Double Episode: Mysteries Hidden In The Closet | Paternity Court

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Ms. Edelen, you say there is no way your deceased son, Quintin, fathered the defendant's daughter. You claim Ms. Thomas is a promiscuous hanger-on who slept with many people other than your son including your own family members. Is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. Ms. Thomas, you say that after tragically losing Quintin, the love of your life <i> Ms. Edelen has made your life miserable with her paternity denial.</i> You say her son is undoubtedly Savannah's biological father and you intend to prove that today. Ms. Edelen, why are you so sure your son did not father Ms. Thomas' child? I strongly believe that because Quintin had confided in me... more than once or twice about... People she slept with. JUDGE LAKE:<i> So your son actually said this?</i> LUCILLE:<i> Yes.</i> JUDGE LAKE:<i> Ms. Thomas?</i> <i> Yes, Your Honor.</i> You said Quintin was the love of your life. Yes, Your Honor. Were you cheating on him during the relationship? Actually... What actually happened was we had a split-up for a little minute. And it was a possibility, and I brought it to his attention, around the time I had conceived with his child that it could have been a possibility that, like, she was somebody else's child. So you did tell him that? Yes, I did. So your testimony is that you were honest. Yes, I was 100 from the jump. JUDGE LAKE: And you said to him this may be your child... This may not be your child. Yes. ...but it may not be. ALEXISS: Yes. LUCILLE: So that's what I'm saying, Your Honor, is that Quintin, out of my three children, Quintin and I were the closest. We talked about any and everything. All types of things. And he confided in me... It was almost like he knew he was about to die. Because he told me things three months before he passed away. What did he say? This one time he said he was getting off of work from working one of his two jobs. And he goes by his best friend's house and he sees his white Cadillac parked in his best friend's driveway, which is the car that he would let Alexiss drive while he was at work. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) So Quin tells me he had to knock on the door to get his best friend... Please... To tell him... "Where's Alexiss, why is my car over your house? Where is Alexiss?" And he said... His friend's my... And he said that Alexiss let him use the car. Oh, the friend said, "Alexiss let me use the car." And he said, "Why would Alexiss let you use my car?" He said, "Man, where is Alexiss?" And he said, "Brah, I ain't gonna lie to you." Alexiss is hiding in the closet in the house. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) Really? Why would I be hiding in the closet? Actually I was over at school. I was at school. And we were supposed to go fix the car. And why had you taken the car to that house? ALEXISS:<i> Because he told me to meet him there, 'cause the tags were bad.</i> LUCILLE:<i> So why would you even move the car?</i> Now I'm not gonna lie on my dear child. I love him. His ashes is with me on this pendant right now. You were lying the other time. No, I don't. Yes, you do. You've been lying on me my whole life. You've been lying on me the whole time I've been with your son. (ARGUING) I've been with your son five years. You lie on me. You never liked me from the beginning at all. You never liked me from the beginning. That's right, because you always wanna be in some man's face... I've never been in no man's face... Yes. Yes. You... (BOTH ARGUING) JUDGE LAKE: Okay, let's get some... (ARGUING CONTINUES) Let's, let's get some order. Let's get some order. Let's get some order. I wanna understand this. What your conclusion was, Ms. Edelen, is your son was trying to say that he believed Ms. Thomas was in the house cheating with somebody else. Correct. Let's understand the nature of this relationship. Ms. Thomas, can you tell the court about you and Quintin's relationship? We met, uh... Like, October 2014. <i> I'll admit, while I was going to school.</i> <i> And he basically was there for me.</i> <i>Like, he motivated me. He pushed me to finish school.</i> And basically, he was there when I needed him the most. And he really cared about me. He... My son was an upstanding young man. He was no drug dealer, no thug... He was a good man. Okay. Finish telling us about your relationship, Ms. Thomas. He made me very happy, to the point where he got... We got engaged. And we was gonna follow through with the whole getting married process after... Like, the whole situation with me and the baby. And that's what he told me as well. He wanted to marry her. 'Cause he was the best thing in her life. They wanted to be a family. He made me happy. He was there. He was there for me when nobody else was. Like, I don't have family so he was basically my family. And then we also had intentions on getting the DNA done. We just didn't get a chance to get to it. Because that's consistent with your testimony that you were honest with him. And you were honest with him because you truly loved him. I can see in your eyes. You are very passionate when you speak about him. So this was someone you loved very much. Yes. So what happened that you told him that... You said you were 100. You told him the truth. What happened that you ended up feeling like you needed a DNA test? ALEXISS:<i> It was a time where I had, like, messed around with somebody.</i> I was drunk. And it was just a drunk night. And I flat-out just told him, like, this is what happened and this could have been a possibility. I just brought it out there 'cause I didn't, you know, I was just trying to be honest. And that's why, Your Honor, I'm standing here today. Because my son told me that story as well. He confided in me many things that his friends had told him about. What she had done, what she could have done when he wasn't... When they weren't together. So she's telling you herself that she wasn't faithful. Basically, you're both testifying that there truly is a doubt. There is a reason to question. LUCILLE: Yes. Even though, Ms. Thomas, you believe he is your child's biological father the truth is you don't know for sure. Correct. Let's talk about the pregnancy. When Savannah was born, was Quintin there for you? Did he go to appointments with you? Was he there at the hospital with you? Yes, he was there every step of the way. LUCILLE AND ALEXISS:<i> He even signed the birth certificate...</i> ALEXISS:<i> ...which I have a copy of.</i> JUDGE LAKE: I'd like to see that. Jerome, will you please hand me that evidence? Yeah. (CHUCKLES) (JEROME CHUCKLES) So this is the birth certificate... ALEXISS: Yes. ...for "Savannah Marie Thomas-Edelen. <i> "Father's name... Quintin Phillip Edelen."</i> Signed the birth certificate, gave her his name... ALEXISS: Yes. ...even though he had paternity doubts. Because you were honest with him and told him that you had slept with someone else on a drunk night. Yes. Did he tell you he signed the birth certificate? Yes, he did. And I said, 'That was a stupid move on your part. "Because if you had that doubt, Quintin, you shouldn't have signed that birth certificate." I said, "You should have waited. You should have left that blank. "Because we already know there's a question if this is your child." But he's a good man. He's a responsible young man. He's a loving man. He loved her. He loved that baby. <i> He said, "mama, I just, I just don't feel that she's mine."</i> <i> I wanna know because if Savannah is his</i> <i> I want her in my life.</i> If not, they can move on. And to point out another thing, about her promiscu... Her sexual activities with other people... And, and it just hurts my soul to even bring this up, she slept with my oldest son. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) Years... JUDGE LAKE:<i> She slept with your other son as well?</i> LUCILLE AND ALEXISS:<i> Yes.</i> Way years before... That's bringing up the type of character that she has. That's a pattern, you see. Had. A pattern. Yeah, people can change. We all can change. But we're trying to build up why there's a doubt that Savannah is his. This was two years... Way before my daughter happened. This was when we first got together that happened. In 2014, that's when that happened. So you are admitting you did sleep with Ms. Edelen's older son. Yes. I did do it and I'm not gonna lie. JUDGE LAKE:<i> All right. That son is here?</i> LUCILLE:<i> Yes, he is.</i> <i> And I'd like to speak to him directly.</i> Jerome, will you please escort... Yes. ...him into the courtroom? Go up and stand next to your mom. This was two years... Way before my daughter happened. Mr. Edelen, thank you for joining us. We're here today having a hearing concerning the paternity of baby Savannah. One of the issues that we've been discussing is unfortunately your mother believed that your younger brother Quintin, your late brother, believed that Ms. Thomas had been having relationships with other men. But your mom also testified that you had had a sexual relationship with Ms. Thomas in the past as well. Is that true? Yes, Your Honor. But I just wanna say for the record... She came on to me. Like, I was just chilling, you know. (AUDIENCE CHUCKLING) I mean, like... That's, that's just what I wanted to add, like, you know, I was wrong for it, but... My daughter had told Alexiss, "Stay out of Edward's face. "You're going with my other brother. "You need to go and leave Edward alone." Oh, so this was during the period, the four years or so that she was with Quintin. This wasn't before she ever started to date Quintin. This is while she was dating Quintin. LUCILLE: Yes, ma'am. Yes, Your Honor. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) So, Ms. Thomas, how did you end up sleeping with two brothers at the same time? Do you know why? No. Was it another drunken night? JUDGE LAKE: And, Ms... (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) Well, listen, before you are too condescending to her it takes two, Ms. Edelen... I understand that. And so I have to ask you as well, Mr. Edelen. Why would you sleep with your brother's girlfriend? LUCILLE: I didn't understand that either. I was just going through a real time, you know, um... I was wrong, you know, but also nobody knew what I was going through at that time. And nobody can really judge me but God. So you all can feel what you wanna feel about that. What are you feeling, Ms. Thomas? Why are you so upset? Can we just get this over with? (SNIFFLING) I'm concerned about you right now. I want you to... I just don't feel comfortable being around her. Ever since she put my daughter out, me and my daughter out, I just ain't really spoken to her and it's been six months since he's been gone. And I really ain't had time to really be by myself and grieve. I've been out here trying to make sure my daughter is straight. I've been working to go to school, try to go hard, for her. She's everything I got right now. And don't nobody understand that just going through all this is just making me, like, look at her, like, dang, you looked at me like this for what? We couldn't sit down like grown people... and discuss... LUCILLE: We tried to do that. I'm and adult and she's... We tried to talk about this. We wanted to get the DNA before this happened. <i> We even talked about, let's just go right in and go get a DNA test from there,</i> <i> go from there.</i> <i> But no, we decided to come here.</i> JUDGE LAKE:<i> I'm glad you did because Savannah needs answers and you do too.</i> LUCILLE:<i> Yes, ma'am.</i> JUDGE LAKE:<i> You both are grieving.</i> And I know losing a son, a child... Ms. Edelen, I know there's no greater pain. None. None. JUDGE LAKE: And I feel for you, I truly do. And you're grieving as well, Ms. Thomas. Right, wrong, or indifferent, you have expressed that this was your... Your truest love. And your young girl... LUCILLE: The best thing that happened to her in her life. And she has admitted how much she did for her. LUCILLE: Yes. Inspired her, motivated her. Do you feel after this testimony after listening to how beautifully she spoke about your son, their relationship, do you feel any differently about Savannah? Do you believe that she is your son's daughter? I'm gonna express this, Your Honor. He signed that birth certificate with that doubt. He helped raise that baby still with that doubt. He said, "Mama, if she ain't mine I'mma still raise her "like she's mine." (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) That's how open and loving he is 'cause that's how much he loved her. And the time when they lived with me and Savannah lived with me she knows I showed her child as much love and affection as I show my other grandson. Did I not? Yes, you did. LUCILLE: I have love for her even if she's... She's like the mama that I never had. (VOICE BREAKING) And I do somewhat care about her. And it breaks my heart for her to feel that way about me and look at me like that. And I changed my life ever since I'd known that she ain't liked me. (SNIFFLES) I tried my hardest to prove her wrong. And I want her to be in Savannah's life... If she's not hers then I'm just gonna exit. (SNIFFLES) But I know for a fact that it's his baby. And now let me finish what I was saying. As much as Quintin had a doubt in his mind that that baby may not be his, his was still willing to be with you and that baby. And he asked me to do the same. Mmm-hmm. That you need help. You need somebody that's firm, strong and who's gonna help you as well. I helped you get jobs, when y'all was in less didn't I? Yes. LUCILLE: If I can do one thing, I help somebody get a job, get on their feet and get up out of my house. (AUDIENCE LAUGHS) (ALEXISS CHUCKLES) Yes, Mom. Yes. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) So I have these results in my hand, Ms. Edelen. And I have to ask you before I open them, given the attachment your son had to Ms. Thomas, <i> the way in which he embraced this baby regardless of his paternity doubts</i> <i> and asked you to do the same,</i> do you truly want me to read these results? I want awareness. And that would bring more awareness of the situation we're in. And, yes, obviously I would like to know. And so you are prepared either way. Yes. JUDGE LAKE: All right. These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. In the case of<i> Edelen v. Thomas...</i> When it comes to 16-month-old Savannah Thomas-Edelen it has been determined by this court... The percentage of relatedness between Ms. Lucille Edelen and Savannah Thomas-Edelen is... 99.98% You are related. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) Come here. I'm sorry. (CRYING) Oh, yes. Oh, yes. Oh... Oh. Oh, Alexiss. (ALEXISS SNIFFLING) I'm sorry. People make mistakes. I'm not walking on water yet. But, um, people change. She knows I love her. I love her through my son. But now we know. I wasn't lying. I told you from the jump. I had no... Like you had, Alexiss... You had Savannah yourself. She don't, she never darkened up. You see me and my son? (LAUGHTER) I'm happy for you all. I really am. I know this has been such a journey. And it feels so good after all you've been through. The tragedy, the loss, the hurt, the pain... LUCILLE: Yes. Yes. Yes. be able to bless you with this truth that I know you both wanted Yes. There is a piece of your son still in this world. Yes. And what's beautiful about getting this truth is because we have no more doubts Ms. Edelen will be there to support you and cheer you on because that good nature we see from Quintin he got that from her, from his family. LUCILLE: Yes, ma'am. And you'll be able to have them to support. Today, two people with two different mothers are here claiming the same defendant could possibly be their biological father. (AUDIENCE GROANING) Mr. Moore, you claim you've known Mr. Taylor for most of your life. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: But he has never acknowledged you as a son. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: And he even left you in foster care. MOORE: Yes, Your Honor. Ms. Everett, you say you weren't even introduced to Mr. Taylor until you were five years old. Then you claimed you didn't see him again until you were sent to live with him as a teenager. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: But you say it went so badly, you actually ended up putting yourself in foster care. Yes, Your Honor. Mr. Taylor, you say you deny paternity of both plaintiffs and you have good reason with each. That's correct, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Now, I'm gonna hear the cases separately, starting with Mr. Moore. Mr. Moore, your aunt is here and she says her testimony will change everything in this case, but, first... JUDGE LAKE: How did you end up in foster care? I ended up in foster care because he let me rot in foster care. He didn't care about nothing about me. Oh, that is a strong, strong accusation. Please describe your childhood. How did this happen? I went to juvenile hall because my mom, my mom was addicted to drugs. So, when I got out... When I was in juvenile hall at the age 14, my mom came in there to tell me that Mr. Taylor was my dad. So I walked out on her because I was upset, because, "Why are you telling me this now?" Like, and, he, he was never there for me. And now you're telling me this is my dad, so then, I get sent to foster care. And he never came and got me. I think that if he was there for me, I would be a better person than what I am now. I can't even read or write or anything. And if he was there for me to help me out... JUDGE LAKE: You're saying, you can't... You said you can't read or write. Is that because... MOORE: No, I can't read or write or nothing. ...because you dropped out of school? No, because I didn't have a father or mother in my life. I didn't have neither one. I had to take care of my little brother and my older brother. (SIGHS) That's just so very sad. Mr. Taylor, do you hear what Mr. Moore is saying? I do, Your Honor. And what is your response? I wasn't sure ever that this was my son. You still could find out though. TAYLOR: I honestly didn't know and then, all of a sudden, "He's your son, he's your son, he's your son." No, Your Honor, I didn't know. So, I went and I, I did a little investigating and I do have, right here a birth certificate. My name is not even on it. His name's not on it... Jerome, let me see that evidence, please. ...because I had another dad, because my brother and them's dad, was the dad that I was raised up with. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Taylor, I have to say though, if you knew there was a possibility that he was your son, why wouldn't you go get him out of foster care or at least start some type of proceeding. MOORE: And, and, Your Honor... JUDGE LAKE: To be able to determine... Excuse me, I never went to court for no child support. I was always in doubt of his mother, God rest her soul. Very promiscuous. It was really confusing. JUDGE LAKE: And so this evidence that you presented you say further validates... TAYLOR: Convince me. MOORE: Excuse me, Your Honor, I got evidence too that me and this man look exactly alike. JUDGE LAKE: I'd like to see your evidence. We look exactly like, we've been looking exactly alike since we was babies. JUDGE LAKE: Did you bring that evidence? Yes, Your Honor. Can I present this to you? We got the same chin, same nose, same mouth, same eyes, same hair structure, all that. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) JUDGE LAKE: On the left, of course, is a picture of you and on the right, a picture of Mr. Taylor. MOORE: Yes, Your Honor. And you see a striking resemblance? MOORE: Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Taylor, do you see the resemblance? TAYLOR: I see a resemblance as far as us being the same complexion. Mr. Taylor, what did his mother say to you? TAYLOR: His mother... JUDGE LAKE: What did she tell you? ...said to me... Now, this is years later. This isn't when the child was born. This is year... "That might be your son." Were you ever told she was even pregnant? She came and told me... She was living with me. She left and she went back to her man or whoever she was... The relationship she had. About a month later, she says, "You know I'm pregnant." "Yeah, and?" You know what I mean? "You done went back with "the guy that you left to be with me. "Now, you're back with him. "Now, you're coming back and you're telling me that you're pregnant?" MOORE: If he knew that I wasn't a biological child my mom told him 'cause my mom would not lie to me. And tell me in jail. She told me in jail that he was my dad. And, then I got locked up and my mom comes to me and tells me, "Gregory Taylor is your dad." TAYLOR: But at the same time... In jail, I walked out on her. But she don't come back... She came back to me. And told me, "That's not your son." So, Mr. Moore, you're saying, as you're lost out here in these streets, you're doing things young men shouldn't have to do. MOORE: Yes. You are longing for a father figure. Yes, yes. And I don't have one of those. So, now that I've got my kids, I'll make sure that I'm their father figure. That's exactly what you should do. I'd like to go to your witness now, if I may. Ma'am. TWYMAN: Yes. Ms. Twyman. Yes. Please tell us what you know about this situation, Mr. Moore's upbringing, and how can you add. Mr. Moore's mother is my sister. Okay. Okay. My sister told me that Mr. Taylor could not be the father of Mr. Moore. Literally out of her mouth. And, she told you this in what context? Because I guess when she got pregnant, she was also sleeping with other gentlemen. She's always done that. And also, I have seen gentlemen come out of her house. Why would your sister, at the position this young man was in, go to him and tell him, "Mr. Taylor is your biological father." I can't speak on that. JUDGE LAKE: You don't know... I wasn't there when she told him that. Well, the only way we can move forward is to have the results. Jerome. The envelope. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) JUDGE LAKE: We will get to the second part of this case in just a moment. These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. JUDGE LAKE: In the case of<i> Moore/Everett v. Taylor,</i> pertaining to 31-year-old Eugene Moore. And as to whether Mr. Taylor is his biological father, it has been determined by this court, Mr. Taylor... are his father. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Taylor, I can see you have tears in your eyes. What are you feeling right now? I'm feeling that I finally know instead of doubting for all these years... Thirty-one years old. I could've been in his life so much earlier, if I wouldn't have let situations and people talking to me interfere with what I had to do as far as being a father. I wanna try my best to make it up. As best as I can. Would you like to give your son a hug? I sure would. (MUFFLED) Love you too, man. JUDGE LAKE: So, I think it's time we move on to the second part of this case. JUDGE LAKE: Ma'am, please explain to the court what was life like for you, growing up? I never had a father figure in my life. I didn't meet Mr. Taylor until I was five years old. He came to my house in Philadelphia. I came outside, my mom was like, "Somebody wants to meet you. Your dad wants to meet you." I said, "My dad?" He was like, "Yeah." So, when I went to the car, he was like, "I'm your dad." And he said, "Oh, I'll be back to see you again." I never seen him again until I was 14. And so, when my mother sent me... Mr. Taylor, do you remember this? I always... I remember it vividly. I doubted her from the beginning. The way that I met her mother. The relationship that I had with her mother, which was a very brief relationship. Uh, to begin with, let me explain in the beginning. The mother, her mother lived with me for a month. She left and I didn't see her no more and then the next time you see me, you've got a baby and you're saying it's mine? Right after that, I was incarcerated. I was gone. For five years. Okay, can I say something? When I came home... Yes. And just, just one moment, ma'am, what I wanna understand from you, sir, is, when she was five years old, you still had doubts, the same doubts you had when you saw her when you were a baby? That's correct. Because, was this relationship with her mother exclusive or were you aware... No, it wasn't exclusive at all. JUDGE LAKE: Did you know if her mother was sleeping with other people? Yeah, I knew she was sleeping with others. How could you know that? I know that because friends of mine... Long story short, after I met her mother and she stayed with me for that month, I was getting all kinds of feedback from my friends, from people I knew. "Oh, you're dealing with her now? "You know about her? You know what's up with her?" They were kinda like laughing at me. For even dealing with her. Because they knew how promiscuous she was. And then the next thing you know, I'm tagged with this child. I don't know nothing about it. I go to jail, I come out of jail. She is five years old. I go past to see the mom... She tells me, "This is your daughter." JUDGE LAKE: Okay. For these five years, were you aware, made aware of anything about him? No, all I knew was that there was a man named Greg. EVERETT: I didn't have a father, a daughter-father relationship. I didn't go to amusement parks when my friends went to amusement parks. I didn't go to parks. I didn't go to family reunions. I didn't go to no type of anything. He was nowhere in the picture. Your Honor, the reason... From five to 14 years old. ...I wasn't in the picture is because I had all the doubts that I had as far as the mother... And so when this next encounter happened at 14... EVERETT: Right. What happened? I was sent on a Greyhound bus to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. My grandfather, well, his father gave me his number, I called him and said, "I'm at the bus station." He came and picked me up. From the bus station. Took me to the same woman's house with his daughter. Cheating me, neglecting me. Didn't enroll me in school. TAYLOR: Enough. TAYLOR: No, no. Enroll me in school. Didn't buy me school clothes. He didn't buy me sneakers. He didn't buy me school supplies. He didn't buy me food. Your Honor, she was... And at times... Your Honor, she was in high school... ...we didn't even have food. We didn't have food. And she turns around... Every five minutes, I'm going... I go up to the school, she's playing hooky... So why is it you decided to take this girl in at age 14? TAYLOR: She didn't have... I cared. I wanted to reach out. They said that this was my child. She takes and calls me on the phone. "I'm at the bus station." I'm not gonna leave her at the bus station. I'm not gonna do that to nobody. So, when she called... Wait a minute. When she called to say, "I'm at the bus station," did you know she was coming? No. What? TAYLOR: No. The next thing I know, here she is. I gotta enroll her in school. As soon as she got there, I could see why she came. She was disruptive. She tore my household apart. She was playing hooky from school. She was staying out all night and right after this year that she was there, when she goes back, she's pregnant. I'm up there saying to myself, "Now, this is my child." So she say. So her mother say. So I take and go, and I take in, look out for this child the way I do, and then she's gonna turn around and say some craziness like that when I stuck up for her? I know why you're so passionate. It's 25 years later. EVERETT: Right. And look, I feel your pain. EVERETT: He's on my birth certificate, but when I went to go get my birth certificate. It was two people on the birth certificate. When I took that to the state building, the state building said to me that it was a computer error. So... A computer error nothing. JUDGE LAKE: Wait a minute. Wait. There's two people on your birth certificate? It was two people at the time. There's a word named Michael on the birth certificate under Gregory Taylor. So do you have that birth certificate? When I went to apply for my birth certificate again, they said... (STAMMERING) ...the system's changed in Philadelphia. So, you've got to apply for it, then you got to go back and pick it up, they don't do it, same day thing. So that's why I don't have the birth certificate with me today. Have you ever seen this birth certificate? TAYLOR: I've never seen it. I don't know nothing about it. I don't know... I know that my name shouldn't be on it. EVERETT: Well, his name on it. Simply behind the fact that she has a selection of people she could have put on it. And I'm just being honest about that. And it's not that I'm disrespecting her mother, I'm just telling you how her mother was. The only way to figure out whose name should rightfully be on that birth certificate is to get the results. Jerome, I'm ready. In the case of<i> Moore/Everett v. Taylor,</i> pertaining to 43-year-old Nyia Everett. And as to whether Mr. Taylor is her biological father, it has been determined by this court, Mr. Taylor... ...are her father. TAYLOR: Can I have a hug? Sure. (PEOPLE CHEERING) JUDGE LAKE: Dad, you got your hands full with your little girl. (LAUGHING) JUDGE LAKE: But you know what? You're a man that has lived a long life of experience, life lessons. TAYLOR: Mmm-hmm. JUDGE LAKE: Just do the work. Because honestly, you can fulfill for both of these. Young man, please stand up. Alongside your sister. And I do have a beautiful brother... Yes, you do. JUDGE LAKE: Oh, my goodness, my day is complete. I have gotten a smile out of the beautiful Miss Everett. I'm so very happy for you. This court has resources for you to help you begin to work through this. We want you to take advantage of it. And I wish you all the very, very best of luck. MOORE: Thank you, Your Honor. Court is adjourned.
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 1,054,679
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Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, tv full episodes, double episodes, compilations, highlights
Id: 92rS7IyAANU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 56sec (1916 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 09 2022
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