RoboFreeze | My Magic Pet Morphle | Cartoons for Kids | Morphle TV

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[Music] robofreeze has four settings off lenient strict and very strict you should never turn this dial to very strict why not professor no problem let's see what robo freeze can do you seem like good kids now let's see if he can stop crime with the bandits causing so much trouble i could use some help with my police work more full morph into a police car [Music] perfect [Music] be sure to leash your dog oh sorry officer have a good day young lady oh why thank you [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] be careful not to kick the ball into the flowers [Music] not in my city you get a ticket what but my ball oh no something's wrong robo freeze must have been turned to very strict look wow you get ticket for walking on grass i wasn't even walking on the grass you were going to what we have to turn the dial down [Music] [Music] oh go after it morphle hmm [Music] oh no there it is [Music] try again morphle [Music] unacceptable this has to stop but how i have an idea we need robo freeze to come to us more into a megaphone [Music] i'm about to step on the grass stop you're getting a ticket no more [Applause] [Music] phew you did it me landmark [Music] oh no maybe two peter freezes are too much [Music] oh no not my beautiful hat [Music] i was just walking around in our beautiful city thinking mayoral faults when someone drove by and stole my hat don't worry mr mayor we're on the job morphle morph into a search dog [Applause] [Music] hold it right there i saw who took the hat it was you morpher all right what's going on here there you are you see give me back my doggy are you saying morphle stole from you morphe would never do that yes he would i just bought a birthday cake when morphle drove by and grabbed it from my hands are you all sure it was more full yes well well morphle a criminal not in my city i'm going to have to take you to the police station morphle no no please he didn't do anything looks like they're gone you can come out now jord they all think mortals know their stuff oh this must be our best plan yet yeah let's do some more for no creamy now don't worry morphle i will prove you're innocent no give me back my apples [Music] so the bandits took all the stuff i can't believe it morphle took all my apples don't worry sir we've already caught morphle but it happened just now outstanding police work if i say so myself morphle didn't do it it was the bandits i saw them with my own eyes now now mila you can't go around blaming everything on the bandits bye bye now oh [Music] morphle i know who did it the bandits stole everything but no one wants to believe me [Music] but i can't do it without you morphle muffle no catch ruffle a jail but i have an idea can you still hear me morphle hey rufus hmm give me back my tools marvel sounds like trouble go down waffle [Music] don't worry joe we're on it what another more food [Music] faster we almost have them she's too fast time she's going to catch us we'll see about that [Music] slow down mortal not so fast now are you turn around quickly huh again [Applause] we've done it more full yeah [Music] quiet yawn how did you get out of jail morphle trying to hide all your stolen loot i see that's not mourful those are the bandits hey wait a minute this isn't more full that's what i've been telling you all along all right already you've caught us uh oh i might have made a slight mistake i'm very sorry i doubted you morphle of course you're not a criminal and in light of your outstanding police work i'll make you honorary police officers [Music] it was fun pretending to be more full right stein it sure was morph into a plane yawn no you morph into a car stein [Music] i'll get it the ball stuck on the roof rifle let's help truly get the ball back tricycle [Music] no we need something with wings dragons ah i can't reach the ball don't worry more full ah it's a dragon oh don't worry morphle troy just didn't see it with you let's go after him to explain try troy are you here what is whoa it's a dragon come back marky what is going on a dragon he's not a real dragon no dragon breathes fire in my city shoe yeah shoe morphle is not a real dragon right morphle [Music] we're full [Music] no one like a morpher [Music] come back daddy have you seen morphle hi mila i haven't i'm looking for our newest magic pet ampy it's gone missing are you looking for this ampy's magic power is that it can make any sound softer or louder and now everyone can hear us everywhere all right stop it right there no you stop it right there it's so loud let's go john give and be back marvel's not with her stein yeah and with marvel gone no one is going to get in our way milo [Music] oh [Music] whoa this is fun time it is and especially without my phone oh we don't have to worry dragons can't cover their ears [Applause] more full morph ear protectors over your ears [Music] no now we worry fly away [Music] use your father to stop [Music] one dragon isn't enough to catch us [Music] [Music] yeah you cannot be that loud in my city you two are going to jail [Music] mila ampy i'm so glad you're okay [Music] i was wrong about dragons i shouldn't have shooed you away hello police officer freeze [Music] what are you doing here so early i couldn't wait to pick you up let's go to jail [Music] [Music] out if more for help a policeman then a policeman free milan [Music] why do i get this isn't even a real ticket hmm i really wouldn't want to stay here for a long time more for happy policemen more [Music] shoes i say get out of my front yard what are you doing here morphle well what are you doing you're very mean to birdies [Music] you can't just take people to jail mortal oh no [Music] [Applause] [Music] what [Music] that was pretty funny [Music] oh man [Music] much lettering [Music] oh that's great huh where have all my tires gone [Music] what a ticket for littering [Music] [Music] whoa [Music] dude no can't be on the grass i can't be on the grass in the park why well i'll be a monkey's uncle kids these days that's great just great [Music] that was great and you'll always remember to stay out of jail [Music] [Music] no i was never in jail police officer freeze gave me a tour of the station marvel when the free mila the move will take phone to push the chair what oh no you can't just take people to jail morphle [Music] i had a great time with our little red fin let's play in the water more full morph into a shark shark ah don't worry it's just a more full and more full is always friendly yeah that's true oh no mila morphle the pirates are smashing all the sand castles again let's stop them more full we should give them a big scare so they stop bullying the other people huh ruffa plays scary shots yeah let's go [Music] oh never mind it's just a shark we are sea pirates so we are not afraid of sharks that shark can't come onto land we'll see about that mortal morph into a shark with legs [Applause] [Music] that shark has legs oh no run sky pirate number two [Applause] [Music] we are sky pirates we're not afraid of anything on land either man aye aye captain [Music] this is fun [Music] stop it skye pirates you can't catch us from now bear weird red shark with legs [Music] is not weird and he can reach you because he can fly what morphle morph into a flying shark [Music] oh it's flying now i'm scared oh no let's go higher pirate number two i mean aye aye [Music] [Music] and that is why the city needs [Music] water balloons yeah what [Music] you darn kids we can't shake him off ah let's hide in that cave pirate number two good idea but isn't that cave a little small the pirates must have gone into that cave knock it in you're right the ship is blocking the entrance but i have an idea um i think we're stuck captain yeah but at least that red shark can't get to us in here ah are you sure the red shark and he has a drill for a nose we've caught you sky pirates now you should come with us where are you taking us the police station no the beach so you can rebuild all the same castles you smashed oh no build but i only know how to smash sand castles [Music] hey there little guy it's just a harmless little spider look [Music] it's okay he's just curious i think he likes you [Music] you know what you could even morph into a spider yourself [Applause] [Music] oh no there's a giant spider on the nose yeah [Music] oh wow what are you going to do more fully [Music] [Applause] [Music] ready when you are mortal [Music] what on earth was that where did that big spider come from i think i heard it laughing that's crazy we are the lunch bandits [Music] give us your lunch but i don't have any lunch your lunch money will have to do then [Music] [Applause] that doesn't look good save him morphle [Music] get me back my sandwich no way [Music] now let's get those bandits [Music] luke stein a giant spider [Music] time to get out of here yawn [Music] amateur [Applause] wow [Music] [Music] wow what a hero you've saved everybody and my sandwich and you're not that scary after all [Music] how about a little story before bed time once upon a time in a kingdom far away lived a brave king and his beautiful daughter but then a giant climbed the tower to her bedroom window and kidnapped the princess boring what why doesn't the giant kidnap the king for once but who's going to save the king then the princess of course and mortal well fine the giant kidnapped the king and ran off with him help oh princess save me oh no we need to stop that giant morphle morph into a suit of armor [Applause] perfect now you can save the king no we need a sword first magic shores yeah a magic sword but the giant is getting away hmm i know there's a magic sword stuck in a rock over there [Music] here let me try [Music] oh amazing wow did you see that okay so what's so magical about it it can defeat any monster by making a rainbow so they will be happy what oh we're sorry everyone we were stealing your stuff while you were busy until we saw this pretty rainbow we don't want to be bad anymore oh all right but how will you find the king now the giant is long gone hmm you could ask the dragon yeah the dragon should know no you have to find the giant this story is about a giant take my horse to visit the dragon but thank you very much oh fine but do you even know where the dragon lives well over there of course [Music] [Applause] are you sure you want to go in it sounds so scary [Music] the princess couldn't see anything it was way too dark and the dragons came hello so she decided to go out and find the giant but first the princess's magic sword little [Music] yay [Music] okay okay nice trick so you probably want to know where the giant lives you should go to the mountain next door really the mountain where the witch lives so we visit her first okay oh no [Music] here's the witch go ask her well hello there hello mrs witch we are looking for the giant can you help us find him yes i definitely know where he lives take a few steps back my dear a little more please [Music] ah yes the giant's castle and there's the giant he is so big and scary you need to save me princess but you'll have to defeat me first and then the princess made the prettiest rainbow anybody had ever seen and turned the giant from bad to good what and they had a tea party to celebrate yay i'm saved [Music] i guess with that the story is done now it's the best story ever daddy you really think so can you tell us another story well i can tell you another one tomorrow but now it's time to sleep in your sleep you will be able to dream up any story you like come waffle let's go on a great adventure [Music] it sure is hot today yeah that's a great idea morphle how about you get us some ice cream from the ice cream truck over there [Music] don't forget to buy me one okay daddy the ice cream man is leaving oh no let's go after it marvel morph into an ice cream race car [Music] [Applause] where is he going [Applause] [Music] the bridge is opening [Music] that was fun [Music] hi kids would you like some ice cream yes please great i have a chocolate ice cream vanilla a strawberry a jalapeno a concrete raw onion mayonnaise and i'll have vanilla chocolate and the raw onion for daddy i'm sure he'll like that yeah really this is the first time i ever sold that flavor thank you so much now let's get back to daddy before his ice cream melts [Music] after them [Music] [Music] [Applause] we've lost him yawn oh oh no you didn't huh [Music] um could really use some ice cream now we're back daddy great ice cream mountain oh no i really wanted that ice cream oh oh no we'll get another one real quick daddy hello back again another raw onion ice cream please wow this is the second raw onion ice cream i've sold back to daddy morphle quickly this is the best day of my life this is our ice cream now yeah it is ours is that my ice cream sorry sir we didn't mean to give it back thank you mila and morphle the ice cream did not melt at all [Music] raw onion flavor hello daddy way back hi milan mourful you're so dirty what did you do well first we saw a lady who asked us to help her find the hat she had lost i lost my hat can you help me find it more foam morphed into a search dog and looked everywhere for the hat [Music] yeah the lady was really happy when morphle found it and then we saw mechanic joe i need your help my tow truck broke down [Music] and into a triceratops [Music] and a robot [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you morpho couldn't you have towed the car oh uh yeah but but building orange then builder lawrence asked us to help him [Music] i left my drill on top of the building [Music] [Music] the building site was really muddy [Music] thank you [Music] you did great morphle but now you really need to take a bath yes [Music] marvel come back [Music] come on morphle it's just a bath more for no luck [Music] gotcha oh [Music] where is he now [Music] there you are oh [Music] no [Music] i'll help daddy [Music] well at least morphle is in the bath as well hmm what now you like [Music] oh how are you feeling my phone feel okay [Music] poor morphle it seems you're still sick you need lots of rest to get better don't worry morphle daddy and i will take care of you hi mila hi april can you and marple come out to play i do want to play but morphle is sick and i said i would take care of him no morphle you need to rest to get better no more [Music] you can go and play mila i'll take care of morphle thanks daddy get lots of rest morphle bye marvel now then morphle how about i read you a story [Music] [Music] where is waffle turn outside [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hi morphle are you okay murphy ah i'm afraid of mice more for sure [Music] go away you mean tired go [Music] bless you [Music] my lucky reed came in handy once again [Music] [Music] huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] what are you doing outside muffle but you're sick you need to rest [Music] let's go home morphle i'll stay with you [Music] that's great morpho [Music] wow look at all these pretty dresses being a princess must be so great [Music] i wish i was a princess really i wish i lived in your time this is gonna be fun bye mila i think you will make a great princess i hope so come on morphle [Music] so [Music] what are you doing give those people their money back bandits we are not bandits we are sheriffs yes princess leela and your father left us in charge while he is on his travels so we can take all the money we want [Laughter] [Music] well i'm the princess now so i have to help my people morphle morphed into sir father's suit of armor [Music] it is me sir father give me back my taxes oh sir uh you are back of course [Music] okay marvel now let's give all this money back to the people that's not the real sir father oh it's princess leela hello sheriffs i have returned from my travels me sir father yeah sure you can't trick us twice give me that beard oh stein it's not coming off paul harder oh you two have committed the greatest of crimes in all the land pulling on the king's beard i shall have you thrown into the dungeon [Music] wow marvel i didn't know that being a princess was such hard work i wonder how lila is doing in on time [Music] but stein now that we have run away from the king we can never be sheriffs again yes yawn we are no longer the sheriffs from now on we will be the bandits yeah and our children and their children's children and our children's children's children and our children's children's children [Music] oh let's play in the water too morph into a shark [Music] wow this has got to be the best way never don't be scared it's just normal [Music] hi there morphle but check this out you guys tada oh wow let's try and trick two more nice [Music] awesome [Music] that was so much fun yeah the waves are great today hmm they are unusually big watch out below [Music] dudes that was some great surfing surfing [Music] we were not surfing we were fleeing from the huge monster that created these waves it was going to devour us but we're not going to be a pirate sandwich no way are you sure it was a monster are you calling me a liar i swear it on my father's piglet daddy can morpho and i go check it out well okay but morphle you have to keep mila very safe crazy people [Music] no way [Music] oh no look out marco [Music] morph into a submarine shack morphle [Music] ah that's better [Music] look there's the monster that is making all those waves [Music] oh no it's trying to eat us too become super big morpho [Music] hmm maybe it wasn't trying to eat us after all [Music] don't be scared sea monster we don't want to hurt you [Music] oh were you just splashing those waves at the pirates because you were looking for a friend to play with [Music] [Music] mila marvel it's time to go home [Music] why don't you come with us so you can meet daddy he loves magical animals [Music] now that the waves are gone you won't need these anymore not cool mr mcbeard face oh no we have to stop them more full [Music] cool [Music] so you're the big bad monster that's causing all this trouble but i think that having the power to create waves will come in pretty handy for these surfers definitely [Music] thank you [Music] mila morphle i've made you some lemonade lemonade [Music] oh um i'll clean it up later i really want to finish reading my book [Music] oh [Music] i didn't break your tower oh you ruined my drawing more full [Music] how about you to go and do something else [Music] sure [Music] action um sure i have built a machine that will make everyone fall asleep oh no action stop you [Music] let's get this out of the way okay now where was i you haven't won mr action with the help of where has the chest gone why did you take away the chest offer no take a chest build it again i did not break your silly building building now silly you know what i'm going to play without you not bravo play without mila ruffle [Music] no fun oh huh i don't know what to draw oh morpha would think of something that was a great book [Music] i'm sorry i shouldn't have gotten so mad at you for breaking the crayon on my drawing huh oh that was more full i did that by accident what oh did you also break morphle's block tower um yeah and take the toys away and break your stick build it uh probably [Music] [Applause] of course i'm sorry i did all those things you two and i'm sorry i caused you to fight can i stay your friend as well of course daddy yeah [Music] you
Channel: Morphle TV
Views: 20,869,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: my magic pet morphle, kids tv, icecream, super hero, superhero, kids, morphle, toddler, videos for kids, animation, toy, learning, children, kids videos, super hero video for kids, english, bus videos for kids, super, morphle tv, wheels on the bus, morphle vs orphle, kids video, magic, baby, cartoon, fun, trucks, scary animals, compilation, vehicles, cute, dinosaurs, vehicle, cartoons for children, learn, hero, animals, for kids, vehicles for kids, morphle cartoon
Id: tCqIbQ69k7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 47sec (3767 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 14 2020
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