed to gain the extra space they craved for just eighty five thousand pounds that's an impressive saving of a hundred and sixty-five thousand pounds and there's even better news when you started the project the house was worth about 200 thousand wasn't it around that figure yes the really good news is that the house would now be worth I recommend anywhere up to about three hundred and fifty thousand so that would be sixty five thousand pounds of equity they did creative wow that is fantastic is really good news and it's not only we now got that perfect living space we've got that financial security and the less huge for us so what would their won't be the one piece of advice that you would give someone else who's gonna take on a project like this yeah just do it don't think what just do it and also the flexibility I think we were very rigid in the way we were looking at our the layout of the house and I think you opened our eyes to the potential of moving things around we even walked into other people's houses now I'm going mean you could possibly do andrew and inherit had a major obstacle trying to turn this tiny two-up two-down Victorian Terrace into a modern 21st century home the shared access way down the middle of the house could easily have split the ground-floor into two but despite the complicated layout they have now gone an awfully long way to overcoming it and they've ended up with a beautiful home that their family can grow into next time Joe and keys are at a loss over the design of their house can you describe to me how all of this space is going to look no is that the answer you can't describe and for the safe family packing up the kitchen was pretty stressful a chapter the kid the pressure of living on a building site hits home crazy actually sticking up two fingers to the aging process as six women who averaged 80 are having fun and looking fabulous brand-new gorgeousness 10 o'clock tonight well next up a pawn brokers at the seriously wealthy end of the market if cashflow is a problem why not trade your helicopter posh porn coming up
Channel: Junko Cherish
Views: 17,252
Rating: 4.4042554 out of 5
Keywords: Double Your House For Half The Money episode 5, Church Brampton and East Preston, watch Double Your House For Half The Money episodes, Double Your House For Half The Money, Double Your House For Half The Money tv show, watch Double Your House For Half The Money, watch Double Your House For Half The Money free, watch Double Your House For Half The Money free online, Double Your House For Half The Money full episodes
Id: czPznEtWWbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 55sec (2815 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2015
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