Dr David Jeremiah - Agents of the Apocalypse

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thank you it's it's so good to be here and and to see all of you somebody told me a long time ago don't let any Christians be behind you I got to honestly tell you I'm not one of these guys who walks around when I preach so I'm going to hang out here as much as possible and the screens will carry it everywhere the best way that but I'm so glad that you're here I got how my day started I get up this morning and we got all ready to leave and I went to go out of my room in the hotel and I couldn't get out the door wouldn't open the lock was stuck so I called down to the desk and I said this is mr. Jeremiah and I'm more 10 and my doors locked and the girl at the other end she said Oh dr. Jeremiah we love you so much we're going to keep you as long as we can I said you better get somebody up here and get me out of this room and I finally took my credit card and fooled around with it and I got the door to open never have been locked in before I've been locked out many times but never locked in and I wanted to tell you that in anticipation of the opportunity to do this today and the realization that there is no human way I could sign all these book a table we came in yesterday and I have signed 37 boxes of books so that everyone who gets a book has a signature if it looks a bit degraded it's probably because I did it toward the end of the day yesterday and my signature sort of deteriorates after a few boxes but it's my signature I don't have a stamp and it's sort of my way of saying this book is for you it's personal I hope you read it and and be blessed by it afterwards I'll be back at the table and we have a lot of folks back there with all these books and I'm going to kind of stand off to the side and shake hands I'm not going to sign anything because it's too crowded back there but I just would like to shake your hand and and say thank you for what you do in the kingdom and we'll have to do it quickly you can't tell me your life story I I can't solve your counseling problems or your marriage is in trouble you got to go see your pastor I can't deal with that but I just want to say thank you and thank you so much for being here today just a word about this book and how it came to pass I mentioned a bit of it last night but for those of you may not have been here or if I didn't say it clearly for all these years that I've been in the ministry I have been teaching prophecy I don't do it all the time but I've taught through Daniel Revelation and many prophetic books it's amazing to me how many guys won't do that how many pastors say I don't do that I had a guy tell me one time I don't teach the book of Revelation because it's not relevant said we'll hang on it's getting more relevant every day you know ever and if you've been watching the news this week how many of you know that Endel in the book of Revelation it talks about the martyrs who were beheaded I haven't heard that term in our culture until the last six months it's it's a part of our culture today prophecy is becoming a reality and I wanted to find a way to tell the story of the book of Revelation in a new and fresh way so that people would really read it and really understand it so we came up with this idea of the characters that are in the book of Revelation those are the agents of the Apocalypse the ten pictures are group of characters and it's like this John on the Isle of Patmos is the first agent then you have the martyrs then you have the two witnesses and the 144,000 and you have the dragon and the beast from the sea and the beast from the earth and Jesus Christ the victor and Jesus Christ the king and Jesus Christ the judge so those are the ten chapters and then I have a friend who's pretty good at writing fiction so I took all of my plot from the book of Revelation laid it out for him and I said I want you to write a story that captured the imagination of the people so that they will read the story and it's very like it's happening right now and then I'll put the rest of it at the end of each chapter the scripture behind the story now I mentioned last night CS Lewis is the one who said if you get people's imagination you get their heart if you get the information you get their head and you know learning is a matter of the heart and the head so what I'm going to do today and don't do this very often and they probably won't ever do it again I don't know but I'm going to tell you this story and then I'm going to give you a scripture behind the story and this particular story is the way it all ends this is about the second advent of the Lord Jesus Christ this is Jesus the victor now I need you in my stories we've given some of the players a name and this name is not from the Bible for instance the Antichrist we called him Judas Christopher and you're going to hear me talk about him Liat that's the Antichrist and the false prophet is a guy named death row Damon death row those are about all the names you need to be aware of in this story and so humor me a little bit at the beginning I'm coming to the Bible right right close Judah for Christopher leader of the united world empire sat at the head of a long oak table with his Governing Council all around him seated behind the table were representatives from the major world nations chosen for their influence within their countries all of them had pledged allegiance to Christopher and had accepted the universal number required to participate in the worldwide economy President Christopher grew increasingly belligerent at the meeting went on he was smarting from the defeat of his armies that he'd commanded to destroy Israel the primary targets of his verbal storm were the representatives from I ran Egypt and Ethiopia the axis of Nations whose armies had failed him the worst of it fell upon the Russian dignitary Alexander I was off since his generals had directed the campaign what happened Christopher bellowed you were equipped with the most up-to-date weaponry leading the world's largest best-trained military force against a paltry excuse of a nation I even paved the way for your success with the peace treaty I made with those gullible Jews they had already disarmed they were practically sitting ducks how could you possibly have failed and yet you bumbling fools managed to find a way I've a soft red-faced and seething finally exploded you know very well why we were defeated we were hit with an earthquake that topped the Richter scale and monstrous hailstones mixed with sulfurous fire our armies were decimated so you say Christopher's voice was cold as Frost but it wasn't the fire or hail or earthquake that got you was it it was panic your troops lost their heads and started firing on anything that moved and the only thing moving was their fellow soldiers running for cover like terrified rabbits you idiots annihilated your own armies with all due respect sir you were not there if you had been engulfed in choking blinding smoke and dust as our troops were you would understand the confusion they couldn't even see the Sun no army on earth had weapons against the disasters that we faced you may soon face even greater foes because I'm ordering you and the other nations represented in this room to raise new armies we will attack Israel again silence blanketed the room after a tense moment the Russian representatives realized that the time he'd feared had come mr. president he said you cannot do this to us do you realize how tenuous your hold on the world is your string of broken promises ignored treaties military conscription and in orbit attacks have angered many nations your tyranny is fostering poverty and disease around the world and when incidents of rebellion are put down with brutal force deep resentment Foster's like a boil mr. Ivanov Christopher's voice was low if you don't stop your ranting this minute no I will not stop someone in this room needs to tell you what you refuse to hear if you demand another conscription after our recent losses it will trigger massive revolt in the Russian coalition of states Christopher called for the guards to enter the room take this traitor out and shoot him he pointed straight at I was off and take his gutless minions with him gesturing at the representatives from China Egypt and Iran I will not tolerate this kind of insubordination the guards seize the four die centers and escorted them out the door their removal effectively stifled any debate Archbishop death-row rose to address the group my esteemed council members please allow me to apprise you of the reality of this situation president christopher has not made his decision in a vacuum he and I both serve an immensely powerful master who stands invisibly above us all he has single-handedly wrestled this earth from God and ever since the beginning he has fought to solidify his rule over it for the past 2,000 years his primary opposition has been Christians now that they have disappeared from the planet our dominance is almost complete when we annihilate the Jews the entire earth will belong to us Judas Christopher immediately began to build his military coalition and before the year came to a close he had amassed the largest army ever assembled headed history his troops numbered in the millions with the armies assembled Christopher began to send troops in weaponry into Israel aircraft carriers were stationed offshore along Israel's Mediterranean coast he landed his ground troops near the cities of Haifa Hadera Hanyu Tel Aviv and Ashdod Christopher quickly captured Rosalia coastal city just north of Tel Aviv and he set up his operational headquarters there he was in the war room with his general castrating their march toward Jerusalem when there was a loud knock or a Marine Colonel burst in serve pardon the interruption but we just received an urgent intelligence report Russia has been raising its own army an enormous coalition amassed from former USSR client states they are now marching against us from the north Egypt and its allies have also raised coalition armies and they're coming at us from the south where are they now our reports confirm that Russia's axis is crossing the golan heights and pushing southward the egyptian coalition is encamped on the Sinhala and they're moving north at a rapid pace Judas Christopher slammed his fist on to the table rattling coffee cups and water glasses our attack on Jerusalem will have to wait he growled canceled the air raid immediately the next morning Christopher's Northern armies met the Russian allies at Tel Megiddo on the plains of his drail his southern divisions met the Egyptian coalition at the city of bear Sheva the edge of the Negev desert as the battle raged Christopher and his staff generals kept their eyes locked on a phacelia monitor in the war room mr. president the colonel burst into the room again his face was ashen and his voice urgent I have terrible news sir what is it we have just learned that China has also raised an army and it's twice the size of all of the combined armies that we are now fighting how many troops are there the estimates are in the millions but that's not the worst of it the colonel paused they're coming at us from the Northeast they just crossed the dry better via Freight ease at Erica their planes and rockets are already bombarding the Golan Heights and their ground troops will reach the border by morning for the next several months there wasn't a single square foot in the entire nation of Israel where war sounds of war could not be heard the mood in Christopher's war room oscul oscillated between euphoria and despair as he and his staff watched their armies advance and then retreat again and again but slowly the advances begin to outnumber the retreats feeling assured of victory Christopher called a meeting of his generals at the conference table in front of the electronics green gentlemen he said my forces now have the upper hand throughout all of Israel we have pushed the northern rebels back almost to Lake Tiberias and the southern rebels have been forced to northern Sinai he turned to look at the archbishop you know what this means don't you death row of course it means you can now redeploy enough troops to accomplish your original goal the final destruction of the Jews and Jerusalem gentlemen the president said tomorrow we will launch our final campaign against Jerusalem it will be the end of this enemy nation that our master has tried to annihilate for centuries after tonight's air blitz our ground troops will march into the city the way a child gathers their eggs the next morning president Christopher and Archbishop devil LED their troops toward the undefended Jerusalem they reached Mount Olivet and positioned their troops for the invasion together they stood on top of the moong the moment before giving the signal to attack in seconds they would have the satisfaction of watching the city of Jerusalem suffer its final blow suddenly a resounding trumpet blast shattered the air startled Christopher looked around for its source when he saw his troops gaping upward in terror he followed their gaze the morning's filled a mighty warrior astride a magnificent white horse he wore a robe dipped in blood and on his head was a crown glittering with gold and gems he held a sword in his mouth that flashed brightly in the Sun an enormous army of men and women were in the clouds behind him they were robed in white then they too were mounted on white horses the entire sky East the West was filled with masses of magnificent beings he liked but with faces as brilliant as lightning the entire throw hovered expectantly as if ready to descend with a loud shout the Magnificent warrior and his host descended Judas Christopher trembling violently proceeded towards Jerusalem urged onward by his hatred for the Jews and his fear of his sister suddenly Christopher stopped short and collapsed on his knees directly in his path stood the towering figure of the mighty heavenly warrior mounted on his white steed blazing eyes burned into Christopher's soul like a white-hot laser the Antichrist crumbled to the ground beside the quaking death-row then a rumble came from somewhere deep in the earth Mount Olivet cracked apart at its peak and a gap opened into a crumbling chasm all the way from Jerusalem to Jericho in the next moment white clad being seized Christopher and death-row and hurled them screaming into the chasm Christ with sword still in hand remounted his steed and forged into the thick of Christopher's troops once the Antichrist armies were decimated the throngs of angels ascended back into the heavens as Christ returned victorious to Mount Olivet the joyous white robes Saints gathered around him and lined the road before him paving the way from the mountain to Jerusalem Zion gate with a thick carpet of palm branches the air rang with joyful shouts as Christ made his second triumphal entry into his holy city this time mounted not in a humble donkey but on a great white horse and this time he was there not to suffer but to rule amen amen whoa I've read that story a number of times was a part of writing it and every time I read it I get the chills just to think about what's ahead now that's the story now I'm going to tell you where that all came from I didn't make this up the imagination of some guy who stayed up too late at night or didn't have anything to say on Sunday so he made up his sermon this is right from the Bible in the next few moments you're going to see up on the screens some things and some verses want to take you through this and we can do this in the time allotted so hang with me throughout the book of Revelation you will notice if you read it that it is filled with inflicting unprecedented suffering and persecution of God's people if you read the revelation you wonder how long is it going to take for God to get this right and sometimes we look at our world today isn't that kind of what we say we look at all the spring in the anguish in the war and now this brutality when is God going to act but in Revelation chapter 19 what comes that God's people have been waiting for since Christ ascended into heaven before his awestruck disciples in that moment Jesus Christ returns the last few chapters of the book of Revelation and Matthew chapter 24 give us some wonderful details about the way Christ will return to Earth in judgment and justice first of all I want you to notice how much of a priority this is in the Bible hey Christians think that in the book of Revelation alone we are told that Jesus is coming back I want to give you a brief survey so that you will never think that again Matthew 24:37 the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky all the nations of the earth will mourn they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory now most of us are really familiar first coming and were often surprised when we learn if we study the Bible that the references to the second coming of Christ outnumber the references to the first coming by a factor of 8 to 1 for every time you read in the Bible about Jesus coming in Bethlehem you will read 8 verses about his coming again the second time scholars have identified 1008 and 45 biblical references to the second coming of Christ in the Old Testament Christ's return is emphasized in no less than 17 books and the New Testament authors speak of it in 23 of the 27 books of the seven out of every 10 chapters in the New Testament mention his return in other words one out of every 30 verses in the New Testament teach us that Jesus Christ is coming back to this earth and ladies and gentlemen in this day and age when there's so much discouragement and dismay we need to be reminded that God has this in control and if we will just read the book he's given us we won't be so afraid because we know how this is going to end amen now in the first two books written for the early church in 1st and 2nd Thessalonians the return of Christ is taught in every chapter the Lord himself referred to his return 20 minds the second coming is second only to salvation as the most dominant subject in the New Testament the fact that Christ's second coming features so prominently in Scripture is an indication that we as his followers need not be afraid we should lift up our heads for our redemption is drawing nigh the priority of his return now the Bible also predicts this not just in Revelation or Matthew Hebrews 9:28 says to those who in early wait for him he will appear a second time apart from sin for salvation it's interesting to me that if you go all the way back to the book of Genesis there's a character in the book of Genesis who we are told later on in the Bible made mention of the second coming this is an interesting anomaly in Bible study for this person is Enoch and we have no record in Genesis of Enoch having said this but Jude in the New Testament tells us that he did so we have to know that he did listen to what Jude said Enoch the seventh from Adam prophesied about these men also saying behold the Lord comes with ten thousand of his Saints to execute judgment on all to convict all the ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have committed in an ungodly way and of all the harsh things ungodly sinners have spoken against him just think about it where is the second coming first mention according to June it's been by Enoch who's in the book of Genesis and then you could Daniel of course Daniel was known for his prophetic dreams listen know what Daniel said Daniel said I was watching in the night visions people build one like the son of man coming with the clouds of heaven came to the Ancient of Days and they brought him near before him then to him was given Dominion and glory and kingdom that all peoples nations and languages should serve him his Dominion is everlasting which shall not pass away in his the one which shall not be destroyed Daniel said Jesus coming back and then you move over in the Old Testament to one of the minor prophets by the name of Zechariah the Prophet Zechariah predicted the final epic battle between Christ and the Antichrist here's what he said the Lord will go forth and fight against those names as he fights in the day of battle and in that day his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives which faces Jerusalem east and the Mount of Olives will be split in two from east to west making a very large Valley half of the mountain shall move toward the north and half of it toward the south and then what did Jesus say in his Olivet discourse Jesus describes this he says as the Lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west so also will the coming of the Son of Man be immediately after the tribulation of those days the Sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light the Stars will fall from heaven and the powers of the heavens will be shaken then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory and he will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet and they will gather together his elect from the four winds from one end of the heavens to the other not only Jesus but the angels talked about it after Jesus ascended into heaven you remember what the angel said speaking to his disciples as Jesus was ascending to heaven the angel said men of Galilee why do you stand gazing up into the heaven this same Jesus who was taken from you into heaven will come in like manner as you saw him go into heaven the angel said he's coming back and Paul in his letter to the Thessalonians describes what the day of judgement will be like he said the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with his mighty angels in flaming fire taking vengeance on those who do not know God and those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ these shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power when he comes in that day to be glorified in Saints and be admired among all those who believe and finally in the book of Revelation and this is the scripture that I sometimes write in this book when I have time to write the scripture revelation 1:7 behold he is coming with clouds and every eye will see him and even those who pierced him and all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of him that's the prediction of his return somebody says well the second coming is only found in a few few verses I beg to differ it's found one thousand eight hundred forty nine times in the Bible and my friends anything that's found that many times in the holy book we should take note of it and we should ask ourselves what should we be doing with this information I really believe people say well prophecy is dark and it's discouraging no it's not how many of you know if you're in a battle and you already know who wins you can fight with a great deal of courage amen and we can be courageous people as as followers of Christ now the Bible also tells us where he's going to return when he comes in the rapture we're going to be caught up to meet him in the air and so she will ever be with the Lord seven years later when he comes with his Saints here's what Zechariah says in that day his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives which faces Jerusalem on the east and the Mount of Olives shall be split in two from the east to the west making a very large Valley half of the mountain shall move toward the north and half of it toward the south this last year we went to Israel and our friends the hoppers were with us we had such a wonderful time Uriel the Mike the Kenny G of the Christian world you know the guy playing the saxophone up here he's from our church and we took him and we had so many wonderful things in fact I loved to tell us about Uriel we were in the garden tomb the last day of our tour and if you've ever been there's a lot of trees there and I didn't know this at the time a lot of birds live in those trees and we were in there waiting for the message and he got up to play the Via Dolorosa and all of a sudden every bird in that garden started to sing hi never seen anything like it in my life I'd poked my wife I said listen to the birds now I've told Uriel that means he's for the birds but I don't think he really you know he knows better than that it was an amazing thing that that tone from that saxophone made all the birds sing and we we had a meeting one day on the steps and I always loved that place because you can look out from that steps and you can see the mount where Jesus ascended to heaven and it's the very same place where he's coming back and the Bible says one day Jesus is coming back and it's going to land on that mountain when he does the mountains going to pardon it's going to be a huge chasm between the mountains we can't know exactly when our Lord's second coming is going to occur but we know where it's going to occur Zechariah doesn't leave any room for discussion the Bible tells us how we are to prepare for his return I saw the Beast the kings of the earth and the armies gathered together to make war against him who sat on the horse and against his army here we are found here we find out what preparation goes into the return of Christ in the final showdown all the rebellion of the prior seven years of the tribulation will come to a head at the Battle of Armageddon which I described in the drama in this battle the Antichrist the kings of the earth and the pitiful souls that follow them will gather one last time to try to defeat Jesus Christ and when Christ's return draws near they will do everything they can to try to prepare for this battle how many of you know that common enemies bring people together here are all these armies that have been fighting each other fighting against Israel and then Jesus appears on the horizon and all of these battles going on between these people coalesce into the enmity they have toward Jesus Christ and all the armies of the earth under the leadership of the Antichrist think they can fight against Jesus Christ and then the Bible tells us what happens the portrayal of his return is in verses 11 through 13 in Revelation 19 listen I saw heaven opened and behold a white horse and he who sat on him was called faithful and true and in righteousness he judges and makes war the first time he came to earth Jesus appeared in obscurity but the second time the Bible says every eye will see him the entire world will witness his return somebody say well that's because of satellite television how many of you know that the creator of the world does not need satellite television to do what he wants to do if he if Jesus wants you to see it you're going to see it Christ the victor looks like no other warrior in the history of the world according to revelation this is what it says his eyes were like a flame of fire on his head were many crowns he had a name written that no one knew except himself he was clothed with a robe dipped in blood and his name is called the Word of God and the Bible tells us that when he comes he won't come alone do you know when you go to heaven as a believer in the rapture you're up there for seven years but when Jesus comes back for the second return you get to come with it this is what it says the armies of heaven clothed in fine linen linen white and clean follow him on white horses when Christ returns he's going to bring all of his angels and all of the believers who have been raptured to heaven we're all going to be dressed in white now somebody said who goes to war dressed in white you don't go to war dressed in white but this is different the Bible says Zechariah says the Lord my God will come and all his Holy Ones with him Jude says listen the Lord is coming with countless thousands of his holy ones notice how they're dressed they're dressed not in military fatigues but in dazzling white but you don't have to worry about their pristine uniforms getting soiled because their role isn't to fight their ceremonial and honorary they will not fight Jesus slays the rebels all by himself and the deadly sword comes out of his mouth so why are we there we're the cheering section where we get to see this we get to see our Lord in his own power decimate these vile enemies who come for him the Bible tells us the purpose of this is that in righteousness he judges and makes war verse 11 gives the central passage for his return to the earth to judge and make war and verse 15 reveals some of the details it says out of his mouth goes a sharp sword that with it he should strike the nation's and he himself will rule them with the rod of iron Jude describes this in his book in his book and I read this verse to you before but I want you to hear it in this context Enoch the seventh from Adam prophesied about these men saying behold the Lord comes with ten thousands of his Saints to execute judgment to convict all who were ungodly among them of their ungodly deeds which they have committed in an ungodly way and all the harsh things which ungodly sinners have spoken against him did you notice in that passage the word ungodly is in there four times what that does men and women is described what we're facing in our culture today what we're facing is ungodly men who do ungodly deeds in an ungodly way and one day the Lord God is going to come back and the ungodly will be dealt with he will impose judgment on them who have defied him with the sword of his mouth he will smite the ungodly from all the nations sometimes we look around today and we think the enemy is winning but he is not the Bible says it only appears that they're winning if they knew what we knew they wouldn't be so cocky the Bible says when Jesus comes back us in me Jesus is going to smite them with the breath of his mouth he's going to look at all of these enemies and he's going to go and they're done the breath of the mouth of the Lord Jesus Christ called this world into being did you know that he spoke and it was done the breath of the mouth of the Saviour of the world who created the world in which we live has all the power he needs he will out of his mouth breathed on these evil people who have caused so much destruction and pain and in one moment everything will be made right and the Bible says that those who have fought against him the Antichrist and the false prophet listen to these words from Revelation 19 and I saw the angel standing in the Sun and he cried with a loud voice saying to all the birds of the heaven come and gather together for the supper of the Great God that you may eat the flesh of kings the flesh of captains the flesh of mighty men the flesh of horses and those who sit on them and the flesh of all the people free and slave both small and great and all the birds were filled with their flesh the Bible says that the carnage in that day when Jesus wins the war is going to be so great that he's going to call all the birds of all the earth to come and feast in this chapter there are two feasts there's the marriage Feast of the Lamb and there's the supper of God I would suggest you make reservations for the marriage Feast of the Lamb because if you don't you won't go to the supper you will be the supper Amen because the birds are going to come and feast on those who have rebelled against God the punishment of the wicked at this moment will be so horrific and death so extensive that an angel from heaven will summon the birds of the sky together for a grisly feast of human flesh notice how the Bible describes these people the mighty men of the earth the captains in the Kings the free in the slave both the small and the great and of course the Beast the Antichrist who caused the rebellion and led the insurrection against the king he himself will be dealt with it says the Beast was captured and with him the false prophet and these two were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone and the rest were killed with the sword which proceeded from the mouth of him who sat on the horse the Lord will snatch up the beast and the false prophet Judas Christopher Damon death row if you will and these two evil characters who have the unwanted honor of going to hell even before Satan they will be the first two inhabitants of hell a thousand years later after the Millennium Satan will join them by the way a thousand years later the Bible says those two dudes are still there they've been there suffering for a thousand years the Bible says the devil who deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever so there you see ladies and gentlemen the story is complete the victory is settled there's no possibility it's going to end any other way Satan has no power to make this happen in any other way than the way God said it will it reminds me of a period of history that many of you will identify with because you have gray hair like I do in June of 1944 the people of France had suffered for four years under the tyranny of Adolf Hitler his armies had invaded France in 1940 as part of his unholy ambition to turn all of Europe into a Nazi super state but then on June 6th 1944 General Eisenhower commanded Allied troops to cross the channel from England and invade the fortified beaches of Normandy and liberate the French nation from oppression editor James Kushner describes what happened on that fateful day now known as listen before dawn and throughout the rest of the day seed land and air were rent by flashes Thunder flying metal parachutes while fresh wounds in the earth and many erupted in sand and soil blood and guts beaches turned red trees exploded cattle perished in men breathed their last d-day was just the first day the battle for Normandy raged on well into August and Paris was liberated August 25th 1944 the scarring of Normandy and the shedding of blood was the result of many men and their designs either for conquest or for occupation or for liberation and in many ways what happened on d-day offers a scaled-down preview of the world's final battle like world war ii france we suffer under the heel of a brutal tyrant who illegitimate Lee occupies our world his name is Satan he imposes death destruction and misery like the oppressed citizens of France in the 1940s we to cry out for liberation from this cruel oppressor but as we are assured in Revelation 19 liberation will come for we have a supreme commander who has never lost a battle and he is simply waiting for the strategic moment when he will descend and crush forever the forces that have invaded his world we await the final trumpet the last command when every knee shall bow and every tongue confess greater love hath no man than this Jesus the Lion of Judah who has conquered and is our victor hallelujah and this this great coming of the Lord which I have described both in in the fiction and in the facts never was captured so well as in the song Bill Gaither wrote listen and rejoice our king is coming I'm good thank you very much the market place is empty no more traffic in the street all the builders tools are silent no more time to harvest wheat many housewives cease their labor in motivate were gone as been suspended as the key cuts through the happy paces find the four-way those whose lives have been redeemed broken homes that he has mended those from prison he as free little children animated and enhanced and of all go here crippled makes one yes is of me like mr. with sound me I see his face yes honey nice yes the chair is Rumble I can't see the bottom God's trumpet spelling love city three oh and please is now a symbol and they start it's uhh I just breath sound yes yes yes Oh hello you you
Channel: William Radcliff
Views: 367,379
Rating: 4.7226806 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. David Jeremiah
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 16sec (2776 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2015
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