Double Orphle Trouble - My Magic Pet Morphle | Magic Universe - Kids Cartoons

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[Music] oh [Music] oops [Music] [Applause] huh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no paint wash [Music] like an awful [Music] oh [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] school hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] only if you play together [Music] [Music] look here my latest invention can turn humans into teddy bears [Music] isn't this great [Music] now then time to turn myself back oh no without hands i can't use the sapper [Music] did you hear that yawn yeah and i love teddy bears quiet yawn [Music] test tubes [Music] and they have the teddy bear zapper [Music] what is happening [Music] we need to stomp them more full morph into a super fast cheetah [Music] huh [Music] no i can't hold on without hands can you hold me with your tail great let's go [Music] oh no i have a date soon [Applause] how about you carry me for a bit [Music] not in my city [Music] don't worry officer freeze will stop the bandits [Music] oh no luke stein how about we turn you into a teddy bear as well [Music] great the ray only works on humans [Music] oh no now i'm a teddy bear oh you're such a cute teddy bear great now we can zap everyone back again with officer free [Music] that's better but not for you two oh at least i'll have a soft cuddly teddy bear with me in jail [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey watch it yeah all that water is almost like a shower and bandits like to be dirty sorry you know we could make the whole city dirty but how do we do that i'm sure there's a magic pet for that [Music] with the power of this slimy magic pet called slimy we will cover the whole city [Music] we need to stop them mortal morphine not in my city kids what do you think you're doing we need to catch the bandits what you need to do is clean up all this mess you made no butts missy i'll be back in a bit to see if you've cleaned all this slime let's clean this up as quick as we can that's great now let's go after the bandit [Music] oh no look at all that slime [Music] bandage they're about to slime officer freeze's car marvel spray their slime away with your water [Music] what you two again you can start cleaning the fire station right away okay officer freeze [Music] wow look more full every place the slime has been is much cleaner than before it's like some kind of magical soap let's go clean up the rest of the slime [Music] [Music] didn't we just slide this place yeah we cleaned it all up and now we're going to clean you too oh no you don't [Music] oh no we're really clean yarn i know stein i love it [Music] oh marvel i want to play train driver morph into a train [Music] let's drive the train all across town [Music] [Music] oh look there is uncle wilfert [Music] what's wrong uncle wilfert my my car broke down now i can't go on my photo safari and take pictures of all the animals but uncle wilford you can come along with us we can bring you everywhere you wanna go oh thank you mila and warfare [Music] wow great where do you want to go now what about the sea [Music] so [Music] these pictures are going to turn out amazing [Music] hey [Music] [Music] oh no my camera give it back [Music] please give it back monkey [Music] so [Music] wow this monkey has the same hobby as i do hmm i have an idea we're still missing one picture a group picture of all of us would you take a picture of us monkey [Music] who celebrate the national day of dinosaurs professor rasheed has helped the city to organize a special dinosaur race wow that's so cool let's join two more full more into a t-rex [Music] but wait we have another contestant the winner of the race gets this beautiful award [Music] is everybody ready three [Music] two one go [Music] so [Music] let's compete too yawn yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] now let's win this race [Music] so [Music] oh no the bandits are here and they are cheating to win [Music] look ladies and gentlemen we have a winner [Music] stealing dinosaurs huh not in my city congratulations to the winners we didn't win more fool but at least we have a fair winner [Music] let's play hide and seek okay mila and more you are going to hide and i will try to find you one two [Music] quick mortal morph into a car and hide between the other cars [Music] [Applause] hmm [Music] what a creative idea [Applause] very smart i think you were really smart too yeah uh i have to get going bye bye now it's your turn to seek more fools [Music] you can think of something [Music] there you are we need your help but where's mila the bandits are robbing the grocery store they're getting away with all the groceries [Music] [Laughter] yeah we did it again stein murphy don't know what to do now i think it should be something strong and big what about a dinosaur [Music] what [Music] oh no that was too big uh what about a mouse [Music] now we also have more food yeah this is our lucky day stein i don't really know morphle i don't think i'm good at this either hmm you know marvel i think you should believe in yourself and you will know what to morph into [Music] robots oh no [Music] you did it morphle thank you for saving my groceries morphle why don't you take this cake with you as a gift [Music] what a great smell more full how did you get that cake well for sure for the city not myself wow more fool i'm so proud of you [Music] it seems that i have the flu and i'm unable to do my work can we help you mr joe or for help these vehicles need to be delivered to their owners quickly but i have this list [Music] uh oh all the names of the vehicles owners are smudged but i think we can still figure it out more full morph into a big red truck [Music] hmm i think the tractor needs to go to police officer freeze for whichever ship need a tractor yep i think that is what it says on the list [Music] but but this i'm sorry police officer freeze but we are in a hurry [Music] hmm [Music] hmm it doesn't seem right but i think it says that we should drop off the police car here oh [Music] [Music] sorry oops i didn't see you there [Music] this is impossible not so fast oh no i think we made a mistake morphle more into a police car too [Music] [Music] now let's try to use our brains and bring the vehicles to the right owners hmm i think this tractor belongs to farmer bob [Music] and the ice cream truck must belong to the ice cream man [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh hey beeline how did it go everything has been delivered mr joe oh great was the list of any help [Music] more into a turtle [Music] [Music] hi turtle [Music] [Music] hey milan morphle there is a speedboat race about to start do you want to join yeah sure more full morph into a speedboat [Music] [Applause] [Music] and everyone is here okay let's start the race in three two one go [Applause] [Music] [Music] we've got to help him morphle yeah [Music] phew thank you [Music] let's help him on those rocks morphle [Music] thank you red living bird [Music] [Applause] [Music] alien alien where did that come from huh muffle shave [Music] why did you beam up that racer what racer i only beamed up one of your clouds for my little planet oh i didn't see him you should really be more careful in the future i will [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] we've almost got you turtle we need to help it morphle [Music] ruffle help [Music] and we have a winner [Music] oh i'm so sorry big red turtle [Music] [Applause] now for now we know but murphy win a friend oh hey mila and morphle do you want to play soccer with us sure okay it's you and we're full against troy and me ready we are [Music] go tempest [Music] huh what was that [Music] that was tempest power it can stop time that's awesome but it's also cheating me you're right it is cheating are you okay with watching us play tempest did you hear that yawn i love mean things me too stein let's steal it [Music] let's use tempus powers to do mean things okay stein [Music] [Music] strange it feels like oh my is that how did that get there the bandits let's see what they're up to now look yawn it seems like peter freeze is really frozen yeah he is really good at freezing in place he has really uh frozen over i don't get it stein [Music] just quickstart again [Music] they've got my hat not in my city tempest where are you where will you go [Music] oh no the bandits have taken tempest after that morphle [Music] hey give me back my hat don't worry police officer free we'll catch them [Music] [Applause] hmm i know if we touch the bandit mobile when the bandits freeze time we can still move as well [Music] bandits we're back let's draw glasses on them next yard huh where did they go we're right here [Applause] [Music] they called us stein yeah they stopped this good i bet you'll be having the time of your life in jail look at this that's great troy [Music] i can't get out yeah but how marvel morph into a helicopter that way you won't get stuck in the bushes phew thank you morphle oh we've got to go more full our class is going on a trip today i'll tell you all about it when we get back okay bye morphle can you help me out okay i was working on fixing this hole in the road when our painter just drove into it i was just driving and all of a sudden my steering wheel was gone and i drove straight into this home and now i can't get out anymore [Music] again [Music] the control wheel of my plane isn't here either where could it have gone preferred you will get it down [Music] my foot marvel [Music] oh no it's the bandits we're not just the bandits we're the steering wheelbags oh no without my steering wheel i can't steer and we'll hit a tree for sure i don't want to get stuck in plants again [Music] [Music] more oh the bandits stole our steering wheel we need your help yeah that's not working anymore [Music] you helped me again morphle yeah did you help other people as well more fool [Music] that's all right morphle they are very sweet lions [Music] and you found my plane's control wheel great [Music] hunter okay it was a bit chilly up there but i've never seen the city from up there i've got so much inspiration for my next painting [Applause] oh i'm really tired morphle can you help me get up to our bed morphle [Music] thank you morpho [Music] hello police officer freeze [Music] what are you doing here so early i couldn't wait to pick you up let's go to jail [Music] [Music] out policeman then a policeman free milan [Music] why do i get this isn't even a real ticket hmm i really wouldn't want to stay here for a long time more for happy policemen more [Music] shoes i say get out of my front yard what are you doing here morphle well what are you doing you're very mean to birdies [Music] you can't just take people to jail mortal oh no [Music] [Applause] [Music] what [Music] that was pretty funny [Music] oh man [Music] much literally [Music] oh that's great huh where have all my tires gone [Music] what a ticket for littering [Music] [Music] i can't be on the grass in the park why i ordered you well i'll be a monkey's uncle kids these days that's great just great [Music] that was great and you'll always remember to stay [Music] [Music] no i was never in jail police officer freeze gave me a tour of the station but more for when the free mila the move will take phantom push the chair what oh no you can't just take people to jail morphle [Music] i had a great time with our little red fin this is the magic pet graph it can change the way gravity works for all the things it zaps wow oh can you change my gravity grass [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's great whoa it's great to look at things from a different perspective i've changed my mind about so many things right now [Music] we'll take this with the power of this magic pet we will be the gravity bandits we need to stop them morphle [Music] oh oh hello there spider we need to catch up with them more into a kangaroo mortal [Music] oh hold on parky oh no we need to help him more full morph into a crane [Music] phew [Music] thank you we'll stop the bandits mr vanderbilt [Music] hmm why is the bridge oh no the brakes stopped working mark into a spider so you can stop the bus with a web [Music] oh thank you morphle [Music] oh no help oh no it's sarah we need to bring her house down again morph into an airplane [Music] now tie those trees together over the house so it can't fall into the sky anymore phew thank you mila and morphle oh no luke stein how about we change your gravity again now we need to fly up to them [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're sorry oh now can you get us down again graph can you change the gravity of everything else back again [Applause] [Music] please don't get any closer [Music] now that spider can't reach oh that was quite a day stein yeah it sure was john let's go to bed but stein yeah our beds are on the ground oh no here you go two small robots as ordered perfect watch that now oh uh nothing uh thank you bye-bye have you brought everything yup [Music] perfect now let's see if it works look it's the bandits look it's the bandits [Music] this is going to work brilliantly [Music] [Music] never mind the ball we're going to play another game now come with me [Music] [Music] more full you came looking for the ball too no oh do you want to play another game oh okay do you want to go home no um do you have any ideas no hmm my fool get those ice creams [Music] you're acting very strange morphle you don't even want to morph no all you say is no no no daddy morphle is being weird now mila that's not a nice thing to say hey morphle what's up no uh do you want some ice cream [Music] no ice cream that can't be right [Music] oh no i'm so sorry morph hey wait a minute see i told you this morphe isn't [Music] really take a bath [Music] [Laughter] oh look at him he's going to do it oh hey morphle do you want to play hey daddy over there [Music] oh no it's mila's dad play it cool yawn hey mila what are you doing [Music] well okay then you do that bye bye mila bye daddy [Applause] excellent yawn now for some more mischief more full paint the wall no no give me that morph into a police car now a fire truck now an elephant then now [Music] do you need some help daddy morphle can morph into all sorts of tools that would be great building the sheds a lot of work more full morph into a hammer [Music] [Music] wow this looks great morphe [Music] it's a little small though don't worry we can make it bigger right morphle okay then i will start painting the [Music] inside ah this is perfect [Music] time for a little break hmm let's add another story morphle that way daddy has even more space [Music] hey mila what are you doing we're building a shed it's going to be the best shed ever if it's going to be the best shed ever it needs a slide and a balcony you're right [Music] [Music] [Applause] and a lookout tower for if there are pirates [Music] a swing would be nice and a clubhouse [Music] hmm i think it needs to be higher but we have used up all the wood let's get some more mortal morph into a dump truck [Music] [Applause] [Music] more into a logging machine and cut those trees [Music] [Applause] let's bring them back to the shed [Music] [Applause] okay morphle now build the shed as high as you can make it [Music] [Applause] that's more like it yay now it's the best shed ever hmm it still feels like something's missing [Music] what happened daddy what do you think of your new shed get me down from here ah of course we forgot to build a ladder don't worry daddy we're on the job marvel let's go get some more wood no don't leave me alone mila morphle are you still there [Music] i have to go do something more full but it's a secret so you can't come no more full it's not allowed bye-bye morphle [Music] oh what's up morphle no hmm no sorry morphle [Music] what's wrong morphle no sorry i haven't seen her today [Music] no mila's not here [Music] oh no morphle she's not here [Music] not in my city come on morphle i'll bet mila's waiting for you at home [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] not so fast morphle you haven't checked the backyard yet [Music] happy birthday morphle now open your present [Music] justice never sleeps but you have to from nine to seven it's crime fighting time right after you brush your teeth morphle morph into a train [Music] have fun at the beach everyone [Music] oh no the elephant is gone oh no we need to find it [Music] now the lion is missing as well where could it have gone [Music] and now the giraffe has gone missing as well bandage yes the bandits must have stolen them let's find them [Music] there you are bandits what did you do with all the animals huh what animals the animals that were in the carts that have disappeared you mean the carts that have disappeared like that [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] we found you but where's the third monkey uh oh he's gone missing [Music] don't worry we'll find him again [Music] there you are it's not fun to be alone is it now that you're together again let's find the other animals they must feel just as alone and sad as you did just now if you find them you can call more full [Music] [Applause] whew great now let's find the others [Music] wow that looks great lion [Music] now we only need to find the giraffe [Music] [Laughter] there you are giraffe you see monkeys it's much more fun to all be together now let's go to the beach bye bye giraffe later [Music] yay we made it [Music] how about a little story before bed yay story time once upon a time in a kingdom far away lived a brave king and his beautiful daughter but then a giant climbed the tower to her bedroom window and kidnap the princess boring what why doesn't the giant kidnap the king for once but who's going to save the king then the princess of course and more full well fine the giant kidnapped the king and ran off with him help oh princess save me oh no we need to stop that giant morphle morph into a suit of armor [Applause] perfect now you can save the king no we need a sword first magic shores yeah a magic sword but the giant is getting away hmm i know there's a magic sword stuck in a rock over there [Music] here let me try amazing wow did you see that okay so what's so magical about it it can defeat any monster by making a rainbow so they will be happy what oh we're sorry everyone we were stealing your stuff while you were busy until we saw this pretty rainbow we don't want to be bad anymore oh all right but how will you find the king now the giant is long gone hmm you could ask the dragon yeah the dragon should know no you have to find the giant this story is about a giant take my horse to visit the dragon but thank you very much oh fine but do you even know where the dragon lives well over there of course [Music] [Applause] are you sure you want to go in it sounds so scary [Music] the princess couldn't see anything it was way too dark in the dragons cave hello so she decided to go out and find the giant but first the princess's magic sword little [Music] yay [Music] okay okay nice trick so you probably want to know where the giant lives you should go to the mountain next door really the mountain where the witch lives so we visit her first okay oh no [Music] here's the witch go ask her well hello there hello mrs witch we are looking for the giant can you help us find him yes i definitely know where he lives take a few steps back my dear a little more please [Music] ah yes the giant's castle and there's the giant he is so big and scary you need to save me princess but you'll have to defeat me first and then the princess made the prettiest rainbow anybody had ever seen and turned the giant from bad to good what and they had a tea party to celebrate yay i'm saved [Music] i guess with that the story is done now is the best story ever daddy you really think so can you tell us another story well i can tell you another one tomorrow but now it's time to sleep in your sleep you will be able to dream up any story you like come more full let's go on a great adventure [Music] [Music] oh that's a really big egg troy yeah i just found it hidden behind a tree [Music] easter today look [Music] [Applause] wow that's so cool whoosh whoosh flip flop flip floop plop [Music] i want one of those magic easter eggs too we would like an egg too maybe the easter bunny hid more eggs oh let's have a magic easter egg hunt we will gather the most eggs we'll see about that more full morph into a race car let's go may the best spend it win what [Music] mr action yeah [Music] so not all the eggs have toys in them [Music] oh he just wanted to give a hug [Applause] [Music] found one yeah i wonder what's in there i'm sure this is one of the last eggs i hope it's something good what it's empty no stein there's confetti in there and i love confetti [Music] i can't find any more eggs more full [Music] wow [Music] whoa we're a golden egg that is the last egg in the whole city and it's ours oh no it isn't wonderful move into an airplane [Music] huh it has wings and it's coming our way [Music] [Music] [Music] now blow some of the clouds higher up in the air [Music] now the egg can't see where we are and we can catching oh man you caught the egg let's see what's inside [Applause] chocolate yummy that was fun [Music] do you want some chocolate as well thank you give up bandits you will not get away from us [Music] we'll see about that grab them more full [Music] look at them more rockets onto the monster truck more full [Music] back up yarn [Music] [Music] hmm well me land morphle i have to say you make my life very easy look at him our life would be easy too if we had more full yeah stein i think we could be the mayor if we had more fool no we could be kings yours kings we could tell morphle to morph into anything we want yeah that would be the life [Music] and the next subject paying tribute is the former mayor [Music] i offer you my golden chain my kings morphle morph into a monkey and bring me that chain will you is that all i expected more oh um take this puppy as well i like it okay you're done oh thank you marvel morph into a big lion and walk us around town [Music] when i grow up i want to be a king too dream on kid hold it right there oh will you look at that it's mila go away mila nobody likes you yeah mila stop blocking the road or i'm going to have to take you to jail you are not kings you're bandits and i'm here to stop you so what are you going to do with this bracelet from professor rasheed i'll be able to morph as well all right that's it [Music] make a stock waffle [Music] look into a t-rex smartphone [Music] more stop it [Music] john are you okay yeah but i had this strangest dream me too mortal was our friend but didn't mean the game and they both got really big stein i don't want to be king anymore me neither yawn me neither [Music] more fool morph into a horse [Music] welcome to the medieval fun fair everybody the horse race is about to start the bravest of knights will ride their horses through the forest cross a bridge and fight a dragon and to make the race more interesting i will bring a real night from the middle ages to our time [Music] this is the competition don't make me laugh no laugh i like your attitude three two one go go hey wait three two one good luck everybody hey you cheated little girl in my time everybody cheats on to the bridge [Music] [Music] hey that's cheating [Music] hmm they're going to defeat the dragon before i do i will have to find something even bigger [Music] hmm where did the night go what beast is this i'll defeat you and win the competition please sir stop [Music] more dangerous beasts i will defeat them all [Music] i'm not attacking a bus not in my city [Applause] [Music] hey you stop [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah you must be the sheriff why are there so many monsters in your town monsters what are you talking about these are not monsters they're cars cars there is so much you don't know about our time let me show you [Music] ah there they are thank you mila you have shown me so much today i don't want to be a knight any longer from now on i will be a surfer that leaves you to be the only knight still in the race mila congratulations you won i think daddy could use some help more full more into a digger [Music] why did you do that now it's ruined we're sorry daddy we were only trying to help [Music] it's okay just go help somewhere else [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're going to cut the grass over there daddy sure sure be safe morph into a cutter morphle [Music] what's going on here [Music] not my beautiful flowers why would you cut those we didn't mean to daddy yard work needs precision and you're way too big morphle [Music] now leave me to my work [Music] maybe we can help daddy a little by cleaning up those twigs and leaves but we have to be very careful more full morph into a tiny bulldozer [Music] oh thank you mila but where is morphle [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's it out of the backyard you two [Music] ah finally done what do you think mila and more fool oh right i told him to leave but they were only trying to help hmm i bet i can make it up to them [Music] milo morphle could you come over here are you hungry yeah [Music] i'm sorry i got angry at you guys you were only trying to help marvel sorry too next time well now that you mention it the sun is really bright and i say no more more full morph into a parasol [Music] wow thanks a lot morphle and that's to keep you cool more ice cream [Music] wake up telefox i've got a surprise for you have a look in the backyard [Music] he's gonna love it i'll throw the old one away [Music] oh no surprise in the backyard [Music] no blank i think he's looking for his old bed [Music] i think he went outside [Music] let's go after him morph into a race car [Music] uh-oh telefox isn't on the car anymore [Music] oh no hey televox i'm sure that's not your old bed [Music] oh no what happened i got scared and who threw my boxer ice cream in the tree will help morphle morph into a fire truck [Music] thank you so much now i can serve ice cream again to you ice cream thank you thank you but we don't know where telefox went morphle morph into a helicopter so we can see him from the air [Music] [Music] i didn't mean to do that marky i think televox has been here too stop it [Music] hmm where could he have aha daddy said he threw telefox's old bed away and where do things go when you throw them away [Music] oh smells in here there it is [Music] teleports we found your old bed [Music] now let's take you and your bed back to the magic pet store so telefox was looking for his old bed okay you can keep it [Music] after we wash the garbage smell out of it [Music] and that's where i found the most beautiful flower of my bouquet too bad i didn't put them in water wonderful uh i mean the story too bad about flowers next up to tell about her weekend mila yay my weekend began very peacefully i was playing with morphle when suddenly mila it's terrible asteroids are about to hit the city and we need you to stop them it sounds like trouble more full morph into a giant robot [Music] you super mega punch [Music] [Music] now super mega cartwheel [Music] morphle you're my hero and mine that's awesome marvel is so cool sure sounds like an exciting weekend mila who's next oh i'm just getting started oh mila the bandits have a huge dragon there's no way i can arrest him now more pool morph into a robot again let's warm them up a little use the super ultra heat shield morphle [Music] no way no you dumb dragons [Music] my hero it just keeps getting better are you sure it happened that way mila you bet and i'm not done yet and that heat shield amazing that dragon is probably still cowering in a cave somewhere [Music] [Applause] hey wait that's my car more full robot [Music] [Music] i'm sorry mila but purple space bunnies really well that's what i saw recess children oh god kids these days such lively imaginations [Music] oh dear [Music] catch the ball morphle [Music] oh wow that was fast now throw it back don't you want to play catch more fool more for no one to play catch okay do you want to draw something [Music] so what do you want to do [Music] do you want to play hide and seek maybe okay start counting [Music] morphle do you maybe want to hear a story [Music] as the boy walked up to the house the door opened on its own and he heard a scary voice story wow you're hard to please today morphle hmm shall we take a trip to the beach that always cheers you up [Music] look out [Music] sorry let's build the same castle morsel [Music] huh where are you going morphle [Music] oh let's go somewhere else [Music] look at how much fun they're having more full [Music] hey more full that's not nice of you huh a popcorn a delicious a popcorn [Music] did you have breakfast this morning no more for no one it's a breakfast more for one at the plate so that's why you've been cranky all this time you didn't eat anything oh well morphle dig in [Music] did that help morpho are you feeling better now that you've eaten [Music] wow [Music] wow [Music] all those crazy magic pets [Music] uh [Music] why can't they be quiet for once [Music] oh [Music] that's it i've had enough of this [Music] oh what's wrong vanderbilt doesn't want to play with you oh that's no fun but we can play together [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] with these seeds my heads will grow so big that those pesky neighbors won't be able to annoy me any longer but how many seeds do i need [Music] oh well let's just plant all of them [Music] i think the little dragon isn't sad anymore [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh no we have to save vanderbilt quick morph into an airplane [Music] what am i done oh no oh please make it stop [Music] [Music] um i can't hold it still [Music] thank you mila and morphle you saved me and a special thanks to you little dragon you see mr vanderbilt magic pets are super friendly and helpful as well [Music] [Music] legend has it that up on that high mountain top lives a terrible monster when it's hungry it comes down to this forest looking for children so it can eat them that was a fun scary story wasn't it [Music] more into a giant robot [Music] i'm not scared of the monster morphle will protect me i don't believe the monster is even real yeah it was just a story why don't we go find out more into a helicopter [Music] okay but i'm sure we won't find anything [Music] so [Music] i bet the monster lives in that cave i'm sure we're not going to find any monsters in there ah some creature is coming out [Music] you see it was just a bird no monsters here [Music] a monster it's real hey that's not a monster that's our friend the mountain giant [Music] it's not scary no it's a big sweetheart [Music] so kids did you find the monster yes we did yeah and he was really friendly and we played all day [Music] of course you did of course you did [Music] oh but who could they belong to oh no don't be scared little kittens hmm more full morph into a cat as well [Music] we have to bring them to the magic pet store they will be safe there [Music] who what [Music] lila muffle found the kittens they are really cute but we cannot keep them you have to find their true owners daddy is right more full morph into a cat again [Music] hi are these kittens yours ah how adorable but they are not mine but wouldn't it be great to have a cute kitten like that we have to look further more full [Music] hi there are these poor kittens yours [Music] kittens no but they are pretty cute can i have one i'm sorry but we have to find the owner let's go morphle [Music] morph into a lion [Music] are these kittens yours mr ice cream man oh they are so sweet just like this ice cream [Music] oh look there ah so farmer bob is your owner [Music] oh my poor kittens they're all back oh thank you milandorff [Music] but i was looking to find new owners for them well i think i know a few people who would like them [Music] bye-bye yeah that was the last one hi milan morphle look we have a new magic pen [Music] oh he is so cute [Music] hmm [Music] no what happened here those are time portals tumbling test tubes how did this happen [Music] these items don't belong here someone must be looking for them we should bring them back to their own time what a good idea mila this little machine is looking really high-tech yeah it must be from the future you're right let's go there then first stop the future yeah [Music] [Music] wait a minute hmm this doesn't look like the [Music] future oh no that man over there is in trouble morphle morph into a pterodactyl [Music] oh thank you so much for saving me fellow time travelers you won't believe what happened i was just researching these grounds when suddenly my time remote was gone is this yours perhaps [Music] yes thank you very much oh now i can get home all right keep your hands inside the vehicle next stop will be the medieval times yeah let's bring back the sword [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] this doesn't look like the right time for a medieval sword that's because this isn't the medieval times what went wrong with this machine that's it that's my family's heirloom sword they stole it family heirloom we didn't steal it we came to bring it back that's what all thieves say policeman arrest him oh no [Music] well at least the sword is back with its owner but i don't understand why nothing works today don't beat yourself up professor we only have one item left that's true well let's see where we end up now [Music] [Music] we're here the medieval times phew finally it was a bit of a detour but we're here but i wonder where the egg is from [Music] tumbling test tubes why is everybody running oh oh you you have the dragon's egg please give it back to the dragon hurry oh so that's a mommy dragon searching for her egg we need to give it back but how marvel morph into a dragon too [Music] uh who is this is that you so you're the reason why everything went wrong today because of you this mommy dragon almost lost her baby [Music] well there were some problems but now everyone has their things back well i sure hope awful has learned his lesson [Music] [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Morphle’s Magic Universe - Kids Cartoon
Views: 1,875,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kids videos, wheels on the bus, bus videos for kids, morphle, my magic pet morphle, superhero, super hero video for kids, super hero, kids, vehicle, vehicles for kids, compilation, children, toddler, preschool, animation, trucks, cartoon, vehicles, english, cute, cartoons for children, kids tv, for kids, baby, kids video, learning, fun, magic, hero, animals, dinosaurs, super, ice cream, monster jail, giraffe, giraffe cartoon, lion, jungle animals
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 22sec (7462 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 11 2022
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