I Ranked EVERY Roblox Doors Monster..

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Roblox doors has so many terrifying monsters so today I'm ranking them based on how scary they are these are my opinions so like in summer you suck and let's start okay so we got the tier list here and as you guys can see we have every monster in the game even ones from rooms and our tears go from Ab being the scariest to yawn being the least scary and the first Monster we're gonna be doing is Rush this is like the first Monster you see in the game and honestly he's not that scary he's scary the first time you see him but after that he gets kind of like old kind of repetitive maybe even boring so I'm just gonna put him in scary just because he's scary that first time but after that he's not next up we got figure so he spawns at door 50 and uh door 100 and honestly at door 50 he is not scary at all I have died at door 50 maybe like once in my entire life but at door a hundred his footsteps are so loud and so scary so I'm gonna put him in super scary I literally hate Dora Hunter because of him next up we got Ambush and I think I speak for everyone when I say the Ambush is probably one of the scariest monsters in the game like I've beaten the game like a million times right but every single time I hear his scream from down the hall I know it's gonna get intense so I'm gonna put terrifying I literally still get scared of him to this day so now we have seek and this might be a controversial opinion but honestly he is so boring literally the seek Chase it's fun and all but it gets repetitive after like why like five or six times I have never died on the Sikh Chase so I'm gonna put him in boring guys please like the video do not dislike don't dislike next up is halt this might be another controversial when I'm not sure but I mean I'm not really scared of haul like the first time is scary kind of like with rush but this one is like even like less scary I don't know man he's kind of annoying too so I'm gonna plant him with C let's just put him in boring okay I'm just gonna put him there next up we got the eyes so eyes is actually really terrifying when you're at low HP because if you open a door and he's there you're absolutely screwed there's nothing you can do so I'm gonna put him in mid just because his design like it's cool and all but it's not very scary you don't look at that and think oh yeah that's really scary next up is the most annoying monster in this game Screech I haven't never been scared of Screech bro he literally is just annoying even the first time you see him you're not gonna be scared so honestly he is going to be our first yawn he is not scary at all bro I hate him everyone coming else Screech next up we got dupe so dupe is actually very scary dude when I first saw this guy in the hotel Plus update I grabbed my pants no joke okay I didn't actually but still I think he's honestly up there with figure maybe even Ambush oh I don't know um I'm gonna put him in super scary I think that's a good fit for him honestly and now we got a glitch so glitch is kind of like a complicated answer for me I get scared for like half a second when I open a door and he pops up I always think he's dupe for some reason I would put him in scary but I'm gonna put him in mid just because he doesn't really do like he doesn't do damage or anything but do you guys agree with that next up we got Jack and bro we might have our first at on the table fun fact uh he was actually the first Monster I ever saw indoors it was really lucky and also unlucky of me and he is actually terrifying you have no idea when to expect him so I'm gonna put him in ass there's also this really funny clip so yeah he goes in ABS here next up we got hide I'm gonna be real hide is not scary at all he there's like not even a jump scare for him he just kicks you out of the closet I'm gonna put him in boring you have to stay in the closet for a while to even get him next is the scariest monster in Roblox doors Timothy the spider okay I'm gonna be real uh every single time I've seen Timothy there has not been one time where I have not like jumped out of my seat for being the smallest monster in the game he packs a punch so I'm gonna put him in super scary I think he deserves that like guys be honest we've all cried at least once from seeing Timothy okay I know I have okay next up we got smile so this is I think that's his name this is the guy that's like outside the window on door one and also the lobby and he doesn't really do anything and they might be saving him for like a floor two and stuff but honestly right now he does absolutely nothing I think I'm gonna put him in yawn he might be the second person there even if you saw him outside for the first time you're not gonna be scared okay let's be honest but next up we got Shadow I think that's this guy's name and he is like a super rare entity like one in 2 000 chance I think he is actually pretty scary every time you see him like you get a little bit startled I think he's honestly just in the regular scary category he's kind of in the middle of everything next up we got my boy Elga blino let's go elgablio is not scary at all he's like one of the like the only nice entities in the game I wouldn't put him in yawn but there is something scary about him so there's like scratches and stuff around the hotel and people say that El gablino did it so if that actually is true and it's him I'm gonna put him one up and I'm coming boring okay because he might be scarier than we all think he might be evil bro and now we got our boy Jeff Jeff is like the shop owner at door 50 something and I feel like he wouldn't hurt a fly like he gets so happy when you like you tip him like a full jar of money so I'm gonna put him in yawn I don't really imagine him hurting anyone I just can't imagine that what the what the heck is this one oh this is void okay it's literally just a black Square bro all right people might call me crazy for this but Boyd is actually kind of scary like if you're in a party with friends and they all go ahead of you and you just go into the void I don't know where it's actually pretty scary so honestly I'm gonna put them next to Shadow I think these two are pretty equal along with Rush next up we got snare so this is like the traps in the greenhouse room like that doors 90 to 100 and I absolutely hate these things bro they're like the bananas in super hard mode when I get stuck on one of these I freak out because I know Russia's gonna be coming and I I I've died to it so many times so I'm gonna put it in super scary honestly I think this is a good fit some of y'all are gonna make fun of me but I don't care next up we got Bob the skeleton and you guys might call me crazy for this but I'm gonna put him in mid the reason I'm putting him kinda scary is because there's a jump scare in super hard mode and the first time I saw that bro I freaked out like I jumped back in my seat dude look at this jump scare look at it [Music] like it's so loud nah bro he's going to mid next up we're gonna do some of the monsters from uh from the rooms this one is curious light he's kind of like Guiding Light but like 10 times worse he really does not help you at all he kind of he sounds like an emo teenager like look at the text here anyways what did you die to he sounds so uninterested but yeah he's not scary at all so I'm just gonna put him I'm gonna put him in yawn honestly but he might as well go there and next up we got Guiding Light his like better brother or something I should be putting him in yawn but I don't know man there's just so many monsters in this category I guess I'm gonna put him in boring just to like diversify it a bit I don't know bro what if Guiding Light was evil this whole time you know it's a possibility okay you cannot call me crazy if it happens next up we got a60 and to be honest a60 is terrifying I'm gonna put him next to Ambush because when you hear him scream down the hall it is so quiet but like if you don't have a closet near you if you don't have a closet then you are screwed there's like nothing you can do and if you're a door a 800 or something I feel so bad for you you have to restart I literally hate this guy but he's terrifying next up is a120 and he's also pretty scary the first time I saw him I was like at door a 250 and I had no idea what I was doing I kind of just went into the room and he killed me right then and there I'm gonna put him in super scary probably a little bit scarier than Timothy I'm putting him right in the middle now we got a 90 and this might be a hot take but he is the scariest monster in Roblox doors I'm not even trolling you have to always be alert for him he can spawn in anything anytime I absolutely hate him he's ruined so many of my runs but he is actually really scary so I'm gonna put him above Jack and this is my final tier list guys and if you do not agree with it uh I don't care I'm actually gonna put Guiding Light into yawn because I don't know why he's not there but yeah comment who the scariest monster in your opinion is and if you like blocks fruits click the video on the right but if you like doors click the one on the left anyways like in summer you suck okay buy noobs bye idiots stupid foreign
Channel: Mr_Booshot
Views: 215,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, bridge run, mrbooshot, mrbooshot ibella, mr_booshot, roblox funny, funny roblox, funny, roblox funny moments, doors, doors roblox, roblox doors, monsters, ranking, tier list, doors update, update, doors floor 2, floor 2, entity
Id: XMrvq6HUXgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2023
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