Double Your Door Security for $1 - Entry Door Reinforcement - Locksmith Recommended

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hi I'm Robert with Acme locksmith in Arizona today we're going to be talking about door security and the things you can do to reinforce your door to make it much harder to get into your home why would we be concerned with that well statistics show sixty to sixty-five percent of home break-ins occurred through a door in addition to that 30 to 35 percent of those occur because somebody's actually gotten in through an unlocked door or unlocked window I mean we're talking door security that's the first point I want to address you've done it I've done it we've all done it we've all forgotten to lock the door kids come in and out they forget to lock the doors today you never have to worry about that if you take the right precautions if you install an electronic deadbolt on your front door you can set that electronic deadbolt so that although auto lock for you after being open for a set amount of time that way no matter what happens you can be sure that that door is always locked and let's face it anything else we do to improve the strength of that door is useless if the doors not locked the next area that's a big important step in improving the overall door security is to address what I think is the weakest point of the door and that's the frame now builders they don't care about making a strong secure door for you oh they really care about is building the least expensive home possible in making the most profit the frame of your door is usually made with half-inch composite wood or plywood and it's very very easy to break let's take a look at this part here this is a strike on your front door your deadbolt goes into the strike and that's what holds your door to the frame of your door well most builders are securing those strikes with a screw that looks just like this about a half inch screw well you can imagine you have two of those in the strike and that is all that is holding your door together and preventing somebody from forcing it open it's not enough the single most important thing I think you can do to your door it's the cheapest thing you could do to your door is that you want to replace those little screws with the three and a half to four inch screw what this will do is now when you screw this into your strike you're actually going to secure that to the two two by fours that are framing your door so I recommend that you do that to both screws in the strikes for both your deadbolt and your doorknob as well as two screws in every hinge of your door this step alone single most important thing you can do after you've done that the weak point of your door becomes this part right here let me turn that around for a little better view okay so this is where the bolt actually goes through your door now you've got a bolt you have a doorknob so you have two points of force on the edge of that door and if you can look that's only about a quarter inch of wood on both sides so now that you've reinforced your frame if somebody tries to kick in your door this is the weak point that needs to be addressed a couple of things that you can do there the one that we normally do is we put a door wrap on the door and basically what this does is you take the deadbolt off you slide this on to the door secure it with screws and put the deadbolt back on this one has a protective coating but you can buy these and whatever finish you have on your door hardware now what that does is that distributes the force so now if somebody tries to force that door open all of their pressure goes against this entire plate distribution of force is a key thing and protecting your front door think of it like a balloon you fill up a balloon full of air and you take a very sharp pencil and you poke it that balloons got a pop now you fill a balloon full of air and instead of hitting it with the point of the pencil hit it with a side of the pencil and you've got to put a lot more force into it in order to pop that balloon that's because you're distributing the force across the entire length of the pencil instead of just the tip same concept here you're distributing force across this entire plate now you can get these in a variety of sizes this is first single deadbolt you can get them for a deadbolt and a doorknob or lever one piece for both or you can get them with just a little fraction of this just to cover the edge of the door any of them are an improvement over what you have so we highly urge you to get one of these so those are the biggest things that you can do make sure it's locked get rid of those little tiny screws and put some kind of an edge protector on the door but there are many incremental if crewmen's that you can do after you've taken care of those three things one of them is remember that strike I showed you it's teeny tiny it's very cute there are a variety of strikes that are available that are much much longer the difference is the number of screws that are in the strike so this one has two you can buy these this is the deadbolt side this is the latch side you can buy these with more screws okay this is the small option two screws on top to screw in the bottom but what you're doing there again is you're distributing force so you've doubled the amount of screws so now you've doubled the amount of force it takes to get that door open and you want to replace both your strikes with something like this now you can get them even bigger so this one has three screws on the top and three screws on the bottom variety of sizes available you can even buy strikes that are two three feet long in order to distribute that force across much much wider gap making it much much more difficult to get in another incremental improvement that you can do to your door is improve the strength of the dead bolts in the lever or doorknob that you have most builders put on by default grade three hardware grade three is the worst Hardware you can have on your door we recommend at least grade 2 or grade 1 grade one being the best now I so I would swap out your deadbolt with grade 2 what you get when you go to a grade to our gray one is you get stronger materials grade 3 typically has plastic parts on the inside grade to grade one are built a lot heavier and a lot more heavy duty we actually have an article that we wrote on two dead bolts and what our favorite dead bolts are put a link to that down below for you so that you could take a look at some of the features you might want to consider when you're buying new door hardware in addition to the strength of materials one of the things you get now when you buy grade 2 and grade 1 is you get anti bump protection bumping if you don't know about it is a technique that anybody with $3 an internet connection can use to get into your home we did a whole article on it on our website I'll put a link to it below in case you want to see how lock bumping is done in several ways that you can protect your house from that type of intrusion but I'm going to cover just a couple here for you one of them is you can put onto your house something that we call a half both okay this is just like a regular deadbolt on the inside of the home works exactly like a regular deadbolt but on the outside of the home there's no keyhole so the advantage to this is now anybody trying to get into your home's not even going to know that there's a deadbolt there because they can't visually see it in addition because there's no keyhole it can't be bumped it can't be picked even a working key for the other two locks won't get into your home the main reason you would want to do this over the next thing that I'm about to discuss is that this deadbolt can be installed up higher on your door so if you have little children who are exploring the world and they want to run out the front door you can install this deadbolt higher up on the door and prevent them from doing that in addition adding that third deadbolt again creates another third point that has to be gotten through it somebody's trying to force in that door so you're distributing force again highly worth taking a look at those do have to be professionally installed though so call your local locksmith if you want to get those now this next little product that I want to show you does essentially the same thing to protect you from bumping is it is a great little product now many people don't realize this but your thumb turn on the inside of your home somebody uses a key to get in and throw that bolt out this thumb turn actually spins on the inside of your home so this product actually works by securing that thumb turn in place it just slides right behind the deadbolt has a latch on it so that you can hold that into place it's unlocked to lock works freely you latch it lock won't open so by securing that in place not even a working key will get into the house and if a working key won't get into the house either will lock bumping or either will lock picking so you can add this without replacing any door hardware and without needing a locksmith I'll put a link to this product below we sell these on our line online on our website but it's a fantastic little addition to your house for improved security so if you liked this video please like us below the last thing I want to talk about is this great little product here so this is a kit and you can buy this online at Amazon I'll put the link below for you if you want to take a look at it you can get it in any finish you want to match your door hardware but basically this is going to give you about a two and a half foot strike on the frame side of the door multiple screws comes with the three and a half inch screws that we already recommend these are little door edge protectors for both of your deadbolt and your doorknob and then these are hinged protectors to actually protect the hinge side of the door so this kit has everything in it that we've talked about outside of adding additional door hardware for the knob or the deadbolt but this has everything that we would urge you and recommend you do at a base level to improve the integrity of that door all right thank you so much for watching and be sure to follow us and we'll have another video for you in a few weeks
Channel: Locksmith Recommended
Views: 777,331
Rating: 4.9398136 out of 5
Keywords: door security, door reinforcement, lock bumping, reinforce entry door, entry door reinforcement, burglar proof doors, strengthen door security, stop lock bumping, improve door security, keep criminals out of your home, entry door security, forced entry, home security system, best home security, home door security, door edge protection, acme locksmith, locksmith recommended, how do i secure my front door, how do i secure my apartment door, reinforce a door to prevent kick in
Id: F3vCmbiDhKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 03 2019
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